• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,190 Views, 120 Comments

A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 1: The Force will guide me

Author's Note:

Well, here it is, my own crossover with Star Wars. I hope all of you will enjoy this, this is my second story I started writing on. I hope you'll enjoy it.

All rights, stories and characters belong to Lucasarts and Disney. May the story of Star Wars grow beyond the stars.

All rights, stories and characters of My Little Pony belong to Hasbro

From below the stars, of a jungle planet, known as Endor, home of the Ewoks, small native critters who in hand, helped a large number of people from different worlds, known as the Rebellion, defeated the tyranny of the Empire, and freed the galaxy of their endless torment. With the Emperor gone, the Empire is left in shambles as many worlds now stood up to the Empire, whilst the remnants of their fleets were scattered and were trying to keep certain footholds of the galaxy. The worlds from every world; Coruscant, Tatooine, Cloud City, Naboo. Kashyyk, Lothal, Ryloth, Kamino and many others, celebrated and rejoiced over the defeat of the Emperor.

The Rebels celebrated with the Ewoks, as many rejoiced in laughter, dancing and music, especially the Rebels thanking each other as they embraced them in their arms. The heroes of the Rebellion; Han Solo, Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, and finally, Luke Skywalker, were praised as the heroes of the Rebellion, and soon, the New Republic.

However, the next morning, the Rebels packed up their things and left for their homes to start rebuilding the Republic back to its former glory. But whilst things were underway, Luke decided to teach Leia the ways of the Force, and also trained her as a Jedi, knowing that she will have to face certain trails in the future. Luke on the other hand, stood near one of the balconies, watching the sunrise, as if he was back home on Tatooine.

‘Master Luke?’ said a robotic, but familiar voice. Luke partially turned around, and saw it was 3PO. ‘Are you alright?’

He noticed that 3PO wasn’t alone, for Han, Leia and the others were there with him, wondering what Luke was thinking.

‘You okay there kid?’ said Han Solo, mostly Luke’s rival, but also best friend, taking a step forward, also wondering if he was okay ‘You barely said anything since you came back from the Death Star.’

‘A lot had been on my mind recently.’ said Luke as he looked back at the horizon ‘I’ve decided to leave.’

‘Excuse me kid?’ said Lando when he was surprised by what Luke had said ‘Why?’

Luke turned around as he faced them, telling them what was on his mind. ‘With both the Emperor and my father gone, and the Empire are left in shambles, every world is now free from their grasp. But the galaxy will look to all of you to rebuild the Republic to its former glory.’

Chewbacca asked Luke in his native tongue what he was going to do, with Luke answering ‘To rebuild the Jedi Order.’

The others had a hard time grasping what he had in mind, but Leia only smiled when she knew the path her brother was going to walk on ‘Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the force. Which is why I have to leave, to find a way to rebuild what had been lost since the fall of the Jedi Order.’

‘But where will you go from here?’ asked Han ‘There’s not much knowledge to find on the Jedi Order. And you can forget about going back to the temple on Coruscant. Even though the Emperor’s gone, the Imperials still remain in control there, even the Emperor used that temple as his own personal office.’

‘The only thing I can do, Han,’ said Luke as he had some kind of idea ‘Is to trust enough in the Force to guide me to where I need to go.’

Luke looked at Artoo, gaining the droid’s attention as he said ‘Artoo, ready my ship, we’ll be leaving soon.’

Artoo beeped, responding to Luke’s command.

1 hour later

Sure enough, Luke’s friends, even Wedge Antilles and Admiral Ackbar, came to see him off. One by one, each of them embraced Luke as he bid them farewell.

‘Do look after him Artoo.’ said 3PO when he greeted Artoo ‘I’ll miss you terribly.’
Artoo beeped, knowing that the feeling was mutual.

Han was the first to hug Luke, then broke it as he said ‘Don’t forget about us kid. And if you’re ever in trouble, just know that Chewie and I aren’t far behind.’

Chewbacca made a happy grunt as he hugged Luke, with Luke managing a slight giggle. ‘I will, and thank you.’

