• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,212 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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A Family Trend

‘I still can’t read German. So, I’ll just hand this stuff over to the guard and get out.’

Is what I thought what would happen, now I’m standing in front of the Captain of the Guard, and some auxiliary in a room, an office I assume. The picture of the mare from last night was on his desk, I envy this man slightly. Nameless got to opt out of this whole thing, something about how they don’t want to reawaken traumatizing thoughts in a young filly.

You know, being interrogated might be a trend at this point. If this happens a third time I’m just going to shoot the person interrogating me, probably with the paralysis beam. It would be funny I assure you!

“So…” I slowly mutter, trying to find the appropriate words to articulate myself. “Why am I here again?”

“You are here because the princesses believe you have some information about Longsword’s wrong doings, I’m here to ask nicely.” I can recognize him, he’s the guy who helped me to the castle when I first came here. What was his name again? Ah, well, I didn’t get it. He continues, “Hank here will be writing down what you say so we have a record of this meeting.” He gestures to the white Pegasus behind him. This feels…familiar. Haven’t I done this already?

How did this happen?

[About 30 Minutes Ago…]

Waking up in this castle is actually quite nice when a chaos god isn’t making a mess. Plus, I’m not spending all my time studying like last time, I can relax, recoup myself.

“Hey! Dude? Where the fuck can we get food?” Nameless boops me on the nose. This little shit! How dare she!

“I have zero clue, maybe there’s a lunch area somewhere, fuck if I know.” Rolling off the bed and I land on my back. Not the smartest decision to wake up, but I’m up. Scrambling to get my footing I felt something hop on my now slightly aching back. Her small forelegs wrap around my neck. Her hind legs kick me on the side. D-did she…and I’m automatically walking forward. How the fuck.

“Well, then get going! I’m not the child who’s brought to a capital for some fucking license.” Nameless really has that potty mouth still. Twilight isn’t here so I guess she’s really gung-ho about the whole swearing thing.

“Yeah. Yeah. Don’t treat me like an actual horse.” I light up my horn and open the door, taking the intel from the scouts yesterday. I should give this to the guards while I’m eating. Should’ve given this to Cadence yesterday, but I kinda made her almost cry from being embarrassed. I should apologize when I see her again. Nameless was stuffing her face into my neck, I seem to have a trend of carrying fillies. The couple of the maid staff look at me while I’m carrying Nameless. I can’t tell if they’re into a guy who’s good with kids or like the little bastard of a filly on my back. No matter, even if these maids are adorable and cute, I have my eyes set on someone else! Some pony else, there we go.

I turn my head to look out for any kitchen, dining room, or anything for a moment before bumping into someone. It was odd, I felt like I bumped into someone with muscle but no actual power behind it. I pause to recuperate myself only to find someone else on the ground. A large white stallion with blonde hair, who is wearing almost a tux around his next. “You savage!” He chastises me. Oh boy it’s a noble. I can tell by his voice it oozes of pampered lifestyle.

“I’m sorry?” I step back, Nameless looks over my shoulder, eying up the poor sap.

“Sorry does not suffice for ruining my freshly tidied up hair!” His hair looked the same as he jabs into my chest. I felt his hoof press against my chest, again it’s so weird, I can feel the muscle in his hoof, but no power. Hell, the little magic I’m getting from him seems unused, he has a large excess of magic that’s pouring out from his body. Is he a tempered mage? Can he control his strength on a whim? Best not to anger the hidden potential yet, I am not accustomed to fighting in this body.

“You hair looks the same as always, sir.” A very VERY tired maid was already on brushing his hair with one of her wings. The bags under this maid’s eyes felt a little sad.

“That’s because you’re the only servant capable of getting my hair correct.” He responds to her, before putting his hoof down from my chest. “But that’s a matter resolved, now we have the perpetrator before me.” Now that I have a look at him, his eye whites are also slightly blue. Does that mean he and that other blue eyed guy are related? It would make sense, blue and yellow. I just need a red guy to come up to complete the set.

“Uh huh…” I just stare at him, I don’t feel entitled to give him a proper response, or anything really. Though I feel a tighter force around my neck. god damnit Nameless don’t ruin this.

“Who’s this fuckin dweeb?” Nameless, sometimes I should wash your mouth with bleach, but then you’d be dead.

