• Published 30th Aug 2020
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Twilight Daylight: The Cold War - thedarktome

King Shimmering Madun and Princess Fresh Veola Dawn were assassinated. But the legendary Queen Arcadia lives. A huge mistake.

  • ...

Chapter 19 - Talks

Time is of the essence, yet no clues of any sign. Founder's Island was a large slice of land to live on. With many lakes, ponds, and rocky mountains. The trees counted for a good twenty-five percent of the land with terrain and water adding to the rest. It left Dawn with no other choice except to run her numbers. An estimation was better than blind searching.

Calculating the time it takes to search a mile of forestry at a specific size, raised to the amount of that size making up the land, which is then added to by the bodies of water, the heights of the mountains, the clouds in the sky, and then adding possible obstacles based on local data, Dawn was presented an estimated number until they discover even a clue.

The town wasn't happy when they were told.

After their first task failed, Dawn gathered all of the ponies, dragons, and any other creature sent here centuries ago, and presented to them her findings in the center of town. They created a circle around her stage and listened to what she had to say upon it.

Dawn jabbed to a white board she built riddled with facts, numbers, and symbols. She shouted, "With the Island's current layout and weather of our environment, the earliest we can find a certain clue, without luck on our side, would be thirty to fifty days!"

A round of groaning erupted from the creatures in front of her accentuated with the stomping of hooves and flapping wings. Dawn immediately held up her hooves and appeased, "But we can speed this up with everyone's help. Outside of what we can't see, a war is brewing between Psera and everyone else, orchestrated by a pony who wants to turn us all back to dust. The faster we get out, the faster we can stop a war."

One of the Pserateps, a mare with a snow white fluffy coat that made Dawn jealous, stepped out from the line and asked, "What if you're wrong, Princess? What if there is no way out?"

Dawn sighed and answered, "Then we're all going to die. And everything we worked hard for is going up in dust. This is our only hope. Only together can we find the bridge between our realities."

Night Life has been quiet ever since Dawn first delivered her findings. She could see him in the back watching. Thinking. Waiting for the right moment. Dawn asked, "Does anyone have any questions?"

One hoof was raised. "What's the process, Princess?" Someone asked.

"Everyone fans out in different cardinal directions and searches for anything off. You'll know it when you see it. When you do, report to me and I'll check it for any magic. We do this until we find something. We can even plant flags or signs at the scene for spots we've already checked. We'll start tomorrow when everyone is rested."

As all creatures dispersed for their places of residence, Dawn walked over to Lucky and Night Life patiently waiting. But their expressions were a lot more different.

"What is it?" She asked.

Night Light quickly stammered, "A-as good as this all seems, what if there isn't a way out?"

"There is, because there was a way in. And we're going to find it." She reached out and rubbed one of his hooves encouragingly. This stallion was a big ol' softy under that serious face of his. "Don't give up. Remember: There's a war that can be prevented if we get out. That's the goal. To stop this war."

"Your mom's really that powerful?"

"Trust me. She'll knock aside anyone in her way. We have to stop her before she makes that mistake."

This was it. The moment they were all prepared for. When the Pserateps would touch down on the coast and attempt at a peaceful treaty. The speed of their Aquatas were miscalculated. Celestia wondered how much more of their estimations were miscalculated. In which case, the war was right around the corner. And they were racing for an attack.

The flight back to Canterlot was quiet and timid. The Pserateps were focused on the mission protecting their country. The case holding the treaty was thoroughly watched. And IHT was focused on reading Psera's motives. But try as they might, Merry Fire's expression and her escort team's were about as faceless as stone.

Their platoon was shaped in a "V" with the princesses taking the helm escorting Mary and her more personal guard. How many of these ponies did Twilight have under her belt?

Their large group flapped to slow their speed upon re-entry into Canterlot and, soon, behind the Castle gates to land gracefully like dainty butterflies. Practiced and performed perfectly, worthy of a standing ovation.

Once Equestria's princesses landed next to Mary, she said, "It has just occurred to me that I have never visited your land, let alone been in any structures of Equestrian origin."

Celestia sighed and replied, "I wish you could experience Equestria under less tense circumstances. When we're not about to wage a war. It truly is a peaceful land that I'm sure you would enjoy when it isn't under threat by ... Magical beings."