Luke hugged Lando next, with Lando telling him ‘Even though we’ve only met for such a short time kid, just know that you’ll always have a home to come back to. If you ever miss it, that is.’

‘Don’t worry, I understand.’ said Luke with a smile.

Wedge walked over and shook Luke’s hand. ‘Just so you know sir, I wouldn’t be here if it weren't for you. Just so you’ll know, if you also need help, we’ll be there.’

‘Thanks Wedge.’ said the smiling Luke.

Admiral Ackbar was next up to step forward, and personally shook Luke’s hand. ‘It’s been an honor fighting alongside you, Master Skywalker.’

Luke agreed as he said ‘The feeling’s mutual Admiral Ackbar.’

Luke greeted Leia last. She looked worried, afraid that she’ll never see her brother again. But Luke only smiled as he said ‘This is never goodbye Leia.’

‘I know.’ said Leia as she smiled. ‘I just wished I could go with you.’

‘You already learned what you need to know about the ways of the Force.’ said Luke as he reassured her ‘That is why I trust you that you will be a great leader for the Republic. The galaxy couldn’t be in better hands.’

The two of them embraced their sibling hug. After half a minute, Luke broke the hug as he looked at his sister and friends one last time. Luke turned around and made for his X-Wing, whilst Artoo was climbing on board as well. After Luke boarded, he activated his ship, priming the engines.

‘Luke.’ said Leia, gaining her brother’s attention. Leia only smiled as she said ‘May the Force be with you.’

‘Thank you Leia,’ said Luke as he replied ‘May the Force be with all of you. And I will return, I promise.’

Luke took control of his ship, allowing his X-Wing to be raised in the air, and fly right towards the sky. Sure enough, he began to leave the atmosphere and the planet behind, whilst the Rebel ships held their position as they prepare their forces to make their way towards other systems.

After they were cleared, Artoo beeped, asking Luke where they were going.

‘That I am not sure Artoo,’ said Luke, whilst he piloted his ship ‘We just have to trust in the Force and know where to go from here.’

Luke slowly closed his eyes and concentrated. His thoughts continued to echo throughout the Force, trying to determine where to go next. Before he realized it, he felt a tremor in the Force, allowing him to slowly open his eyes, knowing where to go.

‘Artoo,’ said Luke as he gained his friend’s attention. ‘Is there any Imperial presence on Pillio?’

Artoo beeped, as it told Luke that there weren't any and the planet’s un colonized.

‘Alright then, set a course for Pillio.’ said Luke as he worked on the controls ‘We found a way.’

As the X-Wing continued to fly, the engines primed as they went into overdrive, allowing the ship to jump to Hyperspace, disappearing without a trace.

Sure enough, he arrived near the planet Pillio. Luke continued to pilot his X-Wing towards the planet. He looked at his scanners, and noticed that it was all clear, but noticed that there were indigenous life on the planet. After Luke passed the planet’s atmosphere, he looked upon the planet’s surface and noticed that there was a clearing below him. He flew down towards the clearing and was able to make a safe landing. Whilst he turned the engines of his ship off, Artoo climbed off of the ship and moved towards the edge in order to take in the scenery.

Luke only smiled and nodded his head as he watched Artoo enjoying himself. As he climbed off the ship, he suddenly stopped. Through the Force, he felt something coming. ‘I sense…that we’re not alone.’

Luke heard the sound of engines from a shuttle. He walked towards Artoo as he spotted what was coming; a pair of Imperial Shuttle, slowly descending as it was about to make a landing. Luke stood next to Artoo and watched as the shuttle was slowly landing from afar.

‘If the Empire’s here,’ said Luke as he watched the sky, with Artoo by his side ‘Then what I sensed is true. There must be something special about this place.’

Artoo beeped, wondering what they were going to do next. Luke turned around to face his robot friend.
‘You stay here Artoo,’ said Luke as he instructed his friend ‘Their scanners probably spotted us.’

As Luke moved forward, and Artoo staying behind, the Astro droid worries for Luke’s safety as it asked him to be careful.
‘I’ll be find Artoo’ responded Luke as he moved forward ‘You stay here, alright?