“Excuse me!?” This dude’s voice was even more offended now, probably even more so with a child calling him that. “Don’t you recognize my presence, child! They teach me in the very same school you go too! I am Prince Blueblood!” Oh that’s his name…oh shit he’s actually a Prince not a Noble. God damnit Nameless!

“Jesus dude, calm down. Don’t need to yell,” can hear Nameless yawn on my back, “it’s too early for that.”

“Too early?! Too EARLY?!” I step back, he’s getting way too close for comfort. I’m not letting him close to Nameless. “Filly! You should be in school at this hour! I shall inform your parent to watch your mouth.” He clears his throat before facing me. “Ahem. Dear Peasant, would you please discipline your daughter?” What…is he negotiating with me. Is he Bipolar?

“I was already planning on it. She’s having a real foul mouth. Don’t worry, when I get home she’s getting much more than soap in her mouth.”

“Pleasant, now. Get out of my sight before I inform my aunties about your presence, chop chop.” He slams his hoof down into the ground twice. At least he’s inviting me to piss off, how courteous. So I just nod and walk away. That was…interesting.

“Dude. Did you say that to get him off your dick or are you gonna actually?” Ah, Nameless even after the threat of punishment you still keep going.

“Shove a bar down your throat instead of washing your tounge? Yes.” I take a left, this castle is so confusing. Where am I? The maids walking around have now shifted to being guards. I must have left the living spaces. I can ask one of them for directions maybe.

“Gross. I already had enough with fucking Twilight cleaning my mouth. I don’t need you!”

“As long as you learn you lesson eventually, no matter how many times you are punished.”

“Bitch, you’re trying to condition me!” She kicks her hind legs again into my sides, causing me to slowly trot instead of walk. Again, what.

“Correct.” This is getting annoying, I need to find food. When was the last time I ate anything? I really need to stop going on these long binges of not eating.

In case you were wondering how the fuck I’m alive after no food or water for days. My passive magic absorption artificially lengthens my life for me. I haven’t reached an old age yet, so I don’t have any data on that. How long was my longest life anyway? It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten. I don’t know if Nameless has gotten the passive magic absorption that I do, but I haven’t felt anything being drained from me, nor do I feel anything from her. Does she even have magic?

I kept wandering around, eventually I found myself surrounded by more guards. I’ve definitely reached somewhere. My ears twitch as I hear a voice from somewhere. A familiar voice.

“Okay. So Luna wants me to talk to Anonymous. Is that his actual name or does he want to keep himself hidden from Longsword?” I saw a large pony in exalted purple and gold armor walk out from what I can only assume is his office. I mean, I can see a desk with a picture of the pink alicorn from last night. Then the door closed before I can properly get a good look at the inside.

“His name is Anonymous. According to Ponyville’s Guard, his full name is Anonymous Incognito.” He’s followed by a white pegasus stallion, in just a standard gold armor, like the guy in Ponyville.

“That’s a…name. Parents want to be off the grid or something.” His head tilted once he locked the door to his office.

“Most likely, can never be too sure with foreigners, especially Riverlanders.”

The big guy flinched at the charged comment “Hank. He’s a pony like the rest of us, don’t bring your Riverlands hate into the office. Okay soldier?”

“Okay Captain.” Hank didn’t seem to put that much energy into his word.

“That’s an order, Hank.” The big guy’s voice went deeper, I guess even a kind soul like him needs to discipline idiots.

“Yes sir!” He had to reply with forced gusto. It feels like boot camp all over again.

“Good! Now let’s find this Anonynous and…” He paused once he turned to face me. Nameless peaked over at him and looked between us.

“You two should kiss.” She snarked really quickly.

“I have a fiancé.”
“I kinda do.”

Well this is awkward, we stare back at each other. I mean, I would. This guy reminds me a lot of Big Mac back in Ponyville. Big, strong, a kind face instead of a gentle one. Plus the muscles! God damn, if I was…

I should really stop having these thoughts about these guys. I’m trying to get with book nerd! Oh well, won’t stop me from admiring from a distance. Hehe.


Big guy shakes his head from the situation. “Sir, you are Anonymous correct?” Oh, I can mess with him. I still ain’t gonna respect the police!

“Are you asking for my name or…”

“Yes.” There’s my answer. I guess he’s quick with his tongue as well. Dirty thoughts, not right now.