"Hopefully, we'll have that chance and a war won't occur." The guards at the door opened them to let in the party of lot. Its halls were abandoned, as if its inhabitants could sense the unease, they hastily dashed for the nearest area away from the castle. "Queen Arcadia has been rather adamant for the securement of any remaining Zebras. I would be a liar to say that I wouldn't wish to see them underneath a watchful eye. After all, The Fire Family itself has been a constant target of the Zebras for their riches and intelligence decades before we took the throne of Psera. We have been beside ourselves when it comes to Zebras near our homes or families. Way before the Psera Crown."

Now that they did not know. Luna widened her eyes in surprise and shared a look with Cadance. "Really?" She queried.

"Yes. Over a thousand years ago, Psera was in contact with Zebras. And not as enemies. Very light contact, no trading, no exchanges. We did attempt contact with other nations before. And the Zebras are the reason we refuse contact with any other country."

Psera's history continues to reveal itself. Never would Celestia have thought that the reason Psera's refusal of international stem from the Zebras. They seemed so kind and simple. Not hostile and invasive.

"The Fire Family lived primarily in Rayray during the time, so we had direct access to Zebras before all of this. In between Psera and the Untraveled west is a leakage of gold from our nation. But it was scattered and mutated, considered highly valuable internationally speaking. The Zebras used it for their jewelry and Pserateps used it for their, well, everything."

Merry glanced to the Princess when they reached the Trade Room occupied with the members of IHT. She stopped to face them before the doors were opened. "Just because we were from Psera didn't mean it was easy for us. The Undiscovered West are treacherous waters. Gold just doesn't float to the top, you have to dive for it and hope you find something. It was a dangerous game. A lot of ponies lost their lives. But we did get our hooves on that case of rare metal and were paid handsomely for it. But sometimes, things were rather messy under the waves. Where eyes couldn't see and jealousy flourished."

"How messy?"

"Let's just say that sometimes when a Pseratep was under for too long, we not only pulled up a body. But sometimes a body with its throat slit. Eventually, it wasn't just the Fire Family. They were stealing from Psera. The Zebras have played dirty for too long, Princesses. And now innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire, even when the game is no longer in play. It's time to put a stop to it. Permanently. So no more foals turn into dust at our hooves. So if there are no more questions, let us begin the delegation."

A truth bomb with little to no reaction save for a sigh. The doors to the trade room were opened and they strolled in with heads held high.

"Yes. Let's do that," Celestia replied under her breath.

The way the room here was setup was as official as the one in Psera. Princess Merry and her assistants would be sitting at a table in front of their half-circle facing the nervous members of The International House of Trade. Celestia made way for her seat with the assistance of the Elite while the rest spread across the room. One of them positioned directly behind Flurry Heart. Quite the uncomfortable heat on the back of her neck.

IHT has prepared multiple ideas and plans for Psera in exchange for the safety of the Zebras. But she had a feeling that none would satisfy them. Psera was a hard country to appease.

One of the assistants set the case holding the treaty on the desk that Merry took a seat at. A few documents were slid her way that she signed for IHT's records. Then all was silent. The moment has finally arrived.

Queen Novo rose from her seat and extended a hoof out in Psera's direction. "Princess Merry," she greeted. "A pleasure to have you among us. We are well aware of the attack on Psera that has left it's inhabitants in turmoil stirring in heightened aggression."

"Two hundred and three Pserateps were killed in the attack," Merry confirmed. "Including my brother and my niece. I am taking this a lot more personal than any other representative here today." She sighed and picked up one of the sheets in front of her. "Psera is also well aware that you, IHT, may be withholding information regarding the safe-keeping of Zebras. Is this true?"

Madam Singe spoke up and admitted, "We are tending to their wounded. Many foals with about four-fifths being adults."

Merry glanced in her direction and hummed in secret thoughts. "A pity. Now I am sure IHT has a set of guidelines to how operations are executed, correct? Knowing Queen Arcadia, she may have set them up before signing members ."

"You would be correct," Cadance answered. "The Official Documentation of Policing The International House of Trade. I remember it when Queen Arcadia first presented it. Quite the time when we first read it."

Merry looked over to one of her assistants and cued her with a nod of her head. A large tome was grabbed and slid in front of Merry. A very familiar looking one she placed her hoof on top of. Dark leather cover, pristine white pages.

