• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,212 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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Train Tracks

A morning routine done, is a morning routine done…something. I don’t know any sayings, I’m just pulling them out my ass! I don’t have a donkey either!

Taking my room key with me, I head down to the streets of Ponyville. Now that I think about it, it is a strange name. The main race living here then the ville suffix. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a Dragonville, or a…Humanville. Humanville sounds stupid, but it’s probably real. God knows I’ve been in way too many WinterHolds in many worlds.

How do you hold winter?

Anyway, marching on down to the local Library, I didn’t hear anyone on the other side so I just knocked. Gave it a second, heard nothing, and then entered. Kicking the door forward. Only to hear an “Oof!”

Whoops. That’s two now.

“Oh crap. Sorry Spike!” I quickly entered and pushed the door off of him using my magic. Poor guy was dizzy seeing Rarity circling him. How am I seeing that?

“Aw don’t worry.” He shook his head until he was seeing straight then stood back up. “What brings you in today?”

“Well. I’m taking a train ride to Canterlot. So I was wondering if I could bring a book with me when I come back.” I wonder what to get. There’s always magical studies I could partake in, but teleportation was kinda useful to know.

It’s basically imagine a place, light horn and then force yourself into that place. It’s quite literally overwriting reality but you chose the position of yourself. It was quite painful to learn, I teleported myself into my own bathroom wall way too many times. Still, I do need to keep the book on me, I am still studying.

Maybe a fun book would do, Daring Do was over there, something about a Volcano and an Idol. could take the body language book, it’s useful to control my outward emotions as much as I could. I got it.

“What kind of book are you checking out today then?” I just realized. Spike is wearing a pink apron. It really clashes with his colors a little bit.

“Just looking something about dream magic.” It could be a good place to start.

“Right on it!” This little dude is fast about getting books. He already placed the book on dream spells on the table in the center.

“If you don’t mind. I have some chores to do. The gems await me!” He holds a duster high like a sword as he continues what he was doing earlier.

“Right. I’m gonna hang here for a bit.” Sitting on the hay chair, I opened up the book on dream magic. I do need to be here to meet Twilight. Getting train tickets from her is odd, but I assume it’s via—do I hear someone’s stomach growling?

I turn around to see Spike hold his mouth shut with a first before belching loudly as green embers flowed from his mouth. The ashes swirled for a bit before turning into a letter, apparently it was addressed to me, I assume so, I doubt anyone wants to send a letter to another Anonymous.

“Oh hey! It’s for you! How did it get through me?” He sets the letter down to my book I had opened. I didn’t even get to read it yet.

With a quick close of the book, quickly ripping open the letter to read the contents inside. The letter was a pass to enter the castle grounds, and a singular train ticket. Apparently a round trip ticket, didn’t know they had those here.

“Huh. Neat.” Convenience at it’s finest. Sitting up and holding all the contents with my magic, and tossing the scrap letter into a trash can, I set out for the train station.

I heard hoofsteps behind me and a “Spike, did the princess send a-“ then she was too far for me to hear once I closed the door behind me on my way out.

I don’t know where the train station is, all I know is to follow the tracks at the edge of town to the station. So once I found those I went right first, onto to find no station and it just leads next to the spooky forest. I kinda want to go in there to see what’s in there. Not now of course, but treasure surly awaits in there.

Turning around, I followed the tracks to the left this time. Finding it quite empty guess I’m a little early. I could just teleport to Canterlot, only issue is where it is.

It could be that castle on the mountain there, but I doubt anyone wants a strange green guy to come in and be there. Also, still new with teleportation, I could end up inside someone and kill them with a telefrag. It would also kill me, so, I’ll wait until I know how to teleport, or at the very least learn how to open a portal.

Guess I could’ve asked for a world atlas…

Fuck! Could’ve asked for that instead!

Oh well. Handing my ticket to the guy sitting at the booth he called some rude words then handed the ticket back. It apparently was supposed to be given to the conductor not the ticket booth guy. Whoops.

