• Published 29th Mar 2024
  • 440 Views, 101 Comments

My little Dragon Ball: FuyuMori - Tundricwolf

An ancient Alicorn roams the land with her adopted Saiyan son/student. After being on their own for many years, the two slowly begin to build a new group of family and friends

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Ch 2: How they met

Within the hut, there were multiple masks strung up on the walls. Multiple shelves also sat along the walls with many vials resting on them. Within the center of the room sat a massive cauldron. It was resting within a small pit with flames licking at its bottom. The liquid in the cauldron was boiling and steam flowed all around the room.

A mare who was sitting by the cauldron when the door opened had rushed up to Tree Hugger.

“My young Tree Hugger! Your foreleg! Please, let me mend your….”

The mare trailed off as she looked over to Arctic and Glacious. The two were looking at the mare, taking her in. The mare was a Zebra. She had a Mohawk that ended in a braid. Her eyes were a bright light blue. On her forelegs, neck, and leonine tail, which poked out of the cloak she wore, all had multiple rings on them. She also had two large hoop ear rings.

The mare just stared at the two before breaking out of her stupor and starting to tend to Tree Hugger. After lathering an odd green goo on Tree Hugger’s foreleg, she bandaged it up and gave Tree Hugger a tight hug.

“My young Tree Hugger, what happened to you while you were away?” The Zebra asked.

“Well, I managed to find the herbs that you needed, but on my way back, I got attacked by a pack of Timberwolves. One ended up biting me, but I managed to get away. Then those two came and helped me and he destroyed them all.”

“You saved my student?” The Zebra asked looking over to Arctic.

“Yes ma’am. I heard her scream and I couldn’t just not help.” Arctic said giving a small bow.

The zebra mare smiled and bowed as well. “I can not express how grateful I am for you saving my student.”

“There’s no need for that, miss…” Arctic said as he trailed off a bit.

“Zecora is my name young creature. What are your names?” The zebra said.

“My name is Glacious, Lady Zecora. This young stallion, is my son. His name is Arctic.” Glacious said wrapping one of her giant wings around Arctic.

Zecora stumbled back in shock a bit. She could see that the mare before her was clearly massive. But she hadn’t expected the mare to be a Pegasus with such giant wings. Tree Hugger was also staring at Glacious’ giant wing again. The behemoth of a mare, in Tree Hugger’s eyes, gave off the roughly the same vibe as Princess Celestia, though she dismissed it. Zecora also looked between the two and smiled.

“Miss Glacious has adopted you? I’m glad to see she has taken you in as her own and seems to have raised you very well.”

Glacious smiled and kissed Arctic’s forehead and the tall young Saiyan just blushed and sheepishly looked away. Zecora just chuckled and smiled. Even Tree Hugger grinned at the display.

“I must ask,” Said Zecora, “How did you two first meet?”

Glacious smiled and recounted their tale. She explained how after some strange burst of color filled the sky and what felt like a magical surge appeared, she discovered Arctic when he was a baby. She then explained how she adopted him and raised him and even became a teacher to him. Though she left out the fact that see was an Alicorn. Remembering how other ponies reacted to her, she didn’t want to risk it. She did, however, contemplate telling them, seeing as the two mares seemed to be comfortable around Arctic.

Zecora and Tree Hugger took in the story and smiled as they listened to it. Once it was over, Tree Hugger said, “Looks like we are a lot alike.”

Tilting his head slightly, Arctic asked, “What do you mean we’re a lot alike?”

“Because, much like you, Tree Hugger is adopted by me.” Zecora said with a smile.

“Truly? You’ve adopted young Tree Hugger?” Glacious asked.

“Why yes. It is quite the interesting tale, as to how we met.” Zecora said.

“May we hear it, Miss Zecora?” Arctic asked.

Zecora smiled and chuckled as she began telling the story.


Many years ago, a younger Zecora traveled Equestria. After leaving her homeland, with the goal of pursuing her goal to become one of the best Herbalist Shamans in all of Equestria, she traveled all over. Each place she stopped, she would learn whatever she could, whenever she could. Everyday, her knowledge grew to the point she could rival her homeland, Farasi’s, best Herbalist Shaman. However, she wanted to get better. She felt she could get better, and so, her pursuit continued.

However, every place she stopped, shunned her. Wherever she went, ponies would hide from her. Labeling her an evil enchantress or a monster. Nopony would dare come near her for fear that she would do something to them. This deeply upset Zecora. There were even days she would shed tears and even contemplate going back to her home. Then, one day, things got strange. While Zecora was temporarily residing in a small forest near another town, she began noticing small things being left for her. Then, soon, more and more things were being left for her. And then, one day, something that was left for her changed things.

Zecora had awoken one day. She was in an foul mood. The day before, she had attempted to go out to the little town to get something, but once again ponies fled and hid within their homes hurling multiple insults or screaming as they ran. It didn’t help that it had been raining all day and will be raining today as well. As Zecora walked to the window of her self made temporary home, she noticed something outside. Registering what it was, Zecora immediately went outside.

