• Published 5th May 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1 - JesusG0987

What IF: The adventure continues as Sunset now joined the New Generation as they embrace the magic of friendship.

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Chapter 22: Zipp's Yes Day

Chapter 22: Zipp’s Yes Day

In the Maretime Bay smoothie stand, Hitch, Izzy and Pipp are gulping down on their smoothies at a fast-paste.

“Go! Go! Go! Go!” Sunny and Sunset cheered out in encouragement as Sunny holds a timer stop-watch, meaning that the group are having a smoothie-slurping contest to see who gets to finish their smoothies first while Sunny and Sunset times their records. “Aaannnddd…” Sunset and Sunny both said while keeping their eyes on the watch in excitement.

At that moment, Pipp finished her smoothie fast as she slammed it on the counter. “Totally done!” She called out, with the hiccups to go with it. “Again!” She added with a smile, while also stating that she has won again.

Sunny stops the watch as he checks the time record. “7.1 seconds.” She said to her friends. “It’s a new gulpathon record, Pipp.” She told Pipp with a smile.

“You win again in the smoothie gulping contest, Pipp.” Sunset added as she gave another score record point to Pipp.

Pipp smiled at her record as she turned to the others. Hitch finished his smoothie as he took a breath after slurping the cold smoothie while Izzy hadn't finished her smoothie yet. Izzy looks at what’s left of her smoothie, not wanting to feel left out, she gives a smirk and looks around if her friends are paying attention, while they aren’t she tosses the smoothie content out of the cup with a toss. “Done!” She called out while tossing the smoothie.

“Hey!” Posey’s voice can be heard behind them.

“Hooo! I drank that whole smoothie so fast!” Izzy lied with a smile and sparkle in her eyes, not wanting to feel left out. “Fastest I’ve ever done. Wow.” She finished with a smile.

“Uh-hum” Posey cleared her throat as she tapped Izzy on her shoulder, making the unicorn turn and saw Posey next to her, with an angry look and some smoothie that Izzy accidentally tossed at her.

“Oh. Hi, Posey.” Izzy greeted with a smile, totally oblivious to knowing that Posey is a little ticked off from Izzy getting smoothies on her. “Loving the new do. Purple highlights? Funky!” She cheered to Posey, thinking the smoothie is a new dew.

Posey got even madder as her head became red with gritted teeth. “Unbelievable!” She snapped as she walked away in anger, really don’t like how she’s been going through, mostly Izzy from time to time.

The five ponies watched her go as they were shocked by her outburst. “Can’t say she deserves it. But wow, she can be ticked off when she’s mad. Madder than me from time to time.” Sunset commented, while seeing Posey ticked off can be shocking, even by her standards when she gets mad herself, but can’t say Posey deserves it for being rude to ponies from time to time.

And then Pipp gasps as she realizes a feeling she starts to feel. “Uh-oh! I knew it.” She said while holding her head, as it started to turn blue. “Here it comes.” She said while clutching her head.

“Ah! Can’t stop it now!” Hitch said, while clutching his head as it turned blue as well.

“Brain freeze!” Hitch and Pipp cried out, apparently, drinking their smoothies too fast has given them an after-effect called brain freeze.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!” Pipp cried out while Hitch moaned in pain from his brain freeze as they will have to endure it until it goes away.

Izzy is basically the only pony, aside Sunset and Sunny, who doesn’t have a brain freeze since she didn’t drink all her smoothie that fast. But Izzy doesn’t want to be left out as she plays along as she gasps. “Oh, no! I've also got the... the freeze!” She fakely cried out, pretending to have a brain freeze. “Oh! Ooh, it burns! I mean, uh, so cold!” She said while fakely clutching her head.

Sunset sees Izzy’s play but lets it slide as she shakes her head in amusement. “That’s what happens when you drink too many smoothie ponies.” She said with a chuckle as Sunny chuckled along with her, it’s a funny sight alright.

