• Published 18th Oct 2023
  • 1,161 Views, 227 Comments

Saiyan Of The Sun - IndigoStorm27

12 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia encounters a being from beyond the stars. Despite the less than formal first impression, Celestia decides to take him in to her care. How will Equestria fare with its new resident?

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Chapter Fifteen: Bage Reunites with his Long Lost Sibling, and she Rekindles his Saiyan Pride! A New Form is Born!

Chapter Fifteen: Bage Reunites with his Long Lost Sibling, and she Rekindles his Saiyan Pride! A New Form is Born!

Bage rocketed across the sky, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts, the most pressing being his urgent need to reach Namek. He retrieved the remote for his Saiyan pod, a tool he hadn’t used in over a dozen years. Pressing the button, he was struck by a wave of nostalgia. ‘Leaving Equestria, even briefly, feels like leaving a part of myself behind,’ he reflected, landing in a remote area near Ponyville to await his pod.

His thoughts turned to the menace of Discord. ‘If he’s wreaking havoc here, I need to be stronger. There has to be a way to train under intense gravity elsewhere.’ He looked up, hearing the familiar hum of his pod as it descended, landing softly in the distance. “Finally,” he said, striding determinedly toward it.

Suddenly, a prickle at the back of his neck halted Bage. It was an eerie feeling of being watched, a sensation carved into his very being through years of relentless combat. His senses, honed to near perfection, were attuned to even the subtlest whisper of danger. He stood motionless, his eyes scanning the twilight-draped meadows of Ponyville. The tall grass swayed gently in the evening breeze, casting elongated shadows that seemed to dance at the edge of his vision. His body was a coiled spring, ready to unleash at the faintest provocation.

Bage’s voice, steady yet resonant, broke the eerie silence. “I’m going to give you one chance to show yourself,” he declared, the words echoing through the stillness like a challenge to the unknown. “Otherwise, I’m levelling this whole area and searching the wreckage for you.” His declaration hung in the air, a stark reminder of the deadly prowess that lay beneath his calm exterior. He waited, every muscle tensed, his mind racing through possible scenarios.

The atmosphere shifted palpably, the shadows at the edge of the meadow seeming to converge and solidify. From this dark amalgamation emerged a figure, ethereal and almost ghostly at first. Bage’s heart skipped a beat as the figure stepped into the faint light of the crescent moon. Recognition dawned on him like a slow, painful revelation. His eyes widened, and for a moment, his usual ironclad composure faltered.

“Shiso?” he whispered, his voice tinged with a cocktail of disbelief and dawning horror. The figure before him was unmistakably his sister – the same piercing gaze that had once challenged and comforted him, the same proud tilt of the head that he remembered from their youth. But how? Shiso was a chapter of his past he had closed, a tapestry woven with threads of joy and searing pain.

A torrent of memories flooded Bage’s mind, unbidden and overwhelming. He saw them as children, training under the harsh tutelage of their father, their laughter echoing in the vast expanses of his mind. He remembered the day she had left, the morning mist clinging to her silhouette as she vanished into the unknown, leaving a void in his life that he had struggled to fill.

Standing there, under the watchful eye of the Equestrian moon, Bage’s mind grappled with the impossibility of the moment. Was this indeed Shiso, flesh and blood, or some cruel illusion conjured by his own longing? The years had changed them both, but the essence of their connection – that unspoken bond of shared blood and shared battles – lingered in the air between them, tangible and unyielding.

The figure stepped forward, emerging fully from the shadows, her features now starkly visible in the dim lunar light. The silence that stretched between them was heavy with unasked questions and myriad emotions, a silent conversation between two souls inexorably linked by fate and blood.

“Shiso,” Bage repeated, his voice now a mix of wariness and a faint, inexplicable hope. “Is it really you?”


Princess Celestia, her eyes reflecting the turmoil of a heart burdened by duty and care, watched Bage disappear into the evening sky, his departure leaving a wake of unresolved anger and unspoken fears. She then turned, her majestic presence filling the throne room, to confront a scene of dire urgency. Twilight Sparkle lay ensnared in the tendrils of Discord’s magic, her form a tableau of the chaos that Discord revelled in. And there he was, Discord, the embodiment of caprice, floating with an air of nonchalant malevolence, delighting in the discord he had sown.

Celestia’s voice, laced with the weight of aeons, broke the heavy air. “Discord, this ends now. Undo the chaos you’ve woven around Twilight,” she commanded, her tone an unwavering beacon in the encroaching shadows of uncertainty. Her horn, aglow with the ancient and pure magic of her lineage, cast a luminescent aura, a stark contrast to the chaotic darkness that shrouded Twilight.

Discord, lounging in the air as if on an invisible chaise, let out a melodious yet mocking laugh. “Dear Celestia, ever the stoic ruler. Can’t you see? This delightful little pandemonium is an art form, not to be undone on a mere whim.”

As Celestia’s magic enveloped Twilight, it was like watching the dawn break through a storm-ravaged night. She fought to unravel the knotted threads of chaos, her brow furrowed in intense focus. “This is no mere whim, Discord. Your reckless whimsy brings real harm,” she asserted, her voice a blend of steely resolve and deep-seated concern.

