• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,202 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

  • ...

Chapter Four

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter Four

Dear Vienna

“What do you mean, random screening?” Dash asked.

“It’s just added security measures, miss,” the customs officer droned. She was a dreary grey unicorn, dressed in an equally dismal dark blue uniform. Her eyes were set in a half lidded stare as she examined the dozens of passports that exchanged hooves in the time that Dash had entered the room.

She gestured her hoof to the side. “Please stand aside so we can get this over with quickly.”

“Do you even know who I am?” Dash said.

“Please miss. You’re only making this take longer.”

A second customs worker came along and escorted Dash out of line and behind a curtain, who slapped his hooves away as he nudged her along.

“Hey, watch it buddy.”

Dash felt her bags being lifted off her back and she spun towards the first worker. “Hey, those are mine!”

“It’s part of the extra screening, miss. You needn’t shout.”

“Well I don’t like ponies going through my things without asking and I certainly don’t like ponies touching me without asking either.” Dash shot the stallion a glare, but he simply stared forward like all the other employees.

Over the din of shuffling hooves of the terminal, Dash heard somepony calling her name. “Dash? Where are you?”

“Back here, Twi!”

The curtain fluttered open and Twilight stepped through. She had a concerned look on her face as the stallion reached out and stopped her. “What’s going on here?”

“Security screening, ma’am,” the customs mare said, glaring at her. “You aren’t allowed back here.”

“These two are rifling through my stuff for no reason, Twilight. Make them lay off, will ya?”

When the officer turned to Twilight, her eyes widened considerably. She looked up from the papers she had in front of her and back down again numerous times, her mouth hanging more open each time.

“M-Miss... Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes... that’s me.”

For the first time since entering the terminal, Dash saw a smile on the mare. The papers fell form her magical grip as it sputtered into nothing and fluttered to the floor as she dipped into a bow. “It is a pleasure to welcome you to Great Brayton, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight took a step back. “R-really? I wasn’t aware my arrival was worth any attention.”

“Oh, but of course! The prized student of Princess Celestia is certainly newsworthy here in Buckingham. If there is anything at all you need help with, do please let me or another of the port employees know.”

Twilight turned to Dash, who was staring in disbelief. “Well, you can start by letting my friend go. I assure you she has nothing in her bags worth such treatment.”

“O-of course, Miss Sparkle. I am terribly sorry about this.”

After a few more sputtered apologies, the mare returned Dash’s bags and her passport and waved them through. After leaving the security area, Twilight let out a strained sigh.

“Are you alright, Dash? I’m so sorry for that. I can’t believe we got separated in that mess.”

Dash chuckled weakly. “Ah, it’s okay. They didn't really do anything.”

“Are you sure? You look a little upset.”

Dash cleared her throat. “Well, I guess I’m a little surprised they know you but not me.”

Twilight slumped her head. “Oh, y-yes that was a little embarrassing, wasn't it?”

“Well... You are Celestia’s student.”

“That’s true. But you are the fastest pegasus in Equestria, one of the greatest hopefuls for the Wonderbolts, and the Element of Loyalty. That should warrant an equal amount of recognition.”

“It’s fine, Twi. Really. Let’s get outside already. My wings are itching to get a workout after that flight.”

Twilight nodded, and they proceeded towards the exit. They hurried through the terminal, Dash racing towards the door. She passed through and froze in the sunlight that beamed down in the next room. The ceiling was made of glass, revealing the clear blue sky above.

“Almost there, Dash,” Twilight said. “Just a few steps more.”

“You’re telling me! I need to get up there. My wings are going crazy.”

They moved along out the glass ceilinged chamber into one final lobby, before finally being greeted to the true sky above them. Rainbow Dash flared her wings instinctually, stretching them in the gentle breeze that hit her upon exiting the enclosed harbor. She began to flap them in rhythm, when she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“Wait one second, Dash.”

“I don’t know if I can do that, Twi.” Dash twirled around in her hover to see what Twilight wanted. She had a small, heart-shaped necklace in front of her, hovering in her magic. The purple gemstone in the setting was flashing brightly every few seconds. “Uh, Twi. What’s that?”

“I had a feeling you would want to go off on your own from time to time on this trip, so I brought these.” She floated the necklace over Dash’s head and hung it around her neck. Dash looked at the tiny gem and noticed Twilight was wearing one as well, although its gem was red.

“They’re scrying gems. I’ve attuned them to each other, so they will glow brighter and more frequently the closer they are to each other. This way, if we get separated, we can still find each other.”

Dash scratched her head. “Wow, Twilight. That sounds really cool... But, uh... why are they shaped like this?”

Twilight chuckled. “They were the only ones left in that size. I hope you don’t mind.

