• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,749 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Princesses, Kings and Men.

The ship swayed in the dock. Clouds let down their content and thunder clapped as ponies all over Herridon rushed to their hovels, palaces and homes. In his cabin Mordane sat across from his closest subordinates.

Trixie stood calmly in the swaying cabin, the rocking not affecting her in the slightest. Years on the rode in her cart had gotten her used to the subtle sway. One Eye though, he looked a bit pale. Occasionally taking swigs from his flask he was grumbling under his breath.

‘So.” Mordane said “Herridon… From what you tell me there is a rebellion stirring in the... pit was it?”

“Yes,” replied Trixie “and the second level is called the midden, while the third is called the top.”

“The pit… lawless, brutally oppressed population surviving on the states handouts. A midden where ponies fight a war daily over mere blocks and a nobility steeped in succession conflict.”

“Might be better to just pull up and pull out.” Grunted One Eye. “The whole place is likely to catch fire anyday.”

“Trixie wonders, how the city could have stood as long as it has. Apparently this is standard for Herridon. It’s been like this for as long as Mortimer has been alive.”

Mordane sighed and leaned forward to rub his own forehead. He growled lightly under his breath and flexed his wings before grabbing the right one and sitting down before scratching it.

“I’ll leave the colt to you Trixie. Learn from him as much as you can and gain his loyalty.”

“I’ll do my best.” Trixie replied. “He is a good colt.”

“He’s got to be a tough little bastard to have survived here.” Cut in One Eye. “Still, he got you the iron through the blockade. Now we will be able to start training for the grunts.”

I will be training them One Eye.” Mordane cut in. He took a moment to switch wings before continuing “You lack the… finesse.”

“At least the cargo sold well.” Trixie said looking into the cabin corner at the newly purchased chest. “How much gold do you even have now?”

“After our expenditures and cashing in the kings voucher, I sit at seventy thousand.”

“That’s enough to field an army for three months.” One Eye said.

“A small army maybe. It's not nearly enough…”

“Enough for what?” Trixie asked taking a seat beside Mordane and leaning in. “What are your plans Mordane?”

“Aye, what are your plans?” One Eye chimed. “What are we going to do about the Hoof and Sickle”

“And the nobility?” Trixie added “Who do we side with?”

“Who do we side with?” Mordane smiled. “My plans? Isn’t it obvious?”

Mordane stood and trotted over to the wall where a map of Herridon hung. He looked the map up and down for a moment before replying.

“We survive.”

As the lightning cracked, arching toward the top of Herridon again and again Ivy stood guard. The rain dripped down off her red hat and onto her wax dipped cloak, before rolling down to the ship deck.

Her eyes scanned the docks. Occasionally she would notice the same stallion trot by and take a good look at her and the ship. An hour earlier she had seen a crate rushed from the docks with a dark cloak over it despite the illegality of offloading at this hour.

At the moment she could hear the croaking of frogs and the pitter patter of the rain on the curb as she looked up at the towering city over her.

She tightened her grip on her spear and readjusted her coat. Ready to spring into action when the time came.


Trixie trotted down the road at a brisk pace. She was wearing a newly acquired dress. Black with blue trim and made of satin. Mordane had apparently picked it up for her and said it made her look professional. Trixie noted though how it seemed to… emphasises her curves with a small blush.

However, last night she had slept poorly. Her mind running in circles about what Mordane had said about the princess.

Beautiful had been the word used and it seemed to rattle in her mind even as she tossed and turned trying to sleep. It felt as if it was too hot. Trixie stomped off through the midden office. One of her tasks was to see what was holding up the repair of the left elevator.

Her mind though was still on Platinum.

There is nothing to worry about. Mordane isn’t one to just… fall for some young harlot. He will just use her.

For the first time Trixie was feeling old. Her body wasn’t what it once was and the issue of their different ages was really sticking into her mind. She was ten years his senior and he was an alicorn! How could she compare to a princess?

Trixie shook her head, such thoughts were not right. After all she had no claim over Mordane. She had agreed to follow him and only him alone.

The office building was the only one made of stone. A great block building stretching into the heavens. It was also a total and complete mess.

Ponies, dressed the same way as the first tax collector she saw, were rushing in and out, delivering bags of coin, or stacks of paper. Ponies were standing in two lines, one for unicorns and another for ‘other’. Once again she grimaced at the flagrant display of racism. However, a few moments later she frowned.

“Why are so many unicorns standing in the other line?” Trixie asked Mortimer.

“Hm? Oh. Many of unicorn ponies do a lot of business with ponies of other race. Many take the other line in protest to the division. We can just ignore them.” Mortimer said starting toward the unicorn line.”

“We are going to take the other line Mortimer.” Trixie said quietly.

“What?” Mortimer stopped and looked back at Trixie frowning “Why?”

“Because…” Trixie considered for a moment before responding. “Do you trust me?”

“Trust you? I suppose.” Mortimer said turning to face her. “If we take the other line it will take at least one hour more than it would normally.”

Trixie bit her lip. Juggling the two options.

What would Mordane want me to do?

What did she gain by going with the normal things.

“It just isn’t right Mortimer. I couldn’t take it.”

“Okay, if you say so Trixie.”

So the two of them trotted down the block and eventually found the back of the line. Waiting was excruciating, but shortly after arriving the ponies around them opened up.

“Huh, not many visiting unicorn don’t take the unicorn line. It's far faster than this one.” A pegasus said before looking at Mortimer. “And I’m even more surprised to see you here.”

“My teacher insisted.” Mortimer said before looking at Trixie.

“Teacher?” Asked another unicorn coming from behind. “Sensible teacher then. How did you get in with little Mortimer?”

“Miss Trixie. This, is Silver Quill. A stall owner in the midden.”

“It is my pleasure to meet you.” Trixie said giving a small hoof shake.

“The pleasure is mine. What brings you here today?”

“Questions, primarily, about why the elevator hasn’t been repaired.” Trixie replied.

Several ponies in front of them an earth pony with a jeweled collar snorted. Turning he motioned for the ponies between them to go ahead of them as he slipped back in the line to just in front of them.

“Precious Stone! Fancy meeting you here. Nice collar by the way.” Silver Quill said.

“Thank you. Cost me a lot of bits to get this thing. Still, I just heard your conversation and thought I might join.”

“You are most welcome.” Trixie said, giving a slight bow. “Though I’m surprised to see such a...unique collar.”

“You must not be from here. You might have heard free earth ponies are not allowed in the midden.”

“Yes, I had heard that.” Trixie lowered her voice “ A disgusting law.”

“Indeed, wrecks havoc on trade. Anyway if you bribe the right ponies you can become a ‘slave’ for a day to the Sparkle family.”

Silver quill chuckled.

“It's mighty expensive though. The paperwork both makes me a slave and frees me by days end. Quite useful.”

“Though only the wealthy can afford it.” Grumbled a passing pegasus.

“Indeed.” Silver quill said. “Going back to your reason for being here though. It would be best if you gave up on such a thing Missy. Sure you can acquire the elevator and permits cheaply, but ponies that try to repair it keep turning up dead.”

The two merchants sighed.

“You would need an army to protect it.”

Trixie smiled tossing her mane.

“It is good that I have access to an ‘army’ then.”

“Mercenaries are not allowed in the midden legally Miss Trixie. Nor are slaves allowed to have weapons.” He gave a small sympathetic smile.

