• Published 18th Oct 2023
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Saiyan Of The Sun - IndigoStorm27

12 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia encounters a being from beyond the stars. Despite the less than formal first impression, Celestia decides to take him in to her care. How will Equestria fare with its new resident?

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Chapter Fourteen Point Five: Shiso Arrives On Equis And Is Treated To An Incredible Sight!

Chapter Fourteen Point Five: Shiso Arrives On Equis And Is Treated To An Incredible Sight!

Shiso's pod hummed as it flew through space toward the planet that Dryce was last reported on. His signal going dark was a bad sign, considering his pension for psychotic, destructive antics. 'I swear if he managed to get himself killed, I'll bring him back to life and kill him again.' She noted that the planet was just ahead, the blue and green orb steadily growing in her ship's viewport. Strangely, the planet's star was... orbiting the planet instead of the other way around. "What the...?" As she entered the planet's atmosphere, she felt a strange energy wash over her. It was almost like a calming wave of warmth, reminding her of the rare times on Planet Vegeta when she didn't have to worry about heading out on missions. 'What the hell was that?'

She passed over a large expanse of land before crashing down in front of a large forest. As her pod hissed open, her scouter began going off with dozens of power signatures. 'Hmmm, they all seem to range from 120 to 300, pretty high, but not unusual.' Suddenly, her scouter picked up a set of three power levels, well above what she was used to seeing. 'One is at 45,000, another at almost 40,000, and one at 126,000. Looks like Dryce has either gotten some powerful help, or some of these inhabitants are more powerful than I thought.' She took off, entering Shadow Step to mask her presence. As she approached, she saw Dryce's ship, with the corpses of his soldiers scattered around it. 'Looks like someone took care of the fodder. What's the point of bringing the soldiers if they don't even make it off the ship?' She landed a short distance away, looking up to see three figures hovering in the sky. Two of them seemed engaged in conversation as they batted Dryce around like a ping-pong ball. 'Don't they realize they need to pay attention to the battle? Or are they so sure of themselves that they don't care?' As she watched, they appeared to get into an argument, shouting back and forth, although she couldn't quite make out their words.

Just as she was about to mentally chastise them, a death beam fired out of the smoke cloud and pierced through the pony's chest. Her scouter read off that she died instantly, her power level registering at zero. She plummeted to the ground, with the other figure racing down to catch them. As Shiso edged closer, a flicker of recognition pierced her calculated detachment. The figure cradling the fallen pony – it was unmistakable. 'Bage...' she thought, her heart skipping a beat. Her brother, here, in the midst of this chaos. It had been years since she last saw him, years since their paths had diverged so drastically.

For a moment, Shiso's resolve wavered. The sight of her brother, overwhelmed by grief and rage, stirred old memories, echoes of a past they once shared. But the battlefield was no place for sentimentality, and she quickly steeled herself. She couldn't afford to be swayed by emotions, not when so much was at stake. Despite the turmoil inside her, Shiso knew she had to remain unseen. Revealing herself to Bage now could compromise her mission and could lead to questions she wasn't ready to answer. 'Not yet,' she thought, 'not like this.'

She watched from the shadows, her scouter quietly analyzing the situation. Her mind raced with questions. What had brought Bage here? Whose side was he on? And most importantly, how could this unforeseen variable be woven into her plans? Shiso's training took over. She remained a ghost, an observer, her presence unknown to all. She noted the power levels, the strategies employed, and the weaknesses exposed in the heat of battle. Every detail was a piece of the puzzle, every action a clue to understanding the larger picture. As Bage's grief turned to fury, Shiso felt a twinge of something akin to sympathy. She knew all too well the burning desire for vengeance, the way it could consume one's being. But where Bage's emotions were raw and exposed, Shiso's were buried deep, controlled and channelled into a focused purpose.

'I can wait,' she resolved. 'In the shadows, I'll learn what I must. And when the time is right, I'll reveal myself. On my terms.' For now, Shiso was content to be an enigma, a hidden player in a game that was far from over. Her eyes never left her brother, the connection a silent, unacknowledged bond in the midst of chaos. As she watched, her scouter began going haywire. It was registering Bage's power level rising rapidly, reaching into the sextuple digits.