Luke left Artoo with the ship as he went on ahead. He followed a path leading straight towards the Imperial Shuttle. Following the ridge path, he slowly stood near a ledge and watched from above as a handful of Storm Troopers were all over the place. But thankfully, he spotted two more Storm Troopers regrouping with the others as he heard them talk.

‘So remind me what we’re doing here?’ said the first Storm Trooper to the second.

‘We’ve had orders to come here and secure this sight, that’s it.’ said the second, which was clearly a female.

‘I don’t get why we have to follow some agent to this place.’

‘You’ll do well to keep quiet, do you know who that is?’


‘That happens to be an agent of Inferno Squad.’

‘Versio’s group?’ said the first Storm Trooper.

‘Precisely,’ said the second ‘And if the Admiral ordered him to come here, then we are not to question his orders.’

Luke cupped his chin whilst he was deep in thought. ‘Hmm, Looks like the Empire is searching for something too.’

However, one of the Storm Troopers spotted Luke and shouted “Intruder!!’

The Storm Troopers looked above and saw Luke. ‘Sith Spit.’ he said to himself.

‘Fire!!’ shouted the Storm Trooper Lieutenant.

Luke immediately jumped off the ledge whilst trying his best to avoid enemy fire. By jumping off the ledge, Luke immediately pulls out and activates his green Lightsaber, surprising the Storm Troopers.
‘It’s a Jedi!!’ shouted one of the Troopers.

As Luke landed, he sliced one Trooper to the left, one Trooper to the right, and Force Pushed the one in the middle, sending the Trooper flying against a shuttle the moment he crashed against it. Seeing what was going on, the rest of the Storm Troopers advanced. They attacked all around, but Luke blocked their fire with his Lightsaber, killing two Strom Troopers, whilst he spun around to continue blocking their attacks whilst he sliced one, then the other. He jumped up in the air and used a Force Pulse on the ground, causing the Storm Troopers to be knocked sideways. Luke darted his way towards the Storm Troopers guarding the entrance.

A sniper tried to shoot, but Luke deflected it, killing the sniper trying to kill him. A handful of jetpack troopers tried to kill him from above, but Luke used the Force to pull them and throw them towards the Storm Troopers on the ground. He continued to dart towards them, slicing one to the left, then one to the right, then one up front. He Force Pushed a handful of them again as they crashed against the mountain wall.

Luke made his way towards the tunnel entrance, until an Imperial Officer tried to stop him. ‘Hold it right there!!’ he shouted, causing him to shoot, but Luke deflected it, killing the Officer as the blaster round struck his chest.

Luke sighed, knowing that he didn’t enjoy this kind of fight. ‘This isn’t what I wanted.’

He continued to make his way through the tunnel, following the path that he hope would lead him to where he should go. But as he continued his path, he felt a disturbance in the force. ‘There’s something down here. Something…unnatural. Is that what called to me? Perhaps it was something more.’

Luke continued to make his way towards an opening ahead. But as he was able to get a better view, he saw the Storm Troopers, fighting off what appeared to be large bugs. Luke guessed that the bugs didn’t like intruders and they would kill anyone on sight.

‘Looks like I’m not the only one who wishes the Empire wasn’t here.’ said Luke to himself, seeing how the fighting got worse.

When all of a sudden, he heard shouting, coming from one of the tunnels. Was the agent also down here? He had to be sure.

The agent on the other hand, was not having a good day. He was trapped in whatever fungus he was in, whilst the Storm Troopers who accompanied him, were all dead. He struggled to get loose, whilst he tried to call for help.

‘Hello?!’ shouted the agent, trying to call for help ‘Can anyone hear me!!’

He struggled to get lose still, until he saw someone up ahead, coming from the light of the tunnel. ‘Who are you?’ said the agent, wanting to know who was coming.

‘I heard you call out.’ said Luke as he revealed himself ‘Sounded like you needed help.’

‘Yeah I do.’ responded the agent as he looked at Luke ‘You think you can get me out of this?’

