• Published 31st Mar 2022
  • 893 Views, 28 Comments

Enforcing Change - Scootaboom1

By pretending to have a special power to explain his knowledge Nightlight manipulates everyone around him for the future.

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Ch 32 Vs. Grogar (rewrite)


I was starting to get worried.

My mom told me a few days ago that dad suddenly disappeared, and no creature has been able to get in contact with him this was not normal.

Chrysalis had not been able to get him to respond to her messages and even Star Swirl had been unable to locate him.

That was when I had started to worry.

Discord said that he would help look for him but that had gone nowhere.

I was in Canterlot Castle with my friends and the other princesses when a guard barged in saying that Tirek and Cozy Glow had arrived at the front of the castle and was now waiting in the throne room.

We quickly made our way to the throne room only to see that Tirek's right arm had swollen like crazy and Cozy Glow's wing was in a brace.

We were a little confused and Cozy Glow said to Tirek that she told him that we would arrive without asking for details.

When we realized that they were actually not here to cause trouble I had no idea how to react.

Tirek and Cozy Glow seemed to be worried about something.

Tirek had decided that the best way to explain what happened was to start from the beginning.

Though it was far sooner than expected.

Shortly after the bugbear was put in Tartarus a mystery shadow appeared to him and offered a deal.

I told him that that was my father.

This seemed to surprise him but he continued.

Learning about the conversation they had was interesting to say the least.

He got to the part where he was in Tartarus along side Cozy Glow when suddenly they were teleported out by who they learned was Grogar.

Learning that Grogar had revived Nightmare Moon had caused all of us to be shocked.

Cozy Glow had questioned how it was even possible.

Celestia had said that dad had mentioned the possibility but had performed an investigation and had been under the impression that he had cleared out any traces of her that remained.

But it appears that dad had missed a piece, a piece that was found by Grogar.

This whole situation made Luna uncomfortable.

But learning about how she felt disconnected from Luna but wanted to be loved and appreciated all the same.

When we learned of the Bewitching Bell and what happened with it my mouth became dry.

But what truly shook us was when Tirek mentioned what Grogar had said about absorbing a changeling.

Without even letting Tirek finish his sentence I told Spike to send a message to Thorax asking if any other changeling was unaccounted for.

Tirek and Cozy Glow became confused at this and I said that if Grogar had gained the my dad's powers then there is a good chance that we are all in grave danger.

When Thorax got back to us our fears were confirmed.

When Tirek and Cozy Glow were explained the reason for the commotion they understood with grim expressions.

Grogar was apparently in the process of creating an army and if we did not stop him now we will all fall one by one.

So we began to send letters to our allies.

Our hope was to take the fight to him together before his army was finished.

Then we told mom about what we learned she said that we should search the house for anything dad may have left to help us.

Under the floor boards of my parents room there was a letter with a simple message, "Have trust in those who stand beside you and fight together."

This irritated Tirek and Cozy Glow but that was how dad did things.

As we approached Grogars' base our allies were also making their way.

A black tar flowed out of the skull with what appeared to be faces and limbs sticking out of it.

As our armies gathered an astral head of Grogar appeared above.

He laughed and mocked Tirek and Cozy Glow for fulfilling their final purpose in gathering so many creatures who would appose him in one place.

This sparked irritation among our armies the word arrogant resounded clearly from the dragons and yaks in particular.

Our plan of attack was fairly simple since anything to complex could be countered with ease.

In a way the best strategy was to effectively rush him all at once similar to what dad said.

Our armies moved in on Grogars' fortress.

The fire breath of the dragons was helpful in clearing out Grogars' army but some were immune to fire and his army covered far too much land to burn.

The swamp also protected some that may have otherwise been burned to a crisp.

To prevent them from being overwhelmed by swarms of small monsters other flying soldiers worked to keep them off the dragons.

The ground troops would focus on the monsters that were not burned away that couldn't fly.

Cozy Glow was helping with distributing orders throughout the army.

The Princesses, Shining Armor, Tirek, and others would face Grogar.

Though the biggest advantage appeared to be in fighting among Grogars' army.

This would anger Grogar causing him to blast his own monsters.

This had caused Discord to hum to himself.

We had focused on using ranged attacks or weapons.

No one was to use direct attacks.

Aside from blast of magic for ranged attacks he also used a tail with a bulb and stinger on the end.

The bulb would fill with explosive liquid and fire the poison stinger like a flaming ballista.

He would also make mantis limbs to slash and stape at us.

Despite his power Grogar was having a difficult time with all of us.

Suddenly Grogar cried out in frustration questioning how we were continually doing things outside of his future sight.

This caused me to pause in thought for a second.

This could only mean that he was only seeing one future.

Dad was still fighting him from the inside.

And Discord also figured it out.

But him blabbing it out caused Grogar to realize it.

Grogar started to move it strange ways and smiled.

Grogar started to say that he had an even better idea and smiled.

Suddenly ten copies of himself appeared.

Two left to take command of his forces.

And by take command I mean threaten and ridicule.

We had been having difficulty with just one and now there were ten.

The battle suddenly turned further in his favor.

A lightbulb lit over Discords' head.

He whispered something into Fluttershy's ears.

Putting a microphone in front of Fluttershy she started to ask for the attention of Grogars' army.

Then it clicked.

Discord was having Fluttershy ask Grogars' army to turn on him.

And given that he has only been a jerk to them, and they listened.

Now Grogar had to fight his own army.

As a result he had to make even more copies of himself, but this appeared to act in his disadvantage.

His movements continued to slow as he was being overwhelmed.

At this point he shouted out in fury and all his copies started to fuse together.

Together they made a giant ram covered in heads all over his body with a somewhat melted appearance.

The heads let out a horrid wail when suddenly he screamed as his body seemed to wither away.

From one of the heads the form of a changeling burst out of his body.

As this occurred the monsters that made Grogars' army started to turn to ash.

Dad looked around and asked, "What did I miss?"