• ...

The Losses

Author's Note:

All Flashbacks will be in PURPLE

Mistilie Flare, where do we even begin? The creator of the Xenomorphs!!! Originally known for being cunning, smart, aggressive, and heartless.

Recently our look on her has shifted as the Android has been working to make herself a better Android.


Rahzzy looks down at Android, coming to realization of what he just lost. As the stallion rests against the wall he closes his eyes thinking back, before the Xenomorphs, before everything, and the original Mistilie Flare. The stallion smiles remembering the times before the Android's heart filled with hate. These memories almost drown out the gunshots that still echo from all around. These losses ... these innocent lives being taken all around, however, Rahzzy can only focus on this one Android.

"Twilight ..." Rahzzy says with his eyes still closed, the stallion's voice raspy from all his screaming earlier. Catching the attention of the Alicorn his eyes slowly open to look at her. "Did you know that before everything, she wanted to help ponies? I don't know what flipped her switch, I wasn't there but she wasn't always cruel"

"I only now got to see her this way, Rahzzy" Twilight opens a wing as she sits herself next to the stallion wrapping her feathers around him for comfort. "I would normally say that she had this coming but ..."

"You can only feel sorry it was her" Rahzzy finishes for the Alicorn and he pulls out of her feathers to stand up on his hooves again. "I am not letting go so easily, Twilight. I knew her to long to leave her here!!"

Rahzzy lowers himself feeling with his hoof for a seam somewhere on the back of her head. Twilight gets up from the floor, the bright alicorn didn't need to ask to realize what the stallion was planning. With her magic she assists and soon they would delicately have the back of the head opened. The Android body full of wires and this model being very complex compared to a simple Seegson Joe.

"Do you see anything that looks important?" Twilight questions using her magic to keep the Android still to prevent unneeded damage. Rahzzy looks up rubbing his head in confusion shaking his head with a groan escaping his throat.

"Hard to say, Twilight. Everything looks important" Rahzzy moves some wires around and can't help but continue groaning as he looks for something that might help. "She is an Android ... there has to be something in here that contains Mistilie. Something we can revive!!!"

Twilight uses her magic to move Rahzzy away for a moment so that she could take a look as well, the stallion shakes his head and moves the mare away from the Android's body so that he could continue looking while she held the body still. Twilight groans stepping back, letting the stallion continue where she left off but she couldn't help her curious brain because this is the first time she has gotten to see the inside of one of these Androids.

"There has to be something!! Everything is ripped up in here, Twilight!!" Rahzzy moves away in frustration, the device shot into the back of the Android's neck ripped up the area they were searching. Twilight looks at the device that was shot again. Perhaps that device destroyed what Rahzzy was looking for. "Something!!!"

"Rahzzy ..." Twilight lets go of the Android and turns the stallion around to face her. "She is gone ... if you haven't found her in there yet, that device that killed her destroyed it!!"

"I won't believe that!! I have to keep looking!!!" Rahzzy tries to turn back to the Android but is forced back around by the Alicorn's magic. "Let me go, Twilight! RIGHT NOW!!"

Twilight lets the stallion go and he falls to the ground from being suddenly released. The stallion gets back onto his hooves and he begins to tear up again. It is clear that Mistilie's death has impacted him , however, to Twilight it is clear that these efforts aren't worth it. That device was aimed at her neck for a reason and now it only makes sense. They knew somehow that she was an android and used this special device to make it impossible to revive her mainframe by transferring it to the body of another Android. Twilight uses her magic to pull a blanket from Rahzzy's saddlebag, the blanket that was given to him by Mistilie during the rainfall a couple days ago. She uses the blanket to cover up the body of the Android, not wanting to mess with it anymore than the stallion already has.

"Just leave her alone ..." Twilight takes a deep breath and her magic transfers over to the bolder she moved in front of the door and she pulls it away. "We have to leave, right now and unfortunately we cannot take what isn't inside her"

"I miss her, Twilight ... I can't just" Rahzzy tries to speak but his tears take over before he can finish. The stallion hesitantly looks at the exit of the room, shaking, and broken.

"Rahzzy!! I would help you bring her back if we could!!" Twilight stomps a hoof, holding back tears as well to seem strong. Something that Mistilie always used to do. "We have to go ... please. Ponies are dead and we will be too if we stay here"


The mystery soldier removes her helmet to take a deep breath as she braces herself to jump from the clouds. Violet looks around at the dead, Cloudsdale slowly falling from the sky to crash onto the ground below. Violet raises a hoof to her radio on her vest to listen too what the soldiers were talking about. The radio chatter revealing the final conclusion to the attack.