“Well, I am Anonymous. What about you?” Can’t keep referring him as big guy forever.

“I am Captain Shining Armor.” Ooo, like a knight in shining armor, oh save me sir! From you! God I might be bisexual. Never too late to find yourself eventually.

“Neat. So, what’s this about finding me?”

“The Princesses have informed me that you have some information on Longsword and we’d like to talk to you about it. You are the first pony to escape from Longsword and we’d like to talk about your experience.” Seems, reasonable. Though I wish I’d stayed a little bit longer in Longsword. Luckily I have a fuck ton of trauma I can pull from to get a story that’ll helpfully meld together. Haha… I am in trouble. I need to pick my words carefully.

Then I slid them a note that was in German, now I’m here. Great! Time to do this!

“Okay. Okay.” I take a deep breath, so this guy is getting engaged to the princess. I guess the whole knight in Shining Armor is for her. Still, who am I jealous of? Him or her? Both maybe.

“Nervous? I know it might be hard to think about Longsword, but we’ve got some tea heading your way. Helps relax your body, my sister sent me the recipe from where she lives.” Shining had his helmet removed, letting me see his face clearly without obstructions from his armor. At least he’s the kindest interrogator I’ve dealt with.

“How kind of her.” While I’m not nervous about trauma, I’m more nervous on trying to wave a narrative that’ll benefit me, because I don’t know what they’re looking for. Are they looking for acts of war crimes from nations at war, a mass exile of ponies from a country, or, worst case scenario, evidence of genocide? I’ll just start broad then head towards specifics once I know what they’re looking for. Mix truth with my past lives. It should be golden.

“So. How did you first come to Equestria?” Okay, general first.

“I teleported here, not on purpose mind you, I just felt a need to leave Longsword.” My ears twitch as the sound of Hank writing. So everything will be logged, okay, more reason to keep my tongue held.

“Why did you feel a need to leave Longsword in a manner of teleportation.”

“Fear mostly, I didn’t know what was going to go down, so I just left. Didn’t specify where to go, I didn’t study up on teleportation well enough to actually get a decent location. I was hoping to land in Wittenland for studying, but I guess Equestria is a good alternative.” Thank god I studied up on Longsword before hand, otherwise I wouldn’t be surviving.

“That’s fair enough. According to the guards in Ponyville, you were a bum for a couple of days. Care to explain why?”

“No money.”

“That’s it?” His face dropped, I guess he wasn’t expecting a straightforward answer.

“I didn’t know if I had to pay a fee to rent a book on teleportation, or if there even was a bookstore for me to get one. I just know I needed food to not die. I’m a fan of not starving.”

“Fair enough. I guess the Riverlands and Longsword have different library rules.” He exhales a moment before a maid entered the door, placing two teacups before us. The smell seems familiar…Twilight’s tea? I never had it on account on not wanting to drink leaf juice. It’s probably a coincidence.

“Thanks.” I told the maid, she simply nodded and smiled sweetly at me. I wonder where they took Nameless to. No, don’t let your mind wander Anonymous, you have a story to weave.

“Continuing.” He lifts the teacup in his magic and blows gently. The smell is definitely relaxing…shit he’s using smart interrogation tactics to get me to relax even if I don’t drink the tea! Smart man, but I caught on! “Records state you were there for multiple weeks in Ponyville before dissapearing for three days. We can confirm you were there due to the stipends you collected, which are sent to ponies unable to find jobs due to their cutie mark, sent via mail. Care to explain what took you a moment to get to Longsword to collect your sister?”

Shit…I don’t actually have a foolproof shield for this. I’m gonna have to do some bullshit. I take a sip of the tea to gain an extra few seconds to think. “I was trying to perfect the teleportation spell. I know I teleported here on accident, but I didn’t want to be left in the middle of nowhere with no way to return back to Equestria. I know the Reformisten takes a couple of days for their officials to get their act together. So I had some time to bide.” A lie I can reasonably back up is better than a complete one. Longsword’s government is a military state, so they must have power struggles within. The military government isn’t always the best choice when it comes to ruling.

“Of course.” He believes me or does he not? It’s hard to tell from the tone of his voice. I think the relaxing nature of the tea is getting to him. “Man. My sister knows how to get a good tea going.”

