• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,715 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Herridon: Tradition

Mordane watched as Trixie followed One Eye out of the dock area. He gave a small smile but his eyes drifted up to the castle. He frowned. Charon had already left, flying toward the top level.


“Yes?” The mare asked trotting up to him.

“You go up onto the ship and pull up the plank. Keep everypony off, save for our guys.”

The mare nodded and placed her right hoof over her chest in a salute before asking:

“Should I oversee practice?”

“No, have the ponies stand guard and patrol” Mordane replied before looking back at her. “ Show me you have what it gots to lead.”

“Yes sir. I hope things go well for you.”

“You and me both.” Mordane took a deep breath and double checked if his bag was securely attached to his side, and pulled his cloak close. He decided to put on the brown thing, after meeting with the unicorn bureaucrat.

Looking up he could see two pegasi guards come in for a landing. They were different from the ones before. For once, they were collared and secondly, their armor was sturdier, and pure black. As they landed, it gave the impression of a great weight settling.

“Lord Stronghoof?”



Mordane pulled out his nobility paper and his docking permits. Looking it over, one of the two guards nodded.

“If you will come with me sir.” He gestured toward the main dock office “There is a chariot we can use to take you to the castle.”

“Of course, first though, I will need to purchase some clothing.” He gestured to himself. “I will not appear in court wearing nothing.”

“Very well sir, I know of a place for nobles to purchase proper attire if you wish.”

“Yes. Let us go.” Mordane took off suddenly toward where the guards had motioned causing the both to flank him instead of lead.

Mordane nodded back to Ivy, who saluted and returned to the ship. He proceeded to the main office.

In his mind Mordane was already a noble and this showed in how he walked. He intentionally shifted his mental patterns to match this. Placing his hooves firmly on the ground, his head held high and eyes locked forward, gave the impression of importance. Ponies noticed.

Like a sudden beacon from the darkness, Mordane thrust himself onto the consciousness of everypony in the area. Each looking and thinking why the guard would be escorting this pony? Did he commit a crime? No, he’s walking too confidently.

Quickly they arrived at the import office and the yard where two carriages were hooked up. Mordane did not wait, nor ask permission as he trotted past the small barricade and onto the chariot.

The guard motioned to the two attendants, who graciously bowed away for the black clad guards and then quickly again for him.

Hooking themselves up they wasted no time for the gasping ponies and took to the sky.

Mordane looked down at the slums as they quickly passed and he had just as little time to look at the second level before reaching the third.

Rising above the castle Mordane’s couldn’t help but sharply inhale.

The place was beautiful.

He asked the guards to move slower, as to give him time to admire.

While the outer wall was very militaristic and the inside was almost chaotic in its layout. The term castle obviously meant the whole plateau which was as big as the other two floors but much better maintained.

Solid stone paths were lined with greenery, mixed with sculpture. His eyes focused on a singular statue of a unicorn, made from marble, a stream of marigold flowers seeming to sprout from her horn and slice through a stone block five yards away, surrounded by trees, looking like broken buildings, masked in red roses. Such works could be seen lining the paths, maintained by pegasi wearing collars.

Trees were everywhere, twisted into signposts, lamps, benches and small vistas where one could go for seclusion.
This public garden wound its way around stone libraries and play houses. Water fountains and the occasional small restaurant.

The part was surrounded by a winding road, near the sea was resuspended mansions of every style and taste. A few large enough to have small vineyards.

Despite the chaos of the central area the part nearest the wall was extremely ordered. There sat barracks where he saw pegasi soldiers training and warehouses for food supplies. Plus a large facility his escort informed him was the city pump house, that delivered free water to the whole city.

Then his eyes focused on the actual castle.

It was the largest and tallest property on the level. It sat on the opposite side of the various mansions and was made in a far more traditional style. Its stone face came right up to the corner seaward and merged with the wall. Just in front was a large courtyard where several ponies could be seen eating from tables and milling about.

“We are about to arrive sir.”

“Very well.”

They landed outside of a stonework building in the park and Mordane hopped off. Walking into the store, he was surprised to see a practically empty room. Two slave pegasi mares bowed as he entered and a pink unicorn smiled after turning to look at him.

She was wearing a much more open cloak than he was, barely draping over her flank. A flowing robe design marked by floral design. Her eyes only dulled slightly at his look, before glancing up at his tuft of hair and deciding on the side of caution.

“Good evening sir. How may I assist you today?”

“Yes, I am going to be seeing the king. I require appropriate attire.”

The mare gasped.

“Truely? May I ask what your rank is so I may prepare the proper attire?”

“An unlanded lord.” Mordane replied.

“Hmm, and your budget.”

“...I don’t have one for this.”

The mare brightened. And motioned toward a small patio.

“How about a mane cut first?”

“Yes, I would like for my horn to be readily visible please.” Mordane sat on the patio as the mare prepared.”

“Of course.”

The mare took one look at his hair and floated over three brushes before handing two to the slaves. The three mares went at his hair and began working on knotes. Sometimes just cutting out the worst parts. Her magic caught all the cut hair and deposited it into an open bag. It was rather nice to Mordane even if the two pegasi seemed uninvested.