Dash swallowed. “N-no, it’s cool. I think I can handle wearing this for a while.”

Twilight smiled. “Now you can go flying whenever you want, and you can still find me when you’re done.”

“T-that’s awesome, Twi. I’m definitely going to use it now.”

“I thought you might. I’m going to head to our hotel, but I might wander through the markets on my way.”

“Sounds good, Twi. I’ll probably be a bit. Three days without flying has built up a pretty big appetite, if you know what I mean.”

“Of course, Dash. I would probably feel the same if I couldn’t use magic for three days.”

Dash heard Twilight laugh behind her, but she couldn’t bring herself to turn back, her face still burning at the touch. Instead, she increased the rhythm of her wings, inching towards the sky.

“One last thing about the necklace, Dash. If you feel it get warm, that means I’m asking for you to come back. So try and pay attention, it might be an emergency.”

Dash felt her wings try and lock up and knock her out of the sky. Heat up? She could almost feel her face glowing now, and hastened her ascent. “N-no problem, Twi. I won't be long, I promise.”

Without another word, Dash took off into the sky.


After dozens of spins and dives in the sky over Buckingham, Dash was winding up a well practiced routine. It was something simple, for her at least. It was everything a training daredevil needed to be on top, dizzying rolls, razor sharp turns and powerful dives. The wind rushing past her was exactly the thing she needed. She felt the three days worth of tension fade away in the cool air, and she could finally think clearly as her adrenaline climbed.

I really have to be more careful; I almost lost my cool back there. Thank Celestia Twilight hasn’t noticed, but I doubt my streak’ll keep up for much longer. She climbed higher, diving through the clouds and savoring the cool moisture on her face.

Dash let out a sigh of relief as her mind and body finally calmed down. She plopped down onto the nearest cloud and relaxed, stretching every inch of her body overtop the fluffy mass. So, how am I going to handle this trip? Sea Swirl didn’t really give me much to go on...

Dash envisioned the past weeks she had spent with Twilight in her mind. The Cloudsdale Cloud Carving Contest, the Canterlot book festival, even a Wonderbolts show. They had spent so much time together, and Dash felt closer to Twilight more than she ever did before. Yet Twilight did not.

Not once had she noticed a kind gesture from Dash as anything more as something a friend would do. Holding the door for her, laughing at a joke she didn’t understand, none of it seemed to register for Twilight. Spend more time with her huh? Not exactly groundbreaking. Guess it’s not like there is much else to do on this trip.

Dash sighed. But I need to do something a bit more forward, at least to show that I care a bit more than ‘just a friend’. But what?

The necklace around her neck tingled. She scooped it up and held it to her eyes. It glowed a gentle purple, shining brighter in the sunlight.

She scoffed. It just had to be a heart, didn’t it?

With a bat of her hoof, the setting spun on its chain. She sighed and lied back down. Maybe I should get something for her?

This might not have been a gift, but I should at least do something...

A gust of wind blew over the cloud, rustling her fur and feathers. She stretched her shoulders, wincing as her sore muscles rebelled against her. But I really should finish my routine.

She rolled over on the cloud and peeked her head over the edge, staring into the city below. She whistled quietly as she scanned the streets below. Wow, it’s way bigger than I thought. I can’t believe I didn’t notice earlier.

An idea formed in Dash’s mind. Maybe I could go down for a bit and get something really fast. Then I’d have loads of time to fly. She grinned. Yeah, that will totally work.

The wind picked up again, and Dash extended her wings. The breeze caught her and rolled her off the cloud and into the air. Gravity took hold as she plummeted towards the ground in a harrowing dive. The great city grew in seconds, and after a sufficient fall, she spread her wings and slowed herself.

After a few spins and twirls to siphon off her speed, she flapped her wings slowly to brake directly above a quiet street. Her wings fluttered gently to coast her along, as she looked around at the sights.

Small stores lined the quiet neighborhood road. The sounds of bells jingled everywhere as doors and cash registers opened. Shopkeepers stood in front of their stores, shouting their stocks for all to hear.

There’s gotta be something here she’d like.

She lowered her hover down to street level so she could read the names of stores and see their wares. The first she noticed was a small grocer. Its workers were hard at work setting out their fruits and vegetables in baskets that lined the front of her store.

I could bring her lunch... She shook her head. No, that’s lame. That hardly matches a necklace. She’s probably already eaten.

She drifted past the grocer in search of other stores. She passed a blacksmith, showing a wide selection of freshly forged horseshoes. They were pristinely polished and reflected the bright light of the noon sun. Eh, a set of nice horseshoes are kinda special, but I don’t know her size. Either I get it wrong and waste bits, or I get it right and she thinks it’s weird that I did know it.

