• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,235 Views, 120 Comments

A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 7: The Forgotten Kingdom of the Pegasi

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, tried to work as fast as I could. But here it is.

Sure enough, right around 9 AM, the Ebon Hawk flew high in the skies, flying past the largest clouds. As they flew over most of the mountains, Luke looked to the others whilst Artoo flew the ship for him. ‘So after Equestria had been founded,’ asked Luke ‘Did anyone ever bothered to return to their homelands?’

‘They had,’ said Starswirl, seeing that his old pupil Clover filled him in ‘But after they founded the kingdom, Princess Platinum and Clover, Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, as well as Chancellor Pudding head and Secretary Smart Cookie returned to their homes and told their kingdoms that they were responsible for the Windigos plaguing their lands, and told them that by working together can all of them overcome their differences and build a better future together.’

‘And soon after that, all of them left their kingdoms and came to Equestria,’ said Stygian, seeing that Starswirl told him about the story ‘Ever since then, no one’s bothered to set a hoof there again.’

‘Indeed,’ said Mistmane ‘To be setting foot back onto our ancestral homes felt, in a way, invigorating.’

‘Still,’ said Flash Magnus ‘I wonder what it would be like, to set foot on the Pegasi’s old kingdom?’

‘Same here,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘If we’re able to map this place, I’d glad to bring Scootaloo and the Wonderbolts here.’
‘You really think they’ll be interested?’ asked Applejack.

‘Why not,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘They got excited for the Ponyville Annual Friendship Festival.’

‘A friendship festival?’ asked Luke.

‘Yes,’ said Celestia ‘To celebrate the friendships we made to those who have touched our hearts.’

‘Although we had to make a new one in Ponyville a month later ever since the Storm King invaded our kingdom.’ said Luna, not liking to remember that part of the past.

‘I see,’ said Luke ‘And what happened after he invaded?’

‘Well, after the Princesses were captured,’ said Spike, seeing that he was there ‘Twilight, her friends and I traveled to Mount Aris to seek help from the Hippogriffs. But the more we traveled there, the more impatient she got.’

‘Not to mention she tried to steal their pearl because she used her own friends rather than letting things work out.’ said Silverstream, earning a glare from Twilight. ‘What? My aunt Novo and cousin Skystar told me what happened.’

‘Yeah,’ said Applejack ‘And if we all remember, y’all were impatient and botched up our chances to seek help.’
‘I said I was sorry.’ said Twilight.

‘That is unfortunate.’ said Luke.

‘What, unfortunate that I betrayed my friends’ trusts and nearly caused a diplomatic incident?’ said Twilight when she was slightly mad.

‘No,’ said Luke as he turned around and looked at her, making all of them all stop as Luke said ‘Unfortunate that you kept rushing into things without thinking things through. That you didn’t trust your friends to help you when you faced every threat together. That you lacked the training to be the princess others wanted you to be. And that you weren't ready for the burden that was given to you.’

They were a bit surprised of how thorough he was, even Celestia, Luna and Twilight. Luke continued as he said ‘Celestia might have good intensions of making you a princess, but others would think a child would make such a decision.’
Celestia felt offended by what he said ‘Excuse me?’

‘I mean no disrespect Celestia,’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘But even the wisest of masters would clearly see that she wasn’t ready to be one. From what the Force revealed to me through my meditations, she is impatient, she is reckless, she is sometimes hot tempered, and she didn’t trust her friends enough to let them take part of her burden with them.’

‘He is speaking the truth,’ said Starswirl as he stroked his beard ‘Princess Twilight’s heart may have been in the right place, but it was clear that she did not realize that in releasing us, she unintentionally freed the pony of shadows. And from what you told me Celestia, she tried to face Nightmare Moon, Discord and Tirek alone, even nearly destroyed our world’s timeline when she and Starlight traveled through time without her realizing the consequences of her actions. And she didn’t have any evidence when Chrysalis was disguised as your niece.’

Twilight felt slightly discouraged, but Luke said to her ‘Remember, when I first started out, I was also reckless. I wasn’t ready to face my father, but I let my emotions get the better of me when my friends were endangered. I ended up losing my hand, got hurt real badly, and I ended up nearly getting myself killed. Master Yoda reminded me that my training was incomplete and I wasn’t ready. But the moment when I had to face what both Yoda and Kenobi wanted me to face, I became a Jedi in the end, and realized that I couldn’t have gone far without the teachings both my masters and my friends have given me. I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if they hadn’t taught me what I needed to do.’

Luke stood on one knee as he looked directly at her. ‘I know you do these things to please others, but as Cadance once said, you may have an obligation as a Princess, but you also have an obligation to yourself. You need to rely on your friends more often for help and you often need to train and be better prepared to face what challenges may come at you.’

Luke placed his hand on Twilight’s shoulder as he said ‘And if you want, I can teach you what you need to do.’

As Luke stood up and walked on ahead, Twilight couldn’t help but be surprised of how he knew so much. She instantly ran over and walked next to him with the others following and asked ‘How did you know so much about me?’

‘When I was meditating,’ said Luke ‘I communicated with the Force, and your kind, the ponies of the past, told me everything what all of you have been through.’

‘Everything?’ said Fluttershy.

‘Yes.’ said Luke. He then looked at Applejack and said ‘By the way, there was one pony, the father of your grandmother, told me to tell you that he’s proud of the traditions you carry for your family, and said that he has never saw a true Apple that did her family name proud. And your parents said the same.’

Applejack was surprised by what he said, but in a way, she couldn’t help but smile and feel a sense of pride herself. For if her great grandfather and her parents told Luke to tell her that, she ended up lowering her hat and shed a small tear whilst smiling underneath her father’s hat.