"By her blessing, Queen Arcadia made a firm sacrifice that I am sure you will not believe: she withdrew a mint historical archived version of that documentation from her personal records for me to use and study." Merry flipped the text open to a bookmarked page she set on her way over here. It was very distinct and extremely informative. "I read this front to back for a week and noted down some very interesting excerpts. One of the quotes in section Eight, Paragraph B, state, 'Any altercation between IHT Members must be resolved peacefully within the Court of IHT.'

"There are more specifics regarding solutions, but that's beside the point." Merry carefully shut the tome and crossed her hooves on the table. Queen Arcadia would throw a fit if there was so much as a wrinkle on the pages. "It was not clarified by the International House of Trade what would happen if a member of IHT started an altercation with a nation outside of IHT's control. Or what happens if IHT interferes with said altercation. I believe Queen Arcadia during her time as Princess of Friendship in Equestria believed that every nation in the world would want to join. She was wrong. This war has been brewing for decades, way before IHT was founded. And this time it has reached its boiling point."

Dragon Lord Ember expressed her opinion as professionally as possible. "Most of the world has come to terms with peaceful negotiations rather than retaliatory violence. Even back then before IHT was founded, members did not cross one another's borders without expressed permission from their government on both sides. Although tense, it did work."

"Well Psera was not among those talks. May I remind you that we are a nation that has lied in the shadows for centuries to avoid such conflicts. Zebras included. Only when Queen Arcadia lifted the barrier did we have conflicts with other nations of Equus. The conflict with Zebrica was set in stone, that would always be there. But Zebrica dared not make a move when they saw the true expanse of our military power. Our weapons were unmatched and our strength strong as steel."

Princess Celestia spoke up and replied, "Then I believe the first start to the journey of this recovery is simple. We all know what needs to be done today."

"Yes we do, and it is this: The great nation of Psera is seeking ten-point-nine billion shims in damages for the attack from one of your, IHT's, members." What?! A chatter erupted among the House. Even Flurry Heart knew Equestria didn't have nearly that much currency. Converted to Shims, that would be a lot more than forty billion bits! And if they combined currencies with the rest of the nations, then they would still be short!

"As a member of IHT," Merry continued. "It is the responsibility of the House to correct their actions. Queen Arcadia is no longer in charge and has placed the power of Speaker of The House in Princess Celestia's hooves, alongside Queen Novo. Therefore it falls on your shoulders to correct the actions from one of your fellow members."

Princess Luna stood up, outraged. "You seriously do not expect IHT to hoof over that many Shims!"

"Then you'll hoof over the Zebras into Psera custody then. Because not only did Zebrica, a member of IHT, invade Psera, but they also stormed our castle, slaughtered our king, attacked our bases, and murdered the first naturally born Alicorn-Pseratep in existence, Princess to Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle. Her name alone is worth billions of Shims. The castle was a beacon of history among our great land and has been around for thousands of years. Priceless monuments, pictures, and goods inside were damaged. Forever lost to time. This was a strategic execution that cost lives and structural damage.

"This money isn't just going to the Queen, but also to the families of the fallen victims to get them closure as well as fund our repairs. The government had to pay for the funerals of several hundred of our innocent civilians. Hard working ponies who have supported the Fire Family for generations. The Queen has sworn to get her hooves on those Zebras. And, as we all know, the Queen gets what she wants."

IHT shared cautious glances before Luna preceded forward. Just another reminder to who they were dealing with. "Let us present our solutions to Psera before we discuss anymore matters regarding financial payment."

Merry flipped her braid back behind her head and said, "Well go ahead then. Queen Arcadia is growing impatient. None on Psera enjoy an upset Queen."

"Very well. Before moving forward, now to take the floor is Captain Shining Armor. He and his team have investigated Zebrica's involvement and unearthed intriguing discoveries."

Shining Armor leaned into Flurry's space and whispered, "Watch your father work." Well he seemed rather confident. This was going to be fun.

Shining cleared his throat and spoke aloud so the room could hear. "The body of Queen Tarsafani was discovered slaughtered upon Zebrica's Maroono Bay. A biopsy concludes that she was stabbed to death shortly after returning from Psera for delegation. Zebrica's government denies any claim to her death nor any knowledge of international affairs on her behalf. We have concluded that a Zebrican cult attacked Psera, and the government was no way involved."

