• Published 30th Aug 2020
  • 1,375 Views, 131 Comments

Twilight Daylight: The Cold War - thedarktome

King Shimmering Madun and Princess Fresh Veola Dawn were assassinated. But the legendary Queen Arcadia lives. A huge mistake.

  • ...

Chapter 20 - War

Real Estate wouldn't be what Queen Arcadia wanted to hear. Land for the lives of her loved ones was sure to get a negative response. But it was still something that needs to be brought up before her in the event she requests more information. One is not to turn down free land. Especially Psera.

While Merry's party treaded the halls with Equestria's Royal Guard for the back of the castle away from IHT, Crystaltite looked over her shoulder back to the Trade Room. She could sense the unease reside behind them. The fear and discomfort. But there was something else there.

She hummed and said, "Marsh eet IHT ool po bruee teeyahmah(It seems IHT is on different sides)."

Merry hummed and replied, "Maybe in our favor. It's better that way."

They approached the rear entrance of the castle the Royal Guard were escorting them towards and soon out into the sunlight of Equestria, or more particularly the castle's courtyard. Filled with flowers and decorative benches, this was one of the relaxation spots for the castle's staff. Quaint and quiet, it was enough for Equestria.

Directly in the center was a fountain, spewing water into the sky that cascaded back down in a wonderful display. This would do.

Crystaltite strode ahead to the fountain and simply tapped the pool of water at the bottom. The ripple expanded and seemingly did nothing until the water turned a deep black. A portal for voices reaching only one.

"Crystaltite," Queen Arcadia greeted. Her voice resonated with the echo of power beyond the surface. Each time she spoke a small ripple spread from the center of the pool. "Has the task been completed?"

"Not yet, Queen Arcadia," Crystaltite replied. "I am working on it. But an opportunity has presented itself that may interest Psera's conundrum. Princess Merry has more details."

Crystaltite stepped away and gestured Merry forward. She could already see her friend's nonchalant expression staring back at her. The Queen who has lost everything boiling in anger.

Merry cleared her throat and briefed her. "After declaring Mercy, IHT's own Princess Flurry Heart has proposed Real Estate in favor of the Zebras."

"...land," Twilight surmised. "They would give us land."

"Yes, ma'am."

"No." Merry and her team shared looks. Even her guards. She barely gave it any thought, only a stern response. "Psera has retreated back into the shadows for a reason: to avoid any unwarranted attacks. The second we obtain land in the East is the second a war against them breaks out. Our only concern are the Zebras, not IHT's. You are free to take this up with The Senate Board, but know that my decision is no."

Merry wanted to argue and say that this would be the best plan for growth. That these ponies' deaths weren't fruitless. But she knew that Queen Arcadia would stand firm on her decision. Just as she had on other decisions except to arrest all the Zebras. No one knew her true plan for the Zebras. Just that they would be taken into custody.

"I will take this up with The Senate Board," Merry promised. "We will archive the proposal for review."

"Ensure Psera those Zebras," Queen Arcadia told her. Then the water faded back to its original hue before Merry could reply.

Crystaltite stepped up next to Merry and commented. "It seems Queen Arcadia has a well thought out plan for these ponies."

But what exactly, Merry wandered. What could she do with what remained of them?

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock was Queen Arcadia's friend whenever she felt that infernal ticking appropriate; when the air was too silent and her thoughts wouldn't escape.

Silence was what she craved. Peace was what mattered and achieved in Safe Haven's back garden. With her eyes closed and wings spread, Twilight sat amongst its presence and meditated. The sounds around her melted away, leaving her with the thoughts running amok through her mind. The thoughts of a better future where peace was abundant. Where no wars, jealousy, or greed had a place. Oh what a world to dream.

"That will never happen."

Twilight gasped and jumped to her hooves. Her eyes shot open and wings flapped in agitation. She looked around the maze that was the garden, empty and abandoned, just like it was when she first came here. There was no one there.