Luke took a quick glimpse behind him, wanting to make sure no one would ambush them. He then made his way towards the agent, whilst at the same time, he pulled out his Lightsaber. ‘Hold still.’ he replied, whilst he activated his Lightsaber.
With his Lightsaber, Luke used it to carefully carve the hardened fungus, allowing the agent to use all his strength to pull himself free. Sure enough, the fungus shattered, freeing the agent. However, he was instantly cautious, for he knew all too well who the person was standing before him.

‘I know who you are,’ replied the agent, keeping an eye on him ‘Why’d you help me?

‘Because you asked.’ said Luke with a straight face.

However, before they could continue with their conversation, the large bugs that the Storm Troopers have fought before, burst through the cave walls, gaining both the agent and Luke’s attention. Luke armed himself with his Lightsaber, preparing for combat.

‘No, no, no, no,’ said the agent as he gained Luke’s attention. ‘That won’t do it. This will.’

The agent instantly tossed a Thermal Detonator towards the bugs. ‘No wait!!’ shouted Luke, but it was too late as the grenade went towards the bugs, causing it to explode.

The detonator may have destroyed the bugs, but in doing so, it ended up cracking and splitting the ground they were standing on in two, causing them to fall in. The two of them continue to fall from a large height. The agent fall against part of the cave wall, and onto a puddle, making him groan on impact, whilst Luke used the Force to stop himself before he made impact.

The agent looked up, and gasped when he saw the rocks were about to fall on him, until they suddenly stopped. The agent looked at Luke, whom was using the Force to save the agent’s life. Luke pulled the rocks away from the agent and landed it next to him.

As Luke placed his Lightsaber away, the agent groaned whilst he slowly tried to get up. That was, until Luke walked over and offered him a hand of assistance. Though he was still cautious, the agent was grateful that Luke saved his life, thus allowing his assistance. Luke helped the agent stand on his two feet. They looked at each other for a brief moment, until Luke walked over to pick up what appeared to be the agent’s blaster.

‘I’ve heard a hundred stories about the Jedi,’ said the agent as he watched Luke. ‘They terrified me as a boy on Coruscant, but you…’

Luke picked up the agent’s blaster and looked at it, then to the agent. Luke managed a smile and walked over to the agent and presented him his blaster.’ Come on. We need to work together if we’re going to get out of here.’

The agent accepted his blaster back, which allowed the two of them to focus on the path ahead, hoping not to run into the bugs. They continued their path forward as Luke was the first to respond.

‘You’re looking for something.’ said Luke as he walked ahead. ‘So am I. It seems the Force has brought us together.’

‘Heh,’ said the agent when he chuckled a bit ‘What a stroke of luck.’

‘There’s always more to it than luck.’ said Luke whilst he was focused on the path ahead.

‘Right, the Force.’ said the agent as he had a hard time believing him. ‘Is that what got you past my men, or was it the Lightsaber in your hand?’

‘I’m sorry.’ said Luke as he was apologizing ‘It’s not what I wanted.’

‘Then why am I still alive?’

‘They didn’t give me a choice. You did.’

The two of them continued down the path of the cave, until Luke spoke.

‘I didn’t quite catch your name.’ said Luke as he partially looked at him.

‘Del,’ said the agent as he gave him his name ‘Del Meeko.’

‘Good to meet you Del.’ said Luke, continuing on the path ahead.

Sure enough, half an hour later, they arrived at the Emperor’s observatory. After fighting some bugs and deactivating most of the defenses, they were able to make it to the door. However, the bugs suddenly flew away, not wanting to be near the place.

Del looked at the door as he said ‘Whatever’s inside these doors. Those bugs don’t like it.’

However, when Del stood in front of the doors, he noticed that there was no access panel or anything else that would allow him to open the door. ‘There’s nothing on this thing. How am I supposed to open it?’

‘With a key.’ Luke responded. He reached out his left hand and closed his eyes. He used the Force to open the door, taking Del by surprise as he looked at it.

After the door was opened, Del looked at the door as he asked ‘Why would the Emperor have a vault that can only be opened using the Force?’

‘Why do you think?’ said Luke as he approached the entrance.