‘You can communicate with the ponies who have long passed?’ asked Luna whilst she was surprised by what he said.
‘My Master once told me that all life does not cease in death, but are merely living on by changing its form in the Force.’ said Luke. ‘For example, Applejack’s parents will always be alive inside her, and will be with her till the end of her days until it is her time to pass on and be one with the Force. Or in this case, be one with magic.’

They continued to walk down the stoned path as Luke continued. ‘My Master once told me that Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Master, Qui-Gon Jinn had learned the secret of immortality, and can communicate from the netherworld of the Force. When Kenobi became one with the Force, he called to me and told me to go to Dagobah and find Yoda, tried to warn me of not facing my father, and told me of what happened to him, even telling me about Leia. Even though they may be gone, they never stopped trying to help me.’

‘Wow,’ said Rainbow Dash with a quirked eyebrow as she hovered next to him ‘This “Force” stuff is really complicated.’
Luke couldn’t help but chuckle as he said ‘You get used to it.’

Sure enough, they arrived at Old Pegasopolis, only there was not much left, save a handful of old cloud homes as well as the palace headquarters of Commander Hurricane.

‘Wow,’ said Spike as he was a bit deadpanned by the scenery ‘The Pegasi’s old homeland sure has seen better days.’

‘Indeed,’ said Stygian ‘I had not seen devastation like this since my hometown.’

‘Hmm,’ said Smolder as she was thinking. ‘From what Dragon Lord Ember told me, her grandfather, before her father became the next Dragon Lord, came here and raided whatever treasures they could find of the old Pegasi homelands.’

‘As the old pony saying goes,’ said Sandbar ‘ “Time is a cruel mistress”. ‘

‘Uh, don’t let her hear you say that.’ said Applejack, considering what happened since she and her friends tried to stop a certain time controlling Alicorn that nearly destroyed Equestria.

‘Any idea of how we should proceed?’ asked Luke

Twilight walked next to him and said ‘We should see if the records room are still available,’ said Twilight as she pointed at the Pegasopolis headquarters ‘They may have a clue about where the First Jedi hid their secrets.’

‘Very well,’ said Luke ‘For those who cannot fly, we’ll remain here. Those who can are more than welcome to take a look.’
‘Are you sure Master Skywalker?’ asked Luna.

‘I am sure your highness.’ said Luke ‘I wouldn’t mind to keep the others company.’

‘Of course darling.’ said Rarity ‘I wouldn’t mind to take in the scenery every now and then.’

And as such, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, Gallus, Smolder and Silverstream flapped their wings as they were prepared to take the air.

‘We’ll let you know if we find any records of what the First Jedi hid.’ said Twilight as she and the flyers looked at Luke and the others.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘We’ll be sure to pass the time with some party games until you get back.’

And as such, they flew off to Old Pegasopolis’ records building, hoping that the that the place would still stand. But as they flew, they could see that there were barely any living places for the Pegasi of old.

‘You know,’ said Spike as he looked around, showing a hint of sadness in his eyes. ‘I can’t help but feel sad about this place.’

‘Somehow I can see that feeling from somewhere before.’ said Smolder when she noticed Spike being sad.

‘Truth be told I haven’t felt this way since Tirek destroyed the Golden Oak Library.’ said Spike, thinking about the day when Tirek was fighting Twilight when he wanted her Alicorn Magic to destroy Equestria.

‘I know what you mean.’ said Twilight, for she missed the place, even though she’s living in the Castle of Friendship.

‘I wish the Legion would’ve known about this place,’ said Flash Magnus when he felt the same way ‘Then we would’ve stayed behind and protected our heritage to the last pony.’

‘The old home of the Pegasi may be gone,’ said Somnambula as she reassured them ‘But we are still standing. The only thing we can do is move on for the sake of our ancestors.’

‘When this is over,’ said Celestia ‘We will ensure that the ponies of today will not forget their old home, and would let ponies of all tribes visit the original homelands rather than leave them to rot.’

‘Agreed sister,’ said Luna ‘We should have done this since the first days of our rule over the land.’

‘Hey look,’ said Spike as he pointed ahead ‘We’re nearly there.’

They looked at the building ahead, and noticed the building was still standing, much to Rainbow Dash’s annoyance, seeing that she doesn’t like learning ‘Typical.’

As they entered, they were surprised to see what the place looked like. For inside, were two desks on both sides, one for checking in and one for checking out. But the rest of the room were massive bookshelves, each of them depicting the Pegasi’s history. ‘Whoa,’ said Flash Magnus ‘Where do we look?’

‘We’ll have to take separate sections,’ said Celestia ‘That way we’ll be able to find them faster.’

‘Agreed,’ said Luna, agreeing with the plan.

Twilight nearly wanted to glee in excitement, but kept it contained as she said ‘We’ll take different sections. Celestia will take section A, Flash Magnus will check section B, Fluttershy will check section C, Gallus will take D, Rainbow Dash E, Spike in section F, Silverstream in section G, Smolder in H, Somnambula in I, and I’ll take section J. If we don’t find what we’re looking for, we’ll take the next section.’

‘Very well,’ said Somnambula ‘Let us begin.’

Soon enough, all of them began to search through the different sections of the Archives, hoping that they would find anything. Though through every part of the shelves they’ve searched, they still couldn’t find anything.

Spike however, was getting bored out of his mind, wanting to get things done quicker. ‘Ugh, this is taking forever, we won’t be able to find it in this mess.’

Spike then heard a voice that said “Let the Force be your guide.”, taking him by surprise as he sat up straight.

‘What?’ said Spike to himself whilst he was surprised as if a ghost was talking to him.

“Let the Force be my guide.” he thought to himself. He then said to himself ‘Sure, why not.’