Shiso, cloaked in the shadows, felt a chill run down her spine as Bage's aura erupted into a brilliant golden glow. Her eyes widened in disbelief, her breath catching in her throat. 'It can't be...' she thought, her mind racing. She had heard the legends, the tales whispered among warriors, of a transformation so powerful it was almost mythical; –the Super Saiyan.
As Bage's hair shimmered like spun gold and his eyes turned a piercing teal, a sense of shock gripped Shiso. Her brother, whom she had known as strong yet bound by mortal constraints, had transcended. He had become the embodiment of a legend, a warrior of untold power and fury. 'He did it... Bage actually did it,' she realized a mix of pride and fear intertwining within her.

Her scouter, struggling to keep up, finally stopped at a number she had never thought possible: 2,250,000. Shiso tore it off, staring in awe and respect for her long-lost sibling. This was beyond data, beyond analysis. This was the realm of legends coming to life. At that moment, Shiso's strategic mind was overrun by a torrent of emotions. The sight of her brother, now a Super Saiyan, battling with such raw, unbridled power forced her to reassess everything she knew about him, about their potential, and about her own place in this unfolding saga.

'He has reached the pinnacle of our people's dreams,' she thought, her heart pounding in her chest. 'The legend of the Super Saiyan, alive in my brother.' The realization filled her with awe and a tinge of fear. What did this mean for her own path, for their shared destiny? As Dryce stood there, struck with the sight of the Super Saiyan before him and Bage glaring at him in response, the earth itself seemed to tremble under the weight of his power. Shiso remained motionless, hidden, yet profoundly shaken. This was no longer just a battle; it was a turning point in the history of their people, a moment that would be etched in the annals of time. And she, a silent witness to her brother's ascension, felt both small and exhilarated in the face of such monumental power. Everything had changed. The game had new rules, and Shiso knew that her next move would have to be calculated with this astonishing revelation in mind. The Super Saiyan was not just a legend. It was real, and it was her brother.


Shiso, concealed in the shadows, observed the scene with a mix of fascination and unease. Bage's fury, a fearsome display of power and raw emotion, captivated her. The Super Saiyan he had become was a formidable force, his wrath tangible in the air. Yet, the intervention of Twilight and her friends, their pleas for mercy, introduced a dissonance to Shiso's understanding of her brother. This Bage was not the ruthless warrior she remembered; he was altered, softened by the influence of Equestria. The moment Bage intercepted Dryce's death beam to save Twilight marked a significant shift in Shiso's perception. This act of protection contradicted the ruthless nature of the Saiyan warrior she knew. It was clear that Bage's time on this planet had profoundly affected him, prompting a change that Shiso found both intriguing and unsettling.

As the brutal confrontation between Bage and Dryce intensified, Shiso's attention was sharply drawn to Dryce's mention of the wish orbs. Intrigued by the potential of such artefacts, she considered the implications. The prospect of orbs that could grant any wish was tempting, yet trusting Dryce seemed fraught with risk. Shiso watched intently as Bage pondered over Dryce's offer, ultimately laying down an ultimatum. Her brother's decision, balanced between scepticism and strategy, seemed sound, but it left Shiso wary of Dryce's true intentions. The spectacle of the Elements of Harmony in action was unlike anything Shiso had witnessed. The transformative energy that enveloped Dryce leaving him apparently changed and healed, was both mesmerizing and alarming. Shiso remained sceptical of such a sudden transformation. Could the Elements truly reform a being so completely, or was this merely another ruse?

As the situation evolved, Shiso realized her period of mere observation was over. The day's events – Bage's display of Super Saiyan power, the revelation of the wish orbs, and the mysterious influence of the Elements of Harmony – had significantly altered the landscape. Her plans and strategies needed to adapt to these new variables. Shiso's resolve hardened as she contemplated her next move. The revelation of the wish orbs was an opportunity too significant to ignore.
Meanwhile, her brother, despite his transformation, remained a crucial element in her calculations. The beings of Equestria, with their unique and powerful magic, had proven themselves forces to be reckoned with. Retreating further into the shadows, Shiso's mind raced with plans and contingencies. The game had indeed changed, and she needed to adapt her strategies accordingly. Her gaze lingered on Bage one last time, filled with a mixture of admiration and strategic calculation. The Super Saiyan, her brother, had become both an ally and a critical factor in her grand design. As she prepared to make her presence known, Shiso knew that timing and tact would be essential. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but she was ready to navigate the complexities of this new, unpredictable world.