Merry sighed and leaned her head on her hoof. "And how, exactly, does this change things?"

"To avoid a hostile takeover, and with no resources left, the remaining government of Zebrica has pleaded for mercy through IHT."

Mercy?! Psera's Table of Representatives spoke among themselves now. If they're pleading through IHT, that would make them the invaders here officially, as if they committed the crime! Hushed whispers danced across the table. What would the Queen think of this?! What would the citizens?!

Merry asked, "What could IHT possibly offer Psera as retribution to the attack upon which they have committed?"

Celestia rose up and began delegations. "IHT has eight forms of retributions. One is offering materials to rebuild their castle."

"A fruitless gesture," Merry immediately shot down. "As of this time, reconstruction has already begun. We have more than enough material to utilize and the Queen herself has requested a makeover of the suite. It's ... A little too small for her now."

Well mark that off the list. "Next up would be rare stone retribution. We'll pay for the damages using jewels instead of shims."

"The market for jewels after such a large influx would lessen the market. Psera would lose money instead of gaining in the future afterwards as their worth would dwindle."

That's two marked off. Now Flurry was nervous. She sat up in her seat and shared a worrying glance with her mother. Luna offered, "IHT is offering the construction of a memorial of their own design."

"As sweet as it would be, Psera will once again gain nothing."

It was clear that Psera wanted tangible retribution; something they could use to grow their great country even more, as if the king and Princess were still there. Did anything on their list reach for that point? Most responses were tangible but they didn't supply any growth. They all knew it, that's why their faces expressed unease.

But Flurry still had one card left in her deck. She rose from her seat and said, "If it pleases the house, I would like to place an idea down onto the table for discussion."

Cadance and Shining looked to each other than to Celestia and Novo. The latter raised a claw in her direction and recognized her. "You may."

"I propose that as retribution, IHT gifts Psera with Real Estate. Land. For which they can utilize for whatever they deem fit."

If Shining was drinking anything this would've been the greatest of all times for a spit take. Although the shattering of a cup was an excellent replacement.

Cadance looked past Shining and urgently whispered, "Flurry, what are you doing?!"

But the damage had already been done and the ball was rolling in their minds. Merry was intrigued.

"Real Estate?" She repeated.

Flurry confirmed it with a firm nod. "Real Estate."

Merry shared a look with her team and Crystaltite. They were thinking the same thing, as well as the rest of them. Merry replied, "I believe this proposal is worthy of discussion. But this must be ran by The Senate Board and the Queen. I motion for a thirty minute recess whilst contact is made."

Celestia sighed and replied, "Novo and I second the motion. All in favor?" The room erupted briefly with the agreement of its inhabitants. Then Novo banged her gavel, beginning the recess.

Merry stood up from her seat and faced Crystaltite while IHT converged on Flurry Heart. With thick resolve she whispered, "Do you have any way to get in contact with Queen Arcadia?"

Crystaltite firmly nodded. "Get me to a pool of water and I can reach Queen Arcadia."

"Very well. Let's go."

While they marched out to get to this meeting, Flurry was turned to by Novo, Celestia, Cadance, Shining, and Luna.

"What were you thinking?!" Shining quietly scolded. "We can't give these ponies land! We barely have any ourselves!"

"Well we also can't give them gems, gold, metal, chariots or anything else, especially Shims. The second we agreed to Zebrica's Mercy Plea was the same second we became the terrorists and attacked our own family. We took over two hundred lives, including Princess Dawn who alone is an expensive bucket to fill. We don't just owe the Queen, we owe the entire country. Now Aunt Twilight actually has something to attack Equestria for. They're looking for restitution that everyone can use. We don't have much to give them in that regard except land or a war. I'm not looking forward to seeing that many Aquatas on the horizon."

"The child speaks true," Madam Singe acknowledged. "We did not just attack The Crown, we attacked the citizens and the Queen Arcadia herself by slaughtering her daughter and husband. And after all they have done for us, Equestria especially, we owe them at least land."

But Queen Novo replied, "But what land can we give to a country whose cities are as big as Equestria itself?"

"I believe it would depend on their needs."

