• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

A jaunt into enemy territory.

"Stalker, I will end up killing you one of these days." Mordane and the earth pony stallion were climbing over a pile of rocks three days after leaving the mercenary camp. The plateau had stood before them as both an obstacle and a short cut.

Mordane’s muscles burned and sweat poured out of his body as it endeavored to carry the camping equipment up the steep embankment. The straps on his wings and horn were constantly rubbing against him, surely leaving red marks beneath his fur. The binding ring at the base of his horn itched and occasionally emitted a spark. His wings burned as they sat strapped to his body. He had tried to find a way to remove them safely, but they had proven to be far too strong of an enchantment for the young stallion to remake after breaking it. That was if breaking it did not backfire somehow. Because of that, he would have to leave them on.

"You knew that this bucking rise was going to be here. That's why you took the first shift for the first two days." Stalker's laughter only caused Mordane to growl some more at him.

“You know Mordane,” Stalker said while jumping lower down the mountain to push him up, ”as much as I love touching your hot flank, I would have expected you to last longer. You have only been carrying it, what, one day? That is hardly commendable after having such a victory.”

With his legs shaking, Mordane lacked the energy to really complain about Stalkers touch. Even though he seriously considered cutting off the pony's hooves.

“That victory, as you call it,” Mordane grunted as he finally pulled himself over the last rock and onto the top of the plateau, “Was something any half competent commander could’ve done with half a leg being gnawed off by a flaming bear.”

Stalker snorted as Mordane turned around and reached down to help him up as well.

“If I’m not mistaken, Stalker,” he continued, “you also seem to be breathing a little deeper than before.”

It was Mordane’s turn to laugh at the glare from his traveling companion. Sitting down, they both looked over the other side to the area beyond. Their panting slowed as they fully took in the scene.

Stretching out before them were rolling hills with trees hugging the side of the mountain chain that they sat upon. They could see birds flying overhead. In the far distance one could just make out the shimmer of a river.

“Why are we climbing up the side of a mountain again?” Mordane asked, after recovering from the climb.

“This plateau was once a pegasi outpost, and much larger than it is now. Earth pony slaves would be forced to grow food here. Eventually the place was abandoned, and the few buildings made of wood turned to dust eventually. With erosion crumbling its edges, This is the only place you can cross the mountains this far west. It’s far faster than going around the long way and you did say ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can,’ to Boulder that you’d be back as soon as you could . Why, I could have sworn you were about to kiss.” Stalker was already standing. Pulling out a spyglass, he began to scan the area before them. “Plus, I can teach you to move without being seen on the way. Much too hard for you on the road.”

“Teach me to sneak? Why?”

“You do not know?” Stalker sighed and put up his spyglass. “Of course you don’t. Recently, Cabistien and Derrena are at each other's throats. The various lords of Derrena have even toned down their infighting. Cabistien is moving its troops west. That's why that rebellion happened. There is going to be a war.”

“War? What for?” Mordane asked as he started looking for a place to climb down from.

“Derrena is looking to annex the city state Ike. It will give them access to both sides of the peninsula.” Stalker pointed to a spot on the opposite side of the plateau a hundred meters away. “Cabistien won’t allow that as Ike is a vassal state to it.”

“Who will win?” Mordane asked curiously.

“Cabistien has more money but Derrena has more soldiers. Either way, neither side currently has the resources to hold the other. It would take all Derrena has to take Ike.”

“So which direction we headed?”

“To the north east. By the way, how did Boulder take the news of where we are going react when you told him where we’re going?”

“Well, if I remember correctly, he told me to kiss my ass goodbye.”

Reaching the plateau edge, they began the long climb down and into the forest before heading north northeast towards their destination.

A few hours later as the sun began to set the two ponies found a small clearing to camp in.

“Isn’t this too exposed?” asked Mordane as he drew his sword with his mouth, using it to shift through the brush in order to find some kindling, only dropping it twice.

“No, it should be fine. We're way too far off to be noticed at this point. Tomorrow though, we’ll be getting close.” Stalker rubbed his hooves against the ground, pushing the twigs and leaves to the side as he cleared a place for the tent.

After coming back with another load of wood on his back, Mordane saw that Stalker had already set up the tent and was mixing water into a bowl with hardened wheat porridge. Mordane went on to set up the fire and get water from a nearby stream.

He returned to find Stalker sitting next to the fire eating from a bowl with a spoon. A small pot of food hung over the fire.

"Come over and take some porridge Mordane."

"Sure." Picking up the bowl, Mordane sat down and began to eat, knowing it would likely be their only warm meal for some time.

Stalker stared at him from across the fire, slowly spooning the goo into his mouth.

"So… How was your childhood Mordane?"

What? Why would he care?

"It was nice. My family was isolated, so I could just wear a hat when company came over. Nopony would show up unannounced. I would help in the fields and play with my brothers and sisters… Celestia probably has now them though."

A somber tone settled over the camp, allowing the depressing nature of the area to crowd to the forefront of Stalkers mind.

