• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,208 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

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Chapter Ten

Dreams and Disasters
By Quillery

Chapter Ten

The Real World

Dash and Twilight stood in a small room. It was brightly lit by the afternoon sun, with beams of light striking the polished white floors with an iridescent shimmer. A single, round table sat in the middle of the room, flanked by an assortment of matching chairs, save for one. On the far side was a regal placement, dressed with satin sheets the color of sapphire. It was fitted with silver and gold on its frame.

A carving stood out with the glowing sunlight. It wound around both sides of the immaculate throne and spindled up to the very top. A single gemstone lay at the head of the chair, a heart shaped sapphire. It too shone brightly in the life of the room. Dash felt her eyes linger on the immaculate jewel, and a quick glance showed that Twilight was doing the same.

They were guided quietly, to their seats. Neither of them spoke. Their eyes were trained on the pony that walked ahead of them. She glided through the room with a fluid grace. Her lengthy dress skirted the smooth floor, bunching and resting with each step its owner took.

Her escort parted ways at the throne, whispering into her ear as he left her side. He bowed deeply, and stepped aside, moving to the door.

The pony at the throne took her seat. Her eyes fluttered as she glanced across the table towards her gawking guests as they continued to stare. Amusement flickered across her features, despite the black circle that formed around one of her eyes, and she giggled as she rested her hooves on the table before her.

“I assume you both have many questions for me?” she said.

Silence reigned. Mr. Ruby did not budge from his post at the door, nor did he move at all. His face was set like stone, eyes unmoving, unblinking.

“I can understand if you feel a bit betrayed by my actions,” she said again. “But I assure you, if you ask, I will answer.”

“What exactly…” Twilight tried. The words died in her mouth, and it was all she could do to not choke on them by swallowing a growing lump in her throat.

Dash placed her hoof on Twilight’s. They exchanged a quiet glance. Dash could see the uncertainty in Twilight’s eyes, and she knew she could expect the same in her own. She nodded, before turning to the pony addressing them.

“What the hay is going on here!?” she shouted.

Victoire blinked. She leaned back into her chair, her expression unchanged. “You don’t have to shout, unless that is how you prefer your questions to be asked.”

Dash shook her head. “What I’d really like to know is why you were playing with us.”

Victoire tilted her head. “Playing? I’m not certain if that’s the word I would use."

“Well, I don’t know what else it could be! We walked into a map store and ended up being chased across the city by a bunch of goons looking to ponynap us!”

“I admit, the theatrics of it were… excessive, but I assumed you both might at least be somewhat receptive to it.”

“Receptive how, exactly?” Dash sat back in her chair and crossed her forelegs. “Because as I see it, this is a pretty weird way of greeting ponies. With all the lying an’ all.”

Victorie turned to Twilight. “Well, I understand that Miss Twilight is fond of books and history, and would most definitely enjoy what cultures the city had to offer. The art galleries and the Catacombs were an easy way to pique her interests.”

Victoire fluttered her eyes to Dash. “You’re interests were far more exciting to plan. You are a daredevil, I understand? You seek thrill and excitement, and I would assume at the very least, adventure, no?”

Dash blinked. “Well, couldn’t you just… I dunno… asked us? Hung out with us the normal way?”

Victoire grinned. “Because it is so simple for one of royalty to wander around the city freely.” She turned to Twilight. “Miss Twilight, can you say that Princess Celestia has such freedoms?”

Twilight looked up, meeting Victoire’s gaze. She looked away suddenly, scuffing the table with her hooves. “N-no, I guess not. Anytime Celestia goes anywhere, it’s always a huge event, even in Ponyville.”

Victoire’s grin widened. “So then, perhaps you can see the merit of my deception. I merely wished to get to know you both, without the hassles of my station or the bother of my name. I wanted to know you, as normal, everyday ponies. Nothing more.”

“So why the big chase across the city?” Dash asked. “That doesn’t sound like a good way to meet ponies either.”

Victoire laughed. “As I said, a bit of excitement to liven things up. You cannot say you did not enjoy the thrill of it all, can you? You are well known as heroes of Equestria many times over. I felt a simple chase by average ponies would be foals play for you compared to changelings and draconequi.”

Dash’s mouth opened to speak, but she stopped herself. She scrunched her face in thought, looking into space. Her gaze fell back to Victoire’s. “Well… I guess it was kinda fun. Like being in a Daring Do book.”

“Yes, the Maltese Gryphon.” Victoire winked. “That one is my favorite.”

Dash grinned. “You know, the thief in that story was called Miss Vanilla.”

“Yes, she is a wonderful character. I’m glad you approve of the pseudonym.”

“But what if something went wrong?” Twilight said. “You couldn’t have planned for every contingency! As far as I was concerned, I felt like we were actually in danger!”

Victoire frowned. “Such is the risk of planning such an event.” She sighed. “But I suppose you are right. Allow me then, to offer my deepest apology. There are only so many ways I can meet new ponies without them tripping over themselves to kiss at my hooves or lavish me with praise, and I desired a genuine accord with you, at least before the formalities played a part.”