Up in the sky, Zipp is flying by, and then she sees Pipp, Izzy and Hitch groaning in pain from the brain freeze they are having. “Oh, no!” Zipp grows concerned as she flies down in front of the stand as Sunny is cleaning a smoothie cup while Sunset just watches on. “What happened? Are they okay?” She asks the two ponies, wanting to know what is going on.

“Oh, it's just a bit of a brain freeze. It'll be over any second.” Sunny answers Zipp’s question while watching the three ponies having their brain freeze breakdown, while Izzy just fakes it so she doesn’t feel left out.

“We’re playing a contest on who gulps down their smoothie first as fast as they can, Zipp.” Sunset added with a smile, while also holding the score board. “And apparently, Pipp is on the lead to two to none. Two rounds in a row.” She points to the two points that Pipp made while Hitch’s and Izzy have none.

Sunny and Sunset came out of the stand while holding two smoothies that each of them are holding. “And Gulp-a-thon round three is up next, and there's a smoothie with your name on it, Zipp.” Sunny answered while holding a green smoothie to Zipp, who’s smiling at the two ponies. “What do you say?” She asks if Zipp wants to join in on the contest.

“Yeah... Tempting, but no, thanks.” Zipp politely answered, not feeling like doing that contest as she pushed the smoothie back a bit. “I'm good. Working on some Pega-dives. Check this one out.” She said to them as she flew to the air, and then did a dive bomb to her friends.

The others screamed as they moved out of the way, but Sunny and Sunset dropped the smoothies they were carrying as they flew to the air, and then landed on Posey, who was sniffing a flower as the four smoothies splash on her.

Posey’s face then turned red again as she got angry again. “You have got to be KIDDING ME!!!” She snapped, really getting ticked off and it was the second time she got splashed by smoothies in one day.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy, Sunny, Sunset and Pipp are making something as Pipp sings the Pony Hop song while holding a spoon she is using as a microphone while moving around in the kitchen.


Pony-pony, do the pony-ony-ony
Pony-pony, do the pony-ony-ony

Zipp comes walking by as she sees her friends in the kitchen as she also sees Pipp singing as she then moves closer to Zipp as she swings her mane around.

Pick up your hooves and slide to the right
Shake your mane now side-to-side

Pipp then holds up the spoon closer to Zipp, wanting her to give it a try. “Come on, Zippy! You love this song!” She cheered to her sister to try it out, since Pony Hop is her favorite song.

“No, thanks. I'm good.” Zipp answered as she flew out of the Brighthouse as the doors closed.

The four ponies watch where Zipp flew off as Pipp scoffs at this outcome as Izzy is holding a cookie in her mouth.

“Okay. That was something.” Sunset commented, seeing how Zipp is declining their activities since she’s not interested.

A little bit later, Zipp headed to the bead as she landed on the sand with a thud. She looked around to see if her friends were here but she saw nopony.

“That's weird. They said they'd be here.” Zipp said to herself, wondering where her friends were.

And then from out of nowhere, Sunny, Sunset, Hitch and Pipp busted out from under the sand, which startled Zipp from the sudden appearance. “Surprise!” The four ponies called out to the Pegasus.

“Hey!” Zipp called out in surprise after a startle. “ What are you ponies—?” She didn’t get to finish as she screamed again when Izzy popped up from behind her.

“Surpri—!” Izzy tried to cheer out but got sand on her mouth as she began to cough while Zipp gave an unamused expression, knowing that Izzy can mess up an entrance, even her own, as the others just watch on with a smile. “Okay, Zipp, it's... your turn.” Izzy manages to say through her coughs as Zipp responds by flying back into the sky, making a pile of sand that the others got onto when she flew. Izzy spit the rest of the sand out as she looked up. “Don't you wanna be a seapony?” She asks Zipp of the game they would do and wants her to join in on the fun.

“No, thanks. I'm good.” Zipp answered with a forgiving smile for burying them back into the sand as she flew off.