“They are neither of those. They are ponies sworn to a lord of Herridon.”

Silver Quill and Precious Stone perked up. Their ears coming to attention as the both of them stopped slouching.

“A lord? Hmm, so a lord is making a move on the elevator. Bold.”

“Which player has ponies to spare though?” Precious grumbled, frowning and looking down.

Trixie made certain to portray no emotion, but her mind lit on fire.

The midden divisions are between different nobles? They must be taking a cut from taxes! But, why would the royalty allow that?


“Hmm, no, high lords don’t get involved directly. Perhaps Brightlight?”

“Gentleponies.” Trixie cut in. “I can tell you directly who my master is.”

Silver Quill raised an eyebrow and Precious Stone took a step closer.

“You may have heard of him. Mordane Stronghoof.”

“Stronghoof?” Silver quill blinked a few times.

“Who's that? I don’t know him.”

“A totally new lord. First one in a hundred years I think? He is a pegacorn maybe?” Silver Quill said shaking his head “I don’t rightfully know a lot about him.”

“Pegacorn… wait. You don’t mean that Stronghoof? From the Tietus Arena? He’s here!?” Precious Stone hissed. “and a lord of Herridon? How in bloody Tartarus did that happen?”

“The king accoladed him and Stronghoof has many followers…” Trixie replied frowning.

“You know him Precious Stone?” Silver Quill frowned.

“Do I. You remember hearing about that Necromancer Mercenary half a year back? Blunted the Irona spear?”

Him.” Silver hissed softly.

“Well, I’ve never seen him use necromancy.” Trixie cut in. “But he is a truly good magic caster and commander.”

“And you serve him.” Precious Stone inhaled sharply. “Well. That is a major surprise. I wonder what the king is thinking.”

“Who knows. Maybe the western border?” Quill continued. “Though I wonder what your… master Stronghoof is doing.”

“What else?” She asked, giving a small laugh “Profit. He is actually looking for… entrepreneuring ponies to do business with.”

“Well, if he doesn’t mind my other deals, with the ‘lesser’ races-”

“Mordane will do business with anypony that offers him reasonable terms.”

“Really.” Precious Stone said. “I think then it would be best if you and I had… a lunch if you would.”

“I would say that several of us… free agents would Precious Stone. As for your permit Trixie. I have enough favors to acquire it for you. Cut through the bureaucracy and all that. If you would join us for” He looked at Precious Stone “Dinner, at ‘The Dancing Mare’. If that is acceptable to you Stone.”

“Fine by me. Hmm, is your lord the one who acquired the warehouse in the midden?”

“Yes.” Trixie said with a smile.

“Then we should most definitely speak this evening. An ‘army’ would need food… I hope that you don’t really have an army there though.”

“We have enough to protect Mordane assets.” Trixie said. “You understand…”

“Of course.”

“Well then, my reason for entering this line is done. I hope you ponies have a nice day. I’ll see you this evening.”

“Good day to you Miss.”

“Good day.”

Trixie gave a slight nod to the two stallions before trotting off and around the corner. Mortimer trailed slightly behind.

“And that, is why you don’t take the unearned privilege.” Trixie grinned.


Scritching, itching and now burning Mordane scratched on his wings, a few feathers falling to the floor as he paced.

Tonight he would be meeting the princess, but right now that wasn’t the main problem. On his mind was the training of his ‘soldiers’.

Without magic and this would be a first time that he would teach anyone about anything. Sure he had given direction before, but this was wholly different. Here he would be taking ponies with no skill and turning them into a blade to be wielded against his enemies.

He had to do this without magic to protect himself. Trixie would succeed in her task, One Eye in his. He would need to do his.

Inhaling deeply he took a moment to calm himself.

“Mr Stronghoof?” Mordane looked down at the little colt in a snap.


“I gotta go potty.”


Mordane looked around the room at the dozen little colts and fillies he was keeping caroled while the pony whose name he couldn’t remember was out getting food.

“Well then you’ll need to go in the pail in the corner.”

Mordane sighed again. He really hoped that the colt didn’t miss, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to move it so easily.

One Eye frowned. The task Mordane had given him wasn’t to his liking and the colt was still not strong enough to fight. It made his old bones creak.

It was a simple task really. ‘Go to the mines and see how they do business’.

Personally this whole idea of Mordane’s sounded fishy, how was this steam engine supposed to help anyway?

Whatever the reason One Eye would comply. Though he was starting to get irritated. Soon he would want to fight him again, or at least, some other kind of strong opponent.

He took off toward the west side of the city where most mines were kept. He ignored the ponies sitting on the street side. Several were laying on their sides clutching their stomachs. Once he passed the slums and got closer to the actual mines the streets began to improve. At first it wasn’t easy to say why it was so, but several were kept in better shape. More windows and fewer broken ones. Guards actually seemed to walk at steady pace at greater ease.

The mines themselves ran along the huge mountain face that the city ran up against. It took up almost half way around the city to meet with the walls. Spaced every thousand feet, or so would be another entrance. One Eye just followed the rode. Realizing that it curved to match the mountain.

Something about the place was nagging him, though he couldn’t pin it.

However, the first mine on the road caught his attention. It didn’t take long to realize that the great wooden doors over the entrance were barred shut. After the mines were closed they had converted the yard in front to an auditorium. A large platform was set against the recessed entrance forming a impromptu amphitheater. Ponies were sitting on haphazard outcroppings and standing in the aisles looking to the ponies on stage.

A group of six guards flanked them with their wing knives and light shields equipped. Their eyes scanning the crowd as a pampered unicorn standing in the center of them, was reading from a scroll. One look at him, immediately brought to mind what Mordane had said some of the nobility dressed like.

“Bloody hell, it's worse than I imagined.” One Eye cocked an ear. He had just heard something that caught his attention.

“-with the declining output and rising costs cited before, lord Bright Star has decided to close mine 34.”

The crowd roared and booed. Sneering the guards closed in around the unicorn as globs of what One Eye hoped was mud were thrown toward the stage.

“You can’t do that to us!”
“What are we just suppose to starve now!?”
“Greedy bastards!”

“Leave the area!” Shouted one of the guards.

One Eye stuck close to the wall on the opposite side of the street, not getting involved and observing only.

Suddenly from the crowd a flaming ball flew and impacted one of the pegusi bursting him into flames. His screams mixed with the attackers who shouted.

“Death to the King and Princess!” “Down with the unicorn hegemony!” “For the working earth pony!”

Five ponies charged the stage throwing short spears. Two missed, one impacted on a guard's shield, another was hit in the face causing him to drop like a stone. Even as his comrades fell the last one with a spear jumped toward the hole and impaled the shocked unicorn.

The whole crowd scattered, any stragglers in the area got nicked by the guard as they chased them off. One Eye himself took off down the road passing more mines.

“Sun Tyrant, another Equalist attack.” Cursed a pony running beside him. “There's going to be a drop in rations for this.”

“This happen a lot?” One Eye grunted.

“Yeah,” the stallion earth pony said his eyes narrowing on One Eye “it does. The Equalists have a good amount of support. There is an attack at least once a month. You back in Herridon, Keen Eyes?”

One Eye blinked he hadn’t heard that name in years. An echo from his past sung out suddenly. The pony before him seemed familiar.

“Yes... Looking into the mines.” He frowned. “Do I know you?”