Del looked at him surprised as he asked ‘You’re telling me the man who destroyed the Jedi Order is secretly one of them?’

‘No,’ said Luke as he stopped and looked at Del ‘I’m telling you that as a boy on Coruscant, you were frightened of the wrong thing.’

Sure enough, as they got inside, they saw many caskets, as well as a few leftover droids. From what one would call the “Spoils of war”, which was uncharacteristic, even for the Emperor. As Luke used the Force to look for something, Del looked around and was unimpressed.

‘There’s nothing dangerous in here,’ said Del as he looked around ‘The Emperor is protecting, junk.’

Luke continued to observe one of the crates. Until he stopped and felt something, allowing him to approach the crate and was about to open it. ‘This is all worthless.’ said Del when he felt like his mission was for nothing.

The moment Luke opened the crate, he saw something that caught his attention. ‘Not all of it.’ he responded whilst picking up what appeared to be a large circular object.

Del noticed what Luke was holding and was curious as he said ‘What is that?’

Luke looked at Del and asked ‘I’d like to keep this Compass. If you don’t mind.’

Del walked over to Luke and said ‘My mission is to destroy this place. Why would I let you do that?’

‘Because I asked.’ said Luke. Del gave it some thought, and because he saved his life, Del nodded yes, with Luke being thankful as he said ‘Thank you.’

Luke walked towards the door, with Del watching him. But Luke stopped as he said ‘I won’t stop you from destroying this vault. But wouldn’t you say that the Empire has done enough damage to innocent worlds?’

Luke walked away, whilst Del held onto the explosive he was holding, having second thoughts.

Fifteen minutes later…

Both Luke and Del walked out of the caves as they were finally above the surface. As they walked together, Luke said to him ‘I’m glad we were brought together Del.’

‘So what happens now?’ said Del whilst he was unsure ‘We both walk off in separate directions and pretend like this never happened?’

Luke chuckled a bit as he responded ‘I don’t think you can. There’s still conflict in you.’

‘Of course there is.’ said Del as he and Luke stopped, looking at one another. ‘I’m not blind, I know what the Empire is capable of. But what else is there?’

Luke turned to him as he smiled. ‘A choice.’

‘The Rebellion?’ said Del when he thought Luke was stating the obvious.

‘No,’ said Luke ‘A choice to be better. May the Force be with you.’

Del could only watch as Luke walked away, giving him some thought about what he said. But as Luke walked, he looked at the Compass he was carrying. But as he looked at it, he saw a secret compartment. Inside were a parchment of coordinates to what he guess would be from different planets, with a small note, saying that they were Jedi Temples.

‘If there are Jedi Temples on those worlds.’ said Luke to himself whilst he looked ahead ‘Then maybe I’ll be able to find what I’ve been looking for.’

Few months later…

Meanwhile, on the planet Takodana, Luke landed on the planet to take a break. He felt exhausted after traveling for so long. He sat underneath a large oak tree on a large hill, overlooking the lake, whilst he was eating a few sandwiches and drank some juice. Luke couldn’t help but admire the view of the place as he smiled.

‘I can see why Maz chose this place.’ said Luke to himself.


Luke to his left and saw Artoo coming. ‘What is it Artoo?’


‘Leia is contacting me?’ said Luke as he wondered what his sister wants. ‘Put her through.’

R2 displayed a hologram of Leia near him, whilst communications were now open between them.

‘Leia.’ said Luke as he placed his glass down ‘It’s good to see you again. I hope rebuilding the Republic hadn’t dampen your spirits yet.’

‘Thankfully not.’ said Leia as she chuckled ‘We may have a long way to go, but so far rebuilding the Republic Senate was not that hard of a task. Maintaining order however, is another.’

‘And the Empire?’ said Luke when he wondered what they were up to.

‘So far they hadn’t made our jobs any easier.’ said Leia with a sigh ‘We have recent reports that they were on a few Empire controlled worlds, but so far nothing.’

‘At least you’re on the right path.’ said Luke, whilst he also started to look onto the horizon, wanting to know what to do next.

‘Is something wrong?’ said Leia, knowing that Luke was troubled.

