• Published 28th Mar 2023
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My Little Pony: Make Your Mark In Love - SamSwordsman123

After everyone thinks they're a couple, Pipp and Hitch realize their feelings for each other and start dating. Meanwhile Zipp, Sunny and Izzy also search for love. Unknown to them, Opaline continues her attempts to take all magic for herself.

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Chapter 14: Pipsqueaks for Dinner

Hitch went to the station and called the hotline for Zephyr Heights with Zipp at his side. He waited as the phone rang and soon was answered.

“Zephyr Heights Royal Law Enforcement Office!” the receptionist said.

“This Sherrif Hitch of Maretime Bay,” Hitch said. “I need to speak with the queen, one of Princess Zipp’s suitors has been murdered.”

The receptionist gasped and then said, “I’ll get Queen Haven right away.”

She put him on hold and soon Queen Haven took the line.


“Your majesty,” Hitch said, his tone grave. “I have bad news.”

As soon as Haven heard that news she immediately mobilized more members of the royal guard to come to Maretime Bay and guard her daughters. Eighteen Pegasus ponies were sent, along with Thunder and Right Light were there after a few hours along with Haven herself. They all gathered in front of the Crystal Brighthouse.

“Alright, with this recent tragedy and the emergence of the nefarious alicorn we must take no chances!” Haven said as she addressed the guards that had accompanied her. “I want my daughters and their friends under twenty-four hour surveillance!”

The Pegasus guards saluted their queen and Captain Zoom stepped forward.

“There are eighteen of you. So you will take shifts in groups of six, eight hours a day,” she said. “Two will be here at the Brighthouse to protect the Unity Crystals, as we can assume Opaline will try to steal them sooner or later since they are the source of the magic in Equestria that she wants! Each princess will also have a minimum of one guard accompanying her at all times!”

Zipp cringed at this while Pipp smiled.

“If the princess requires more then one guard she needs only ask,” Zoom continued. “So that makes four assigned duties, the other two will patrol Maretime Bay and its borders for any sign of Opaline.”

“We have to make sure no one in her army can sneak in!” Misty said.

“And how are we gonna do that?” Izzy asked.

“I… don’t know,” Misty said. “I… didn’t exactly have a breakdown on every member of her army.”

“There was an alicorn there though,” Sunny said, recalling a certain statue that had stood out.

“Her son,” Misty said. “Fireforge Destiny.”

“Opaline had a son?” Hitch exclaimed.

“With the pony who freed her from her imprisonment seven hundred years ago,” Misty said. “General Bloodheart.”

“And… what was he?” Zipp asked as she and Hitch both prepared to take notes in case of an attack.

“A unicorn,” Misty answered. “There was also an Earth Pony Lieutenant and Pegasus Captain, but he died when he turned to a statue and fell.”

“Well at least one officer is dealt with then,” Queen Haven said.

“But that means we have to face not just one, but two alicorns!” Sunny said. “We were no match for Opaline last time, and she was out probably out of practice! This son of hers could still be in his prime!”

“We’re just going to have to do the best we can!” Zipp said.

“Zipp’s right,” Hitch said before looking at Misty. “Misty, you once said you wanted to have a job a couple days ago right? I have an idea, you can be our unicorn magic researcher!”

“Uh, okay,” Misty said before nervously asking, “What does a unicorn magic researcher do?”

“You are going to study magic, and train other unicorns in how to use it!” Hitch said.

Misty clenched her teeth. She was NOT ready to be a teacher. She’d only learned a little bit herself. Plus the pressure of possibly having to deal with dozens of unicorns made her shake. She was shy.

“I… I can’t!” Misty said.

“You have to, Misty!” Sunny said. “You are the only unicorn to receive even a small amount of magic training that hasn’t been done in Equestria since the days of Twilight Sparkle!”

“I’ll help you,” Izzy said. “We’ll study together! Study study study! Learn to be magical and create lots of sparkles!”

Misty looked at Izzy uncertainly. The mulberry unicorn didn’t strike her as the studious type.