The mare only paused as she uncovered his horn and saw the healing crack.

“Oh my, how did you get that?”

“I overcharged by channeling too much energy at once. It should be healed in a few months.”

“That’s good.” The mare smiled, about ten minutes later she finished the head. “Please stand up.”

Mordane rose and saw as the mare’s magic pulled a curtain, and enclosed them.

“If you would sir please remove your cloak.”

Mordane paused, for few moments his heart speeding up slightly. He swallowed before replying

“Very well.”

Reaching up he opened the clasp and felt as the mare pulled his cloak off, leaving him fully exposed.

The store owner gasped and quickly frowned before looking back at his horn.

“I- I’ve never served a pony… like yourself.”

“Indeed. I imagine you have not.”

“Are- Are they real?”

“As real as my horn.” To make his point, he rustled his wings, causing the mare to eep, as she stepped back.

The two pegasi mares were staring at him and one's wings started to stand slightly at the sight of his toned back

“I do not have all day miss.” Mordane spoke up to break the tension.

“I’m...” She swallowed glancing out at the waiting guards “I’m sorry to have you wait… I just, need a bit... You two trim and… treat his wings.”

“Yes mistress.”

The store owner trotted outside to the guards and the two mares began again to stare at the bigger pony. One's wings were standing off her body, as she regularly swallowed and began the process of preening his wings. The other mare spent her time brushing his mane even more furiously.

“Can you fly?” Asked the first mare.

“Arstol! Don’t ask him that.”

“Yes. I can.” Mordane replied, causing the two mares to fluster.

“Magic?” The Arstol mare asked.

“That as well.” He thought for a moment as their eyes clouded slightly, looking at their wings he quickly added “I feel the call of the horizon and the calling of the wind in my feathers.”

The two mares paused and looked at each other before Arstol gestured back to his wings. Then both went back to work.

“I...” Arstol leaned in and whispered barely audibly. “Are you… going to help us?”

Mordane didn’t make any expression, only turning to look her in the eye. In a moment he realized that now was one of those moments. Looking into her eyes he saw the fire of hope and fear.

He had never felt more helpless.

There was only one thing he could open his mouth to reply.


The other mares eyes widened. Slowly, carefully they began to refocus on their work, except this time it was almost obsessively. A few minutes later one of them reached down and pulled up his forehoof quickly rubbing her cheek against it, she looked at him with sparkling eyes.

Mordane fought down a flush. His wings were beginning to itch.

She placed it down and swallowed, closing her eyes she tremblingly placed her hoof on his shoulder for a few moments, before trotting to grab a dustpan and take his shavings away.

Mordane looked at where she had placed her hoof.

She took the hair and feathers to the waste basket, her ears drooping, but Mordane reached out and grabbed her wing.

She jolted, but stood still as Mordane stretched out her wing and his at the same time. Letting go she held her wing in the same place as Mordane reached up and, with a sudden tug, pulled out one of his large feathers and slipped it between two of hers.

The Mare trembled and her eyes watered for a few moments before she rushed into the back.

Mordane watched her and the other mare go. Not sure what he was feeling Mordane stared at where she had left from.

In the city of Tietus he could remember the roaring crowds. What he had felt in her was something different, something that sent a shiver through his soul. It felt heavy like a thick fur coat in the wee hours of morning.

He only snapped back when the pink mare came back, blushing as she looked at him.

“I apologise, I have been told the king himself saw you use high magic.” She floated over her sizers and gave her head a little shake before focusing on Mordane’s fur. “Please accept this hair cut for free as compensation for my rude behavior.”

Mordane nodded and waited as she finished up the cut. Then stood as she took his measurement.

“What kind of style would you like?”

“Something subdued, but fashionable please.”

An hour later Mordane trotted out of the store. He was wearing a satin black cloak in a similar style to the mare, but his hand gray accents woven in and focus gems around the collar. What surprised him though was the gold bells placed around the foot of his cloak and the fact that all three accessory gems around his collar were in fact a reservoir gems. He would have to keep that in mind later.

Ultimately he had decided against hidding his wings though and opted for his cloak to not stretch to cover them. It still looked more like a cape to him, but the mare insisted they were cloaks.

He trotted up to the two ponies who motioned to the cart. Mordane inwardly sighed and stepped inside.

After what happened inside, flying to the castle would probably be a bad idea. Best to not throw the fact that his wings were usable into the other ponies faces.

The cart didn’t go into the air instead following the path until they pulled up to the yard in front of the king's castle. Several dozen ponies were billowing about the yard. Stridently walking from food table to wine table and to groups strewn throughout.

Behind them Mordane could see the castle doors were closed and iron worn braces lined it. Mordane mentally whistled at the waste. It had to cost ten times what he could afford even spending all the money he had.

The ponies did not look as he arrived. Stepping off he took a moment to check himself over, before nodding to the guards.

“Send for a chariot when you need to return my lord.” Then the two took off to return the cart.

Mordane walked into the crowd. Quickly ponies began to take notice of him.

Most of the ponies were wearing attire similar to him, save for the bells. The few that were wearing them though, seemed to be the center of attention.