Discord, with a twirl of his finger, replied in a tone dripping with feigned innocence and sarcasm. “Harm? Oh, such a harsh word. I prefer to think of it as... a spontaneous rearrangement. After all, isn’t chaos the true essence of magic? Unpredictable, untamed, and ultimately, undeniable.”

The throne room became a battleground of opposing forces. Celestia’s magic, a radiant force of order and harmony, clashed against the maelstrom of Discord’s chaotic energies. The air crackled with the tension of this cosmic dance, a testament to the struggle unfolding.

Undeterred, Celestia’s voice rose above the fray, tinged with a mix of pleading and authority. “Your defiance only prolongs Twilight’s suffering. Let her go, Discord. Choose benevolence over mischief for once.”

Discord, stroking his beard in mock contemplation, responded with theatrical gravity, “Oh, but why spoil the climax of our little drama? Isn’t the uncertainty what gives life its flavour?”

Twilight’s form, encased in a shroud of swirling greys, flickered with staccato bursts of her true colours, struggling to emerge. Celestia, the weariness of her immortal vigil evident, continued her relentless effort. “I will not stand by while you use my student as a pawn in your games,” she declared, her voice a testament to an unyielding spirit.

Floating above, Discord observed with a mix of amusement and intrigue. “Oh, Celestia, always so serious. But proceed; let’s see if the vaunted power of harmony can truly overcome the allure of chaos.”

With a resolute surge, Celestia’s horn blazed brighter than the stars, casting a celestial light that filled the room. The chaotic energy around Twilight began to dissolve like shadows fleeing the dawn. Twilight’s body shuddered, then relaxed, her colours returning to their natural state as she inhaled a deep, life-affirming breath.

Celestia rushed to her side, her magic enveloping Twilight in a gentle embrace. “Twilight, speak to me,” she urged her voice a soft whisper laden with concern.

Twilight’s eyes fluttered open, confusion and relief mingling in their depths. “Princess Celestia? What... what happened?”

“You were trapped in Discord’s spell, but you’re safe now,” Celestia reassured her, her smile a warm beacon in the aftermath of the storm.

Discord, hovering with a nonchalant air, interjected, “Safe, perhaps for the moment. But remember, my dear, chaos is always around the corner, waiting for its time to shine.”

Celestia, her gaze stern and unwavering, admonished him. “Your fascination with chaos, Discord, has once again crossed boundaries. Beware, for some lines are not meant to be crossed.”


The word “Shiso” hung in the air, tinged with disbelief and caution. Bage’s eyes, once narrow slits of suspicion, softened as he studied the figure before him. Shadows from the surrounding trees played over her features, but the familiar fierceness in her eyes cut through the dimness.

Shiso stepped forward, her movement graceful yet precise, a predator’s elegance in her stride. Moonlight fell upon her face, revealing a visage that bore the marks of time and battle, undeniably the sister Bage once knew. Her armour, a sleek blend of metal and fabric, spoke of countless battles, a silent testament to her journey since their paths had diverged.

Bage’s gaze lingered on her hand, noting a subtle tremble she couldn’t entirely hide. “What are you doing here, Shiso? After all these years?” His voice mixed curiosity with a yearning for a past long gone echoing through the crisp night air.

Shiso’s eyes briefly swept over the scorched earth and remnants of battle. “I followed a trail,” she began, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a storm of emotions. “A mission of my own.” She paused, her gaze returning to Bage. “But to find you here, in the midst of this chaos, it’s...”

Bage, arms folded, watched her intently, trying to decipher the enigma she presented. “A mission? Are you here for the wish orbs?” His question, sharp with scepticism, cut through the night.

Shiso shook her head, a decisive gesture. “No, Bage. It’s not about the orbs.” She took a measured step closer, the space between them charged with unspoken words and memories. “I’m here for Dryce,” she admitted, her eyes seeking his, conveying a truth only a shared past could understand.

Bage’s expression shifted a mix of surprise and understanding dawning in his eyes. “Dryce?” he echoed, his voice reflecting a blend of pride and defiance.

“Not just him,” Shiso added softly, her warrior’s stance contrasting with the gentleness in her voice. “You’ve changed, influenced by this world, by these beings.” Her words weren’t an accusation but an observation tinged with a hint of curiosity.

A heavy silence settled between them, laden with the weight of their shared history. Bage looked up at the serene night sky, stark against his inner turmoil. “Equestria has changed me, yes,” he acknowledged his voice a hushed murmur against the night. “But at my core, I’m still a Saiyan, Shiso. I still fight.”

Understanding the depth of his inner conflict, Shiso took another step, narrowing the gap between them. “I know,” she whispered. “But we need to talk. There are bigger threats than we imagined. Threats that might require us to unite.”

Bage’s eyes flickered with a storm of thoughts. “Unite? After everything?” Scepticism mingled with the realization of the inevitable.

Shiso extended her hand, not as a warrior but as a sister seeking reconciliation. Her eyes, once as hard as steel, now held a softness, a vulnerability Bage hadn’t seen in years. “I’m not the same person I was, Bage. And neither are you,” she said, her voice imbued with hope. “We have a chance to fight for something greater than our own pride.”

Bage’s eyes moved from her extended hand to her face, reading the sincerity etched in her features. Slowly, he reached out, his hand grasping hers, a symbol of tentative trust. “Alright, Shiso,” he said, his voice now firm and resolute. “Let’s talk.”