"A contract would have to be made. A contract we cannot trust. Under Queen Arcadia's name, anything could happen."

"We can ensure—"

"No, you don't understand." Novo took a breath to explain. "We now owe Psera our property. When that deal for Mercy was made, we gave up our rights to our cities and towns. If this passes, then we may have to move our citizens out of entire cities for the Pserateps. Then after that , there's no telling what'll happen next. Light and darkness will collide. Ponies will be untrustworthy of their new neighbors. Attacks will happen. The Zebras have started a new war in the process. And this time they have dragged IHT into the fight."

Cadance replied, "I believe you are getting ahead of yourself, Queen Novo.

"No, I am not. It has happened before in history many times. IHT's members are giving up their freedom for an attack caused by the Zebras. And at the rate things are going, they'll never be able to pay us back for decades to come. The Zebras now have nowhere to go and have no choice but to settle across the nations and plains. With absolutely no money and no more land, they have nothing. Meanwhile, Psera has every right to blame IHT and now expects us to gift them land or they'll gift us with a bomb."

"They will not bomb us Novo," Celestia sternly assured. "Their Queen would never do that."

Novo crossed her hooves and argued, "I'm sure what remains of Zebrica would beg to differ, and on Hearth's Warming, no less. I am positive Queen Arcadia would not hesitate to pull the trigger on her own home. After all, she has, so far, attacked Prince Consort Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza in their own castle, choked Luna against the wall with no intention of letting her go on Mount Aris, and has a massive Navy at sea ready to attack us all at any given moment that we admittedly can't defend ourselves against. We have all seen Queen Arcadia's weaponry. And If you ask me, I believe she may still hold a little spice from that drama circulating between you and her personally."

Celestia shot up and assured, "Queen Arcadia has already expressed forgiveness between us. We are still her family."

Novo smoldered to Celestia, "Are you sure about that?"

"Are you accusing my student, practically my daughter, of lying?!" Celestia exclaimed. No one has ever seen Celestia angry before. A growl emanated from the back of her throat, laced with the fury of a mother.

"She's been lying to all of you for awhile now. She lied directly to our faces when she informed us that their little night test were nothing but solar flares."

"This conversation is about Queen Arcadia shooting down her own family! She would not do that!"

"She is no longer your family, Celestia! As of right now, we are all her enemy. She has the utmost military power among all nations and magical skills none of us has ever seen., deeming here omnipotent in abilities. She has admitted to dipping a hoof in Dark Magic and even utilizing it, and has also admitted the production of mass weaponry capable of mass destruction. I guarantee you if Queen Arcadia is interested in this proposal of land she will make all of your citizens move in favor of her own. And when you don't agree, then I am almost certain Queen Arcadia will happily take over Equestria with no second thought and continue her plight for the Zebras."

Cadance stood up next and replied, "Oh, so Twilight will now become a dictator."

Queen Novo pointed a hoof behind her. "Have you not seen her Navy? Her weapons, her soldiers? She's not giving us much of a choice. She has threatened to invade our lands, that is the talk of a dictator! And from what we've seen so far, she has already conquered Zebrica!" Queen Novo took a deep breath to calm her flaring emotions. "I believe it is time that IHT revisit their conversation regarding the Zebras and our involvement between this war of theirs."

IHT gasped and immediately started yelling.


"You cannot be serious!"

"We cannot let a species go extinct like this!"

Flurry stood up from her seat and pleaded, "Queen Novo, I know things have been rather frustrating. But I beg that IHT stay in the fight. We cannot give up, we can get through this and save their country."

Novo sighed when the room quieted down and focused on Flurry. She was the youngest. Naive and full of hope.

She nodded to her and replied, "I respect your fire, Princess Flurry Heart. I agree with you that we can have the power that Queen Arcadia has one day. You are correct that Queen Arcadia learned these spells on her own and that we can amass an Army as big as theirs.

"However, you left out one important variable and the reason for my arguing against this decision: Our citizens. IHT may be fearless and our soldiers may be fearless. But what about our ponies? Our cultures, our homes? The foals? They can't defend themselves. We have seen Queen Arcadia in action, the fight with Maheera Dark was a true might of strength. Between just her and the great Darconequus, she had leveled the entire city of Las Pegasus, Canterlot, and a fifth of Manehattan. Somehow, Cloudsdale too was caught in the crossfire. Then left Equestria to pick up the pieces, costing you billions of bits that they are still scooping out of your pockets. She wiped out our citizens with no regard when they attempted to storm Psera's coast."