Luke decided to put her up to speed and wanted to know what he was busy doing. ‘After I left, I went straight for the planet Pillio. The Emperor has an observatory there, but I was also able to find what appeared to be a compass.’

Luke showed her the compass, as well as a list of what appeared to be coordinates of certain planets. ‘The compass had a secret compartment inside, revealing locations of a handful of Jedi Temples built by the first Jedi.’

‘What were you hoping to find?’ said Leia, knowing full well how important the mission is.

‘Finding what I need to rebuild the Jedi Order.’ said Luke as he placed the compass away.


‘So far I’ve got nothing.’ said Luke as he told her ‘Ahch-To had a temple, but it didn’t contain any knowledge there, Ryndellia’s temple was destroyed by a powerful storm, Tython has been destroyed during the last Sith War, the Temple on Toydaria had been raided by pirates during the last two decades. I had hoped the Temple of Takodana would still be here, but Maz told me that it was destroyed when an earthquake struck this world.’

‘Oh.’ said Leia when she realized that Luke had hit a stalemate. ‘So what will you do now?’

‘I don’t know.’ said Luke whilst he looked to the sky ‘For the first time in my life since after the Death Star’s destruction. I don’t know.’

‘Luke.’ said Leia whilst she gained his attention as he looked at her ‘You’ll find a way, you always have. When you left to face Vader, none of us thought that you’d make it. But in the end you came through. Because of you, the galaxy is in a much better place. You gave them hope when you destroyed the first Death Star, you inspired the entire galaxy that the Empire wasn’t invincible. So believe me when I say; I know you can figure this out. You can do this.’

Luke managed a smile as he looked at his sister. ‘Thanks Leia. I appreciate the pep talk.’

‘You’re welcome. And you know that if you need help, we’ll always be there.’

‘Thanks Leia.’

Leia managed a smile as she said ‘I’ll talk to you soon.’

After the transmission were cut, Luke took out the parchment of lists, each of them that he marked of the places where he had already been. ‘But where to go next.’ he wondered to himself.

As he held onto the parchment, he noticed something. The paper appeared to have been folded for some reason. As he was able to open it, he saw a new set of coordinates. He was surprised, for it appeared to be another set of coordinates to hopefully another Jedi Temple.

‘Artoo?’ said Luke, gaining the droid’s attention as he moved over to him. ‘Can you help pinpoint this set of coordinates?’

Sure enough, R2 was able to display a hologram of the entire galaxy. It added the coordinates that Luke had held onto. But to his surprise, it was beyond the galaxy’s border, way past the place called the “Unknown Regions”. ‘It’s that far away?’ said Luke as he looked at the map. ‘Why would the first Jedi have traveled to such a place very far from here?’

‘Found something, have you?’ said a voice, gaining Luke’s attention whilst R2 deactivated the galaxy map. When Luke turned around, he saw that Maz was there, walking over towards him.

‘Yes. I believe it’s a location to another Jedi Temple, but this one is different.’

‘Oh?’ said Maz as she was very curious.

‘The last temple is located beyond the galaxy map,’ said Luke whilst explaining to her ‘Beyond the “Unknown Regions”. I was wondering why the first Jedi would built a temple this far away.’

‘If you ask me, it’s a very smart thing.’ said Maz when she heard Luke correctly about the Jedi Temple’s location. ‘When the Empire took over, they used the Jedi Archives to track down and either harvest or destroy the Jedi Temples, so that there would be no Jedi to rise up against the galaxy. The Temple that was built there, would most likely be stored in a place where it would be away from the eyes of evil.’

‘I suppose you’re right.’ said Luke when he realized that Maz has a point.

‘And when are you planning on leaving.’

‘Right now.’ responded Luke as he looked at his Red Five X-Wing, his pride and joy. ‘I just need to fuel up and I’ll be ready to…’

He heard Maz chuckling, gaining his attention. ‘With only that?’

‘What?’ said Luke when he wondered what she meant by it.

‘No offense Skywalker,’ said Maz ‘But if you will be gone for that long, at least take enough food, medicine and parts to go with you on your journey.’

