• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,968 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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Welcome To Ponyville Part 4: The End and The Start

"SEIZE THEM!!!" Red ordered, which the gnorcs all complied as they let out loud bellows, charging after the two dragons and dragonfly.

"BOYS, LOOK OUT!!!" Twilight screamed.

Spyro quickly spreads his wings protectively over Spike, "It's only me they want!" Spyro said, as he turned to Spike. "Go, get out of here!"

Spike shook his head as he placed his claws on Spyro's shoulder, "No way! I'm not leaving-"

"You have to! Now go!" With lunge of his head, while being careful with his horns, Spyro forcefully shoved Spike into a bush, before turning to the gnorcs, "Hey! You want me?! Come and get me!"

With that, the gnorcs all gave chase as Spyro led them away from his little brother, and the ponies.

"BIG BROTHER!!!" Spike held his claw out.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were the first ponies to spring into action, "C'mon, y'all!" Applejack began. "We've gotta save Spyro!"

"What?!" The ponies exclaimed, before they looked back to see how the dragon was holding up against the horde of gnorcs.

Despite not being able to fly or breathe fire again, Spyro stood his grounds as he and the gnorcs stared each other down. Then, one of the gnorcs made the first move as it swung its hammer down to the ground with the intent on smashing the purple dragon. But Spyro quickly dodged to the side, before he retaliated with a double front kick to its stomach, courtesy of a support from his tail.

Another gnorc had swung its club at the little dragon, which Spyro managed to dodge with a duck of his head, followed by a forward roll, and a backflip to avoid several swings of attacks made from the gnorcs. Looking to his left to see a tall, bulkier gnorc charging towards him with a large war hammer raised over its head, Spyro quickly leapt to the air as he head butted the gnorc in the head with his golden horns, knocking the brute in a confusing daze. With the brute off balance, Spyro quickly sweeps the ground with his tail, tripping the giant warrior off its feet, and causing it to fall on most of its smaller comrades.

"Wow, look at him go!" Scootaloo exclaimed, as she and Apple Bloom both looked at Spyro's fighting style in awe, together with a unicorn filly about their age.

A huge gnorc stood behind Spyro, with an axe raised. But just before it could swing its bladed weapon down onto the purple dragon, a blur of rainbow broke the air at a blinding speed, knocking the weapon away.

The gnorc turned its head in surprise, "Hey!" The giant goblin-toad-like beast was met with a series of punches and kicks, courtesy of Rainbow Dash herself. "THAT! WASN'T! VERY! COOL!!!" The rainbow maned, cyan pegasus ranted.

Spyro looked up in surprise to see, not just Rainbow Dash, but most of the pony friends, aiding him in battle.

Twilight was levitating a book titled: "Defensive Techniques For Unicorns."

Skimming through the pages of the book's content, Twilight quickly found the spell she was looking for and started blasting several offensive magic beams at the gnorcs. One of the beams landed a direct hit to a gnorc's buttock, leaving a darkened scorch mark. Angered, the gnorc turned its attention towards Twilight and began running towards her with a club raised. Concentrating hard, the lavender unicorn disappeared in a flash of light, evading the gnorc, before she reappeared a few miles behind it.

"Take this!" Twilight grunted, firing a blast of magic at the gnorc she had inflicted earlier, before she was knocked to the side.

Looking up, Twilight's eyes widened to see Red standing over her, pinning her down with his staff, glowering, "You will regret you've ever interfered, little pony!"

"GET OFF OF ME!!!" Twilight grunted, struggling to fire a magic beam at the red dragon, but was dismayed to see her magic being sucked into the dark crystals at the tip of the red dragon's staff.

"Foolish, unicorn!" Red chuckled. "Your magics means nothing to me!"

"Then too bad your fancy doohickey can't save ya from this!" With that, Red was knocked off of Twilight, courtesy of a strong hind leg kick from Applejack.

"Ouch!" Red grunted, rubbing his inflicted jaws before turning to Applejack. "That was uncalled for, pony. It looks I'm going to have to teach you proper respect." With a snap of his fingers, the red dragon summoned a pack of what looked like medium-sized bulky bipedal dinosaur-like creatures, with curly horns, and sharp fangs. Most of them are red, blue, and brown. Some were shown to breathe fire from their mouth.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack exclaimed in surprise.

"Watch out!" Spyro warned to the country pony, while fighting off a gnorc. "They're not called Dragon Dogs without a reason!"

"Gee, now ya tell me," Applejack frowned, before she looked to see Red commanding the Dragon Dogs.

"Chow time, boys!" Red commanded, as the Dragon Dogs all charged towards Applejack with slobbering snapping maws.