Spike sat on his knees like Luke did, lowered his head and closed his eyes. He continued to keep his focus, trying to concentrate on what he was looking for. Sure enough, Spike felt something. It felt faint, but he could feel it all the same. He opened his eyes, and looked further down the hall. Knowing where he needed to go, he stood up and headed straight for his intended target.

As he walked down the hall, Spike barely noticed what was going on around him. Rainbow Dash decided to take a nap and was fast asleep, Twilight held tons of documents with her horn as she looked around, Celestia and Luna calmly looked through the documents in order to make sure they don’t miss anything. Fluttershy and Silverstream slowly looked through the documents, with Flash Magnus and Somnambula doing the same. Gallus got bored from looking through the documents, but sometimes he gets a slap behind his head from Smolder to make sure he doesn’t fall asleep whilst looking through for what they hope the Pegasi of old had recorded.

Spike eventually reached where he needed to go, all the way to Section Z. He looked at the shelves and noticed the records were placed in metallic cylinders. From what Twilight told him, the metallic cylinders were used to place important documents inside in order to preserve them. He looked at them closely, but was somehow drawn to the one that had a cyan colored lid on it. He reached his hand onto it and pulled it out. He noticed that the metallic cylinder was nearly the size of that large painting he had to hang for Twilight some time ago when Sunset Shimmer, along with Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s counterpart, came to ask for their help when the Storm King’s magic somehow reached to their world during their so called “Spring Break”.

‘Wow, this thing is big.’ said Spike as he could barely carry it.

Thankfully, he noticed a table all the way down near Section S, so he walked over to it and placed the cylinder on the table, which was thankfully big enough like a table cloth that’s not too big, not to small, just right.

‘Let’s see now.’ said Spike as he opened the cylinder and pulled out the biggest document he had ever seen.

He placed the document onto the table and rolled it over. When he got a good look at it, he saw that it nearly resembled to ancient hieroglyphics what with the pictures and all, but thankfully there was ancient writing on it for anypony to read. He was at least relieved that though Commander Hurricane may be a hotheaded bonehead, he was at least thankful that there were some Pegasi that wanted to archive their histories.

Spike took another look at it and noticed that, like the glyphs at the Unicorn Tribe’s home, he recognized the first Jedi on it. He turned to the others and said ‘Hey guys, I think I found something.’

Every pony and creature’s attention was turned to Spike and went over to him. When they saw the document, they were surprised to see the glyphs of it. ‘Wow Spike, I’m impressed.’ said Twilight as she took a good look at it.

Celestia also took a good look at it and said ‘Interesting. According to this, the First Jedi arrived at the Pegasi’s old home and asked them to hide something important in their kingdom. At first they were reluctant into trusting them, but thankfully they were convinced to be of help.’

‘If we are reading this right,’ said Luna whilst taking a good look at it. ‘It would appear that the tomb of the next clue they’ve buried resides from within the mountain near here.’

‘Wait,’ said Smolder as she looked at it ‘That mountain looks like the one that we just landed on, didn’t we?’

‘It would appear so.’ said Somnambula whilst she looked at it.

‘And just about ten feet from where we landed,’ said Flash Magnus whilst he looked at the map again ‘There is a secret passage way that leads straight towards the place.’

‘Huh,’ said Silverstream whilst she looked at it ‘Looks like the Pegasi of old created traps in that general area that only Pegasi could maneuver and pass.’

Twilight folded the documents and placed them back in its cylinder whilst she said ‘We’d better give this to the others, they’ll want to know where we should go next.’

‘Agreed.’ said Flash Magnus ‘We don’t know if there are any more dangers around.’

Sure enough, all of them left the archives.

At the same time, whilst they were waiting, Luke continued to meditate whilst it almost looked like he was watching the land. At the same time, the creatures chose to keep Luke company as they stared out at the open plains.

Luke kept his eyes closed, but he asked Yona ‘What did you mean by bad experience when it came to walking on clouds?’
Yona felt a bit uneasy, but then sighed as she said ‘Yona went with friends to watch home of Pegasi. When all of a sudden, Yona and others fell from clouds. It was terrifying.’

‘Indeed,’ said Rarity ‘It turned out that the magic to help them walk on clouds had been stripped. As was all of our magic throughout Equestria.’

‘And this Tirek was responsible?’

‘Not really,’ said Sandbar ‘He had help from a Pegasus filly named Cozy Glow.’

‘It turned out she didn’t want to learn about friendship,’ said Starlight ‘She tried to take over Equestria and said that Friendship was power, and she thought if she would have more friends she would take over Equestria.’

‘That no good pony tried to benefit in its conquest and nothing else,’ said Applejack ‘She even locked up mah little sister and her friends so that they wouldn’t interfere.’

‘So her heart had been corrupted with the Dark Side since she joined the school.’ said Luke whilst he thought about the demented pony. ‘Was she always like this?’

‘No one knows darling,’ said Rarity ‘None of us had seen it coming. She manipulated the situation and played us for fools.’

‘If it weren't for our students,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Then Equestria would be one big magicless partyless wasteland.’

‘I see.’ said Luke ‘And did you try reaching her out?’

‘She doesn’t want to be helped,’ said Ocellus ‘She thinks that Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity and so on is a waste of time and thinks that she can make friends without using any of them.’

‘From your description,’ said Luke as he thought about their description of her ‘She tends to act like a dictator and malevolent leader rather than being a friend.’

‘I know right,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘She’s a real bad influence to others.’

‘Where is she now?’

‘She’s locked up in a prison called Tartarus.’ said Applejack.

‘I assume this world does not execute their prisoners?’ said Luke.

‘Goodness no darling,’ said Rarity as she was surprised Luke would ask that ‘Equestria is not that cruel. If we were to do such a thing, we would be no better than the last creature who wanted to enslave us.’