The pony snorted.

“It's me! Peperstep? We used to run water to the mine ponies together.”

One Eye nearly gasped. Yes he could remember, the other colt he had run with had a green coat.

“So I grew up here? Forgot where here was. Could have sworn it was a town.” One Eye muttered. “I did leave young though… Got too hungry.”

Pepystep laughed “These times there isn’t any work to be had that isn’t worse than what a slave gets. Names Bounty now by the way and yes, I am aware of how ironic that name is.”

“Heh, considering where you are. Well then, where are you headed?”

“I’ll need to go home… if you got coin I know where we can purchase dinner cheap. A room for the night will be in it for ya.”

One Eye grunted an affirmative and followed the pony to his home.

“Oh by the way, its One Eye now.”


Trixie was sitting in Starlights workroom drinking some of the local water. She found the fresh water refreshing. It had been some time since she had drinked it unmixed with mead. Swirling the glass for a moment her lips curled up as she took a long and satisfying sip.

“I actually maintain my own distillery. It's better than sending servants out all the time. Expensive though.”

“I imagine so.” Trixie replied. “Still, this is refreshing. I have found a great amount of stress from working with my patron.”

“Indeed? This, lord Stronghoof? What does he compensate you with if I may ask?” Silver Quill asked.

“Nothing at all.” Trixie smilled.

“Oh?” Starlight paused. Her horn stopping her cup mid move with her horn.

“Well obviously not nothing.” Trixie smiled. “It's more on a anticipatory variety for now.”

“That must be” Giggled Starlight. “I would be able to find a place for you in my organization…”

“Stop that Starlight” Laughed Silver Quill. “Still though, I must insist. Why do you follow him?”

Trixie paused before floating her cup down to the table and standing up. She walked around to the back of her chair then leaned over it.

“He… is like no pony I have ever met.”

“Oh?” Starlight asked. Her eyes darkening slightly. “Tell me about him.”

“Well. He is just somepony you wish to follow. Everywhere I’ve seen him go he has done amazing things. He is strong, talented and insightful. From what I heard he is also great at magic.”

“What you heard?”

“Yes, well he can use war magic, but for the whole time… well about half a year I’ve known him his horn has been on the mend. Still has some way to go, but don’t think that means he is helpless. His war magic is something to behold.”

“Heh,” Grunted Precious Stone. His collar now gone. “I’d enjoy seeing that someday.”

“Yes, still though you spoke of some task Mordane set for you earlier?”

“Ah, well Mordane needs the assistance of several… discrete blacksmiths and woodworkers if he is to repair the elevator.”

“I know just the ponies.”


“After finishing these exercises you can take a break.” Mordane said to the twelve ponies sweating before him. Currently doing pushups and wingups.

For the last four hours he had been working on basics with them. Real muscle and focus building exercises.

He was having them taking frequent breaks and hearty meals.

Frankly it was easy training.

Something to start with and slowly, he would raise them up to military qualifications. Trotting over to Ivy he gave a small smile.

“You did good.”

“Thank you sir.” Her fur was slightly damp, though she wasn’t breathing hard. “Is this as hard as we are going to go?”

“Pretty much, I don’t want to push you ponies too hard. Keep a watch on the place. I have a dinner to catch.” He turned to the other ponies “You have fun.”

“Will do sir!” She grinned.

Mordane Spread his wings and flew up and out the window.

“Bloody hell, that was tough.” groaned one of the other ponies. Sitting down on the floor he groaned. “I could use a drink.”

“That sounds great.” Spoke up a mare stretching.

“I suppose some drinks wouldn’t be a huge problem…” Ivy mumbled.


One Eye sniffed.

He reached behind his ear and scratched. Somepony sneezed making him start a little.

“Would you like some more bread?”

“Err, no thank you.” One Eye responded frowning. His hooves hugging close to himself. The house he was in had only one room. It was a moderately large room but not enough to make a comfortable house for the extended family living there.

Parents, children, their wives and their children. Twenty ponies were meant to live, bathe and sleep here. Beds lined the walls, some on top of others ready to be spread around. Bounty sat down next to him.

“Eat up, Keen Eyes- err I mean One Eye. Sorry about that.” he grimaced. “How did that happen anyway?”

“Got it when I got this.” One Eye said tapping his cloak where his mark was covered. “To be honest though. I don’t rightly remember you that well Bounty.”

“I’d imagine not… One Eye. I've heard your name before I think…”

“Yes, I was in the arena in Tietus until shortly.”

The room around them quieted slightly. One Eye smiled and took a drink of water while ignoring them.

“It was good work. Fightings about the only thing I’m good at.” One Eye continued. “What about you Bounty. Last thing I remember was waving goodbye to you. Though it's pretty fuzzy.”

“Well. After you decided to leave I kept running water in the mines. Made some more friends and eventually picked up a mining position. That was until about five years ago when I got my mark. I helped organize a strike and it just appeared.”

He leaned up and showed a flank with a silhouette of many ponies standing in a circle with one pony in the center.

“Hmm, well it's a good mark.”

“Where did you go One Eye?” Bounty asked pouring some more oats into his bowl.

“...Away.” One Eye mumbled looking down at his food. “I went away and I didn’t look back. Ended up forgetting much of what happened. I left so young.”

“Well, such things are easily forgotten over time…”
The whole crowd was watching them causing One Eye to scrunch his nose.

“Ah.” One Eye snorted. “What's to be said. I went out into the hills… I mined for iron. I lost an eye and found my real talent.”

One Eye motioned to his flank.

“What is you mark again.”

“Oh…” One eye reached back and shifted his leather padding. “Means fighten.”

The picture was of a hoof punching through stone.

“That's pretty interesting. Never seen one like that.”

He smiled and the room began to speak again.

One Eye suddenly felt a profound respect for his old comrade. It passed from his mind though as they passed him a bottle of grog.


Arriving precisely one minute before their appointment Mordane walked into the Bright Star dinner in his best cloak. He found himself worrying it might be considered rude for wearing the same cloak to greet her even though this would be only the second time he had worn it. Pushing that and his militia training method out of his mind he focused on the now.

The restaurant was made from a tree grown and shaped into the shape of a building, complete with windows and doors, while the inside was dotted with stone fire basins and lined with alcoves.

“Stronghoof.” Mordane said to the waiter who gestured for Mordane to follow. Quickly he was lead through the dining hall and to a corner table where she was waiting for him.

This time she wore nothing save the necklace he had made, her green eyes were looking at him as he approached. Her coat was finely groomed and contrasted well with their stone and fire lit setting.

As he slid into the booth he felt the tingle of spell work splash over him and the dull notice of the restaurant become even more indistinct.

“A spell of silence, though it also seems to muffle?”

“Yes, I myself am not sure how the owner has it on every booth, it bothers me every time I am here. How are you Mordane.” She said smiling. “I hope you don’t mind that I ordered for us.”

“Not at all.” Mordane replied with a smile taking a moment to rip off a small piece of bread. “I have spent most of the day concerning myself with business.”

“Oh? I’m sure you’ve found much difficulty.” She replied, “I’d be surprised if the king doesn’t ask me to dip into the royal finances, again.”

“Of course it is not easy, though I have some ideas. I’m sure you will hear of them soon.”

“I cannot wait.” She replied with a small grin. “Though if you would tell me… perhaps I could be persuaded to financially invest.”

