• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,212 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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It’s good to be back!

Luna sips on coffee, with Celestia gone to the Riverlands she had to overtake the duties during the day. Thank goodness Coffee was invented while she was on the moon, other wise she wouldn’t even be slightly awake. However, her duties right now as to review the interview with Anonymous with Shining Armor.

“The tea enchantment, did it work?” Luna asked, the tea was spiked with a minor truth enchantment during it’s brewing process.

“Yes. It worked well enough. He isn’t lying. At least for the most part. A few points where he lied was finding his sister in a cave, and staying out of trouble for visit in Longsword. Which is fair if he got the note.” Shining armor has been highlighting some parts on the log. Trying to match his sister and father, he color coded them. Truth is in green, red is lies, and yellow is the mixed group. He’s slightly proud of where he has got it.

“Wonderful, it’s a shame we had to spike the tea. Otherwise the other nations wouldn’t rely on our information. I trust Anonymous’ word. However, I fear the Riverlands won’t trust his.”

“That is a fair assessment, Riverlands hasn’t looked kindly upon Equestria for a while. The new government with River Swirl should get the balance of harmony back over there.” Shining curled up the log and let Luna handle it. With a burst of magic she sent the letter to Celestia, the roll of parchment turning into a mist of pure magic. An invisible wind pushed the magic outside the window, heading to Celestia.

“We shall see. Normally, Equestria isn’t this aggressive with interventionism, but we may need to put our hoof down, for the sake of ponies.”

“We’ve also got the note from Anonymous translated.” Shining armor placed down the note and the translated copy. “It took my guys a couple of hours, but we do have it.”

Luna takes the translated copy, reading upon the neatly folded paper. “Hm…I hope Tia knows what she’s doing. Otherwise, many more lives will be lost.”

“I hope so too…” Shining stood up, his work here was done. He has a date with Cadance after work and he’s not planning on missing it.

“Anonymous. Forgive me, I may need to check your memories.” Luna lamented as she watched Shining leave, such a good stallion to her niece.

My horn was lighting strong and true, trying to open a portal again was difficult. It was easy with Celestia within reach, but now that she isn’t here and I just have Luna somewhere in the castle, I need to build up strength for a few moments.

“Cmon! What’s taking so long!?” Nameless was on my back, waiting for me to open the way home. We also stopped by Doughnut Joe’s and picked up a couple of doughnuts, they also offered Amber incrusted doughnuts for dragons, so I took some for Spike. Dragons are possible here? I guess so.

“Not my fault! Just a little more!” My horn began to crackle and sparks flew across my horn. It’s been a while since I had some volatile sparks, but I can control this!

“Hurry up! Or else I’ll eat one these rock doughnuts!” Nameless was holding onto the bag for me, why need saddle bags when can have little sister?

“You can’t even eat rocks!” With a few more sparks I open a portal to the library, specifically my room. Well, mine and Nameless’ room for the time being. Haven’t gotten sorted on her own private room, but I don’t trust her with one yet.

“You don’t know me!” She yells at me, kicking me and…god damnit! Why does this reflex exist for horses!? Or is it just me? Fuck…

With my automatic saunter into the bedroom, I close the portal behind me, a small fraction of the magic spent opening the portal went back to me. It’s nice, I won’t be suffering from no mana any time soon. That reminds me, I always hear about magic but nothing about mana in this world, it’s possible they think magic is like a muscle that needs too he trained. Yet, I’ve always seen it as a resource that can be gained, differences in philosophy I say.

“Fine. We’re home. You can eat in the kitchen. I’m not risking a messy eater in my room…which is now our room for now.” Right…haven’t set up a room for Nameless in Twilight’s place, I’ll have her sleep in here and I can sleep on the couch. It should be comfortable enough.

“Ew, Commie.” Somewhere, someone—rather some pony sneezed.

“Huh. Radicalism, I can get behind that.” No I can’t. Too lazy for politics. Just trying to live. End up involved in politics anyway. Life sucks.

Setting down Nameless we head out of our room and see Spike in a pink apron, it looks okay on him. I guess if they were to find an apron in his size it would be a filly’s apron, a colt won’t be caught dead wearing that. His hands were occupied with moving books around and dusting, he’s doing his chores at least.

