• Published 18th Apr 2020
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A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 9: Journey to the other side

Sure enough, after a long flight back to Ponyville, everyone entered Twilight’s castle. Luke was impressed by the architecture of the place as he said ‘This is quite an impressive Castle you have here.’

‘Thank you,’ said Twilight ‘I had trouble trying to make it my home ever since my old one got destroyed. But thanks to my friends, I was able to adjust to it very well.’

They entered another room, where the magic mirror had been placed, with Twilight showing it to him. ‘Through here.’

‘The mirror?’ asked Luke.

‘Do not let its appearance fool you Master Skywalker.’ said Celestia as she stood next to him. ‘This is actually a portal that leads to another world, paralleled to our own. In this world we are ponies, but our other selves are human.’

‘And you know about this world?’ asked Luke.

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia ‘My former student, Sunset Shimmer, learned so much about magic like Twilight. Unfortunately she wanted shortcuts and wanted to be a Princess too, which she wasn’t ready to be. So I denounced her as my student and forbade her to coming into the castle again. But by the time she was being escorted, she escaped through the mirror. But then it closed for another thirty moons, unable for me to go after her, or for her to come back home.’

‘When she stole my crown,’ said Twilight ‘I followed her there, only to discover she became a bully and drove everyone apart and ruined their friendships. So when I got there, I was able to reunite them. But she used the power of my crown to turn herself into a monster. And if it weren't for my new friends there, I wouldn’t have been able to stop her and restored her. So she chose to remain there to make up for her mistakes.’

‘And you’re still in contact with her?’ asked Luke.

‘Yes,’ said Twilight ‘We wrote to each other every now and then, and I was able to find a way to keep the portal open so that either of us could come visit.’

She then blushed as she admitted something else ‘Although, I wished I could’ve learned on how to control my human appendages a lot better than most.’

‘So we’re going to travel through the mirror?’ asked Rainbow ‘Cool.’

Luke then thought about something. If what he read was correct, they would transform into humans on the other side, but to be on the safe side, he contacted R2 as he said ‘Artoo, do you still have that portable satellite with you?’

R2 beeped a couple of times, confirming what Luke had said. ‘Could you bring it here please.’

R2 beeped as he said that he will do so. ‘What are you planning Master Skywalker?’ asked Luna.

‘Call it a hunch your highness.’ said Luke.

Sure enough, R2 arrived with what appeared to be a small portable satellite, causing them to be curious, but allowed Luke to perform his hunch.

‘Ready Artoo?’ asked Luke, causing R2 to beep in confirmation. ‘Then go ahead.’

Sure enough, R2 headed straight for the mirror, causing him to through it as he disappeared in a flash. Through the portal between Equestria and his destination, R2 screeched as if he was frightened, for he never experienced something like that before.

Canterlot High

At the doors of a familiar school, known as Canterlot High, many students were going towards the school, whilst six familiar girls stood near the entrance, waiting for someone.

‘Where could she be?’ asked a certain country girl, known as Applejack’s human counterpart.

‘Oh my, you don’t think something happened, did you?’ asked a shy girl, who is known as Fluttershy’s human counterpart.

‘She probably overslept her alarm again.’ said a certain rainbow haired girl, who is known as Rainbow Dash’s human counterpart.

When all a sudden, a certain girl came running, exhausted as she ran towards them. She stopped herself and panted a bit, nearly being out of air and all. ‘Sorry I’m late,’ said a fiery headed girl, known as Sunset Shimmer ‘I almost overslept.’

‘Told ya.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Now why would you almost be late darling?’ said a certain Fashionista, who is known as Rarity’s human counterpart.

‘She’s right,’ said a certain Brainiac of the group, who is known as Twilight’s human counterpart ‘You’re usually on time on a lot of things.’

‘Fell asleep doing my homework last night.’ said Sunset, until her stomach growled, gaining their attention whilst she held onto her stomach as she felt embarrassed ‘I was also in such a hurry, I kinda missed breakfast.’