"Why didn’t you try to free them?"

"Because I would have failed," Mordane snapped. "I loved my parents, but that will not make me a fool. If I surrendered then my family would be slaves. Held to keep me in line. Them and their seed for time untold. Even if I knew where they would be taken I would have no chance to capture the place alone. Not to mention its likely right under that castle of hers.” Mordane set aside his bowl and stared into the fire. His eyes turning a slight red and a little watery as sadness welled up in him. "I need help, loyal help. It will take time to get it but… Well, I will find them and take my revenge."

"She may be keeping them prisoner yes. Or she could have killed them."

"I considered that. My parents are old. They would not survive any kind of harsh imprisonment. My older brother would break as well… The stronger they are. My sisters would take the longest, but in the end only shells would remain. At most two or so years… Already been over a half. By the time I get back...."

Rage burned in Mordane’s eyes. The fire that he stared into was reflected in them, and for a moment, Stalker felt a chill. The pony’s usual mask had been pulled back and he could see clearly.

Stalker did not know if his companion was insane, but he could almost feel the heat of Mordane's anger.

"What if she keeps them well Mordane?"

"Then I will kill her for the years of my life lost and for imprisoning them. It matters not."

The coldness of his statement confused Stalker. Was this not the same pony who would spend money to free a pony and go out of his way
to avoid causing pain and death of the innocent? Who could command undead but chose not to? Where was his kindness? It was things like this that made him wonder if Mordane really was insane.

"That voice… Talk like that again."

"What? why?"

"It turns me on."

Mordane’s glare could have curled milk.

"Don't you think that you’ve made enough innuendos, Stalker?"

Stalker took note of the manipulation in the statement, and briefly wondered how he could at one moment be capable of it and another blind to the most obvious thing.

"Oh, please Mordane," Stalker said smiling coyly" It relatives tension between us. After all it is what you expect of me."

"True, but that fact does not take away from how annoying it is." Mordane paused " I see where you picked up such a social defense mechanism… probably sexual childhood abuse."

Stalker snorted.

"Wrong, oh wise one. I was raised in a loving family."

"Yeah, right," he said rolling his eyes. "what loving parents name their colt Child Stalker?"

The stallion in question waved his hoof in a dismissive gesture.

"It was tradition. My parents were named similarly and you've met my brothers. Why, I remember carrying rocks up to the top of the mountain. Then we had to drop them on the top or stare at a tree until I made it grow a foot in one day. Or mine for crystal in aforementioned mountain. Now that one was downright cruel. I mean, there were no gems in that...." Stalker paused mid sentence, shocked at how much he had said.

Regaining his composure, he tried to divert the conversation. In the back of his mind, however, he once again wondered about Mordane and how his maturity and personality seemed in flux all the time.

"Umm...Why did you decide to go to Ponyville anyway?"

Darn. Caught himself.

"Oh, well it had the best library outside of Canterlot. I wanted to learn as much as I could without being under Celestia's rule."
Stalker snorted.

"Bullcrap. You like the danger, the chaos."

"I'm sorry?" Mordane raised his eyebrow "What do you mean?"

"Nopony hides from the thing they fear under its nose. Certainly, they don't apprentice themselves to the pony who is third closest to them. At the least they don't speak to them! I mean come on. How close did you come to being caught?!"

" Well...at least five I can think of."

"You see. You like danger. keeps you sharp." Stalker laughed and took the dishes to the camps edge to clean." Even though I had to save you a few times."

Mordane did not concern himself if what Stalker said is true. Besides, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


Mordane held a jewel in his hands. Calm filling his being. With a tendril from his mind the crystal flared to life.

"You bastard."

His normal calloused shell was not here to protect him. The words cut deep.

"Star Charmer I'm so-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses you stupid ape." Tears were going down his face his eyes "Why did you do it, Mordane? Why did you stop being a pony?"

Mordane looked down . For the first time noticing that he really did have hands and a feet. As part of him flashed shame another rejoiced at his returned humanity. Then both was filled with dread at the thought of eventual death came to him.

All was swept away by Star Charmers wards as her hoof played across his face.

"Did we not mean anything, Mordane? Or should I call you by your human name?"

"I've always been human, Star Charmer. I always will be."

"Can you even remember your name?"

The question cut like a knife.

My...name? What but...How could I forget

"How could you forget me, Mordane?"

Star Charmer was gone, replaced instead with his grandfather from before he came to Equestria. Setting his jaw, Mordane fought to gain control of himself.

"This is a dream."

"Does it matter? You can't deny the question Mordane."

The dread that had been building in the background started to twist the dark fog beyond his immediate thoughts. Dark shapes formed.

I will not be consumed

"Perhaps you already are."

His heart hammered in his chest even as he apparition stepped closer to his now tiny pony form.

"Tell me Mordane: what are you? A pony with a human soul or a human soul with a pony body?"

"I will not give into such madness. That question has no mean-"

"My boy" he said touching his shoulder with dark lines growing deeper on his face." Its all that matters."

