• Published 18th Oct 2023
  • 1,161 Views, 227 Comments

Saiyan Of The Sun - IndigoStorm27

12 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia encounters a being from beyond the stars. Despite the less than formal first impression, Celestia decides to take him in to her care. How will Equestria fare with its new resident?

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Interlude: Frieza Outpost 739! Shiso Encounters the Crusher Corps!

Interlude: Frieza Outpost 739! Shiso Encounters the Crusher Corps!

Shiso (Age 27) Power Level: 15,000

The trip to the outpost proved to be the longest Shiso had ever been through, thoughts of Bage buzzing around in her head. 'IF he was still alive, why hasn't he tried to come and find me? Is he trying to hide from Frieza? Does he think I'm dead too, and he's laying low? I just wish he had tried to contact me at some point.' Shiso was pulled from her musings by a sudden call on her scouter; from a communication tower on the planet's surface. "Attention, pod occupant. This outpost is off-limits. Turn around or you'll be blasted into space debris." Shiso couldn't help but smirk at the gruff voices' attempt at a threat.

"I'm here by order of Lord Frieza, so unless you want him to show up personally, I'd suggest you let me land." A scuffle came from the other end of the line, and a different voice spoke up. This voice was still gruff, but it had a more formal tone.

"Really now, Lord Frieza sent you to check up on this worthless dirtball? I have to say, I'm surprised he cares so much since the other few planets we took over seemed to fly right under his radar. Alright then, feel free to land. I'd very much like to meet you and test your might." With that, the call cut off, as Shiso's pod entered the planet's upper atmosphere.

As she flew through the exosphere, she noticed something peculiar, a tree of titanic proportions growing from the planet's crust. 'What the hell? How could a tree that big grow to that size, when it would need more nutrients than the planet can provide? Somethings going on here, and it's not good.' She did a quick scan of the planet, noting that the energy levels were nearly depleted entirely. 'That confirms it, that tree is so large it's almost completely drained the planet's energy. There's no way it's natural, whoever planted it knew what it would do.' Her pod streaked through the lower atmosphere, before landing in a large patch of the tree's massive roots. 'Now, let's see where that communication tower is.' Shiso did a quick scan for power levels and detected a fair few a good distance away, but they were rapidly approaching. 'Hmm, five in total, power levels ranging from 7,600 to 13,000, I'll need to be careful.'

Five figures of varying heights landed in front of her, and she studied their features. The tallest of them was a massive lumbering being, with reddish-orange skin and a scar going across his chin. Standing next to him was a cyborg, its pupilless yellow eyes seeming to stare right through her, and its red flesh almost looked to be melting. The second tallest of them seemed to be the most normal-looking, wearing greyish-black battle armor, and pink leg warmers. 'Odd choice in color, in my opinion.' Shiso thought to herself, as she directed her attention to the two shortest figures. Her eyes widened slightly as she recognized their species, having seen a passage on them in an old data entry. 'Beenz? I thought they were extinct, I guess they're the last ones.' Their lavender skin reminded her of Captain Ginyu, but the lack of horns ruled him out as being related. "Alright, what's your deal? Why did you decide to take over this outpost, and what's with the tree?"

The tallest one grinned, chuckling. "Our deal is that we are going from planet to planet, wiping out any opposition, and planting seeds from the Tree of Might. A massive species of tree that can drain a planet's energy and produce fruit that imbues that power onto anyone who eats it. We seek to gain enough power to take on Frieza and claim his galactic empire for our own, in the name of Mighty Turles. I am Amond, and we are The Crusher Corps, I am its second in command. These four, are Daiz, Cacao, Rasin, and Lakasei." Shiso raised an eyebrow at that.

"Turles? I feel like that name is familiar. Either way, I highly doubt eating your fruits and veggies is gonna let you take on Frieza. Do you even know what his power level is? It's pretty high, I'll tell you that much." Shiso noted that his power level was 9,100, the second highest of them.