Several of the ponies immediately approached him, though none of the ones wearing bells.

“Good day to you Lord Stronghoof. It is an honor to have you her-”
“Good day-”

Each of the three ponies looked at each other for a moment with piercing glares, before breaking off into chuckles.

“You first Miss Swirl”
“No you Sir Gavold.”
“If the two of you will not go then I shall.”

The two other ponies laughed and took up flanking positions around the stallion. Bright smiles were on their faces, wide and showing teeth.

“As I was saying. I am Sir Galdiwak and this is lady Swirl and Lord Gavold”

“Lord of the court only,” Lord Gavold spoke up. “My family services the court for the service corridor.”

“It is well to meet you, Sir Galdiwak, lady Swirl, Lord Gavold.” Mordane replied with a smile “It is comforting to see that some are not deterred by the nature of my physical form.”

The mares eyebrows raised slightly and the two other stallions took a bit of a breath. Mordane smiled at their physical efforts to restrain themselves. Already he was seeing them moving their hooves.

“Well, I was not going to bring it up.”

“Of course not, you three are obviously too, excuse my terminology, well breed to fall to such impolite behaviour.” Mordane looked at his wings and sighed. “An unfortunate though useful mutation I’m afraid and this horn. Damaged in an overcharge. I collapsed a class four, self recurrent, city class barrier and channeled it through my horn.”

That brought a bit of a gasp from all three as several other ponies came over.

“My goodness.” Lady Swirl spoke up, covering her mouth with a hoof. “is it..”

“No, Stars forbid.” Mordane replied. “No, it's been about eight months since I was injured, every doctor I’ve seen has told me that it is well on its way to healing fully and completely, with no loss of functionality at all.”

“Something like that could even increase the amount of mana you can move,” A new stallion spoke up. Somepony floated a glass over to Mordane who took it in one hoof. Out of habit he took a taste and swirled it in his mouth tasting for poison. After detecting nothing he decided to swallow.

“I must ask though, according to King Fancy you used magic in the Tietus arena. May we assume that you are perhaps familiar with…”

“War magic? Yes. It might not be as… sophisticated as the more arcane arts, but I am informed in those as well.”

“Ah, then you have earned your bells well. A stallion came up to Mordane wearing a deep blue robe with stars and golden bells hanging off of it. Mordane had seen him earlier being with a group of younger mares and sharing smiles. Nodding his head Mordane took the smile off his face and gave a small acknowledgement to the stallion. “I am high lord Starfall the bearded.”

“It seem right to present myself as I am.” Mordane replied trying to not show a reaction to the family name of Starswirl.

“Yes, a very strong magic user indeed. Strong enough to kill a dragon in single combat.”

Mordane turned and bowed to King Fancy.

“Stronghoof. I am glad that you have made it well. I look forward to speaking with you about your future among us later tonight, the city needs both your combat abilities and command ability.” He placed his hoof on Mordane’s shoulder “It seems the reason for our party has arrived. The first new lord of Herridon in over three hundred years.”

“It’s my honor to be here.”

Turning to the crowd.

“This evening I am holding a ball. All are invited.” He paused and turned to smile at Mordane again before frowning and saying. “I recommend that you all attend. Especially you Stronghoof. I tend to name the next landed noble for the recently claimed territory.”

The other ponies started to chatter, many grinning as the king continued onward to the castle.

Frowning Mordane looked back to the three ponies who were still near him.

“New territory?”

“Oh yes, recently conquered from Niel. Our border was extended further south to the ocean. It's quite hilly and so many think that it contains iron.”

Mordane frowned as the king dismissed himself. He had believed that this was a thriving city before but the king had seemed a bit too excited about the idea of iron.

“Doesn’t Herridon have plenty of iron?” he whispered to himself.

“No, it doesn’t.” Mordane turned to see Charon. Wearing his usual attire and looking even more out of place than usual. Ponies all around seemed to not even acknowledge his presence. “Has Herridon been all you thought it would be?”

“It exceeds them in almost all.” Mordane said smiling, drawing a chuckle from the crowd around him.

“That's good then.” Charon said coldly. “As for why Herridon needs iron. It is because, it is running out. The mines are not what they used to be.”

“There is still plenty of iron in the ground.” Grunted Gavold as ponies began to disperse.

“True, but we have been seeing declining output for decades.”

“Is there a reason for that?” Mordane asked noting that the small crowd around him had seemingly melted away. “That normal?” He asked indicating how the crowd was reacting to Charon.

“Yes. As for why, it is simply due to depletion. We have reached the limits of what magic allows Herridon to reach. They've already doubled the depth of a usual mine.”

“Huh, and I didn’t see much other industry around here.” Mordane said.

“Yes, it's a huge problem. If something isn’t done soon… I fear food shortages will follow.” Charon looked at the king and sighed. “It seems I have been dismissed due to my analysis.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be. I have an independent practice anyway and I was actually paid this time.” He took another breath. “Perhaps I can provide my services to you someday.”

“Actually.” Mordane said, “I already have something I’d like you to research if you could.”

“Oh?” Charon asked reaching over and plucking a drink from a slave's tray. “What might that be?”

