• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 2,617 Views, 350 Comments

My Little Pony: Make Your Mark In Love - SamSwordsman123

After everyone thinks they're a couple, Pipp and Hitch realize their feelings for each other and start dating. Meanwhile Zipp, Sunny and Izzy also search for love. Unknown to them, Opaline continues her attempts to take all magic for herself.

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Chapter 19: Worries Teacups and Remorse

Author's Note:

Okay, so I have a new plan in regards to this story. I’m gonna be making a set of side stories to it. I already did one that featured what happened to Posey. I have to warn you, its bad and it definitely isn’t some most people would likely enjoy reading (rape). But I won’t let that get me down, and if you don’t like that you can just imagine she was tortured in a slightly less heinous way. I will eventually do a clop story or set of stories for the rest of the main couples here perhaps, or at least Hitch and Pipp.

Normally I meant to get these chapters out on Thurday night but with all the writing I’ve been doing and my trip to Fresno I’ve been exhausted mentally.

Sunny, Misty and Izzy were up the next day with Flurry Heart. The ancient princess (and Sunny’s biological mother) had taken the top floor of the brighthouse where the unity crystals were stored. They’d had to rush to get a bed for her after the attack ended, and that was no easy feat. Still, they managed. Now Flurry would be teaching them to better control their magic.

“My aunt Twilight was a great spell caster,” Flurry said. “I may not have that as a special talent, but I learned a few things from her.”

She lit up her horn and levitated a book that she’d brought with her. It was a very old book with a worn cover.

“Wow, ancient unicorn magic!” Izzy exclaimed.

“And somepony to teach us!” Misty said. “This is great, I was afraid we’d have to learn everything on our own.”

“I am a bit rusty,” Flurry admitted. “But I’ve been able to study the spells for hundreds of years. I’m sure I can manage.”

They got to work. Misty had already taught them to use shields and beams, but there was much more to magic then just combat. It was an art and could do great things such as illusions, transfiguration and even change things about the physical world.

“Okay, this is a more basic spell but its probably a good place to start,” Flurry said.

She levitated a salt and pepper shaker set up onto the table of the kitchen they were in. She then shot a beam of magic at the shakers, Sunny grit her teeth for an instant, thinking her mother was going to destroy her dad’s old shakers. But instead of turning to broken and burned ceramic pieces the salt shaker turned into a… teacup!

“Wow! Salt shaker to teacup!” Izzy exclaimed.

“You can do that with a variety of objects,” Flurry said levitating a number of things. “But you have to focus, that’s the key to many forms of magic. Picture it, the shape, color, leave no detail to chance,” Flurry said as she levitated a number of other items that could be turned into teacups.

The two unicorns and younger alicorn focused and created teacups out of the various items. It was easy to picture teacups as they often went to the Crystal Tearoom whenever they went to Bridlewood, at least for Izzy and Sunny. Misty had a little hiccup on the way. Her first teacups were different colors, one grey like her father Alphabittle as he owned the tearoom, the other purple… the shade of purple that was Opaline’s coat. Then as she cast the next object into a teacup, it turned into one that had the shape of Opaline.

“Wow, evil teacup!” Izzy said with a grin.

“Sorry,” Misty said as she cast the spell and turned the Opaline teacup into a normal blue one that matched her coat. “I was just thinking, how are teacups supposed to help us defeat Opaline?”

“They may not, but every form of knowledge is power,” Flurry said. “But don’t think that power alone is enough. Magic is not about power, it is about friendship. Because that is the most powerful magic in Equestria that nothing can truly defeat.”

Thinking back to when magic had returned when Ponykind embraced friendship, Sunny and the others had to agree.

“Um… Mom?” Sunny asked. “Is it because I have alicorn blood that the unity crystal made me an alicorn?”

“Yes,” Flurry said. “I believe so.”

“I always thought it was just because I was a leader and the catalyst to bring magic and the crystal choose me,” Sunny said.

“You are right, dear,” Flurry said nuzzling Sunny. “The crystals chose you to be the alicorn that could transform not just because of your blood, but because of your heart as well. You were the source of change that brought friendship back. Even if you weren’t my daughter I’m sure that would have been enough in the eyes of the crystals.”

“The crystals have eyes?” Izzy asked.

“No, Izzy,” Flurry said with a chuckle. “Its just an expression.”

“Say, did you know great Aunt Twilight left a message in the crystals?” Sunny asked.

Flurry nodded. “She told me. You saw it I take it?”

Sunny nodded as well. “She said Earth Pony magic would be awoken and that Opaline was out there though we didn’t know what to make of it at first. It was cryptic. Could there be more?”

“Most likely,” Flurry said. “We’ll have to work on that later.”

“Alright,” Sunny said. “I really need to get to work on the smoothie stand. Can’t have ponies starving. And they’ll need their strength and joy especially now.”

