• Published 31st Mar 2022
  • 891 Views, 28 Comments

Enforcing Change - Scootaboom1

By pretending to have a special power to explain his knowledge Nightlight manipulates everyone around him for the future.

  • ...

Ch 1 Introduction (rewrite)


I woke up to the worst pain I had ever felt in my head. Actually never mind it was all over my body.

Looking around I noticed that I was in a cell of some kind. The bed was quite comfortable and saw two unicorn guards outside the door...
Wait unicorn guards, how much did I drink?

Walking or rather limping up to the cell door I asked, "Don't I get a phone call?"

"What's a phone call?" said the first guard.

"Is it a necessity sir?" asked the second guard.

"Well if you could tell me where I am and why I'm in a cell than maybe not."

Before either of the guards could respond they stood to attention and a familiar royal sounding voice came from just out of view.

"I believe I can answer that question my other worldly guest," Princess Celestia said as she both literally and figuratively shined as she walked into view.


"For starters I am sure that you have noticed that you are no longer in your original world correct," Celestia answered.

"The first clue was the unicorn guards, but is there something you can do about the pain I'm in?"

Celestia looked slightly down, "Well the pain actually being caused by a prolonged transformation into a local creature, but adding anything more to your system may cause more harm than good."

"Wait does that mean I can't eat, and if so will I starve?"

"Not at all rather according to the researchers I have on what happened you are in a state of homeostasis, in fact the reason I knew to come check on you is that the various hidden scanners in the room alerted them while I was there," Celestia seemed to literally brighten up with that.

"So how did this even happen to me?"

"Well you see I have a school magic and there is also this mirror that can be used to travel to a parallel world, and well one of the seniors decided to use it for an unapproved experiment for their senior project," Celestia had a guilty, downcast look on her face.

Just before passing out I let out, "Let me guess it went horribly wro..."


The individual from another world regained lucidity multiple times and while they seemed nice enough, but it feels as though they are hiding something, "It just seems as though he knows more than he lets on."

I heard the door open and Iron Shield the captain of the Solar Guard walked in, "Am I interrupting something princess?"

"Not at all my little pony, do you have anything to report," from the look on his face I could tell it was good news.

Iron Shield smiled as he began, "When the researchers you assigned learned that our new guest was transforming into a changeling they realized that there may have been a changeling near by at the time. After investigating three suspects we came up with no leads, but after realizing that we missed one other potential suspect who we have confirmed is a changeling without alerting them."

It appears that my fears that the changelings were making a comeback were not unfounded, "Who is it?"

"A filly by the name of Moth Ball who has just begun to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns," Iron Shield sounded disappointed I was just glad that no pony too important was replaced.

Then again Moth Ball is from outside of Equestria so it may just be a created form.

"I see keep her under observation until otherwise stated," Iron Shield solute in affirmation.


I had been moved to an underground room in order to be studied and properly learn the information that I was going to need in order to integrate in Equestrian society as well as to learn how to use my new abilities, but I was way to hungry.

If this is how changelings always felt before the metamorphosis than it was no wonder they acted the way they did. If I don't do something about it I will go insane.

So I did...

While facing the door...

Luckily only one of them look mad or is that annoyance.

"Do you care to explain why the door suddenly just seems to explode off the hinges," Iron Shield in a way that honestly sounded more like a statement than question with the tone of his voice

I put on a nervous smile, "Well before you explode on me, I decided that rather than drive myself insane and potentially harm another unintentionally, I felt it would be best to do the metamorphosis now."

The look of confusion on his face amused me, and it appears it was Celestias' turn to ask a question.

Celestia put on a questioning glare as she asked, "How did you know about this metamorphosis, a is it related to why you seem to know more than you let on?"

Straight to the point I see.

Honestly it felt like being well honest was not going to be as helpful so, "Well yes you see I have the ability to see into other worlds but can't control what I see so I know quite a bit more than I let on but I ultimately feel that it may be for the best if I keep it to myself since I do not know how accurate it will be and most of what I see is just white noise."

Please don't call my bluff...

Celestia sighed in defeat but looked somewhat relieved too, "Well it seems these visions of other worlds are like your memory of your previous world we are unable to observe them, but with this metamorphosis we may be able to convince them to accept peace an..."

"I'm going to stop you there. First I am an outsider, the chances of that accepting such a drastic change in life style out of the blue will not go well.

Second it will be better if they see the metamorphosis from one of their own.

Third I believe it would best to keep my overall influence to a minimum as possible. Though I am willing to form a line of communication with Chrysalis for the future of both when ready."

Celestia and the captain looked like deer in headlights after all that.

Celestia said, "Well that was informative, and dare I say wise. Though I was wondering if you have thought about what you would like us to call you because if you haven't, I have thought of one that may work if you want."

"Oh, thank you want is it?" As I asked it occurred to me that I never told her my name, but I may as well abandon it in this new world.

"Well I have two friends who have been been unable to have children and spend most of their time traveling, since they were disowned from their families the have not really kept in touch with any pony so if their roughly seventeen to eighteen year old son chose to settle down in Canterlot, I do not believe that any pony will question it," Celestia had a wide grin like she was asking a favor.

"I don't see a problem with it, what did you have in mind?" It isn't like she was asking me to become someone important.

"A unicorn by the name of Nightlight." Celestia had no idea what she just asked of me.

Que the internal screaming and panic attacks.

After a few seconds or maybe minutes I noticed that the two of them were trying to get my attention.

"Sorry about that I am glad that my new identity is going to be that one who could play the role of an irrelevant side character but knowing that my future children are going to be such major big shots is a bit overwhelming."

Celestia and Iron Shield both looked at me with a mixture of shock and confusion, but I didn't blame them for that.