“I was wondering if you could find out about a family, here in Herridon. I don’t know if any are left, or what their station was… but I have family here. They should have my family name of Stronghoof.”

“A little search through the records? Might be dead, or alive, slave, or not? Sure. I can do that. I’ll bring you the check with the information. I know you have the money.” The half dragon downed his glass of wine and started to look for a second. Mordane felt concern for this scaled acquaintance.

“To be honest. I’m surprised you're allowed on this floor.”

“Ah, my father may have been a dragon, but my mother was of Herridon nobility. Now so am I.”

“I see, is she..?”

“She died at my birth.” Charon replied curtly.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure she would have loved to know you.”

“Doubt it. She wasn’t exactly ‘willing’ with my father and he is mounted on the wall of our family home.” He sniffed and placed down his third glass. “Goodness. I can’t believe I said that.” He blinked and looked off at the castle again. “I think I should leave. I’ll do a little research tonight and eliminate the easiest places to look.”

Turning he trotted away and soon Mordane was once again surrounded by the lower nobility. Chatting away the hours, regaling them of tales of his exploits.


A few hours later Mordane was able to extract himself from the party which he had learned was meant to welcome the return of the king. They also explained that attending the ball was mandatory.

First thing first, Mordane trotted over to the bank of Herridon. After showing his act and horn he was able to open an account.

Forty thousand bits in notes and coins found their way into his account. Asking around he found out that a mansion on the third level rarely went up for sale, but when it did it usually went for a hundred thousand while a second level residence would normally go for ten.

With nearly half of day of spare time Mordane decided that search for more… specialized items was in order.

Trotting over to the small market area Mordane was given quite a shock. There was absolutely only highest class stores, but the prices were frankly ridiculous. Iron clasps and gold jewels alike were going for a third of the price he had seen anywhere. It was so cheap. In fact he couldn’t help, but buy two expertly carved cuffs with a small embedded dragon carved into the surface. He asked a few questions though and was able to be pointed to the store he needed. Glad to find they even had one he headed there immediately.

The apothecary was located in a small shop located above the second floor of a beauty salon. Mordane trotted up the steps and through the door without slowing.

The inside of the shop was… surprisingly orderly. Neat rows of jars laid out in neat little alcoves. All labeled, with a glass case covering each individual beaker. Some were filled with leaves, others with liquid and even more with minerals.

The counter was smoothed and polished oak, with an iron box fastened to it. Next to it was the only other door, covered by a curtain.

None of this however was what Mordane noticed first.

His nostrils instinctually pinched closed to keep out the smell of bitter almonds that assaulted him. So strong it was, that it stank.

An instant later he reached with his war magic and drew in air from outside, filtering the whole building.

“Hey, who’s doing that!” Shouted a stallion from behind the curtain. Pushing it aside Mordane blinked at the stallions headgear, which he could only classify as a fishbowl, with a neck brace to create a seal and with a lid on top. Even as he watched the stallion trotted over to an open window and opened the helmet presumably to get fresh air.

Trotting in Mordane inclined to instead hold a sphere of slowly spinning air around himself keeping the smelly air away.

“What are you making?” Mordane asked.

“Something for a client.” The stallion slid a seal over the large pot in his office. “I’d advise you to get out. Airs not too good.”

“It should be clear now.” Mordane replied. “I’ve cleared the building.”

The stallion took a look around and cast a scanning spell before taking off his helmet. Then he trotted outside and scanned again before casting a transmutation spell.

“Shouldn’t have done that colt. Stuff is dangerous. Can’t just push it out into the city, even such small amounts of it.” He grinned and trotted up to Mordane before casting a spell on him. “Don’t worry though, I made it inert and you didn’t get enough for any ill effects.”

Mordane flushed red and his ears stood up. He took a moment to admonish himself for such recklessness turning his eyes to the floor.

“I said don’t worry. No harm, no foul.” Trotting up behind the counter the stallion continued “Thought I had locked the door myself. Anyway, what can I do for you.”

“I’m here to buy twenty grams of saltpeter and ten grams of arsenic.”

“Hmm, well that would be… five hundred gold.”

“Three hundred” Mordane snorted. “Don’t try to push on me.”

The old pony chuckled and out floated two jars from the shelf. A little flash and a few measures on a scale later Mordane was trotting out into Herridon.

Hmm, I still have a few hours. Perhaps a book?

Mordane checked his mental picture of the top level and pinpointed a building that seemed likely to be the libary.

Trotting to, it he was glad to find out he was right and quickly approached the front desk.

“Is the library open to the nobility?” Mordane asked.

“To any noble of course and also free unicorns. You may enter.”

Mordane nodded and headed past, it was a truly grand library. Something like he remembered the Canterlot library being, though with far more older books available.

Trotting from shelf to shelf Mordane carefully selected one containing enchanting cravings then went on to the historical records. Ten minutes later he found a general summary. His wings were itching so badly he briefly considered if they were infected with bugs before remembering the cleaning he had just received. Instead of worrying he finds an isolated reading corner tucked between two shelves and a column. There is a small wooden chair. Taking a moment of privacy he takes a moment to scratch before sitting down.