Mordanes eyebrows raised slightly. He took a drink and looked at the table for a moment.

“All right.” He said looking her in the eyes. “I intend to purchase Harcooth mine.”

She paused momentarily.

“Harcooth mine? I was to believe that it cannot produce any more iron.”

The princess rests her elbows on the table, hooves on her cheeks as she leans over the table, smiling at him. “Unless you're hiding something from me~”

“Of course. Secrets are the machinations of power, are they not?”

“Oh~ but too many can weigh a pony down. Surely you have those who you rely on that can keep secrets, right?” She leans back, taking a sip of her red wine, regarding him from the corner of her eyes.

“Having the power to know what secrets should be revealed, also leads to a layer of mystery. Mystery is quite exciting, I find.” She smiles, her eye half lidding.

“It makes the reveal all the more wonderful.”Mordane smiles.

Despite himself he finds that the tension inside of him loosens.

“Hmm, I suppose so. Very well I'll give you a tidbit.” He leans in close, but just before he speaks, she scoots around to be sitting right next to him. Her cheek rubs against his.

He swallows and whispers.

“I have access to a technology from my homeland that can remove the water from the mine far faster than any group of unicorns and can bring down air as well.”

“How amazing,” she reaches for a fork, idly taking a bite of his food, looking down with the same, knowing smile.

“Perhaps I could provide you with the funds for your endeavor… But such thing are never free, are they.” She bites down and swallows, leaning forward to stare into his eyes.

“How would you help me?”

Mordane considered the question, just how could he help her. Judging from her demeanor though, he assumed she already had something in mind.

Platinum stayed still next to him, not bothering to return to her side of the booth and Mordane found that he didn't mind so much, the invasion of his personal space.

“Money of course, but what would that be to you? Beyond that, I'm not sure your stepfather will be easy for me to influence any time soon…”

The mare leans forward, practically leaning on him as her breath escapes, blowing on his nose, her eyes half lidded.

“Sounds like a deal… but there is one other thing I would like.” She brings their noses together, a hoof to keep his face turned to hers, eyes intensely staring at him.

"I want you."

Mordane flushed as his heart sped up to a jackhammer pace.

His mind spun, like it was thrown into a cotton candy machine.

Her acceptance and where they were spilled right out of his mind leaving only the words branded in neon in his mind.

I want you.

“I must assume.” Mordane replied. “You don't mean politically.”

The mare leans back, turning to head back to her side of the table. Her tail flicks his face lightly, watching him with sly amusement from the corner of her eyes. “You're a smart stallion. I'm sure you can figure it out.” She sits down and leans forward. “I want you. Right beside me on the throne.” Her eyes close halfway, giving a sweet smile. “As a king of Herridon.”

Mordane in that moment felt as if his senses had been catapulted into space.

Over a course of few seconds, his mind tried to reorient and process what was happening.

He took in all that he knew about Herridon, the queen, the king, the rebels, Herridon culture, tradition and tried to create a model for how this situation could possibly have come to be. Surprisingly it quickly started to take shape in his mind.

“I expect, that your stepfather would have something to say about… us.”

A soft breath escapes her, and she pokes at her food. “Yeah, tell me about it.” She rolls her eyes. “If it wasn't treason. I'd kill him myself. But you know how politics are.” She takes a bite, looking away in mild irritation.

“I have all this knowledge and nothing to use it for. I'm so bored~.”

“Are you not interested?” She asked firmly pressing herself up against him.

“I'm…” Mordane coughed and glanced around, “interested. I'm just trying to understand… why me?”

“Hrm,” she idly taps her chin. “You mean the Great Mordane, can't decipher little ol’ me~?”
Mordane burst out laughing.

“It’s true, I must admit… you’re a mystery to me.”

“Doesn't that… interest you?” She smirks. She snuggled into him looking up. Her voice gaining a slight upturn.

“Admit it, you are drawn like a moth to a flame, questions unanswered~”

“No.” Mordane shook his head.

She brings her eyes close to his, leaning forward as if to kiss, but draws back at the last moment, reaching for her glass. “Oh~”

“N-No! I'm interested in you.” Mordane said quickly, his heart tensing up. “I just… I'm not into mystery. I prefer the truth. If I have a mystery then… well I can't trust anything that I don't understand.”

She looked at him questioningly.

"Mmmmn~ And you yourself admit the importance of secrets~” She smiles, eyes half lidded.

“My secrets and certainly not with someone who would be my… wife.”

She sighed leaning back against the chair.

A tiny bell jingled before a flash of light deposited their first course.

A variety of fruits and vegetables from all over the world was laid out before them.

Reaching up she plucked a cherry and threw it whole into her mouth. The stem still sticking out she hold it there for a few moments before pulling it out seed still attached.

“My stepfather is a fool.” She says suddenly. Her voice taking on a sharp edge. “He sees to it that every eligible stallion has been wed off in the whole of the kingdoms nobility.”

“Mother died… suddenly when I was very young. She wasn't around to teach me how to say no to him… It went on for years with him leading the kingdom through these dark times. I respected him, admired him a little even.” She looked into Mordane’s eyes, hers beginning to tear up. “It was only when he insisted I marry his first wife’s son, that I realized what he intended. He, wishes to destroy the matriarchy and have the kingdom pass down his line.”

She wipes her eyes and quickly shrugs, giving a smile. “It helps that you're cute too.”

“And smart.” She begins to list off. “And dangerous and the irony of the king bringing in the pony to dethrone him, and x, and y, and z.” She poked him in the nose. “Truly you are a perfect candidate for a king. One might think you were trained for it.”

“I am a lowborn how-”

“No one would deny the noble blood of an alicorn.”

She giggled.

Reaching over she began to stroke his wing sending shivers up his spine.

“I am an alicorn.” he said quietly. “That means that I will live forever you know.”

She giggled.

“I’m not actually stupid enough to believe in those legends.”

She leans up to whisper into his ear. “Besides. I would love to ride you… as you fly through the clouds.” Her tongue goes out to lick his ear and she sits back, taking a bite of her food. “Well, there it is. I have no more secrets.” She smiles. “I want you. You're smart, handsome, and of noble birth. I might not get another chance like this.”

“It's my most advantageous move.”


Mordane took to the sky with his cheeks burning. His heart beating like a jackhammer and the itch in his wings rising to a fever pitch.

That bitch is crazy

Ascending quickly he rose up to the chilly cloud layer, Its cool air condensing on his wings. He came slowly to a stop as his beating wings pushed against less and less air. Before slowly turning back to the planet.

Mordane dropped low and fast. He was like a dart by the time he crossed over the bay. He breathed in deep and reveled in the wind and his speed.

It felt so right to him to fly, it was too bad, that circumstances generally gave him little reason to.

Mordane wasn’t alone for long, two pegasi flew out, to intercept him as he came around the mountain. After passing close Mordane slowed. Luckily it was the two guards who had transported him in the first place.

“My lord. You didn’t have to, I mean you may.”

“Nothing to be ashamed for captain.” Mordane said turning upside down to face him as they continued to travel. “Just felt like taking a short fly. The updrafts are quite good here are they not?”

“Y-yes sir.” The captain replied recovering quickly from the shock. “It is just that…”
“You thought my wings were vestigial? I’m not surprised.”

“No sir, it's just that the laws were written… well without someone like you in mind sir.”