"Begone. I will have nothing more to do with you. This is a new world. A new life! It is mine to take!"

"New world old patterns. War...war never changes. Death....It stays the same as well. Don't forget taxes....or did you forget."

"War, death, taxes. These three are one and the same, but the greatest of these is taxes."

"Aye. Never forget that."

"...I was the one to say that to you. Not the other way around. No you said there is no state more desired than peace and none more valuable. That once violence is done for oneself it will only begat more violence. What you just said makes no sense to that.... BECAUSE THIS IS A DREAM!" Mordane screamed in anger "YOU WILL BE GONE!"

and he was gone..

Mordane was alone.

In the dark.

Voices spoke in the abyss.

His mother’s...father’s...brother’s..sister’s...Star Charmer’s...

"Why did you kill us Mordane?"

On the edge of his troubled mind a hoof began to try and push into his dream.


Mordane snapped his eyes open and repressed the urge to scream.

I am the stone next to the ocean. The unchanging nature of the wind. I am the truth of water. Silence is my peace. Quiet my refuge....
He struggled back. Trying to remember everything he could.

I..I was called...JOHN! Yes yes what was my last name? Uh, I was called John Running? No John Triston, Yes John Triston. I was twenty five...Now I am forty three....Then why don't I feel like it.

Sitting in his cot Mordane contemplated when he started noticing the disconnect. It had to have been in the womb....then He grew use to it and for a while it disappeared. Now he was calling back old memories again.

That must be it...I'm using knowledge from then and its causing me to come back...but I never left?

It did not take long for him to crush that little voice of confusion. He was Mordane...and John they are the same person. Just different points in time in a life. He had not thought about some things for a while....that was fine. Old memories do tend to fade with disuse.

"Yes...yes that is what happened. Just some old memories resurfacing. I know there deaths were not my fault."

"Bad dreams?"

Mordane snapped his head to stare at Stalker for a second. The question of sharing a single tent had not even crossed Mordane’s mind. Now it seemed more important for some reason.

"It happens to me sometimes my friend" He said quietly before standing up. "So how are we going to travel today?"

"Well as I said" Stalker replied with a raised eyebrow " We travel in secret. Now help me pack up the camp" Mordane nodded and headed out of the tent He did not hear Stalkers whispered finish to his sentence"..friend."

High Rise snorted in disgust and with a mighty flap of his wings literally blew his spy out of the tent.

Oh the stallion had his uses to keeping the group together but his report filled him with rage and disgust.

That mutated half-bred, spawn of a necromancer. How the buck did he do it?

Despite the stallion being gone somepony was still going around following his orders. The tents were in line and number. He had been receiving scout reports constantly despite not ordering them.

What am I going to do? Tell them to not do the work?

He certainly wasn't going to pay them more for it. For that matter he would not be paying whoever was doing extra work for Mordane. Just the name set his teeth on edge.

I know that punk is looking to take my place...Probably some of his goons are already planning to kill me when my back is turned.

It seemed wherever he went in the camp the topic was always the same. Mordane this Mordane that.

The informant had been snooping around. According to him the entire camp was already referring to Mordane as "the second".

How long till that is commander I wonder...I won't have my band taken by some snot nose colt from the north!

There was not much he could do about it though. If the stallion did not return in two weeks then...

"Now there is an idea....There is nothing saying I have to wait for him. It may be customary but...Yes. I think I'll do just that. By the time he gets here well be gone and he will have no idea how to find us" With a chuckle at his cleverness High Rise called for another one of those farm mares to be brought to him.

"So Mordane...how do you know High Rise will wait for us back at where we left him."

"Doubt he would. The guy is only concerned about his bottom line.. Good thing he planed where they would march and marked it on a map. Pretty funny how he left it out for all to see."

"Huh. Well that could have been bad."



Hours later Mordane was moving carefully through the forest. Trying to avoid twigs and leaving prints while at the same time moving silently from cover to cover.

His mind just kept playing back what Stalker had said.

"Listen Mordane. We are going into enemy territory. With the war up and coming they will likely have random patrols going around the cities. I would rather avoid having to hurry due to your clumsiness. Now here is the first thing to being sneaky."

Mordane carefully stepped over a log and winced as the sound of a large stick breaking rang out.

Looking back he judged how well he had done.

There was at least five hoof prints he could see, broken twigs everywhere and his favorite quill was laying on the ground which he promptly went back to pick up.

"Wow...you really suck at this." Looking up Mordane was confronted with the puzzling sight of Stalker standing on a tree limb

How did he get up there?


"I mean a blind, deaf old man with a cane could follow that trail Mordane!"

"Err it is my first time"

Stalker smiled" Well I guess I'll have to be more gentle."

"...walked right into that one."

"Yes, yes you did. Now head straight and do try to be more careful"

Mordane turned and headed on. It confused him how Stalker would disapear as soon as his back was turned. Looking back he knew that just like the other five times he would be met with empty forest.