‘No worries Sun/Shim’ said a certain poofy haired girl, who is known as Pinkie Pie’s human counterpart, whilst she handed a couple of breakfast muffins and some coffee to her ‘I gotcha covered.’

Sunset smiled and accepted them as she said ‘Thanks Pinkie Pie.’

‘Come on,’ said human Twilight ‘We’d better get going or we’re going to miss first period.’

But just as they climbed the stairs, the portal to Equestria suddenly shimmered, gaining Spike’s attention, surprising him when he realized something was coming through. Spike barked to get their attention, which it worked.

‘What is it…?’ said Twilight, but was stopped when she and the others instantly looked at the portal.

‘What in tarnation?’ said Applejack when she was surprised to see what was coming.

The portal shimmered for a few moments, until a certain droid, aka R2, popped right out of it as he pushed the portable satellite, surprising all of them as they couldn’t believe what they saw.

‘Is that a robot?’ asked Sunset.

R2 stopped at the center between the portal and CHS’ entrance, allowing him to program the satellite to do its work. Within a few seconds, the portable satellite launched it in the air, allowing it to fly towards space, surprising the girls when they saw the satellite flying up the sky. The satellite soon stopped the moment it was in outer space. It scanned the stars, allowing it to transfer data to R2 so that he could send it to Luke. After it was done, R2 turned around and went for the portal.

Rainbow Dash used her speed to quickly dash towards the portal and in front of R2 to keep him from escaping, causing him to stop. ‘Whoa there buddy,’ said Rainbow as she spread her arms to stop him ‘You’re not going…’

When all of a sudden, R2 pulled out a taser from its compartment, allowing him to shock Rainbow Dash, making her jump as she shouted ‘Ouch!!’

R2 chuckled as he went through the portal, which gained the others’ attention. ‘Did that robot just laugh?’ said Rarity surprised.

‘Oh my,’ said Fluttershy as she went over to Rainbow Dash. ‘Are you okay Rainbow?’

‘No,’ said Rainbow whilst she was rubbing her thigh ‘I just got zapped by a funny little robot.’

‘And it just went through the portal?’ said Applejack, with Sunset worrying that something might have happened in Equestria.

Twilight’s Castle

R2 soon appeared through the portal whilst everyone noticed he came back. ‘Any luck R2?’ asked Luke, causing R2 to beep in confirmation. ‘Good. At least I know now how to get there.’

‘Get where Master Luke?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘You’ll see,’ said Luke as some noticed that he couldn’t contain his smile ‘Come on, we’re going on another trip.’

But just before Twilight was going to question Luke, she heard her journal buzzing, allowing her to levitate it over and opened it.

‘Twilight,’ wrote Sunset as the words appeared on the journal ‘Did something happened in Equestria? I just saw a small robot appear and it suddenly went back? Did you see it?’

Twilight couldn’t help but smirk, seeing that Sunset had just stumbled upon R2. She wrote back as she said ‘I’ll explain as soon as I can Sunset. Right now, something important has happened. I’ll tell you when I get back.’. She then took the journal with her and ran outside to catch up with the others.

Sure enough, everyone entered the ship, with Luke asking R2 ‘Are the coordinates entered in navigations?’

R2 beeped in confirmation, with Luke saying ‘Then we have our way.’

Luke sat down on the pilot’s seat as they followed, with him looking back and said ‘I’d show you something amazing, but the cockpit’s not big enough for everyone, or can’t see what’s going on.’

‘Oh, no problem Luke.’ said Twilight, causing her to cast a spell, allowing the cockpit’s room to be widened, as well as the window, surprising Luke as Twilight said ‘I used a spell to enlarge the room for everyone to fit in. But don’t worry, you ship’s functions haven’t changed, so you won’t be able to have any problems.’

‘Oh, uh, thank you.’ said Luke, who was still surprised to see Twilight do that. As he typed a few buttons, he said ‘Artoo, let’s take off.’

R2 complied as he hacked into the ship to help them fly a bit easier. The ship slowly lifted itself and took off to the blue skies. Everyone watched as they continued to fly to the sky. It remained blue, until it faded away and revealed the darkness and the shining stars, taking them all by surprise when they saw them.