‘That I am glad to hear,’ said Luke ‘If we tend to be consumed with the Dark Side, we would be just as horrible as the last dictator.’

Rockhoof looked out at the horizon and saw Twilight and the others coming. ‘Ah, I see the princesses and her companions are back.’

As they landed, they walked over to Luke whilst the rest regrouped.

‘Any Luck?’ said Luke whilst still sitting in position.

‘Thankfully yes,’ said Luna whilst she hovered the opened the cylinder and took out the documents and map ‘We were thankful the Pegasi of old decided to document their historic activities.’

Luke stood up and accepted the map. He looked through it and saw what he needed to see. He looked behind and walked towards the wall of the mountain after he handed the documents back to Twilight. Luke stood near the mountain and closed his eyes whilst reaching out towards it. Sure enough, he used the Force on the side of the mountain cracked, allowing it to form a door as the stone against it lowered, revealing a secret passage.

‘Wow,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘Never thought the Pegasi would create secret passage ways. Usually it’s doing things first and hide stuff later.’

‘We must not be judged by what others assume of us,’ said Luke ‘We tend to act the best of our abilities and try to keep moving forward for the sake of its future.’

‘Those are wise words indeed Master Skywalker.’ said Celestia with a smile and nod.

‘Now then,’ said Starswirl ‘If we are to find what we’re looking for, I believe it is time to depart.’

Agreeing with Starswirl, they continued to walk down the path that was revealed to them. When they were inside, they saw that they were in a large room that was wider than the Roman Coliseum, much to their surprise. But there was no ground, only the wind that was blowing from what nearly looked like an abyss, all blowing upward towards somewhere unknown. But strange enough, there were statues of Pegasi that appeared to be formed in six corners.

‘Whoa.’ said the group when they saw the size of the place.

Starswirl took a look at the gust of wind blowing up. ‘Hmm, interesting. From the look of it, it appears that anyone who jumps into this gust, will allow themselves to float in the air.’

‘Well then,’ said Applejack as she took a few steps forward ‘Then it’ll be mighty easy to…’

‘Wait,’ said Luke, cutting Applejack off. ‘Something’s not right.’

Luke looked at a large enough rock and used the Force to levitate it. He tossed the rock into the gust, allowing the gust of wind to blow it upwards. But the moment it went past its first Pegasi statues, something sharp, namely arrows made of steel, flew out of their mouths, slowly breaking the rock into pieces, much to the others’ shock.

‘I had a feeling those statues weren't there for decorative purposes.’ said Luke as he took a look at them.

‘He’s right, look.’ said Twilight as she pointed at the statues. ‘They have a jewel in their eye, acting like magical scanners. If anything passes them, the jewels trigger the arrows in their mouths, allowing the statues themselves to shoot at anything that moves.’

‘What would happen if we removed the jewels?’ asked Flash Magnus.

‘It would not work.’ said Stygian. He took out a piece of the steel arrow and shot at the jewel. The moment it made contact, the jewel, along with the statue exploded, as well as some of the debris, allowing them to collapse. ‘If the jewels were to be removed, they would trigger some very explosive gunpowder.’

‘And letting the place collapse on us.’ said Mistmane as she took a good look at it.

‘Can we use force fields?’ asked Celestia.

Luke thought about something and took another look at the steel arrow. He picked it up and took another glance at it. He looked at Twilight and poked her on the shoulder, gaining her attention.

‘Miss Sparkle, can you create one of your force fields?’ asked Luke.

‘Oh, of course.’ said Twilight with a smile.

She created her force field as Luke asked. When he slowly brought the steel arrow close to her shield, to her and the others’ surprise, the arrow penetrated right through it as if the bubble was made out of paper.

‘Interesting,’ said Luke as he retracted the arrow ‘An element that has the ability to penetrate through the shield of the Unicorns.’

Luke stood up and took another look at the place. ‘It makes sense now. The way the arrows destroyed the rock, the jewels that will explode if being tampered, as well as arrows that can penetrate a unicorn’s magic. They were designed to keep the Unicorns and Earth Ponies out.’

‘But why built such horrid traps?’ said Rarity as she was appalled by the way the traps were meant to take care of any intruders.

‘From what I could guess,’ said Luke ‘The Pegasi had some hatred towards the other pony tribes. They were afraid that the other tribes would take their share of the food and leave them with nothing, so they built this place to store them and keep any intruders out.’

‘Okay,’ said Rainbow Dash when she too was shocked by the Pegasi’s tactics ‘I know Commander Hurricane had issues, but dang he really needed to lighten up.’

‘Indeed,’ said Flash Magnus, agreeing with Dash ‘May heaven bless the day Private Pansy, Clover the Clever and Secretary Smart Cookie helped others realize their error of their ways.’

‘You can say that again.’ said Rockhoof.

‘So how do we get up there?’ said Gallus ‘If both options are out, what else is there?’

Luke took a deep breath, concentrated with all his will within himself and the Force. ‘May the Force be with me.’ he said to himself, gaining their attention.

He took a few steps backwards, and to their shock, sprinted towards the edge and jumped, allowing the wind to carry him. But as he got up, the arrows began to fire. Many were now worried, but to their surprise, Luke quickly did a somersault and placed his first footing onto the arrow, and used all his strength to jump from it.

From arrow to arrow, Luke continued to jump from one spot to another, making his way to the top, trying to reach to the top of the spot where they needed to go. Sure enough, after climbing from arrow to arrow, he eventually made it to the top. After a few breathers, Luke saw the lever and reached towards it, allowing himself to grab hold of it and pulled it down, allowing the statues to lower themselves, as if they were never there.