Pipp got her head off from the sand as she spits it out of her mouth as she gives an annoying look. “Ugh! That's it! We have to do something! All she ever says is ‘no’!” She said to them as she reminded them of the times when they ask Zipp to join in on the fun, she said no.


A flashback where Izzy is holding a bowl of rainbow bubbles to Zipp, wanting to see if she wants to try it out. “Nah!” Zipp answered.

And other flashbacks to when Zipp is reading a magazine. “Nope!” She answered without taking her eyes off the magazine.

“Uh-uh!” Zipp answered while wearing her Z-Goggles.

“Neigh-way!” Zipp answered.

End of Flashbacks.

“Yeah. Zipp really needs to lighten up.” Sunset agreed, seeing Pipp’s point. “We gotta get Zipp to join us, because seriously, she can’t keep declining the offers all the time.” She added, while figuring out a way to get Zipp to join in on the fun, she may be a rebellious princess but not that rebellious, she usually has fun with her friends, just not that much, but way too often to decline. “It is as if the things we say can be the exact opposite of when we invited her to join in.” She finished.

“Hmmm…” Pipp thinks of a way to get her sister to join them on their fun, while also processing what Sunset said, that is when an idea pops into her head. “Aha!” She called out, having a plan to get Zipp to join them.

At Mane Melody, the Mane 6, san Zipp, are listening to Pipp’s plan to get her sister to join in on their fun time as they look at her phone.

“This is exactly what she needs…” Pipp starts, and then the door opens as Zipp walks in, causing Pipp to say something that will make their plan work. “...but Zipp'd neeeeever do anything like this!” She called out, playing an act to trick Zipp to join.

“I'd never do what?” Zipp asks, confused on what Pipp means.

Pipp chuckled as the rest of their friends turned to Zipp. “Oh, hey, Zipp.” She greeted as she walked to her sister. “Didn't see ya there. We were just watching a bunch of ‘Yes Day’ clips. Have you heard of 'em?” She asks, while playing the act to trick her sister.

“You'd hate it.” Sunny added to Zipp, playing along as well. “You have to say ‘yes’ to anything.” She said, which caused Hitch, Sunset, and Pipp to laugh as Zipp looked around in confusion.
“Can you imagine?” She asked them.

“Anything you want for a whole day?” Pipp added.

“It would be a pain. Saying ‘yes’ all day, who would last that long.” Sunset said with a smirk.

Izzy then spoke with a smile. “Hey, I bet Zipp could—” She was cut off when her friends looked at her with Sunny shaking her head, Hitch waving his hoof over his neck, Pipp is shushing Izzy with a look, and Sunset waving her hoof to tell Izzy to not break this plan and to play along. Izzy gasps as she realizes she nearly screwed up the plan as she plays the act. “...never do it! No way, missy! No ‘Yes Days’ in your future! Only ‘No Days’ for you for the rest of your neigh-saying life!” She cried out, going a bit far to play along.

The girls, san Zipp, looked at Izzy in shock, didn’t realize she had it in her and hoped Zipp bought it. Speaking of Zipp, said pegasus walked closer to Izzy while giving her a tense look as Izzy began to sweat and swallow a gulp.

But then what shocked them more is what Zipp just said. “I could do a ‘Yes Day’. Easy.” Zipp said with a confident smile.

This got the rest of the Mane 6 to laugh, seeing their plan is working, they have to keep going with a laugh.

“No way!” Hitch called out.

“I doubt you will try to say ‘yes’ for a whole day, Zipp!” Sunset commented with a smirk, putting the pressure on as they are near their goal.

“Not in a million moons!” Izzy finished, keeping the pressure on.

“I totally could say ‘yes’ for a whole day! I'll prove it!” Zipp protested with her friends, confident to say ‘yes’ for a whole day.

Pipp’s eyes sparkled with a wide smile, seeing that her plan was working as she came closer to her sister. “Re-he-heally? Zipp Storm, are you saying ‘yes’ to a ‘Yes Day’?” She challenges her sister as their plan is working as she puts a hoof over Zipp’s neck as she gives a smirk to her sister.

