• Published 30th Aug 2020
  • 1,375 Views, 131 Comments

Twilight Daylight: The Cold War - thedarktome

King Shimmering Madun and Princess Fresh Veola Dawn were assassinated. But the legendary Queen Arcadia lives. A huge mistake.

  • ...

Chapter 18 - The Envoy

They would use Equestria's famed friendships to power a shield. A supposed crazy idea, and an immediately looked down one when it was brought up the next morning. Even Mimi was on the fence of shaking heads. But just to be sure, it was brought to the attention of the only few ponies left who knew their magic like the back of their hooves.

Secretaries Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer were brought to Canterlot Castle's trade room to listen to the idea: Use Equestria's Friendships to power a shield over the entirety of Equestria. Their response?

A single light was cast down upon the podium Sunset and Starlight were occupying, hitting their expressions of confusion. They shared a look of contempt before Starlight answered, "Well, scientifically speaking, it shouldn't even be possible."

Celestia knew it. She closed her eyes and sighed before Sunset came to the rescue. "But then again, it makes sense. The concept is quite fathomable."

Princess Cadance requested from her seat next to Flurry Heart, "Could you please give us an explanation?"

"It's simple really. Equestria has faced plenty of monsters and creatures multiple times throughout its life, and all of them have been defeated by a physical form of Friendship magic. For instance, Discord was turned to stone by The Elements of Harmony. Princess Luna was brought back from Nightmare Moon by The elements of Harmony. The Crystal Empire is kept alive thanks to The Crystal Heart. All of that is powered by love and friendship. So to create a shield using the same elements is completely understandable.

"But to create a shield big enough to protect the entire nation of Equestria, I don't know how that would be possible. That's a lot of ground to cover. We would need a really big relic to get it to even stretch all the way to Ponyville. Not to mention powerful enough to handle that energy for days."

Queen Farue spoke up next. "But it is possible."

Starlight and Sunset shared a look one more time before the former answered, "Well yes, but we need to find a relic big and strong enough to power the entire country, and don't know of any."

There was the problem. The tools used were worn or created by a single user. And it was only strong enough to protect just them. Not an entire country. Was it possible? Yes, the Crystal Heart was a prime example. Was there a firm chance of success?

IHT shared a look of doubt before Flurry asked, "Does Equestria have anything in the archives about a relic big enough to gather Friendship energy?"

Shining Armor answered, "I'm not sure, Flurry. But I doubt that even we would be able to find it. It has to be big enough to gather magic from all over the country. That has to be pretty big. I don't think we can just stash that."

Suddenly, Starlight gasped and stomped her hoof on the floor. Then slapped her face and dragged it down her features. "Oh my Faust, it's been right in front of us," she groaned. "Princess Luna, you're a bucking genius."

Not exactly the words she would use, But Luna smiled warmly with pride. "Why thank you Starlight. Now how am I a genius?"

The answer was there this whole time. They walk past it everyday. Everyone from Canterlot could see it in the most historical town in the nation.

Sunset waved her hoof in front of Starlight's frozen face and called, "Yoohoo! Starlight! What gives, what's right in front of us?"

"The relic. The biggest and most influential relic in the entire country."

"And what's that?"

"The Castle of Friendship in Ponyville!" A look of realization slowly dawned over Sunset's face. Along with Cadance, Luna, and Celestia. "The Map inside is able to detect friendship magic all over Equestria by using the castle around it."

Sunset whispered to herself, "It's already receiving Friendship magic; and projects it in the form of a map."

"It's the relic we need!"

Queen Amira stood up from her seat and asked, "I am sorry, but what is this Friendship Castle? We've never heard of this."

Celestia answered, "The Castle of Friendship is what would now be classified as a Class A Abandoned Structure in Ponyville that used to serve as The Psera-Equestrian Trade Hub when we still had relations. But before that it served as Princess Twilight Sparkle's home and a space of Friendship. Inside lies a map used by the embodiments of the Elements of Harmony. When it detects a friendship problem in a city or town it summons a pony, duo, or even trio to solve."

