• ...

The New World

Author's Note:

The description of this story ... is a lie ...

Hello and Welcome to the truth, reality, the future, and the end of the Alien Twilight Series. The following chapter may come as a shock, or even a surprise to many of you. I recommend you read carefully because things are never going to be the same.

This is the Beginning of the End

All Flashbacks will be in PURPLE

I apologies for the wait, my absence, and all the waiting. I hope to stay true to my New Years Resolution and post more chapters faster!! Thank You For sticking around!!



Twilight opens her eyes letting out a long, exhausted, and painful sigh into the cold air around her. The moisture of her breath collecting on the metal wall her head was pressed against. The memories of that day lingering in the alicorns head leaving painful scars, she lost everything ... including the one she loved. Twilight pulls away from the wall as a hoof gently taps her shoulder from behind. The dirt and glass below her hooves scrape against the floor as she turns around to face the familiar stallion, Rahzzy Dazzle.

"We are ready to keep moving, Twilight. Nothing useful here besides old paperwork to fuel a campfire" Rahzzy backs up to give the alicorn space, aiming a flashlight at the wall revealing a aged, worn, and chipped symbol of Weyland Yutani's Symbol. The stallion turns off his flashlight and nods before turning away and leaving, assuming Twilight would follow behind him.

"How many did we loose at the entrance?" "Twilight looks up from the ground as the stallion is leaving, her voice bringing him to a sudden halt. "I only heard the screams ... I didn't wanna see it" Twilight's ears pin back against the back of her head as sorrow falls over her, voices from another room echo through the hallway as everypony is getting ready to leave but Rahzzy stays a moment longer to answer the question.

"The next time we get cornered like that, I am sure it will be the end of us all" Rahzzy clicks back on his flashlight before exiting the hallway and regrouping with the other ponies. Twilight lowers her head to look at the ground, she is the only one not ready to leave the safety of the dilapidated building.

Rahzzy looks around, counting the number of ponies still alive he does his best to keep his cool. The Xenomorphs that attacked them as they entered were calculated in their attacks. There wasn't anyway to prevent the attack before it happened. In the middle of the count his vision becomes blocked as the familiar face of an android mare, Coco Pommel. Thought the body once belonged to another, it is now the house of the creator, Mistilie Flare. The Android looks concerned as Rahzzy steps in alone without Twilight Sparkle.

"She isn't ready ... even though most of us are ready to move" Rahzzy steps a bit closer to the android pressing his muzzle into the mares chest his speech becomes muffled as he speaks into her chest fluff. "She isn't the only one not ready to leave. This last attack was enough to shake the toughest of the group"

Mistilie's horn lights with magic that she uses to move the stallions face out of her chest fur, even though the smirk on her face shows off her annoyance. She couldn't help but giggle as she pushes his face away but the the little light inside the dark room reflects how worried she is clear enough for Rahzzy to understand not to be silly this second. The Android turns around briefly to the others in the room, looking back to Rahzzy she places a tender hoof on the stallions chest.

"Thirteen ... there are thirteen ponies remaining" Mistilie nods and makes her way around the stallion. The mare uses her magic to adjust the saddlebag on her back from falling off. "Get everypony ready to move, I will handle Twilight"

The door groans at it's hinges as Mistilie pushes it open to get to Twilight. Mistilie doesn't open the rusted door fully to prevent to much noise, she slips through the partially opened door and comes to a stop in front of the alicorn. Twilight is still looking at the floor below her hooves as she is in deep thought. Mistilie turns her head as she briefly observes the alicorn, however, she knows not to use up what time they have.

"Thinking about Centaris again, Twilight?" Mistilie gets closer before taking a seat on the debris covered floor next to the alicorn. "Thinking about it won't bring them back ... I would like to pretend it didn't happen. I just know that no matter what I want, destiny has other plans for me and I need to go with that flow"

Twilight looks up from the ground, into Mistilie's rainbow eyes and she nods. The alicorn knows that there is nothing that could have prevented it, there is nothing they can do now to take it back. Twilight opens one wing, using it to pull Mistilie in closer for comfort. The android allows this, almost like she has been comforting the alicorn for these Five Years sense the attack on Centaris Castle. The cold air rushes through the hallway from one of the holes in the exterior of the structure blowing the two mares manes back. Twilight shivers from the gust, removing her wing from the tight hug she gets up ready to move. At least from this current position to avoid the wind, Mistilie gets up and remains silent waiting to see what the Alicorn has to say.