Many were surprised to see how Luke had moved, but they didn’t have time to marvel at his abilities, now that the now have a way to float towards the top. One by one, they jumped onto the upward blowing gust that allowed them to fly, except for the Alicorns, Pegasi and Dragons, Griffon and Hippogriff, seeing that they have wings, which allowed them to eventually to reach the top to rejoin Luke.

‘That was an amazing display you just performed Master Luke.’ said Luna.

‘Indeed.’ said Celestia ‘How were you able to reach the top without being hit by the arrows?’

‘I merely let the Force guide me your highnesses,’ said Luke with a bow ‘With it as my guide and my instincts, I was able to use those arrows at my advantage to reach to the top.’

Luke thought about the arrows. ‘Strange though.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Spike.

‘The arrows, the wind, even of how the Pegasi had set up traps.’ said Luke of what he saw ‘It is as if they were meant to test a Jedi as a trail, in order for them to reach their destination using the Force.’

‘Wait,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘You don’t think that it was the ponies of Equestria who taught the First Jedi on how to properly use the Force do you? Or was it the other way around?’

‘It could be possible,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘There was not much known about the First Jedi, or of how they used the power of the Force to help them through their every day task.’

‘There is also another room up ahead.’ said Somnambula whilst she pointed at the room ahead.

‘Who do you think that will be next through those doors?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

‘If the danger is there like Ajunta, Revan and Malak,’ said Stygian in a worried tone ‘I dare not question of who else lies beyond those doors.’

‘There is only one way to find out.’ said Luna, obviously worried.

They slowly approached the doors, then opened it together. As they entered, they noticed that the room a bit different. For one thing, in the center, was a large circle of a courtyard, whilst surrounding it was enough water to last any person/pony a lifetime. But from the courtyard were two stoned pathways, one where it led straight, and two more that goes from left to right, leading towards two individual doors.

As they walked inside, Luke continued to try and contain his emotions so that he could be better prepared to face what was up ahead, whilst the others nervously looked around, worried about what they might face inside.

As they walked, Luke immediately sensed something, and signaled them to halt. They stopped and immediately looked around, trying to figure out what would be awaiting for them. And sure enough, as if a twisted hand of fate, two of the stoned doors slowly opened. Sure enough, two beings slowly approached from the doors. The first person to appear from the left, which left half of the girls, namely Fluttershy and Rarity, to gasp loudly by the sight of it.

The two of them were Sith of course. But one had black boots, black pants, and a black silk waist girdle. But the most terrifying part, was that his body was completely scarred by what appeared to be years of warfare, whilst his one eye was white, presumably blind. The other Sith wore a different kind of robe that covered his body, as well as having black pants, boots, gloves, sleeves and vest all underneath, whilst he was also wearing a white mask with red stripes covering both of the mask’s eyes.

Luke immediately recognized them, from Master Yoda’s stories. They were none other than Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion, both of the most darkest and most powerful Sith in the galaxy, that they make the Emperor look like a underclass warrior.
‘Who…what are they?’ asked Fluttershy, clearly scared of the two Sith Lords.

‘Stay back,’ said Luke ‘Something tells me that they’re not here to…’

But Luke was immediately cut off when Darth Nihilus reached his hand out, using his Force Grip, causing Luke to choke as he was being lifted off the ground as he held onto his throat, shocking the others by what was going on. Nihilus immediately threw Luke against the wall, then fell on his rear, with his Lightsaber next to his leg.
‘Luke!!’ shouted Twilight, showing worry for her friend.

Luke groaned from the pain, but could barely keep himself conscious. But as he opened his eyes, he saw Darth Sion coming for him. Luke tried to reach out for his Lightsaber, but Darth Sion immediately grabbed Luke’s face, making him groan in pain as he held onto twisted Sith Lord’s arm. With great force, Sion thrusted Luke against the wall, kneed him in the gut, punched him left and right, and was grabbed by the throat as he was lifted in the air, and thrown onto the ground with great force.

Though he may appear unconscious, it was still clear that every creature was now afraid for Luke’s safety. Luke groaned a bit as he gripped onto his hand, whilst Sion stood over him and activated his Lightsaber. ‘Not so strong are you?’ said Sion as he raised his Lightsaber in the air to strike him down.

But right before Sion could struck the Last Jedi down, Luke immediately responded by using his Force Push at the most powerful way he could use. With the Force Push, Sion was launched backwards and skidded on the ground and stood next to Nihilus. Luke slowly stood up and pulled out his Lightsaber, gripping onto it as he stared them down.

The two Sith Lords noticed something about Luke. Nihilus ended up speaking to Luke in the most ancient language that no one could understand, until Sion said ‘You. You are gifted with the Midi-chlorians.’

The ponies and the Young Six were puzzled by what they meant, with Luke continued to stare down at them. ‘What of it.’ said Luke, continuing to stare at them down.

Nihilus continued to speak to Luke in its ancient language, with Sion saying ‘It was prophesized that there would be one that would be conceived with the living Force itself to bring balance between light and dark. Which in turn, the Sith once feared that we and our empire would be destroyed. So we vowed to find the one who it is and destroy it, so that we can continue with our conquest without interference.’

‘That will never happen.’ said Luke ‘The last Sith I faced failed to turn me into them. For I am and always will be a Jedi, like my father before me.’

‘Then you will fall by our hand.’ said Sion as he readied his Lightsaber, with Nihilus doing the same.

That was, until they were suddenly electrocuted, surprising Luke. As the two of them instantly recovered, Sion growled as he said ‘Who would dare…?’

And just like that, the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, the Pillars, the Young Six and the princesses of day and night stood together to defend their friend.

‘You dare stand before the lords of the Sith?’ growled Sion, clearly as angry as hell.

‘Lords of the Sith or not,’ said Princess Celestia with her cold gaze ‘We will not allow the last of the Jedi and a friend to Equestria suffer by the likes of you.’

