• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,431 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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Bishop's journal

Tuesday 5th 9:00pm

My name is David, Ann, Bishop, when I first set foot on German soil I wasn’t afraid or intimidated by the enormity of our situation, it was just a simple rescue mission, nothing more. We were assigned to retrieve an American spy, some guy called Thomas. He was captured by Nazi forces as he was monitoring their activities, he provided us with the information we needed to stay one step ahead, to help assist our allies in this unforgiving war.

But after losing three men, suffering countless casualties, and going through six counties we found him, beaten, tortured and killed. We failed our mission and now we need to get out of this hell hole to deliver the bad news. Right now there are only four of us left, Captain Matt, Finn, John was killed in action as we were trying to make our way towards Norden, where we were denied an extraction.

We were then attacked by an enemy platoon, we found transport and managed to escape, unfortunately I was wounded in the process. Sergeant Cole did a good job of patching me up, despite our lack of medical recourses. I currently have no feeling in my left arm and I’m finding it difficult to breath. I don’t know whether I’ll survive the night, the pain is indescribable and Cole thinks I have internal bleeding. I guess I’ll just have to wait.

In this war I’ve seen things no man should see, I’ve watched mangled soldiers screaming in agony because their bodies are riddled with bullets and white hot shrapnel, men being vaporized by trip mines and some men being burnt to death, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that smell. But after a while I felt myself growing numb, almost like I was getting use to crawling through the blood and gore of other soldiers. I killed men without a second thought, I thought I was slowly going insane, that was until I met her.

Back when I said we found Thomas, we also found a prisoner, but. …. This is going to sound crazy. She was a. … Pony. Well that’s what she said she was. Damn, I’ve gotten so use to her that it almost seems normal to me. Yes, she was a pony that could talk, she was. …. Blue, and had rainbow hair. At first I thought I was hallucinating, I thought that my ever decreasing sanity had finally snapped, but everyone else could see her too. She’s apparently. …. No, she IS from another world. She told me she that she was from a place called Equestria, a place of peace and harmony and magic. At first I found that hard to believe but then again there was no other way to explain how she got here.

The captain decided that we should help her, saving someone is better than saving no one. She was a stubborn soul, she had a teenager’s personality, but unfortunately she also had a teenagers mind. She had never experienced war before and I could see the damage it was doing to her.

In a way she saved my life, she helped me feel again. I could talk to her like any other person. When our platoon was sleeping in that hospital in Norden, I woke up to see her curled up beside me. It was probably the most heartwarming experience I’ve had in this war.

It was a surprise to me at first but it was obvious in the end, she always stayed close to me, like I was her guardian, she trusted me and that’s what saved my life. I no longer saw myself as a heartless soldier who killed as naturally as he breathed. I was a man following orders, nothing more, nothing less. That night was when I made it my duty to protect her. But I couldn’t.

The next morning when we were attacked by that enemy platoon I earlier today, we were separated; I don’t know where she is or whether she’s dead or alive. I’m just praying to god that those bastards don’t find her. God knows what they’ll do. Kill her, experiment on her or even torture her because she’s different. The thought just makes me sick to the stomach.

As much as my heart yearns to go back and look under every blade of grass until I find her, I cannot risk losing any more men. I have no choice but carry on without her and that’s what’s breaking my heart. Knowing she’s out there, looking for me in the rain, scared, upset, maybe angry. I just hope that she’s safe or by some miracle she’s gone back at her home in her world.

It’s now 9:15pm; I need to get some rest before we move out tomorrow so I’m going to wrap this up. If I survive the night, I’m going to make this a regular thing. I find it to be very therapeutic and if I somehow survive this war, I’ll have something to look back on. Something I can be proud of, because once again, I can feel myself slowly slipping away.

To whoever reads this, whether it’s I or someone who finds it on my body. Sgt, David, Ann, Bishop.