Dash passed a store that sold cookware, and another that carried parchments. One sold dolls and another had chimes. Every store either had something she wasn’t sure Twilight would like, and others that she wasn’t sure Twilight already had.

She felt like somepony was laughing at her by the time she reached a small store that sold expensive gems and jewelry. The store window hosted a large variety of rare diamonds and gems, as well as silver and gold settings.

Dash groaned. I’m trying to get Twilight something nice to thank her for this necklace, not upgrade into a marriage proposal!

A loud bell chimed, distracting Dash from her thoughts. she searched for its source, her gaze falling onto the enormous bell tower. It chimed again, and again until it finally went silent after its twelfth ring. Dash’s face sank into worry. Has it already been an hour? Twilight must be getting worried about me by now. I better get back.

Dash cast one look into the sky and sighed. So much for finding some extra flying time. She spun around in the air, and with a pump of her wings, rocketed off back the way she came.


Rainbow Dash came to a halt above a wide street. Down below was a thick crowd of ponies, oblivious to her fluttering up above. She scanned through them, up and down the long streets, trying to find the one pony on her mind. The necklace around her neck glowed brightly, but Twilight wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

“Ugh,” Dash said. “Why does this city have to be so big?!”

She floated lower to the ground and hovered down the road. Her eyes kept a close watch on the amulet, its rhythm steadily rising. Well, at least I’m heading the right way.

She floated along, watching the crowd below. Dozens of small carts were scattered about, and dozens more ponies flocked around them. They shouted and yelled, but Dash couldn’t make out the slightest bit of the garbled mess. Coin exchanged hooves and merchandise flew back and forth between merchant and customer in a mess of screaming, shoving and bargaining.

Even the markets in Ponyville aren’t this crazy. Dash smirked, but it instantly faded when her necklace began to shimmer.

Twilight is close. Really close. She squeezed the trinket in her hooves as she stared down into the crowd with worry. She’s probably in this mess. I need to hurry and find her.

Her wings surged her ahead over the crowds as she returned to her search. They thinned slowly as she went along, and her amulet continued to glow brighter.

She’s got to be here. Somewhere.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Dash flared her wings wide, bracing against the wind. She spun and banked, skimming the edge of a protruding sign with her side before she finally came to a hover above the street. The gem around her neck swung around, and she noticed it was burning brightly as the voice called out again.

“Rainbow Dash! I’m down here!”

She turned to look, and across the street from her was Twilight, smiling and waving. Dash couldn’t help but smile herself, and pushed herself towards the ground with a flick of her feathers.

She landed beside Twilight, who immediately wrapped her legs around her for a hug. Dash’s face heated up and she strained to keep it from showing.

“Uh, hey, Twi,” she said. “I guess you missed me?”

Twilight smiled. “I wasn’t worried, if that’s what you mean. But I’m glad you’re back. Getting through these streets has been slow.”

Dash glanced back at the milling crowds. “I see what you mean. How much farther to the hotel is it from here?”

Twilight floated out a folded piece of paper from her bags. It crinkled as she unfolded it carefully, opening it for Dash to see.

“The map says it’s only nine more blocks away.”

“Cool.” Dash looked up from the map. Twilight wasn’t paying attention to her. Instead, she was staring at a storefront just beside them.

Dash pointed a hoof at the door. “Did you want to look inside?”

Twilight regarded the shop with a hasty look. “I shouldn’t. It would be best if we got to our hotel now. Carrying these bags is starting to take its toll on my back.”

“Here,” Dash said. “Let me get that for you.” She reached over Twilight’s back for her saddlebags.

Twilight shied away. “Are you sure? Even with the enchantment, the books are still quite heavy.”

“Hah. I had more books than you, Twi, and I’m just fine. Don’t worry about it. I’m built for this kind of thing.”

Twilight nodded and lifted the bags off her back and onto Dash’s. She let a quiet oof escape her mouth “See? Nothin’ to it. Now that your back is secured, we can go in for a sec.” Dash moved towards the door and opened it. Twilight watched her hold the door open, and nodded appreciatively.

“Ok.” She grinned. “Just a few minutes, then off to the hotel.”

The two stepped inside the store. The bell gave a quiet chime as the door shut softly behind them. A pegasus mare behind the front counter looked up at the two, smiling. “Welcome to ‘Quill and Quire’! Can I help you two with anything?”

“We’re just going to look around, if that’s alright,” Twilight replied.

The mare adjusted her glasses and raised an eyebrow. “Equestrians?”

“Why yes, we are. How could you tell?”

She laughed. “It’s the accent, miss. I’d reckon you won’t meet many here can’t tell you ain’t from ol’ Buckin’am.”

“Oh... I see.” Twilight shuffled her hooves awkwardly.

“I’m just teasin’, dearie. Tell me if you see anythin’ ya like.”