"She said she was on a timer," Celestia argued. "She didn't have much of a choice."

"And from what I've heard, she'd do it again in a heartbeat for her own citizens. Out there, in those waters, an entire fleet of Aquatas approaches our coasts. And at a point of a hoof, my country, my defenseless citizens, could too become victims to Marrials all because of the Zebras. Unlike the rest of you, Mount Aris or Seaquestria has absolutely no form of defense against weaponry of that magnitude. We don't have any shields, we don't have any anti-aerial defense. We don't have magic. All we have are our claws, shelters, arrows, and spears.

"It has become clear to me that Queen Arcadia would kill citizens if she can't get through the defense. You may think she's aiming for Equestria, when in reality she is aiming for Mount Aris. None of you could stop her Marrials when they were first launched. I saw you chasing after them. We were all defenseless and the citizens paid the price for it."

"But we could make the shield work, Novo!" Flurry promised. "We just need to stick together, we can do this, please! We all must work with one another!"

Novo could see the tears in her eyes. The hope leaking down her face. "I am sorry, Princess Flurry. You are truly fit for Princess of Equestria, even Queen if Equestria would be so inclined. But I am afraid we must face the facts: We are outnumbered, overpowered even with Mimi's help, and we have absolutely nothing to give to the Pserateps that won't hurt us in the future except the Zebras, per their request.

"At the end of the day, we must come to this reality: Is the blood of the Zebras, who murdered decades of ponies young and old, really worth the blood of our own who have done nothing? We put our beliefs in Princess Twilight that she will be kind and forgiving as we knew her once before. But we keep forgetting that Princess Twilight is no more. Only Queen Arcadia, and that she will do anything to protect her country. Including leave ours in the rubbles of her attacks and slaughter our citizens if tempted.

"I respect Queen Arcadia, and I owe her my life for saving mine. I do not wish for my ponies to lie in their own blood thanks to these Zebras. Therefore, I, Queen Novo, am abstaining both Seaquestria and Mount Aris from the war effort. We will no longer be assisting IHT in this war against the country who helped restore mine."

Celestia banged her hoof on the table and assumed lividly, "So you're hoofing over the Zebras, then!! And leaving IHT in favor of Psera's military!!"

"We will not participate until Queen Arcadia is on our doorstep asking questions. As much as I would like to protect the another species, as much as any other pony, I must think about the good of my own first."

Novo gathered her work and passed it over to one of her assistants. Then prepared to leave. "Hopefully the war will not occur and we have nothing to worry about. But in the event we do go to war, I must create a firm perimeter around my citizens with the small defense we have compared to theirs. We do not flourish like the rest of you. I am sorry, everyone. But this is for the good of my own country. Come along, Skystar."

Skystar looked over to Princess Dawn among the silence. The firm bringer of hope. Then to her mother. The one leaving this battle.

"No," she decided.

No?! Novo whipped around and clarified, "I wasn't asking, Sky. You don't have a choice."

But Skystar kept her head held high. "I have two choices, mother: I can either stay and help Flurry defend IHT from Psera, or I could cower behind walls hoping they don't come find me. At least with IHT, I'll have a fighting chance."

"You'll have a fighting chance behind the barrier back home. Out of sight, out of mind. If you stay, you'll be stuck here until the war is over. I took a page out of Psera's book and am securing a perimeter over the entire country. No one goes in, no one goes out. If you're not home by twelve tonight, you'll be stuck until the war is over."

Skystar said nothing. She remained diligent and unmoving. She was going to stay here. So Novo sighed and walked out with her Guards and Advisors. Leaving her alone. She could handle herself.

The second the doors closed, Skystar dropped into her seat and buried her face in her claws, wracking with sobs.

"I'm sorry everyone," she apologized. "Sh-she's just scared for those who can't defend themselves."

Everyone else standing took their seats once more while the tension died down and one seat left empty. Celestia placed a wing on Skystar's back and assured, "She will return. Your mother just needs to think. Thank you for sticking with us."

"I just hope the shield works."

"It will. Have hope, Skystar. Everything will work out."