“Uh, maybe it would be better if I tried to learn it on my own,” Misty said. “But you can borrow some of the books I took from Opaline and try yourself.”

“Nonsense, we’re both unicorns! We’ll work together and find some other unicorns to work with!” Izzy said.

They headed into the Brighthouse to retrieve Misty’s stolen books. They soon came back and headed to Maretime Bay to find some other unicorns. Which wasn’t going to be easy since only a few unicorns had moved to Maretime Bay once Ponykind had reunited in friendship. They mostly stayed in Bridlewood still.

After Queen Haven left, the guards set up a camp around the Brighthouse where they would stay for the time being. Hitch, meanwhile had to visit a certain set of ponies. He arrived in front of Cloverleaf Manor where Phyllis and Sprout lived. Phyllis answered the door after he knocked.

“Oh, Hitch, how can I help?” Phylliss asked.

“Do you still have the old unicorn traps?” Hitch asked.

“Yes, we stored them in the basement of Canterlogic to be recycled into new objects,” Phyliss said.

“We need to get them back out,” Hitch said.

“But unicorns are our friends now,” Phyliss said.

“Yes, but we do have enemies out there,” Hitch said. “At least one bad unicorn and two evil alicorns!”

Sprout came to the door and Phylliss looked at him.

“Sprout, Hitch needs your help,” Phyliss said.

“What about my community service?” Sprout asked.

“This can count as that,” Hitch said.

They headed to Canterlogic with some other volunteers that Hitch recruited. They got as many of the old traps as they could and headed out to Mane Street.

“Now it feels like we wasted our time removing all these,” Sprout said. “We even filled in the spots where they used to be hidden underground! Where are we gonna put them now?”

Hitch sighed and thought for a moment. “We’ll put them in the alleys. And we’ll also need to find a better way to counter any Pegasi Opaline might have. Most them were mind controlled though and had their magic taken, so that might not be too bad.”

“We’ll try and think of something,” Phyliss said. “None-lethal of course. We’re not about war anymore, right Sprout?”

“Right,” Sprout said in embarrassment and remorse.

However, a group of unicorns and Pegasi spotted the unicorn traps.

“Why are you getting those out?” one of them, an off white unicorn with a pink mane, Primrose asked.

“To defend the town from Opaline!” Hitch said.

“Those were designed to be used against us!” a dark pink unicorn with a red black mane, Strawberry Spark said. “Are we no longer welcome here?”

“No, you’re all fine!” Hitch tried to reason.

“Doesn’t look that way!” Windy the Pegasus said.

“Everypony please calm down!” Hitch shouted, losing patience. “We are trying to protect you from Opaline, who wants to steal your magic!”

“These traps will only EVER be activated in the event she attacks!” Phyliss said.

Sprout stepped forward. “I know I wanted to kill you all at one point. But I know now that was thanks to Opaline. She divided us hundreds of moons ago. I know that doesn’t excuse what I did. But I want to help protect Maretime Bay, and that includes unicorns and Pegasi now! We’re not enemies anymore, you might not ever consider me a friend after what I did. But I hope I can at least make it up to you by helping our local heroes in this.”

They looked at him with a range of expression from uncertainty to mistrust. But they nodded. Hitch sighed, it was going to be a long day setting up these traps in new locations.

It certainly was. When a good number of traps were put around Maretime Bay for when Opaline attacked, Hitch headed to Mane Melody which would close in half an hour. He entered with a sigh.

Pipp gasped as she saw him. “Hitch!”

She flew over and hugged him. Hitch blushed.

“Good to see you too Pipp, how was your day?”

Pipp sighed. “Exhausting, Zipp had me train with her before I started work. Said we both needed to practice and become even better flyers. I had to shower before work, I was all sweaty!”

“Well, none of us were a match for Opaline,” Hitch said. “She just burned away my plant trap like it was nothing. Anyway, I thought maybe we could go on a date since its been a little while since our last one.”

She smiled. “Great idea, Sheriff! I’m still on work but I think I can squeeze a little something in. How about a song!”

She flew over to the stage in Mane Melody and began to sing.

