• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

  • ...

Candle Hunt ⅛

(SSBB Save Point)
“You there? I need to chat.”

“I am here. Please, tell me what it is you need to speak of.”

“Well… I kinda went through the impassable wall the other day. Picked up a guy who supposedly had hurt a lot of people. I like the kid, but the way he treated CF… Did I screw up in taking him?”

“Only time will tell. I can see into the future, but the events that are about to transpire are hidden from me. A very large event is at hand, and I believe the swordsman and yourself are key players. In any case, you cannot put him back now, the wall has sealed. So make the best of the situation.”

“...Thank you.”

(TF2 Main Theme Rock Cover)
Immediately the Red Heavy kept firing Natascha at the Blu Scout, who kept avoiding gunfire, and red Spy stabbed Blu Sniper in the Back “You got Blood on my Suit, Blue,” Spy said, while Red Sniper headshot BLU Medic while he was healing the BLU Heavy, and Blu Heavy got burned alive by Red Pyro.

“Boom. Headshot,” Sniper said, while Red Scout shot Blu Engineer in the back and destroyed the Sentry, Dispenser, and Teleporters. Immediately Red Engie killed Blu spy just by spotting him with a small tracker he gave to Red Spy to place on the Blu Spy, and when the two passed each other, Spy shot him with the tracker.

“Sorry, but I thought this entire plan through. Medic’s gonna end your entire team with the Heavy,” Engineer said to Blue Spy’s bullet-riddled body. Red Medic immediately had Heavy Ubercharged, and they were plowing through Blu Soldier, Blu Scout, Blu Pyro, and Blu Demoman.

“AHAHAHAHA! I AM BULLETPROOF!!!!” Heavy shouted, mowing through them. Scout grabbed the Blu team’s Intelligence and brought it back to their base, winning the match permanently.

“YEAH! NOW DAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ABOUT!” Scout shouted, super happy while doing the Kazotsky kick back to the red base. “Least that’s said and done with, now to set up those crates back at Base,” Engie said.

“Well we should be Lucky that Spy was able to find the Blu Spy, and also, we should be more careful when getting those crates,” Medic said.

“да, we should get back and- who is Green team?” Heavy said, noticing the new logo.


(TF2 The Calm)
“I WON!!!!!!” Captain Falcon yelled at the other end of the map, while Daphnes was standing there right behind him.

“By 2 seconds!” Serif protested.

“No gloating, got it? We’ve got a job to do,” Daphnes reminded the group.

“There’s a lot of ground to cover. It would be best if we split up, and spread the area,” Piccolo advised.

“Agreed. Serif, you go underneath and try to enter the base from there, I’ll get in through the top, half of us check the blue base, half will head into the red base,” Daphnes said.

“I go blue,” Serif said.

“Blue,” Vegeta said.

“Red” Goku said.

“Blue,” Captain Falcon said.

“Red,” Krillin said.

“Red,” Kakashi said.

“Blue,” Shulk said.

“Red,” Piccolo said.

“Then I’ll take Red Base as well.” Daphnes said, before flying up to the top of the Red Base.


(TF2 Soldier Theme)
3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

“Why do we always have to split up when it comes to this stuff?” Krillin complained as he went through the red side of the 2fort map. He was on the first floor, walking past a wagon wheel when he saw, across an open area, a bunch of oil drums behind a fence. As he crossed the courtyard, he heard someone move. “Uhhh… Goku if you’re trying to spook me cut it out!” he shouted.

“This American Boot just kicked your rear end back to where you were before!” Soldier yelled at the top of his voice, before Krillin got blasted by a rocket, and flew out of the map, causing a giant crash far away.

Krillin Owned Count +1



(TF2 Magnum Force)
3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

Elsewhere, Sniper was ready to fire his rifle while waiting for his target. Nearby, Kakashi searched crates in another area of the red base, close to the intelligence room. “Another crate, more meaningless junk,” Kakashi said disappointed. Then he heard a click. “Oh no you don’t, whoever you are. Art of the CHIDORI!” he said, sending a burst of lightning through all metal surface in the room.

