• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

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POV: Captain Wilson, Geek Lord of Harry Potter, Member 3 of Geek Club triumvarate.
I had seen Professor Pig into my chamber. “So… Why did you let him escape? Why did he escape your grasp?” I asked, knowing what had happened but not the details.

“He got lucky… His partners were underestimated… Both the angel and the Skeleton Merc,” Professor Pig said.

“...Angel? Your report did not state of any angel, good Professor… Was your report not completed when you sent it?” I said, surprised at this new piece of information.

“...No, I gave only the majority of the report because I thought nothing of the angel,” Professor Pig said.

“What did the angel look like? Because if this angel is who I think it is, all fandoms are in danger… if he begins his rampage,” I said, fearing the worst.

“Brown spiky looking hair, blue eyes, white wings, a white chiton, sandals… etc,” My friend responded.

“You fool! Daphnes is now in that of Fangea! The Place where Seraph gained her power to become Geek Lord millennia ago! We’re doomed if he rampages there. Seraph was only able to stay there for mere hours, due to Fangea’s power being staggering compared to a hypernova here!” I said, fearing for all worlds and trying rapidly to come up with a plan. We had banished Daphnes because he hated the world, took fandoms too seriously, and had grown too powerful for Earth to contain. We tried to banish him to a world where fandoms held no power so that his growth would cease. But now, with him in Fangea, within weeks he would become strong enough to destroy the entire universe that Earth resides in with just a thought!

“It will not happen again! Forgive me!” Professor Pig said, alarmed.

“I’m sorry Professor… Just call me Captain Wilson next time, and I shouldn’t have lost my calm, just… continue your duties for today, just give me time to calm down,” I said, dismissing him

“Did you hear that?” Ichigo said to Rukia. The pair had been entrusted to guard the Soul King’s castle in his absence, with a special influence on keeping his relic collection safe from any intruder. However, Ichigo had gone stir-crazy and had brought Rukia to the roof of the Palace for something to do.

“No, I didn’t. Now let’s return to where we are supposed to be,” Rukia said testily.

“You would think SOMEONE would try to invade the Soul King’s Palace, but no, we get to wait here for who knows how long all because his majesty got paranoid! What’s he even hiding down there?” Ichigo said, somewhat mad at his wasted time.

“Patience, Ichigo… Even you must know that this is no mere superstition, The artifact we’re guarding could be stolen by anyone, and I’ve heard 5 of them are already in the hands of-” Rukia replied, holding her Zanpakuto, before something was about to land… a giant ball approximately 150 meters long.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

“HEY! YOU’RE NOT PERMITTED TO LAND HERE!” Ichigo yelled at the Heart of Gold. Immediately Rukia ran and jumped on to the very top of The Heart of Gold. There she found Daphnes on the ship’s roof.

“What’s happening up there?” Kakashi asked, opening the hatch. “I’m assuming you’re a Soul Reaper," Daphnes said. "Ms...”

“Kuchiki. Rukia Kuchiki, why are you landing here?” Rukia asked.

“The Lightless Candles. We’re trying to get them to stop this Entity of Shadows’ return… We don’t have any yet… I hope that can change,” Daphnes said.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY SHIP!!!” Serif said, making his voice sound like a certain ogre. Immediately Rukia readied something.

“Bakudō # 1. Sai!!” Rukia shouted, having Serif paralyzed immediately, before he could even dodge.

“Don’t worry, my undead friend, I have you covered,” Medic said, Ubercharging him to give him the power to resist Rukia’s attack. Kakashi then threw a barrage of Kunai at Rukia, before she cut them all in half with one slice from her Zanpakuto. Immediately Daphnes snapped his fingers and lightning struck the Palace of the Soul King, not damaging it, but keeping everyone silent.

“Are we done fighting?! If so, We need the candle, please,” Daphnes said, before seeing something with a green stem, white face, and yellow petals via x-ray vision tunneling around the castle. Samus could see it too, so she prepared a charge shot, but was waylaid by Ichigo. Alucard then stunned Ichigo while Roy attacked Rukia. Immediately Rukia countered Roy’s strike with a simple parry of her blade, keeping Roy at a distance. Then Rukia was caught off guard by Wii Fit Trainer, having recovered fully from Rukia’s earlier attacks with Deep Breathing. Mettaton then knocked Ichigo back onto the roof of the castle, before Daphnes snapped his fingers again, and lightning struck Ichigo on accident.