‘But…’ said Luke when he realized that there wasn’t enough room.

‘I have just the thing.’ said Maz as Luke realized that she seemed excited with something ‘Follow me.’

She led Luke straight towards one of her hangers. When they arrived, he was extremely surprised to see what was right in front of him. It was a ship the same size as the Millennium Falcon, but very different.

‘Is that…?’ said Luke whilst he was surprised to see what kind of ship it is.

‘Indeed.’ said Maz as she explained ‘That there happens to be the Ebon Hawk, which was piloted by none other than both Revan and the Exile. It was lost through the ages, but one day my friends found this on a remote planet, partially in shambles, so they brought it back to me as a gift.’

‘And you were able to fix it?’ said Luke whilst R2 also arrived.

‘That I did.’ said Maz as she explained ‘The engines are equipped with a new engine called the Class 5.2 sub light engines, a newly advance TTQP9 Hyper drive. Equipped with Quad laser cannons, concussion missile tubes, as well as a blaster cannon. It even has two quad laser cannons from top to bottom. The steering handles like a dream, its computers and systems highly advance with its own office. It also has two port and starboard crew quarters, a galaxy map at the center, storage compartments for your Lightsaber and robot hand, as well as parts for Artoo. It even has a medical bay, engineering, as well as two compartments, containing twice as many supplies as food and medicine and parts that you will need.’

‘Maz…’ said Luke when he was amazed by the design ‘This is amazing.’

‘It really is.’ said Maz as she looked at it ‘It’s more advance and powerful than both the Ghost and the Millennium Falcon combined.

She then whispered to Luke. ‘But don’t tell Han or Hera, the two of them would be jealous beyond recognition.’

Luke chuckled as he agreed with her. ‘Oh, I’ll take your word for it.’

Maz then placed her hand on Luke’s hand. ‘It’s my gift to you. You can use it on your travels.’

Luke smiled as he stood on his one knee. ‘Thank you Maz. I’ll never forget this kindness.’

‘Because you brought hope back to the galaxy.’ said Maz as she placed her hands on his shoulders. ‘It’s the least I can do.’

However, unknown to them, one of the crewmembers snuck its way towards the ship and placed what appeared to be a tracker on top of one of its landing gear. The crewmember quickly walked away before he was discovered.

‘Come on Artoo,’ said Luke as he walked towards the ship ‘We’ve got a mission.’

Artoo beeped, knowing that it was going to be quite an adventure. Both Luke and Artoo were at the pilot seat and activated the ship. Sure enough, the ship slowly rose itself, hovering high above the hanger, turned to a different direction, and flew straight towards the sky. The ship was able to leave Takodana, making its way towards space and beyond.

‘Wow,’ said Luke as he was amazed ‘Maz was right, this thing really does handle like a dream.’

Luke continued to pilot to ship, and thanks to R2, it was really easy to control.

‘Artoo.’ said Luke as he looked at R2 ‘Is the coordinates to the sixth temple in place?’


‘Alright, good.’ said Luke as he looked ahead. ‘Then let’s get going.’

Luke activated the ship’s hyper drive. And within mere seconds, the ship jumped into Hyperspace.

As the ship traveled, Luke decided to meditate in order to pass the time. He kept his eyes closed, using the Force to try to see the future, but it was proven difficult than he realized. Artoo suddenly came in, gaining Luke’s attention.

‘What is it Artoo?’ said Luke after he stood up.


‘We’re almost there?’ said Luke as he walked ahead. ‘Good, let’s get ready.’

Sure enough, the ship jumped out of Hyperspace, arriving at its destination. Luke looked above the planet’s surface, and realized that it was much different than any world he’s ever been to.

‘This world is…not like I’ve ever seen before.’


‘No, we don’t want to frighten the locals.’ said Luke whilst he looked at the planet. He looked at the ship’s scanners and found something.

‘There happens to be a landing. I’ll try to make it there.

Without a word, Luke piloted the ship and flew towards the planet. For as soon as he would land, he would find the temple, and hoped that the Jedi Temple would still be there.