Opening the enchanter’s book first, his excitement was quickly dampened, as the book contained nothing he didn’t know.

Sigh, a book five hundred years older than what I could find in Equestria and no change to the knowledge. Truly, ponies are making practically no progress at all, just forgetting and rediscovering ideas.”

Looking over to the history book he internally sighed. Expecting it would be much the same. Even so he knew that having an understanding of a nation's history was vastly important to understanding that nation's present and future.

Opening the book he began to read.

Oh great city of Herridon! That most blessed by the Lunar light! That High fortress carved in the southern lands of Equestria. The nation no more.

Herridon, whose name in the old tongue means hold of knowledge has stood since the first hooves set here from the frozen lands.

When the first compact was made and skewn. The first bindings of the races now broken.

“Hell… that is something to unpack.” Mordane muttered. Mentally adjusting himself to interpret what was obviously going to be more propaganda than literal history.

That contact has proven to fail to bring harmony. But we have brought harmony! We of the horn have set the world as it should be with the collar and spell. To each their place in strength.

To the feather wing the sword. To the mud pony the plow. To the unicorn the crown!

Set high daughter of Platinum. Set high and hold the duty to our destiny set by the Lunar crown! Longo imperio, quos cornu, in lumine tuo, sicut et nos unum fiunt!

Mordane frowned. Flipping through several more pages. The rest of the book was just a long series of pictures and names of mares. Quickly he realized that this was the line of Platinum. Skipping to the end he was not surprised to see the book ended just over a hundred years ago.

Standing up he returned the books and sought out another gene record, finding a much more modern record that went up to the modern day.

Princess Marigold Platinum begat (982AL) princess Starshine Platinum the 32nd first husband.
Second husband, one son, no daughters. First of his line.

Mordane frowned at the second part. No other entry had indicated a second husband to take over from the first. Add to that the phrase ‘First of his line’ and he had no idea what that meant.

Trotting up to the secretary he laid the book out in front of her. The mare's eyes lazily derived up to his face as if to ask ‘What do you want.’

“I was wondering if you understand this entry.” Mordane said pushing the book over. After taking one look the mare winced.

“Ivy Hide has been a king pony but to put something so arrogant in a published book…” She shook her head.

“I’m sorry, could you explain it better? I just arrived in Herridon.”

“Oh, well” She rubbed the back of her head “After the previous princess died her first daughter from her first husband became princess. She did have a son with her second king though.”

“I’m sorry.” Mordane held up his hoof. “So you are saying that the king is chosen by the current princess? Why doesn’t she just marry somepony and make them the new king?”

“I’m not exactly sure.” The mare replied. “The current king would have normally stepped down when the old princess passed on. Now he is calling his son the ‘prince’ it's a very confusing time.”

“I bet.” Mordane nodded his head sadly. “Have a nice day.”

Mordane made sure to replace the material before heading out to the castle. As he walked he received yet more looks and stares from groups huddled on the roadside.

Even so he continued on, ignoring the itching feeling of his missing sword from his flank.


A few hours later he arrived back at the castle. He had found a public bath and dedcided to partake, glad to find that there was private bathing rooms as well. He wasn’t sure he could have dealt with bathing among others.

The castle was alive this night, bright balls of light energy were floating around at random, accented by candles placed as almost emphasis to the building.

He glanced up at the pegasi, who were pushing clouds to cover the sun and bring evening early, for some sign of irritation at the frivolous task, but he could see none.

Trotting up the stairs he steps through the open doors and takes it all in.

Firm, gray stonework and bright stitched tapestries accented the wide entrance hall, lined with statues. Approximately thirty ponies were there with servants trotting around, carrying dishes of food on their backs.

The floor was covered in the largest carpet Mordane had ever seen, dull green with black trimmings seemed to be the standard color pallet for the castle and what Mordane assumed was the national banner.

It was a rather simple thing. Green background with a black unicorn spiral outlined in a circle.

Taking a moment he put together what the circle was.

Must refer to the moon. Unicorn supremacy indeed.


A familiar voice brought a grin to his face .

“Charon. How are you doing?”

“Well Mordane, and I hear you are doing great yourself. Rumor is this party might be for you.” Charon gave a twitch of a grin before drinking once again from a glass he had.

“I doubt it.” Mordane snorted “Though I do wonder what the king intends to do with me. Personally, I hope it isn’t being a guard.”

Charon snorted.

“I doubt it.” He took another drink. Mordane frowned.

“Do you usually drink this much?” Mordane asked.

Charon frowned and swayed for a bit before focusing on Mordane again, his claws clinking as he readjusted.

“I’ve been… released from the King's service. Apparently I was ‘unable to meet his standards’”

“That seems… odd. From what I saw you were exemplary in your service.”

“I was.” Charon nodded. “I think that I will head to my family's mansion. I wouldn’t wish to disturb your entrance into the royal court. Goodday.”

Mordane nodded his head and watched for only a moment as Charon headed for the door.

Damn I wish I could follow him

Instead Mordane turned and began to walk through the crowd. Intent on measuring the various reactions he would be getting in order to get a feel for the room and ponies in it. He didn’t get much of a chance though.