"Positive Actual, Cloudsdale is precipitating and no signs of survivors" A commanders voice echos into the radio confirming that Weyland Yutani has won. Violet closes her eyes holding back one tear for the lost lives. "Return to the helicopters and evacuate Cloudsdale"

"Not happening, commander" Violet says to herself as she looks down from the cloud as she stands at the entrance of the factory. "I have a promise to keep and I hereby quit, Amber"

Violet closes her eyes and lets herself go limp falling from the cloud. Falling she was not a Pegasus, she waits as the thick fluffy clouds move past her. Once through the mare opens her eyes and puts back on her helmet which activates a portable glider from her saddlebag. The glider allowing her to move safely back onto the ground and the closer she got the worst the situation appeared to be. Violet groans lowering her visor to assess the situation below. There had to be about twenty or maybe more of the Xenomorphs below her. They seemed to be trying to dig into an old building and that could mean Scootaloo was hiding inside.

"Great ... better me than the child" Violet presses a switch on her vest and the glider detaches itself from her back so she would be able to land. Her hoofs scrape the ground cracking old glass under her hooves, luckily she was wearing armor but the Xenomorphs heard this.

Turning around from the building the warriors begin to wag their tails looking at Violet. One of the Xenomorphs in particular posing a bigger threat than the regular warriors. Violet focuses her eyes at the larger alien, immediately she could tell it was birthed from a Yak. The Xenomorph growls lowering it's head showing off ram shaped head, the warriors around the Yak- Morph reading their tails to strike. The Yak-Morph lowered its head charging forward like a bull, it's four bull like horns digging into the dirt ripping up the ground as it sprints towards Violet.

"It can't be easy!! Can it!!" Violet jumps out of the way and the Yak-Morph smashes into a nearby building leveling the wall with ease as it smashes right through the old structure. The mare slides across the ground almost being tackled by one of the more gutsy Warriors as it attempts to impale her with it's sharp tail. Violet pulls out a flash grenade from her vest tossing it up and closing her eyes. The Flash confusing the Warriors Senses causing them to flee and now it was just Violet and the Yak-Morph. The large alien smacking it's tail into the remains of the building it smashed into causing it to crumble.

"Even as an alien all you are good for is smashing" Violet says taking deep breaths feeling very lucky that the flash bang worked. "Good Xenomorph ... Nice Xenomorph ..."

"Look out!!" Scootaloo's voice echoes out from a nearby building in a frantic voice. The sound of the her voice causes Violet to look behind her. "Look out!! Please!!!"

Violet gasps as the last thing she hears before it all happens is the sound of large flapping wings, a Winged Drone. The Drone roars grabbing onto the mare with it's talon like feet taking her back up into the air as the Yak-Morph begins sniffing out where Scootaloo was hiding. Violet tries to escape but the Drone is much stronger than she was and it easily bring her higher into the air. She can hear the screams of Scootaloo getting further away and all she could hope was the little filly would be alright. Then the Drone hissed letting go of the mare, letting her fall back to the ground and this time she wouldn't have a glider to slow her fall.

"HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!!" Violet screams and she smashed into the roof of an old building, the structure so weak that she smashes through each level until reaching the bottom floor. Her lungs fill with dust and her vision fading as she listens for Scootaloo's screams again. The Winged Drone landing above looking down at her watching and waiting for the mare to loose consciousness. "G-Go ... Away" the mare coughs but she couldn't stay awake, loosing consciousness she can see the drone slowly making its way down to her as she hears Scootaloo's screams once again.

"Let go of me!! Help Me!!!"


"When will you listen like the rest, Mother?" White Lightning looks up with a frown as he is stared at through the glass by the Queen Xenomorph. The Queen growls as the end of the it's tail glows bright with magic, the magic grabs hold of White Lightning pulling him up against the glass. "ARGGGG!!!"

The Queen presses her face against the glass snarling as she uses her magic to hurt him from the other side of the glass. With his face up against the glass he groans in pain, the Twi-Queen still not willing to listen to him despite him possessing the Queen Gene. The Mother having her own desires with Equestria.

"Let go, Mother!! Now!!" White Screams and he uses his own magic to levitate a metal pipe up from the ground. Moving it over to a red button on a control panel nearby. The Queen lets go as soon as the pipe gets close to the button and White falls to the ground gasping for air. "Don't want me to burn more of your children? How many of them do I need to kill for you to come to your senses girl!?"

The Queen snarls and walks away in her cell to the Darkness to disappear , White wipes his lips shaking his head angrily. A radio on the table buzzes as soon as it is all over. A female voice comes from it for him to hear, as soon as the voice begins to speak. The stallion's attention switches to the radio instead of the defiant Queen.

"How is Mother, White Lightning? You aren't teasing her again ..." The voice sounds annoyed and White shakes his head not saying a word. "Droid-13-9-19-20-9-12-9-5 is ready, please leave the Queen Chamber and return to your office for the wake process"

"Right ... of course! I was only checking up on Mother" White coughs clearing his throat, "I will be there as soon as I can. Don't be afraid to start without me, Amber"