‘Are we…?’ said Twilight as she was surprised to see this.

‘Indeed Twilight,’ said Luke after he let out a chuckle ‘We are in space.’

Many were surprised to see the outer space, which they were still in awe over. As Luke continued to fly, he slowly began to set the coordinates, and as soon as the ship was on its course, Luke couldn’t help but smile as he said ‘You might wanna hang onto something.’

Luke slowly pulled the lever, showing the stars were growing brighter and were going faster, much to everyone’s surprise. And within a split second, the Ebon Hawk jumped through Hyperspace. As it did, it showed a great blue void whilst they saw them travel, taking everyone by surprise.

‘What magic is this?’ said Starswirl as he was taken aback by what he saw.

‘This is called Hyperspace.’ said Luke as he turned his chair around and explained things to them ‘When the galaxy wanted to expand and trade whatever they knew to one another, they developed technology that would allow us to go from one location to another. Without these, it wouldn’t taken us centuries to travel in light-years. But with the Hyper drive, we can now travel in a matter of minutes to a mere hour.’

‘Truly your galaxy has created amazing technology.’ said Celestia as she too was taken by surprised to see what was before her.

‘So where are we going if we aren’t going through the portal?’ said Twilight as she was curious.

‘You’ll see.’ said Luke before he turned his chair and looked at them ‘Do you think you can write to your friend to meet with us?’

Twilight was confused by what he meant, until Luke gestured to the Journal, much to Twilight’s surprise. ‘How did you…?’

‘I can sense the Force emanating through it,’ said Luke ‘Whatever magic you’re using, it must be a way to contact her.’ said Luke.

Twilight couldn’t wipe the look of surprise from her face, but shook her head as she looked at Luke. ‘Wow, you’re good.’

Twilight wrote down on the journal, writing if Sunset and the others have a free period. Once she was done, Sunset responded that they have free period in over an hour. ‘She’ll be available in the hour.’ said Twilight.

‘Tell her to wait outside,’ said Luke as he stood up, then looked at R2 as he said ‘Artoo, keep the ship on course.’

R2 beeped when he responded. ‘Hey, where are you going?’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at Luke.

‘To meditate,’ said Luke ‘Jedi tend to meditate to seek guidance from the Force in order to find our way.’

Luke stopped for a moment as he looked at them and said ‘Would all of you like to join me? You might learn something.’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Twilight as she and the others followed him.

As they were at the cargo hold, Luke sat down with his legs crossed, with the others joining him as they all sat down.

‘Now, the first thing we need to do is to close your eyes and clear your minds.’ said Luke, whilst at the same time, one by one, all of them began to close their eyes.

‘Just breathe.’ said Luke as he concentrated, with the others trying to do the same, especially Rainbow, considering she’s not the patient type. ‘Reach out with your feelings. Feel what you need to feel. See what you need to see.’

As they kept their eyes closed, they soon began to completely clear their minds and focused on what Luke was trying to show them. ‘What do you see? What do you feel?’

Luke could tell that most of them were having trouble. So he tried a bigger approach. ‘Feel far deeper than you could possibly imagine.’

They continued to keep their eyes closed and focused, teaching them the way of the Force, if what he felt in all of them was true as he instructed them.

‘Feel the stars shining on every corner of the galaxy and beyond.’

They felt every star, even if they were moving fast.

‘Feel every sun and moon from every system, shining brighter than you could’ve imagined.’

They felt the warmth of the sun and the light of the moon.

‘Feel the life of every world they shine upon.’

They felt the life of the planet, as if they were on it.

‘Feel the life on every piece ground of the planet.’

They felt the ground as if they were standing on it.

‘Feel the life of every plant life.’

They felt the plant life as if they were touching it.

‘Feel the life of every ocean.’

They felt the oceans as they crashed on the rocks or on the neighboring islands.

‘Feel the life of every air and wind.’

They felt the air blow on their faces, as if they could literally feel it.