“Stronghoof was it?” A pony he noticed earlier wearing the bells trotted up. “High Lord Sparkle. At your service.”

“Yes, and I am at yours.” Mordane stepped and bumped hooves with him while standing at an angle. “Though I must admit my ignorance to what a ‘high’ lord is and the proper means of address.”

The lord chuckled and looked him over.

“We. three families are sworn to defend the crown. Though we are not peers of the land, we are vassals of the crown.”

“I… must admit my ignorance.” Mordane replied politely. “I fail to understand”

“Well. It doesn’t really matter.” The high lord smiled “You will be sworn in as a noble and peer of the land. Truly it would be good to have another wizard among our ranks. Few have the mastery of spellwork to wear such bells. From where though did you receive instruction. I wasn’t aware that there was any place outside of Herridon capable of giving the required education.” The pony smirked, his hooves shifting slightly farther apart.

Around them ponies were taking notice and forming a small circle.

Mordane paused for a moment and turned to face the stallion.

“I was trained by a single master north of the great divide.”

“A single master? Interesting. You are a protege? That method of teaching can work if your master is truly skilled. Who was this” he grinned “Grand mage.”

Mordane thought for a moment on how to reply before taking a drink.

“Being trained by a single pony is strange, even in my home nation north of the barrier. My master though was… unique in her skill.”

“Yes but what was her qualifications? What institute did she come from and what test did she give you for mage status.”

Mordane frowned.

“She was taught by her master. The avatar of the Sun, princess Celestia Invictus.”

The pony snorted.

“If you say so Alicorn.” he trotted away leaving Mordane to stand among the chuckling crowd.

Mordane opened his mouth to retort, a snarl on his face, when he was interrupted.

The door in the back room slammed open. Out stepped a mare clothed in a completely different style to everypony he had met so far. Their clothes were far more simple and instead of cloaks based on fashion they barely wore anything at all. Iron and gold inlay clasp were impossibly laced around thier body, forcing Mordane to assume either magic was needed to remove them, or there were hidden points to break them apart.

“Dressed the same as ever.” High Lord Sparkle whispered tersely to himself. “Why is the princess here?”

So, that is the princess

The mare was like marble carved from the stone itself. Her fur was a soft off white and as she walked it was with a fluid grace brought on from decades of practice. Her emerald green eyes stood out stark against her soft blue mane.

All in all she distinctly reminded him of Celestia but more inviting than threatening. What’s more, she was young. Nearly as young as he was from the looks of it.

As Mordane watched, the king appeared from somewhere and stepped in front of the princess.

“Princess Platinum.” he gave the slightest bow. “I do not remember, if I sent you an invitation to this little get together…”

“You did not.” She cut him off her eyes taking on a glint. “I do not require an invitation to attend a party in MY castle Fancy.”

The king seemed to bite back a snap reply, his face settling on returning the utter look of contempt.

“The castle is property of the crown which sits upon my head.”

“A crown that belongs to my family and which I will take back when I wed a suitable stallion.”

“And such a stallion doesn’t exist” King Fancy’s face relaxed and he gave a small smile.

“Hm!” The queen turned away and stuck her nose in the air. Her cohort of followers did the same and followed her as she made her way to one side of the room, by going down toward Mordane’s level, with the staircase opposite of the kings.

“Hmph.” the king grunted turning down his own staircase and heading to the other side of the room.

Mordane decided staying in the room center was perhaps the best option. However, the king didn’t give him that chance

“Mordane!” The king declared changing his tone and direction to meet the stallion. His eyes glanced at the startled princess before returning to him.

Mordane faced the king and bowed.

“It is an honor to meet you again.” Mordane calmly replied.

“Indeed. I am grateful you came.” The king stopped in front of him and smoothly griped his shoulder “After all. I decided to throw this party for your sake.”

“I’m honored.”

Several ponies ears perked up and High lord Sparkles tail flicked slightly. King Fancy continued to speak but his voice was slightly too loud for private conversation.

“We are the ones honored to have such a powerful warrior to join our ranks. Our western mountain border is under pressure from our enemies. A strong hoof is needed to secure those lands.”

Mordane grinned and laughed with the Kings side of the room following. Behind him an aching silence could be felt from the princess's side.

“It would be grand to bring glory to the realm king Fancy.” Mordane replied.

“This one wonders if you could meet the duties of such a station.” High Lord Sparkle cut in. Taking up even space between Mordane and the king. “After all. You wear the bell of a mage but we have not seen you take the test.”

“There is no need for that.” Fancy cut in. “I have seen his power for myself. In fact, why don’t you show them your strength.”

“Indeed.” The princess spoke stepping out from the crowd. “I’d be interested in seeing the power of a winged unicorn.”

“Powerful magical blood runs through my veins.” Mordane replied. “And my magic is limited by my cracked horn… I would be limited to war magic and that is not meant to be wielded in such a gilded hall.”

“It is acceptable” “Proceed anyso”

The king and princess glared at each other before turning back to Mordane.

“Very well…”

Mordane considered for a moment what to do, but soon came to a decision.

“Please step back.”