Eventually Stalker dropped out of the trees to talk again.

"I mean really Mordane. I thought you were good at everything?"

"Common misconception. I just only use my strengths and move before It becomes a problem."

"There! There is the problem. Your too much of a leader to sneak."

Mordane furrowed his eyebrow.

"Well I seem to remember launching a surprise attack not two weeks ago."

"That was an army. you only had to distract them. This is different. We have to get through without gaining their attention." Stalker said patently.

The constant putting down of his sneaking skills had put Mordane in a bad mood.

"Do not patronize me Stalker." he growled.

"I shouldn't have to tell you this stuff Mordane but with your sneaking..."

"I'm not a child, Stalker. I am trying to follow your advice to the best of my ability. Repeating it won't help in that regard."

The veiled annoyance of Stalker turned to downright anger.

"Maybe if you weren't acting like one I wouldn't have to." he whispered, turning away.

"What did you say?" Mordane responded threateningly. " I don't much like the idea of you thinking that of me. If we have a problem just say it."

Stalker opened his mouth to make another innuendo but stopped midway before closed his mouth. A second later his brow furrowed to match Mordane as his voice took on a quality of steel.

"I said that if you did not act like a child I would not have to treat you like one. I mean come on Mordane!" He walked right up and stood in the stallions face. "Advice? I did not just give advice. I gave you instructions on how we both can get out of this. I did not have to come on this you know."



Mordane had already lowered his horn at stalker as he glared.

"I am no fool, Stalker. Your family has been watching me for a long time."

"No you idiot!" he shouted " It's just me who has been watching you!"

Whatever Mordane was going to respond with was lost as Stalker suddenly tackled Mordane to the ground. At first Mordane thought that the stallion was trying to kill him but his eyes fell on the arrow shaking as it stuck out of a tree.

"Were under attack!" he shouted.

"I know! Get to cover!" yelled Stalker as he bolted.

Mordane did the same and dived behind a outcropping of rock. Reaching out with his mind he felt the seven ponies on the hill.

There is no way we can take on that many.

He searched for a way out but soon he realized that they were just too close. A grim determination to not die hiding filled him. Once one stallion was close enough he pulled out his sword and jumped him.

With the first blow Mordane and the pegasi pony guard both had their swords knocked out of their mouths. His look of shock at Mordane’s strength flashed across his face. Quickly they turned to hooves.

There was no rhyme or reason to Mordane's attack. He jabbed left and right before bucking at the ponies face. The pony at first barely dodged but within a few second he began to weave with ease around Mordane’s strikes. There is however only so much one untrained can do against a trained soldier.

With a single thrust and a flap of his wings the stallion threw Mordane against a tree. In a daze he watched the stallion pick up his sword and start walking toward him. For a few moments he considered his options before realizing that it was impossible. His soul was anchored to this flesh and even if he had all the proper rituals he was just too weak. With careful resignation he accepted the inevitable. With an odd calm his thoughts and the life that he had lived.

So… this is the end. I probably should of taken the binds off. Then maybe I'd of won. Well hindsight is twenty twenty... It's odd how I don't feel any fear. Well it's the time. I wonder if ponies and humans go to the same heaven… or hell.

The stallion raised his sword for the killing blow

Two hooves suddenly snaked around his neck. With a twist, there was a loud crack and he fell to the ground.

"You know saving you like this was not in the job description." Stalker smirked

"I was not aware there was one."

"True." he laughed.

"What happened to the rest of them?"

"Take a look" He turned a gestured around.

One mare sat tied to a tree as the rest of the attack party lay fallen in bushes and open ground.

"...Remind me to not piss you off again, at least until I have my magic back."

"Will do… and I am sorry. It's just I was afraid something like this would happen."

"How did you take them out" Mordane asked as he stood up.

" Family tradition. Now… what to do with her?" He said gesturing to the mare tied to the tree.

"...Well there is the obvious thing. We are on a spying mission." he looked stalker in the eyes " I don't know about you Stalker but I dislike the idea of torture."

"True. It's not very effective anyway." he replied casually " They just tell you whatever you want to hear."

"So psychological?"

"Do you know anything about it?" Stalker asked curiously.

"Torture? Yes, both physical and mental. Though I've never practice it."

"Well I suppose we can go mental. First let's find a place to take her, then we'll talk."

An hour later they found a small cave in the side of a cliff. Stalker secured her inside before returning.

"She's awake. You ready?"

"Yes. What's the plan?"

"I'll go in and rough her up. Look like I'm ready to really ramp it up. Threaten her with the usual, rape , more punching and such. I'll avoid really hurting her though."

"Ok...then I come in and play good Stallion."

" Well no" Stalker replied sheepishly " you play the worse guy. Then I'll come in and try to look like I'm desperate. That I'm the good Stallion."

"Ah...so what I be as evil as I can and you'll act all scared? Didn't she see me beaten?"

" I'll say something about how your letting me do this because of training or something."

