• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,968 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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A New Adventure Part 1 - Into The Everfree Forest

In a flash of light, Spyro, Spike, Sparx, Twilight Sparkle, and their friends all appeared on the outskirts of Ponyville.

"Whoa, my life just flashed before my eyes!" Pinkie moaned. "Literally."

"Warn us next time you were gonna do that, Twilight," Spike moaned, as he struggles to regain his focus. "Twilight?"

Everyone all looked at the distraught unicorn, to see the tears were clear on her face as they flooded down her cheeks, "Oh," Applejack frowned in empathy. "Oh, oh, oh. Come here, Sugarcube," The farm pony gently hushed as she wraps her strong hooves around the unicorn in a comforting embrace.

"She's gone..." Twilight sobbed. "...Princess Celestia is..."

"I know, Sugarcube," Applejack softly spoke. "I know...We all see it, sugarcube.”

“She's gone!" Twilight broke down to the ground, and she wept non-stop. "Princess Celestia is gone!"

The ponies all gather around their crestfallen friend and embraced her, trying their best to comfort her.

Spike and Sparx both looked at each other to exchange the same looks of sorrow and depression over the death of their beloved ruler.

Spike turned to the left, to see his brother was walking away, "Spyro?" Spike called out, running after the older dragon. "Where are you going?"

"With luck, somewhere far away," Spyro replied, with a crestfallen tone in his voice to match the depressing air around them.

"What? Why?"

"This is all my fault. I'm the one those villains wanted. It should've been me. If I had left sooner, none of this would happen. The princess would still be alive."

"Spyro...." Spike shook his head. "It's not your fault. You can't-"

"It is my fault, Spike," Spyro replied, a little more sternly. "This is why I shouldn't have overstayed our welcome here! And because of me, I've dragged you and everyone else into this mess! This is my battle! I should've fought them off, years ago!"

"Well, it's too late for that," A voice said, to which the two dragons looked up to see the ponies joining them. "Whether or not this is your battle, those creatures made a BIG mistake attacking us like that!" Rainbow Dash frowned. "So it's now become our battle as well! Which is why we've got to go back!"

"What good will that do?" Twilight sobbed. "Without Princess Celestia, or even Princess Luna, we don't stand a chance. We don't have an army."

"I hate to say it, but Twilight's right," Applejack said grimly. "We don't stand a chance against them varmints, especially that storm creature," The country shuddered at the mention of it. "And besides, even the princesses weren't good enough."

"So what are you saying?" Rainbow asked. "That we should just surrender ourselves and let the bad guys win?! No way! The day I surrender is the day when I quit joining the Wonderbolts! And that's not going to happen soon! I say we go back there and take out those monsters and reclaim our home!" Rainbow growled.

"And just how do we do that?" Spyro asked.

"Simple. We wait until it's night time, then we sneak in, and HI-YAH!!!" Rainbow screamed, throwing out several punch and kicks. "They won't even know what'll hit 'em!"

"Bad idea, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack disapproved. "Even if we can sneak in, we're still no much for that Nightmare beast! As long as those fiends have that thing, we don't stand a chance against that much firepower!"

At the mention of firepower, Spyro cringed as he slumped, "If only I still had my fire, I can fight them all off," He sighed.

"Well, what about your other element attacks?" Spike asked. "You're an Aetherean, right? So, aren't you suppose to do more elemental attacks, besides fire?"

"Yes, I can, Spike," Spyro sighed. "But it only works when I'm completely whole. Without fire, my other elemental powers are out of sync, and I can't control them properly."

With that, Spike slumped to the ground, "So much for that," He sighed.

"So what if you can't breathe fire?" Sparx buzzed. "We've seen you fight well enough! At least, until ya got your tail whipped by that storm creature," The two dragons both gave their annoying dragonfly friend a death glare. "You're right, not helping," Sparx frowned in dismay.

"So now what are we going to do?" Rainbow sighed.

"Well, obviously darling," Rarity began. "We simply can't go back home now."

"I know that!" Rainbow stomped her hoof. "I meant, how are we going to fight back!"

"Obviously, brute force isn't enough," Applejack replied. "We're outnumbered, and outmatched!"

At that moment, Twilight had an epiphany, "Wait!" She exclaimed, catching everybody's attentions towards her. "Wait, just a moment! There might be a way!"

"What do you mean?" Applejack asked.

"During the fight, Princess Celestia mentioned something about the Elements of Harmony. And just before she died, she told me to go and search for them!"

Everyone all turned their heads towards each other, exchanging looks of confusion, "And pray tell, what exactly are these Elements of Harmony?" Spyro asked.