“Yeah. What’s funny is that the librarian back in Ponyville drinks the same tea.”

“Haha. Yeah, that would be…wait.” He sets down his tea cup, suddenly he’s serious. “Hank, could you ignore these next few lines?”

“Of course captain!” Hank was still going to write it down. It would be really funny to see him get protective over his sister, again.

“Good. Good. If I know my sister, she only shared this tea with her closest friends. So, what’s your relation to Twilight Sparkle?” He is leaning in close to the table now, his upper body was now being supported by his forelegs. They were bent to look like elbows resting on the table.

Twilght got mentioned, is that his sister or? I don’t see the similarities, Twilight is a light purple while he’s white and a loud blue, so I’ll just answer honestly.

“Oh, her? I live with her.” Why does it feel like I watched this man’s soul shatter? He stopped doing emotions now.

“My little sister…finally has…” He muttering now, why does it feel I’m being cursed? I’ll…I’ll just get back to Longsword before I get stabbed.

“So is this still about Longsword or…?”

“Oh! Right.” He was still out of it, I’m going to chalk it up to the tea and not his sister…is his sister Twilight? If so, then fuck I’m running into a protective brother, luckily not overprotective.

“So, I go back to writing captain?” Hank was clearly amused by the display, but disappointed to not see any overreaction. He remembers when Flash Sentry was forced to mop the bathroom floors for a month for mentioning hitting on his sister. He thought that guy probably didn’t deserve it. With another thought he eventually went to the conclusion that he did deserve it, Flash is a chick magnet.

“Yes. Please.” Shining brought himself back together with a long sip of tea, seeing the empty tea cup down on the desk. “Can you tell me how you got your little sister?”

Okay, good question. I can’t tell him about the fact that she’s a clone, I already have the story of Nameless being my sister, but I have to tell him something believable.

“When I felt an premonition of something bad happening to my family, I just acted on my own. Running out of the house and teleporting straight too Longsword. Only to find burning villages…” I paused for dramatic effect, and also to get myself into story mode. I did see a burning village, I have zero memory of any names of locations in Longsword, so it’s best to hope for no geography questions. “At first, I had to search for my little sister. It was difficult, considering that the griffons had an agenda. I heard them say, ‘Kill every pony on sight’.” That last sentence caused them to freeze. My trip to Longsword was fruitful.

“So it’s true then. Longsword really was on a path to genocide.” Shining Armor’s voice dropped to one of sorrow. It feels he has sympathy for me. I can’t help but match the tone shift. Nothing can be peaceful, even here. Genocide is something I can work with. Plenty of memories of people I’ve seen get murdered in a blind rage. I just hope they’re enough to fill the gaps. “I’m sorry you had to go through that Anonymous, but please, any more information would be useful.” In the end, I have to keep going.

“It’s quite alright, I’ve learned to live with it.”

“That’s not quite healthy, you know?”

“…I know. Still, I don’t know much about it, other than having to run with my sister on my back. I didn’t exactly have enough magic to teleport me back as soon as I found her.” Bullshit the three days absence. I don’t need to talk about bloodshed.

“Where did you find her?” Fuck, think. The shape of Longsword is mostly hilly, so maybe this can work.

“Would you be surprised if I told you I found her in a cave?” Slight truths, you can work with. Keep pushing.

“No. I don’t think I would. Longsword is known for their scenic caves.”

Plot convenient, but if this is a trap I won’t oblige that comment.

“Perhaps, but I just found her in a cave. Sure I had to stop a few guys, but that was about it. On one of their bodies I found a note. I don’t read their language, but even I know a coded message when I see one.”

“Griffon Deutsch isn’t a language that many ponies know, even in the Riverlands.” So that’s what they call German in this world. Good to know. “I think.” He looks over at Hank, patiently waiting for any confirmation that he’s gotten everything down. With a nod from Hank shining stood up. “Thank you for this. The information you provided will save many more ponies from Longsword. While Equestria cannot intervene, Celestia is on her way to the Riverlands to give them support for the Longsword refugees.”

Well that’s handy, I’m just glad he didn’t ask for specifics. They just know roughly three days ago, Longsword began to purge their pony population, and they’re burning villages and some refugees hide in caves. I should get out of here and get that citizenship for Nameless.