“HOLY-! BLOODY BOGAN!” Sniper said before he threw a bottle of Jarate at Kakashi. Kakashi improvised with a wire string to throw it back at the sender. Then he was on the move, keeping Sniper running with a barrage of Kunai knives. While Sniper was keeping down, he brought out his Sniper Rifle and took a few shots, clipping Kakashi on the shoulder.

“I don’t have time for this,” Kakashi said, speeding to another part of 2Fort.

No Contest


(TF2 The Calm)
Elsewhere, the Medic repaired the Heavy’s wounds while telling him a story. “And that is how I lost my medical license,” he said. Then Heavy laughed.

“We have to get them out of this room, or we’ll never get anything done,” Piccolo said from his hiding place.

“Right. You take the unlicensed doctor, I take the big guy,” Goku said.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

(TF2 Heavy Theme)
Goku jumped out and used Fist Shockwave to send Heavy reeling. Immediately Heavy tried to punch him, but Goku dodged. Then Goku used the Dragon fist to strike Heavy where he least expected it: his gut. This sent Heavy to the ground- and made him VERY angry. He grabbed the closest weapon he had- the shotgun- and hit Goku with a round, only to discover that he had hit an Afterimage. Goku had left the afterimage so he could investigate some boxes in the room. Immediately heavy grabbed onto Sasha and fired it at Goku, immediately Goku grabbed onto the bullets and dropped them. Then he fired a kamehameha that sent Heavy flying through the ceiling.


(TF2 MEDIC!!!)
Piccolo approached Medic with a ki blast ready. “Unlike my friend, I am going to give you a chance to let us carry out our business in peace,” he said.

“Oh, you’ve got some nerve to demand peace from me. ARCHIMEDES! NOW!” Medic said, as a white dove with blood on his head named Archimedes activated the Ubercharge and brought out his crossbow and fired directly at Piccolo. Piccolo countered by firing his ki blast at Medic and an antenna beam at Archimedes, who moved out of the way. Piccolo then surrounded the room with a hellzone grenade, but then Medic closed with the bonesaw. A flurry of combat followed, with Piccolo landing a large series of punches and kicks and Medic attacking with the bonesaw. As Medic floored Piccolo with a surprise attack, Piccolo had the hellzone grenade kick in. The resulting explosion blasted Medic from the room.


Goku then met up with Piccolo to report. “It’s not in here,” he said.

“I haven’t found anything either. Let’s move on,” Piccolo responded.


(TF2 Demoman Theme)
Daphnes searched the top of Red Base for anything out of place until he saw some crates leading into that of the Intelligence Room. “There you are...” Then he saw something next to a crate- a sticky bomb.

As it exploded, he heard someone yell “KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!”

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

“What the-?! Show yourself, Demolition Man!” Daphnes said before a grenade landed at his feet. “Oh… Son of a-” Daphnes said, before getting blown up and flung into the Intelligence room. Demoman then rushed at him with the Claidheamh Mòr.

“I hate it when there are still people left over” he yelled.

“THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!” Daphnes shouted in a Scottish accent, charging at him and clashing against his blade with the Lord Sword. The duel brought them to the edge of the roof, where Demoman was pinned against the edge.

“Whoah! Whoa!” he said, losing balance.

“I wasn’t even wanting to fight you, buddy… next time, keep out of my way.” Daphnes said, before grabbing onto that of Demoman’s foot and tossing him back up to the top of the base.

"Uncle! I give up! I don’t want to die!” Demoman said desperately.


“Pathetic, a true knight would’ve fought to the end. Now get back to your post, Scotsman,” Daphnes said.

“Yes sir!” Demoman said before standing next to Daphnes with the Claidheamh Mòr pointed at the ground.

“Looks like I’m stuck with him,” Daphnes said.


(TF2 Scout Theme)
“Is this thing even here?” Serif said angrily after the 17th crate with nothing in it. He was not in a good mood. Scout could see that from where he stood.

“What’s he even looking for? Nobody cares what’s in the crates,” he thought. “Oh well. Gotta keep these green guys from snatching our intel,” Scout fired the scattergun, but Serif dodged.

