• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 531 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

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Grisly Errands

(Hyrule Warriors Mysterious)
“That was WHACK,” Serif said after the vision ended.

“So… What’s the reason that this Darkness is returning?” Daphnes asked.

“I wondered that myself, so Twilight and I researched what he could mean. I came across a book in Twilight’s library,” Luna said, then brought an image of a book on the table. It was not a pleasant book, with various dark symbols on it.

“I can practically feel the evil coming off of it even from a memory projection,” Kakashi said.

“Then we should keep this prophecy from happening. It’s going to be difficult, but we can do this. I know we can,” Daphnes said.

“I agree," Luna said. "Which is why I had Twilight copy the key points of the book without transferring the dark magic. Then I destroyed the book. But what we got was this.” Luna changed the table display to show various points of interest. “Apparently, for the event Tirek prophesied about to come to pass, a certain ritual needs to be performed. It’s really difficult and unspeakably evil, so I didn’t think anyone would actually try it. I actually thought it was Tirek trying to cause unrest in the sun court. Until about two months ago, when Undertale actually got a Geek Lord. Serif, you are the first Geek Lord in 1000000 years.”

“Woah! That’s a long time! No wonder I had to train myself,” Serif said.

“Yes, anyway, when that happened I started hearing rumors from Tartarus that someone was actually trying to do it. I had Ozpin check on the first piece of the ritual, a black stone obelisk known as the Infernal Obsidian,” Luna said.

“To my great alarm, it was not at its place of holding. The only logical conclusion is that someone had taken it. Someone who knew of its location, and surpassed the defenses guarding it,” Ozpin said.

“Uhh… yeah… I can tell you why. For my first job ever I kinda stole it and gave it to this weird guy who in return rewrote time to make my girlfriend, Juniper Montage, super famous by preventing her uncle from replacing her with Chestnut Magnifico in the Daring Do movie,” Serif said.

“YOU WHAT?! Do you realize that holding that type of information from us, when we could’ve used it minutes ago, is Wrong?!?” Daphnes yelled.

“I’m sorry it’s just, I didn’t know what it would do, or I never would have done it,” Serif apologized.

“Well, it’s in the past now,” Android 18 said.

“So we know that part’s true, so let’s focus on the next part," Luna continued. "For the ritual to work, you need the blood of four creatures of light and four creatures of shadow. In the past month, four changelings and four unicorns have gone missing. Celestia blames a misadventure through the Flame Geyser Swamp, but she hasn’t seen this.” Luna brought a memory to the surface. “I got this from a rather traumatized Chimera, the only witness,” Luna said as the memory played out.

(Shadow Temple Ocarina of Time)
“The Flame Geyser Swamp is really creepy,” The orange unicorn called Ivory Fire said.

“You can say that again,” The brown unicorn called Sandy Shadow said.

“You should be in your element, Pupa. This swamp’s full of creatures of chaos. Maybe you can make some friends,” The blue, strong-voiced unicorn called Thunder Buster playfully teased.

“Don’t joke about that please,” the young, small-voiced changeling called Pupa said. “I’m trying very hard to put my past behind me.” This party, along with others, were crossing through the Flame Geyser Swamp- the chimera’s territory. She hid in the bushes, imagining the splendid taste of fresh unicorn. She would let the changelings go- she didn’t care for how they tasted. As the party of 8- 4 unicorns- Ivory Fire, Thunder Buster, Master Metal, and Sandy Shadow, according to the talk between the group- and 4 changelings- Domen, Pupa, Terpil, and Scuttle, again, according to what had been said between them-neared the chimera’s position, she felt something unsettling- a sort of shift under the earth. Suddenly she felt afraid- so afraid her hunter’s senses were impaired.

“Hey, do you feel that?” Domen said as the shift seemed to go towards them.

Then Master Metal spoke up. “Yeah, I do. Good thing our back is covered- by me. I will keep us SA-” as suddenly said unicorn was dragged into another bunch of bushes by a pair of vines. Then a bloodcurdling scream issued from those bushes. The party was genuinely panicked now, as they took off full sprint away even as Scuttle was dragged away in a similar fashion. But then the group was cut off, as vines from ahead lanced through Pupa and Ivory Fire. Almost faster than the chimera could comprehend, the vines stabbed everyone through the heart. The last one standing was Thunder Buster, who got wrapped in vines. Then the chimera saw only the silhouettes, but saw, on the top of the vine bundle, a flower, almost grinning with sadistic glee, tearing off the unicorn’s head.