The king, princess and other ponies made a circle around Mordane. Several deciding to raise shields.

When Mordane tried to decide what to do. He made the decision to exclude the wind since it fell into the purview of the pegasi. Fire would be too dangerous. Water not interesting enough and there really wasn’t enough dirt to make anything larger then his head.

The princess was looking at him and Mordane was once again struck by her eyes and in that moment he had his inspiration.

It was bold, daring and frankly kind of nuts

Well...go big or go home

Mordane reached into his satchel and pulled out ten gold coins and sat them on the ground. Then stood still and closed his eyes.

Deathly silence filled the room as Mordane slowly prepared himself mentally. This magic would be of a higher order, as such he would need a rune, support structure.

The unicorns around him suddenly felt a massive presence as Mordane will struck out and snared the energy around him. Candles went dark, the room chilled and the magical lights dimmed.

From across the room a wind spun up in a fireplace and raced across the room carrying with it ash, Mordane’s eyes opened and stared intently at the blackened coals as they flashed back to life. They quickly grew to glow white and burst into flames.

Gray ash burned away and smoke billowed off, but was contained as Mordane poured mana into the system.

His runes flashed to glow a dark red as the coals finally burned themselves out. Mordanes eyes furrowed and the lump fell to the ground among the coins.

His eyes remained locked as dust and other impurities were pulled from the still glowing coal.

This is far easier than it was the last time I used that much power

Finally Mordane was left with a lump of white hot pure carbon. After staring at it for a few seconds the lump shrank to half the size before rapidly cooling.

The closest crowd gasped as a diamond was left behind and only the acquainted with the magic saw that the coins had melted and were flowing around the crystal.

A few moments later with a flash of light, a return of the lights and small crack, a gold necklace clinked to the floor.

Trotting over Mordane picked up the jewelry and examined it.

The diamond was clear and formed as a perfect sphere. In his hooves he could feel the purity and that it was indeed diamond.

The gold and other metals in the coins were wrapped together into a solid piece, thick and crude in design but sturdy and polished.

“Though it is barely befitting, this is for you my lady.”

The crowd broke out into cheers, stomping their hooves and sending up small sparks. High Lord Sparkle slowly smiled and locked eyes with Mordane. Ever so slightly he gave a slight tilt of the head.

Mordane felt a warmth flood up from his stomach as the princess reached out and accepted the necklace. She examined it and, much to his surprise lifted it over her head and down onto her neck.

“A worthy gift Stronghoof. What my stepfather says, is true. Let no one deny your noble blood for truly it must be of the strongest, to overcome the deficiency of your parentage.”

The joyous fire dampened significantly, but still he bowed low to her and then to the king, for good measure.

The king turned from frowning at the princess, to a smile as Mordane took heed to bow to him again. Stepping forward he spoke again.

“Indeed on this we can agree. I have seen the power of his blood. Truly he must be from the highest lineage. Stronghoof. I knew I was right to bring you here. Let me introduce you to your fellow nobility.”

The king stepped beside Mordane and over the next thirty minutes, the king introduced him to each of his followers. Mosts reactions were positive, congratulating him on the direct manipulation of three elements with his magic.

The grind of it began to wear on Mordane. Performing the mental gymnastics to try and memorize the hundreds of names was beyond him, but he at least was able to get a sense of the nobility.

Most were actually neutral as far as the princess and king go. He knew the ones who weren't, due to their reaction to the king. Being either to go so far as to congratulate the king on Mordane’s strength, or to ignore him save for bare courtesy.

Each one received a polite reply, but after a short time he began to notice statements mixed in, that seemed to be reaching for some reaction, or to remind the individual of some loyalty. A complement to the loyal, a veiled threat, or promise to someone against him. Soon though the king became embroiled in a polite discussion with several of his supporters. Mordane finally had a chance to to slip away.

“Sir Stronghoof?” One of the princess's gold wired clad tagalongs accosted him.

“Yes?” Mordane replied his brow furrowing. His wings were itching again.

“The princess would like to speak with you.”

Mordane swallowed, with his heart rate picking up again.

Following the pony he was lead through a side door and through a servant corridor. He only had a few moments to consider if this was some kind of veiled insult, before they left and stepped back into a main corridor. Shortly later they came up on a pair of doors.

“She is out there. Good day lord Stronghoof.”

“Good day.” Mordane watched for a moment as the pony left. Alone for the first time in awhile he took a second to crack his wings which helped relieve the itching feeling in them and the odd hunger that was growing in his belly. A feeling he couldn’t place.

Opening the door he stepped out onto the patio. It was a small space built directly into a right angle of two walls and facing out of the keep. Hanging over the chasm and ocean far, far below.

The furnishing was simple, two padded chairs and a small table. On it were set two glasses and an absolutely ancient looking bottle.

She sat there a glass with a small splash of the liquid in hoof. She was floating a book in front of her that looked older than the wine.

“Please sit… Mordane was it?”

“Indeed.” Mordane glanced behind and closed the solid door. He sat down and reached over to pour himself a glass.

Her head snapped to him with a blank look. Those eyes made him want to take a dive off the balcony, but instead he continued to pour himself a drink.