Discord’s grin, usually as steady as the ticking of a clock, faltered for a heartbeat. In that fleeting moment, his eyes, usually dancing with mischief, deepened into ancient, stormy seas, swirling with unspoken thoughts. But like a mirage dissipating under the desert sun, this rare glimpse into his soul vanished, swallowed by his usual playful demeanour.

"Boundaries, dear Celestia," he drawled, his voice smooth as silk, rich with undertones of a thousand untold stories. "They are mere sketches on the ephemeral canvas of time, washed away by the relentless waves of creativity." He paused, his gaze lingering on Celestia with an enigmatic twinkle. "But for now, I shall gracefully step aside." A flourish of his hand, more theatrical than necessary, and a sly, conspiratorial wink at Twilight was his parting gesture. In a kaleidoscope of swirling colours, he vanished, leaving behind a fading echo of his laughter as if it bounced off the walls of the throne room.

In his absence, the air itself seemed to sigh in relief. The oppressive, electric charge of his magic faded, and the room lightened as if a heavy velvet curtain had been lifted, allowing the space to breathe once more.

Celestia’s face, a mask of regal composure, softened into motherly affection as she turned to Twilight. Her eyes, pools of timeless wisdom, reflected the deep understanding of the universe. "Twilight, understand that Discord is as boundless and unpredictable as the stars. Yet, within his whirlwind of chaos, there's a seed of creation, as delicate and beautiful as a spider's web bejewelled with morning dew."

Twilight's eyes, usually sparkling with youthful curiosity, now mirrored the gravity of her thoughts. They locked onto Celestia's. "I understand, Princess. The line between harmony and discord, creation and destruction, is much thinner than I ever thought."

Celestia nodded, her smile as gentle as the caress of a summer breeze. "Chaos, like magic, is a dance of possibilities, its outcome as whimsical as a feather caught in the wind."

As evening draped the room in a cloak of soft shadows and muted light, Twilight's stance grew firm, her eyes kindling with newfound determination. "Your words have guided me, Princess. I must reunite with my friends. With the Elements of Harmony, we can counterbalance the scales. Discord, in his chaotic way, has underscored the power of togetherness in overcoming turmoil."

Twilight's conviction seemed to emanate from her, a palpable force mirroring the surge of magic within her. "I must gather my friends. Together, we embody the Elements of Harmony. We will stand united against chaos."

Celestia's smile grew, her eyes twinkling with pride. "Go, Twilight. Your strength lies in the bonds you share. The Elements are more than gems; they are symbols of friendship, of unity in diversity."

Twilight nodded, her eyes unwavering. "Thank you, Princess. We'll face the chaos as one."

With a surge of magic, Twilight's form glowed, her figure blurring and then sharpening as she prepared to teleport. Her departure left a shimmering afterimage, a testament to her resolve.

Celestia remained in the dimming throne room, a solitary sentinel in the encroaching shadows, her heart buoyed by hope.

Outside, the stars twinkled in the vast canvas of the night sky, a silent chorus echoing the enduring dance between light and darkness, order and chaos – a balance that Twilight and her friends were now entrusted to maintain.


Twilight Sparkle's arrival shattered the night's calm, her silhouette emerging as if woven from the very fabric of the cosmos. Around her, a whirlpool of starlit magic ebbed away, leaving her standing in stark contrast against the inky blackness. Her eyes, twin embers of violet, burned with an intense blend of determination and concern. They locked onto Shiso's with a silent ferocity, igniting the air between them with palpable, electric tension.

Bage, caught off-guard by this sudden intrusion, hastened to bridge the gap. His figure, usually a bastion of confidence, now seemed diminished, his shoulders curling inwards ever so slightly—a quiet testament to a sorrow he carried like an unseen shroud. "Wait a sec," he interjected, his voice a steady murmur against the brewing storm. "Twilight, this is Shiso. She's not here to stir trouble. We were discussing... about boosting my Saiyan strength."

In Twilight's gaze, the initial spark of confrontation flickered, mellowing into a wary vigilance. Her stance relaxed subtly, a shadow of readiness still poised in her muscles, but her shoulders softened, easing as she considered Bage's words.

"Bage, we've got bigger problems," she replied, her voice weaving firmness with threads of empathy. "Our friends are caught in Discord's snare. That's our priority, above everything."

Shiso stood unflinching, her warrior's demeanour unwavering yet touched with a hint of understanding. "The urgency of your mission is unmistakable," she acknowledged, her voice a harmonious blend of respect and firm resolve. "I can delay guiding your training. The plight of your friends cannot wait."

Above them, the moon cast its serene glow, painting their faces in a tapestry of light and shadow. Twilight's features were sculpted with a resolute frown, Shiso's carved with stoic acceptance, and Bage's draped in the veil of his quiet sorrow. Bage's eyes, typically ablaze with a fighter's zeal, now mirrored a sea of emotions—determination mingling with the echoes of loss. "Right," he whispered, his voice laden with the weight of unvoiced grief. "Our friends are the priority. Shiso, your expertise will be invaluable, but it must wait. We face this chaos head-on."

