• Published 29th Mar 2024
  • 448 Views, 101 Comments

My little Dragon Ball: FuyuMori - Tundricwolf

An ancient Alicorn roams the land with her adopted Saiyan son/student. After being on their own for many years, the two slowly begin to build a new group of family and friends

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Ch 6: Bridle Confrontation

“What’s the problem young filly?” Asked Zecora as she looked down at the filly.

“It’s mah sister. Somethin’ happened to her and her friends.” Applebloom said.

Zecora sighed slightly and shook her head, facehoofing as she then groaned.

“I did warn those mares about the Poison Joke.” Zecora said.

“What the hay is Poison Joke?” Applebloom asked.

“The plant is much like Poison Oak, though it’s results are like a joke.” Zecora said as she walked over towards one of her shelves searching for a book.

Tree Hugger shuddered slightly. Zecora’s rhyming thing had reared its head. Tree Hugger remember when Zecora would speak in rhymes often, though when she appeared in Zecora’s life, Zecora’s rhyming died down. Nowadays, when the rhyming comes out, it means she’s serious or angry.

“So is there a way to help them?” Applebloom asked.

“Indeed there is young one. Although, it shall take a while for the cure to be done.” Zecora said.

“Okay. Thank you.” Applebloom said with a smile.

Arctic drowsily walked over and crouched in front of Applebloom. Applebloom froze up a bit as he did that, but she eased up. Her curiosity about the tall creature began to flood her mind once again as she looked up at him.

“Nice to see you again little filly.” Arctic said with a smile. “I don’t think we properly introduced each other. My name’s Arctic. What’s yours?”

Applebloom blinked a bit before snapping out of her stupor.

“Oh, uh, Ah’m Applebloom. Nice to meet yah.” Applebloom’s voice was a bit quite but Arctic still heard her well.

“Applebloom huh? Nice to meet you too.” Arctic said reaching out a hand.

Applebloom stared at his hand, unsure of what to do. Then it kinda clicked for her. She slowly took her hoof and placed it into Arctic’s hand. Arctic smiled and gave her hoof a small firm shake before letting go.

“Oh and that’s my mother, her name is Glacious.” Arctic said point his thumb over to her.

Applebloom looked over to the giant mare and nervously smiled

“Uh, hello miss.” Applebloom said.

“Hello young filly. I’m glad to see you again.” Glacious said. “Though, I’ve heard from Lady Zecora and young Tree Hugger, that this forest is rather dangerous. Did you come here on your own?”

Applebloom sheepishly nodded and looked to the ground.

“That was rather dangerous to do, young Applebloom. You could’ve gotten seriously hurt. Though, it does confirm what my young Arctic said about you.” Glacious smiled slightly.

“What he said?” Applebloom looked up to Arctic. “What did yah say bout me?”

“That you were brave. Even braver than those six mares yesterday.” Arctic said.

Applebloom’s eyes widened a bit. Her heart raced slightly. She had grown excited and proud to hear that some tall creature she had just met called her brave. And to hear she was braver than even her own sister, made her smile widely.

“Thank you Mister Arctic.” Applebloom said.

“No problem, Applebloom.” Arctic said petting Applebloom on her head.

Applebloom smiled even more and enjoyed getting pet by Arctic. Tree Hugger chuckled and walked up to the two.

“‘Mister Arctic’? Guess someones got a fan already.” Tree Hugger said with a grin.

Arctic just blushed as Applebloom chuckled. After Zecora had started the process of making the Poison Joke cure, Applebloom hung out with them all. She learned about Tree Hugger and Zecora’s past and she had grown a deep amount of sympathy for them. To see that the two are such good mares and hear how they’ve been treated as well as seeing it herself firsthoof? She immediately began thinking of how she could get Applejack and the other ponies of Ponyville to apologize to them.

Applebloom also learned of Arctic and Glacious’ past. Though Glacious did keep out the fact she was an Alicorn. She saddened even more hearing that what happened to Zecora and Tree Hugger, also happened to Arctic. Applebloom was amazed to hear that Arctic was an alien. She asked many questions, but he couldn’t answer many. He only knew what his race was called. He also showed his Super Saiyan form to Applebloom. She, as well as Zecora and Tree Hugger were surprised to see this. Applebloom asked to see the other things Arctic could do. So, he went outside with her and Tree Hugger, and showed small low power energy blasts and even his flight.

What really amazed Applebloom, was the ice and water magic Arctic displayed. She had never seen or heard of any magic like that before. Arctic told her that he learned this magic from his mother and that he wasn’t even a master of this magic. Somewhere between a high level beginner or low level intermediate. Applebloom couldn’t see how, to her, he seemed like a master of it.

As the day went on, it had become noon. Zecora was making good headway with the cure when she came outside. Arctic was flying around, low to the ground, with Applebloom on his back. The filly was laughing and smiling enjoying being flown around.

“Young Applebloom?” Zecora said. Applebloom looked over to her.

“Yes, Miss Zecora.”

“I have a small request for you.” Zecora said.