"It won't matter once we consume enough fruit from the tree, then we'll be unstoppable. Even King Cold will tremble before us. But now, we give you an ultimatum." Shiso scoffed at that.

"Oh boy, gotta love those." The guy in the leg warmers scowled, stepping forward to try and attack, but the cyborg grabbed his shoulder. "It's a good thing your robo-boy toy is here to hold you back, otherwise you might get hurt, twinkle toes," Shiso mocked, chuckling. The cyborg glared at her but pulled its ally back.

"Mock us if you wish, but your end will be unchanged," Its metallic voice grated, sending shivers up Shiso's spine. "Turles wishes to offer you a place amongst us, a member of The Crusher Corps. Should you accept, you will gain power from the Fruit of Might, and your power will increase exponentially. Refuse, and you will be disposed of." She could hear the menace in its voice when it said that, but she wasn't about to take a power handout from an overgrown sapling.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to decline. A true Saiyan grows stronger on their own merits, not by gorging themselves on fruit." Amond grinned at that.

"I had hoped you'd decline, it makes it so much more fun. Daiz and Cacao will make you see reason." The guy in the leg warmers and the cyborg stepped forward. "Now don't rough her up too badly, Turles wishes to have a go at her."

"What a shame, I was hoping to bury her here, she would make a good source of nutrients for the tree," Daiz remarked. In a flash, the both of them shot forward, Shiso catching Daiz's fist, spinning around to put him in the path of Cacao's blow, which punched right through him. As he screamed in agony, she kicked him into the cyborg, before going into Shadow Step and disappearing. She watched from the shadows as they searched for her, scouters beeping and turning up nothing.
"What the hell was that? Where did she go?" As the group looked around, Shiso devised a plan of attack.

'How do I go about dispatching all of them, without giving them time to react?' Shiso smiled as her plan clicked into place, and she moved into position.
"It's like she vanished! What kind of technique was that? She's just gone!" Rasin and Lakasei were looking around wildly, trying to find even a hint of where the Saiyan had gone too when the very air around them seemed to distort. "What the...?" The shadows among the roots of the tree were rippling, creating shapes that seemed to move in their periphery.

"Stop playing tricks and fight us face to face! I didn't know saiyans were cowards!" Rasin shouted, his voice wavering with unease. He could hear faint whispers coming from the surrounding shadows, and he could feel eyes on the back of his head, yet when he whirled around, there was nothing there. Without warning, a series of blows struck his body all over, sending him into a patch of shadow. He barely had time to scream before the shadows consumed him.

Lakasei spun around to see his brother gone, only a cracked scouter remaining. "Rasin? Where'd you get off to?" He grabbed the scouter up off the ground, noting the damaged glass. He tapped a button on his own scouter, opening up communications with Amond. "Something isn't right here, Rasin just vanished! Keep your guard up!" Instead of Amond's gruff voice answering him, all he heard was static, interlaced with a soft cackling. "What's wrong with this stupid thing, it's on the fritz!" He nearly bit his tongue when a heavy blow struck him in the back of the head, followed by a series of sharp strikes that rattled his body. Just as he was about to scream for help, something grabbed his foot and dragged him into the shadows, leaving nothing but a broken piece of armor.

"Grh, that Saiyan bitch messed with the wrong Kabochan, when I get my hands on her, she'll wish she was dead!" He clutched the bleeding wound in his chest, thankful that it wasn't fatal, but it was certainly agonizing. He looked up to see that the area had grown dark, almost pitch black. "What the hell is going on? Amond, are you seeing this?" When he got no reply, he looked around, seeing that Amond was gone, it was only himself and Cacao.

"My sensors are malfunctioning, they seem to be giving false readings. Perhaps we should remain vigilant?" Diaz nodded, attempting to stand but falling back down from the pain.

"I'm in no condition to fight, so you'll have to keep the both of us alive. If you see that saiyan, blast her." Diaz grit his teeth in pain, clenching his eyes shut.

"Affirmative. Unless of course she has already dealt with the others, and we are being watched as we speak." Diaz opened his eyes at that comment.