Sitting in the rain and covered in mud, soaked head to hoof, was a small filly. She was an utter mess and it looked as though she had been crying.

“My young foal, what are you doing here.” Zecora asked, sorry present in her voice.

The filly flinched as she stared up at Zecora. She looked as though she was about to bolt, but something was keeping her held in place.

“P..please don’t hurt me.” The filly stuttered, terror clear on her face.

“Hurt you? Why would I do that? I would never hurt anypony.” Zecora asked.

The little filly looked a little shocked by that but was still scared.

“Everypony has been getting sick and they all have been saying it was you.” The filly said.

Zecora was shocked by this. She didn’t know that ponies had been getting sick, but to hear that it was because of her shocked her even more. Then she remembered the trinkets and various fruits and veggies being left for her. It dawned on her that ponies were leaving them for her as some sort of offering to convince her to remove whatever curse she cast to make everypony sick.

“Ugh. Well, young one, why are you here?” Zecora asked.

“Um, mom and dad left me hear as an offering.” The filly said as she looked down.

Zecora was sickened. A couple left their young filly here in the hopes of stopping some sickness she had nothing to do with. Zecora had grown angry, but kept it contained. Ushering the filly in, Zecora quickly found some towels and began drying the filly off. Afterwards, she made breakfast for her and the filly and the two began talking.

Zecora asked the filly about her parents and was upset by what she heard. The filly, Tree Hugger was her name, which Zecora found out later, was an only child. She lived with her mother and father, though they weren’t the best parents. According to Tree Hugger, her parents were neglectful and could be quite abusive. It was quite often the two would beat the young filly, leave her with nothing to eat or drink. The filly would have to take whatever scraps she could or steal something to eat just to survive.

Tree Hugger also explained that ponies had been getting sick. It wasn’t until Zecora appeared, ponies had begun blaming her for it. It didn’t help that ponies would sometimes catch her making brews, practicing her craft. The assumptions and accusations only got worse. Then, somepony had the idea to leave things as offerings in the hopes of getting Zecora to release them all of the curse Zecora placed upon them. As the days went by, more and more ponies got sick and those already sick got worse. It wasn’t until a few ponies ended up passing away did the offerings got more crazy.

Then, the parents of Tree Hugger got the idea of offering their daughter. To them, it seemed the other offerings weren’t enough. So they decided to give up their daughter as an offering. To them, not only would it be enough to appease Zecora and lift the curse, but they would also be rid of the daughter they hated so much.

After hearing this story, Zecora instantly decided to take the filly in and raise her as her own. In the beginning things were rather difficult. Tree Hugger was trying to get over her fears of Zecora and Zecora was experiencing the trails of parenthood. But over the years, their relationship got better. The two had truly developed a mother and daughter relationship as well as an unbreakable friendship. Tree Hugger also became a student under Zecora after she picked up an interest in making brews like Zecora.

As the years went on, their bond grew stronger and the two traveled all over together before eventually settling down in the Everfree Forest. Of course, much like all the other times, Zecora was shunned by the ponies of Ponyville, so Tree Hugger would often venture out to Ponyville to get anything Zecora needed. Though, Zecora would go to Ponyville in the hopes that someday, things could change, though it seems that may never happen.


After hearing that story, Glacious and Arctic stared at the two. Arctic was smiling with tearful eyes and Glacious looked to Zecora with a look of understanding as she and Arctic understood how Zecora feels.

“That was such a sad story, Lady Zecora. I’m glad to hear that you’ve taken in young Tree Hugger much like me and my Young Arctic.” Glacious said.

“I also understand how you feel, Miss Zecora.” Arctic sympathized.

“You do?” Zecora asked. Arctic nodded.

“I’ve also been through what you have. Me being the only of my kind in Equestria and something nopony’s ever seen before, ponies do hide and run from me. Though I do hold out hope things will change someday.” Arctic said.

“I feel the same. And I must say, it does feel rather nice to hear somepony else understands how I feel.” Zecora said.

Glacious smiled somberly. She also understood how it felt. Though, she didn’t believe anypony would accept her. Nor did she thing ponies would accept Arctic and Zecora. Though she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to ruin their optimism and hopes that things could change for the better for them someday.

“Please, you both look hungry.” Said Zecora. “You should stay for dinner and we could get to know each other more.”

Arctic perked up at the mention of dinner. He looked up to his mother and she just sighed and smiled as she nodded her head. Arctic just cheered and smiled ready to dig into whatever food Zecora had in store.

Author's Note:

So, if you’re wondering why Zecora isn’t rhyming, in my story Zecora only starts rhyming once she’s serious. It’s also a bit of an excuse because I can’t figure out any rhymes. Forgive me :fluttercry::pinkiesad2: