• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,206 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

  • ...

Chapter Twelve

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter Twelve

Rainbow Veins

“So you’re saying Daring Do is a real pony?” Dash asked, as she, Twilight and Edie stepped out of the station.

“More or less,” Edie said. “I traveled with an archaeologist for a time after I left my homeland to explore the world. I wouldn't say she was as... adventurous... as I pegged Daring, but the personalities are certainly the same.”

“I always wondered why she seemed so real,” Twilight said.

Edie smirked. “You would be surprised how realistic a character you can make from someone you know.”

“Where is she now?” Dash asked.

She shrugged. “She’s retired now. She opened a bookstore in Buckingham, but I’ve been so busy travelling I haven’t had the time to visit her for a while.”

The three of them stopped outside the station, and Dash finally took the time to look around. The train station was situated on a tall hill overlooking a valley just beside it. The roads were a lot like the ones from Prance and Great Brayton, but they looked centuries older. The hewn stone was almost red in its age.

Trees were present in the roads at regular intervals, identically trimmed. Black lanterns hung from each one, and a dull glow emitted from them all, noticeable even in the daylight. A brisk wind drifted across the hill and into the valley, brushing through the trees and filling the air with the sound of rustling leaves.

Down in the valley, Dash saw the city below stretch on into the mountain walls. Stone, tree and earth were everywhere, and she could even see specks of blue in between the spider web of streets.

“Wow,” Dash said. “Victoire wasn’t kidding. This place looks amazing.”

“It’s beautiful,” Twilight added. “‘How did I not come across this in my travel plans?”

“Antlerdam is one of those cherished treasures of Equus,” Edie said. “The deer folk do what they can to keep this place pristine.”

“I would assume so."

“They do an admirable job. This is my third time visiting, and it seems to get more radiant every time.”

“Heh,” Dash chuckled. “Applejack and I know a few deer that live near Ponyville. They are pretty cool. Real earthy types.”

“They love being festive, that’s for certain. It is rare that you won’t find one of them setting up a get-together where everyone is invited.”

“I bet Pinkie Pie would love this place, then.”

Edie nodded, then looked off into the city below. “I believe now is the time we part ways. My publisher is meeting me here of all places to finalize my next book and he hates to be kept waiting.” She stole a quick glance to Dash with a smirk. “And I’d hate to keep my number one fan waiting for her favorite book.”

Dash grinned. “I can’t wait.”

Edie shared a smile with her, then spread her wings and gave them a practice flap. “It was wonderful meeting you both, and perhaps the next time I’m in Equestria, we can meet again.”

“That would be lovely,” Twilight said.

Edie smiled, and prodded at the case stashed underneath her wing. She gave a satisfied nod, and her wings began to beat in a more thorough rhythm. She leaped into the air with a grunt and soared off into the valley.

Twilight and Dash watched her vanish into a tiny speck in the distance. After, they looked down the road into the city proper. “So...” Dash said, casting an expectant glance at Twilight. “A day in Antlerdam, what should we do?”

“Well...” Twilight said, scratching her chin. “First we need to find a map, and a hotel for the night. After that...” She shrugged. “Whatever we can come across I suppose.”

“Whoa...” Dash said, smirking. “Twilight Sparkle... without a plan? That’s new.”

Twilight responded by poking her in the sides. “Hush you,” she said, mirroring Dash’s smile. “I can make things up as I go if I want to. I just choose not to.”

“Maybe I should pick what we do, if I see something cool.”

Twilight glanced up, eyes lost in thought. “You know... that sounds like a great idea.”


“Yes. You know a little more about this place than I do, so maybe you will have a better idea of what could be fun.”

Dash had plenty of first hoof accounts from her friends and co workers about the sights that Antlerdam had to offer. There were a lot of places that Dash could see herself seeing if she ever got around to visiting, and here she was now, standing over it with a dozen ideas forming at once at what she wanted to do first.

But, as her mind was quick to remind her, Twilight coming along was never part of those scenarios. Dash’s brow furrowed a moment as she glanced quickly at Twilight. There are a lot of places I’m not sure she’d enjoy. And asking her to do something she wouldn’t like might be pushing it a bit too far. I already screwed up when I said I didn’t like the art galleries, so I need to find something we both can enjoy.

Dash scratched her head. Her list of options shrunk with the inclusion of Twilight, but there was still a lot to account for, especially when she hadn’t been here before on her own. I guess we’ll deal with that when we come to it.