(Megalovania [optional])
“Ya really think I’m just gonna stand there and take it? Yes, I knew all about you sneaking up on me,” Serif said.

“Let’s play ball, pal. Spoilers, but uhh… I’m gonna win,” Scout said, before grabbing onto his bat. He swung and he swung and he swung, and he whiffed and he whiffed and he whiffed.

“Where’s your homer, buddy? I thought you were gonna win,” Serif said.

“Oh yeah, really funny pal! Now, how about a bit o’ THIS?!” Scout said, before drinking Crit-I-Cola and trying to whack Serif from behind with his bat and whiffing.

“Alright, that’s it,” Serif said, flying up with his rocket boots, and spraypainting the room with fire from his AK-47s.

“Well how about I tell ya I’m a force a nature!” Scout said, retaliating unsuccessfully with The Force A Nature.

“Well then, force of nature, get a load or this!” Serif said, firing Gaster Blasters at Scout. Scout then tried to get a shot in with his pistol, but Serif melted it with a fireball. Then he sent a surge of electricity through the metal floor, hitting Scout.

“Okay, Un-Freakin-Fair!” Scout said. Scout took aim with the pistol, only to find that Serif was not there. He saw Serif above him, one eye glowing orange and dripping some sort of orange plasma, the other glowing cyan and giving off glowing cyan fumes. Suddenly Scout was flung against every surface by an unseen hand which acted as though he was a rag doll.”HOW THE HECK’RE YOU DOIN’ THAT?!” Scout said as the unseen hand brought him up to Serif.

“Just a few of the tricks in my hat. Now I can see that you’re good at what you do. I like your talents. If you leave me be while I do my business here, I’ll spare you,” Serif said, in his best intimidating voice.

“Heh, Ya don’t scare me dat much, Skull boy. Now, how’s about this?!” Scout said, taking a swing with his bat that disassembled Serif.

“Alright, that seemed way too easy,” Scout said, thinking he had won until he saw the bones on the floor creeping toward him. Frozen with shock, he watched helplessly as Serif reformed himself around Scout.

“You gonna get your act together now, bub? While we’re like this, I can make you do anything I want,” the skeleton said.

“OH COME ON! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO RUN AWAY?!” Scout said, trying but failing to escape Serif’s Ribcager attack. To this Serif got tighter around Scout, trophying him. Serif then reactivated him.

“Are you gonna behave?” Serif said.

"What do you want,” Scout said.

“Something that was delivered here a while back. Still in the crate it came in,” Serif said.

“‘Cause I can help ya! Ya wanna break crates, I know where all the crates are! I could show ‘em to ya!” Scout said. Upon hearing this, Serif let Scout go.

“Alright, lead the way. But be warned, buddy. One false move...” he said.



(TF2 Pyro Theme)
Captain Falcon was nearly at his wit's end with the whole mission. He had been searching for what felt like 300 hours and there was still no blasted candle in sight. He was about to give up and head back to the Falcon Flyer when he heard something. He turned around a corner to see what it was, only to discover that a tunnel he had been earlier was now blocked off by fire. Then he heard someone behind him, but it sounded muffled... muffled by something as simple as a gas mask.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

Then a massive amount of fire was sprayed at him. Dodging, he saw a person in a gas mask- the Pyro. Seeing that Captain Falcon survived, he charged him with the fire ax, and took a swing at him, only to put him in range of a Falcon Punch. When that connected, Pyro was sent hurling back.

“Let’s make this quick. I don’t want him burning any crates,” Falcon said to himself, before going in for a Raptor Boost. Immediately Pyro charged at him with his flare pistol and shot at him with it. Falcon dodged all but two shots and countered with a Falcon Kick. Immediately Pyro used his flamethrower’s Compression blast and threw Captain Falcon back. Falcon used Raptor Boost and Falcon Dive to maneuver around Pyro and break crates. But, not finding a Lightless Candle, he decided to concentrate on avoiding Pyro and finding the others. But Pyro wouldn’t let him leave.

“Great White Hands, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” Captain Falcon yelled. As he ran across the higher level of 2fort, Pyro followed him.