“I hope Pipp’s holding up okay,” Izzy said. “She’s really worried about the Pipsqueaks!”

In Mane Melody, Pipp was looking at a picture of her and the Piqsqueak trio with sobs as Jazz and Rocky comforted her.

“My poor little Pipsqueaks!” Pipp cried. “They were my favorite fans here!”

“We know Pipp!” Jazz said as she put a hoof on her boss. “I’m sure they’ll be fine!

“But what if they aren’t!?” Pipp shouted. “There was one stallion, Dirty Fighter that really gave me the creeps! He spoke like a…”

She said the word and Jazz and Rocky shivered.

Pipp sighed. “I hope he doesn’t hurt any of them. And Posey, Windy, and Dahlia got captured too! I hope they’re alright.”

Windy and Dahlia comforted Posey in their cell once she was returned to them from the torture chamber. Dirty Fighter had put her through unspeakable things in there, bruises and lash marks covered her coat.

“Its gonna be okay, Posey,” Windy said as she rubbed the Earth Pony’s back.

The mare just sobbed, traumatized by what she’d gone through, her yellow coat still bore red from the blood and bruises that covered her body.

“We’ll get out of here somehow!” Dahlia said. “We have to!”

Posey managed to look up at them. “What if he takes you or somepony else next?”

Windy took a breath, “Let’s not worry about that right now bestie. We have to be strong.”

Posey nodded. “You’re right.” She struggled to her hooves.

Windy put a hoof on her to support her. “We’re with no matter what happens.”

Dahlia nodded and stood next to her as well. Posey sobbed but managed a smile. “Thanks, you two.”

Misty, being the only one of her friends who didn’t have a job, continued practicing magic after Sunny and Izzy left to go to their jobs of crafting and selling smoothies. She went through the book and saw a spell that very much interested her as it depicted a pony that had butterfly wings. It was a complicated spell but Misty felt somehow drawn to it.

“This is quite an advanced spell,” Flurry said as she looked at the page Misty was on.

“I know, but I’m a butterfly so maybe it would be easier for me?” Misty wondered aloud.

She gathered a large amount of magic to her horn. More then she’d ever done before. Her head sweated as she did so. Her cyan magic traveled not up, but down her horn onto her body as she cast the spell on herself. Light shined in the study of the brighthouse and Flurry Heart had to cover her eyes with her wings. When she looked, she saw Misty appear normal for a moment, indicating the spell had not worked.

“Well, I told you it was-

Flurry broke off as Misty’s back began to shine, then from there sprouted a set of butterfly wings that matched the vibrant colors of Misty’s cutie mark.

Misty flapped them and her mouth fell open in awe.

“I did it! I made butterfly wings!”

She flew through the brighthouse, thrilled by her new ability.

“Yeah! I can fly!” Misty shouted for joy.

Then she crashed into the wall.

“Oof!” Misty grunted. “Still clumsy.”

“Let’s go outside,” Flurry said.

They did so, and circled the brighthouse.

“Phew, feels good to be able to fly again,” Flurry said. “I lived without that ability for seven hundred years. Spike had to carry me on his back whenever he flew. Good thing dragon fire being absent didn’t affect their wings.”

Misty smiled as she gracefully beside the ancient princess. She wondered how Sparky was doing with his parents, both biological and adoptive. Of course, he only had one mother, unless Pipp counted.

Izzy stood in the market sector with her crafts. She’d made figurines of herself and her friends when she’d had the time. She’d even made one of Opaline as well as Misty so that young ponies could have them battle each other.

“Get your collectible figurines here!” Izzy shouted. “Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, Hitch, me and Misty! Now you can help us defeat the evil Opaline!”

The market sector wasn’t too busy, as ponies were very much afraid with the attack that had happened so very recently. Plus a large number of ponies had been taken prisoner. But there was a family of three walking down Mane Street.

“I’d like to have a figure of Flurry Heart!” the filly with her parents said.

“Oh I’m sorry but I don’t have one at the moment,” Izzy said. “Come back tomorrow and maybe I can make one though for five bits!”

The filly nodded.

“Any other requests?” Izzy asked.

No one answered that as hardly anypony heard her. The unicorn sighed.

“Everypony’s afraid,” she said.

It was obvious even to her. She was afraid as well, who wouldn’t be after that recent attack?

“Hey Izzy,” a voice called.

She looked smiled upon seeing Rufus.

“Rufus! Hi!” Izzy said.

“Been crazy these past few days huh?” the Earth Pony magician said. “That attack was really scary! I thought for sure those ponies had me! I barely managed to escape!”

“Well, I’m glad you did!” Izzy said. “I think we could use all the entertainment we can get around here!”

“Yeah,” Rufus agreed. “Why don’t you join my show for today? Maybe we can attract more attention that way?”