"Destiny has been unkind, Mistilie. Ever sense I stepped onto Valuntas Station ... I wish I was in control" Twilight closes her eyes tightly thinking back to what happened. The memories that left scars in her brain are still very clear, the attack on Centaris Castle.

They are laughing, enjoying the food, and this delightful day. Everypony around her is happy to be alive, however, everything moves slowly around her as the power inside her drains faster than a unicorn casts an amateur spell. Rumham stares at Twilight Sparkle as the pony physically looks weaker. Twilight was moments ago complaining about a sharp pain in her eyes, removing her contacts this change would begin.

The Green Color, The Queen Gene fades from the alicorn. This sudden change, this sudden drain of energy, the world around the alicorn is almost dead still. This still world would only last seconds ... that moment where Twilight looses the color of the gene. When suddenly the Queen Gene vanishes from the alicorn, with it the abilities to sense and feel the Xenomorphs leave with it.

Time jumps back to speed as the spike end of a tail of a Xenomorph rams through from behind Rumham. Blood sprays out from his mouth and Twilight's eyes widen. Xenomorphs start coming out from the shadows, almost like they were there the whole time but they couldn't have been. The tail of one of the creatures smashes into the side of the alicorns chair tripping the legs of the chair sending her to the ground. The Xenomorph turns and hisses at the downed alicorn readying itself for an attack. In the corner of Twilight's eyes she can see Rumham's head being turned into mush as the Xenomorph that attacked him aggressively shoves its fingers in and out of the stallion's skull. Blood pools onto the ground as ponies everywhere are picked off.

"STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!?" Twilight screams hoping that the alien will understand her, however, the alien only jumps forward grabbing her by the head. "No!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Xenomorph pulls her around trying to drag her to a corner for a finishing blow. Sunset Shimmer uses a chair to hit the attacking Alien causing it to let go of the alicorn but this only causes the alien to change its focus.

Sunset Shimmer doesn't stand a chance, seconds after being saved ... Twilight feels the warm blood of Sunset Shimmer begin to pool onto the ground. The alien was too quick, powerful, and super aggressive. Twilight feels a magical pull on her leg and she is moved away from the front line of the attack. The last thing she sees before being teleported is the ponies being eaten by the Aliens. But she was focused on Sunset Shimmer ... the last thing ... the last thing she had is now gone.

"TWILIGHT!! THERE ISN'T TIME!!" Celestia turns the alicorns head to face hers, the larger alicorn uses her magic to quickly teleport away. The Xenomorphs try to grab at the two, however, magic is more efficient than their strength. As they teleport they emerge to the sound of a screaming voice ... the voice is Scootaloo's.

Twilight feels the pull of Mistilie's magic and she is pulled out of her daze. Now face to face with the Android mare, Twilight feels the soft muzzle of Mistilie press onto hers for further comfort. This kind of comfort is exactly what the alicorn needs to clear her mind. After loosing everything and living the way they do now ... sometimes your best friend is your old worst enemy.

"If we are going to put an end to this, Twilight. We need to stay together ... I need you to be here with me" Twilight's ears pin back against the back of her head again, she isn't used to Mistilie needing anything but herself. Though lately ... after everything. Even though it is not clear if Mistilie is innocent on the attack against Centari Castle. Twilight has this trust relationship. Something inside her trusts the mare ...

"I think I am ready to go, Mistilie. It won't stay safe here forever" Twilight presses her muzzled against the androids to deepen the nuzzle. "Come on ... lets get out of here" Twilight can't help but smile as she pulls out of the nuzzle now, the two exit the room together to meet back up with the rest of the group.

After the attack on Centari Castle, the Xenomorphs continued to spread throughout the land ... as if what Twilight Sparkle did meant nothing. The Aliens abandoned Canterlot and now continue to spread, destroying the land and it has been going on for Five Years. There was a signal sent out to those who survived, some kind of sanctuary that the Xenomorphs couldn't breach. The survivors of Equestria all search for it, Twilight, Mistlie, and Rahzzy are some of those who search for it.

What happened to the Queen Gene? That is something both Twilight Sparkle and Mistilie continue to struggle understanding, why did something so dominant just get snuffed out like a candle flame? Five Years ... the Queen Gene still shows no sign of returning. Twilight is just as vulnerable to the Xenomorphs as anypony else, even after all this time this is something she wishes wasn't the truth.