Mordane and the two guards came to a hover a few feet apart. The two guards bobbing up and down as Mordane floated, wings fully extended.

“Though I must say your control is… amazing. I can feel the wind flowing around you.”

“Thank you.” Mordane replied with a smile. “I learned from a dragon.”

The two let out a chuckle before realizing he was being serious.

“A dragon? I heard you killed a dragon.”

“Yes I did. The same dragon that taught me. She was my last master. Told me of the great wind. Before then I used unicorn magic to fly.” Mordane snorted. “Even through war magic it was terribly inefficient. Still, it makes flying the correct way far easier. It’s far better suited to the task anyway.”

The guards grinned at him.

“I never thought I’d hear a unicorn say that, err winged unicorn either.” He laughed.

“I’m no winged unicorn.” Mordane said matter of factly. The guards eyes all widened slightly. “Perhaps a story I will tell someday. For now, I was wondering, how are the conditions in the military?”

“Very good sir.” All three said immediately. Their eyes though told a different story.

“Hm, I’d imagine working under unicorn supremacists would be taxing.”

“Not at all, the unicorn races rightful place is above the sky.”

The faces of the guards flashed blank.

“Of course…” Mordane replied. “Still, the law is the law. I shall not fly anymore without proper permits?”

“That is correct sir though you would need to be uhh… moving mail, or other ponies.”

“Regardless” Mordane smiled “I will follow the law.”

Tipping his hat Mordane angled and flew down to a dinner to meet Trixie and One Eye.


The Cafe was right on main street near the docks. Ready to serve those workers from the ships who couldn’t go to the second level through birth, or coin.

“Truly this… lord Mordane isn’t a monster? I mean no offence.” Precious Stone said quickly.

“That is quite alright my friend. Mordane is the kind of pony many are afraid of. He is a skilled fighter, that is true, however he isn’t a brute.” She said pausing to take a sip of wine. “You should enjoy meeting him.”

“Still, I’m surprised he would even want to meet somepony like me.”

Trixie smiled.

“You maintain control of many of the pit’s markets, you have done business with nobles before.”

“Well yes.” He said quickly. “Though usually I act more through an intermediary. To be frank that is what I thought you were.”

“And I am. Mordane though wouldn’t wish to do business with anypony he hasn’t met at least once.” She reached up and poured a bit more wine into her glass.


Trixie and Precious Stone turned to see One Eye and Bounty trot up to the table.

The two guest looked at each other. Precious Stone’s eyes widening slightly at the sight of Bounty who only gave a firm nod of acknowledgement.

“Do you two know each other?” Trixie asked while giving One Eye a slight frown.

“Oh yes. Bounty and I often find ourselves on… opposite sides of negotiations.”

“What he's saying is that I serve the interest of a collection of miners and he is occasionally hired to negotiate on behalf of a nobles to high and mighty speak to us.”

“Indeed.” Precious Stone said. “Miss Lunamoon, are you… associated with this individual.”

“It seems my compatriot One Eye is. I have never met mr. Bounty though.” She frowned “Why, may I ask, is he here?”

“I thought he could answer some of Stronghoof’s questions.”

“Well, if any Herridon Pony can it would be Bounty.” Precious said giving a small strained smile to the pony in question.

Bounty just continued to glare at Precious Stone until there was a flutter just in the street.

Several ponies looked up, before a few gasped as Mordane landed softly. Folding his wings and brushing the mane from around his horn he smiled at the few gawking at him.

“Trixie. One Eye. It is good to see you. I see you brought friends.” He grinned trotting up to the group.

Trixie raised an eyebrow, but gestured to her gust.

“Lord Stronghoof, this is Precious Stone. A fine merchant who operates a large trading hub in the midden.”

“And there e’re is Bounty. He's the leader of the mining Unions. Good pony, He’s interested in speaking with you about getting a few hooves…”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Mordane said. “And I’d be glad to speak with you as well Precious Stone though my schedule hardly allows for it.”

“Keeping busy?”

“Always. The nobility, princess and King are all trying to set up some meeting, or another.”

“Oh...Well I could work out the details with Lady Trixie…”

Mordane smiled.

“She has my complete confidence. Please help her in her task. Our understanding of Herridon is rather limited…”

Precious Stone grinned nodding his head like a bobbing toy.

“It would be my pleasure… though.” He asked head coming to a stop and ears dropping. “I wanted to ask, there were some rumors that you know… necromancy?”

Bounty frowned and looked at Mordane whose mouth drew into a line.

“Yes. I am knowledgeable in it, though I prefer to not use it.”

Precious Stone paled.

“O-Oh, well- it would be my pleasure to work with your servant my lord.” He swallowed.

Mordane nodded again and wished Precious Stone a good day as he left.

“Mr Bounty was it?”

“Yes.” The earth pony said, keeping his face flat.

“I wish to hire some ponies in a month for a new mining operation. Mr One Eye will be overseeing it. I was hoping you could show him the ins and outs of mine operations.”

“Okay. I can do that.” Bounty nodded his head. “Plenty of ponies need work. Not a lot of it, since mines started closing”

“Hopefully I can help ease that problem.” Mordane shook his hoof and exchanged a few more pleasantries before Bounty excused himself.

“Well, that went well. You two come with me. I’d like some updates if you have any.”

Trixie and One Eye nodded. One laying down the bits for the food and grabbing the wine bottle to bring with them.

As Mordane made his way with his companions they informed him about what happened. The ponies they passed took note of him, many choosing to vacate the street.

“Your childhood friend?” Mordanes wings shuffled and his eyebrows rose.

“Apparently. I do kinda remember somepony from back then and there is something about Herridon that rings a bell.”

“Interesting and Trixie-”

Mordane cut short. Something seemed off, for a few seconds he couldn’t place it. Then he noted the few ponies streaming past. They were carrying some small kegs with the corks drawn out.

Many would suddenly take sharp turns down alleys when seeing him. Others though would grin and give salutes.

Mordane picked up the pace. Something was wrong. The wind began to pick up and rain fell.
His wings itched. His hooves ached.

Trixie and One Eye were pelting after him. Both understanding that something was wrong if Mordane was running like this.

Turning the corner Mordane slowed to a trot and came to the door.

In his chest he could feel a spark.

“Oh no.” Trixie whispered.

Sitting next to the doorway was the colts and fillies. Huddling close to the building. Their ears drooping as little rivetes of rain dripped off.

Over them stood Firm Orange. His eyes ragged. Slowly Mordane walked up to them. He could hear someone talking to him but the beating in his heart seemed to echo out any other sounds.

He quickly put together what had happened.

Beside him a pony was trotting out of his building carrying a cask. The various looks on the street and sayings meant he had been exposed in some way publically.

Looking up he could see a poster.

Looking for fighters

The illustrious Stronghoof is looking to recruit fighters

If interested see inside!

Welcoming party tonight!

The red paint was fresh. It had dripped in a few places.

His mind fit it together like a puzzle.

His recruits, they must have done this. Inside he could hear the partying still going. Perhaps they had grown overconfident. Taking a mile with a little give.

‘Have a drink’ he had said. For a moment he wondered what Ivy had done with this.

He was just making his foreway into this new city and these fools had already fucked it up.

“Mordane.” He twitched as Trixie hoof contacted him. Blinking he realized the colts and fillies were now cowering. Orange stood between them red eyes and blistering fear etched into his very form.