Starlight pointed to her cutie mark and said, "When our cutie marks glow, that's when you know the map is calling you."

Flurry deduced, "So you think the castle is receiving Friendship Magic?"

Sunset smiled with pride. "We know it's receiving magic. Or else it wouldn't be working. All it needs is a little kick in the ol' magical butt."

As on-board as this seemed, Luna asked, "Are you sure it will? Psera sort of chipped away at the castle's integrity for quite some time. That and Twilight's original rampage knocked down its star."

"There's only one way to find out. It's a risk we're willing to take."

Then they had a plan. Celestia quickly summarized the strategy for the entire organization to hear. "Our primary plan is to create defenses across Equestria using Mimi's techniques while a shield is generated by Friendship magic to cover the map of Equestria."

But Consort Snow of Prance inquired, "But what about the rest of us? Queen Arcadia's target is clearly Equestria but at a moment's notice she could set her sights on any one of us."

"Military outposts have been stationed across all countries. You are correct to assume that Queen Arcadia could send her troops to other borders but it is clear that her mind is directly on Equestria. This will be her first target and our first stand against Queen Arcadia. If we show her that we are not as defenseless as she thinks we are then her sight will be laser-focused on us out of irritation."

Princess Luna stood up and addressed them all. "My friends. In this difficult time we must work together to get this shield to work. I propose tasks assigned to select members. Equestria will provide the magic and technology while the Neightons and Hippogriffs provide the strength needed. We only have at most three days before Psera arrives at Equestria's shores with their weapons. Let's get to work."

How many times has Las Pegasus been rebuilt? Once? Twice? This would make it the third time, right? Corporal Scootaloo was certain this bustling and beautiful city would eventually become a military base. Oh stars, what has happened to harmony and peace?

After they arrived in town yesterday, Silent Sound hopped out the chariots and immediately made their way through the city to the beach. Along the way, they were greeted by citizens wishing then the best of luck before going about their day, as if war wasn't upon their doorstep. Maybe they were used to it by now. Maybe it's become a normality.

Las Pegasus' beaches were closed and fenced off. The Psera-Equestrian Trade Facility had been converted into barracks and the remains of the steel block they gave them now housed a large bell-shaped device made of magic. An alarm when something was discovered through a powerful telescope on one of the towers of the trade facility.

That was where Silent Sound was posted after they finished building those defenses. Upon the towers overlooking the city of Las Pegasus and the Western Waters.

Despite Equestria being on shaking hooves, her soldiers were pretty relaxed. At least the ones on the beaches. Music was playing from somewhere and a team was knocking around a softball. The morning units were always reckless, even during training. At least Scootaloo's was far above it.

The noises never reached Silent Sound's ears. The cold winter wind bristled their fur underneath their fatigues and helmets. Eyes were scanning the entire coast of Las Pegasus and the seas beyond. Pegasi and dragons flew past every now and then to provide aerial surveillance while Seaponies at sea surveyed the waves up close. Silent Sound was directly in the middle.

Corporal Scootaloo had placed her team in different areas of the lookout point. But each would have their eyes on the waves with her taking on the main telescope, accompanied by the squeaky voice of First Private Majority Green. While Scootaloo was peering through the telescope on the very top level, she was keeping her company in a way with her talks.

"I mean, we've been watching since six and I have to use the bathroom. But I'm a big filly, I can hold it."

It was clear Scootaloo wasn't paying attention. She nodded into the telescope and replied, "Yeah, maybe."

"I mean, it'll be quite embarrassing if I go on myself, right?"

"Oh, you don't want to forget that."

Majority Green rolled her eyes and turned to another one of their teammates on the next arm over walking the board. They had heard the whole thing.

Private Mixed Candies silently chortled and asked over, "You see anything, Corporal?"