“Well, let’s get your things out of the way, then we can go searching. It’s a big city, I’m sure we can find something, Twi.”

Twilight nodded, and gestured down the road. “We might be able to find what we’re looking for down here. Let’s go.”


Dash sat in the lobby of an immaculate hotel. Ruby red rugs trimmed with gold lined the floors near the door. Whatever wasn’t carpeted was made of polished tile and granite the color of ancient oak. Large columns flanked the entrance, and were covered with silver lanterns that filled the room with light.

She was leaning against the lobby counter, with a map in her hooves. It rustled and crinkled as she turned it this way and that, trying to get her bearings and, if she was lucky, find someplace fun to visit. At least until Twilight returned from dropping off their bags in their room.

“Find anything interesting?” Dash looked up from the map and turned her head. The concierge was looking at her. He was a deer a good foot taller than Dash, but was far thinner than any equine. His coat was a matted brown, and his antlers shone as if polished.

“Not really,” Dash replied, turning back to the map. “I don’t really know the city all that well. Only from friends who have.”

He nodded. “Ah, first visit then? Well, Antlerdam is a big city. There's plenty to do, if you know what to look for.”

“Hmm. That’s the problem, really. I’m not sure what I am looking for. I need to find something both me and my friend can enjoy.”

“Different interests, eh?”

“You could say that. There’s gotta be something here we can do together.”

“Well, in my experience, when all else fails, go with music.”

Dash glanced back. “What do you mean?”

“Everyone likes music. Every type, every kind. It’s one of those universal appreciations, and Antlerdam is at no loss for good music.” His blinked. “In fact, there are a few music festivals that should still be going on just a few blocks from here.”

Dash stroked her chin. “Really...”

“Have you found anything, Dash?”

Dash stood up from the desk, and saw Twilight descending the stairs towards her. She nodded. “I think so, Bucky here says that there’s some music thing going on we could check out.”

Twilight frowned. “You could at least ask his real name instead of a silly nickname.”

The concierge cleared his throat. “My name really is Bucky, Miss.”

Dash couldn’t help but snicker at Twilight’s horrified expression. “It kinda says it there on his name tag, Twi.”

“I’m so sorry!” Twilight stammered. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice!”

Bucky smiled. “It’s fine, Miss; an honest mistake. You wouldn’t believe some of the things I do hear in this place.”

Twilight’s horror faded to a mild blush and turned her head to Dash. “So, what was that about music?”

“There’s some music festival going on. We could look around there, there’s bound to be something that we can both enjoy.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about me, Dash. I’m fine with just looking around the city. The walk here was so amazing: the ancient architecture, the river channels in the streets. I never imagined it was so pretty.” She smiled. “So whatever you want to do is fine, as long as we can see as much as possible.”

“Okay...” Dash said, scratching her head. “Well, then lets get a move on. Here, you hold the map; you’re better at navigating anyways.”

Twilight nodded and grabbed the map in her magic. “How far is it to the festival?”

“It’s on the main avenue, same as the hotel,” Bucky said. “Just turn right and walk until you hear the music. Can’t miss it.”

“Thanks, Bucky,” Dash said. “Let’s go, Twi.”


Antlerdam, as Dash and Twilight quickly discovered, was a very busy city in the afternoon. Deer and pony alike were out and about in the streets, all of them carrying a cart or various supplies. Everything the citizens carried around was bright in color or festive in spirit. The ones carrying them, too, were in a state of elation as they moved along at a quickened pace with their cargo.

Dash and Twilight moved at a steady pace, taking in the sights of the ancient city. Dash trotted along the edge of the channel, watching her reflection in the water below. It was crystal clear, reflecting her grin in perfect detail. Her laugh had an childish cackle to it as she skipped along the sides of the wall.

Twilight, on the other hoof was walking safely a few meters away, shaking her head at Dash’s display. “You’re going to fall in if you keep that up.”

“Chillax, Twi,” Dash said with a flap of her wings. “It’s not like I can’t use these.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “If you’re so sure.” She turned back to the map. Her hooves clicked on the street in a slow rhythm, drowned out by Dash’s energetic bouncing.

“Do you at hear any music yet?”

Dash perked her ears. She could hear the sound of hoofalls on stone, the gentle current of the water below her, and a slight breeze. Frowning, she glanced back to Twilight and shook her head. “Nope. Nothing yet.”

“Hmm. We’ve been walking for a while. Maybe we should have asked Bucky how long we should be walking.”