‘This is your only warning,’ said Luna, her facial expression the same as her sister’s ‘You will cease your violence or we will cease you.’

Nihilus looked at them, fist gripping, and for the first time, said ‘Then you will suffer the Jedi’s fate!!’

Nihilus unleashed his Force Push, causing many to scatter as they also grabbed Luke. Pinkie instantly jumped next to Sion and held a gift box in front of her as she said ‘Surprise!!’

Sion instantly took it whilst Pinkie zipped away. Until she suddenly popped out of it and yelled ‘Double surprise!!’

Pinkie slapped her cake against Sion’s face, making him growl in anger whilst trying to wipe the cake from his face, until Rainbow Dash flew from out of nowhere and gave the Sith Lord a hard punch to the face, whilst Applejack retracted her hind legs and bucked him, making him dart straight towards the air. Flash Magnus flew down and whacked his shield against the Sith Lord’s face, with Mistmane using her magic to contain the Sith Lord whilst Mage Meadowbrook used her potions to incapacitate him, allowing Spike and Smolder to breathe fire on them whilst Yona flattened him like a pancake.

Fluttershy, Ocellus and Sandbar quickly carried Luke to safety as Ocellus said ‘Come on, come on.’

‘It’s okay, we got you.’ said Sandbar whilst they quickly moved aside.

‘But…’ said Luke, trying to shake loose from them.

‘Not another word,’ said Fluttershy ‘You need to regain your strength first before you go on like that.’

Nihilus continued to use his Force Lightning and Push to try and catch them, but they quickly dodged them before things got out of hand. As Nihilus used his Force Lightning, Rarity and Sunburst quickly deployed their bubble shields, whilst Twilight and Starlight jumped out and fired all of their magic at him, knocking the masked Sith backwards. Rockhoof jumped from behind and whacked the Sith Lord with his shovel whilst Somnambula delivered a good buck to the face, cracking the mask for just a bit. From out of nowhere, Silverstream and Gallus grabbed him and took to the skies, lifting Nihilus up in the process. They eventually dropped him, but just right when Starswirl, Stygian, Celestia and Luna powered all of their magic all together and shot at Nihilus with a full blast of their magic, knocking the masked Sith Lord backwards as he crashed against the wall.

‘Enough of this!!’ shouted Sion as both he and Nihilus stood together.

Both the Sith Lords began to generate electricity from their hands as it surged from the tip of their fingers to the elbow. Combined, the two of them fired their Force Lightning. Thankfully, Celestia, Luna, Stygian, Mistmane, Starswirl, Sunburst, Starlight, Rarity and Twilight lit up their horns, allowing them to create a powerful shield around them, shielding them from the Force Lightning. The Unicorns grunted, for the power of their lightning were powerful.

Luke saw that they were in trouble, as did Ocellus. ‘We need to help them.’

Luke, now having enough of the Sith trying to hurt his friends, pulled out his Lightsaber as he said ‘No, we need to end this, now.’

As the Alicorns and Unicorns were struggling to keep the shield up, Sion shouted ‘You will fall before our…!!!’
But before he could finish, Luke appeared from out of nowhere and attacked from above. With one massive strike, Luke struck down two of the Sith Lords. He stood there for a few moments, until the two Sith Lords stopped shooting their lightning, and instantly collapsed onto the ground, causing the two of them to fade out of existence, except for their Lightsabers. He walked over and picked them up. He could sense their evil, but they soon faded away, as if they were never real.

Luke turned to them and asked ‘Are all of you alright?’

‘Indeed we are Luke.’ said Luna.

‘A little shaken up, but well.’ said Celestia.

‘Luke,’ said Twilight whilst she was still shaken up over of how Luke got hurt, and the two Sith Lords ‘Just who were those two?’

‘Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion.’ said Luke.

‘More ancient Sith from the past?’ asked Silverstream, whilst she was still surprised by what happened.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he decided to tell them ‘Shortly after Revan disappeared, the Sith began to take over and destroy a few worlds. There were two who were the most powerful. They both turned on their master, blinded her, and stripped her of the Force, making her wander the galaxy with no goal.’

‘And I assume that they were hunting the leftover Jedi from their Civil War?’ asked Rockhoof.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘But for some reason, the Ebon Hawk, the very ship Revan departed, somehow returned, with half of the crew, both good and evil, dead. And among the survivors, an elderly woman and a Jedi that were called “The Exile”.

‘You mentioned that before,’ said Celestia, remembering when Luke first brought it up ‘Who was this Exile?’

‘The Exile was with a handful of Jedi who chose to leave with Revan to stop whoever was responsible for the Sith,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘But after he came back, he couldn’t remember what happened, nor recalled what happened once they traveled to the unknown regions.’

‘And how did he survive?’ asked Twilight.

‘You remember the droid that once accompanied Revan?’ asked Luke, whilst the others nodded to his question. ‘He somehow survived on the ship too, and was able to take it to a space station built within an asteroid. However, Bounty Hunters were after him.’

‘Bounty Hunters?’ asked Applejack with a flexed eyebrow ‘What in the hay for?’

‘You see,’ said Luke, explaining to Applejack ‘After the Civil War, the Republic were still in shambles whilst the criminal element slowly began to take over the galaxy, and they sent Bounty Hunters to hunt down any Jedi who might either still be in hiding, or helping local militia who were still loyal to the Republic.’

‘That’s horrible.’ said Fluttershy the moment Luke told them the shocking revelation about the criminal element.

‘Yes, but during that time,’ said Luke, explaining further the Exile’s story ‘The Bounty Hunters killed every worker on the station, including HK-50’s, advance robots of the HK-47’s. But thankfully he was saved by a smuggler named Atton, and an elderly woman who was strong in the Force.’