"Ok....got it. I'll have to be the most evil bastard you have ever known."

Stalker nodded before rolling his eyes and heading back into the cave.

Mordane took a seat and started thinking back. He had covered nearly every aspect of war as John...

I will have to be convincing.

Carefully he selected his words and outlook that would have the desired effect. As he worked the back of his mind took note of the sound of impacts and gasps of pain.

Standing he started walking toward the cave. His eyes were glazed over seemingly uncaring about anything. Walking in one could almost taste the blood he must spilt as it was marked clearly in his trot and breathing.

Looking at the mare he did not let a flicker of emotion touch his face at her bloody nose. He instead turned to Stalker and put a disgusted look on his face.


The stallion jumped into the air at his shout. He turned playing out the part of a fearful subordinate.

"S-sir I was just interrogating he prisoner. As per your orders."

Mordane glared at him letting the disgust leak into his voice.

"I said to torture her. Not to give her a few broken bones."

"Oh no sir! No sir! Steady hoof has broken none of her bones!"

Mordane shouted and projected pure rage.

"Then you have failed even more! If I was not training with restrictions I would do this myself!"

"But sir...What else is there to do without magic?"

Mordane sneered.

"I suppose I will have to show you how to conduct such things. Very well. I will explain carefully."

Walking up Mordane looked around the cave before beginning to speak.

"Step one: Either lay down some sheeting to keep from making a mess, take the subject to a location where it doesn't matter if you make a mess, or prepare a tip and an apology for the maid. *sigh* I go through so many maids. Anyway, step one - check."

Mordane calmly recounted to the much confused Stalker and prisoner. He taped the stone behind the prisoners head.

"Step two: Impress upon the subject that it is in their best interest to divulge any and all information that is asked of them. There are several ways of doing this, some folks like the old 'surprise knife to the knee' but my personally my favourite is to give them a rundown of the planned itinerary. "

A small smile crossed his lips as the mares eyes grew wider.

"This would be where you tell them about all the horrible things you're going to do. You know, shatter their hooves , flay their tail, boil their legs one by one, all that good stuff. I saw some centipedes back there and I'm interested to see if they'll be able to dig their way out if I sew them into someone's gut, so that'll be fun to look forward to. You'd also be surprised at how many ribs you can take out while keeping the subject conscious. I'll give you a hint; it's all of them." She groaned and shook at his words. Her eyes unable to look away from his.

"Heh, that reminds me of this one time I was working on a griffon, a real tough nut, and her kid was in the next room. I was going at it for most of the day so, needless to say, he ended up pretty bored. I swear his whining was even louder than his mum's. Anyway, what I did , right, was I gave him a pile of his mum's ribs and he spent the rest of the day in there on his own using them to make little teepees and stuff. It was downright adorable. Of course I did end up plucking the little chicken in front of his mum, but it was cute while it lasted."

Stalker gaged.

"Ahem, anyway, I thinks that's check and check. Next comes step three: ask the subject if they're willing to talk. This step's really more of a courtesy, but I like to do it anyway. We're all busy people after all, and the sooner we get things wrapped up the sooner we can all go about our business. If they don't want to play along then that's when we go to step four: the Fun Part."

He paused to let that sink in. Already the mare was staring wide eyed at him.

"Since it seems unwilling to surrender the information." he said with a smile" Start with the tail. Cut it off...then the mane. "

"Ummm." Stalker spoke up swallowing his surprisingly dry mouth. "What do we do if she talks without a fuss?"

"Oh, then we give her some food and knock her out for a day."


Mordane grinned even bigger.

"Yes, oh yes you will."

Mordane walked out of the cave with Stalker who had stayed silent throughout the rest of the conversation. The information had been of no real value as the mare had not known anything.

"She will be ok right?"

"Yes Mordane, but where did you learn about things like that? I thought you disliked torture." He seemed put off by what Mordane had said.

"I learned it a long time ago. Disliked it myself. Can't think of many times I would actually have to do it and certainly never to that extreme. In the end though she told us everything with no fuss."

"Aye but what will she say about us."

"No idea....So where are we headed?"

"North still. I gave the impression we were headed east to the ocean for pickup....Look Mordane, I shouldn't of called you a child."

Mordane rolled his eyes.

"Apologizing does not become you Stalker."

"That's certainly true."

They both smiled and continued north.


Celestia damn Mordane and his brilliance!

Boulder walked toward the mess hall. It was much easier now that the tents were in alignment. Though they had yet to moved Mordane had already set ponies in command when they did.

For Bolder arriving at camp was one of the biggest surprises of his life, tents in a row, the locals pacified, and who had done it.

To Boulder Mordane was still a child. Only eighteen. How could he have gained control so quickly? Then maintained it? Not to mention actually commanding well.

The maneuver was not something taught in any military training he saw. Attacking a superior position with lower numbers...It sounded like suicide. Even if they were just farmers.

It just did not fit into Boulders world view.

I have got to see what the others think of him.