“Don’t worry about it, Twi. It’s still pretty early. I bet nothing’s really started yet. We’ll get there when we get there.”

Twilight shrugged, and went back to her map. Dash paused a moment, observing her friend. Dash knew impatience when she saw it, and the signs of it afflicting Twilight were starting to show itself. Twilight said she was happy enough to look around, I wonder what’s bugging her. Dash grinned. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t have a plan. I knew she’d go stir crazy eventually. I’d better find something to keep her from losing it.

“Hey, Twi. What do you know about Antlerdam? There had to have been something in that history book of yours.”

Twilight stared at her with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Dash hopped off the wall and trotted astride Twilight. “I mean, I only know this place as a red-light sort of place. A party venue. But it couldn’t possibly have been like that all the time, right?”

Twilight frowned a moment, scratching her head. She stowed the map into her bags, and pulled out her history book. “Well...aha! Here it is.” She cleared her throat, and began to read.

“Antlerdam is most well known for serving as a refuge state during the Gryphon Rebellions. It played as a neutral party from all sides of the conflict, offering safety for any who sought it.

“Deer are an interesting species. They value peace over all else, and it was their devotion to non-combatance that made their homeland such a safe place during the war.”

“They didn’t like to fight? Dash said. “Then why didn’t somepony just walk in and take over?”

Twilight chuckled. “I didn’t say that they were bad at fighting. I just said they prefered to avoid it. Deer might be a bit skinnier than most ponies, but they are very fast on the ground, and know their territories very well. Most deer back then were trained in non-lethal deterrents, in case they needed to...persuade... fighters to go elsewhere.”

“Wow, that sounds pretty cool.”

Twilight nodded. “In fact, the reason the architecture looks this way is because it blended the aesthetics of all the different nationalities that took refuge here. It’s all a mix of Great Brayton, Prance, even Germane. Most of those that hid here just stayed, and they helped build it to what it is today.”

“And then it became the biggest party city in all of the world.”

Twilight giggled. “I guess so, somewhere along the lines, anyways. The history of that gets a bit fuzzy after the war ended, and since then the city regularly celebrates peace and harmony.”

“Get’s...fuzzy... eh?” Dash chuckled. “Well, it’s a pretty chill place, now. I might have to make a point to come out here again to relax.”

“Relax from what?” Twilight smirked and poked Dash. “Are all those naps starting to tire you out?”

“Heh, good one, Twi,” Dash said, returning the playful poke. “I meant after I’m a world famous Wonderbolt. I’ll need somewhere to hide.”

Twilight giggled. “Well, you could always hide in the library. They’d never think to look for a Wonderbolt there.”

Dash froze. She felt her eye twitching as Twilight’s words started their rampage on her brain. Easy, Dash She didn’t mean it like...that...

“Dash? Is everything alright?”

Twilight had stopped just ahead. She was looking back to her with a frown and a tilted head.

Dash glanced around, trying to avoid eye contact while coming up with an answer. Her ears twitched, and she craned her head sideways. A distant sound rang in her head, and she took a few steps towards it.

“Do you hear that?” Dash said.

Twilight tilted her head as well, moving her ears. “No. I don’t hear anything.”

Dash ignored Twilight, still walking towards the noise. She came to a spot in the channel road that broke off deeper into the city. As she approached the corner, the sound became more distinct. It was music, and it was close.

She peeked her head around the corner and peered. Sure enough, there were bright lights and crowds of ponies gathered at the very far end of a long street. It was all a distorted mess from here, but there was no mistaking it.

“We’re here, Twi.”

Twilight finally made it to the corner with Dash. After she took her time peering down, she nodded and smiled. “Looks like it.”

“Well then, let’s go get this party started, huh? Can’t have a decent shindig without the coolest pony in Equestria, now can we?”


The music festival, as it turned out, had consumed much more of the city than the hotel attendant had led Dash and Twilight to believe. After they had entered the crowd proper, they were assaulted from all sides by loud music, energetic dancers and extravagant displays.

Entire streets were laid out in different genres, artist and aficionado alike. They played their craft as loud as they could, proudly offering their skills in music to carry across the city as far as the sky would take it. The air itself was charged with energy, and every brick, tree, light and pony was teeming with life.

The two Ponyville natives did their best to navigate the torrent of ponies crowding the streets, but even after an hour of walking through the various shops and displays, there was no end in sight.

“This place is awesome!” Dash said. “What do you think, Twi?”