‘But most importantly…feel the life of every living soul, living on their respected worlds, preserving their way of life, or trying to live it.’

They could see every different race throughout the Galaxy, going on with their daily lives.

‘Feel the Force.’

And in that instant, all of them could feel it. All of them could feel every inch of life throughout the galaxy, even every race that they’ve never seen before. From the youth to the old. One by one, all of them slowly opened their eyes as they were widened, amazed even, for what just happened. Sure enough, Luke opened his eyes as he looked at them.

‘This is amazing Tia.’ said Luna as she looked at her sister ‘I could feel it. I could feel all of it.’

Celestia looked at Luke in awe as she said ‘How is this possible?’

‘The Force lives in all of us your highness.’ said Luke ‘It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. And from what I could feel, it’s amazingly strong in all of you.’

Some were puzzled by what he meant, until R2 beeped, indicating that they’re close to their destination, allowing Luke to stand up and walk to the cockpit.

‘What,’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at him, prompting him to stop and look at her. ‘What do you mean that it’s strong in all of us?’

‘What I’m saying is,’ said Luke ‘If your world was known, your race and those beside them would’ve made excellent Jedi.’

As Luke walked to the cockpit, many looked at him in awe. If it were true, they would make great Jedi.

He soon sat down on his chair in order to take the controls from there. Some accompanied him to the cockpit to see where they would go next. As Luke and R2 drove the ship, they instantly stopped as they dropped out of Hyperspace, revealing a planet that was similar to Equestria, much to the others’ surprise.

‘Wow.’ said Twilight as she kept staring at the planet. ‘I never realized how beautiful this world be when I once visited.’

Luke closed his eyes in order to find Sunset. When he opened his eyes ten seconds later, he turned the ship to the right, heading to the direction Sunset and her friends would be.

Outside of Canterlot High

At the courtyard during their free period, Sunset and the others sat outside, following Princess Twilight’s instructions.

‘So, remind me again why we’re waiting out here?’ said the human Rainbow Dash whilst she was getting impatient.

‘Princess Twilight told us to meet out here during our free period.’ said Sunset whilst she patiently looks at the journal.

‘Good thing it’s the weekend tomorrow,’ said puppy Spike ‘You guys are luckily free on the weekends.’

‘How do you know that Spike?’ asked the human Twilight.

‘You’re not the only one who looks at a calendar ya know.’ said Spike as he crossed his paws together.

Sunset’s journal began to buzz, gaining her attention, causing her to quickly open up the journal. She then read out loud ‘Look up.’

But just before she was about to, they heard a loud noise. At first they looked around, until Sunset looked up and stared at it in awe. As she stood up, so did her friends the moment they saw it too. For coming from above was none other than the Ebon Hawk. It slowly hovered over the school, causing the others to run. By the time they got there, the Ebon Hawk had landed on the soccer field. At the same time, many more students quickly walked out to see what was going on, as well as stare out at the windows. Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna also got outside and were also stunned when they saw the ship.

‘Is…is that a spaceship?’ said a boy named Micro Chips after he adjusted his glasses right.

The ramp of the ship slowly opened, whilst a light shined through it as well. Out came a shadowy figure. It said ‘Take me to your leader.’

The human Pinkie Pie screamed out of fright as she hid behind Applejack, then shouted ‘Aliens!!’

The figure was silent, until it snickered and snorted, then jumped right out, revealing a certain pink poofy maned Earth Pony.

‘No silly filly, it’s just me, Pinkie Pie!!’ said Pinkie Pie before letting our her cute squee.

‘Oh, never mind them.’ said human Pinkie. The two of them darted towards one another and greeted each other with smiles.

‘Hey Pony me,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she rapidly shook her pony counterpart’s hoof ‘How are things going?’

‘Oh, we just made a new friend that came from the stars that’s trying to rebuild what was lost and told us the secrets he’s looking for is here and we decided to come help out.’ said Pinkie Pie with her usual bubbly self.

Many of the students were stunned to see what was right in front of them as they couldn’t believe their eyes. For there was another Pinkie Pie, but this one is a pony.