Luke was silent for a moment, causing the ponies to be concerned. Until Luke said ‘The same woman who was once the master of both Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus.’

They gasped at this piece of information. ‘They turned on their own master?!’ said Twilight out loud.

‘The Sith always betray one another for their own selfish reasons.’ said Luke.

‘Right,’ said Ocellus as she remembered what Luke told them ‘Because of their own arrogance and their own greed.’

‘Exactly.’ said Luke. ‘Once the Exile, the elder woman and Atton escaped the asteroid station, the Sith Lord Dark Sion continued to hunt them, but were able to escape to a planet called Telos, one of the worlds that were destroyed by the Sith during the Civil War, and where one of Revan’s companions used to live. But after they left on a shuttle, they met an old companion named Bao-Dur, one of the officers that fought alongside him. Soon enough, they met one of the Jedi Masters on the other side of Telos. Their encounter…wasn’t a pleasant one.’

‘Ah take it she was one of the masters that enjoyed exiling the Jedi that were corrupted by Revan and Malak’s influences?’ said Applejack with a quirked eyebrow.

‘Yes,’ said Luke whilst trying to remember the stories that Master Yoda and Obi-Wan told him. ‘After they left, the droid T3 found a recording of the council exiling him. But after he left, they talked about him, how Malachor V would’ve destroyed him, but it left an echo inside of him, one that had not been felt since the fall of the Jedi.’

‘Malachor?’ asked Luna, wondering what it was.

‘Malachor V was a large asteroid that was most powerful with the Dark Side,’ said Luke ‘It was also the place where the Sith had constructed their temple and were hidden in secret so that the Jedi would never find them.’

Twilight felt more and more fascinated by Luke’s story about the Jedi Temple. ‘After they had viewed what the Masters revealed, the Exile made a vow to find them throughout certain parts of the galaxy, to ask for their help and to help shed light on what they had talked about. But along the way, the Handmaiden known as Brianna, one of the master’s apprentices, stowed away aboard their ship and chose to come along with them. The Exile allowed it, whilst he also tried to remember on how to use the Force, and in turn, tried to teach that to her as well.’

‘Say,’ said Spike as he gained Luke’s attention ‘Why don’t you continue with the Exile’s story whilst we go to the next clue.’

‘Very well.’ said Luke as he led the way, with the others following.

‘So who else accompanied the exile?’ asked Twilight, whilst she was eager to learn more and document about this later.

‘During their travels the Exile met many who would wish to help.’ said Luke. ‘They met a woman named Visas, who became the last of her kind when the Sith destroyed her world. Then there was Mira, a bounty hunter from Nar Shadaa, a capitol for criminals you might say. Then there was an old HK-47, the same droid who also helped Revan in his time of need. GO-TO, a large probe droid who once belonged to a criminal kingpin but was given to us. Then there was Ordo.’

‘Wait, Ordo?’ asked Twilight ‘As in Canderous Ordo, the man who once fought alongside Revan?’

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘After Revan left to stop whatever threat was out there, Canderous sought out his scattered clan and reunited them to fight against the Sith. Though some Mandalorians had little trust for him, seeing that the Exile and the Jedi under Revan fought against them during the Mandalorian Wars.’

‘The Mandalorians were at war with the Republic?’ asked Luna.

‘Yes,’ said Luke, ‘They’re an ongoing warrior race who are always at war with each other and everyone else.’
‘They fight each other and others?’ asked Silverstream.

‘Yes, and if you wonder how terrible they are,’ said Luke whilst focusing on the path ahead. ‘Picture all of Equestria and its towns and cities. But with domes made of metal around every town and city, whilst everything else, the green, all died out and turned their world into a desolate wasteland.’

Many were horrified to hear what the Mandalorians did to their own world, until Spike said ‘I take it that they didn’t stand a chance against the Empire?’

‘No,’ said Luke ‘But during the Clone Wars, a Sith named Darth Maul, the one that my master once defeated long ago, somehow survived and killed the Mandalorian leadership whilst those who were traitors to the Mandalorian people and who were once loyal to Maul, they immediately joined the Empire when they came above Mandalore’s orbit, the homeworld of the Mandalorians.’

‘And what happened to Maul?’ asked Starswirl.

‘The moment when Order 66 were executed,’ said Luke, remembering what Ahsoka told him when they first met ‘My father’s apprentice Ahsoka was forced to release him when the clones that fought with her turned on her. She was able to get her old friend and second in command of my father’s army, named Commander Rex from the 501st Clone Battalion. She was able to remove the chip and the two of them tried to escape. However, Rex tried to reason with his fellow clones, but because of the chips inside their minds, they considered anyone an enemy of the Empire.’

‘You know,’ said Stygian as he remembered something ‘You never explained what happened to the clones after they were decommissioned.’

‘Most of them continued to serve the empire until they all died.’ said Luke ‘But some chose to stay out of galactic affairs and tried to live their lives as best they could. That’s how Rex was still alive, along with others who also removed their control chips, namely clones named Wolf and Gregor. However, when their chips were removed, Wolf became paranoid and Gregor was a little stir crazy.’

‘And Rex joined the fight?’ asked Flash Magnus.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘He was serving among the Rebels who fought at the Battle of Endor. I rarely speak to him every now and then, considering that he fought alongside my father, and that he saw how my father fought, even taught me on how to fight.’

‘He sounds like a good man.’ said Mage Meadowbrook whilst she was impressed with this Rex person.

‘He is,’ said Luke ‘But I am always thankful for the stories that both he and Ahsoka shared with me. Getting to know my parents of what they were like before all of it came crashing down brought me some closure.’