Scootaloo pulled away from the telescope to use her naked eye and sighed through her teeth. "Nope. Nothing. Pretty silent day. Not even any fish."

Mixed Candies sat down and set her weapon down in front of her. "Yeah. Has anyone seen this Queen Arcadia? I've heard the princesses knew her personally."

Majority Green stood up on the railing and answered, "Nope. But I do know the princesses are scared of her. They say her magic's unmatched."

"They're right." The Unit's eyes turned to their commanding officer. Drifting into her memories with the winter wind. "Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle is not one to take lightly."

"You've met her, Corporal?"

"More than two dozen times in my life so far. I remember when I first met her. She was just a regular ol' unicorn who enjoyed reading, magic, and the occasional party. There used to be a large oak tree in Ponyville that served as a library she lived in. Ponies came and went as they pleased but she was always happy to be of assistance. Years later she becomes a Princess, gets a castle, runs away, we almost go to war, then she saves our flanks. But is she strong?"

Scootaloo sighed and answered, "Queen Arcadia managed to take down a Draconequus as big as the mountain Canterlot sits on by herself. And lift a fish as big as the castle. She could've beaten Tirek if he didn't have ponies at risk in his hand. I'd say 'strong enough' isn't even scratching the surface."

Scootaloo peered back through the scope. "Let's just hope she doesn't come here. Because nothing will stop her. No matter what plans the higher-ups make."

First Private Tough Watts, a young male Pegasus stallion with a blue coat, and a gradient electric blue-to-white mane scoffed and approached the end of the walkway closest to the sea. "I'd like to see these Pserateps come here. We'll be ready for 'em."

"Don't get cocky, Prince Charming." Scootaloo pulled her eyes from the scope one more time to address down to him directly. "You probably weren't even alive during the war. But I know you were there during training. What they said about their ships and their army being enormous? They're not just trying to pull your tail to scare you. Their military is vast and they will kill you."

He hummed and pulled his weapon from his back. A small tube that would propel magic in a focused form similar to the Pserateps, but nowhere near as powerful. It was a work in progress. But it was a work he could make do with.

He said nothing else, so Scootaloo went back to the scope before Majority Green spoke up. "I definitely wasn't born yet, so I'm just going with what I hear."

Scootaloo gasped and replied, "You might get your chance to see for yourself. Standby." What was that? There was a small rise on the horizon. A peak that wasn't there before. The horizon was smooth ever since they started their duty four hours ago. Now there was a peak.

Majority Green quickly grabbed the rope connected to the bell hanging in the middle of the tower and waited for the signal. She didn't see anything out there, but then again she wasn't looking through the telescope.

Scootaloo slowly adjusted the telescope so she had a wider angle and gasped at what she missed. That small spoke in the water was merely something that piqued her interest. She missed the two mountains flanking both sides of it. Steel hulls, large cannons on the decks, and the crest of Psera and The Fire Family on the sides.

"Aquatas," she whispered. "Ring the bell, ring it!"

Majority Green swiftly yanked back the cable connected to the bell and followed the Corporal's order. The second its toll hit ears, all actions in the city of Las Pegasus ceased. Ponies stopped shopping and looked to the sky. Those working and enjoying the attractions stopped snapping pictures and having fun. Animals and birds took to the sky and forest, soaring away from the source. The rest of the allies occupying the beaches stopped their procrastinating and turned to the tower.

A Field Officer flew up to the tower and ordered, "Report, Corporal!"

Scootaloo stepped to the side so they could see and saluted. "Three Aquatas are approaching from the distance! Forty-two miles out!"

Her Field Officer pulled their eye back from the scope and poked a hoof into Scoots' chest. "Move your team behind the line and arm yourselves. The Princesses said it may be an envoy but I'm not too sure. Get behind that line!"

Scootaloo saluted once more and jumped over the railing to a lower level. "Silent Sound, let's move!!"