We’ve been friends a long time,

And for so long that was all we were.

Till one day a naughty dragon made a cute video.

And everypony thought we were together.

She sang as he got up on the stage.

Now we might just become so. Hitch sang with her.

We’ve been through thick and thin, Pipp said.

From enemies to the best of friends. Hitch said as he put a hoof on her shoulder.

And now we could be more! Pipp took his hoof and nuzzled him as she sang a last solo line and they both sang together.

Together! Together we will face whatever may come our way!

Hitch spun her around and they danced hoof in hoof as they reached the conclusion.

Fun, danger, heartache, we will be through it together!

Even if we might not work out as a couple! Pipp said a solo line.

Our bond will be broken. We are friends forever! Hitch said.

Doesn’t mean we can’t be more, my dear Sheriff! Pipp finished.

As you wish my lovely princess! Hitch said.

They concluded with a bow.

“That was amazing!” Posey Bloom said. “By the way, I’d like to help however I can. I know I caused a bit of trouble with stirring up discord between pony kind, but I’m over that now. Even if I am still short tempered, this is my home too. I don’t want it to be subjected to an evil alicorns reign.”

“Thanks Posey,” Hitch said. “For now just spread the word to have Earth Ponies practice with their magic to prepare for an attack.”

She nodded. Then three familiar fillies approached.

“Your song was amazing, Princess Pipp!” Seashell said. “You and Sheriff Hitch make a good team!”

“Thanks Seashell,” Pipp said appreciatively. “And I’m sure you could be a great singer someday as well with your friends. You already helped me with the ‘Where did it go’ song. I’m sure if you keep practicing you could make your own band.”

“Thanks Princess,” Glory said before looking at Hitch. “You are our favorite stallion!”

Hitch blushed.

The last filly, Peach Fizz looked at little worried. “Do you really think that bad alicorn will come here and try to steal our magic?”

Pipp looked at her sadly. “Yes, she will sooner or later.”

The three of them looked down.

“We’ve only had our magic back for less then a year now,” Glory said. “I always thought that I couldn’t fly and only you could when I was in the Zephyr Heights orphanage. I wanted to be able to fly like you and sing too! For so long it seemed like a faraway dream, then magic returned and I could fly, then Seashell’s parents came to Zephyr Heights and adopted me, then we all got Peach Fizz from Bridlewood and we all became sisters and best friends. I don’t want any of that to go away.”

Pipp cupped the Pegasus fillies chin. “Me and my friends are gonna do our best to make sure that everything is fine. We know Opaline was responsible for driving everypony apart now, she won’t be able to manipulate us like last time. Everything will be fine, I promise.”

She pulled her three fan fillies into a hug. Then she remembered something. “I believe I promised to take you three out to dinner at Potalian Cuisine didn’t I? Why don’t you all come with me and Hitch? If that’s okay with you, Hitch?”

“Sure,” Hitch said.

“Well its time for closing now,” Pipp said.

After a few minutes of turning off all the lights and locking the doors, Mane Melody closed. Jazz and Rocky went to their house for the night while Hitch and Pipp led the three fillies to the restaurant. They got a table and ordered garlic bread, and spaghetti for the young mare and three fillies (Hitch preferred fettucine alfredo). As they waited Hitched wondered something.

“How did you three become Pipp’s occasional assistants anyway?”

“She set up a raffle for a group of three young fillies that had consist of Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns,” Seashell said. “We were so honored when we won! Ever since Glory got us into her, she’s been our idol!”

“Aw, you three are so sweet!” Pipp said.

“I love Zipp too!” Glory said. “She always put on an amazing flight show at Zephyr Heights.”

Pipp smiled, recalling when Glory had worn a Zipp mask the day both princesses left Zephyr Heights to move here. Zipp had never liked the attention like Pipp or their mother, but she had still put on shows when her mother told her too.

“All of you guys are amazing!” Peach Fizz said. “You brought magic after all! You’re the heroes of all Equestria!”