Izzy nodded enthusiastically.

“Come one come all! Behold the magic of the Great Hoofdini and his unicorn assistant!” Rufus said as he assumed his alter ego.

He used his Earth Pony magic to grow plants, vines that could juggle items and

“Lets add a new trick to the mix!” Izzy said as she cast her unicorn magic on the vines, turning each one into a teacup that had a vine pattern and glittery green coloration.

“Whoa! Where’d you learn that!” Rufus asked.

“From the new alicorn in town!” Izzy said. “She is amazing!”

“Yeah, now we have two alicorns on our side!” Rufus agreed. “And with that other one locked up hopefully we’ll be able to turn the tide pretty soon.”

“I think we can,” Izzy said positively.

They continued to do tricks. Some of the ponies stopped and looked at them but not a big crowd.

Izzy sighed once she had enough and began to sing.

Come on everypony

Don’t let fear get the best of you

You lived that way for so long.

Did you really enjoy it?

Thinking I was your enemy?

That I would fry your brain?

I know there’s reason to fear!

But we can’t let it rule us!

We must stand strong and enjoy ourselves.

There will be more chaos to come

But we have help and friends here

And across all Equestria!

We must stand strong and enjoy ourselves.

For a life without joy is a sad and jinxie one!

Yes its true a life without joy

Is a sad and jinxie one. Yes indeed.

So be strong and enjoy yourselves

As the peace lasts!

Izzy sent a beam of magic up into the sky that turned into a firework. This drew more ponies in and Rufus took over.

We need to keep our minds off this terrible thing.

Entertain ourselves and let our days be good.

I always try to impress ponies with my tricks,

But I also like to see them laugh.

So be strong and enjoy yourselves

He noticed a pair of colts looking sad as they looked off into the distance and put his hooves around them.

Don’t let the fear of what’s out there rule ye!

We have missing friends its true

But we will get them back!

If they are sad or hurt we’ll be there.

To help them through the pain.

Cause true friends are there for other friends in times of need.

He put his hoof around Izzy who leaned her head against him.

Through creativity. She sung.

And a little bit of heart. Rufus added.

We’ll make sure you are all happy. Izzy said.

And have a good time!

We have to be strong and enjoy ourselves. Rufus ended.

Yes we need to be strong and enjoy ourselves!

So come and watch this magic show

As we work to make you forget your troubles!

They stood on their hind legs and faced the crowd which had gathered.

“How about a cup of tea every pony?” Izzy asked as she levitated the many teacups she’d transformed from vines.

After finishing her shift at the smoothie stand, Sunny made her way to the Sheriff Station. She didn’t see Hitch but there were a couple Pegasus Royal Guards watching over Fireforge Destiny in his cell.

He looked up as he saw her approach. “Oh its you again.”

“Hi,” Sunny said. “Hope you’re doing well Fireforge.”

“Aside form being bored in this cell with nothing to do, yeah I’m great,” Fire grumbled.

Sunny could relate to that. It wouldn’t feel good to

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Sunny said. “I know you are the son of my sworn enemy but-

“I keep hearing that!” Fireforge said. “But who is she anyway?”

Sunny sighed. “Opaline. She’s an alicorn like you… and me and my mother. She has horns and wings.”

Fireforge frowned. “You don’t have those.”

Sunny had returned to her Earth Pony form since her lesson with Flurry.

“I do sometimes,” Sunny told him. “I can transform into an alicorn, unlike my mother and your or yours who are in that form constantly.”

“How does that work?” Fireforge asked.

“No idea,” Sunny confided.

“So… my mother is a villain?” Fireforge asked.

Sunny nodded. “She wants to steal all the magic of Equestria for herself!”

“And I was on her side trying to help her with that huh?” Fire asked.

“Yes,” Sunny sighed.

He certainly had a lot of questions. Though that might be expected when he was somepony who’d lost his memory.

“And you led an attack on our city!” Sunny said, unable to hold back her anger as she recalled the recent incident. “Your mothers forces took many of my friends prisoner, including fillies!”

Fireforge’s mouth fell open.

“She’s probably draining them of magic and who knows what else!” Sunny said. “Magic is something to be shared with everypony not something only a few gifted ones should have! Everpony deserves equal opportunity!”

Fireforge was silent for a moment as he took in her anger, then a look of remorse appeared on his face.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

He looked down as he thought of what she’d said. If it was true then he was a bad pony.

Opaline watched the two interacting from her magic pool.

“That Sunny dares to try and worm her way into my son’s head!” she exclaimed. “I must get him back before she brainwashes him!”

She thought for a moment. “What could I trade for him?”

Then she smiled. “Ah, the prisoners! I can release them to her safely in exchange for my son! Not as though I have any use for them no since I just finished taking all their magic.”