“This guy does not make it easy,” Falcon said, looking behind him as he ran. Suddenly he smacked into someone- Daphnes!

“Daphnes!” Captain Falcon said, relieved. “Oh am I glad to see you. There’s this crazy guy in a gas mask that won’t leave me alone!”

“Oi, that’s Pyro! PYRO! KNOCK IT OFF! I THOUGHT WE TAUGHT YA BETTER!” Demoman said from behind Daphnes, trying to ward off Pyro. But when Pyro did not yield, he grabbed onto the Claidheamh Mor, and charging at Pyro, with a glowing Red Eye, due to him not having his other eye, disarmed Pyro of his ax, Flare Gun, and even his Flamethrower. “I warned ye, Pyro. Next time listen to me, got it?!” Demoman said, before glaring at Pyro.

“Yeah, this guy is pretty much either nuts or funny as all Lanayru himself.” Daphnes said to Captain Falcon, before looking at Demoman, who smirked and showed Mercy to Pyro.

“So… I guess this means we win, right?” Captain Falcon asked.



(TF2 More Gun)
Shulk had stuck mostly to indoor areas, which had served him well, until he had been teleported to the roof by a device he couldn’t see- and right into the view of a turret.

“Gotcha!” Somebody wearing a hard hat and goggles shouted as the turret fired.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

“Monado Shield!” Shulk yelled, equipping said ability. Immediately Engineer brought out his trusty shotgun, the Rescue Ranger, and fired a shot into his Sentry, which powered it up to a level 2 Sentry, and it fired more shots at Shulk, and Shulk was getting hurt, but it was not as much as it was before putting up the Monado Shield. Eventually, the turret ran out of ammo.

“Darn” Engie said, before using The Rescue Ranger once again to reload the Turret.

(Mechanical Rythm [optional])
“Monado Speed!” Shulk said, and with increased speed destroyed the Engie’s other turrets with a series of backslashes, landing face-to-face with Engie. “Now then, to business. I came here with a very specific goal: to find something important that was brought here a while ago, and no, it doesn’t have anything to do with this ‘Intel’ everyone around here seems to be obsessed with. It came here in a container, where it is to this day. If I knew which one, I wouldn’t be here right now. Can you please let me look for it in peace?”

(TF2 Nope!)

(TF2 More Gun)
“Well… Then, I’ll, just, RUN!!!” Shulk said bashfully, shouting the last word, then doing just that. Suddenly his escape was cut off by Engineer teleporting right in front of him. “LEAVE ME ALONE! I’M NOT AFTER ANYTHING OF YOURS! CAN’T YOU GIVE A FELLOW SCIENTIST A HAND?!” Shulk yelled desperately.

“Exactly. I’m comin’ with. I know these stompin’ grounds better’n you. I can make it go faster.” Engie replied.

“Really? Thanks, I really appreciate it.” Shulk replied, then the two took off.

No Contest


(TF2 Spy Theme)
Vegeta combed his way through 2fort, opening all the containers he saw, not just crates. Suddenly he saw a familiar face up ahead- Krillin. Vegeta went up to him to discuss their findings. “I haven’t found anything, how about you?” Vegeta asked.

“I’ve found… your death” Krillin said, pulling a knife on Vegeta and dropping his mask to reveal Spy.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

“YOU DIRTY INTERLOPER! GET READY TO FEEL THE WRATH OF THE SAIYANS!!!” Vegeta yelled. Vegeta then fired the Gallick Gun at Spy, before Spy used the Dead Ringer, and faked his death. “That should teach you!” Vegeta said, walking off in a huff until he saw Spy sneaking back up on him. Vegeta turned to block several bullets from Spy’s revolver with a Ki Barrier.

“What?! Unfair! You aren’t even Heavy!” Spy said, surprised that his bullets had had no effect on Vegeta. Then Vegeta hit Spy again and again before throwing and then spiking him upward.

“Lousy moron,” Vegeta said, walking off in a huff.

“Behind you!” Spy shouted. He had gotten close enough to Vegeta to stab him with his knife.

(SSBB Battlefield)
“Behind YOU!” Serif, who came into the passage a few seconds later, said, before firing several Gaster Blasters at Spy.