Also, I learned a slur! Thanks dude!

Now who do I call someone’s horn an extended goose egg when it’s appropriate? Also a Pinhead.

Anyway. The train eventually came, it’s very pink, could’ve been red. Red make thing faster.

Boarding the train and taking a seat, I took out my dream magic book to look over while on the ride. According to the overhead voice the ride will take 6 hours.

That’s a long ass time to be killing time. Hopefully it’ll be a fun ride. I hope. Gods this is going to be a while.

Good news! I’m alive! Bad news! I’m still on this train, it’s only been 1 hour and I’m already so bored! I thought being on a train would be neat and a good chance to see the scenery, but there’s nothing but blue skies and green hills! It’s beautiful but when you see the 60th hill it makes you want to kill to see at least a tree in the foreground.

But I digress. The book on dream magic is very light. It’s missing a lot of components of dream magic. It’s missing the memory viewing, mind manipulation, the dreamscape itself, and a whole lot of miscellaneous things. All it really teaches you is how to enter your own dreams at will, and how to enter other’s dreams. The Dreamscape makes it way easier to enter other’s dreams, but I guess if Luna was the only one there with me in that black void then it probably means she’s the only one who can actively enter it.

Also, didn’t those girls say something about cutie marks meaning talent? So if I’m guessing this right, her talent of dark magic and the moon means she’s literally all aspects of the night. Sleeping, Darkness, Shadow, Moonlight, and the Occult are probably things she’s already good at. So why am I going to visit her? I could’ve easily told her in the Dreamscape!

Am I trying to talk myself out of visiting a princess? Yes. Am I going to talk to her in person anyway? Also yes. Very much so.

Am I going to be captured by some very cool ponies and told that I’m a danger to national security? I’m filing that under maybe, the coup attempt will sing wildly if they try!

Anyway, gonna go read on teleportation magic now.

3 hours of sitting on a train doing nothing. I don’t even have anyone to talk too, the girls sitting on the other side of the isle from me haven’t spoken a word to me, and I’m way too socially awkward to strike up a conversation without a method of getting out. At least a method I’m consistent on.

I’m not going to practice teleportation magic on a moving train, because I like being able to breath, but the book was helpful. It was just a lot of reinforcement of what teleportation is, I could do instant teleportation, but I never was good at those types of spells. However, Portals? Yeah, that’s my thing. I’m super good with portals. The portal magic I use to enter my pocket dimension is similar, but I still have to imagine the place I’m going to enter.

Plus it came at the nice price of not risking my life, still portal travel is part gravity magic which, according to the book, is very difficult not even the most skilled non-magic talented unicorn could do well. I guess my cutie mark is carrying me through this world. Fuck if I know what it means.

The ? has had me confused for a while. What does it mean? What does it do? Why is mine so simple compared to everyone else’s?

Then I realized, I’m not of this world, so it probably defaulted to a ‘base’ design and gave me this. It just feels right to call this a generic design, I’m not overtly handsome, I’m middle of the road while still looking appealing. I’m a shade of green that looks like the color of grass. My hair is jet black, yet oddly fluffy despite being straight hair, and my tail curls at the end, the swish it makes when I sway it side to side does feel correct.

I assume my eyes are green, it’s the color of the aura of my magic. I’ve noticed it around, the color of the magic matches the eye color, I haven’t seen an exception to this rule yet, so I’m just gonna assume it works as such.

Looking at my hoof I wondered how I was able to grab things despite lacking fingers. Anytime I flex my ‘fingers’ I felt a strange pulse of magic at the end I’m guessing I also have short range telekinesis, whatever works for me.

Resting my head back I stare outside. This is a long ride.

Finally! After 6 hours of monotony and pain, I’m finally here at Canterlot!

This place is huge, and the castle is off in the distance. Still a while away from my position.


Author's Note:

Hecking Canterlot. I don’t know how to describe you other than visit Joe.

Joe is a bro.