Together under the celestial canopy, their silhouettes stood as three pillars of fortitude, each carrying their own silent battles yet unified in their cause. The resolve to confront the looming challenges bound them in an unspoken pact forged amidst the spectre of adversity. Their path was strewn with hurdles, yet their combined determination, honed by personal trials and united by a shared goal, promised a resilience robust enough to brave the uncertainties ahead.


The air was thick with the remnants of Discord's chaos, the once vibrant lands of Equestria now draped in a veil of uncertainty. Twilight Sparkle, alongside her steadfast companions Bage and Shiso, treaded softly through the recovering world, their hearts set on a singular, noble goal – to heal the wounds inflicted upon their dearest friends by Discord's devious manipulations.

Applejack's Veil of Doubt

In the once comforting embrace of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack stood isolated, her silhouette a stark contrast against the rows of apple trees. The orchard, a testament to her unwavering dedication and honesty, now seemed to whisper doubts with every rustle of its leaves. The steadfast clarity that normally resided in her eyes was overshadowed by a swirling mist of uncertainty, turning her gaze into a tumultuous sea of confusion.

"Applejack, you're the bedrock of honesty," Twilight said, her voice a steady beacon amidst the storm of doubt.

Applejack's reply was a soft, troubled murmur as if each word was a stone weighed down by mistrust. "Honesty? I'm like a tree unsure of its roots, Twilight. My words feel foreign like I'm speaking someone else's truth," she confessed, her eyes flickering with the turmoil of questioning her own core.

"But you are Applejack. Your honesty is our compass," Twilight reassured her, her spell cascading like a gentle river, washing away the debris of doubt and confusion. Slowly, the fog in Applejack's eyes began to lift, revealing once more the unshakable bedrock of honesty that had always been her foundation.

Pinkie Pie's Diminished Light

The vibrant walls of Sugarcube Corner, usually a bastion of joy and laughter, now seemed to absorb light, mirroring the dimmed spirit of Pinkie Pie. She sat, a lone figure amidst the silent remnants of what should have been a jubilant celebration. The effervescent spark that was Pinkie's hallmark had fizzled out, leaving in its wake a sombre shadow, a reflection of joy lost to unseen sorrows.

"Pinkie, you bring so much joy and laughter. Don't let this illusion take that away from you," Twilight urged, her spell casting a soft, nurturing light in the gloomy room.

Pinkie Pie's voice was a whisper, barely audible over the stillness, a stark departure from her usual bubbly and enthusiastic chatter. "Joy? Laughter? They seem like strangers now, Twilight. My heart feels like it's wrapped in grey," she murmured, her eyes gazing into the distance, lost in a fog of forgotten happiness.

"Because, Pinkie, your laughter is a gift that keeps growing, even through the tough times," Twilight reassured, her magic weaving gently through the tapestry of Pinkie's memories, rekindling the warm, glowing embers of joy and exuberance. Gradually, as if responding to an invisible sun, the room began to brighten, reflecting the slow yet unmistakable return of Pinkie's infectious, irrepressible spirit. A small but genuine smile began to dance across her face, a herald of the returning light within her.

Rarity's Greed-Stricken State

In the opulent quarters of Rarity's boutique, once a haven of generosity and beauty, a stark transformation had taken root. The air was heavy, laden with a sense of grasping, clinging possession. Rarity, once the very embodiment of sharing and caring, was now enveloped in a shroud of avarice, her graceful hands clutching at her creations as if they were lifelines.

"Rarity, your heart is an endless well of generosity," Twilight spoke, her magic emanating a soft radiance amidst the shadows of greed.

Rarity's eyes, usually sparkling with warm, inviting light, now flickered with the cold flame of possessiveness. "Generosity? Why should I part with these treasures? They are mine, every thread, every gem!" she declared, her voice sharp, echoing off the walls lined with her hoarded works.

Twilight, her voice a beacon of hope in the gathering darkness, replied, "True beauty shines brightest when shared." Her spell, gentle yet persistent, washed over Rarity like a soothing balm. Slowly, the icy grip of greed began to melt, unveiling the warm, generous spirit of Rarity, like sunlight breaking through a winter frost.

Fluttershy's Transformed Nature

In the usually serene abode of Fluttershy, an air of tension now lingered. Where soft whispers and gentle coos once filled the space, there was now a sharpness, an edge that seemed out of place. Fluttershy, known for her gentle heart and soothing voice, stood rigid, her eyes hardened with an unfamiliar defiance.

"Fluttershy, kindness is your essence," Twilight said, her spell casting a tender glow in the dim room.

Fluttershy's response came as a cold gust, chilling the warm air. "Kindness? It's nothing but a cloak for the weak. I've had enough of being pushed around, being the delicate flower," she spat out, her words striking like thorns.

Twilight, undeterred by the harshness, persisted gently. "Your heart is a garden of compassion." The spell, like a patient gardener, began to untangle the weeds of bitterness, revealing the delicate petals of the real Fluttershy, waiting to bloom once again.

Rainbow Dash's Shattered Confidence

The sky was a canvas of turmoil, echoing the inner storm of Rainbow Dash. She was adrift among the brooding clouds, her once brilliant spectrum of colours dimmed to a muted blur. The fierce determination and bold confidence that usually shone in her eyes were now shadows, replaced by a haunting doubt that clung to her like the clouds she flew through.