“HEY! LAY OFFA HIM!” Scout said, before grabbing onto his bat.

“What’s the deal? He’s attacking Vegeta!” Serif said.


“Well… If you trust him, that’s good enough for me, Monsieur.” Spy put away his knife and gave a Medi-Cupcake to Vegeta.

“NOOOOOO! DON’T TRUST THEM, THEY AFTER OUR INTEL!” Heavy said, joining the conversation as they went into a large room.

“Heavy, quit yer bellyachin’, they ain’t after our intel, in fact, I met up with another one of ‘em, and they ain’t too bad. Say’s he’s lookin’ for somethin’ in one of the crates,” Engineer said, walking in with Shulk right behind him, and engineer having his wrench in his hand.

“Spiky hair guy beat Heavy! Heavy not forgive!” Heavy yelled.

“Hey Biggums, remember me?” Goku said, flying in next to Vegeta.

“AAAAAAAAAARGH! HEAVY SMASH SPIKY HAIRS! ALL OF THEM!” Heavy said, before Engineer got in the way, taking a punch from Heavy’s fist, and went flying directly at a wall.

“That’s the spirit! Give them a good wake-up slap, I’ll be right behind you,” Medic said, Ubercharging Heavy, before Scout, Spy, and Engineer got in the way, acting as a shield against Heavy and Medic’s Onslaught.

“Looking at Heavy, I can tell his weakness is that he’s not very fast. MONADO SPEED!” Shulk said, before landing a series of rapid backslashes to Heavy.

“OI! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!” Demoman said, walking down with two others, Daphnes and Captain Falcon and Pyro was on Demo’s Back.

“DEMO! MIND HELPIN’ US?! HEAVY AND MEDIC ARE CONVINCED THAT THESE GUYS ARE AFTER OUR INTEL, WHEN THEY AREN’T!” Scout shouted, worried that they might not last long enough to convince them, and immediately Demo dropped Pyro, charged directly at heavy, Claidheamh Mòr in hands, and glowing red eye.

“I got the big guy. FALCON PAWNCH” Captain said, executing said move on Heavy, launching him backward and knocking him flat on his back.

“Ha! Got-OW! Who’s shooting at me?!” Captain Falcon said.

“Gotcha, ya bloody bugeye!” Sniper said, reloading his rifle. Immediately Spy used the Deadringer to cloak himself, sneak up behind Sniper, and knock him down onto the ground without killing his teammate.

“So that was the secret. Thanks for telling me, I couldn’t shake him for the life of me,” Kakashi said before Spy smirked at him.

“My pleasure, though I believe introductions are in order after this Scuffle,” Spy said.

“HEY NAZIS! GET THIS AMERICAN BOOT!” Soldier yelled, shooting a rocket into the middle of the battle, before Spy had everyone move out of the way, and decided to do one thing, throw his knife at one of the Crates, just to try to call off the fight, and it passed everyone who was fighting.

“Are we done fighting? If so, we have wasted hours of our time, when We could’ve- wait, one of the crates is open,” Spy said, before he and everyone else were thrown back by a massive explosion, causing Daphnes to be staggered, and get back up seconds later.

(Bill Cipher theme)
When the dust settled, they saw the strangest being any of them had ever seen. He looked like a yellow triangle with arms, legs, a top hat, a bow tie, a cane, and a single eye. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I gotta say, thanks for wearing yourselves out. It makes my job that much easier,” he said before Daphnes started to chuckle and then burst out into laughter, before he charged straight at this one-eyed Triangle with a bow tie, top hat, and a cane.

“You don’t seem to get it do you? I’m going to need that little candle you ONE EYED ABOMINATION!” Daphnes said, before throwing him to the ground and starting to punch him thousands, if not millions of times over, until he got knocked off.

“You know, that actually didn’t hurt me one bit,” The triangle said, before crumbling to ash. He had used a decoy- the real one was floating above them next to the crate.

“And just who do you think you are?!” Soldier yelled.

“Name’s Bill Cipher, and I’ll be taking this,” The triangle-Bill Cipher-said, before reaching into the debris of the crate and pulling out a black candle.