Then the chimera heard the flower speak. “Remain silent,” it said. “Or you’re next.”
“Why?” the chimera said. “Why would you be so evil?”

“Don’t you get it?” The flower said back. “In this world, it’s kill or be killed!!!”

(Reminiceince ~ Wandering Heart)

“This is… awful. Why would anyone do this to innocent ponies?” Daphnes asked.

“Someone by the name of Flowey, who was originally that of the son of both Asgore and Toriel, Asriel. Someone we should not be taking lightly,” Ozpin said to Daphnes looking at his blade, alongside his shield.

“I’ve heard of him. He’s from the fandom I supposedly am supposed to run,” Serif said.

“So we know the identities of one of the suspects,” Luna said. “And we know that they are indeed trying to complete the dark ritual.”

“Wait, I don’t get it,” Yamcha said. “If all they have to do is drench a rock in blood, why aren’t we dead where we stand?”

“They don’t drench the infernal obsidian in the blood,” Luna said, impatient. “They draw a certain symbol with the blood around the obelisk. This is a very powerful, evil, and very dangerous ritual that requires the symbol to be exact, at the penalty of devastating consequences. This works in our favor because to my knowledge, the only exact instructions for the ritual were in that book I destroyed. But for all I know, if these people, including Flowey, know of the ingredients to the ritual, they might have a copy of the instructions that I don’t know about. Also, for the ritual to be accomplished one needs a large amount of dark power. I only know of one thing that could hold the amount they need, and it was destroyed about a year ago. But again, they might have found something I don’t know about. These are both uncertainties that we can’t depend on.”

“Is there anything we can?” Tien asked, impatient.

“Yes, actually,” Luna said. “The final piece of the ritual is a collection of dark artifacts known as the Lightless Candles.”

“I’m guessing those are candles that don’t make light even when lit?” Captain Falcon asked, interrupting.

“You show the intelligence of a boulder, but yes, you are correct,” Ozpin said.

(Core Ace Attorney)
“If that’s so, then what’s a good idea to keep it out of enemy hands, aside from destroying them or splitting them up?” Daphnes asked.

“We should focus first on obtaining the candles. I found a book in Celestia’s library detailing where the candles were hidden.” Luna pulled out an ancient book, being very careful with it. “It says here that the candles are hidden at Doctor Who, God of War, Legend of Zelda, Skyrim, Castlevania, BLEACH, Touhou, and My Little Pony.”

Captain Falcon burst out laughing. “That book is a joke! You’d be better to search Twitter for facts! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“He’s right, you know,” Beerus said from his bed.

”My lord, I thought you didn’t care,” Whis responded.

“I don’t,” Beerus said. “But I think if you’re going to do a wild goose chase, you should probably know which farmer to call.”

“Says the god of destruction afraid of a mere mortal, who mastered Ultra Instinct in 44 Minutes,” Ozpin said, before smirking and grabbing his cane, before spinning it, and drinking hot chocolate from his coffee mug.

“Everyone brace yourselves. Ozpin’s about to die,” Kakashi said.

“Whis, next time, get the cat out of the room, because I need to stab something and it’s got a red helmet, blue jacket, and a shiny car,” Daphnes said, before raising up his sword up to Captain Falcon’s Neck. “Either I stab his neck, or he shows some respect. Either way, I win in this scenario, Falcon!”

“Wait! Falcon's idea's worth a shot. We're short on leads anyway, so...” Shulk wondered aloud. “Everybody, search every social media outlet you have for clues.”

Everyone pulled their phones out (or at least, everyone who had phones) and looked and looked. Finally, Android 17 found something. “Got it! I found some coordinates,” he said.

“Well then lets WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!” Serif said.

“Delta, do we have an accurate route there?” Daphnes asked.

“Affirmative, we will be there within seven minutes.” the A.I. fragment responded.
“Race ya” Captain Falcon said, before driving his car into the Falcon Flyer and flying off. Daphnes, Serif, Piccolo, Kakashi, Shulk, Vegeta, Goku, and Krillin followed in the Heart of Gold.

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: Spooky, eh?

Sword’s Comment: though one of the Villains has been discovered, the other 2 will be shown very soon. Though one of them is from one of the Darkest Video games in a series that is known for Light hearted fun.

Fandoms Added: (none!:twilightoops:)

Gameplay info (none!{This was a "cutscene":eeyup:}:twilightoops:)

Current Playable Characters: 23

Current Krillin Owned Count: 2