He did eventually notice us, his mouth smiling as he sees the two of us. “Oh! Hey guys! When did you get back?”

“Took a portal here, it’s rather easy to open them with enough time.”

“Huh. Neat!” His nose began to twitch, hearing a big sniff from the young dragon his body began to float in the air for a moment, before he realizes what he was doing and sets himself down. “Did you get Doughnut Joe’s?” It’s hard to hide your enthusiasm Spike, especially with food.

“Yep! Got you some of these amber caramel doughnuts.”

I took the bag from Nameless’s mouth, prompting a “Hey” from her, no matter I did dig out the two Doughnuts for him.

“Eat them now if you want, I am not Twilight after all.” I give him a wink, hoping he just eats the food. I’m sure Twilight will allow Spike to eat these doughnuts anyway, but she’s really stingy on doing our chores. She’s like a very sweet, but also aggressive mother. Scares me.

“Thanks!” He takes off with the Doughnuts. I follow Spike into the kitchen and set the bag on the counter. I wonder why they haven’t invented doughnut boxes yet, maybe because it’s hard to balance a box by yourself if you’re not a unicorn or a pegasus. Yeah that’ll work.

“So. What’s been happening? I haven’t seen…” I felt some claws land on my back. I know Nameless isn’t a bird or a griffon so who is it? With a turn to my head, I found an owl with a very interesting bow tie. “Hello, who are you?”

“Hooo.” I should’ve seen that coming, I’m talking to an owl.

“Right. Forgot.” It’s an owl, I’m not going to fall for the Who joke train.

“Ah don’t worry, it gets me too.” Spike was talking with his mouth full, chunks of amber fell from his teeth. Gross.

“I’ll just…” I’ll just use the last of my magic to cast Speak to Animals. Just a quick shot of something. “Alright, this should work who are you?”

“As I said good sir, I am Owlowiscious. Fair helping bird to the mare known as Twilight Sparkle.” He is British, I should’ve seen that coming with the whole…tie.

“That’s an interesting name for an owl…it’s just owl but delicious? Owlicious?” I definitely butchered that.

“No no, there’s an extra -luh- in the phonology needed to correctly say my name. It’s okay if it’s difficult, only Twilight has been able to correctly say my name upon the first use.”

“Right. Right. Owlowiscious, how come I haven’t seen you yet? I’ve been living in this tree house for about a month. I get if you’re nocturnal, but why now?”

“Wait, are you taking to him?” Spike was just watching me talk to the Owl, this was mind boggling to him. The only pony he saw talk to animals was Fluttershy.

“Yeah. One second.”

“It’s okay my dear Spike. We are just having a pleasant conversation between gentlemen, and for why you haven’t seen me. I’ve been doing my own thing, molting, nesting, courting the fair owl in the forest. My adventures are my own, but I shall let you know they are exciting in their own right. I would write a novel about my adventures, but alas, no pony would read them.” He…is a oddly talkative.

“If you want to write about it, then do it. Be like that one writer…what was her name…uh. Daring Do! That’s the one.”

“The one that loyal Rainbow Dash reads?” His head tilted. Well, not so much his head as his face rotated. Owls are weird man.

“Heh, reading rainbow.” That’s a funny joke. I should say that too her…if I ever talk to her.

“Quite a reading rainbow she is, but I shall take your advice. Anonymous, in response to your kindness. I shall tell you something about Twilight.” Gossip? Ha! I knew this world work!

“Lay it on me.” He flies off my back and upon a very conveniently placed bird rest.

“First off, Twilight does keep a diary. I do not know if it’s contents, but she is quite the prolific writer within. I know she keeps it under her mirror.” Oooo~! While ponies don’t have panties for me to do a panty raid, at least I don’t think they do—adult conversation for later—I think a diary raid will do. If I get blasted in the chest by Twilight then I can be really funny or plead to being lonely and cold. Emotional manipulation always wins! That can be tonight perhaps…

“Well. Thanks for the info.” I uh…how do I salute work hooves? I stare at my hoof for a moment before deciding to just wave him goodbye as I walk back to the lunch table.