“I am honored for your invitation.”

She gave a small smile and he felt himself relax.

His wings itched.

“What are you reading?” Mordane asked taking a sip of the wine.

“Properties of war magic, particularly this section from my memory on the thematic elemental limit. I assure you it is very dry.”

“The energy that one draws in from the world is shaped and selected, based on the shape of the container.” Mordane recited “Much as water fills and takes on the properties of the container it inhabits, so a mage's mana, is impressed on the world, like a sponge to act in the transfer of thaumic energy used to enact on the rules. The further one moves around the energy spectrum the less efficient. The thematic elemental limit is therefore set by the nature of the container.”

Princess Platinum's eyebrows raised as she closed the book and floated it down to the table.

“I’m surprised, both a practical and academic understanding of magic is a rare combination. Add onto that being a mercenary and being a winged unicorn… you’re unique Stronghoof.”

“That is what others tell me.”

“Must have been an interesting journey for a mercenary to be teaching himself the arts.” She said while stretching.

“Well I didn’t teach myself and I didn’t start out as a mercenary. In fact I was a student first.”

“What made you give it up?” She asked propping her head up with one hoof.

“I had my reasons to leave.”

“We all have our reasons.” She stretched and then sighed harshly. “This thing is so uncomfortable.”

Her horn lit up and in a flash she appeared two feet forward as her bow, cuffs and golden latius clanked to the ground before she floated them into a corner.

Free from its confines her mane began to wave in the ocean air and for a moment Mordane was distracted by the setting sun playing through her hair.

“What is it that I may help you with?” Mordane asked.

Platinum looked at Mordane, then giggled.

“Is Mordane’s time too precious to meet a princess?”

Mordane stood up and leaned against the side wall. He smiled and replied.

“Not at all. Is there anything you wish to ask?”

“Hmm, yes. Is it true you channeled the dark fortress matrix through yourself and into a transportation matrix?”

“Yes,” Mordane chuckled before taping his horn. “That's how I received this crack. Should heal soon though.”

The mare suddenly closed the gap between them causing Mordane to lean back for a sec before mentally correcting and leaning down for her to see instead. The mare looked up and down his horn with a careful eye.

“Its big.”

“Hm? Is it.”

“Yes, at least a half an inch longer than standard.” She reached out, but stopped before making contact. Her horn lit up and scanned it. “You should be healed between two to three months.”

“Indeed,” Mordane began “If tha-”

Mordanes wings were snapped open.

Mordane fought down the urge to strike the princess, as she stretched out his wings with her magic. Stepping closer she stared at it for a few seconds.

“Those are sensitive you know.” Mordane said. The mare let his wings loose shortly after.

“So tell me something Mordane. What are your plans?” She stepped back again and poured them both some drink.

“I’m going to make some money I think. I don’t think I’ll return to the party though. Even with the networking opportunity.”

“Oh? Tell me then Mordane. Where do you come from.”

Mordane moved to take a seat with her again. Giving a small smile.

“I come from Canterlot.”

“Canterlot?” The mare giggled leaning in closer “I suppose you're going to tell me you were taught by Celestia herself.”

“Oh no. By her student.” Mordane grinned “A young alicorn herself.”

“Oh my it sounds like there are many alicorns in the northern lands then.”

“Just four.” Mordane replied simply. ‘It's the reason I left. Celestia didn’t like the competition.”

The princess giggled and covered her mouth. Eyes dancing with mirth.

“Rather cold in the mountains?”

“Freezing. I had to fight some monster and skin it for its coat.”

Platinum burst out laughing and Mordane joined her. The mare setting down her glass, so as to not spill it.

“Tell me this. What does a princess like you, do for fun?”

Platinum laughter lowered to a chuckle before tossing her hair back and falling back into the chair.

“Study mostly. Few stallions are brave enough to see me.” She turned to grin at him. “You might get in trouble with my step father.”

“Trouble comes, trouble goes.” Mordane said nonchalantly. “Still I have enjoyed this talk. Though... if what you say is true I should just take the back way out.”

Mordane trotted over to the balcony edge. The princess eyebrows raising a bit.

“It would be a shame should you fall to your death. How about you meet me for dinner tomorrow instead? We can talk business. The Bright Star always maintains a table for me.”

Mordane paused a moment before replying.

“Sounds grand, should I meet you there at five?”

“Perfect.” She purred. “My servant can lead you out.”

“Oh, I think this would be good enough.” Mordane stepped up onto the ledge. The mare rose up to standing.

“There is only so far one should take a joke Mordane…”

“No joke princess.” Mordane replied turning and giving a small bow.

Mordane came up out of the bow and allowed himself to fall over the edge.

Platinum gasped and rushed to the edge just in time to see Mordane flip around and fly back up to her level.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you!”

Mordane flipped back around and dived toward the ocean to make a slow turn toward the harbor.

Platinum watched him fly away. Her eyes lighting up.

“Those wings, don’t even look half bad…” She whispered under her breath. Then giggled.

Author's Note:

Well thats three

Good news! Next chapter can just be written alone.

Dont forget ro comment below and tell me what you think. See ya around!