Dash had a large grin on her face, that slowly faded when Twilight didn’t answer. She glanced to her friend and noticed a look of strain on her face. “Twi? You ok?”

“I’m fine. It’s just a bit louder than I expected.”

“Well, yeah. It’s a music festival, Twi. It’s supposed to be loud. I can barely hear myself think!”

“Well, I like hearing myself think.”

“Aw,” Dash said, giving Twilight a playful nudge, “that’s just the egghead part of you talking. Trust me, I’ll find us a place where you can leave that behind and have some real fun.”

“I’m having fun!” Twilight said, a little too quickly. “Who said I’m not having fun?”

“Yeah? What’s been your favorite music so far?”

Twilight glanced around. “I haven’t heard it yet.”

Dash frowned. “Right...” I’m not pushing her too far, am I?

“Are you sure you’re ok, Twi? We can leave if you want to.”

Dash caught sight of a guilty look on Twilight’s face. “N-no. I want to do this. It’s the least I can do for making you go through those galleries in Cheval.”

Dash facedhoofed. Oh... That’s what she’s doing. Paying me back? That’s the last thing I wanted. I just wanted her to have fun.

“If you’re not having fun—”

“—I’m having fun!’ Twilight blurted. She looked stricken, her eyes wide and searching. Dash stared at Twilight as she tried to composed herself. “Really, I am. I just don’t normally listen to music this loud. There have been some really interesting displays, just not at my preferred volume.”

Dash was silent. She looked at Twilight’s hoof that was touching her. As Twilight relaxed, the frantic look on her face drained away into calm. It was a subtle transformation that left Dash’s heart beating faster than it should have been, her skin getting prickly and warm.

Twilight’s head perked up, her ears flicking. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Dash said, her mind too busy to care.

Twilight took her hoof off of Dash and cupped it to her ear. “It sounds like somepony... calling you?”

Dash shook her head to bring herself out of her stupor. “What?” Dash mirrored Twilight and reached out her hearing as far as she could. There was the thrumming of music from all directions, making any kind of pinpointing nearly impossible. In the midst of it all, a distant sound was rising above it. Slowly at first, it rose above the chorus of the crowds until it became distinct.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Dash spun around. From the crowd, an ivory unicorn was sprinting towards them. Her mane was a mess and was streaked two different shades of blue. A necklace of glowsticks swung from her neck in her canter, all nearly faded out. She screeched to a halt just in front of Dash and Twilight, grinning from behind a pair of neon purple glasses. “Yo, Dash!” she said. “I can’t believe it’s you!”

“Vinyl?” Dash said, disbelief drowning her voice. “What are you doing here?”

Vinyl smiled wider. “I’d ask you the same thing! I’m on tour! A couple of musician friends of mine are travelling all over the place. We thought it’d be crazy to miss Antlerdam.”

“Wow, that’s awesome. Me and Twilight are doing something for the princess, and we detoured here for a night.” Dash looked back at Twilight. “Twi, you remember Vinyl Scratch, right? She played at your brother’s wedding.”

Twilight’s face brightened. “Oh! Right! Yes, I remember you.” She stepped up and offered a hoof to Vinyl.

“Oh, hey. Yeah!” Vinyl said, shaking Twilight’s hoof excitedly. “You sang during one of my sets. You got a wicked set of pipes on you, girl!”

Twilight blushed and stepped back. Vinyl turned her attention back to Dash. “If you guys are in town for the night, you have to stop by the club I’m playing. The guys would freak if they met you, Dash.”

“Freak, eh?” Dash turned back to Twilight. “Does that sound alright with you, Twi? We might meet some other ponies from back home.”

Twilight nodded. “Sure, that sounds like fun, as long as you don’t expect me to sing again.”

Vinyl laughed. “Too bad. A voice like that, I would have you in a recording booth making tons of bits in a weekend.”

“I’m fine with my quiet weekends, thank you.”

Vinyl turned and beckoned Dash and Twilight to follow. “Come on, it’s not far.”

They followed in a quick pace, Dash giving Twilight a quick nudge as they departed after Vinyl. “Small world, huh?”

“Yeah.” Twilight’s face lit up briefly. “Ooh, I wonder if she brought Octavia with her. I do like her music.”

Dash couldn’t help but laugh. “She and Vinyl might be good friends, but they aren’t the type to tour together, Twi.”

Twilight let out a disappointed sigh. “Oh well, a mare can hope...”