Zipp darted her eyes around before answering Pipp’s question. “...Yes?” She answered uncertainty, the rest of the Mane 6 smirked or smiled at this, seeing their plan work to get Zipp to join in.

A little bit later, Pipp then started doing Zipp’s mane in her salon as she used her special stylish tools to do Zipp’s mane.

A little bit later of Pipp’s special talent of stylish, she put a mirror in front of Zipp once she is done giving Zipp a new look that is her mane as a rainbow spiky-style mane with a lighten bolt makeover on her face. Zipp looked surprised before giving a smile to her sister, loving the new look as Pipp smiled back as the two sisters tapped their hooves together.

As Zipp is admiring her new look, Izzy came by and grabs Zipp, catching said pegasus by surprise as they made it out of the salon with something Izzy got plan for Zipp.

A little bit later, Izzy and Zipp are on Izzy’s motorcycle while wearing helmets as said unicorn drove in high speed as Zipp screams from the speed Izzy is going, sure she’s fast in the air but on the ground, not the same.

Izzy came to a stop as Zipp jumped off the motorcycle, looking dizzy from the speed Izzy went to as she groaned a bit before taking off her helmet and shaking the dizziness out of her.

“Whoo!” Izzy cheered as Zipp turned and saw Izzy on a homemade high diveboard next to a pool filled with glitter. Izzy jumps on the diveboard as she flips in the air. “Glitterball!” She cheered before she dived into the glitter pool as she splash into the pool, glitter splashing out in the process.

Zipp looked on as it happened as she smiled in awe at this as she came to the high dive board as she looked down at the pool, seeing Izzy swimming around the glitter pool as the unicorn looked at her friend.

“What do you say, Zipperoonie? The glitter's warm.” Izzy said to Zipp, encouraging her to join her in the glitter pile.

Zipp looked at Izzy for a moment before giving off a smile, and wanting to make things more exciting, Zipp flew to the air, and then with a flip, she let gravity take over as she dived to the glitter pool. “Yeaaaah!” She cheered as she splash into the pool as glitter splashed around.

And then sometime later, it was Sunset’s turn to have fun with Zipp, and this one is Zipp’s most favorite.

“Yahoo!” Sunset cried out as she flew to the sky, Zipp coming up behind her as they flew through the clouds. Sunset turned to Zipp as she smirked at her. “C’mon, Zipp! You’re going to let an ‘old’ mare beat you!?” She challenged Zipp, meaning that they are having a race to see who is the fastest.

Zipp scoff with a smirk. “As if! I’m not gonna let somepony beat me!” She called out as she picked up the speed as got ahead of Sunset.

Sunset gives a chuckle of Zipp’s enthusiasm. “Hey! You speedy Pegasus!” She called out as she flew ahead to catch up to her.

Hitch is at the ground holding a finish flag as he waves it at the two ponies racing in the air. Zipp came flying by as her speed wind bumped Hitch into the ground. Zipp did a loopy-loop in the air while Sunset caught up. “I win!” Zipp cheered while Sunset smiled at Zipp finally having fun with her friends, and racing is Zipp’s specialty, which is why Sunset challenged her to it.

A little bit later, the mane 6 are at the smoothie stand as Sunny spoke to her five friends in front of her, Sunset wanted to gulp some smoothie down this time as she sat at the other end of the stand with the others, joining the contest.

“Okay, ponies. Time for the Giga Gulp!” Sunny announced while holding two big giga cups filled with smoothies as she gave five of them to her friends.

Zipp caught her giga smoothie as she looked at Sunny with a smile as Sunny nodded her head as the others looked at her with a smile. “Aw, yeah!” Zipp said to them which caused the Sunset, Hitch, Izzy, and Pipp to cheer at this.

