• Published 25th May 2020
  • 649 Views, 8 Comments

Once Upon Another Time - Undome Tinwe

A thousand years after love drove them apart, Luna reunites with an old flame.

  • ...

'Til I Hear You Sing


Glistening and glimmering in the moonlight, the capital of a land of miracles and marvels.

At least, that was what it seemed to Luna. In the short time since her return, she'd seen wonders and astonishments aplenty. Six mortals, wielding the Elements, rising bright, drenched with light, had saved her from her darkness and brought her into a new world.

And what a world it was, beckoning and shimmering like one of the dreams she stood watch over. Every day new magic and machines were being created, every fantasy set free that once would have been thought impossible. Marvels undreamt of since the dawn of creation brought glamours from afar, and the speed and sound and thrills sometimes threatened to overwhelm the ancient princess.

Still, she enjoyed all that this Equestria that had thrived without her had to offer, and always looked forward to the next spectacle, whether it was the defeat of a changeling army via the power of love, or Discord himself getting his comeuppance from the same mares who had saved her.

And yet...

"Enjoying the fresh air?"

Luna turned and glanced at the entrance to the balcony, where her sister was standing with a soft smile on her expression. "I'm told it is good for my constitution." She kept her tone neutral, not wanting to drive Celestia away, but also desiring solitude.

"It's good for contemplation too," the princess of the sun added, walking up to her side. "I do my best worrying up here." Her smile turned into a wry smirk.

"Do you doubt that Twilight Sparkle will be able to succeed in her quest?" Luna asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I have the utmost faith in my faithful student," Celestia replied before frowning. "But... Sombra was a powerful mage, and cunning besides. I fear that even in defeat he may find a way to harm the mares we owe so much to."

"If you wish her to walk the path which you have planned out, then it is a risk you must take," Luna said, firmly but not unkindly.

A sigh from Celestia. "I know. But that doesn't stop me from worrying." She glanced at Luna. "Worrying about all the ponies I care about."

Luna grunted, but didn't reply in words, and Celestia pressed on. "I don't think either of us was expecting the Empire to ever return. If Twilight can undo our failure, then there will be much rejoicing."

"She won't be there to see it, though." The words slipped out before Luna could stop them. She had always been worse at holding her tongue than her sister. Well, as they said in this new world, the cat had been let out of the bag, and there was no reason not to continue. "You saw how I was after she left."

"I did," Celestia replied softly. "I remember weeks passing, then months, then years. The seasons flew by, and you passed by them in a haze."

"She had a most wondrous singing voice." Luna's voice was equally soft, barely above a whisper. "A mare of many talents, she was, and sometimes, when I slumber, I dream that she is here with me, and wake holding naught but air."

"I'm sorry."

Luna snorted. "What have you to be sorry for, sister? She was the one who left me, who broke my heart and soul with nary a word. And now Radiant Hope is dead." It hurt to say the name out loud, but then, it always hurt to think of her. "As any mortal would be after a thousand years. She was not the first I have lost, and she shall not be the last."

"Some mortals haunt us longer than others." The sorrow in Celestia's words turned Luna's head, and she wished to know more, but not tonight. Tonight she had plenty of phantoms to plague her already.

"When I was on the moon, the part of me that was still sane wondered if she might have come back had I not given in to the darkness." Pain lanced her heart at the memory. "The Nightmare was always far too skilled at finding a pony's most vulnerable weakness. I was forced to remain trapped in that infernal prison while my love was taken away from me by the ravages of time."

"If I could go back and do it all over—" Celestia began to say, but Luna cut her off.

"Nay, you did what was right." She had caused enough pain already. No one else should have to suffer any guilt. "I must live with the consequences of my actions. Perhaps I shall never feel whole 'til I hear her sing again, 'til we make magic with one another once more, but that is my burden to bear. Not yours." A smile forced its way onto her lips. "Worry about your own student, and prepare the celebration for her triumphant return."

Celestia stared long and hard at Luna, and Luna made sure to hide her torment as best she could. Eventually, the other mare sighed, seeming to accept that she would get no more from the Princess of the Night at this time. "Very well. I'm headed to bed now. Good night, Luna."

"Good night, sister. Dream of happy things." As Luna would dream of the voice of Radiant Hope, the mare she'd once loved with all her heart.