• Published 25th May 2020
  • 649 Views, 8 Comments

Once Upon Another Time - Undome Tinwe

A thousand years after love drove them apart, Luna reunites with an old flame.

  • ...

Look With Your Heart

Luna ducked as a bolt of magic flew over her head, barely grazing her mane.

"You might as well just give up now," her assailant scoffed, blocking the counterspell thrown her way. "I already defeated your sister once. I doubt I'll have any issues taking out her lesser half."

Gritting her teeth, Luna fired off another spell to distract Chrysalis while she repositioned. "You are not fat with the love of Shining Armor this time, insect. I shall have no trouble in dispatching you."

"Ah, but you are distracted, hmm?" Chrysalis taunted as they continued their deadly dance in the heart of the Crystal Empire. "I can sense hatred inside you, like mouldy cheese or expired milk. But more than that, I can sense heartache." She smirked cruelly. "It's not directed at my partner in crime, but he is the source of it. How very interesting. I'll have to get the full story from Sombra after I deal with you."

"There is nothing to tell," Luna spat as she prepared to fire again.

"Oh, really?" Both of them were holding their magic now, waiting to see what the other would do. "See, love's a curious thing. It's so often disguised, and if you look the wrong way, you won't recognize it. But the heart, the heart never lies, and I'm good at reading hearts, and I trust what yours shows. Tell me, did Sombra kill your beloved, or did he prove a better lover than you? Why is it that your heart will never be right again?"

With a cry of rage, Luna charged forward, forgoing unicorn magic and making full use of her Earth Pony strength to ram through Chrysalis' magical barrier and knock her to the ground. The changeling queen's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly rolled over and leapt back to her hooves, her smirk never fading.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve?" A grating laugh as Chrysalis charged up another spell. "My most sincere apologies."

"You made a grave mistake coming here." Shoring up all her power, Luna fired straight at Chrysalis, who returned in kind, a battle of raw strength that Luna poured all her rage into.

Meanwhile, the princess of the night was dimly aware that her sister was engaged in an equally ferocious battle with the newly-revived Sombra, and gave silent thanks that she didn't have to face that monster. If Chrysalis was able to get under her skin this easily, then she couldn't imagine what the stallion whom Luna had every reason to detest with every fibre of her being would do to her psyche.

"Sombra, it matters not how powerful you are. You are powered by hatred," she barely heard Celestia shout to her foe.

"That's not entirely true."

The world froze as the familiar voice called out into the battle. Luna nearly forgot to maintain her spell as she turned around to see a purple mare firing a spell right at Celestia. "Sister!" she called out, but was too late as her sister's magic was dispelled by a long-dead mare.

A maelstrom of emotions roared within her, and Luna channelled it all into her magic as she knocked Chrysalis to the ground before returning her attention to the sight at hoof.

Radiant Hope looked exactly the same as when Luna had last seen her.

Luna shook her head. No, that wasn't true; her body looked as young as it had ever been, but her eyes, those familiar, beautiful blue eyes, held the age of centuries within them, the same centuries that Luna had experienced. Joy burst through her chest at seeing her beloved once again, joy and confusion at how she was still among the living, but was quickly followed by sorrow and anger.

Ten years. Ten long years since Luna's return, and she had given not a single sign, had sent not a single word to inform her that she still lived. And now, as she stood before them, defending Sombra from Celestia, Luna felt the ultimate betrayal slice through her heart.

What a fool she'd been, to think that Radiant Hope would ever have chosen her over her beloved childhood friend. She'd fled from her, after all, fled with her heart, and she could hardly be surprised to see ancient history repeat itself once again.

"A little help over here!" Chrysalis shouted, long forgotten by Luna as Hope's eyes met hers.

Pain and regret flashed in her eyes, and hope bloomed in Luna's chest at the sight. Despite everything, memories of the past began to flash through the princess' mind as she remembered watching how Radiant Hope had risen like a star, showing talent and virtue in equal measure until she had captured Luna's heart. They had all travelled long, travelled far, to come to this place, and perhaps...

Perhaps if they looked with their hearts, then all would be right again.

"How I've longed for this revenge. Goodbye, princesses."

Dark magic tainted the air, and the last thing that Luna saw was abject horror on Radiant Hope's expression as the spell struck, and all became darkness.