• Published 25th May 2020
  • 650 Views, 8 Comments

Once Upon Another Time - Undome Tinwe

A thousand years after love drove them apart, Luna reunites with an old flame.

  • ...

Why Does She Love Me?

"Phew, that was a close one," Hope said as she slipped the next shard into her saddlebag. Behind her, Sombra could see the entrance to the Stone City collapsing into a pile of rubble, sealing the secrets within off from the world. "Good thing we remembered that Celestia's name used to be spelled with two A's for the puzzle, huh?"

"Quite," Sombra replied, raising his hoof to wipe off the dust in his mane. "These leap of faith trails are becoming rather tedious, however."

A shrug from Hope. "I guess they're easy to build if you don't have access to complicated magic."

"Regardless, I will be quite happy if we never have to delve into another booby-trapped ruin ever again." Sombra eyed the tent they'd set up about a quarter-mile away, and then at the setting Sun, already kissing the horizon and signalling nightfall. "It looks like we'll have to spend another night out here."

"Sounds good to me." They trotted back towards their temporary encampment. When they arrived, they threw a few more branches of kindling on the campfire to keep it alive.

"Only two more shards left," Hope commented as she pulled out the oatcakes in their trunk and floated them over the fire. "It's going to be so nice to have Princess Amore back. Also, I'm never going camping again after all this."

"Absolutely," Sombra said. "I do hope I had the foresight to hide the next shard somewhere that a city would later be founded on."

"When this is over I'm finding a spa and staying there for a week," Hope promised. She gave one of the oatcakes to Sombra and bit into the other. "Ugh, you'd think they'd have found a way to make these taste better after a thousand years."

"Once I have access to a kitchen I will cook you something worthy of your palate." And worthy of his own, Sombra mentally added as he winced at the bland flavour of their dinner.

"That would be nice." Hope smiled. "I haven't had a chance to enjoy your cooking since before everything."

"You'll be able to experience it as much as you want once we find a place to settle down."

At those words, Sombra saw Hope tense, and his own good mood evaporated. He'd made the mistake of mentioning the future he'd envisioned for them, and now Hope was going to be reserved and distant with him all night.

"I guess I will." And there it was. That infuriating noncommittal response.

Sombra grit his teeth, and considered holding his tongue, but they were so close to the end now. This couldn't go on. "You know, you don't have to stay with me after we finish this quest." He paused. "In fact, I wouldn't want you to feel compelled to accompany me out of some sense of duty." At last, he had said it. Let Hope choose which bed she wished to lie in.

"I'm not just here out of duty," Hope replied, her eyes narrowing. "I want to help you, and I like spending time with you."

"Do you?" Sombra pressed. "I'm not blind, you know. I know there's something between us that's keeping us apart."

"It— It's complicated." Hope bowed her head in shame. "I'm sorry. I do love you, Sombra, and you make me happy and we work very well together. But... I need time."

Sombra snorted. "It has been over a year. I know it's nothing compared to the thousand you spent without me, but I miss the way we used to be."

"I miss it too," Hope whispered. She leaned in and gave Sombra a chaste kiss against the cheek, and Sombra hated how such a small gesture made him feel so warm. They should have been far beyond this point already. "Let's just finish finding all the shards first, okay? One problem at a time."

"Very well." This couldn't go on much longer. Hope might have been willing to wait a millennium for her, but he wasn't quite so patient. "Shall we retire for the night, then? It would be best if we rose early tomorrow for our journey back to Vanhoover."

"Sure." Obvious relief showed on Hope's face as she headed towards the tent, Sombra following close behind. "Good night, my love."

"Good night, dear." The day had been taxing, and Hope fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. Sombra was equally as tired, but the turmoil in his heart kept him from sleeping, as fears of the future plagued him.

He could feel Hope drifting away from him. No, that wasn't quite true. They were wonderful friends, and clearly felt something more for one another, but every time Sombra wanted to take any of the next steps in their relationship, it felt like he had to drag Hope along, and that took his mind back to a dark place which he was trying to move on from.

He couldn't keep doing this, couldn't keep being more invested in their relationship than she was. Something was keeping her heart from him, and he had to determine what it was before it was too late.

As his thoughts continued to wander, he felt a tingle against his horn. He looked down at the sleeping Hope, and frowned as he saw the magic surrounding her.

So, that was what he'd be missing.

Sombra's eyes narrowed as his mind shifted to an old, familiar place. One of tactics and cunning as plans began to form.

One way or another, Hope would be with her true love.