Boulder ,on the first day, had set out to gain 'friends' throughout the army. It was an old instinct from before he had been forced to retire at the age of twenty five. That was ten years ago but habits die hard. Plus it was good to hear were they were going.

Not to mention what that Stalker fellow was up to.

Walking into the mess area, something else Mordane had set up, Boulder was not supriced to see his friends waiting for him.

"Welp gentlemen" he said sitting around a fire with them and seeting down two wine sacks he had traded extra guard duty for. " Its good to see ya."

"Good to see you to Boulder." said a pegasi scout.

"hello my friend." returned an earth pony engineer.

"Fine night to you." Spoke up a smug unicorn.

The pony rummaging through the utensil chest just grunted in response.

"So...I know yall haven't met each other. I'm just pulliong yall her because It accrued to me we might be able to figure something about this
Mordane fellow." Boulder said picking up his fake drawl. Most ponies would be more open around someone they perceived as stupider than themselves.

None of them knew he shared a tent with the guy and so they did not question how they would know more than him.

"Well" spoke the Unicorn " I don't know him that well... all I know is that he seems to of straightened out the camp. Quite respectable."

"Eh, an officer's an officer; met one, you've met 'em all. Damn it, where's that damn can opener? I traded my picture of Steamy Buns for these damn beans."

"Respectable my ass!" growled the Pegasi " I mean the dumb one I got back home. I'll tell you about Mordane. He's a brute! A monster from the old tails! One of those damb necromancers."

"Don't say that about him!" fumed the Earth pony " He is an incredible commander! Look at how he was able to win the battle so soundly."

"Bah! They were farmers." the pegasi said picking up the wink flask " Any pony who has seen any REAL fighting could of done the same."

"Ah hell with it." grunted the pony looking for a fork "Hand me that rock would you? This thing wants to play games then I'll make it a game of rock-paper-smashed can."

"Without any casualties?" smiled the Unicorn." I do wonder about the quality of leadership but his command is without question ."

"Exactly! and I don't know about yall but the best quality a commander can have in my book is to keep his ponies alive and feed."

"figures an earth pony would only care about his stomach."

"Ah shut it. You just mad because a unicorn turned out to be a better commander than you could ever be."


"Aw damn it."

The pegasi sputtered as the Unicorn and earth pony laughed.

"Well any" said the unicorn wiping a tear from his eye" All I know is that some are enamored with him. Some are afraid or hate him. Most however don't care. Like me."

"I see...." Boulder whispered." That's interesting."

"Well you can at least say that" agreed the Unicorn.

Boulder continued to talk for a while before leaving. His frustration noted like a rope inside of him.
Walking away from camp Boulder found a secluded spot.

Sitting down on his flank Boulder prepared to do something he had not done in years.

Commune with the sun.

For uncountable generations his family had worshiped Celestia. She was powerful. Immortal. Wise. All that any stallion or mare could wish to be. So of course they had called he a god. Yet this title had always seemed wrong to those first ones. That was until they realized that the alicorns were not gods but spirits. Of the moon or sun, love or hate, kindness or fear. They could embody anything. Even Discord was not god. A sprit yes but not a god. They were not omnipresent or all knowing. They did not have all the answers or hear prayers.
Boulder knew his beliefs were considered outdated by most ponies. Only a few families like his practiced it anymore with any devotion or fever. There was his problem however. One that lead to his downfall from grace. The sun was cleansing fire, unbending light, fearless and Celestia was the ponification of these qualities. She was glorious to behold....and yet.

He had always felt she burned to brightly. That she demanded too much.

Is Celestia blinded by her own light?

Celestia was wise. The bringer of dawn and order to the world. She was the shining sun.....and he believed that she was wrong. He struggled with this and soon it became obvious to others. When he confessed what was troubling him to his father.....he had been thrown out. Twelve years ago he had thought that. Eleven he began drinking.

He tried to follow the other alicorn finding them to feel even worse.

Years had been spent traveling around from one life to the next. Meeting dangers and trying to evoke that burning spirit of the sun.
Yet it never came.

It had been years since his last attempt to commune. In fact it had been a long time since he had thought about his religion. One that had pushed him away from harmony.

Ah this is the place. Her sun in my face and the life she feeds below. Power and giving all in one. My father might of even insisted we rebuild our family chapel here.

So he drew his sword and stabbed it into the ground before removing his helmet. He stood in silence. Listening to the wind as it rustled through the leaves.

Breathing deeply he tried to draw the suns strength and warmth into him. Pushing away the sickening taste in his mouth. He became a nothing.

Yet he did not feel peace. Only rage.

How could she of done that to me.
"Where are you taking us Stalker."


Mordane gave him an incredulous look.

" Stalker we have been at this for days. Where is this Merrygold mountain? "

"Just about a day's travel to the north. First however I'm got somewhere I have to stop."

"...So more walking through this rocky wilderness?"



Stalker lead Mordane around ever changing wilderness. Later that day however he pointed to a seemingly random white boulder.

"There it is. Ok just one second."