"Rainbow Dash, you're the most loyal friend anyone could have," Twilight's voice pierced through the howling winds, her magic stretching out like a lifeline of radiant hope.

Rainbow Dash's laugh, once a clarion call of joy and assurance, now sounded brittle and fragile. "Loyal? Look at me, Twilight. I'm a feather lost in the wind, a failure who couldn't even stand strong when it mattered most," she uttered, her voice breaking, mirroring the crackling lightning above.

"You're the anchor in our storms, Rainbow," Twilight persisted, her magic enveloping Rainbow Dash, weaving through her memories like golden threads, stitching the fragments of her shattered confidence. Gradually, the storm in Rainbow Dash's eyes began to wane, revealing the resurgence of her indomitable spirit and reigniting the fiery determination that had always been her true essence.

As each friend rekindled their true essence, the Elements of Harmony glowed with a renewed vigour, a testament to the unbreakable bonds of friendship. Twilight, Bage, and Shiso, weary yet resolute, shared a triumphant glance. Together, they had traversed the labyrinth of chaos, emerging not just victorious but stronger and more united than ever before.


As they navigated the chaos-warped landscape, each member of Twilight's group carried a resolve as tangible as the distorted earth beneath their feet. Shiso moved with a dancer's grace, her eyes alight with a fiery determination that belied her calm exterior. Beside her, Bage's presence was a quiet storm, his gaze absorbing the tumultuous world around them, a silent testament to his inner strength.

The world itself seemed to bend in mockery of their mission. The ground writhed like a living entity under their steps, trees twisted into grotesque parodies of nature, all paying homage to the master of chaos, Discord.

At the heart of this surreal domain, Discord loomed, his form flickering between the bizarre and the bizarrely humorous, an embodiment of the chaos he wielded so whimsically.

He greeted them with a theatrical bow, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Ah, the Elements of Harmony, graced by the stoic Bage. Oh, and a new face as well, what an unexpected delight. And who might this one be, hmmm?"

Twilight ignored his question as she stepped forward, her eyes burning with an intensity that rivalled the chaotic energy around them. "We're here to end this, Discord. Your reign of chaos stops now."

Shiso's hand clenched involuntarily, her knuckles whitening. She exchanged a brief, solid glance with Bage, an unspoken pact of unity and strength.

Discord smirked, conjuring a glass of chocolate milk and draining the glass around it. "Awww, you're all serious now, are you? Well, if you want to play the 'grown-up' then I suppose I'll indulge you. Go ahead, use your little elements, see if I care.

As the group rallied around Twilight, the Elements of Harmony ignited with a brilliance that pierced the chaotic gloom. Their light wove a tapestry of hope and determination in the air, a stark contrast to the discordant landscape.

But then, the unexpected unfolded. The magic, a river of radiant energy, took an abrupt turn, swirling towards Bage with an almost sentient purpose. His eyes widened, a mix of surprise and instinctual understanding dawning within them.

"What's...happening to me?" Bage's voice was a murmur lost in the whirlwind of power engulfing him.

Twilight spun around, her expression etched with concern. "Bage!"

The transformation began. Bage's body became the epicentre of brilliant light, his features etching into a visage of focused power. This was not just the awakening of a Super Saiyan; it was something more profound, more harmonious.

In a realm beyond their physical world, Bage stood in a space of ethereal tranquillity, facing an entity that radiated immense power and serenity. A figure that looked shockingly like Twilight stood before him, speaking with a voice that resonated with the wisdom of age, "Bage, last bastion of the Saiyan race, we have chosen you. Embrace the Harmonic Saiyan transformation, a fusion of your Super Saiyan strength and the essence of Harmony. Use it to restore balance, to conquer chaos. Seal Discord's influence away, and restore Harmony."

Back in the physical world, Bage reemerged from the transformation, his eyes now pools of tranquil resolve, glowing with the fusion of Saiyan might and Harmonic energy. He was not just a warrior; he was the embodiment of a new hope, a Harmonic Saiyan, ready to face Discord with a power born from the very essence of balance itself.


Discord was flummoxed. He stared at the blinding light before him, confused as to what exactly had happened. "Now that's not right. This didn't happen before, they're supposed to target me. What did you do, little Storm?" Discord levelled his gaze off into the distance, seemingly asking a question to the universe itself. The light faded, revealing Bage in a new form, his eyes resonating with harmonic energy, and his hair a vivid prismatic spectacle. He stared up at Discord, not with hatred or rage, but with a look of fierce determination.

"Twilight's right, this ends here. You're going back in stone, draconequus." Bage clenched his fist to punctuate his sentence, and Discord was taken aback.

"Hold on, no, no, no. This isn't how things are supposed to go. I'm supposed to make a few more quips, taunt the bearers, and then they use the elements on me. You were supposed to leave, Saiyan. Isn't that what you were doing?" Discord spat, glaring down at him. Bage smirked, cracking his neck, then his knuckles.

"Change of plans, you walking talking taxidermy patchwork." Bage lifted up off the ground, his aura flaring up as he got into a fighting stance. "I'm gonna turn you into a pretzel. Maybe then your statue will be a little more interesting." Discord snarled, his claws crackling with chaotic lightning.