The bell rang louder and further than it was supposed to. It spread through Whitetail Woods and froze the ponies minding their business in Ponyville. If you were present in Equestria, then you received the notice letter: If you hear the bell ring, then a threat was nearing Equestria's borders.

On Applejack's Farm, Rainbow Dash stopped speaking to her and whipped her head around to the Whitetail Woods. Her ears flipped down, eyes widened with worry.

"Scootaloo," she whispered.

Being close to the battlefield was already worrying enough. Knowing you have a loved one out there and could do nothing to help them was even worse.

Applejack placed a hoof around her neck and assured, "I'm sure she's fine, sugarcube."

The citizens weren't the only ones to hear the bell ring. The Princesses of Equestria visiting Twilight's Castle stopped their progression through town and turned their sights to the same forest. Sky Duster, Tritanium, and Sun Waves moved their stares to Celestia. Her eyes were filled with worry.

She gulped and said, "The envoy is here. We must meet with them. Hold on."

At a snap of her horn, the group was teleported all the way from the serene environment to the silence of Las Pegasus' beaches, behind the fence. As trained and planned, the military had taken up posts above and beyond. The Seaponies created a three ring formation in the sea while the Pegasi formed a ring in the air with the dragons. They were armed and protected with gear. Poised and ready to fight.

The second she saw the Princesses, Field Officer Liquid Lava, a Unicorn Mare from Prance rushed over and saluted. She had a light orange coat with light green eyes, and a short cut green tail and mane.

"Princess," she greeted in her exotic tongue. "We have three Aquatas eight miles out and closing fast."

Cadance lead the group closer to the ocean past her and informed them, "It's the Envoy. They won't attack, but keep your air squads ready. Give us some goggles."

A pair of binoculars was pushed into Cadance's line of sight. She raised them with her magic and peered through to see three Aquatas, plain as day. She could make out Psera's flag snapping in the wind and a sheer white one behind it. Peace.

She passed them over before a large presence in the sky whipped overhead. An arrowhead made of Pserateps zoomed into their airspace and broke through the sound barrier in a series of snaps. They didn't even see them coming. Let alone hear them.

They split on their way to Canterlot and circled around to slow their speed once over Las Pegasus' beach, creating a circle directly around their company.

Luna asked, "What are they doing?"

Celestia shook her head and answered, "I don't know."

All the soldiers were on edge. One eye was on the approaching Aquatas, the other on the twenty Pserateps forming a circle above them. They almost snapped when a voice boomed from above, traveling over the hills and into the cities beyond.

"Greetings, citizens and leaders of Equestria," a voice as deep as darkness said. "As of now, the Envoy of the great nation of Psera approaches in peace. Lay down your weapons and power down your shields."

The Princesses turned to Celestia. She would be leading this charge. Celestia raised her right hoof then flexed it forward twice. At once, all weapons were lowered and Pegasi occupying the sky lowered to the ground. The Seaponies occupying the ocean swam back to shore in a rush of flapping and splashing fins.

Celestia's eyes never left those approaching Aquatas. Two had split and created a radius for the one in the center. The one that the Princesses had seen multiple times. Aquata Zero had a more defined shape to it than the rest of their Aquatas. Including The Front Lawn. Speaking of which...

Celestia turned to Princess Luna and said, "I propose we make adjustments to our plans."

"Why is that, sister?"

"In case Aquata Eighty-Seven decides to make an appearance. If Arcadia is pulling out all of her toys, I'm absolutely certain The Front Lawn were one of her finer choices."

She was right. The Front Lawn's usage would supply many applications to the war effort. Weaponry could be carried closer to Equestria's shores, they could create new materials right in the ocean. Spies could come and go as they please. It was a mobile fortress on the waves before them.

But now wasn't the time to ponder on Psera's boats. The one they should be worried about was now reaching their port. It had successfully circled around and groaned to a stop before them. The water splashed upon the port, wetting hooves and increasing anxiety among IHT's brave soldiers.

Eventually it groaned to a complete stop, and basked the entire city of Las Pegasus in silence. Save for the snapping of cameras in the distance that flickered among Celestia's ears.