Trotting over he moved a smaller rock next to it revealing a small hole and a envelope.

Opening it stalker read it then quickly ate it whole. He was still chowing as Mordane walked up.

"Wasn't sure I'd find anything but It seems m brother has gotten himself into a jam."

"Smut peddler?"

"No Shop Lifter."

"...ah...I don't remember much about him."

Stalker motioned for him to follow.

"It just means we'll have to make a stop on the way back."

"Thats fine...what about getting caught?"

"Well...we can't go in without looking like soldiers. We'll need a disguise."

"What kind?"

"...Well a lot of merchants travel the road leading into the city...We're going to need to sneak him out by the way."

"Of course we do." Mordane had stopped trying to figure out about Stalker and his ilk. They had some kind of spy/perverts thing going on and in truth it really did not seem to be that important. Then he thought about how the fact that there was a spy/pervert in his life seemed completely normal."Lead on."

The trip to Merrygold was easy. Going up the mountain slightly more difficult. The place was an abandoned gold mining location from the time of the griffin empires occupation centuries ago. It had been mined dry.

The only value in it was that from the top one could get a view of a large area and see if there was any troop movements going on...Ultimately useless work since they knew the Rina military was moving south and west toward Ike.

After confirming that there was no massive army to be seen the two headed west to gain access to the main road.

Their plan was simple.

Stalkers brother Shop Lifter was held up in the small city of Arius. S small city north of Tietus. They would have to hold up beside a major road and attack a wagon carrying goods

It would have to be a lightly guarded one as well...

Calm heart and Smooth corn were riding toward Rina in there single wagon. The old couple had been farmers for years but to their misfortune no children had come to them.

Now in their old age they were getting to the point that growing crops was too difficult.

The couple had been through worse though and had acted quickly instead of waiting till they could not do anything.

Selling the farm they had made a bold move and bought iron for an incredibly cheap price. It would sell well in the city near Tietus. Most would of balked at such a risk and journey without protection. They did not worry much however. After all who would attack two ponies who were pulling a rickety cart and were dressed in rags. To all the world carrying bags of turnips.

If they could get a good price in the city they might even be able to settle down there and open a small shop.

Yes no pony would guess that they were carrying raw iron ore.

"It's such a nice day Heart. We'll likely make good time." said the old mare to her husband who smiled back at her.

"Yes... I dare say that nothing will get in our way."


Both of the smiling old couples slid to the ground unconscious .

Mordane strapped himself into the front of the cart and waited for Stalker to finish with the old couple. He winced hopping he did not hit them to hard.

"Well I slipped them some sleeping powder. Wouldn't believe what I found back here though."


"three bags full of Iron ore."

Mordane deadpanned

"Are you being true with me?"

"Yeah...We can get a good price for it in the city." His eyes were shinning and a dreamy look was in his eyes.

"We are not stealing from an elderly couple Stalker." Mordane glared

"Well he did just assault them. Stealing is really a step down."

Mordane ignored him.

Stalker sighed. "Fine we will not steal a fortune from the old couple. Happy now?"

"I suppose." Mordane nodded toward the city in the distance" I will be the puller and merchant while you are the guard."

"Of course."

The trip to the city only lasted hours as they moved through the same land they had for days. Only now there progress was much better.

Before he knew it Mordane was pulling the cart up to the gate.

"Halt traveler. What are your goods." The guard glared at Mordane.

"I'm moving turnips...that's all."

"Not a real demand for turnips."

"Well...you take what you can get."

The guards eyes narrowed and glared at the merchant before him before shrugging.

"True. Go on in."

Mordane nodded and pulled the cart through.

Once inside Stalker showed him were to take the Iron and turnips to sell as Mordane insisted they could get a better price for them as repayment.

The stallion waiting seemed bored at the sight of the Iron and pretend to be more interested in the turnips. Even giving a good price.

"That iron ore though...We don't have the forges to handle it really. Only the major cities can afford to manage refineries. All of the iron must be collected to go there. I mean I can give you thirty bits a pound."

"Sixty bits or I go to tietus."

"Sixty! That's outrageous!"

"Not with a war coming."

The outrage on the stallions face fell away and he nodded.

"Well can't blame me for trying. Sixty is fine. This stuff is in very high demand right now."

"Of course."

The two of them too the money and left. Gladely offering to unload the items themselves.

"So how are we going to find this guy?" Mordane asked as they headed away

"Should be easy enough. He is just in the local prison. All we have to do is post bail and he is free to go."

"... Then why would we have to sneak him out of town?" Mordane asked frowning.

"Because of all the stuff he is going to steal." Stalker replied with a straight face.



"Don't you think he might refrain for a day?"




"Ok then. Lets go get him then."

Stalker looked at him blankly.

"Uhh....what about the old couple?"

"Well we have to free them somewhere."

"Well...I was going to wake up him up and tell him where the bits are. Then disappear but that plan involved realizing them outside the city."

"They probably won't mind too much if you give them all the money. Then say it was to save a lover's life."