“A request? Fer me?”

“Indeed. There is a certain herb I need for this cure. It resides within Ponyville. I cannot be able to get it, because, well, you know.” Zecora said.

“Oh, yeah.” Applebloom said as she sadly looked down. Then she perked up with a bright smile. “Well, if yah need mah help, I’m happy to do it fer yah.”

Zecora smiled. She went back inside and returned shortly with a small bag of bits. Arctic escorted Applebloom to the entrance of the forest and let her go off into Ponyville before returning to Zecora’s home.


The Element Bearers were venturing off into the Everfree. Twilight had summoned her friends to the library. When she had learned of what happened to her, she called the others to her place. It was then she found out something strange had happened to all of them. Applebloom had also been there, only because she was asked to get Applejack by Spike. After the girls had their meeting, Applebloom went to go find the herb Zecora needed. Before doing it, Applebloom discovered Applejack had been a stowaway in her mane, and left her on a branch before trotting away to get the herb. After being found by Rainbow, who had been struggling to fly thanks to the Poison Joke, went off into the Everfree with the others to get Zecora to remove the “curse” she placed on them.

Before long, the six mares made it to Zecora’s home and sneakily begun peaking through the window.

“What’s with all the freaky mask things?” Asked Rainbow as she scanned the house.

“They’re all so creepy.” Shuddered Rarity.

Just then, Zecora walked in. Making her way to the cauldron, as she did so, she had begun putting more of the ingredients needed for the cure in. After which, she began speaking in her native tongue. Then Tree Hugger walked in.

“I got some of the herbs you needed.” Tree Hugger said.

“Why thank you, my young Tree Hugger.” Zecora said. “Though, it looks like you also got more than just these herbs.”

Behind Tree Hugger, came Arctic and Glacious. Draped over Arctic’s back was a massive sack full of fish. He was even eating a piece of fish as he walked in. Glacious, after squeezing her way in, laid down next to them.

“My dear child and his appetite. He just had to get as much fish as he could.” Glacious said with a light chuckle.

“I can’t help that I can eat a lot.” Arctic said somewhat defensively. “Besides, I haven’t had fish in a while.”

Tree Hugger chuckled. “Dude, I can’t wait to see you pig out again, you bottomless pit.”

Arctic just rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help but smile.

The girls all stared at Arctic in shock. They were all now seeing Arctic out of his cloak. What shook them even more, was the fact that Arctic really does eat meat.

“That’s what that creature looks like?” Rainbow asked.

“And it seems like Fluttershy was right. It does eat meat.” Applejack said.

“Then, does that mean it eats ponies too?” Rarity said as she shuddered.

“Ah womdeh ippt eafh cuhcaks.” (I wonder if it eats cupcakes.) spluttered out Pinkie pie.

Just then a small chuckle sounded from inside.

“Now then, we just have to wait for our young Applebloom.” Zecora said.

Applejack, hearing this, begun to grow angry.

“Applebloom? What the hay do they plan to do with mah little sister?” Applejack said through gritted teeth.

Twilight shuddered as she began mauling over the things she had seen. She had slowly begun to believe that they all were bad. After a moment she came to a dreadful conclusion.

“Don’t tell me. They’re going to make ‘Applebloom Soup’? And feed her to, whatever that thing is?”

This made Applejack reach her boiling point. In the blink of an eye, Applejack hopped onto Rainbow dash, and with the makeshift reins she made earlier to help guide Rainbow with instead of letting her fumble around attempting to fly, she made Rainbow fly up and barrel straight towards the door.

With a mighty bang, Rainbow and Applejack flew into the house, Arctic heard this and whipped around. Seeing the rainbow mare flying towards them, he jump in her path and Rainbow rammed into Arctic’s belly. Applejack jumped off of Rainbow skidding along the nearby table.

“Ah won’t let y’all hurt mah little sister!” The tiny mare barked out.

Just then the others rushed in. Arctic jumped away from Rainbow Dash and he grabbed onto her back hoof and flung her over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy helped in her now deep voice as Rainbow slammed into her. Twilight, getting angry now, used her magic and grabbed onto Arctic trying to stop him. Arctic using his ki, broke out of Twilight’s magical aura. This startled Twilight. She had never known somepony to be able to break out of a unicorns magic like that.

Glacious had jumped into the fray. Concealing her magic, she used her wings to blow the mares back. However,what she wasn’t expecting, was the tiny pink mare to somehow pull out a massive cannon. Before Glacious could properly react, the cannon went off. Surprisingly, the cannon had enough force to blow Glacious back slightly. Just then, Rainbow, sloppily, rushed in and nailed Glacious in the side.

Tree Hugger, while not a great fighter, was also fighting. She was brawling with Rarity. The mare’s mane did make her struggle a bit. So, as unladylike as it was, Rarity used her magic to make magic based gems appear and attack Tree Hugger. Tree Hugger was able to dodge a few of them, but every now and then, a few would get her. Scratches and cuts littered a few spots of her body, but even then, she kept fighting.

“We won’t let you hurt anypony!” Twilight shouted.