"If I remember my studies correctly," Twilight began. "They're the most powerful magic in all of Equestria! They were once used by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to defeat a great evil that nearly destroyed all of Equestria. And later, after that, they were used to save Princess Luna and exorcised the darkness that corrupted her."

At that point, everyone all lit up when they realized, "So, what you're saying is...."

"Those Elements could help us fight back! We just need to find them first!"

"Great!" Spyro began. "So....any idea where we should begin searching for them?"

"I...I don't know," Twilight frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't have time to read up on where their last location was. If only I had a copy of The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide."

Spike smiled as he reached behind his back, "You mean, this book right here?" He asked, revealing the said book.

"Yes, that's it!" Twilight smiled, as she levitated the book from the little dragon. "Spike, you're the best!"

"Eh, I have my moments," The little dragon smiled, feeling proud of himself, to which Spyro and Sparx rolled their eyes.

"The locations of the Elements of Harmony should be around here, somewhere!" Twilight said, as she skimmed through the pages.

"Uh, speaking of which," Fluttershy whimpered. "Maybe we should find someplace to hide out? I'm feeling a little bit exposed out here."

Instantly, the friends all looked up to see that they were still out in the open, outside of Ponyville and all.

"Shoot! I can't believe we forgot!" Applejack exclaimed, before she turned. "C'mon, y'all! We need to find some covers and fast! This way!"

"B-B-But-" Fluttershy dreads. "That's the Everfree-"

"No choice!" Rainbow said, as she dragged the buttercup pegasus along. "Let's go!"

But it was too late. A pair of eyes had already watched the friends leave, before they retreated to tell their masters the news.

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville

No words can tell how sadden and hopeless the ponies are, after that recent ordeal. The Summer Sun Celebration was ruined, their homes are ruined, they are now taken prisoners by the gnorcs, Red, and Nightmare, and to top it all off, their beloved rulers are lost. Princess Luna is now encased in stone, while Princess Celestia was murdered before their very eyes.

"All these powers.....waisted on parties," Red grumbled as he watched some balloons floating away. "When there were far greater uses." The red dragon grumbled, before he turned his attention towards two brutish thugs standing before him, holding a vial of a potion that was emitting a ringing tone.

"Well, answer it!" Red ordered, to which the gnorcs complied. Opening the potion, they poured it into a cauldron, in which a great burst of blue flames erupted, conjuring up the head of figure. Well, partially that is.

"Where am I supposed to be looking?" The figure asked. "I never understand how these spells work. RED!!!"

"Over here, your majesty," The dragon grumbled. "Over here. To the right. Now to the left."

After awhile, a face was clearly shown in the fire, "Oh, there you are," The figure said, revealing himself to be the Storm King. "Here's the deal. I'm in the middle of a big re-brand here. 'The Storm King' is tracking, well, as 'intensely intimidating', but you know what? I need to back it up. You know what I need to back it up with? A storm!" He bellowed. "That would be great! You promised me magic that could control the elements, and right now, I'm holding a what? A branch. A twig. Bleh!"

"That would be the Staff of Sacanas," Red corrected, slightly annoyed at the Storm King. "And it will grant you the power of the Aetheran dragon of the prophecy. You will soon have the power of a hundred armies."

"So that would be a yes, and you've captured the little Aethar-athor-Ay-" The Storm King was struggling to say the Aetheran, before he finally gave up and finished. "The little purple dragon then?"

"Regrettably, the little dragon slipped through our grips," Red reported. "Give us some times, and we'll be ready for your arrival."

The Storm King grumbled, before he replied, "Fine! You have only three days! Got that? Three days!" The Storm King's eyes narrowed, as he continued, "Fail me, and banishment will be far too merciful of a penalty for the likes of you."

"We shall see," Red snarled.

With that, the Storm King suddenly dropped his intimidating scowl, and dons up a cheery demeanor, "Great!" He smiled. "Gonna power up, become the mightiest of the realms...." The Storm King continues to sing to himself with glee, until at last, the fire died down.

At the same time, Grubber appeared, "Uh, hello, Red sir?" The pug-faced hedgehog spoke.

"What is it, you gluttonous rodent?!" The red dragon bellowed.

"Uh, first off, I'm not a rodent," Grubber clarified, before he whimpered when he received an angry glare from Red, "And second....uh, I know where that purple dragon is?"

"Where is he?"

"Uh, he's um-he's in there! He's in that forest, just outside of Ponyville! Some guards told us he and his friends went in there, sir!"

"Very well then," The red dragon walked away, before he stood in front of a horde of baboons, gnorcs, rhynocs, and all kinds of evil creatures. "They are in the Everfree Forest! Find them!" Red commanded. "They cannot get far! Do not let them escape! Do what you want with the ponies, but whatever happens, that Aetheran must be destroyed!"