Shiso watched, her expression unreadable, as the bizarre events unfolded. The sudden transformation of the landscape and the appearance of the peculiar creature with its reality-bending powers were unlike anything she had encountered before. Her Saiyan instincts were telling her to fight, to assert dominance, but her tactical mind urged caution. This creature, capable of effortlessly neutralizing Bage's Super Saiyan form and manipulating their environment, was a variable she had not anticipated. As Bage lunged at the creature, only to be effortlessly outmanoeuvred, Shiso's eyes narrowed. It was clear that brute force would not be effective against this new adversary. She needed to understand this creature, its capabilities, and, most importantly, its intentions.

The creature's reference to a new era of chaos sent a shiver down her spine. Shiso was no stranger to destruction and disorder, but the chaos this being proposed seemed whimsical and unpredictable, far removed from the structured conquests and battles she was accustomed to. This unpredictability made the creature especially dangerous. Shiso remained concealed, her mind racing. She had to adapt quickly. Her initial plan to reveal herself and confront Bage and Dryce had to be put on hold. This creature, revelling in its chaotic display, was the immediate threat. Understanding and outmanoeuvring were her priorities now.

She watched as Bage's Super Saiyan form dissipated, his frustration evident. Shiso felt a pang of sympathy for her brother. Despite their differences, she knew the feeling of powerlessness, of being at the mercy of forces beyond one's control. It was a humbling experience for any warrior, especially a Saiyan. As the creature continued its taunting, Shiso contemplated her next move. Direct confrontation was futile. She needed a different approach, one that relied more on cunning and strategy than on sheer strength. She could use this creature's love of chaos against it or find a way to negotiate or trick it. Her Saiyan pride bristled at the thought of resorting to such tactics, but survival and success were her primary concerns.

Her eyes darted across the altered landscape, analyzing every detail, every shift. There had to be a weakness, a pattern, something she could exploit. She knew she had to act fast. The longer this creature was in control, the more unpredictable the situation would become. Shiso took a deep breath, steadying her nerves. This was a new kind of battle, one that required more than just physical strength and fighting skills. It was a battle of wits and patience, a challenge she was ready to face. With a final glance at Bage, struggling against his restraints, she began to formulate her plan. In this world of chaos, Shiso would be the unseen strategist, the shadow moving against an unpredictable foe.
Shiso remained hidden, her eyes scanning the chaos unfolding before her. Discord's whimsical yet menacing antics were unlike anything she had encountered in her warrior's life. The creature's ability to warp reality and manipulate the very fabric of existence was beyond her understanding. Yet, as a strategist, she knew that every opponent, no matter how powerful, had a weakness. The challenge was identifying it.

She watched Bage's frustration and anger grow, his Saiyan pride clashing with the futility of his efforts against Discord's reality-warping powers. Shiso understood his rage; Saiyans were not beings accustomed to feeling powerless. Yet, here, Bage's immense strength was rendered ineffective, his usual methods of combat useless.

Discord's announcement of the trials intrigued Shiso. It was a classic tactic of manipulation and control, a way to assert dominance while providing an illusion of choice and fairness. The removal of their powers – Bage's ki abilities, the ponies' magic and flight – levelled the playing field in a way that was advantageous to Discord. Shiso knew that to overcome this, they needed to rely on more than just physical strength or magical abilities. This was a test of wits, resilience, and perhaps unity.

As the group was teleported to the massive room with doors, Shiso contemplated her involvement. Remaining hidden had its advantages, allowing her to observe and plan without being a direct target. However, she also recognized that this might be an opportunity to align herself with Bage and the others, even if temporarily, to overcome a common enemy. Her brother's alliance with the ponies was an unexpected variable, but it had its strategic merits.

Shiso's mind raced with possibilities. Each trial set by Discord would likely be designed to disorient, confuse, and divide. The key to overcoming them would be to anticipate the unexpected and find unity in their diverse strengths. As a warrior, Shiso was trained to adapt and overcome, but this situation required a different kind of adaptability, one that was more cerebral and less physical.

She decided to maintain her hidden vantage point for now, observing the group's dynamics and Discord's methods. Understanding the nature of these trials and how the group responded would provide valuable insights into how best to intervene. Shiso was a warrior, but in this game of chaos, she needed to be a tactician first and foremost.

Her eyes remained fixed on the scene, her mind working through strategies and contingencies. This was no ordinary battle, but Shiso was no typical warrior. In a world turned upside down by a being of chaos, she would find a way to navigate the madness. For now, she watched, waited, and planned, ready to step into the fray when the moment was right.