“we’ll make sure monsters get put in Canterlot dungeon!” Said Rarity.

“I’ll buck all of you into next week!” Said Rainbow.

Arctic, who had now started fighting with Rainbow, after she had been launched away from Glacious thanks to her massive wings, was beginning to get angry. To him, his hope was crumbling. He had always held out hope that he and now Zecora and Tree Hugger would be able to be accepted by other ponies. But now? He heard what those mares were saying about them just outside of the Everfree, heard what they were saying now, and being attacked like this, he had begun to feel that maybe these ponies were just never going to accept them. Then he thought about Applebloom. He wanted to believe she was genuinely accepting them. The stories they told each other, Applebloom’s enthusiasm learning what Arctic could do, her happy laughs and giggles as Arctic flew her around on his back. But now, he was slowly beginning to believe she was tricking them.

Just then, Arctic heard another low boom. Followed by a massive burst of wind. It was Pinkie’s party cannon. Then Arctic got lassoed around the neck by Applejack who pulled him down, letting him get bucked by Rainbow. Blood gushed out of his now broken nose. Arctic’s mind temporarily went blank. Then, reaching his breaking point, Arctic erupted. In the blink of an eye, Arctic had transformed into a Super Saiyan. The six mares were surprised by this and a beginning to get scared. Arctic slowly stomped his way over to them. His glowing yellow eyes staring straight through the mares.

“It seems I was mistaken. I held out hope ponies would accept us. No longer look at us like monsters. But now I see that’ll never happen. Now, I want you all to go away, and leave us alone!” Arctic bellowed out before rushing towards them.

Glacious felt the same. She was about to start truly fighting as well, but something stopped her.

“What the hay is happening!?” Shouted a voice.

Everypony looked up to the source and saw Applebloom. She was panting heavily and staring manically at the scene before her. Then she noticed that Tree Hugger, Arctic, and Zecora were bleeding. Tree Hugger had multiple cuts and scratches, so did Arctic, but his shoulder also had a giant cut on it and was bleeding heavily. Zecora also had a few cuts and bruises.

“Are y’all okay!?” Shouted Applebloom as she rushed over to them.

“No! Stay back Applebloom! Said Twilight as she held out her hoof stopping Applebloom.

“No! Let me help mah friends!” Applebloom shouted.

“They ain’t yah friends Applebloom! Now go home!” Applejack shouted.

“Yes they are!” Applebloom retorted as she rushed past Twilight and straight towards Arctic. “Mister Arctic! Are yah okay?”

Arctic stared at Applebloom. He still did kinda believe she was tricking them, but seeing how worried and frantic she seemed made his belief fade away. Arctic slowly calmed down and fell out of Super Saiyan.

“I’m fine Applebloom.” Arctic said.

Applebloom also went to Zecora, Tree Hugger, and Glacious asking if they were okay. Then Applebloom quickly found bandages and helped bandage up the wounded trio. As she did so, she started going off on the Element Bearers.

“How could y’all? Comin’ and attackin’ mah friends! They’re so nice and kind, and y’all treat me like this? If y’all actually tried to get to know em, y’all would see that for yerselves! Mister Arctic was right. Ah am braver than y’all.” Applebloom said, her voice lowering as she continued to help bandage Arctic, Tree Hugger, and Zecora.

This got to the girls. Their minds had calmed down and they had begun to think. Their fears had truly gotten the better of them and they had jumped to conclusions. Applebloom really was brave. She actually got to know them and seeing as how she befriended them, shows they are good.

Applejack just stared at Applebloom. Watching her worry over the ones she and her friends attacked. Applejack was a bit ashamed but proud to see her little sister show such bravery, doing what she and her friends were too scared to do.

“Um, excuse me.” Said Fluttershy.

The three injured beings and Glacious as well as Applebloom looked over to the pink maned Doe.

“I’d like to apologize to you all for what we did today.” She said as she gave a low bow.

“I would like to apologize as well.” Said Twilight. “Our fears got the better of us and we jumped to conclusions.”

Then Pinkie Pie popped up with four cupcakes. With four cupcakes. While she couldn’t quite talk with her tongue still all big, she gave an apologetic look. Tree Hugger, Glacious, Zecora, and Arctic cautiously accept the cupcakes which made Pinkie smile.

After the other apologized, Zecora, while still upset, decided to help the mares. After a while and a bit of convincing the other ponies of ponyville, the six mares as well as Tree Hugger, Zecora, Arctic, Glacious, and Applebloom were at the spa. The six mares had been cured and were relaxing. Glacious was resting and getting a hooficure for the first time. She was a bit unsure, but after some time, she had begun to enjoy it.

Arctic, Tree Hugger, and Applebloom were in a jacuzzi. The three were happily chatting when Applebloom asked Arctic to show her more of his magic. As he did that, Applejack was watching. She was glad to see Applebloom having having fun with the two. Her mind was buzzing. She was thinking of ways to properly apologize. Though, she worried that no matter what she, or her friends, did, they would never be properly forgiven.