Twilight returned the smile and wandered to the shelves. Dash remained at the front, looking at the titles on display near the counter.

She looked up to the shopkeeper. “Do you have any Daring Do?”

The mare turned her head, frowning. “Darin’ Do? Well... that may be a wee problem.” The mare had an apologetic look on her face as Dash’s ears fell. “Darin’s a big seller ‘ere in Buckin’am, since the author’s local. The little ’uns love that Darin’: so much they clean me out each time a new book comes out.”


“But, I might ‘ave somethin’ else, dear. Different author, but very similar to Darin’, if you’d like to give it a try.”

“Hmm.” Dash scratched her chin. She hadn’t read much else besides Daring Do since she had become enamoured with reading. Breaking into reading was already hard enough, but a new series? Could she try something new?

Like with Twilight? Dash’s mind wandered back to what she had discussed earlier, with Sea Swirl. The strange mare had told her much, but all of it required at least one thing: for Dash to do something about it.

She shook her head. This isn’t the same. This is just a book, not asking Twilight out.

But what if it is? What if it’s the same fear? The fear of change? The fear of something new, and having no idea how to handle it?

It isn’t the same!

Sure it isn’t. Keep telling yourself that. As long as you keep it bottled up, as long as you don’t even make the slightest move forward, you aren’t getting anywhere.

“Dearie? Is everything alright?”

Dash shook her head again, and brought her gaze to the shopkeeper. “Y-yeah. I’m fine.” She glanced down at the mare’s hooves. They held a grey covered book etched with silver. “I’ll take it. Never too late to try something new, right?”

The mare nodded and laid the book down to open her register. The machine clicked and chimed, when Dash heard a loud snap from the back of the store. She and the owner turned their heads towards the sound and moved towards it.

Near the back, was Twilight, standing in front of a small chest. Her eyes were impossibly wide and her mouth was hanging open.

“Findin’ everythin’ alright, dearie?” the shopkeeper asked.

Twilight spun around towards them. She pointed to the chest. “Is this what I think it is?”

“Ah.” The shopkeeper approached the tiny box with a smile on her lips. “Ya fancy this ol’ writin’ set, do ya?”

“Do I!? This is the one of the pewter-cast quills made by Sir Gryphon du Pond. There is no quill that matches his kind of quality, and I’ve been dying to have one since I learned how to write!”

“I’ll take that as a yes, then. Did you want it? Shame to say, not many ‘round ‘ere have much interest in writin’. I’ve ‘ah these beauties for some time now.”

“How much?”

The mare sealed the chest again and scratched her chin. “An antique like this doesn’t come cheap, dearie. A set this size, and of this quality? I cannot in good conscience part with it for less than five hundred bits.”

“Five h-hundred?” Twilight snapped open her saddlebags and pulled out her coin purse. It jingled and bulged as she opened it and looked in side. When she looked back up, a crestfallen expression overtook her once excited face. “T-that will take up almost all my souvenir money.”

“I thought this trip was paid for, Twi,” Dash added.

“It’s only for traveling expenses.” Twilight levitated the booklet from her bags, showing Dash the seal on its cover. “I can only use this to pay for food, travel costs and hotel fees.” She glanced at the chest of quills and sighed. “This, unfortunately, is neither. If I buy this now, I won’t be able to get anything for the others. I can’t be that selfish.”

Twilight stared longingly at the box and began to turn away towards the door. Dash watched her move. It was slow, laced with defeat and sadness, and she felt her insides wrenching to see it.

Make the first move, her mind echoed. Show the interest. Not with words, but with actions.

Twilight almost made it past the shopkeeper when Dash grabbed her.

“Then let me buy it for you.”

Twilight stared at her. “You can’t be serious.”

“Look at me, Twi, this is my serious face. You want something nice, and I want to buy it for you.”

“Why did you bring money if you thought it was all paid for?”

“Rarity told me to.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “I guess I never really thought about it at the time.” She went into her bags and took out her own satchel of coins, placing the payment on the counter. “Five hundred, right?”

The shopkeeper nodded. “For the generous miss, I’ll make it four. It isn’t often I see such generosity in this store. Just don’t tell anypony, or else they’d think I’d gone bloomin’ mad.”

Dash smirked. “Thanks.” She walked over to the box and picked it up, placing it into Twilight’s trembling hooves.

She stared at the box in her grip for a silent while, before looking up at the one who gave it to her. “Dash...l... I don’t know how to repay you for this.”

Dash chuckled weakly as she rubbed her stomach. “You can start by using that book thing to buy me some food. I haven’t eaten since this morning.”

Twilight laughed, placing the precious box within the safety of her enchanted bags. She hugged Dash tightly, before leading her out the door of the bookstore. “Come on. I know just the place.”