One of the Dragon Dogs did a massive leap in the air, pouncing on Applejack, who quickly bucked her hind legs out aggressively, keeping the other Dragon Dogs at bay, while struggling to shake the one off her back. One of the fire breathing Dragon Dog spewed an explosive fireball at the country pony, who quickly rolled to her side so that the dinosaur-like creature on her back would take the hit, and get blasted off.

"Ha!" Applejack laughed, before one of the attacking Dragon Dogs rammed its head into her side, knocking her into a pole, where a gilded cage was hanging, containing an olden pony. Getting up, seeing she was being attacked at both sides by a horde of gnorcs and Dragon Dogs, Applejack leapt onto the cage, swinging it across to crash into several attacking gnorcs. The cage's chain snapped, and Applejack went rolling into the streets of Ponyville, before she jumped off at the last second, while the cage went rolling and crashed into some of the attacking gnorcs, destroying the cage's door in the process.

With a newfound joy on his face, the olden pony shouted, “I’m free, I’m free!” Unfortunately he spoke too soon when his leg tripped over one of the cage bars, causing him to stumble into a stockade, which locked him in place, “Dang it.”

"WHEEEEE!!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed happily, as she jumped into a barrel with some gnorcs chasing after her. "Hey, I'm over here!" She popped her head out from another barrel, much to the frog and toad-like creatures' shared confusions. "No, I'm over here!" Pinkie said when she popped out from another barrel. "Now I'm over here!" The gnorcs got so confused, and so frustrated, they started swinging their clubs, hammers, and axes violently, destroying the barrels in the process. But much to their misfortunes, they ended up hitting each other in the process.

"Tag! You're it!" Pinkie giggled, bopping one of the gnorcs on the nose.

"Help!" A little unicorn filly screamed, as she was being pursued by one of the Dragon Dogs. "Anybody?!"

The Dragon Dog had the filly backed up against the wall. Just as it was about to open its jaws and close for a bite, the creature was pulled away by the tail, "Get away from my sister, you brute!" Rarity scowled, before tossing the dinosaur-like beast away, courtesy of her magic. "Sweetie Belle, darling!" Rarity called, as she galloped over to inspect the little filly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, Rarity," Sweetie Belle replied, though a little shaken. "I think so. LOOK OUT!!" Rarity turned around, just in time as a gnorc nearly grabbed the two unicorns, had Rarity not smacked its hand away.

"It's rude to simply grab a lady!" Rarity scolded the gnorc, who didn't heed the unicorn's words and raised its hammer up to the air, before bringing it back down.

However, before it could smash the unicorns, a burst of green fire erupted, scorching the gnorc's butt. The scorched gnorc jumped up in the air, screaming as it held its hands over its roasted buns.

The unicorns looked down to see none other but Spike the dragon, holding the To-Do List, while breathing heavily, "You girls-I mean, ladies okay?" Spike asked.

"Why yes of course!" Rarity smiled.

"Thanks to you!" Sweetie Belle squeaked excitedly.

"Great!" Spike replied, before he turned his head to see a familiar yellow buttercup feathered wing sticking out from a bush nearby. "A-ha! Feathers!" Spike ran over to the bush, grabbed one of the feathers, and plucked it.

"Ow!" Fluttershy yelped in pain.

"Sorry! But I need this for an emergency!" Spike replied, before he turned to Rarity and Sweetie Belle, "Uh, by chance, either of you have some inks cartridges I could borrow?"

"Did somebody ask for inks?" Pinkie asked, appearing out of thin air, before dashing to a tree, "Because I have ink cartridges stashed around Ponyville in case of ink emergencies!"

Back with the fight, Red got impatient, "This ends NOW!!!" With that, Red lets out a loud shrilly whistle that filled the air.

A clap of thunder echoed the sky, followed by what sounded to be the screeching roar of a ferocious creature.

"What the hay?!" Twilight exclaimed, as she and every pony in Ponyville looked up.

Before long, a great shadow of a huge beast descended across Ponyville, concealed by the dark clouds as it rains down bolts of lightning on Ponyville, and its inhabitants. Then, with another screeching roar, the beast descended down on Ponyville, landing on all four legs, with crackles of lightning pulsing along its body, and every flap of its enormous wings created a strong gust of wind that blew everyone away.

"Great whickering stallions!" A stallion exclaimed. "What is that?!"

The shadow beast let out an earsplitting screech, before Red walked over to the beast and gently stroke its neck. In terms of height, the stormy beast's shoulder reaches at the top of the red dragon's curled horns.

"That's enough, my dear," Red said in a soothing tone to the beast. "Now, find the purple dragon, Spyro! AND TEAR HIM LIMB TO LIMB!!!"

