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More Problems

Author's Note:

This is a very short chapter, however, it is still a nice one. Nice in the perspective as of the story progressing. Horrible in the perspective of what happens!!

More chapters coming soon!!

Rahzzy kicks with all his strength at the closed door in front of them, hitting it as hard as he could to try to get the rusted entrance to open. Twilight frantically uses her magic to grab a hold of the door. The soldier's in stomp around nearby searching through the bushes attempting to find Rahzzy and Twilight. The Alicorn whimpers giving one more tug ripping open the hanger doors, the two jump inside, the door shutting behind them. Rahzzy's eyes widen as he looks up from the ground, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Twilight weakly pushes herself up from the floor and she looks to what Rahzzy was seeing. The words Aspheion 2 are painted onto the surface of the wall, Rahzzy moves closer placing his hoof on the wall, it has been years sense this ship was last talked about.

"Is this ... the ship?" Twilight looks at the wall remembering back to Iron Will's death. "The ship that was shown in the signal? During the Angel Colonization Mission, Iron Will talked about it before ... he died"

Rahzzy moves away from the wall looking around, the place mostly taken over by nature now. Twilight uses her horn to light up the area a bit, so they both could see more clearly. Lifting her hoof up she notices an old picture frame laying on the floor, using her magic to pick it up she looks to see what was being photographed. The photo shows a group of ponies standing in front of the very wall that Twilight and Rahzzy stumbled into. With the words Aspheion 2 behind the group, it was the same group of ponies from the image in the Weyland Towers. The picture showed the captain of the ship standing with a light brown stallion, a green mare with a brown mane, another mare white of color, and two androids standing with them.

"I remember the day this ship took off for deep space" Rahzzy adjusts his saddlebag as he begins to rip away at vines that covered one of the doors. "The ship was supposed to dock with Valuntas Station when it arrived back to Equestria"

"What is it doing here then?" Twilight says confused, the alicorn flinches as the uncovered door shoots open suddenly. "It has probably been here for ... years" Twilight's ears fold back against the back of her head as she looks inside the next room. In the corner of the room, huddled together, the remains of the ponies in the picture. Nothing but bones now, however, the name tags on the outfits reveal who they were. Getting closer Rahzzy notices one of the bodies belongs to an android, the droid's body is covered in algae and pieces rusting away. The name tags on the skeletons finally reveal the names of the main staff of Aspheion 2. Aether, Krystal, Schwein, and Data Plume, their bodies huddled together as if frozen in time in their last moments together.

"Do you think the Android could still work?" Rahzzy says bluntly, the android might know what happened to the spacecraft in it's final hours. "We might learn something ... anything could help us get back at Weyland Yutani"

"Rahzzy this is a graveyard!!" Twilight looks at the stallion shocked hearing him thinking about his, "We should leave it alone, shouldn't we?"

"WHAT IF THEY WANTED US TO FIND THEM!!??" Rahzzy snaps, then beginning by kneeling down to look closer at the Android in the corner. The bones all around the android cuddling close, frozen in time. "The signal, the threat Mistilie Flare was broadcasted from this craft, Twilight"

Rahzzy reaches forward and touches the muzzle of the Android pushing it back into place, these older model's power source was in the muzzle and it seems as if this one unplugged itself. The muzzle clicks back into place and the Android's eyes shoot open, the creaking of the rusted metal pierces Rahzzy's ears making him scratch at his ear with one hoof in irritation. Twilight frowns as they both stand above the waking Android, Data Plume is her name which is revealed by her name tag.

"M-Mistilie ..." the android looks up as if completing a sentence that was suspended for all these years. Now looking around slowly and rusted the droid begins to understand. "S-She got away - We were docking with Valuntas - we all tried to stop the creature from arriving"

Twilight and Rahzzy remain quiet and allow the android to ramble about what happened to Aspheion, the droid knowing that it doesn't have enough power to talk about anything else. That what happened to the craft is probably why she was turned back on. As she continues speaking, her lower jaw doesn't move, hanging decaying off of the droids head.

"Docking with Valuntas Station- We failed to contain the organism- Mistilie opened the docking port" The android tries to look away but the rust prevents her and her robotic body begins to wine from the stress. "After everything - My friend -Returned to me on board Aspheion and Valuntas began to rip apart" The androids eyes begin to close as it speaks slower as power begins to fade. "We brought the Alien - We tried to stop it-"

"What about Weyland!!??" Rahzzy quickly speaks knowing the droid is running out of power, "What can we do to stop him!!"

Data Plume opens her eyes again and shakes her head in disappointment. The Android using the last of her power to answer the question.

"You can't ... It has been said time and time again" Data closes her eyes again. "You never have Weyland ... when you think you do. You never did to begin with ..."

As Plume shuts down her head goes limp, the bodies remain huddled into the corner, these ponies were carrying the Xenomorph that would one day take down Valuntas Station. That alien would be known as Gash the Xenomorph, named by a child, Scootaloo. According to Data Plume, the crew of Aspheion tried to stop the creature but the creator Mistilie Flare. Let the creature go ...


Violet pulls herself from the wall shaking her head as tears begin to fall from her face. She uses all her strength to try and escape the hive. The pain in her chest is too strong ... knowing the end is growing closer. Scootaloo lays unconscious on her back only adding to the stress the mare was under. The chestburster pushing hard against the mares chest she falls to the ground in pain.

"Fuck!!! No!!" Violet's tears pool on the hive floor, Scootaloo still unconscious on her back. As they both lay on the ground Violet can feel the alien inside her getting closer to being ready to burst. The sound of hoofsteps echo from down the hall and the mare begins to scream louder knowing what was coming. "LEAVE US ALONE!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!!!"

Weyland Yutani Troops stomp into the hallway aiming their weapons at the downed mare screaming things down at her, hand over the child, don't move, we will shoot. Violet closes her eyes and blood begins to form on her chest and a loud crunching sound fills the hallway as the chestburster is ready to be born.

"Grab the filly!! We have to bring her back to the castle!!" One of the soldiers screams at the rest, aiming his weapon at the downed mare.

"What about the mare, sir!!??" Another soldier screams in response, quickly answered by the soldier from before.

"Leave her ... she is just a host now" The soldier says bluntly as Violet screams on the ground in pain, everything seemingly done for nothing now. Almost like everything previously trying to stop Weyland, it is all for nothing.

"PLEASE KILL ME!!" Violet screams wanting to be put out of her suffering, "Kill me!!" The chestburster can be heard whining as it continues to break away at the chest of Violet.

The troops grab Scootaloo and ignore the mares pleas, they weren't ordered to give the mare death by gun. They know how painful it might be to have this happen, however, it wasn't their mission. Violet rolls over onto her back screaming as blood sprays out from her chest and the baby is born. The pain is over and she stares directly at the chestburster as it snakes out from her chest cavity. Was this all for nothing? Every attempt from in space to prevent these creatures from coming down, failed. Keeping these things contained, failed. Now ... staying alive, failed. Violet smiles because at least now she doesn't have to live this life. The alien scurries away to grow up and the light around Violet fades as the end of her life arrives. Nothing but the sweet darkness fills her, no more pain, no more fighting.

"I am sorry, Rainbow Dash. I am sorry, Scootaloo" Violet whispers as she closes her eyes to sleep. "We were never meant to win this fight, however, .... I tried"