‘Huh,’ said one of the bulkier students known as Bulk Biceps ‘That’s something you don’t see every day.’

‘I mean we were also ponies for a while too,’ said another known as Trixie ‘So that’s no surprise there.’

Sure enough, Twilight climbed down through the ramp, much to Sunset’s surprise.

‘Princess Twilight.’ said Sunset as she waved her hand.

‘Sunset.’ said Twilight as she flew over and greeted Sunset with a hug. ‘It’s been a long time.’

‘It sure has.’ said Sunset, but then it finally hit her; Twilight wasn’t turned into a human. ‘Wait, how are you not a human, didn’t you travel through the mirror?’

‘Well no we didn’t, we didn’t even know how this was possible.’ said Twilight.

‘We?’ asked a puzzled Sunset.

‘I…kinda brought some company.’ said Twilight as she pointed at the ship.

One by one, the rest of Twilight’s friends, the Pillars, the Young Six, Spike, even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna climbed out of the ship as they made their way towards the courtyard. The students were all surprised to see more of them.

The Young Six were surprised to see them at first, with Smolder quirking an eyebrow as she said ‘Huh, so that’s the place Twilight told us about.’

Silverstream on the other hand got excited as she said ‘Oh my gosh, humans!!’

Silverstream instantly flew over and greeted them as she said ‘High every creature, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Silverstream.’

Many of the students were in awe to see a live hippogriff right in front of them.

‘Oh, my, gosh.’ said one of the students, which was the human version of Carrot Top. ‘A real life hippogriff.’

Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up, giving some a fright as she said ‘Yup a roomy, and that over there is a griffon, a dragon, a yak and a Changeling. And also the two over there are Alicorn Princesses and those over there are the Pillars of old.’

Sure enough, the students got all excited and gathered near them, wanting to know more about them. Some of the students were around the Mane 6 and Spike as they were fascinated to meet them, even Micro Chips and a handful of smart students were excited to talk to both Starlight and Sunburst.

Some students were also around the Young Six, enjoying to meet them for the first time. The teachers were having some great conversations with Starswirl and his fellow Pillars, as the Principles were talking to the Princesses.

‘So Twilight, what are you doing here? Not that I’m complaining of course.’ said Sunset.

‘Well…’ said Twilight, whilst R2 came out of the ship at the same time.

‘Hey!!’ shouted human Rainbow Dash ‘That’s the same little jerk that stung me!!’

Human Rainbow Dash well, dashed right on over and stood in front of R2 ‘You got some nerve showing up here!!’

‘Do not mind him, for he means well when it comes to a mission.’

Human Rainbow Dash looked up the ramp and were surprised to see Luke. He slowly walked down the ramp and stood next to Twilight with a smile on his face. Human Rainbow Dash slowly stood up and were surprised to see Luke, as well as the rest of Canterlot High when they saw Luke.

‘Twilight?’ asked Sunset when she noticed Luke ‘Who’s that?’

‘That,’ said Twilight as she smiled too ‘Is Luke Skywalker.’

Luke walked towards the others the moment he saw them. He stood in front of Sunset and said ‘Are you Sunset Shimmer?’

Sunset was a little surprised that he knew her name. ‘Uh, yes?’

‘My name is Luke Skywalker,’ said Luke ‘Twilight told me about you and the journey that led you here.’

Sunset felt a bit nervous that Luke would know some of her past. Until he placed his hand on her shoulder, surprising her as she looked at him, and noticed that he was smiling.

‘You have done much of the impossible and made up for your mistakes and you are on the right path.’ said Luke ‘For you are finally at peace with those around you, and you around them.’

Sunset couldn’t help but smile as she blushed, for what he said was truly high praise from him. Principle Celestia walked up to Luke and asked ‘Excuse me, but who are you?’

‘And why are you here?’ asked Vice-Principle Luna, who wondered who this mysterious visitor was.

‘I will explain what I can,’ said Luke ‘But can we talk in a place where we cannot be disturbed?’