Stalker raised an eyebrow.

"Thats cold of you Mordane."

Mordane glared at him."Really? You don't say. I was thinking it would be better to spend five hours explaining something that would probably be over their heads anyway."

"You better." Stalker laughed " Go find the prison then. I'll take care of the couple you bleeding heart."

"Ah shut it. Only a fool is unnecessarily cruel."

Stalker pulled off the cart and took off with it leaving Mordane to figure out where the prison was alone. A task that proved to be easier than one might think.

"Hey do you know where the prison is?" He asked a random passerby.

"Yeah just go two blocks down and take a right. Its at the end of the street. "


The guard at the front simply stared at him though when he told him who he wanted. He wore a blue hat and uniform cut to not interfere with is wings movement.

"...Are you sure? I mean. We could keep him here a long time if you want."

Mordane gave him a questioning look.

"I'm going to ignore that. Look were friends. I have to get him out. How much is the fine?"

The stallion sighed.

"Your loss. It will be fifty bits."


"Aye. Fifty. Stealing a ponies dentures while there in his mouth is tantamount to assault."



Mordane stared at the stallion wondering what the heck would drive Lifter to steal something like that.

"... fine I'll pay. Now take me to get him."

There was little paperwork before the pony lead Mordane through to the back. Cells lined the wall filled with prisoners. All of the hooting and hollering at the glaring Mordane. The guard led him to a cell with only one occupant.

"Lifter! Your fine has been paid!"

"Is that so my good friend!"

The pony in the cell sat smiling as the guard nodded at him.

"Yes this pony paid it for you. Now if I could just find my keys."

The guard started patting in pouches and checking his mane.

"Have I met you before?"

"Yes I'm Mordane, we met many years ago in a small town with your other brother...The one you warned by about."

"Stalker? Yeah I remember. He's still stalking you?"

"No not really. More like following me."

"Uhh Is this what you dropped?" asked Lifter pulling a ring of keys out of his mane." I urr picked them up off the ground in front of my cell."

The guards mouth hung his mouth open before clamping it shut and growling.

"...Just give them to me."

"Sure thing officer."

Mordane left the prison only a few minutes later with Lifter following him. He felt sure that with a little work and careful planning he could keep the pony out of trouble. After all how hard could it be to convince one pony to not steal anything for awhile.

"So Shop Lifter, Dentures?" he asked without turning around

"No I don't have any...do you?" Lifters eyes shined with greed.

"Yeah that's right. Now listen Stalker, err Lifter" he said turning to look him in the eyes. " you cannot steal anything until were at lea... Lifter"

"Yes Mordane?"

"Where did you get that police hat?"

"Hmmm" he scratched his chin thoughtfully " I have no idea."

Knocking the hat off his head Mordane pulled him through the street toward the main gate without pause.

Soon Lifter started keeping up with him as his hoof was hurting from the pull. Stalker walked up and motioned them into an alley. Mordane stood watch. Not looking back at the two brothers but listening.

"They are fine now."

"Hey brother! Long time no see. Hows the hip?"

"Still twitchy and if you touch my things it will still make be buck you in the jaw."

"Ahhh no need for such hostility." Lifter gave Stalker a hug and backed off. His goofy grin gave way to the serious one Mordane remembered from all the years before.

"Is the air clear?" he asked straight faced

"Yes all ears are at peace with the way." Stalker replied rolling his eyes.

"Do you still follow the path?"

Stalkers face twisted with rage and shock. He stomped up to Lifter angrily glaring into his eyes. It was at this time that Mordane noticed how much smaller Stalker was than the normal pony as he had to look up at Lifter.

"The path is my life and my binding. Without it I have no color. Without it the world is like a sea of gray. I am of the way."

"This one wonders." Lifter looked over at Mordane who was standing blank faced as they spoke suddenly in a archaic form.

"Why have you shadowed this one beyond the allotted time. How could that be with the path?"

"It is of the path because I say it is leveler"

Lifter bowed his head " Of course pathfinder"

The Two stared at each other until Mordane regained his composure at their surprisingly strait conversation and coughed.

"Can we go now? I would like to leave before Lifter steals more things."

"Too late for that." Stalker said while Mordane turned around.

Shop Lifter was covered head to hoof in Two hats, three cuffs, three jackets and four pouches. How he had not noticed the insane outfit or the bags literally jingling as random items shifted was a mystery.



"...problem?" Lifter said smiling.

Mordanes face turned red with rage.

"...just drop it Mordane." Stalker asked while touching his shoulder.

He exhaled letting the anger go.

"Fine Lets go. Now. The sooner I'm out of these bindings the better."

"Yeah you should tell me about that Stalker. I did not know you were into H&M."

After getting Lifter to dump the goods the three of them walked calmly out the front gate and quickly parted ways after a parting ritual between the two brothers.

Stalker and Mordane headed over the mountains the way they came. The time going smoothly.

Ultimately it was a very boring and uneventful trip.