Also, what do I even respond to Shining with? I’ll just nod and stand up as well. Finish the tea as well. If anyone asks me for specifics about Longsword, I’ll just tell them it’s too traumatic for me to even speak of again. Should keep them off my ass.

“Hank. Send the report to Luna.” Shining flicks his head towards Hank, his horn lit up to put his helmet back on. A shame.

“Isn’t she asleep right now?” Hank rolls up the parchment into a scroll and sealed it with some sort of small silk cloth.

“Yes. She will need the report first thing when she wakes up.”

Hank contemplates complaining, but decided it was better to do nothing all day then be forced to do something else. “By your orders Captain.”

Shining simply nods as he opens the door out of his office. “If you need anything while you’re here Anonymous, simply ask.”

“Yeah. Just two, where is my sister and also where is her citizenship certificate?” Gotta get that out of the way while I’m here. I need to go back home.

“Oh. Your sister was probably brought to the cafeteria and Raven Inkwell should be bringing your certificate when you meet up with your sister.” I was about to nod before Shining put a hoof to my shoulder. “One older brother to another. I respect a stallion who goes and protects his family.” I feel a newfound respect emanating from him. You know, maybe he isn’t so bad.

“Thank you sir.” I lift up a hoof. “Pound it?” Please do it.

“Of course!” We both reel back our hooves and slam hooves together. Hell yeah! New Bro acquired.

“I’ll shall send a guard to escort you to the cafeteria. Then you’ll be able to get your sister.”

“Thanks man.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

I turn around and leave Shining’s office. So that’s definitely Twilight’s brother. Small world…

Twilight hasn’t seen me in a day. She’s probably doing nothing important.

Twilight in her friends was trying to show Rainbow Dash a lesion in humility as the heroic Mare-Do-Well! There was a mixed reception by the civilians of Equestria. Not their greatest moment.

Yeah, nothing important at all.

I loiter around for a couple of moments before a guard comes my way and escorts me to the cafeteria. It seems to be made for the staff of the building rather than the princesses. It’s probably best that way. I’m starving so, might as well.

I take a gander around, and find Nameless stuffing herself full of sweets, Apple fritters, cakes, and even some chocolate. How is she fitting all of this. I walk over to her table and see a chef smiling at this.

“Hey. You feeding her the cakes?”

“Oh zes sir! With Zelestia gone, we needed za cakes to be conzumed!” I can’t determine this guy’s accent. French maybe? Gross.

“Fair enough.”

With that, me and Nameless practically started eating our body weights in cake. It’s not a healthy breakfast, but after multiple days of no food. I’m satisfied.

“Oh come on! More waiting!? We were just about to leave.”

“Nameless, Raven is going to be here soon and once we get your papers we can go home.” Me and Nameless were sitting around in some sort of reception area. I can assume this is for ponies who want a private talk with a Princess.

“But I don’t want to go to school!” She kicks my sides again, it took all of my willpower to not start walking, only for my forelegs to kick the air. God damnit.

With the door suddenly opening I jumped in place, stopping my body’s automatic movement. With a pan over to her, I see she is familiar…wait a second. I imagine her in that devil costume I saw in Ponyville. Yep, same mare.

I should hit her with a shitty pick up line.

“Did it hurt when you fell down?” I leaned in, trying to add something to my voice to increase seduction.

“Yes actually. You’re the first one to notice I fell down the stairs today. I’ve been walking with a slight limp but no pony noticed.” She seemed to be more appreciative of my words than actually seduced.

“Oh. Right.” I can’t tell, her fur is probably covering up her bruises! Now this is awkward.

“Here’s the papers for Nameless Anon. Thank you for your patience.” She slid a folder near me using her magic. I transferred to my own telekenesis, it was weird being handed something like that, but I’ll get used to it. She smiled and turned to leave. Simply because with Celestia absent she can take a relaxing day today.


We’ll meet again, I’m sure. Just need a better shitty pick up line.

“Why did you try flirting with her?” Nameless spoke directly into my ear, painful.

“It’s a joke.”


“Listen man, I can definelty be her angle.”

“You mean angel?”

“I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Thank you.

Author's Note:

Longest Chapter I put out. I want to continue this trend of longer chapters for the foreseeable future.

Basement Shorts will now be reserved for my mindless ideas of fluff!

Fluff and Story! A perfectly balanced novel for fanfiction. Something like that.