• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,422 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...


Bishop and Rainbow sat next to each other as they watched the commotion outside the door, Rainbow Dash was leaning against the sergeant, still unable to move freely.

“W-where are we?”

“Emden, Germany. …. This is where injured civilians get medical attention. We were actually pretty lucky to get here before it started to get really busy.”

Bishop looked at the Pegasus to see a noticeable frown on her face.

“Hey.” He started. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s. …. It’s nothing.”

“Nothing huh?”

The soldier briefly glanced behind him before looking back at Rainbow Dash with a quizzical look in his eyes.

“Rainbow. …. I want to ask you something.”

“What?” She said still looking at the floor.

Bishop stood off the bed, Rainbow Dash started following him with her eyes, the sergeant went to his bedside table before opening a small drawer, before pulling out her golden necklace. Dash’s eyes widened.

“M-my element! …. Where did you find it?!”

“It fell out of your wing when I was carrying you. …. Is there something you haven’t told me?”

“…. Yes.”

Bishop started walking back with the item in his hands, not breaking eye contact as she sat next to her on the hospital bed. Dash reached out with her hoof and took it out of his hands before holding it tightly against her chest.

“What? …. I know you didn’t have that when we first met.”

“…. No.”

Bishop waited, allowing Dash to collect her thoughts, she slowly placed the element on the bed.

“When I was in Equestria I was known as the ‘Element of loyalty’ I was given this necklace because it was one of six pieces of the ‘Elements of harmony’.”

Bishop stayed quiet, raising an eyebrow, still listening to everything she was saying.

“The ‘Elements of harmony’ is the most powerful magic in the world of Equestria, me and my friends use it to beat monsters, gods and dark wizards. This probably sounds crazy to you, being in a world without magic.”

“ …. Trust me, I’m willing to believe anything right now. …. Who are your friends?”

“Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy.”

“And they’re. ….”

“Like me, yes.”

The sergeant looked at the solid gold on the necklace, examining the markings, the red jewel and the clip on the back.

“Does it mean something?”

“…. When it was given to me I was also given the title of being the element of loyalty. …. That’s why I was grey when you saw me in the forest. When those guys were beating me, torturing me I was actually about to give in and tell them where you were heading. Because I went against what I stood for I was no longer serving my purpose in the world of being loyal to my friends and that was when I turned grey. …. It was horrible. I got so angry, I even kicked that moustache guy in the nose.”

“Moustache guy?”

“Yeah, this guy with a weird moustache was shouting at me, he got angry because I laughed at it.”

Rainbow Dash heard Bishop snort, she looked at the sergeant to see him covering his mouth before he started to laugh hysterically.

“What? …. What’s so funny?”

“Oh my god. …. You do know who you kicked in the face right?”

Rainbow Dash looked blankly at the sergeant.


“…. Never mind. You wouldn’t know him.”

“Tell me!”

“Okay, okay.”


“Oh. …. My. …. Celestia.”

The sergeant continued to laugh as Rainbow Dash looked at him in horror, Bishop tried to calm himself down but he couldn’t contain his amusement. Rainbow Dash shortly followed, laughing with Bishop.

“Oh my.” Bishop chuckled. “I would have paid to have seen that. That’s hilarious!”

Slowly, minute by minute the room got quieter until they were stuck in the same silence as before. Soon Bishop found his smile slowly fading away as a thought crept into his mind.

“Rainbow?” He started, the Pegasus turned to face him. “You said your friend sent you that necklace right? …. Does that mean you can go back?”

She paused briefly looking to the ground, Bishop began to predict what her answer was going to be.

“Yes, if I put it on I’ll go home.” She mumbled, shuffling her hooves. The sergeant then leaned closer.

“You already know what I’m going to say next, don’t you?”

“…. I couldn’t. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I couldn’t leave this world knowing you were in danger. …. I’m sorry.”

“…. You was mighty brave for coming back, knowing what was waiting for you. But it was stupid, I would’ve never have forgiven myself if you died out there.”

“I know. …. I know it was dumb but I wanted to stay. Please don’t be mad.”

“Mad? I’m not mad. …. I’m happy how things turned out. You was very lucky, but that doesn’t mean you’re safe. Every second you’re in this world you’re in danger and if there is a way for you to go home then it’s only right for you to do so, Instead of risking your life for something you don’t need to go through.”

“B-but. …. I don’t want to. …. Not yet.”

“I’ll be fine, I’m going to contact base from here. I’ll get picked up and taken back to my country where I’ll be able to perform my duties again. Everything is going to be fine. For you and for me. …. I’ll make it easy for you.”

Bishop grabbed the element before opening it, Rainbow Dash started to tear up, her bottom lips was quivering as Bishop held the golden necklet, looking at it, he took a deep breath as he brought it to Rainbow. The Pegasus started to wince as it got closer to her, she lifted a hoof stopping Bishop from getting any closer.

“No! Wait. …. Please.” She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

“…. Come on. Don’t make this harder for me then it already is.”

“I know I have to go back. I know. …. I just. …. I just want an hour. …. One more hour. …. Please?”

Bishop stared into her eyes, she wore the most adorable puppy dog expression on her face and it was working. The sergeant placed the necklace to one side before turning back to her.

“…. One hour. And you’re going home.”

Rainbow Dash jumped forward, wrapping her hooves around him, Bishop felt his shoulder getting soaked as she openly cried into his neck.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

Bishop hesitated before returning the embrace, doing his best not to touch her bruises, the sergeant found himself fighting back his tears as he began to savour the last few minutes he’ll be spending with her.

“Hey Bish.”


“B-before I go. …. Can. …. Can you do something for me?”


Rainbow Dash stepped back looking at him, shuffling her hooves again.

“Can you. …. Read to me?”

Bishop paused again, one tear managed to escape his eye, rolling down his cheek as he smiled.
