• Published 31st Mar 2022
  • 891 Views, 28 Comments

Enforcing Change - Scootaboom1

By pretending to have a special power to explain his knowledge Nightlight manipulates everyone around him for the future.

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Ch 4 Velvet (rewrite)


I couldn't help but be amused about my little performance with Moth Ball. Celestia seemed to be unhappy about the fact that I scared her the way I did, but Iron Shield managed to convince her that using the similar leadership techniques as Chrysalis in order to gain her trust was a good idea.

"Fine, but I must ask how did you cast those spells without lighting your horn?" Celestia asked.

I chuckled and answered, "Well it's funny you should ask that.

When your researchers told me about how I was some kind of living construct with a core I decided that there should be a way to permanently alter my base form to improve my abilities.

For example I fixed my vision problems, added these fully dexterous ribbon wing things that can stretch, harden, and cause electric shocks.

But to specifically answer your question I made it so that I can hide the use of magic and other abilities such as flight."

They looked a mix of shock and impressed.

"Speaking of which I have once again finished reading through the books you have lent me once again," I continued.

And now they were both scowling.

"Can you read through them faster," Iron Shield asked sarcastically.

The sarcasm was just begging for a comeback.

So I answered, "To be fair I have learned a spell that helps with that called acceleroto which let's me move so fast that I become a blur."

The irritation on their faces actually looked physically painful.

"So can I just have access to the Canterlot Archives please?" I asked.

I put on my best puppy dog eyes as they sighed in defeat.

"Honestly it is only a matter of time before you just stop asking and we can't stop you, so I may as well," answered Celestia.

Oh just you wait princess.

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

For the next few days every pony who went to the Archives was shocked by the mysterious blur that zipped around.

After reading through almost everything that in the Archive that was not behind a locked door I read almost everything I could.

Though I was lucky to get access to the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing, and found that time spell that Starlight modified to make her time travel spell. In fact all the needed information was in the section itself, but I simply improved the original spell to send my memories nine days into the past while syncing the timelines.

Throughout all the various texts throughout the section, relic creation was one which peaked my interest. I had a few ideas on items I could create myself that were not just recreations of technology from my own world.

As I was making my way out of the Archive I heard a familiar voice coming from the section next to me.

"This is impossible, there is literally no information on it!" Moth Ball said in irritation.

"Now now, I'm sure that we can find something on how Star Swirl defeated the sirens I think," assured Twilight Velvet.

She's here? Well now is as good as any to meet her. Walking to them.

As I approached I said, "Actually no, you will not find any information on how he stopped the sirens in this archive.

I checked."

Velvet had a slightly irritated look on her face and said, "Oh really, and just who are you?"

Since I have yet to meet either of them in this form, "My name is Nightlight, I'm the one who has been using acceleroto to zip through every book. What are your names?"

She started to look at me with a bit more interest.

"I am Twilight Velvet and this is Moth Ball," answered Velvet.

Since I need to get on her good side I smiled and asked, "So is there anything I can help you both with?"

Moth Ball looked like she wanted to scream. It put an internal smile on my face.

Velvet smiled and said, "Oh well I noticed that Moth Ball here was struggling with something and after talking to her I learned that she was having trouble finding material on her topic for a research paper. I tried to help her find relevant material, but as you can guess."

While I don't know the details of the assignment I knew it was probably best to be honest and said, "Since there is no way for you to get sourced information for the project, I would change topics if possible."

"But how will she get the necessary information to finish in time?" asked Velvet.

She looked back to me as I stood there drinking a smoothie and wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"You know, this can work," said Velvet.

We ended up changing the topic to ursa majors and used one of Rockhoofs' stories for the report. I would have chosen dragons but with next to no information on them even the sirens would have been easier.

Velvet sighed and said, "Wow is it that time already!

Good work team.

So Nightlight I don't think I have seen you around before, what's your story?"

I chuckled and gave her the back story Celestia had set up, and asked about her.

She just has two more years before she graduates and got her cutie mark for getting a three out of three star rating on a book she wrote.

She was surprised to learn that I didn't attend the School for Gifted Unicorns.

I laughed and said playing up my accent, "At my age and with how I was raised traveling all over I don't think I could really enjoy attending such a academy.

Not to mention that I felt I could do more for my home land as a member of the guard."

Velvet hummed thoughtfully and said, "If you say so.

Oh look at the time, sorry but I am going to be late to a prior arrangement. Maybe we can meet up at another time?"

I smiled and said, "Sure, and you go on ahead. I will walk little Moth Ball back to the School for Gifted Unicorns."

Moth Ball looked like she was about to sweat bullets.

When I was walking down the corridor with Moth Ball I cast a spell that would let us have a private conversation.

Putting on a stern expression I asked, "So has the Queen received my letter?"

Moth Ball brightened up and said, "Yes, and when she read through it she agreed.

She agreed when you mentioned the umbra and the princess of food as you called her."

Nightlight smiled and said, "Good and make sure you give no clues to Celestia about our plans. She would never allow them even if they have only three little acts of genocide."