"So that's how you want to play things then; Fine. If you wish for a battle, ape, I will give you a battle. I have been around for aeons, you little pest. You are nothing more than a grain of sand in my hourglass." Discord snapped his claws, undoing the chaos he had spread across Equestria. Another snap, and the plateau of land they had been standing on ripped up out of the ground, rising into the air. "I went easy on you before, but don't expect such a luxury this time." Bage's face set with a look of excitement.

"So in other words, you're actually gonna try. Good, I can't wait to see you realize what you're up against," Bage remarked, grinning at the look Discord sent his way.


The battlefield, a twisted canvas of Discord's making, pulsed with the raw energy of their standoff. Bage, his form radiant with Harmonic Saiyan power, faced Discord with an unwavering gaze. The air around them crackled, heavy with the scent of ozone and the unspoken promises of an epic clash.

"You've stepped up your game," Discord remarked, eyeing Bage with a mix of amusement and newfound respect. "Quite the performance compared to our last encounter. But alas, it's merely a fleeting spark against the eternal flame of chaos."

Bage's aura flared, a prism of light against the dark whimsy of Discord's realm. "I'm not the same Saiyan you toyed with before. This time, you're facing a storm."

Their battle was a dance of power and cunning. Bage's movements were a blur, each strike a comet streaking across the sky. Discord, embodying the capricious nature of chaos, twisted reality with a flick of his wrist, his form distorting, evading Bage's fierce assaults.

"Is this your grand strategy? Repeating old tactics?" Discord taunted, effortlessly catching Bage's fist, his own form shimmering like a mirage. "I would've expected more creativity from a Saiyan warrior."

Bage, undeterred, spun out of Discord's grasp, landing with feline agility. "Creativity isn't just in the attack. It's in the persistence, the adaptation. You'll see."

Discord responded with a smirk, snapping his talons, and a wave of chaotic energy flared around Twilight and her friends, threatening to break through their newly reforged bonds.

The appearance of Twilight and her friends painted a stark contrast. The vibrant colours of their resolve suddenly dulled under Discord's influence, their bonds showing cracks of despair.

Discord, revelling in the discordant symphony he had orchestrated, snapped his fingers. The sound echoed a sinister note that froze Bage in his tracks. "It's about more than brute force, Bage. It's about breaking the will. And right now, I'm the maestro of both."

Twilight's voice, infused with urgency and determination, pierced the oppressive atmosphere. "We can't let him win. We've overcome too much to falter now!"

Her words, like sparks in the darkness, began to ignite a flicker of resistance within her friends. Applejack shook her head as if waking from a deep slumber, her eyes clearing. "Twilight's right. We ain't the sort to lay down and give up!"

Rarity, her expression shifting from confusion to resolve, straightened up, her voice firm. "Indeed! We're made of sterner stuff than he assumes. We mustn't succumb to this... this charade!"

Fluttershy, typically meek, found a surge of courage. Her voice, though still gentle, carried a new-found strength. "We have to try. For Equestria, for our friends."

Pinkie Pie's bounce returned, her usual vibrancy pushing through the haze of despair. "Yeah! We're the Elements of Harmony, and we're gonna harmonize the heck outta this chaos!"

Rainbow Dash, who had been hovering in indecision, zoomed down to join her friends, a determined scowl on her face. "I'm not letting that weirdo win. Let's show him what we're really made of!"

As each of them shook off the remnants of Discord's influence, their colours brightened, the grey wash of apathy dispelling to reveal their true selves. They stood united, a solid front of resilience and friendship against the chaotic storm.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the battle, Bage, fueled by the renewed spirit of his allies, renewed his struggle against Discord's binding magic. His resolve, strengthened by the visible defiance of Twilight and her friends, shone through the constraints that held him.

Discord, sensing the shift in the air, frowned. "What's this? Are your little friends finding their spines again? No matter. It changes nothing."

But it did change everything. The Elements of Harmony, rekindled by the bond of friendship and the refusal to yield, glowed anew. They were more than symbols; they were the manifestation of a power that even Discord couldn't dismiss.

The battle raged on, now not just a clash between Bage and Discord, but a war of wills, a testament to the enduring power of hope and unity in the face of overwhelming darkness.

Back in the heart of the battle, Bage, his muscles straining against the invisible force binding him, glared defiantly at Discord. "You might have clouded their hope, but mine burns bright. Your reign ends today."

Bage's eyes, burning with a fusion of Saiyan strength and Harmonic energy, bore into Discord. His body, held in stasis, was a statue of resistance, every sinew screaming defiance.

"No, this isn't the end," Bage's voice was a low growl, a rumble of thunder against the cackling wind of Discord's laughter. "I'll shatter your illusions."

The standoff between them was more than a clash of power; it was the embodiment of an age-old struggle between order and chaos. The fractured plateau beneath their feet, a mosaic of upheaval and defiance, stood as a testament to their titanic battle.

As Bage strained against the constraints of Discord's magic, the air around them shimmered with the intensity of their wills. Equestria's fate hung in the balance, a delicate scale tipping between the harmony of light and the discord of darkness. The Elements, flaring with Twilight's proclamation, surged with a new strength. Bage felt his power explode, and he struggled even harder against Discord's bindings. "You see Discord? You can't break their spirits again. Not when they're together! And you want to know something else you can't break?" Discord gave a look of indignation, sneering.