Twilight referred to her magical aura. Empty save for the life beyond those doors back into Safe Haven and the Elite Guards stationed yards away. Then who spoke? As if a ghost passed by, the voice invaded her thoughts.

"You know who I am!"

There it was again! Female, young, and angry! Twilight teleported her sword into her grasp, and whirled around to point it at...

Lightning. Merry's daughter. Her hoof was raised as if to tap her side. But Twilight beat her to the point by swinging a blade to her nose. Now here she sat, frozen and afraid. Eyes crossed on the blade's sharp point and Twilight slowing down her racing heart.

"Lightning." The sword was teleported away back from whence it came. "Sorry, I... I have things on my mind. Was there something you needed?"

"Umm..." Lightning sat down where she was and timidly tapped her hooves together. Her eyes searched the cobblestone path under them for the answer. "I just wanted to ask a question but you seem rather busy."

"Nonsense, Lightning. What is it you want to know?"


"Why?" Twilight repeated.

"Why all of the Zebras? If it was just this group, why did we have to attack their entire country?"

"Because they attacked ours," Twilight sternly answered. "And they would do it again like so long ago."

"How can you be so sure? Maybe they've learned of their mistakes."

Queen Arcadia sighed and faced the fountain once more. "That's what Molten thought the first time. Yet, here we stand. My husband and daughter are now dead, our castle and its history spat upon, and my country furiously ready for war."

"Isn't there some way to avoid a war? I don't want to lose more people I care about."

"Surrender. The only ones in our way is IHT. They're safeguarding the Zebras somewhere on the East and have setup barricades over their coastline restricting us access."

"Maybe there's another way," Lightning hoped. "Where there isn't bloodshed."

"Maybe," Queen Arcadia replied. "But the Zebras? They brought this war upon themselves. They spilled our blood upon the ground, we shall spill theirs, and as long as IHT stays out of the way they will not be caught within the crossfire."


"That is all I am saying about the war, Lightning." Arcadia turned her gaze from the fountain to her young naïve niece. "You are too young to understand. Maybe one day when you see the Pserateps as I see them, you will. But until then, leave the fighting and strategizing to Lavender, Cop, and the Queen. Now leave me in peace, please. I must think."

Arcadia turned back to the fountain while Lightning left. The way the water danced and splashed was a beautiful sight in deed. Once she heard the door into Safe Haven close, Queen Arcadia lifted a teacup to her mouth and took a small sip. Chamomile. Abundant in Equestria but a luxury in Psera. It could be taxed and bring more money to the less fortunate here once their funding increased.

Arcadia sighed with relief and softly set the cup down. The winter air blew, wrapping her in a blanket of cold air. Petals and flowers drifted across her line of sight and settled at her hooves. Red, blue, green, purple. Gold and white.

A black and white flower landed at her hooves. Staring up to her. Mocking her. Twilight smoldered and growled in the back of her throat. Even beyond death they were everywhere. Stars above, they're even getting to the foals. No longer will they dare dream of a torn Psera.

Queen Arcadia lightly tapped the flower and watched as it shriveled before her eyes. Its petals fell off and gradually turned into dust. Like a time lapse in real life, it was gone within a minute.

"Your magic is evolving."

Arcadia sighed and replied to that familiar voice. "We must all change with the times."

She turned to face what remained of her past. The symbol of peace, love, and forgiveness. Herself as a unicorn in Equestria. She had no wings, no flowing hair, no sharpened horn, but a smile all the time. There she lied on her stomach with a tome opened, reading every world that would get her to this powerful position in life.

Twilight softly closed the tome and smiled up to Arcadia, pouring a mixture of guilt and envy into her soul. "Don't look at me that way," Arcadia warned.

"We both know what it feels like to lose," Twilight said.

"You have lost nothing before these years."

"Haven't I?"

Arcadia was about to respond. But did she really have one? Who knew her past better than herself? She grunted and went back to the fountain. "Those were different."

"No they weren't. You lost something you cherished and it hurt you. This was no different."

"They were my family," Arcadia pointed. "And my citizens."