The two heads of the school agreed and guided him to the principal’s office. Sunset then walked over to Twilight and asked ‘Twilight, how is this possible, and how are you not a human?’

‘I wondered that myself.’ said Twilight ‘But we have a reason to be here.’

Sure enough, Twilight explained to Sunset and her friends of how they met Luke, and discovered that he came from beyond their stars. She told them the history of the Jedi, the Republic, the Sith and the Empire.

She explained of how the Republic were formed, how the Jedi came to be, how they use a mysterious power called the Force, how some of the Jedi turned to darkness and became the first Sith Lords. Then a Sith named Darth Bane created the Rule of Two, where they would secretly plot their revenge against the Jedi and the Republic. However, as the thousand years of peace was among the Republic, there were still unrest, mainly when a Sith named Sideous was secretly manipulating others.

During the Jedi’s struggle to free a home occupied by the Trade Federation, they met Luke’s father, Anakin Skywalker, who later joined the Jedi ranks as a student. Overtime, the criminal kingpins were close to waging war, so a Chancellor, before he stood down, secretly asked one of the Jedi to help prepare an Army for the Republic, which was an army of Clones, created from the blood of a bounty hunter named Jango Fett.

The Jedi who tried to commission that said army was caught on very quick by a dark lord of the Sith named Sideous, who posed as a Senator. He secretly turned a Jedi named Dooku and killed the Jedi overseeing the project and planted mind control capabilities in their minds. By the time when the armies were ready, they were at war with the Separatists, a group of worlds who defected from the Republic. During the war, Dooku was killed, but in the end, Padme Amidala, Anakin’s wife, was pregnant and would die of childbirth. Sideous used that to his advantage and turned Anakin to the Dark Side. He used both Anakin, now known as Darth Vader, to lead the Clone army to kill the Jedi, using the mind control capabilities, as well as the deaths of many Jedi all over the galaxy.

The two surviving Jedi, Grand Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, were able to send a message to the surviving Jedi all over the galaxy to stay in hiding, but they had to face the Sith. Yoda tried to stop Sideous, but was forced to flee when it was too much for him. Anakin harmed his wife and Obi-Wan was forced to face him, with Anakin injured beyond recognition. He was donned in new armour and became Darth Vader, whilst Padme died of childbirth after giving birth to Twins, namely Luke and Leia. To protect them, the two of them were separated to different lives in order for them to remain safe from the Sith and the newly formed Empire.

Half the galaxy soon rose up against the Empire, known as the Rebel Alliance, and fought against the Imperials to a standstill. During that time, Luke had soon joined, but not after the death of Obi-Wan. During that time, they continued to fight, but Luke discovered Vader was his father, leaving him distraught.

Sure enough, the Rebellion were able to regroup to mass an attack on the Emperor’s space station, whilst Luke would face his father one more time. After the intense duel, Luke was able to confront his father and defeat him. But just as the Emperor was about to kill him, Luke’s father saved him by sacrificing his life. In the end, Vader was saved and passed away, with Luke giving him a proper burial. The Rebellion on the other hand were finally able to defeat the Empire, freeing the Galaxy from his tyranny.

After they celebrated, Luke set out to rebuild the Jedi Order, but the other temples were a no go, but he discovered that there was a temple somewhere in Equestria. So after he bumped into them, they accompanied him to the original home of the Pony tribes and found so many temples and clues, even many things that were brought from all over the galaxy.

‘So that’s why we’re here.’ said Twilight as she had just finished her story.

The EG Mane 7 were greatly surprised to hear this.

‘Okay, wow.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she was surprised to hear this.

‘Yeah,’ said Applejack ‘We fought the Dazzlings, saved our Twilight from the magic that consumed her, saved Camp Everfree and Gloriosa, stopped Juniper Montage, encountered that there memory stone with Wallflower, that whole business at Equestria Land, the Spring Break Yacht and the music festival. But this is a whole new level.’

‘With an actual alien with us.’ said Pinkie as she held Applejack close.