“Be quiet Trixie.” Mordane growled.

“But, your horn.”

“I said be quiet.” He snapped to her, small arcs curled around his broken horn “I’ve already made a mistake today. So be silent.”

She stared into his burning eyes for a second before backing up, her ears drooping.

“Take your coin and rent a room. See to it these colts and fillies are warm, well fed and out of the rain. One Eye.”

“Whatever you say, Stronghoof” One Eye said nervously. His eyes looking to a nearby alley shiftly.

“Escort them. Both of you return shortly.”

Mordane stood there as Trixie coaxed out the stallion and then her and One Eye went down the road.

His rage only had time to froth and boil until they returned. He listened to the laughing and carrying on inside with utter contempt.

Slowly though the rage in him began to harden and solidify into solid thoughts.

He had only been here for two days after arriving from Tietus. He had assumed that these ponies would understand that he could crack their skulls like eggs. Perhaps they had rationalizations. Perhaps they had reasons.

He didn’t care.

Slowly he stepped into the door with them behind him.

The inside was exactly as he had expected from the noise. Bottles and cases, blocks of cheese, bread and other food sat atop boxes.

Thirty or so ponies were in the warehouse. Some danced, others were eating with mirth. Most were around a few mares on tables.

The mares had straps on their hips clearly stating their profession as clearly as a neon sign.

He scowled and looked over the crowd. None seeming to realize he was there. Turning he looked back at his office and was not surprised to see Ivy Green standing watch over it. A scowl on her face.

She bowed her head slightly and Mordane returned it before looking back at the crowd.

Taking a deep breath he paused and steeled himself

“What a sorry bunch of ingrates you are.” he said. His voice coming out with an acidly razor edge.

The whole room quieted and the mares stopped dancing. Some looked on a bit confused. Others with fear.

Slowly, Mordane walked forward. Mentally holding himself in from bucking the face of each stallion he passed.

“We arrived in this city the day before last. Not two weeks ago, many of you saw me fight in the arena.” He turned and looked around slowly his wings raised threateningly. “How much, have you spent?”

He stood there expectantly. Eyes glaring from one pony to the next.

“About... twenty… thousand.” Mumbled one stallion.

“Twenty thousand. Counting here. I see thirty two ponies. Many of you coming in after reading that asinine advertisement outside. That works out to six hundred odd bits a pony.” his eyes focused on a stallion he didn’t recognize. “You. How much did you earn last year about?”

“Ah, Ah don’t rightly know.” said the stallion. “I earned about ten bits a week in the mines.”

“Ten bits.” Mordane said tersely. “ Which means you spent a years wages on this.”

“Hey, I wasn’t- I mean we weren’t-”

Mordanes horn sparked. Causing the stallion to silence himself. Seeing that the stallion wasn’t going to say anything Mordane inclined to.

“You did. What then am-”

“Ah what did yah expect us to do.” spoke up a stallion Mordane recognized. Stepping forward. “We joined your band to go out raiden, not to guard some warehouse.”

“I remember you.” Mordane said matter of factly. “You spoke during the ship riot. Did you lead these ponies here?”

His chest puffed out as he stomped up to Mordane and glared back at him right at eye level. Responding he kept the same shouting tone.

“Darn right I lead the ‘riot’ on that barge you called a ship. Right starved to death. I didn’t need to get any of these ponies to do anything. We needed some liqueren after seeing what you have turned out to be.”

Mordane looked away from the stallion, still frowning and at the other ponies.

“Is this the way you all feel? I’m not meeting your expectations?”

Most ponies looked away, or down at the floor, some slightly nodding. The stallion in front of him though shook his head vigorously seeming to not hear the low warning in Mordanes tone.

“Of course not! You’ve been setting up some kind of business of all things. I can speak for everypony here when I say that you should have done something! I’ve never even see you cast a spell. What kind of Necromancer can’t cast spells?”

“You are on dangerous ground.” Trixie sneered. Several of the ponies looking back and forth at them. Some frowning in consideration.

But the pony didn’t seem to notice his words.

“I bet you’ve been lying all along. Your no magic caster. Your no warlord…”He grinned “And I bet you’re no alicorn either! Your just a- a.” He gulped.

The stallion stopped and stuttered... Mordanes horn arched with power. Around him an ethereal wind began to blow. The crack in his horn spewed lightning. Little arcs of it began to impact his skin and the ground leaving burn marks. Mordane didn’t seem to care.

“Alicorn?” He said quietly. “Necromancer. Perhaps I should show you what that means.”

Mordane snarled and the sparks all arched to just at his horns tip.

A wall of mana blasted out.

Trixie didn’t have even a moment to react. The wall hit her and she felt a push that was not a push.

The wind coming off Mordane didn’t ruffle her fur, or blow her back. Instead her eyes dimmed to black and then back to light again. But strangely she was staring at the back of a mares head. Then she realized her legs were INSIDE the mares back.

Then she recognized the mare.

Trixie screamed. They all screamed and cried as their souls were pushed out of their bodies. The unicorns reached for some form of protection. Some method of protecting themselves but there was no energy free within their range.

Only One Eye seemed to have resisted it. His soul’s hair barely sticking out before being sucked back into the gritting stallion.

Their bodies stood eyes glazed over. In the state they were in, each pony could see the flow of power arching into Mordane. His magic radiating from his body and the dark shadow that hung over it.

Slowly their souls slipped back into their bodies. All chose to collapse to the floor. One Eye included.

The single pony that had spoken to Mordane shook and shivered as he approached. Reaching out he placed a hoof on him.

“This is not all.”

Again Trixie felt a pressure.This time though she anchored her soul with a quick spell. Only to realize that this was not necromancy. She felt a presence in her heart and mind as if a finger had come out and touched her mind with its own.

Know Me

For a moment she could feel Mordanes mind. Like the flash of a hot oven opened she mentally shied away.

Mordane breathed the power in. It had been far too long. It seemed to roll and coil around him. Sharper than before. Or perhaps he had simply been without it for too long. It washed over him and his wings like itch cream over a rash.
Then the discord. The broken frequency of his power echoed in his skull. He had very little time.

Quickly he weaved a spell. A key to an old lock he had made many decades before.

And suddenly he was free.

It was so much easier than all those years before. Reaching out he touched all the minds in the room.

Fear. Chest pain. Stupor.

The sensations and feeling flowed past him, but his mind didn’t pay attention. Instead quickly bringing himself to barge on the pony who had dared. The knowledge flowing out of the panicking stallions mind, into his own and then out to everypony in the room.

He spoke without speaking. His mental voice sounded deeper and more mature than his physical one. Throwing into stark contrast his younger frame once again.

“You are afraid Firm Stride. Your parents?” He said despite never hearing the name. “Ah, two poor farmers. Your siblings? Dead. I can see that. Ahhh, your sister. You fancied her?”

The stallion stuttered and blushed unable to answer Mordane, or pull away.

“You never acted on it though. For the best. I can understand an unnatural hunger. I feel it myself all the time. Like a thirst you cannot quench, or a hunger you cannot fill. It gnaws at you… no? just me. Well then see this.”

Mordane projected an image of the moments before inhabiting his body and the feeling of birth. The words of his parents.

He showed the death of Star Charmer and his acceptance as Twilight's student. Him bowing low and she stared down at him.