An anchor loudly dropped from the front of the Aquata and slammed into the beach. Shaped as a spear, it stabbed into the ground and created long violet tentacles of magic, grasping at the earth beneath. Even the mediocre things Twilight had slipped her horn in.

Scootaloo swallowed hard. It's been years since she's seen one of those. And this time, they weren't here to rescue them. Heads appeared over the rim hidden by helmets, staring down upon them. Silhouetted by the winter sun; watching them behind their visors. Measuring them through a black curtain. They couldn't see Psera's Aqua Guard behind their helmets, but they could feel their eyes glaring upon their very souls. Let them. They've been watching them a lot longer than today.

A door creaked open directly in front of them at the bottom of the hull. A squad of Arcadian Elite Royal Guards marched out from the darkness and took up positions. Twenty of them on both sides of the entrance that created an arch towards the Princesses before another pony graced their presence. A pony they've never seen before.

A coat as white as snow, eyes as blue as ice, and a tail as crystal and reflective as the luxuries making up Psera. Crystaltite, Lordess of the Sea, strolled out of those doors with Princess Merry Fire behind her. They both stood tall and stern, rulers of separate worlds but serving under the same name. The colors belonging to that name was evident in their formal wear. Violet and Red. A color that used to bring relief, but now served as a constant reminder to who they really represented; and the anger that came associated with it.

In all her years of traveling in the past, Sun Waves has never seen a race like them. With wings so long and tech so sharp. No wonder the Princesses feared them. She shared a gander with Sky Duster hovering above them watching. She was no longer cracking any jokes. And Tritanium's face never seemed more stoic.

Crystaltite cleared her throat before addressing the party before her. "May all ears listen!" Her loud voice echoed off all surfaces of Las Pegasus. "And listen well! Before you stands Princess Merry Fire, Princess of Psera and Representative to The Fire Family! Sister-In-Law to the Great Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera! You'd be wise to watch your tongue. Or lose it."

Warning delivered, Crystaltite stepped to the side and flanked Princess Merry instead of shield her from their sights. The Guards approached from the side of the Aquata to create a firm radius around Merry while she met the Princesses. Once she was close, they shared a bow.

"Princess Merry," Celestia greeted.

"Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance." Her tone was monotone. Immobile, unwavering. Cold and desolate. Emotionless. She rose back to her height and stared them down. "Your country seems to have flourished since we last saw each other."

Luna wasn't one to usually commence with small talk. But she had a feeling now would definitely be a much better time to practice than any other. "Yes, long winters were the worst time to be exposed during the process. In haste we rebuilt."

"I am happy to hear that." She looked past them to the soldiers occupying the beach. "Quite the army you have here. A form of resistance as the Queen predicted."

Cadance stated, "Let's just say we're not too fond to be receiving threats. We are deeply sorry for the loss of life Psera has suffered. It mustn't be easy losing someone so close to you."

"No it wasn't," Merry bit back. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. "But hopefully you can reassure us our deaths were not in vain. Perhaps IHT can present a remedy to this matter to align with the treaty?"

One wouldn't say remedy as they would lean more towards defense. But they did have a few resolutions under their hooves to work with. Celestia stepped to the side and pointed a hoof behind her into the city of Las Pegasus. "If you would follow us, we will fly you to Canterlot Castle. The rest of the International House of Trade are waiting for you. Then we will present to you our propositions for this treaty. Hopefully, your Queen will be pleased with at least one of them."

Merry Fire sighed and strolled forward with Crystaltite next to her. "Let's hope so. Queen Arcadia hasn't been sleeping well these last few nights. One can hear her beating her anger and resolve into those few hundred test dummies she has on the grounds."

She stopped in front of Celestia and added, "Between you and I? You would be wise to hoof them over. The nation has never seen Queen Arcadia this upset before. Even we are fearful of the lengths she will go to keep Psera safe."