Shiso, still concealed in the shadows, analyzed the chaotic unravelling of events. She had witnessed battles and conflicts across many worlds, but nothing like this surreal distortion of reality and psyche. Discord's manipulation of the group's emotions and perceptions was a masterful, albeit disturbing, display of control. Shiso understood that this was not just a battle of physical might but a psychological war against an opponent who revelled in chaos.

As Bage's frustration reached a boiling point, Shiso could empathize with his sense of helplessness. Discord's ability to warp reality made conventional fighting techniques irrelevant. Bage's anger was understandable, but it also played into Discord's hands. His emotional reactions were precisely what Discord wanted: a way to destabilize and control the situation further. Shiso observed Twilight and her friends, noting how Discord had cleverly fractured their unity. The group's despondency and in-fighting were symptoms of Discord's influence, a tactic designed to weaken them individually and collectively. It was a classic divide-and-conquer strategy executed with chaotic precision.

As Bage stormed off in search of Dryce, Shiso contemplated her next move. Intervening directly against Discord seemed futile; her strength and combat skills were likely as ineffective as Bage's had been. However, there might be another way to approach this. Discord thrived on chaos and unpredictability, but he also seemed to crave attention and acknowledgement of his power. Perhaps there was a way to use his ego and need for validation against him. Shiso decided to follow Bage discreetly. Aligning with him could be advantageous, especially since Dryce might have insights or knowledge that could be useful against Discord. Moreover, Bage's frustration and rage, while understandable, needed to be channelled more constructively. If they were to stand any chance against Discord, they needed a plan that went beyond brute force.

As she moved silently, keeping a low profile, Shiso's mind worked through various scenarios. Discord's strength was his control over reality, but perhaps his weakness lay in his overconfidence and his need to be the centre of attention. If they could find a way to exploit that, to turn his own game against him, they might have a chance. For now, Shiso remained a silent observer, a strategist in the shadows. The battle against Discord was not just a fight; it was a chess game of cosmic proportions. And in such a game, every move, every decision, mattered.


Shiso watched from her hidden vantage as Bage and Dryce reluctantly agreed to train together. It was a pragmatic decision, born of necessity rather than any genuine camaraderie. Shiso understood the dynamics of such alliances; they were fragile and often short-lived, but they could be effective.

Her attention shifted as Discord appeared, proposing his wager to Bage. Shiso's understanding of Discord's nature deepened with every word he spoke. He was a being who thrived on the game, on the chaos of uncertainty and the thrill of potential defeat. His proposition, a challenge to free Twilight and her friends from his influence, was another layer in his twisted game. As Discord teleported Bage, Dryce, and himself, Shiso felt a flicker of frustration. She had hoped to observe and possibly intervene, but now she was left behind, cut off from the unfolding events. However, Shiso was not one to dwell on setbacks. Instead, she focused on planning her next move.

First, she needed to locate the group. Discord's chaotic magic had transformed Ponyville into a surreal landscape, a task that would be challenging but not impossible. Her Saiyan senses would be vital in navigating this altered reality. Shiso emerged from her hiding place, her eyes scanning the bizarre surroundings. Houses floated on islands of land, and the roads twisted into impossible shapes. It was a scene straight out of a child's imagination, a testament to Discord's power and his capricious nature.

Moving swiftly and quietly, Shiso began her search. She kept her senses alert for any signs of Bage, Dryce, or Discord. In this chaotic world, stealth and caution were her allies. She knew that a direct confrontation with Discord would be futile; her strength, like Bage's, was of little use against his reality-warping abilities. As she navigated the twisted landscape, Shiso contemplated Discord's challenge. Freeing Twilight and her friends from his influence would be no easy task. It required understanding the nature of his control and finding a way to counteract it. Shiso knew that this was more than just a physical battle; it was a psychological one, a battle of wills and intellect.

Her mind raced with strategies and possibilities. Perhaps the key to breaking Discord's influence lay in understanding the bonds between Twilight and her friends. Discord had fractured their unity, but maybe there was a way to use their shared history, their connection, to counteract his chaos. Shiso continued her search, her eyes and ears open for any clue that would lead her to Bage and the others. In this world of chaos, she remained a silent observer, a strategist planning her next move. The game was far from over, and Shiso was ready to play her part.

Author's Note:

This was as much as I could put together, considering that the original was nearly 5,000 words before I lost everything. I wanted to bring Shiso into the main story and figured this would be a good way to do it, having her be present in the background while the rest of the events play out as normal.

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