“Alright, NOW YOU’RE IN FOR IT!” Ichigo said, trying to charge Daphnes with Zangetsu, before Daphnes blocked with his own blade, not fighting Ichigo and keeping his calm, because if he were to get aggressive, he would kill him. Immediately Ichigo activated Bankai, and fought Daphnes until he was pushed to going onto defense. Daphnes immediately struck one of Ichigo’s pressure points near his neck, trying to keep him out of the fight for as long as he can, but Ichigo was already pushing Daphnes to his limits.

“Stop this! You’re going to kill yourself if you keep striking! I Don’t want to fight you!” Daphnes said, kicking Ichigo square in the chest and having Ichigo fly back a bit, before trying to create a defensive barrier around himself. Immediately Ichigo saw this, and cut Daphnes’s right arm clean off, and a dark substance was dripping from it, which Ichigo and Rukia both saw, and stopped fighting. Daphnes was holding his missing arm, and was terrified.

“Daphnes, I am running diagnostics on how long until the amount of malice within your body takes you over,” Delta said, before Daphnes tried to stop his bleeding whilst scared out of his mind, only for his eyes to go bloodshot and glow yellow.

“We must be brief. Eddie, I am sending you calculations of how long Daphnes has until he gets taken over by his malice form. If we can stop this before he goes into a rampage, he will be safe. I detect we have 3 minutes until then,” Delta said, as Daphnes growled in pain, trying to keep himself in control as fangs protruded from his mouth. Immediately Rukia knocked out Daphnes, and reattached his arm to him. Immediately Daphnes screamed in pain, sending a tremor through not just Soul Society, but through Hueco Mundo as well…

“Please, you must calm yourself, if you do not, you will only do more damage to yourself,” Rukia said, calmly. Eventually Daphnes started to calm down, while also holding his shoulder, before spotting commotion in the lower layers of the castle.

“Eddie, can you teleport us down there?” Samus asked frantically.

“How many of ya?” Eddie asked.

“The nine of us,” Wii Fit said.

“Teleporting 9 individuals to Soul King Palace Dungeons,” Delta said. But upon the teleport finishing, they discovered that Daphnes wasn’t with them- Ichigo was.

“What the- how did you get warped and not Daphnes!?” Serif asked to no one in particular, flabbergasted.

“Not my problem, as long as I stop your whole gang from doing your robbery!” Ichigo said.

“You actually think that we’re with skull boy? Adorable,” Flowey said, appearing behind the group. Immediately Ichigo cut straight at Flowey with one move known as Getsuga Tenshou, but Flowey dodged. Then a ki blast hit Ichigo from behind.

“It seems you Monkeys never learn. Harbinger of Death or not, you’re still weak compared to me,” Frieza said, holding the candle. Then he was hit in the face by a soccer ball from Wii Fit Trainer. “YOU DARE TO HIT ME IN THE FACE, SCUM?! I WILL ERASE YOU FROM THIS WORLD” Frieza said, enraged.

“That’s a rather harsh threat,” Wii Fit said in response.

“Frieza! I’m open! Pass it to me!” Bill Cipher said, dressed as a football player. Frieza instead passed it to Dimentio, who caught it with his magic.

“I am not one to trifle with your moronic games, now stop toying around with them and then we’ll be taking our leave,” Frieza said. Dimentio then passed it to Bill, who was closer to the Pillar of Autumn, using a duplicate to distract Medic.

“Well, I want to say that you’re being clever, but you really are just using cloning aren’t you?” Medic said.

“Of sorts. It is rather clever,” Dimentio said. Immediately Ichigo cut off Frieza’s Tail, making him even more enraged. Ichigo then turned and got past Roy’s parries for a hit on the fire sword wielder. Serif then fired a chaos buster charge shot that trophied Ichigo. Nearer to where the candle had dropped from Frieza’s grasp when the soccer ball hit, Mettaton was fighting Dracula.

“Attracted to my legs, vampire?” Mettaton said.

“You are just as naïve as you are idiotic.” Dracula said, blasting mettaton back with a fireball.

“I guess not. Oh well.” Mettaton replied, turning to his normal body.

“Now try to dent me.” Mettaton said, before Dracula had him thrown upward, and then further away from the candle. Roy then joined the fray by trying to duck under Dracula to try and grab the candle, But immediately, Ganondorf caught the candle from behind without even looking. Alucard tried to get to Dracula, but was blocked by Bill Cipher’s attacks. Samus then fired a charge shot that trophied Ganondorf, but Alucard was trophied by Frieza, who was sadistically smiling whilst holding Alucard’s head.