"I know, and you are in pain. Just like the other times. Do not let this anger guide your decisions so quickly. You're smarter than that."

"Oh, horseapples!" That wasn't her voice. Queen Arcadia slowly turned to her left to face the creature of her nightmares. Herself. Or it wasn't. She never sports evil grins with sharp teeth behind those lips. She didn't have a suit like that resembling a tyrant. She didn't have a violet crown. She didn't have wings outfitted with blades.

She didn't have a pool of black where her right eye used to be. Dark magic.

"Don't be foalish, Arcadia," she warned. "The worst is yet to come. The Zebras are always waiting for us to let down our guard. And now with IHT as their dependents, they will use them too. No one is trustworthy."

"Who are you?" Arcadia asked.

"I'm you, Empress Arcadia." Her voice was thick with venom and distrust. A junior evil at its prime. She stalked closer to Queen Arcadia, just enough for her to stare into her eye. "The strongest, most powerful pony to ever exist. My magic is untapped and I use it to bring order and peace to Equus."

She sure didn't look like it. Queen Arcadia looked over her shoulder to her guards. "Dismissed," she ordered. They bowed briefly before making their way back inside. Leaving Queen Arcadia alone under the watchful eye of the camera security system they had setup around the property.

Now they were alone. The innocent past she hoped to never lose, and the dark future that had to stem from some sort of mental trigger. And directly in the middle lied the innocent. There was no way she would end up like this unless she was pushed to no other option.

"There is no Empress," Arcadia promised.

"Not yet," Empress Arcadia snidely corrected. "Give it time. The fruits of your labor will soon come to fruition."

"I don't want to take over. I just want peace."

"That was our life's mission." Queen Arcadia turned back to the original Twilight, neck deep in that book of hers. "To bring all creatures together as friends and allies. Yet, here we are, fighting to keep one species away from us. Is this really the right way to do things, Queen Arcadia?"

Arcadia was about to shout a big fat yes. But all that came out was, "Of . . . I . . ." Arcadia stomped her hoof in agitation. "There was no other choice!"

"There's always a choice. You chose the one against your beliefs. You can also end things here, right now, by accepting IHT's proposal for real estate to review and hope for the best. No more lives have to be taken, no more threats have to be made, and no more blood has to be spilled. This is the moment that turns the war with Zebrica into a war with IHT or you can end the war with both right here, right now."

She pointed over the book she was reading and over to the fountain spewing water. Merry was a spell away. She would answer without a moment's hesitation and the war would end just like that. Steps would be taken to reconcile relationships between IHT and Psera. As for Zebrica, never in a million years.

Empress Arcadia gasped and asked, "You cannot be serious. Do you realize what you would be giving up if you take this route?" She appeared in front of Queen Arcadia before she could make moves for the fountain. "Power! Respect! Glory! Harmony! Your name every creature will know, and the remains of Zebrica will cower in fear whenever you are recognized! Are you willing to give what could be all up for this?!"

Arcadia stayed strong and answered, "My quarrel is with Zebrica, not with IHT. IHT is correct, we have already struck back against Zebrica, and based off of what we have seen, they will not be rising for decades. No more damage needs to be done. Now vanish, pony! You will never be!"

With a strong flap of her wings, Empress Arcadia blew from existence, leaving only Princess Twilight smiling in pride. It's good to see that she hadn't lost sight what was truly important, the reason for her existence: Peace, Unition, and Magic.

Message delivered, Twilight Sparkle faded into the background, leaving Queen Arcadia to do what must be done: Freeing the Zebras before she makes a mistake. Again. She swallowed hard and looked at herself in the water. She could see the burnt side of her face behind the mask of fear. The wall of stone where she ignores the realities of the world around her in favor of her own.

She sighed and tapped at the pool. The fountain stopped spraying and a ripple created in its center. "Tell Merry that I have reconsidered IHT's offer for Real Estate. I will gather The Senate Board at once. Tell them to expect an inquiry tomorrow. You will be staying overnight."

There was a brief silence for Crystaltite to weigh her words. "Yes, your highness," she finally said.