Mr. Ruby cleared his throat. “The formalities would lessen the chances of being thrown against a fence in the future.”

Dash frowned at Mr. Ruby. “So who is this guy, anyways?”

Victoire looked over her shoulder to Ruby briefly. “Mr. Ruby is the head of my guard. He has been a protector of my family for generations. He guarded my mother, and her mother as well.”

Mr. Ruby smirked. “Now, I guard the little mouse and make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble with her little games.” He glanced to Dash. “I apologise if I frightened you, Miss Dash, before the smoke. Acting is one of my older passions, and if I must endure her Majesty’s little games, I may as well offer a good show.”

Dash’s skin bristled. “I wasn’t scared! You just caught me off guard. I coulda taken you if I was more prepared.”

Victorie giggled. “Mr. Ruby does not approve of my… ‘expeditions’ into the city.”

Ruby let out a gruff chuckle. “Your mother wasn’t as troublesome when she was young.”

“My mother was also dreadfully boring, and still is, Mr. Ruby.” Victoire smiled. “She still thinks it is best the populace sees as little of the royalty as possible.”

“It certainly is a safer choice.”

Victoire shook her head and sighed. “Despite the little chases we get into, Mr. Ruby, I have never felt a lack of safety while out in the city.”

“Because your guards are the ones chasing you.”

“Those were actually guards?” Twilight asked. She swallowed a lump in her throat and sunk into her chair. “Then that means...”

Ruby laughed. “Do not worry, Miss Sparkle. The two guards you incapacitated are fine. Getting thrown against a wall is getting off easy when dealing with her Majesty and her games.”

Victoire frowned. “You play tag with your own guards through the city and you never hear the end of it.”

Twilight let out a weak chuckle. “I guess it was kind of fun. I’d never expect Princess Celestia to do a thing like that.”

“It would be pretty awesome if she did, though,” Dash said.

Dash and Twilight shared a smile and glanced back to Victoire. She too was smiling, before turning in her chair to look at Mr. Ruby. “Would you mind fetching some refreshments, Mr. Ruby? I am famished from all the running today, and I would assume the same of our guests.”

“Something to eat does sound good,” Twilight said.

Ruby nodded. “I shall fetch something sweet, then.” He bowed once to Victoire before leaving the room.

Dash watched him leave and caught Victorie doing the same. She kept a careful eye on the door as it closed behind Ruby, before she turned back to face her.

“Now that he’s gone...” Victoire said. “Perhaps I can be a bit more candid.”

Dash noticed Twilight raise an eyebrow, and she felt herself doing the same. “About what?” Twilight asked.

“Why I did what I did. Certainly what I said earlier was true, but I suppose there are other reasons why I was so set on meeting you two.” Victorie rose from her seat and walked over to the window. The sunlight poured over her, illuminating her bright sapphire mane and the golden crown on her head.

“Has Celestia ever expressed loneliness, Miss Sparkle?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean exactly what I said. Has she ever seemed alone? Distressed over the lack of company true to her as a pony, and not as a princess?”

Twilight blinked a few times. “I... don’t know. I practically grew up as her student, and spent almost every day with her. I never noticed anything like that. We would stay up for hours sometimes, talking about all kinds of things: magic, history, the importance of friendship.” She shot a quick smirk at Dash. “Her favorite subject though was the night sky. We spent so much time talking about the celestial bodies. Mostly I was the one interested in the stars, but she always brought the subject back to...”

Twilight blinked again, and her mouth dropped open. She stared, not making a sound save for a sharp inhalation of air.

Dash tilted her head. “Subject back to what, Twi?”

“...the moon. She always talked about the moon. The way she stared at it. I can't believe I never realised it until now. She was lonely. She missed her sister, for over a thousand years.”

Victoire nodded. “I do not have the lifespan of an alicorn, so I have considerably less time to make friends. The values of harmony and friendship are just as strong here as any land that pays homage to Celestia, so I too know the importance of making friends.” She let out a heavy sigh. “But as a Queen, it is rather hard to make friends who are true.”

“What do you mean?” Dash asked. “You have a castle full of ponies that will do anything for you.”

Victoire scoffed. “They do so out of service to the throne. Not to me personally. I regard them fondly for their diligence, but it is hard to quantify a friendship based on the fact that they are required to do as I ask.”

Dash scratched her head. “Oh... I guess that makes sense.”

“So you see the reason for my little deception.” Victoire placed a hoof on the window. “I love my people. I do all that I can to make their lives as enjoyable as possible. I would not have known that the workers of the old city were so overburdened and ready to revolt. As Vanille, I was able to stop it, by giving them the reparations they deserved.

“But that does not mean I cannot feel like a prisoner to my service to them. Sometimes, I just want to be myself, to be my own pony. As Queen, it is very difficult to do so. That is why is why Vanille exists.”

“Did any of the other queens do something like that?” Dash said.