"What the hell are you on about, how the hell could she-?" Cacao was gone, a sheared-off piece of metal lying on the ground a short distance away. "Shit, Cacao! Where the hell are you?" As he searched around, he saw glimpses of something moving amongst the shadows, figures dashing left and right, as well as flashes of light. An energy blast shot out of the shadows, soaring by his head, and the sound of shattering metal made his eyes widen. With a crash, Cacao's body flew out and landed in front of him, his limbs having been torn off. "Cacao?" He stumbled toward his comrade, flipping his body over and seeing that a massive hole had been ripped open in his chest. "Fucking hell, what did she do to you?" He felt a hand grip his shoulder, but when he turned to look, there was nothing there. "Come out here and fight me face to face, you saiyan cunt! Only a fucking coward hides in the shadows!" A flash of light went by his face, and he felt something warm trickle down his chest. He grabbed his neck and saw blood. His eyes went wide as he found himself unable to breathe. A hand shot out of his chest, coated in shadows.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that foul language is hurtful? Your mother would be ashamed." Before he could turn to look, another hand grabbed his chin, and the last thing he heard was a sickening CRACK and his vision went dark.


Amond felt like his skin was crawling, as the very air around him seemed to distort. Despite the feeling of unease, he kept his resolve, glancing around for any sign of his allies, or the saiyan. "You'll have to come out at some point, saiyan. I'm not so easily unnerved, so your tricks won't work on me." The shadows twisted and roiled like space had come alive, and the darkness seemed to thicken into a figure, as Shiso stepped out into his view.

"Looks like you're the last one, since I made such quick work of the others." The area became lighter as the shadows receded. Amond looked around, seeing Diaz and Cacao lying dead a short distance away. Rasin and Lakasei were nowhere to be found.

"So it seems. Cacao is surprising, being that his power level was the highest of the five of us. You're no slouch, that much is certain. And your abilities are impressive, my scouter didn't even detect you dispatching the others. The offer is still open, by the way. You could join The Crusher Corps, get out from under Frieza's bootheel, and make your own name for yourself. What do you say, Saiyan?" Amond's smirk grew as he watched her facial expression as she pondered the offer. His smirk didn't last, though.

"No, like I said before, a true saiyan gets stronger of their own accord, not by cheating with some fruit." Shiso dropped into a fighting stance, as Amond's scowl deepened.

"You disappoint me, your power could be a great addition to our cause. But if you wish to settle this violently, I'm more than happy to oblige." Amond dropped into his own fighting stance, waiting for her to make the first move. He was caught off guard by a kick to the side of his head, followed by a series of rapid-fire strikes that sent racks of pain across his body. Before he could figure out what the hell had just happened, a hand appeared in his face, before a blast of dark energy became the last thing he saw.


Turles frowned as all five power signatures vanished, but his interest was peaked. "So, she managed to take out all five of them? And so quickly too, I'm impressed. Perhaps once I beat her into submission, she can prove to be a new second in command. Not to mention, it's been some time since I've seen a saiyan female." His mind raced with depraved thoughts, his grin growing wider. "How fortunate that she survived Planet Vegeta's destruction." He observed the way she killed Amond with ruthless efficiency, giving him no time to react. "I'm going to enjoy this." An alarm began blaring, as a red light flashed.




Shiso found the communications tower quickly enough, seeing that a good majority of the outer structure was destroyed. 'Jeez, they didn't spare much effort to keep things intact. I guess all they cared about was planting their tree.' She blasted a hole through the roof of the tower, landing inside and being assaulted by the sound of an alarm blaring. "So much for the element of surprise."

"Quite right, not that surprise would have helped you anyway." Shiso whirled around, throwing a punch at the owner of the voice, but it was caught easily. "Careful now, you wouldn't want to get hurt, would you? You've already shown that you prefer stealth attacks to a more direct approach." She used Night Shade Burst to wrest her hand from his grip, slipping into the shadows. "Another disappearing act? Honestly, you call yourself a saiyan? I'd expect such tactics from a Yardratian." Shiso watched her opponent from the shadows, noticing that he seemed unaffected by her Umbral Displacement.