The beast craned its neck as it scanned across Ponyville, overrun with fearful stampeding ponies. The beast continued scanning the layout of the area, until at last, it snarled when it finally caught sight of the said purple dragon.

Spyro kept on fighting the gnorcs with a headbutt, a tail whip, and several fighting moves of the Dragon Kata, completely oblivious to what was about to befall on him.

A crack of thunder sounded, followed by a blinding white lightning that pierced the air and struck Spyro.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Spyro screamed as he got electrocuted and was knocked away from where he once stood.

"SPYRO!!!" The ponies and dragonfly shouted.

"Big brother!!" Spike shouted as he ran up to his scorched brother. "Are you okay?"

Before the older dragon had time to answer, a rush of stormy shadows erupted from beneath, revealing itself to be the creature from before as it snatched Spyro in its jaws, thrashing him back and forth, before flinging him into the walls of a building.

The beast let out a piercing roar, coupled with a crack of thunder to further its ferocity, and snorted as it walked over to the beaten purple dragon, who was scrambling to get back up on his feet. Before it had chance to do anything else, the beast was interrupted by the arrival of Spike, Sparx, and the girls, who all stood protectively over their fallen friend.

"Get away from him!!" Twilight screamed, only for both her and the girls to be blasted by a bolt of lightning from the beast.

"Spyro!" Spike shouted, shaking his brother back to consciousness. "Come on, brother! Get up!"

"Save your breathes, little one," The beast spoke in a deep, intimidating voice. "You should be more concern for yourself!" With a slash of its claws, the creature shoved Spike to the side, before it was hit in the face by a beam of pink magic. Turning its head in the direction of where the magic shot came from, the beast looked to see Twilight, struggling to get up on her hooves, while her horn was coated in a magenta aura.

"...Don't...you...touch...them!" Twilight grunted as she struggled to get up on her hooves.

The beast sniffed Twilight, before it licked its chops, "Mmmm, fresh meat!"

"GET AWAY FROM MY LITTLE PONIES!!!" A loud voice shouted, followed by a beam of powerful magic that caught the monster by surprise.

Every pony looked up and their eyes immediately widened to see their beloved Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing in the midst of the battle.

"It's the princesses!" One of the ponies exclaimed. "We're saved!"

"Not for long!" Red smirked, while conjuring a black glass orb in his claws, which was pulsing with a mysterious green energy within.

Shaking its head, recovering from the surprised attack, the creature turned its attention to its attackers, "You dare to INTERVENE?!!!!" With another earsplitting roar, the creature fired another blast of lightning at the two alicorns, who were quick to conceal themselves in a protective bubble shield, as Princess Celestia fired a beam of blinding light at the beast.

"I believe we should be asking, how YOU dared to attack Equestria!" Luna bellowed, as she fired her own bolt of lightning, which the beast deflected with a flap of its wings.

"You should all know, that Equestria is our kingdom!" Celestia frowned, as she continued to fire several powerful blasts. "And as such, we vow to protect it with our lives, even from you!!"

"I'm so glad you two feel that way," Red chuckled in a sinister tone. "Because then we wouldn't have brought these with us!" With a flick of his arm, the red dragon hurled the orb at the two alicorn sisters.

Princess Luna quickly reacted as she conjured a shield spell to save her both herself and her sister. Unfortunately, the orb phased its way, passing through the protective barriers of the spell, breaking upon impact with the princess of the night, releasing a cloud of sickly green gas.

"Luna!" Princess Celestia screamed in horror, watching as shards of dark crystals rapidly formed themselves around Luna, before they fully encased her in a crystal statue. "NOOOOOO!!!!!" Celestia screamed, as she tried to save her sister, only to be knocked out of the air by a strong force of scorching electricity.

The sun alicorn soon found herself pinned down to the ground, looking up to stare into the cold, piercing blue eyes, that matched the crackling thunders that pierced across her sister's once beautiful night.

"Ah, Celestia!" The beast grinned menacingly. "So many moons it's been!"

Celestia's eyes widened, before they squinted in a glare, "I never thought I'd ever have to see you again, Nightmare!!" Celestia grunted, thrusting her hooves up to kick the beast off her.

The beast, now identified as Nightmare, landed on its feet, before it got up and cackled menacingly, "I'm going to enjoy this Celestia!" The beast began mockingly. "You should've kept the Elements of Harmony with you! Because now I'm back, in this new body! And now, I will have my revenge for our last encounter!"

"Elements of Harmony?" Twilight asked.