He showed Luna, causing all the ponies of the southern lands hearts to jump in recognition as he showed her flying through the moonlight.

And he showed Celestia, pursuing him eyes intent. Burning hot like the sun.

Slowly though his power faded. Along with the spell and his mind wrapped back into its cage.

Swaying Mordane looked over the crowd with one eye closed.

“I am Mordane Stronghoof. I am an alicorn. Do you deny this?”

The dozens of ponies quickly shook their heads gasping now through their dry mouths.

“Yet you have stolen from me. Perhaps set me back. You want glory? Wealth? I will give you these things. Though no more, the easy way.”

Turning he marched back to his office stopping just before it.

“You have taken from me and so I will take from you. Today you have died. No more the slow progression. I will strike you, like a hammer to the iron. I will make you of use.” Breathing in he knew he had enough for one more spell. “You belong to me… now sleep. I will have use of you in the morning.”

The spell washed out from him. Turning to miss Trixie and One Eye. Slowly the shocked ponies eyes grew lidded and them all slipped to the floor.

“One Eye. Put them in their cots.” He said. The stallion nodding and moving to obey. Though still keeping his eye on him.

Slowly he moved into the back room and slumped into a chair. His eyes beginning to tighten as a sharp pain worked its way up his spine.

“Mordane?” Trixie said quietly walking in. “Are you okay?”

Mordane swallowed and looked at her his back leg beginning to shake. He felt like cotton was in his mouth.

“No, no I don’t think so.” he started to breathe more rapidly. “I shouldn’t have done that… Shit.”

She came closer and helped him into his cot. Her eyes widened slightly.

“Trixie. I’m going to… take them on a march when I wake up.”

“You’re hurt! I think you are suffering magical backlash.” She leaned in close and touched his horn.

An arc passed from the gap in his horn and snapped to her horn causing her to jump back as if from a hot grill.

Mordane began to shake, his eyes screwing shut as spasms raked his body. His wings spread out and gripped at nothing as static discharge leaped across them.

He could feel every inch, every nook and every cranny in his horn as through the gaps he could feel a rushing wind as the stored mana discharged sporadically.

Every second he could feel microscopic flakes being blown off as the energy in that small section of his horn grew too large for it to contain.

Trixie raced back to his side and steeling herself lowered her horn to touch his. She mumbled an apology as she continued.

Tapping into his magical store she began to quickly draw it out. Taking care she strained to force the power into her and then into the air, causing the entire room to heat.

She gritted her teeth and bore the embarrassment of touching horns and the feeling of Mordane mind.

All she could get from him was swirling chaos and rage and pain. Slowly though she was able to bring the energy stored in his body down to manageable levels.

As the energy in his body dropped Mordane’s mind came back into focus.

Reaching out mentally he brushed her mind as if asking if he could enter. She knew he couldn’t speak now and so mentally agreed.

“Trixie, I must sleep. Here are my instructions… thank… you

A series of concepts and intents flowed into her head as Mordane slipped into unconsciousness.

Blinking rapidly Trixie swallowed before casting the spell to block Mordane dreams before tucking Mordane in and shakedly heading to the door.

One Eye had finished moving the ponies and pushing the beer kegs to the side of the room. Trixie, shaking came over and poured herself a glass.

She downed it quickly and let the tankard fall to the ground before collapsing onto a crate.

“Well, that was something.” One Eye grumbled. “Not the first time I’ve met a necromancer. First time I’ve felt one that strong.”

“It was the first time I’ve felt one at all.” She sat up and rubbed her sore horn “He is definitely an alicorn. I’ve felt that kind of dark power before.”

“You have!?” One Eye grunted eyebrows rising.

“Yes. I once had an amulet that gave me an alicorns strength in exchange for madness.” She turned to look at ONe Eye. “Mordane used magic despite his horn not being ready for it. I don’t know what that will do to him.”

“What's the worst that could happen?” One Eye asked.

“He could lose his magic all together… or his ability to control it. If he wasn’t an alicorn I don’t know what would happen.”

One Eye grunted and moved off before moving to the center of the room and starting to do push ups.

Trixie watched him for a few moments
“Mordane gave me some instructions. We have tasks.”

“Aye, I assumed so.” He grunted again.

Trixie stood and headed toward the door her brow still furrowed and eyes bloodshot.

“I’m not worried Trixie.” One Eye said. “This won't stop him.”

Trixie paused for a moment at the entrance before slowly nodding. Swallowing she moved out the door and to where she had left the colts.

Mordanes hooves shook slightly as he lifted the cup to take a drink of tea.

He was waiting in a sitting room in the castle. He had waken a few hours earlier after sleeping through the night.

His horn ached deeply and in waves that seemed to come and go. Sometimes it felt so bad it seemed to reach down into his eye socket.

A quick visit to an apothecary had lead to a horn protection sleeve being applied again quickly, this time with a suppression ring to channel the magic away from his horn completely.

The doctor had insisted that Mordane should not take it off until the crack had completely closed and that he report any more symptoms.

Mordane felt a lump in his throat again. His horn injury it seemed had gotten worse. Even the best case now would still have him with permanent scarring along its length and part of his face.

The king arrived a few minutes later. He wore as ostentatious outfit as ever. He broke into a wide smile upon seeing Mordane who stood to show respect.

“Sit my friend. I’ve been told you wanted to speak with me?”

“Of course your majesty. I thought I would inform you of my current plans.” Mordane replied smiling and settling back into the chair across from King Fancy.

“I heard there was some trouble with… discipline? In your guards I mean.” The king said taking a sip of tea. Still smiling lightly.

“Yes. That is the reason I am here. I thought I would ask your permission for a training exercise. A march out into the wilderness to strengthen their bones, discipline and to-” Mordane smiled and grinned at the king “- take the chaff from the oats as it were.”

The king nodded before taking a sip of tea himself.

“I also hear you have some interest in defunct mines?”

Mordane paused, before continuing to drink.

“A possible source of income.”

“Being alicorn, I’m sure you could squeeze some more iron out of them.” he nodded before jestering to Mordanes horn “At least before you damaging that again trying.”

Mordane didn’t reply, instead reaching over to pour another glass only to find the king doing it for him with his magic.

“Such a tragedy. Even with such a large reward you must be nearing the limit of your spending.”

“Indeed.” Mordane replied curtly.

“Well,” The king smiled. “That is easily corrected if you were to gain the rights to fiefdom.”

Mordane sat quietly, not trusting himself to speak.

The king stood and started toward the door before turning back to him.

“Well, we can speak about that on your return. Sharpen your sword Mordane Stronghoof. I have great need of you here. Also, your ship, I believe it needs inspection. The paperwork should take about until oh, your return.” He said stepping up to Mordane.

“Thank you. For being so expedient.” Mordane replied flatly.

“Of course. Anything for a friend.” The king smiled as he placed his hoof on Mordane’s hair and ruffled it a bit. “You are still quite young Mordane. Have you thought of a mare?”

“The thought.” Mordane replied smoothly, ignoring the infatalizing jester from the still larger stallion “had crossed my mind.”

“And the princess… I hear she has been in regular contact with you.” The king began to press harder on Mordane head.

“Yes, I could not deny a requested meeting by the princess.” Mordane replied emptying his cup “That would be rude to the royal family.”

“Of course. We can solve that problem on your return as well.” the king said quietly drawing back his hoof. “So when will you be returning?”