'So he's hardier than the others. Great, that doesn't leave me much in the way of options.' Turles simply stood there, glancing back and forth in anticipation of when and where she would reappear. 'He looks like Bardock, but as far as I know, he didn't have any siblings. Seems like a pretty weird coincidence, hell I almost thought he was Kakarot.' She looked up just in time to see a blast fly at her, speeding off to the left to avoid it.

"Just because I can't sense you, doesn't mean I can't hit you. I'll get a lucky hit in eventually, or you'll slip up. Either way, you can't win. The Tree of Might grants me power beyond your reasoning, and it's more than enough to deal with you. But I'm in a good mood, so I'll give you a choice. Come out and swear loyalty to me, and I'll let you live. You can even bear me a strong offspring, a proud warrior to help rebuild the saiyan race! What do you say?" Shiso felt bile rise in her throat at that, the thought sickening her.

"No wonder you only hang out with trees, no one else can stand you. As if I'd degrade myself to procreate with you. I'm an elite, not some low-class saiyan harlot." Another blast flew at her, and she dodged out of the way. Turles scowled as his temper flared.

"You would really pass up the chance to provide new saiyan blood, based on old class standing?! There are no other saiyans alive, aside from a small handful. Who else would you possibly go for, aside from the Prince?" He felt a series of strikes batter his body, his armor cracking. He looked up to see a boot coated in dark energy before it collided with his face. He flew out the observation window, out into the destroyed entrance area, his face burning. "YOU BLASTED LITTLE STRUMPET! I'LL MAKE THIS PLANET YOUR GRAVE!" He powered up, looking around to see where she could have gone too before another series of strikes shattered his armor, leaving dark burning splotches all across his torso. 'Damnit, how is she doing so much damage to me?! Her power level is lower than mine!' Shiso seemed to know what he was thinking.

"You see, the thing about power levels is, they don't matter if you can catch your opponent off guard. I'm not gonna die here 'cause I have someone I need to find." Another series of blows sent him hurtling to the ground, his back feeling like it was on fire. He tried to get up, but a crushing blow to his back sent him back into the dirt. A strange numbing sensation spread throughout his lower body.

"What the hell did you do to me?! Why can't I feel my legs?" Turles tried to keep his fear from seeping into his voice, but the environment seemed to twist and contort around him.

"I severed your spinal cord, paralyzing you from the waist down. Not that it'll matter in a few moments. Thanks to that tree you planted, this planet is no longer of any use to Frieza, so I'll have to get rid of it. I'm sure he won't mind. Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to be going." He heard a burst of ki as she shot off into the distance, and he struggled to pick himself up to follow. He turned himself as best he could to see a pod launch of in the distance, before a giant purple ball of energy crashed into the planet's surface, creating tremors as the planet's core destabilized. He grinned as he felt the planet begin to shake, as the ground cracked under him, lava bursting out all over.


Shiso watched from a safe distance as the planet detonated, destroying the tree. She put a call through to Frieza. "The planet's gone, Lord Frieza. It was damaged beyond salvaging by a group of mercenaries led by a rouge saiyan, so I destroyed it." She heard him sigh on the other end.

"Well, I suppose it can't be helped. That outpost had outlived it's usefulness anyway. Make your way back, Shiso, and do be quick about it."

"Right away, Lord Frieza." Shiso punched in the coordinates for Frieza Planet 17, as the residual shockwave from the planet's detonation expanded outward, and she used it as a method of propulsion to launch her pod at a greater speed. She smiled as she thought about finding Bage, and finally speaking to a member of her family after nearly 13 years.

Author's Note:

A little interlude to show off some of Shiso's skills, while at the same time bringing in some almost forgotten enemies. I always liked Turles as a character, so I wanted to bring him into the story without having him disrupt things in Equestria. Besides, he'd be completely steamrolled by Bage without him even trying. Shiso is still pretty close to him in power though.

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