Everfree Forest

"This looks scary," Fluttershy whimpered, cowering from the creepy shadows of the forest.

"Aw, don't worry, Sugarcube," Applejack comforted. "We'll protect ya."

"It could be worse you know!" Pinkie chirped as she bounced along. "You could be held prisoner by those monsters and enslaved to do manual labors for the rest of your days, mining dark gems and everything for the forces of evil!"

"Don't go there, Pinkie Pie," Applejack scolded the party pony for scaring their bashful friend.

"Don't worry, I won't!" Pinkie smiled. "Not when I've got some good friends to tag along with!"

"I just hope we don't have to stay in this ghastly forest for long," Rarity grimaced.

"Don't worry, we won't," Spyro replied. "It'll take more than just a big forest to keep those goons from trying to find us. They'll tear apart all of Equestria until they find us."

"Still, what is it about this Everfree Forest that's got you girls all worked up about?" Spike asked.

"The Everfree Forest ain't like yer average forest, Spike," Applejack lectured. "It's dangerous, unpredictable, and it ain't natural. It's unnatural. It don't work the same way as Equestria. Folks say that plants grow on their own here."

"The animals fend for themselves in this forest," Fluttershy added.

"And the weathers can be unpredictable here," Rainbow added.

"AND it's home to the enchantress, Zecora!" Pinkie chirped.

"Who?" Spyro, Spike, and Twilight asked.

"NO! DON'T ASK HER THAT!!!" Sparx groaned, but too late.

"Who's the enchantress?!" Pinkie asked. "Well, she's so evil, I can't tell you!" Sparx then counted 1, 2, and 3, in which on cue, "I'll sing about her!!!" Pinkie smiled.

"Oh boy," Rainbow groaned. "Here we go again."

Evil Enchantress

"So, watch out!" Pinkie panted when she came to the end of her song.

"Wow, catchy," Spyro snarked.

"It's a work-in-progress," Pinkie squeaked.

"Ahem," Sparx cleared his throat, as he hovered next to Spyro and Sparx. "As we were here before?"

"Oh yeah, that's right!" Spike exclaimed, turning to Twilight. "So, Twilight. Any ideas on where the Elements of Harmony are?"

"According to this book," Twilight read. "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five of them are known. Kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty, and loyalty. The sixth element is a complete mystery. It is said that the last known locations of the Elements of Harmony was in the ancient Castle of the Two Sisters."

"So, where is this castle?" Spyro asked.

"We're in luck. It's somewhere in this forest," Twilight answered.

"Yeah, well it is a big forest," Pinkie stated.

"It's gonna be like looking for a needle in a haystack," Applejack added.

"Oh, I've got an idea!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I'll fly up there and scout the whole place from above! I'm sure to find the castle from up there!"

The friends all looked at each other, exchanging nods and agreements, when suddenly, "Shh! You guys hear that?" Spike asked.

With that, the sounds of wing beats is audible, growing louder and louder until, "LOOK OUT!!!" Spyro shouted, shoving everyone to the side, just as something came crashing down from the trees.

Once the dusts cleared up, everyone looked in horror to see a giant bat, covered in black and white furs, with curvy horns growing from the sides, while carrying a baboon on its back.

"A dreadwing!" Spyro shouted, before his eyes narrowed to see its rider. "And it's one of the Storm King's lackey!"

"Well, what are waiting for?" Rainbow asked. "Let's rock and roll!" With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash flies off as a multi-colored blur at the bat.

"Rainbow, WAIT!!" Applejack called, but too late.

In retaliation, the dreadwing swiped one of its wings at the pegasus, smacking her into a tree, knocking her out cold. The bat-like creature then turned its head towards the rest of the heroes, eyes narrowing at the sight of Spyro, before it lets out a loud screech and charged towards the purple dragon. Spyro had the same idea, as he lowered his head, pointing his horns forward, kicking the dirts with his legs, as he charged towards the bat, ramming his head into his head, stunning it momentarily.

Angered, the bat bashed its head at the little dragon, knocking him off his feet, before it brought one of its clawed wings down on him, only for the dragon to roll out of the way, slithering beneath it, thrusting his legs up to its underside. The dreadwing leapt away, giving itself some distance from the purple dragon. But before the bat could charge again, it was pelted by some flying rocks, to which it turns its head to see it was Spike hurling some rocks at it.

"Hey you big ugly flying rodent!" Spike shouted. "Leave my brother alone!"

Angered, the dreadwing let out a loud earsplitting screech that blew Spike back, before turning back on Spyro, but was met with a ramming horn to the face, "Don't yell at my brother!" Spyro berated the bat, before he jumps up, twisted his whole body around in three rounds of tail whips.