“Before you leave, FIGHT ME AT FULL POWER, COWARD!” Daphnes said, before flying at Bill Cipher and getting ready to battle.

“Nah, I don’t feel like it,” Bill said, before summoning a circle of symbols around him and then shrinking and vanishing.


“Hey guys, I came back! Let’s find this candle!” Krillin said, entering through the hole Bill made.

“Too late. We couldn’t get it. Someone else already stole it before we could get to it,” Daphnes said, disappointed and lowering his head.

“Might as well head back and see if the others have found anything,” Kakashi said.

“Well… Guess I’m in.” Engie said.

“Let’s do dis!” Scout said.

“DA!” Heavy said. Then everyone got in either the Falcon Flyer or the heart of Gold and flew back to Beerus’s planet.


(SSBM Menu)
Pit flew through the stages he knew so well, seeking the friends he had made through ten years of combat.

“Hm? Hey, Pit! What are you-a Doin’ here?” Mario said when Pit had found them at the Delfino Plaza stage.

“I need to talk. It’s important. Gather everyone you can,” Pit said darkly.

“Okie Dokie!” Mario gathered Ike, Olimar, Ness, Lucario, Pikachu, Wolf, and Joker around Pit.

“So what’s going on?” Wolf asked, readying his blaster like he usually did when a fight was coming around.

“You know those rumors that are everywhere these days about Lord Tirek and his supposed prophecy?” Pit asked.

”Yes. However, this may be concerning to everyone in fangea,” Lucario said telepathically, being calm about the situation, while also making it apparent that he was concerned.

“Well, uh, not to burst your bubble, but they’re true. All of them. I saw the green-clad hero come through myself, and saw in a pensieve someone collecting the blood needed for the ritual,” Pit said, before showing them everything that happened.

“Wow… this is serious,” Joker said.

“Wait, YOU CAN TALK?!?!?!?!” Olimar screamed.

“Welp, the world’s gone crazy,” Roy said, able to enter the room now that the match was over.

“I was expecting this… while yes it was unexpected, it felt like he could’ve talked anyway,” Ike said.

“So I think what I’m saying is, will you join me in helping stop the prophecy from happening?” Pit asked.

“When have we ever backed down from something like this? We’re in, and you know we’re willing to help.” Ness said.

“Hey, Do you mind if I come in there and-a say I’m-a joinin’ too?” Luigi said, before walking up to Mario, hugging him.

“Luigi, I don’t think-a you should. Heaven knows you get-a scared. But I’m-a in. Let's-a go!” Mario responded, jumping up in the air.

“Alright, Pikmin, assemble! We got a mission!” Olimar said, his Pikmin gathering around him.

“Nothin’ better to do. I’m in” Wolf said.

“I will fight by your side,” Ike said.

“Same here!” Roy said.

“My aid is yours as well,” Lucario said telepathically.

“I’m in. Let’s get this ready.” Joker said. Pit grabbed his bow and readied it for battle. Mario spun his cap, Wolf smirked, showing his fangs, Lucario immediately dashed to another location, looking for another warrior similar to himself, while Roy and Ike readied their blades for combat, whilst Joker readied his Persona, and his gun: An IMI Desert Eagle. Palutena then sent them all to Beerus’s planet.

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: After writing such a long chapter, I think I got caffeine poisoning. MEDIC!!!!!!!! :pinkiesick:
PS: don’t try to find out who Serif was talking to at the beginning. The dialogue is intentionally untagged and my lips are sealed.:moustache:
Sword’s comment: While I haven’t played TF2 for very long, I Absolutely Love the Medic, due to the fact he is not only funny as heck, it is fun to heal every last teammate, and also Would you like a second opinion? PS: I want to get a new computer, one that I can play TF2 on.

Fandoms added
Team Fortress 2
Gravity Falls

Gameplay Info
Scout joined your team!
Soldier joined your team!
Pyro joined your team!
Demoman joined your team!
Heavy joined your team!
Engineer joined your team!
Medic joined your team!
Sniper joined your team!
Spy joined your team!

Current Playable Characters: 32

Current Krillin Owned Count: 3