Victoire laughed. “My mother was actually afraid to leave the palace sometimes. Do not misunderstand, she was a wonderful queen. The people loved her just as much as any queen, but I cannot say she was as outgoing as me, or her mothers before her.”

“What about that painting back at the museum? The first Victoire left the country, just to visit Celestia!”

Victoire turned from the window. “Which is exactly what I would love to do someday.”

“I guess that’s why you asked so many questions about Celestia,” Twilight said.

She nodded. “Celestia is a pony I know only through pictures and stories. She hasn’t been back to Prance in over three hundred years, before my great grandmother.”

Twilight glanced down at the table. “I guess she has been getting busier these days. Even with Luna back...”

“Maybe something will come up,” Dash said. “Something that will give Celestia a bit more time to herself.”

Victoire shrugged and trotted back to her seat. “I doubt such a solution will spring out of the ground. But I have seen stranger things.”

As she sat down, the door opened. Ruby entered the room with a second pony behind him. He was pushing a small cart covered with plates. On top of those was an assortment of pastries, cookies and candies. Dash and Twilight eyed the cart, licking their lips.

Ruby and the servant halted just beside the table and bowed towards Victoire. “The sweets you requested, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ruby, Mr. Beignet,” she said. “They look delicious.” The plates glowed sapphire as Victoire plucked them from the cart and placed them on the table, some in front of her and some between Twilight and Dash. “Please, eat. The bakers here are the finest in all of Prance.”

Dash had already snatched a doughnut and bit into it, while Twilight grabbed some cookies. After their first bites, they both froze mid-chew. They glanced down to the plates they had taken, then to the baker, and finally to Victorie. She was smiling from behind a teacup as she sipped quietly.

“These taste amazing!” Dash exclaimed, swallowing her food and reaching for more.

“I’m glad you enjoy them. Feel free to take as much as you want. Consider it my gift to you, for bearing with me today.”

Twilight smiled. “It was nothing, your Majesty. It was the least we could do for a friend.”

Dash stopped inhaling pastries long enough to see Victoire almost drop her tea. She staggered a moment, the cup wavering in her magic. It floated slowly down to the table, fully revealing her surprised expression.

“You... you truly mean that... don’t you?”

Twilight nodded, and so did Dash. “Yes. All things considered, I think Dash and I had fun today.”

“You bet!” Dash said. “It was fun being the hero again. Even if it was kinda fake.”

Victorie was still. She lifted a hoof to her face and rubbed at her cheek and quickly cleared her throat. “Mr. Ruby. Did you get the other thing I requested?”

He nodded. “Of course, your Majesty.” His horn glowed as he grabbed something from the lower shelf of the pastry cart. It was a small rectangular parcel wrapped in brown paper. It floated towards the table and landed softly in front of Twilight. She glanced down at it and placed a hoof on it, crinkling the paper slightly, before glancing up to Victoire.

“I believe that is the reason you are here, is it not? L’Histoire de Victoire. A complete history of my family, back before the Gryphon Rebellions until now. I have read every edition ever printed. It is a most fascinating history.”

Twilight grinned. “Thank you, your Majesty. I can’t wait to read it myself.”

Twilight picked up the book in her magic and popped open her bags, slipping it inside. After a few moments of rummaging, she pulled out a similarly sized book, and floated it over to Victoire. Her eyes scanned the cover and smiled.

Equestria’s Dawn; a complete history,” she read. “An appropriate title.”

“Most of the research notes are actually mine and Celestia’s,” Twilight said, blushing. “History was one of my favorite subjects, but I never expected Celestia to use my homework to make a book like this.”

“Then I look forward to reading it as well.” She floated the book from the table towards Mr. Ruby. “Mr. Ruby, see to it that this book is catalogued properly, then sent to my room.” She smirked at Twilight. “No sense wasting time.”

Ruby nodded, and took the book in his magic. He gestured to the baker, and the two of them filed out of the room.

After they were gone again, Victoire rose from her seat again and circled towards Twilight and Dash. “Now then. Is there anything else that you wish to do while you are here? I must admit that you were correct about not having time to meet with me tomorrow, which is another reason I wanted to see you today. I will be busy watching the festivities tomorrow with my mother, and travelling through the city will be time consuming indeed.”

Twilight raised a hoof to her chin. “Well... I would love to see more of the palace. It looked so big from the outside.”

Victoire nodded. “A simple request, which I can even do myself.” She turned to Dash. “What about you, Miss Dash? Is there anything special you wish to do while in my company?”

Dash thought a moment, staring in Twilight’s direction. A smile formed at the corner of her lips, as an idea came to mind. It wasn’t much of a thought, but considering how the day had gone, she felt that Twilight would enjoy some peace. “No, I’m fine. Whatever Twi wants to do is fine with me. Maybe I’ll get used to this fancy schmancy stuff one of these days.”

“Are you sure, Dash? “Twilight asked. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I won’t force it on you.”

Dash remembered back to the flight over the ocean and what Sea Swirl had told her. Just show the interest... Her smile brightened. “I’m sure, Twi.”