"Enlighten me. Give me your 'sudden revelation'." Bage grinned, his aura flaring brightly.

"It's something I've carried with me since I left Planet Vegeta. Something you have no chance of breaking! MY SAIYAN... PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!!!" Bage's aura exploded, shattering both his binds and the illusions Discord had created, and it sent Discord reeling back. He stared in shock at the saiyan before him, the harmonic aura burning him.

"Wha- What is this?! This isn't possible!! I'm the Lord of Chaos, an unmatched force! How can you stand against me like this?! You couldn't even land a single blow against me before, now you can effortlessly shatter my magic?!" Discord shouted, his paw and claw clenched. Bage didn't answer, his hands coming together in front of his chest, as he charged an attack. Discord snapped his talons, but nothing happened. He looked back up as Bage's energy charged, realizing that he was stuck, unable to escape this.

"It's over Discord. You've lost! HARMONIC- VEXATION- CANNOOON!!!!" The massive beam of energy, normally a piercing red, now encompassed the different colours of the Elements: Red, Orange, Pink, Green, Blue, and Purple. The different colors split into six beams, before swirling around each other like a massive drill.

"NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Discord screamed out in anger and pain as the attack struck, completely enveloping him. He felt his body beginning to stiffen, as stone crawled up his body, he glared toward Bage, even though his vision was obscured by the massive beam. "WELL PLAYED, SAIYAN! PERHAPS THIS DEFEAT CALLS FOR A BIT OF INTROSPECTION! I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN IN THE FUTURE, I'M SURE!" He shouted over the cacophony of the attack, yet Bage didn't hear him. The stone covered Discord's head, and the beam dispersed. The chaos had been reversed, as the sun shone upon the restored landscape.


Bage breathed a sigh of relief, his Harmonic form dissipating. He fell to his knees, the past twenty-four hours having been an utter nightmare. He felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up to see his sister. "Well done. I knew that saiyan pride was still in there somewhere." Bage smirked, his gaze revealing just how tired he was.

"Yeah, but I just realized, I haven't taken a break in almost a day. I think I need to take a nap and get something to eat. Not necessarily in that order." He chuckled as he fell forward, passing out almost immediately. Shiso gave a wry smile, understanding the feeling of pushing oneself to the brink of exhaustion. A voice calling out to her pulled her from her thoughts.

"HEY! Now that we're out of that crisis, do you mind telling us who exactly you are, and how you know Bage?" Rainbow Dash asked, scowling as she got up into Shiso's face. Shiso, to her credit, didn't react. She simply took a step back, composed herself, and cleared her throat.

"Very well, I suppose I owe you that much. I am Shiso, Bage's sister, as well as one of the last remaining saiyans. I was a member of Frieza's elite forces, but after finding out Bage is still alive, I defected, coming here to find him." It wasn't entirely a lie, but they needn't know that. "I suppose you all are his 'friends'? It seemed that she wasn't quiet enough as the pink one seemed to hear, raising an eyebrow, but she didn't say anything. "And you all are?" Twilight nodded at her friends, taking a small step forward. She used her magic to pull the boldone backwards, before clearing her throat.

"Well, you and I have already been... acquainted, but these are my friends. Pinkie Pie-" The pink one rapidly flailed her leg around in the air "-Applejack-" The one with the strange headwear tilted her head towards her "-Rarity-" Shiso had a flashback of Frieza looking at this one; Rarity gave a small bow "-Fluttershy-" 'The timid one of the group' Shiso thought; she shrunk back behind Applejack with a whimper "-and the one who tried to intimidate you is Rainbow Dash." The bold winged one from before gave an 'I'm watching you' gesture, before crossing her arms with a scowl.

"Interesting. So I take it you all are the reason my brother has, for lack of a better word, changed? The last time I saw him, he had just turned 12, before I was assigned to 'Prince' Vegeta's squad. The arrogant bastard." Twilight raised an eyebrow, a look of confusion crossing her face.

"Wait, 'Prince' Vegeta? I thought your planet was called Vegeta?" Shiso gave a small smirk.


"Yes, what?"

"The planet, The King, and his son, The Prince."

"All three are named after the same guy?"


"Whose bright idea was that?" Shiso smirked, she was enjoying this little back-and-forth.

"Vegeta's." Twilight's face went blank.

"Which one?"

"The King."

"OK, we're done, with, that. For now, let's just get Bage back to the library so he can rest, and we can all get better acquainted with each other."


In the farthest reaches of Equestria, deep in the icy wastes of the Frozen North, the frigid snowstorm seemed to slow, swirling around an unseen force, as if something still occupied the space. The air hummed with an ancient energy for a moment, before dissipating.


Shiso placed Bage down on the couch, leaving his legs to hang off the end, and she turned toward Twilight and her friends. "Alright, ask me anything you wish to know, and I'll do my best to answer." Twilight's eyes widened, her intellectual curiosity being peaked. Before she could finish, Pinkie Pie stepped in front of her, waving her foreleg.

"OOH, OOH, OOH! PICK ME! PICK ME! PICK ME!" Pinkie jumped up and down rapidly, her body practically vibrating in place. "What's your and Bage's birthdays?!" Shiso was taken aback by that, having never really thought about it.