Immediately something glowed from Ganondorf’s left hand, and immediately trophy holding him was broken, and he immediately trophied Samus with one flame choke. Suddenly an arrow hit Ganondorf from behind. Immediately he glared in the direction of where it fired.

“About time you showed up!” Serif said as Daphnes and Rukia entered.

“Sorry we’re late, still had been left on the roof, because Eddie got confused because he thought it would’ve been easy to send 9 people. Rukia’s to thank for me getting down here,” Daphnes said, before clashing blades with Ganondorf, holding him back with the Lord Sword, and pushing him back bit by bit. Suddenly vines lashed under Ganondorf’s feet, and a burrowing sound was heard, and the candle was gone.

“Not again! This is our 6th wild goose chase… If this keeps happening, I don’t think we can stop him!” Daphnes said, before almost stabbing Ganondorf’s chest.

“Another one down!” Bill said, flying away in the Pillar of Autumn.

“Are you sure about that?” Ichigo, who had jumped on the Pillar of Autumn, said.

“WHAT?! How did you get on here?!” Bill said, surprised.

“Let’s just say I had a bit of help,” Ichigo said, before Kisuke Urahara, who had boarded next to him, smirked.

Immediately Ichigo stabbed another one of the thrusters on the Pillar of Autumn, whilst also cutting it off.

“Well then, PREPARE TO DIE!!!” Flowey attacked Ichigo’s soul, before Ichigo just cut through the Vines, because he was already a soul at the beginning of the fight.

“...Crap,” Flowey said, realizing his mistake. Kisuke then pushed Bill aside with just the handle of his Zanpakuto, and grabbed the candle. Then he and Ichigo jumped out, holding the candle.

“About time we got one. If this kept happening where one was just in reach but got yanked away, I would’ve thrown something out a window,” Daphnes said, putting away his sword.

“Count yourself lucky for one day. I informed Ichigo who you are after I freed him from his trophied state,” Kisuke said, putting away his Zanpakuto.

“So we got a candle. Does that mean they can’t do the ritual anymore?” Roy asked.

“If so, then they’d need the power of another to bring him back. Bill on the other hand didn’t think ahead, did he?” Kisuke said, removing his straw hat

“Might as well head back to Luna and tell her the good news,” Serif said.

“Agreed. Now let’s just hope that my right arm doesn’t get cut off again by anyone else,” Daphnes said, his bones of his right arm re-snapping back into place. The group then flew back to Beerus’s planet.


“Ah, you have the waking, Now then… let us begin the planning of Celestia’s fury,” A voice said. Discord opened his eyes. He was tied to a chair facing Tirek, Cozy Glow, and a screen showing a green person with glasses with swirls on the lenses and a red cloak, who Discord could only imagine was Fawful.

“What do you want?” Discord said, disgruntled.

“We know you know a way in and out of Tartarus,” Cozy said. “And we have ways of making you talk.”

“It would be pointless though, because if I recall there is someone else in your acquaintance who knows exactly what I do,” Discord argued.

“Indeed, however, Hades does not know the intricacies of the portal connecting Tartarus to Equestria, and you do,” Tirek said.

“And why would you need to know that?” Discord said, showing his refusal to cooperate.

“Celestia’s conducting random searches on Tartarus inmates. If she discovers what I have set up here, then the only chance we have against history repeating itself is lost,” Tirek explained.

“So?” Discord said.

“In order to prevent Celestia from finding us, I had Fawful prepare a magic disruptor missile to fire upon Canterlot,” Tirek said.

“What?! No! I won’t allow it!” Discord said, alarmed at the possibility of a magic blackout across Canterlot.

“Oh, how saddening, the Draconequus wants to keep the job of booms from beginning,” Fawful said in gleeful anticipation of the missile’s impact.

“However,” Tirek said, continuing, “It may not be necessary. If you can discover the exact workings of the portal and temporarily disable it, then we will not need to fire the missile.”

“Ugh, fine.” Discord decided to check if the portal was able to be shut. He decided to shut it for a good amount of time, But he was detected!

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: Again, Bleach was a random pick, but not like Castlevania. I actually knew enough Bleach to know it would be cool.
Sword’s comment: I admit, I haven’t watched that much Bleach, but I have watched enough that I can identify major characters from the show.