“Alright, ponies. Time to get gulping!” Sunset called out as she gulped on her smoothie first, the rest of the Mane 6, sans Sunny, followed along as they gulped their giga smoothies. Sunset was half-way there, but stopped as her head turned blue. “Aaahhhh! Brain freeze!” Sunset cried out while clutching her head, feeling the cold brain freeze on her head from the amount of smoothie she drank.

Zipp, however, finished her smoothie first, and no brain freeze to go with it. “Yeah!” She cheered as she won the round.

“Uh-huh!” Zipp cheered as she did another fun thing “Uh-huh!” She cheered again. “Aw, yeah!” Zipp called out, having the time of her life with her friends with sparkles in her eyes.

And then at the point of sunset, Zipp is force smiling a bit, as it turns out she is being a seapony from the sand tail her friends made, trying to keep herself from laughing from the amount of sand and pats her friends use to make the tail, finding it ticklish as Izzy patted the tail with a shovel.

“You know, there are such a things of seaponies. Like the Hippogriffs, Twilight once told me how they are part pony, part griffon, and found a jewel to transform into sea-base creatures in the water.” Sunset said, while remembering how Twilight told her about the Hippogriffs and their origins when the Storm King invaded their home before heading to Equestria, while saying how they became allies in the turn, after Twilight apologized to Queen Novo for trying to steal the gem to try and save Equestria from the Storm King.

“Really? Wow. That had to be something.” Zipp commented with a smile, finding it amazing that things like seaponies exist during the time of the Guardians of Friendship.

“Oh it is. Trust me. I read about them through my dad’s notes.” Sunny commented, while remembering how her dad told her stories of certain creatures in Equestria’s past, Hippogriff we’re one of them.

Pipp then brought her phone out in front of her friends with a smile, the others saw this as they huddled together. “Say ‘Yes Day’!” Pipp announced as they took their group picture together. “And... post!” Pipp said to herself as she clicked her phone, posting the picture into the web as she turned to her sister. “Okay, Zipp. Just one last thing.” She said to her sister as she dragged in her big bass speaker as it went off as the ponies covered their ears, except Izzy who was hopping to the music.

(Pipp: In Speakers)

Come on, ponies
Show me what you got
I said show me what you got
Here we go now, here we go

The sound from the speaker was so loud, it dissolved Zipp’s sand sea tail as it crumbled. Zipp looked up at her sister, who was holding a microphone with a smile, as Pipp then turned and saw the sun set, realizing that’s it’s too late to get Zipp to sing the song. “There's no more time! Ugh, ponyfeathers! But you did it, Zipp! How do you feel?” She asks her sister with a smile, wondering how Zipp felt after this whole thing.

“Honestly, I thought it was going to be the worst day ever.” Zipp said as she thought this would go bad, but then smiled as she now found it great. “But actually, I've... well... I've had so much fun! I should say ‘yes’ more often!” She said, finding this so fun that she would do this more often other than decline the offer, not wanting to miss out on fun activities with her friends again.

The rest of the Mane 6 cheered at Zipp’s words, finding their plan to get her to have fun completed. “Yay, Zipp!” Sunny announced through the cheering. “Welcome to ‘Team Yes’!” She added with a smile.

“Join us more often, and you’ll have more fun to go along with it.” Sunset finished with a smile, knowing that they finally got Zipp a taste of fun while finally convincing her to join them whenever they have plans to have fun together.

“Hand it over, sis.” Zipp said to her sister while sticking out her hoof, Pipp smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she gave her microphone to her sister as Zipp sighs. “I really do love this song!” She said with a smile with a sparkle in her eyes as she bobbed her head to the music before singing through the microphone.

(Pipp’s voice through the microphone: Zipp is now signing while mimicking Pipp’s voice with the microphone)

It's the pony hip hop!
Do the pony-ony-ony!

As Zipp sings, the rest of the Mane 6 are dancing to the music as they now got Zipp to have a taste of fun while also giving her the confidence she needs to have it from time to time as they dance to the song.

End of Chapter 22.

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