"I... don't know. I never really put much thought into it." Pinkie froze, her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.

"YOU DON'T KNOW?!! How could you not know your own birthday?!! What is your planet like, if you don't know anyone's birthday?!" Shiso had been exposed to a lot of things in her life. Mercenaries; Tyrants; Pirates; even a giant tree; But this... pony... had left her at a loss for words.

"I... um... I... don't..." Shiso felt like her brain was boiling, completely unable to comprehend the pony before her. Rainbow Dash saw the struggle on Shiso's face, flying up to her.

"Hey, don't overthink it too much. She's just Pinkie Pie." Rainbow patted her shoulder, snapping Shiso out of her stupor.

"Right. So, I offer you the chance to ask me anything... and you chose that? Over anything else?" Pinkie Pie gave a slow, offset blink, before nodding. "Right, any other questions?" Applejack cleared her throat, giving Shiso an intense look.

"If'n yer gonna answer any questions we got, so here's my question: What, exactly, happened to yer planet? And why did, whoever it was, decide that your people needed to get wiped out? It seems like the saiyans weren't exactly the best race of folks." Twilight nodded, readying her quill and notepad.

"I was curious about that too, being as Bage never went into great detail about it, aside from that it was destroyed." Shiso looked down at the ground, unsure of how to answer.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure. I was off planet at the time, and I only found out a few hours later from Frieza, and he told me that a large asteroid destroyed Planet Vegeta. I'm sure Bage would know more though. He was supposedly on planet before it happened." Shiso heard a snort behind her, turning to look. Bage was still sound asleep, but he seemed to be suffering an unpleasant dream. His face was contorted as if he was watching something distressing. "I was hoping to learn what happened myself."


Bage found himself in a void, not too dissimilar to when he was contacted by Nightmare Moon, but this one was different. The darkness surrounding him was less an oppressive force and more of a gentle shroud. "It's about time you came to visit, monkey-boy." Bage froze, recognizing both the voice and the insult. He turned, his eyes widening as he saw her. Sunset, looking no worse for wear, stood there staring at him with a look of boredom mixed with amusement. "Before you get all misty-eyed, this isn't real, it's just a dream." Before Bage could say anything, another voice made itself known.

"Indeed, Bage the Saiyan. Welcome to the dream realm, we are sure you may recognize us?" He saw the shadows next to Sunset condensed, forming the figure of Princess Luna.

"Yeah, kind of. Princess Luna, right? I don't think we met properly before," Bage mused. Bage's gaze shifted from Sunset to Luna, his mind racing with thoughts of what to say to Sunset, and what to ask of Luna. Luna's ethereal presence seemed to soften the edges of the void, her midnight blue mane flowing like a river of stars. She smiled gently, a knowing look in her eyes.

"In this realm, we are not bound by the physical world's limitations," Luna began, her voice echoing softly. "Here, thoughts and emotions manifest as tangible entities. It's a place of reflection, healing, and sometimes, a bridge for farewells."

Bage's eyes lingered on Sunset, a mixture of longing and sorrow welling within him. He swallowed hard, trying to anchor himself in the surreal reality of the dream.

Sunset stepped forward, her form shimmering slightly. "Don't look at me like that, Bage. I'm not really here, you know that. This is your mind's way of coping." Her voice, though teasing, carried an undertone of sadness.

Luna moved closer, her form casting a calming glow in the void. "Grief is like a shadow, Bage. It can envelop you, but remember, shadows are born from light. Sunset's memory, the light of your shared moments, that's the source. Embrace it, and you will find your way through the darkness."

Bage listened, his heart heavy yet strangely comforted. He glanced at Sunset, then back at Luna. "But how do I let go? How do I move on without forgetting her?"

Luna's gaze was soft but firm. "To move forward is not to forget, but to carry the love and lessons learned forward with you. In each step you take, in every decision you make, her influence remains a part of who you are."

As she spoke, the void around them began to brighten, stars twinkling into existence, painting a tapestry of cosmic beauty. Bage felt a warmth spreading through him, a sense of peace he hadn't felt in a long time.

Sunset's form began to fade, her smirk tender yet melancholic. "You've got a lot of living to do, monkey-boy. Make it count."

Bage nodded, trying not to let his tears spill over. As he watched Sunset disappear, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Luna, her expression filled with compassion.

"Remember, Bage, the dream realm is always here, a sanctuary for your heart and mind. But the waking world awaits, with new challenges and joys to discover. You are never alone."

With those words, the void slowly dissolved, the stars fading like distant memories. Bage felt himself being pulled back to consciousness, Luna's final words echoing in his mind. As he opened his eyes to the waking world, he knew he was ready to face it, carrying Sunset's memory as a beacon of hope and strength.

Author's Note:

Discord is back in stone, Bage has unlocked his new form, and he's finally able to move on from Sunset's death. That doesn't mean she's gone, though. Not by a long shot. However, another time skip is needed, since Discord broke out early, and Chrysalis is still licking her wounds. I'm not entirely sure of when the Crystal Empire returns in the show, after the Canterlot Wedding in canon, So I'm gonna say about a year and a half, two years. Dryce will play an active role, as well as Shiso, and I also have something planned for Rainbow Dash as well as another group of characters; they'll come in later though.

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