The fountain once again began spraying, signaling that Crystaltite disconnected. Now time to send another message. She turned around and eagerly trotted past Twilight, still reading.

"Never forget who you are." Her words ceased Arcadia's progression. "Because you represent the best of us."

Arcadia slightly tilted her head and replied, "Let's hope that they uphold their end of the bargain. Because if they don't..."

"They will."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because they're our family. Whether you agree or not, they love us as much as we love them."

Twilight said no words, for her past spoke true. They were all family, whether they believed it or not. Instead, she moved for Safe Haven's entrance. She had to gather The Senate Board.

It was clear something went down in the Trade Room after Merry left with her team for a surprisingly brief discussion with Queen Arcadia. The atmosphere had shifted, the air frozen with a deep despair. The mood deepened even more, depite the tense atmosphere prior her meeting with the queen. She made her suspicion known upon arrival to her seat.

"I couldn't help but notice that your legion seems rather disturbed," she commented. "Should the recess be extended?"

Celestia's sour glare shifted over to Novo's seat, vacant and cold. Oh they were going to have a deep talk later. Who just leaves in the middle of a war like this?!

Princess Cadance answered in her place. "No need. We are ready for Queen Arcadia's response to Princess Flurry's proposal."

"Very well. The Queen's response was quick and less pondered than hoped. Queen Arcadia has decided to forgo your offer in fear of international relations between unsupported parties."

What?! But that was always her main goal! Uniting the nations together in harmony was always Twilight's vision! For her to outright deny that said she was relinquishing that dream!

Flurry sighed and buried her face in her hooves. Her mother's wing on her back did little to cool her nerves. She was sure that would interest her fury-filled aunt. But it seemed nothing would move her.

"I too was interested in your proposal, Princess Flurry," Merry replied. "But the Queen wants the Zebras more than potential monetary values."

"In respect to Queen Arcadia," Luna said. "It seems she has forgotten the roots to her upbringings."

Merry's response was an eerie hum before her eyes darted back down to the document in her hooves. She wasn't denying Luna's claim, that Queen Arcadia seems to have lost sense of what made her Queen in the first place. Luna wasn't the only one to notice that Queen Arcadia's adamant actions were more suited for a tyrant. Her fears were shared among the Queen's own subjects. Blinded by rage and anger, she forgot who she was before.

Merry moved forward. "Are there anymore offers you have on hoof to avoid war between our two countries."

Celestia sighed and answered, "We do not have much to offer Psera." Celestia sadly dropped the sheet she held in her hooves and watched it flutter to the table. "It seems that you treasure more physical assistance and growth than anything else."

"Our offer for monetary reimbursement still lies on the table. Someone has to pay and this must be settled."

"IHT doesn't have nearly enough to satisfy your request."

"Then we shall move on to our next order of business: The treaty." This was it, the time they've all been waiting and preparing for. A large case was slid in front of Merry Fire she unlocked and flipped open. Lying inside was a glass slab on foam, and in that glass slab lied an expertly crafted document. A single page that spelled their life and death.

Merry took out the glass slab and softly set it where the case lied before it was yanked from its place. "In exchange for the Zebras, The Senate Board of Psera and The Crown of Psera will forgive all signed members of IHT for interfering with warlike activities between Psera and Zebrica. All debts forged after assistance from Psera will be wiped, and the potential for any international relationship between our countries will be reviewed, such as trade and sciences, between all members."

That sounded good. Really good. So good, it may have been too good to be true. Celestia shared a look with Luna, Cadance, and Flurry before tuning back in on the reading.

"Queen Arcadia has also expressed free reign of her own magic library, as well as the outsourcing of jobs for any IHT member." Now it sounded too good to be true. Jobs with Psera? Access to Twilight's library? So much could be copied and taught here in the East! "But if you do not agree, Psera's military retains the right to invade your seas, borders, and buildings as an act of war for interfering in a battle. Psera will strike down upon you with the might of the Queen. And this time, we will not help you stand."