With a loud roar, Nightmare lunged forward in a burst of cackling electricities, only to be deflected by Princess Celestia, who conjured a shield to protect herself, before retaliating with a burst of explosive magic that repelled the beast off. Princess Celestia then galloped forward with her horn coated in an orange aura, before projecting a blazing orange lance-shaped aura, which she thrusted into the beast's chest.

"AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!" Nightmare howled, as the electrical surges wrapped themselves around the lance, and shattered it into several tiny pieces. Hissing from the recent wound, Nightmare looked up with its eyes following Princess Celestia, who took to the air.

"No matter what form you take, Nightmare!" Celestia began. "You will never defeat the side of righteousness!"

"We shall see about that!" With a flap of its wings, Nightmare took to the sky as it blasted a surge of lightning after the Alicorn Princess of the Sun. "It is futile, Princess Celestia! You cannot run forever! You may be a Princess of Equestria. But in the night and storm, I REIGN SUPREME!"

"Even so, you can never win against me!" Celestia was about to prepare another magical blast.

"Very well then. This can go in two ways," Nightmare began. "Continue your fight with me? Or save your people from my LIGHTNINGS!!!!" With another loud roar, Nightmare conducted several bolts of lightning from the clouds, channeling all the electricities into its body, before projecting them out through the wings, claws, and a long tail that is tipped with a large dented blade, sending the lightnings down onto Ponyville.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" Princess Celestia shouted, disappearing in a flash of blinding golden light, while Nightmare watched with a sinister grin.

All of Ponyville screamed, frantically diving for covers as they prepared for what was about to come. But it didn't came, for Princess Celestia had reappeared mere seconds before the lightnings struck Ponyville. Using her great magic, the alicorn princess conducted all of the electricities towards herself. The powerful and scorching rush of electricities was intense as it threatened to kill the alicorn from the inside-out, before she released the electricities out from her horn, at many of the attack gnorcs, and Red.

"AAAAHHH!!!" Red held his staff up, projecting a shield to block the electricity that was redirected in his path. Fighting back to keep the shield up, the red dragon was forced back as his feet drug deep into the soils to maintain a firm grip.

At last, all the electricities have been cleared out of Princess Celestia, who collapsed to the ground, exhausted, and panting heavily from the fight.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight shouted, running up to the Sun Princess in concern. "Are you alright?!"

"Don't worry, my faithful student," Celestia smiled wearily. "I'll be okay."



With a gasp of breath, Celestia collapsed to the ground, while Nightmare pulled her blade ended tail out from the alicorn's back, with the tip covered in blood.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Twilight screamed horribly at what she and everyone just saw.

"Yes!" Nightmare hissed. "I have finally WON!!!" With another crack of thunder, the beast laughed menacingly, together with the gnorcs, Red, and Grubber.

"YEEEAAAAHHHH!!! WE DID IT!!! WE'VE WOOOONNN!!!!" Grubber cheered, as he broke out in a victory dance.

"No! Princess, no!" Twilight sobbed, collapsing to the ground to wrap her hooves around her beloved mentor's neck.

"Don't waste all your tears on her, little pony," Nightmare cackled, as she ripped the body of Celestia away from the lavender unicorn's grip. "You ought to save some for yourself, and your friends. Now, give us the Aetheran, and your demise will be swift!"

But before anyone could make a move, "....Twilight...." Celestia gasped, weakly.

"Princess Celestia?!" Twilight gasped.

"The Elements....go...." The Sun Princess strained, coughing deeply as she struggled, "Find the Elements....trust your friends.....save-"

"ENOUGH!!!" Nightmare roared, crushing the life out of the sun princess beneath its foot.

With every last of magic left in her, a bright flash of light enveloped Princess Celestia as her body burned away in a raging inferno. Then, once the lights have died down, all that was left of the Sun Princess was a pile of ash.

"She's gone!!" The ponies exclaimed, horrified and grief-stricken their beloved leader was no more.

"No matter," Nightmare began. "The Aetheran has no where to go. Not without the beloved Sun Princess to protect him."

"Yes, be that as it may," Red began, as he started to address. "Now, little ponies. If you were to cooperate, give us the Aetheran. NOW!! Or we shall burn your whole village to the-"

"Um, excuse me?" Grubber began. "Mr. Red, sir?"


"I'm a hedgehog." Grubber corrected, before he whimpered at a snarl from Nightmare. "Uh, about the Aethor-arthur-uh, the purple dragon, sir? He's....uh....he's....he's not here! Not anymore!"

"WHAT?!!" The dragon, gnorcs, and invaders all turned at the spot to where Spyro once lied, to see it was just like Grubber said. Empty.

In fact, Twilight, Spike, Sparx, and their friends are nowhere to be seen.