“Two Mon-” the kings hard look caused Mordane to stop and reconsider before solidly replying “One Month.”

“That good. The fresh air will do you good.” The king made his way back toward the door and gave a lazy wave. “It has been a pleasure Mordane.”

“A pleasure.” Mordane said through gritted teeth.

The cup in his hoof cracked, then crumbled into dust.

The princess of Herridon entered her room alone. She preferred the time alone and without servants. Using her own magic to take off the traditional regalia.

Trotting over to the windowsill she smiled after seeing the plate of fresh fruits and vegetables cut and laid out in the shape of a flower. It was placed on a table next to her favorite lounging chair which faced a window and the sea.

Smiling she sat down and drinked the water waiting next to the bowl before continuing in to eat.

A few minutes later as the sun began to set she floated over a nearby basket, inside was a collection of today's missives and mail. As was her habit she read the ‘important matters’ notice of the day before moving on to personal letters then more general statistics.

After a few minutes of hoofing through the letters though she paused at one of particular interest.

It wasn’t of particularly fine quality paper, in fact had it been from anypony else she would have considered it a veiled insult.

Smiling she opened the letter of Mordanes only to frown as her eyes bore over the banal greeting and pleasantries.

Thinking for a few moments she then smiled and lit up her horn. Quickly the letter changed as the security spell fell away.

To the Princess of Herridon.

It is a cruel twist of fate that I have not been able to talk to you again. Perhaps- most likely- you have heard about what happened with my guards. I’m sure that you would understand why I would be forced to take care of this so suddenly.
I am to take them to march for a month before my return.

This amount of time is far too long to leave you without answer as to your question during our last meeting.

To say in short, I am not sure. Truly you are beautiful and our children would be strong. In this I have no doubt.

Such an action though would mean dethroning your mother’s last husband. The current king of Herridon. A task beyond me at the current moment…

She smiled, covering her mouth she gave a stifled giggle before returning to her reading.

King Fancy has indicated that he wants to have me landed and wed shortly after my return. In so many words he also made it clear that this was not up for debate.

I tell you this for one reason alone. A hope that we can be.

With admiration,

Mordane Stronghoof.

P.S. I hope to exchange letters again. The following is where to send the pickup.

Giving a small sigh the princess read the letter again before folding it. She smiled and stared out over the sea, floating a small strawberry to her mouth.

“Shadow.” She said. A unicorn stepped out from seemingly nowhere covered head to hoof in loose fitting black robes. “Follow him.”

The shadow bowed before quickly slipping away. Standing the princess walked over to her dress set, a flash from her horn causing the letter to burst into flame.

“I think I’ll go with a purple dress.”

The letter was consumed just as she reached out to pull a small stack of paper. She had several letters to write.


Ivy shuddered.

Her dreams had been uneasy, odd dinners with skeletons and the feeling of falling from a thousand meters up.

Then the memory of what happened came back to her.

She jolted. Coming to her hooves in a few moments. Her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest. She spun. And spun again breathing rapidly.

She was no longer in the room and instead found herself in the middle of the other of Mordane’s ponies in a woods.

Seeing that nothing was dangerous she checked herself over before briefly wondering if she had already passed to the afterlife before noticing a distinct need to urinate.

Blushing she quickly trotted a short ways out and relieved herself before heading back to the group.

“Hey, do you know what's going on?” asked a mare from the night before.

“No, Mordane must have brought us here for some reason.”

“Mordane? Is that the name of… that necromancer from last night?”

“N..Yes.” Ivy Swallowed. “It is.”

“Who would have thought he really was a bloody necromancer.” Whispered one of the other ponies tersely. “What in the hell is he going to do to us.”

“What has he already done to us.” spoke up another.

Looking around some began to wonder if this was real, or some kind of prison for their souls.

But Ivy was thinking on the sparks coming from the crack of Mordane’s horn.

“You’re all awake it seems.” Mordane spoke up. All thirty six ponies heads turned to look at him. Their ears standing at attention.

“Eh. What do you think your doing with us here. You can’t-”

Mordane stomped.

A blast wave rocked out causing all the ponies to cover their ears and shout in alarm. Their voice cut short by sheer volume of the wave.


He stared down at them as they glanced at each other unsure of what he wanted.

“You will address a superior officer with sir at the beginning of your statements.”

Looking around again no individual spoke up for a few moments before a hesitant voice spoke out.

“You… you can’t just bring us here to do Luna know what to us.”

“That,”Mordane replied his eyes hard as stone. “Is incorrect. I am a lord of Herridon. You damaged my property. You stole from me. The king himself has already declared you all my slaves.”

Each of the ponies manes stood on end. There was no doubt to those words. Under the laws of Herridon what he had said made sense. But to be able to get the king himself to declare it… A slave of criminal debt had no rights in Herridon.

“B-but I was hired. I was just suppose to..”

“You accepted my money. Stolen. Frankly, I don’t care if it is ‘just’.” he gave a small smile. “Just look on your hip. You will find the payment in full. From what I’ve been told it was thirty time more than your standard rates.”

Several of the mares sputtered. Some actually looked back and taking stalk of the amount of coin tightly strapped in bags to their hip. Sealed in a heavy wax.

Swallowing Ivy tried to speak but had to swallow before being able to.

“Sir, what are we doing here?”

“That, is a correct question. You are here because the ponies who follow me are inexperienced jackasses. Instead of beating you senseless on the dock they went with a temporary solution. An unplanned expense that would have to be rectified at a later date, until then, accepted, used for the minimum of tasks. Standing guard. Looking tough. No pony you would have to fight.”

“We are tough.”

Mordane stomped again. This time the ponies crouched low. Most losing their hearing for a few seconds. He stood, staring at them until their eyes refocused on him.

“You are pipsqueaks. Pebbles under my hoof. A buzzing annoyance in my ear.” He scowled and lifted his chin into the air. “You are shit stains on the ground waiting to be turned into dirt only meant for being stepped on.”

He paused and looked up as if considering for a moment.

“No, you aren't even that. Dirt doesn’t get up and move around. Dirt doesn’t root blindly into what is not yours.” He smiled before looking down. “You’re like worms. No, maggots. Feasting on my broken flesh.”

Mordane reached up and flicked his horn, letting out a bitter laugh before continuing.

“So that is what I’ll call you. Maggots. But you’re maggots who can grow. Perhaps even become something more than the little shit stains you are.” He nodded closing his eyes with a certainty. “Perhaps I can turn you into soldiers… into men.”

“Men?” Asked one of the stallions.

Mordane looked down at him coolly considering.

“Yes Men. Men do not skitter around like animals. Men do not take what is not their own. Men are predators and killers.” Mordane smiled again. “I will turn you into men. My men.”

He laughed, a dark laugh that seemed to claw its way deep into Ivy’s soul.

“Pray to your god maggots.” He looked down at them with an evil glee.

“Prepare yourself for the March of Hell.”

Author's Note:

Next time, on Mordane Stronghoof!

Trixie is full of doubts and fears, will the stress of work and fears of death cause her to break down?

One Eye plays with an old friend. The Worker ponies master has something to say about that though.

And Mordane on the march! Will this small band of soldiers survive the hellish training?

Find out next time on MORDANE STRONGHOOF!


Also, please comment down bellow, I would very much like to hear your thoughts and feedback. Thank you!