‘I’m not so sure about that Pinkie,’ said human Twilight ‘He looks more human than any of us here. But I have to agree with Sunset, how come you guys didn’t turn into your human selves when you came here?’

‘I’m not sure about that myself.’ said Twilight as she was lost in thought.

‘I can answer that.’ said Luke as he had just finished talking to Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna. ‘When Princess Twilight mentioned about her friend remaining on another world, I had a theory, so I asked Artoo to deploy a portable satellite to scan the stars and location they were on. After we had the coordinates, we came here via ship.’

Twilight was deep in thought about this, until her eyes widened as she then realized it. ‘So in other words, when we travel through the mirror, which was a gateway to another world.’

Sunset also realized this. The two of them instantly spoke together as they were face to face ‘The mirror as a gateway to other worlds that are beyond the stars. This is amazing!’

Both Rainbow Dash and her human counterpart scoffed as they rolled their eyes, slightly amused as the two said at the exact same time ‘Eggheads.’

‘So why else are you here?’ said Sunset.

‘Well we’ve been following clues that would lead to the location of the Jedi Temple.’ said Sunburst.

‘We followed them from Canterlot and the original homes of the Pony Tribes.’ said Starlight ‘The next clue led us to this world. Luke believes that there is another hidden tomb that would lead them straight to the Jedi Temple.’

‘Why would they come here?’ asked Sunset.

Spike walked over and gave them the scrolls they gathered so far, the one he was lucky enough to translate so that Sunset and the others could read it as he said ‘From what the first Jedi described, they said that they followed the Ponies from the Pony Tribes to this world, saying that no one would find them, considering that this world’s magic would be too weak to use.’

Sunset and the others looked at the scrolls and the clues they went through. ‘Wonder why the Jedi would think hiding them here would be a good idea.’ said human Twilight as she adjusted her glasses.

‘She has a point darlings,’ said human Rarity ‘We had to deal and face every single person who wielded Equestrian Magic because of their own greed, arrogance and jealousy. I could not begin to imagine why anyone would use what knowledge they hid.’

‘Learning the ways of the Force is not an easy feat,’ said Luke ‘Only those who are Force Sensitive, can use it. Light and Dark, it does not matter, power like this falling into the wrong hands could spell disaster to those who couldn’t wield it properly.’

‘I know that feeling.’ said human Twilight, remembering the time she wielded Equestrian Magic because of peer pressure, as well as her unhealthy thirst for knowledge for understanding magic.

‘Nevertheless,’ said Luke as he walked over to a different spot ‘I must consult this with the Force.’

Luke took a few steps, then was able to sit down with both his legs crossed and his hands rested on his knees. He closed his eyes, trying to concentrate with the aid of the Force. Sunset and the others were curious of what he was doing.

‘Uh, what is he doing?’ asked human Twilight.

‘He’s using the Force.’ said Twilight.

‘You sure?’ asked Sunset, feeling a little skeptical.

‘I’ve felt it Sunset.’ said Twilight as she looked at her ‘We all have. It’s incredible. There’s so much life. We could feel an entire galaxy.’

They were greatly surprised by what Twilight had said, until Pinkie pointed out as she said ‘Ooh, he’s all floaty again.’

They saw Luke slowly hovering in the air, whilst he was glowing blue, concentrated as his thoughts were deep enough in the Force, which would allow him to focus on what he is looking for, surprising the EG Mane 7 when they saw Luke floating and glowing like that, for what he did is truly amazing.

After five minutes of floating, Luke finally landed on both his feet and opened his eyes. He walked back over to the group, saying ‘I know where we need to go next.’

‘Where to?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook as she and the others regrouped.

Luke looked at R2 and said ‘Artoo, can you display this world’s map please?’

R2 beeped and displayed a hologram of the entire planet, which took all of them by surprise. Luke looked at the planet as he observed it. He then placed his hand on to the part where they needed to go.

‘We need to be, right here.’ said Luke as he pointed on the map. Within an instant, it showed a map of the entire country.

As the map zoomed in closer, revealing the outskirts of Canterlot City. The map went further down, until finally, it was able to reach to a small area. The EG Mane 7 instantly recognized the place.

