• Published 1st Jun 2018
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The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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In the Year of the Dragons, in the realm of magics and wonders, I, like all the others, awaited the birth of the second purple dragon of whom the prophecies foretold.

But the Dark Master heard the prophecies as well.

I should've hidden the eggs long before, but I....I thought we were ready, I thought we were safe....oh..... how I was wrong.

The elders and I were tending to the eggs, on the night the Dark Armies arrived to destroy them all, to prevent the birth of the purple dragon. We had been betrayed by one of our own. He had led the Dark Armies to our hiding place.

Nevertheless, we did what must be done to insure the lives of the two purple dragons'.

[Spyro 3 - Firework Factory]

"Three, two, one!" a child counted, watching the sun set over the horizon. "We have sundown!" Driven by enthusiasm, the child suddenly spreads his wings out to the side, as he took flight, with the sunlight, shining off of his majestic scales, revealing himself to be a dragon.

Sparkles of lights emitted with each flap of his wings, as the dragon child flew over the woods, doing aerial tricks from a spin, to a roll, and to a loop.

"Whoo-hoo!" The child cheered, flying at high speed, breaking through puffs of clouds, startling some birds from their trees, and scaring some weather pegasi.

"Hey, watch it!" One of the pegasi shouted at the child.

In response, the child turns around and blew a raspberry at the pegasus, before he resumes his flight. Looking up, the young dragon decided to take his flight up a notch, as he ascends higher, and higher into the clouds. Then, when he's at the peak of his flight, the dragon withdraws his wings as he drops down to the ground.

Opening his eyes up, seeing the ground was getting closer to him, the dragon spreads his wings out, and caught himself in the air, just before impact, and kept on flying.

"YAAAAAAAAAA-HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" The dragon child roared, as he flaps his wings, thrusting himself forward with extra momentum. Looking ahead, seeing he was coming towards a huge, dense forest, the dragon quickly retracted his wings, before he started weaving through narrow gaps in the branches, leaping from trees to trees. He looked ahead to see a huge boulder blocking his path.

Concentrating hard, the young dragon lets out a huge roar with bright purple magic, outlining the wave of his intensive roar that pierced the air, destroying the boulder, clearing his path.

The child smiled, feeling proud of himself as he kept on flying. That is, until the sound of a gong ringing was heard.


"Oh, scales," The child muttered, before he flapped his wings, changing directions, flying towards a huge, olden building that rests among the trees. It was the Dragon Temple, a training ground for young dragons to learn, to harness the powers they were gifted.

The dragon child came for a landing on the balcony of the temple, where he was confronted by some elder dragons, "Young dragon," One of the elders began sternly. "This wildly, carefree behavior of yours needs to end!"

"Oh come on, old timer," The child snarked. "Lighten' up. I'm always fired up for everything. Besides, who needs studying? I already know I'm the best!"

"You don't know that for certain, young dragon," One of the elder grumbled. "Your arrogance will be your downfall. And furthermore, you must take your trainings seriously. The fate of our world rests within your claws. You need to-"

"-Learn how to control the other elements, find harmony, and unleash the true dragon within me. I know, I know. You've been going over that since day one. Don't worry elders. I can handle it. Because no baddies would ever stand a chance against me."

"I beg to differ!" a loud voice boomed.

It was a hairy wart-covered enormous ape with one eye as a green shining jewel. Several scars run across his demented face. He has a purple, horned helmet that looks very similar to a Viking's helmet. He wields a pair of scimitar swords and a long staff brimming with magic. His name is Gaul.

With a slash of his swords, Gaul sent out a powerful fireball that exploded upon impact, shaking the very foundations of the temple.

The Dragon Elders quickly acted, "Hurry! We must protect the eggs! Our future depends on them!" With that, the dragons quickly carried out their plans, before they stopped to see the young dragon standing his ground.

"Leave this joker to me!" The child snarled.

"Spyro! No!" But it was no use. The child, identified to be Spyro, was already flapping his wings into battle with the ape. Spyro breathed a stream of hot blazing fires, which the ape dodged, rolling to the side, hiding behind a pillar to evade the attack. After the fire show was over, Gaul poked his head out to the side, firing a green laser from his crystal eye, which Spyro didn't have time to dodge, receiving a scorching burnt at the shoulder of his left wing.

"Ouch!" Spyro winced.

"Stand aside, little dragon," Gaul grunted. "I have come for the eggs, as my master wishes. Stand aside."

"You'll have to go through us first!" The dragon elders stated, as they all stood defiantly, in battle stance before the ape.

In response, Gaul cackled menacingly, "As you wished," With a snap of his fingers, the clouds above all became dark and thunderous, as cracks of lightning pierced the sky, striking the dragon elders, and the temple.

Gaul cackled, feeling pleased with himself, when he noticed the young dragon was struggling to get up. Then, moving as fast as the wind, Gaul lunged forward, and grabbed Spyro, picking the child up with one hand, before the other was surrounded in dark, crackling aura, which he used to penetrate the young dragon's body.

As if ripping his heart out, Gaul pulled out a small orange orb that was blazing wildly, "Well, well, well," Gaul sneered. "Looks like the tables have turned. And if I'm not mistaken, this seems to be your favorite power. Correct? Not anymore!" With that, the ape tightens his grip on the orb, forming cracks on it.

"NOOOO!!!" The young dragon screamed, watching his fire power vanishing before his very eyes.

The orb was broken, and it dissolved into nothing by blazing sparkles, "Now then, little dragon," Gaul snorted. "Stand aside. NOW!!"

Tears streaming from his eyes, the child felt a force of rage, so intense it threatened to destroy him completely. Enveloped in a fiery purple aura, the child snarled, "You want the eggs so bad? HERE!!! RAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" The dragon screamed, as he charged at Gaul, with an earth shattering roar, and his whole body enveloped in a coat of darkness.

The last thing the child saw was the ape's fearful expression, before his whole world was consumed by darkness.

“Ow my head!” The voice of a child groaned, as the little dragon suddenly woke up, with a slight bruise on his head, and one of his wing bent out of shape. After his visions cleared up, he was greeted by a nightmare that will haunt him forever, "Oh no! What have I done?" Frantically getting up to his paws, the dragon frantically searched the ruins of the temple, his home, for survivors, but found none. Everywhere he looked, the floor was littered with broken egg shells.

The little dragon wept, with the fire burning in the background, playing their music, his broken wing grounding him, and the broken egg shells as his only companions, with the bodies of their potential parents. The little dragon cried, covering his eyes in vain to keep the tears from overflowing. He opened his eyes for a moment, revealing they had been stained red, when he suddenly noticed something.

Sitting among the rubbles of the temple, was a small purple egg with darker purple spots.

The little dragon quickly ran over to inspect the egg, breathing a sigh of relief to see it was alright, “It’s okay, little guy,” he said, as he gently pulled the egg from its ruined nest. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’ve got you. You’re safe with me.” The little dragon looked, and he was glad to see no cracks on the egg that would hinder the baby’s birth. “It's okay," Looking at the egg, as if knowing the baby can hear him, the child began, "Looks like it's just you and me, for now. And don't worry, I'll take care of you, little brother."

Trish Thuy Trang - Year of the Dragon