"Yeah, Spyro!" Sparx cheered.

"Don't suppose ya got room for one more?" Applejack asked, wanting in on the action, as she picked up a pile of pebbles, and rapidly kicked them with her hind legs, at the bat creature, and its rider.

"Let us lend a hoof, or two," Rarity added, with a flick of her mane.

"Oh yeah! Let's par-TAY!!" Pinkie cheered, reaching into her mane and brought out a cannon.

"I'll go and check on Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy whimpered, as she ran off to check on her wounded friend.

And so the fight continued, between the heroes and the dreadwing. The monstrous bat creature lunged forward, snapping its jaws furiously at Spyro, who quickly ducked his head to evade the jaws, when Applejack lunged forward, thrusting her hooves out in a strong punch to the bat's face. Before it had time to recover, Spike jumped at the bat from behind, and breathed a puff of green fire that singed the dreadwing's behind, startling it.

"Stick a cupcake in your eye, here you go!" Pinkie chirped, rapidly throwing a flurry of cupcakes into the bat creature's face, before she appeared next to the rider, with a gift wrapped box. "Happy birthday! Here's your present!" She zipped away, as the rider opened the box.


The rider was blown off of his mount, and into a tree, where he got entangled in its vines.

In the meantime, Twilight magically conjured up another book, and skimmed through its contents, looking for an answer, "Dragons, no. Digimons? No. Dreadwings, c'mon. Dreadwings," She frantically said to herself, before she found what she was looking for. "Ah, here we are! Let's see," She began to read. "Dreadwings are a different species of bats that were bred for combat. Like all bats, these monsters are blind and rely on their acute hearing to locate prey and see with their echolocation."

Back in the fight, Applejack got out a vine, which she used for a makeshift lasso to ensnare the dreadwing by the neck, "Got him!" She exclaimed, before she began to lose her footing.

"You mean, he got you!" Pinkie said, as the farm pony was lifted off her hooves, and was thrashed about by the dreadwing, before it pulled her towards it, repeatedly bouncing her off its wings, before the bat tossed her away.

"Take this you ruffian!" Rarity shouted, angrily thrashing the bat creature with an uppercut, then a high kick, and a side kick, a roundhouse kick, and an elbow drop.

"Whoa you're strong!" Spike complimented.

"Ladies do not start fight, but we can finish them," Rarity boasted.

"Rarity, look out!" Applejack shouted, just as the dreadwing was about to clamp its jaws on the unicorn, when suddenly, it violently shook its head, holding its wings over its ears.

"Uh, what happened?" Rainbow groaned, finally coming around.

The friends looked to see Twilight's horn was coated in a pink aura, emitting a faint sound, "Twilight?" Spike asked. "What did you do?"

"Just a sonic pitch sound spell," Twilight answered. "Only way to repel a dreadwing, and all kinds of creatures with sensitive hearing."

"No kidding," Sparx buzzed in irritation. "Now can you please turn the volume down?"

Smiling with pride, Spike turned to Spyro, "See? It pays to have friends like Twilight!" The little dragon said.

"I guess," Spyro replied, before his eyes widened. "TWILIGHT!! LOOK OUT!!!"

But too late. Twilight looked, just in time to receive a smack to the face, by the dreadwing's wing, interrupting and silencing her spell.

Having enough, the dreadwing arched its head to the air and let out a loud piercing howl that went on for miles. The friends all looked up to see more shadows of giants bats filling the air.

"Uh oh, reinforcements!" Twilight whimpered. "Let's go!" With that, everyone all took off running from the growing number of dreadwings, retreating further and deeper into the forest, where the dreadwings could not pursue any further.


After finding a secluded area, outside of Ponyville, the evil red dragon looked to see the dark gems on his staff, cracking auras of dark magics, before a pair of yellow eyes appeared.

"Your darkness," Red answered as he bowed his head before the eyes.

"I trust you have succeeded on your part, Red?" The figure questioned.

"Partially, master," Red explained, as he stood up. "We have conquered this town, Ponyville, as on the Storm King's orders. Naturally, the princesses attempted to fight us off. However, Princess Celestia is no more, and Princess Luna is our prisoner as we speak, my lord."

"...and what of the Aetheran?"

"Regrettably, he escaped with some friends of his," Red answered, grimly. The eyes squinted as they glowered towards the red dragon, coupled with the sound of a loud raspy hiss. "But rest assured master. He can't have gone far. Not in his current conditions. We will find him."

The hissing softened a little, before the voice responds, "I will hold you to your words, Red. Do not fail me."

"Yes, my dark master!" Red replied with a bow of his head.