‘Getting back to the story,’ said Luke, when he was getting off track. ‘Once the Exile gathered those who would follow, he went all over the galaxy, fighting the bounty hunters and Sith who kept hunting him relentlessly, fought the Sith on most fronts, even helped saved all those he could, even gathered the other scattered masters. They regrouped back at Dantooine, except for one, who still remained in isolation.’

‘And let me guess,’ said Rainbow Dash whilst she crossed her hooves, knowing full well about what will happen ‘They refused to help him because they were afraid of the Dark side.’

‘That,’ said Luke whilst answered Dash’s question ‘And that the exile’s very presence brings a danger to them. Just before they were going to strip him of the Force once more, The old woman, Kreia, she arrived and told them of their flaws and the arrogance that they had brought because of their own fears. As a result, she rendered the Exile unconscious and killed the masters.’

The ponies were appalled by what Kreia had done. ‘She killed them?’ said Rarity as she too was in shock.

‘Yes. After the Exile woke up, the Exile went to Telos to confront the last Jedi Master, who was slowly tainted by the Dark Side. They fought and he was able to free her. But she told the Exile to leave and save Telos, for the Sith were invading with full force. But thanks to Ordo, he and his fellow Mandalorians were able to help him invade the lead Sith Ship, being led by Darth Nihilus.’

‘Darth Nihilus was on board that there ship?’ asked Applejack.

‘Indeed Applejack. After they confronted him, they fought to a near standstill, and then finally killed him. That said and done, he finished what he was set to do and left for Malachor V, to finish the fight once and for all after he found out that both Kreia and Sion were waiting for them. But after they arrived, they crash landed because of the magnetic storms.’
‘What are magnetic storms?’ asked Mistmane.

‘Picture something that could say nullify your magic without any of you realizing it.’

‘Oh, that makes more sense.’ said Pinkie Pie whilst she was bouncing.

‘Afterwards,’ said Luke as he wrapped up the Exile’s story ‘His companions were separate, trying to find their way towards Malachor V’s inner sanctum. They eventually fought their way and defeated both Darth Sion and Kreia. But before Kreia died, she told them where to find Revan, for he was still out there and he needed help, for he was still beyond the farthest corners of the unknown regions. Once Malachor V was destroyed, they took the Ebon Hawk and flew to where Revan was. But by the time they got there, Revan was gone. But once they returned, they rebuilt the Order to the way it should be, but they also focused on getting more Jedi on Tython, the Jedi’s homeworld, and chose to abandon the one in Dantooine completely.’

‘Wow,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered next to Luke ‘Gotta admit, the Jedi has some great legends.’

‘Indeed.’ said Luke ‘Makes me wonder if I will live up to their expectations.’

‘Oh darling don’t sell yourself so short.’ said Rarity ‘From what you told us about yourself you have done so much for the Republic.’

‘She’s right,’ said Applejack ‘Y’all are always honest, ya help those in need, ya stood up for your friends are among the bravest things you’ve ever accomplished. The Jedi of old may have bungled up a few times, but they needed to find a way to be in balance when trying to have a life too.’

Luke couldn’t help but smile as he looked at them, with him saying ‘Thank you.’

‘Look, tomb up ahead.’ said Sandbar as he pointed at the stone door ahead.

Once they opened it, they discovered another tomb for another of the first Jedi, but the tomb was surrounded by tons of little boxes. Out of curiosity, Spike took the first one. He opened it, and it began to play music, much to the others’ surprise.

‘Music boxes?’ said Ocellus as she looked at one of them.

‘They must be from different worlds,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘So that most can remember what their cultures would be like before time itself had changed them.’

Luke went over to another coffin, but this one was a bit stubborn. Thanks to Applejack, Yona and Rockhoof, they were able to open it. Sunburst used his magic to lift up not one, but two Lightsabers, both who’s runes were just as ancient, and both were the color of purple. As they placed it away, Silverstream reached her claw into the coffin and pulled out a scroll contained in a metallic cylinder.

‘Here you go.’ said Silverstream as she presented it to Luke.

Luke accepted it and slightly bowed to her in respect. It wasn’t necessary, but she enjoyed the flattery. Luke opened the scroll and looked through its contents.

He gained their attention as he said ‘According to the scroll, it says that the next clue of the temple’s location would be hidden within the grand village of the masters of the earth.’

Pinkie bounced up and down multiple times as she suddenly had an idea. ‘Oh, oh, I know where it is.’

‘You do?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

Applejack also had the idea. ‘Oh yeah, the village of Dirtville, which some would call Earth’s Haven, home to the Earth Pony Tribes.’

‘Oh, where’s that?’ asked Twilight, for she never had the chance to study more about the original homelands of the pony tribes.

‘It’s just south of mah cousin Braeburn’s hometown of Appaloosa,’ said Applejack ‘Mah family’s known about that for centuries. In fact, we’re the descendant of Secretary Smart Cookie, the only Earth Pony with any sense among the Earth Ponies.’

‘Ah yes,’ said Rockhoof as he remembered her well ‘Without sensible ponies like her and those who think like her, Equestria wouldn’t be what it would be today.’

‘Then we’d better get moving.’ said Luke as he was somewhat in a hurry.

‘You okay there Luke-e?’ said Pinkie Pie as she leaned closer.

‘I cannot place my finger on it,’ said Luke ‘But I can sense a dark presence coming forth, but it will not show itself yet.’

‘Like what?’ asked Twilight, as she too was somewhat worried.

‘It’s uncertain.’ said Luke ‘The Dark Side of the force clouds one’s vision from seeing the future, so it’ll be impossible to see.’

‘If what you said is true,’ said Celestia ‘Then we had better hurry.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna with determination ‘Onward to the home of the Earth Ponies.’

Soon the group left, hurrying towards their next destination as quick as they could.