• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,431 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...


“Right ear flopping! Right ear flopping!!” Pinkie screeched.

She looked out the window of the locomotive as it charged down the rails towards the city of Canterlot. As the train neared its destination Twilight was sat on her seat next to Applejack as she looked at the map on the table in front of her.

“Okay everypony. This is the plan. Me and Applejack will go look for The Doctor, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie will search around the streets for Rainbow Dash.”

“B-but.” Fluttershy spoke. “Wouldn’t it be best if we all stick together?”

“No. If we split up we’ll have a better chance of finding her. It’ll be easier if we catch Rainbow Dash before she finds The Doctor.”

“I don’t know Twilight.” Applejack leaned in with concern in her face. “She seemed mighty determined at going back to that world.”

“Which is why we have to find her as soon as possible. I can’t begin to imagine what’ll happen to her if she goes back. …. I’m not about to lose a friend.”


Rainbow Dash stayed close to the brown colt as he looked left and right when they entered an opening in the buildings. Rainbow Dash could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she tried to plan what she would do if she went back.

“We’re here!” The Doctor chirped as he stood next to the big blue box.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes, looking at the almost alien sight in front of her. She quickly regained her composure before walking up to The Doctor.

“So. …. What is it you want to talk about?”

“I. …. I. *Sigh* I want to go back to the other world.”

Rainbow Dash expected a face of surprise or at least shock, instead she was presented with a look of curiosity.

“Oooooooooookay.” The Doctor said. “Any reason why?”

Rainbow Dash paused trying to think of a plausible answer which didn’t sound as crazy as the truth. She quickly gave up.

“I met a soldier there called Bishop, he saved me and did his best to protect me. I never got a chance to say goodbye to him. But. …. That’s not all. I’m scared form him. …. That he’s going to die.”

“Are you two? …. You know? …. Friends, friends?”

“What?! NO!!”

“Okay okay! Sry. I just thought. It seems a bit odd, risking your life for someone you hardly knew.”

“It’s not like that. He took care of me. If it wasn’t for him I would’ve gone insane, well if I wasn’t killed first. …. I have to save him. You have to help me save him. I have to go back.”

“Uh. …. I can’t begin to explain how mind-numbingly complicated that would be.”

“Please! …. You brought me back right? You were the reason why I ended up there in the first place.”

“Hey. That was dumb luck. Realistically, you should’ve been left in that time vortex for eternity. A split second, that’s all it was.”

“There must be some way.”

“There are over a billion ways. All of them are stupidly dangerous. I’m sorry, I can’t help you. I can’t risk it. You’re the Element of loyalty Rainbow Dash. You’re too important in this world. Maybe you should decide who you’re loyal to.”

The Doctor turned away from Rainbow Dash, opening the doors to the police box before Rainbow Dash stomped a hoof, making the colt turn his head to face her.

“Loyalty isn’t about what you’re willing to give. It’s what you’re willing to sacrifice. …. He needs me more than my friends do right now. I’m not about to go against what I stand for just because it’s dangerous. …. I thought you of all ponies would understand. …. Twilight told me about who you are, what you do. At first I thought you sounded cool. Turns out you’re just a hypocrite.”

Rainbow Dash turned away before sitting on the floor, looking at the ground as she could feel her chances of seeing Bishop again, slowly slip away. Tense seconds passed, the Pegasus then heard the wooden doors close behind her. The loud noise made her heart sink but then she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“I do understand. …. But I know what humans are capable of. They’re ruthless, aggressive and some are worse than any monster you can face in this world. …. If you want to go back, I’ll help you. But you better know what you’re doing. Because one mistake is all it takes Rainbow. You have to understand there is a chance you won’t come back a second time.”

“…. I never came back the first time.”


It was now dark in the streets of Canterlot, Applejack and Twilight were now the only ponies roaming in the city. Applejack hung her head, clearly exhausted from the lack of sleep.

“We’ve looked everywhere Twilight. He’s not here.” Applejack complained, keeping up with the out of breath, purple unicorn pacing in front of her.

“We can’t stop looking. We have to search everywhere!”

“We’ve walked down the same streets at least 3 times already. We’ve looked everywhere.”

Suddenly Applejack saw Twilight’s eyes widen as a thought popped into her head.

“Twi? …. What is it?”

“We haven’t checked everywhere. There’s still one last place. Come on!”

“Hey! Wait up!”


“Can you see anything up there Fluttershy?!” Rarity called up to the flying yellow Pegasus soaring above the now empty streets of Canterlot.

“No. I can’t. …. It’s really dark down there.”

“Keep looking. …. For Rainbows’ sake.”

“Right ear flopping! Right ear flopping!!” Pinkie repeated.

“Yes! We know Pinkie!”

Pinkie Pie looked at Rarity before her face turned into a frown before looking at the ground.

“I’m sorry Pinkie. …. We’re all stressed right now. I can’t stop thinking about poor Ra-“

“Girls?!” A distant voice in the sky shouted.

“What Fluttershy?! …. What can you see?”

“I see. …. I think I can see a blue box!”


Rainbow Dash sat on the floor of the strange room as the brown colt ran from one corner to the other, pressing button after button, pulling lever after lever, leaving Rainbow Dash looked around in awe.

“This. …. Is. …. Just. …. Too cool.”

“Alright!!” The Doctor shouted in a triumphant voice before jumping in front of the Pegasus. “Where should we start? First! We need a way of connecting your bio-molecular structure in this world and the others at the same time. That way I can bring you back safely and soundly. …. Do you still have your element?”

“Y-yes I have it.”

“Good! Get it out quick!”

Rainbow Dash reached into her saddlebag, pulling out the gold artefact with her teeth before passing it to The Doctor.

“Okay. Now. If you’re planning on bringing Bishop you need something that has his DNA. A hair of his, fingerprints, blood?”

“I have his journal!”

“Good, good, good! Get it quick!”

Unfurling her wings, Rainbow Dash pulled the heavy book out of it before also handing it to the brown colt in front of her, he then ran to the control panel of his ship before he tore a page from the book. Rainbow Dash cringed but didn’t say anything, he seemed to know what he was doing.

“I’d close your eyes if I were you!”

Rainbow Dash looked to the ground, covering her eyes with her hooves, taking a deep breath before a bright white flash engulfed the room. Opening her eyes again she looked up at the once brown colt now completely covered in black dust and his mane now spiked up towards the ceiling.

“*Cough!* …. Okay. That’s that done. …. Now stage 2.”