‘Camp Everfree?’ said the EG Mane 7 as they were surprised.

‘You know of the place?’ asked Luke.

‘Sure do.’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘That’s where the camp is. We went there last year to relax, then we ended up finding these.’

They showed them their geodes as Sunset explained ‘When we gained them we were able to gain certain abilities.’

‘Certain abilities?’ asked Starswirl as he looked at them ‘What kind of abilities?’

One by one, each of them told them their abilities.

‘I can talk and communicate to animals.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘I can make things explode.’ said human Pinkie pie as she demonstrated by throwing candy in the air.

‘I have super strength.’ said human Applejack.

‘I can make diamond shields.’ said human Rarity as she demonstrates.

‘I can run superfast.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she shows off.

‘I can read people’s thoughts by mere touch.’ said Sunset Shimmer.

‘I can lift things with my magic.’ said human Twilight.

‘Interesting.’ said Stygian when he was fascinated by what he was seeing. ‘Where did they come from?’

Luke sensed something before anyone could give him an answer. He looked at the school, but what he could feel came from the other side.

‘I think I can provide the answer.’ said Luke as he headed straight for the source, gaining the others’ attention.

Sure enough, all of them were at the front of the school. Luke climbed to the top of the pedestal where the Wondercolt statue used to be. He looked at something for a few moments. He then looked at them and said ‘I think I found the source of where your magic came from.’

Sure enough, Sunset, Twilight, Celestia and Starswirl were at the top of the pedestal, looking at what appeared to be a crack. But that’s not what shocked them, what shocked them was the rainbow trail inside.

‘The portal to Equestria!!’ said Twilight.

‘Whatever happened here,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘At one point it was not working, but after the statue got destroyed and the portal restored, it must’ve began to leak through.’

‘So that’s how Equestrian magic kept appearing all over the place.’ said Sunset as she pounded her fist into her hand ‘The portal must’ve been the one who sent us our geodes to Camp Everfree.’

‘Interesting.’ said Starswirl as he observed it ‘So it would explain how magic was able to exist in this world.’

‘It would explain the handful of threats this world has, as well as when the Storm King’s lightning magic had leaked through to where your spring break happened.’ said Celestia.

‘But how did it arrive at the other side of the world?’ asked Stygian.

‘There’s another portal to Equestria.’ said Sunset ‘On the other side of the world there’s a tropical island. On it is quick sand, which happens to shield the portal to Equestria.’

‘How many portals are there?’ asked Luke.

‘There are a total of thirty two,’ said Starswirl ‘Whilst I built the mirror that would lead to this world, there were many other portals all over Equestria and beyond, all who are connected to this world. I explored it once or twice. Which is why it was the perfect place to banish the Sirens. Although had I known that they would still have some of their magic, I would’ve taken those jewels away from them before they would’ve caused any more damage.’

Luke began to ponder, thinking about the path the first Jedi took. ‘That would explain how the first Jedi easily came to this place and hid their clues and texts here.’

‘So where to now?’ said human Twilight ‘Straight to Camp Everfree?’

‘Yes, that would be wise.’ said Luke as he stood up.

‘Hey Twilight,’ said human Applejack to her friend ‘Y’all better give Timber and Gloriosa a heads up that we’re comin’ over there to check up on something.’

‘Way ahead of you.’ said human Twilight as she quickly answered her phone to call them.

‘Good thing we’re done with school for the day and that tomorrow’s Saturday.’ said Sunset. Then she looked at Twilight and asked ‘When should we get going.’

‘Oh, we can go right now.’ said Twilight as she gestured to the ship.

‘Very well then,’ said Luke ‘Let us be on our way.’

Twilight looked at Celestia and said ‘Don’t worry, we’ll bring them back safe.’

‘I know all of you will.’ said Principle Celestia as she waved goodbye ‘Good luck.’

Sure enough, all of them departed and headed straight for the Ebon Hawk, where the next of their clue will be waiting for them at Camp Everfree.