“So, what were you talking about? Fluttershy usually don’t tell us anything about how it goes.” Spike, please. Chew your food.

“Well. Mostly introductions and how he wants to be a writer. I wonder how it’ll go for him.”

“Well, hey! If he needs an editor, I know some pony to who can speak his language.” He snaps his fingers and points at me. Finger guns, hell yeah!

“Ayyyy.” I wish I had fingers right now to shoot some back, but alas, hooves. I wish there was a druid or a shapeshifter nearby. Their specific magic for polymorphing can come really handy. Hehe…I made a pun.

So, my ability to talk to animals is weird. In reality, he hooted twice, but the spell translates everything he says into a speaking tone based on what the animal believes they would sound like if they could talk, but it doesn’t follow exactly how the animal talks due to how some of them communicate. Through dances, body language, and other sounds, it goes through a lot. It takes time for the translation to go through naturally without speeding up the translation’s speaking speed. So to spike, it probably looks like I’m staring at this owl for an uncomfortable amount of time.

So basically, I talk to animal in my own space. Animals do funny things to talk. In reality, I’m staring at an animal. Got it? No? God this is why I let Twilight write the reports on magic!

I heard the front door open and a hearty. “Spike! I’m home!” Speak do the devil. Twilight is here! Let’s go! “Let’s get this place clean for when Anonymous gets home, Luna said…” Twilight walked into the kitchen, pausing her sentence, holding some groceries in her saddle bags I assume. With some minor thinking she continued, “…that he left already. Should’ve maybe seen that coming. You did teleport here before after all.”

“What up? I brought doughnuts!” I slid over the bag to her. I did mention to Joe that I was going to bring things to Ponyville, and was wondering what the locals from there usually get. He mentions his favorite customer always reading in here, I ask if it’s Twilight Sparkle. I felt a glint in his eyes, mumbling something about young love and he gave me a special order.

So yeah, that was fun!

“Doughnut Joe’s! You know, I usually get my…” Twilight reached in the bag and pulled out a doughnut. A stunned pause afflicted her. It’s her usual flavor, coffee flavored. “How did you know?”

What do I say to that, I know, I told the shop owner about you? How do I even naturally weave that into a conversation without sounding overtly creepy or…fuck it say something! “I just guessed.”

“Thank you!” She is hugging me, oh this is nice! It’s more than just the friendly hugs. I guess she wasn’t having a good day, or was worried for me, or both. Though I do hear whispering between Nameless and Spike, I’ll…hold off on doing something about it.

“Pony Joe just kinda knows, I guess.” I eat my doughnut abruptly, god I love glazed doughnuts. Trying to not ignore the mare in my fur. It’s good to be home.

“Right.” She let’s go and chuckles. The books kinda lied to her, when a colt gives you a gift that you know is personal, hug them deeply and they will hug back with the same effect, but anonymous didn’t respond in kind. She guessed it was a coincidence this time around, but next time she’ll get it. It was advice from a relationship advice book, but she’s trying!

‘It’s good to be home’ I think to myself, ‘What a wonderful world.’

You know, with more days like these. I think I’ll enjoy myself.

Luna looks over the notes on memory viewing that Anonymous had given her. It was difficult to actually read, given to Anonymous’ habit of going on long exacerbated tangents on the most niche of magical subjects. Still, she was able to get it down.

“You can only dream of what you’ve seen, even if you don’t remember seeing it…” She recited, trying to get herself ready for any tragedy that she may see in Anonymous’ head.

“I’m sorry my temporary mentor, I just need to know what you’ve seen.” With a light of her horn, the world faded around her. The Dreamscape was now her new environment around her. With baited breath, she awaited Anonymous’ dream.

“Oh. Tia is sleeping too…” She peered in and saw…cake. Luna was unamused by this and pulled away. “I suppose I can pass the time by helping with nightmares. Anonymous does sleep rather late for a pony. I should respect him more for wanting to be awake longer in my night, but today, it’s only wasting more time for me to be in the Dreamscape…” Luna talks to herself, she has no idea why she felt compelled to talk this much exposition, but it felt nice to get her plan and frustration into words.

With her wings unfolding, and a powerful gust of magic wind underneath, she flies though the darkness of the Dreamscape.