Merry set the protective glass down and pushed it forward. Her eyes were deep, "The Senate Board and The Crown are requesting signatures from all members of IHT. For those that do not sign, we will come to your country, let ourselves in and search. Any resistance from any nation will be met with a warring response. If you do not wish to go to war, I urge you sign the treaty, hoof over the Zebras, and take advantage of the kindness The Crown is offering you."

"And what of the Zebras?" Madam Singe asked. "If we hoof them over, then what happens to them?"

"The Queen has been rather reclusive regarding her plans once the Zebras have been apprehended. Alas, it will no longer be of your concern. Once the treaty is signed, you agree to hoof over the Zebras, no questions asked. You have access to Psera's knowledge, land, and a trade agreement in the near future. I urge you not to throw all of that away in favor of Zebrica's fairly mundane society."

The room's fire sizzled into the silence of ice. The atmosphere grew cold with the weight of their words. Either grow with the times or experience intended loss. The choice lied in front of them. Sign the agreement, or lose citizens.

IHT shared unsure glances. This was the moment when war would be declared. Where Queen Arcadia would send her armada of Aquatas across the seas into their territory for a fight against them. Where all of their military would come into action.

IHT shared firm and distinct nods amongst themselves with the same answer lying in their minds that Celestia voiced firmly.

"Tell Queen Arcadia..." She slammed her hoof down upon the table before her with the sound of a war drum. Her eyes narrowed with the ferocity of a bald eagle's. "That we will not submit to her terms if she intends to execute these ponies in fear. Freedom cannot be bought with promises of trade, debt relief, or jobs. Freedom is a right among all lives, and that this is not the way she was taught. Tell her that I am very disappointed. Tell your queen that we will not sign the treaty."

Merry pulled the glass slab back and stood from her seat. The decision was made. "Then you leave us no choice. Note the time, January 4th. As the representative to Psera, I, Princess Merry Cirleane Fire, has declared Prance, Equestria, North Neighton, South Neighton, Seaquestria, Mount Aris, Hoof Yun, Saddle Arabia, The Forgotten Land, Dragon Lands, and Zebrica enemies of the State. Psera is hereby declaring war!!"

She raised her hoof, for at the bang the reality of Psera's massive army would begin their movement across the seas. But right before she dropped it, before making contact with the table, a snow white hoof shot out and stopped it right before it touched the table.

Merry followed it up to Crystaltite and her eyes. They stared ahead. Fierce, unmoving, listening. "What is it?" Merry queried.

She didn't answer. Too focused on the magic in the air and what she was understanding. But her face expressed confusion and interest. Soon, she turned to Merry and whispered in her ear. Something that made her eyes widen and her hoof to fold in. Whatever was going on interested the rest of the hall's inhabitants.

After a moment, Merry leaned away from Crystaltite. "Really?" She whispered.

At her nod, Merry faced IHT and cleared her throat. "You are extremely and conveniently fortunate today. At the last minute, Queen Arcadia has had a change of heart, and has decided to weight your offer for Real Estate with the rest of The Senate Board. As of this time, we are at a stand still; a Cold War."

Celestia didn't even realize she was holding her breath until she flopped down into her seat and let it all out. They were saved by Twilight once more, despite, ironically, her being the reason they were here about to wage war against the other.

Since she was out of commission, Consort Snow asked in her place, "What? How? Why?"

Princess Merry shrugged and answered, "I wish I could answer your question, but I honestly have no clue. But her message has been passed on to us: She will bring your offer to The Senate Board and we will wait on Equestria's borders until Psera replies. Perhaps there is still hope to determine what is truly right and what is wrong in this world."

It worked after all, and a second no less. Princess Flurry Heart was hoping that Aunt Twilight would see the gain from her plan. But now only one problem remained: What land could they offer them? What form of real estate could they offer to appease a nation that already has everything they could ever want?

Author's Note:

They averted disaster for the time being, but now what? What's next for Queen Arcadia? And will she be able to control her fury against the Zebras long enough to forge the treaty between IHT and Psera?