Hitch smiled. “Yeah, but it was all because of Sunny. Everyone else never listened to her, and she persevered. Of course, she did fall really down when I said she had to give up and we couldn’t be friends anymore if she kept breaking the rules. Then Izzy showed up and we all went on the journey of a lifetime.”

“Now a new journey has begun,” Pipp said. “With a dangerous villain out there to get us.”

“Is there anyway we can help against her?” Seashell asked.

Hitch shook his head. “No girls, its too dangerous. You fillies need to stay where its safe. This is a job for grown-ups.”

“Hitch is right,” Pipp said. “But maybe we can think of some other way besides fighting that you could help with. Like how you mentioned you spent so long not able to do magic, Glory! Yes, that’s it! Maybe you three can model for us in an inspiration video to help inspire ponies to stand against Opaline!”

“That could work!” Hitch said.
They ate their dinner and then Pipp got out her phone to record.

“Hey Pipsqueaks!” Pipp said. “I’m here with my three lucky little friends here! Glory, Seashell, and Peach Fizz!”

The three fillies smiled and waved at the phone. Glory and Seashell were confident while Peach Fizz being the nervous one, had a matching grin on her face.

“Now as you all know, Queen Opaline has returned!” Pipp continued. “Or… been discovered since we never really knew about her before. Either one. And she is hellbent on taking all magic for herself! That would mean going back to the dark days of old! Or… not so old since it was less then a year ago! But dark days nonetheless! Days when Pegasi couldn’t fly, and unicorns couldn’t use magic, and Earth Ponies… well… didn’t have magic!”

The Pipsqueak trio gasped (for dramatic affect).

“Oh no, no magic!” Seashell exclaimed. “But I was having so much fun being able to grow plants with just my hooves!”

She demonstrated being able to grow a flower out of the ground nearby.

“And I’ve spent so much of my fillyhood being unable to fly!” Glory said as she flapped her wings and flew next to Pipp.

“I couldn’t use my horn for anything before!” Peach Fizz added as she levitated Seashell’s flower. “I don’t want to lose magic!”

The sun was nearly set, dark would soon be here.

“The days ahead are dark,” Pipp said. “But we can make sure they have light! All ponykind has to band together to protect our new way of life. I used to support my mother’s decision to let fellow Pegasi believe only we royals could fly. But I was wrong, the truth is always better. And the truth is we need your help! Only together can we hope to stop the villain out there before she steals all our magic and deprives young fillies like this of the wonders of magic! But we can stop it. It’s not too late. See you later, and have a wonderful night.”

Pipp ended her livestream.

Hitch smiled. “That might help. Thanks Pipp, girls.”

They took the young fillies home and then Hitch walked Pipp back to the Brighthouse.

“That was a good livestream Pipp. You’re a genius when it comes to that sort of thing, and generous to take them out to dinner at an expensive restaurant like that.”

“What can I say?” Pipp asked. “I try to be a sweet princess.”

“And you are. You’d probably make a good queen,” Hitch said.

They looked at each and smiled, then, without thinking, their heads moved towards each other. Their lips connected as they shared their first kiss.

“Oh my glitter,” Pipp said as she blushed. “My first kiss.”

“Mine too,” Hitch said also blushing.

“Up for a second one, on photo?” Pipp asked getting out her phone again.

He nodded, knowing that was something important for Pipp to capture. He did wish she would be less open about it, but that was just the way she was. They kissed again and Pipp took a photo that was soon posted.

Author's Note:

: Okay been meaning to have Pipp fulfill her promise to the Pipsqueaks sooner or later and felt like this would be a good chapter to do so. Give the little fillies a chance to shine a bit. I’ve had the idea of them being sisters instead of just best friends for a while now but finally got around to introducing it here. Their parents have never been shown, and in the episode where the lantern goes missing in Chapter 2, they were clearly at the same house watching Pipp’s livestream at 4:22. But they didn’t mention they were having a sleep over at one of their places, so I thought it might be cool to have Glory and Peach Fizz be Seashell’s adoptive sisters and best friends. Sad the former two are orphans here though, kind of like how Scootaloo was thought to be in G4 till S9.