• Published 5th May 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1 - JesusG0987

What IF: The adventure continues as Sunset now joined the New Generation as they embrace the magic of friendship.

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Chapter 61: Attack of the Bunnisus

Author's Note:

This chapter takes place between Chapter 5 since Posey still has her Cutie Mark

Chapter 61: Attack of the Bunnisus

In Bridlewood, Sunny and Windy are in the Crystal Tea Room as they are making a clay vase. Some of Sunny’s clay splattered out when she is making her vase as some got on Alphabittle as he gave a sheepish smile.

(Every New Day Song)

(Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky)
(Every new day is the best day ever)

A brand new day

Before Alhabittle could speak, Sunny showed her complete vase as Windy finished hers as well as Alphabittle smiled at their work as they earned a a clay sculpture badge on their sashes as the two hooftap together.

A brand new chance, a brand new way
To be my very best pon-ay

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny is sewing a picture of Windy as Windy did hers of Sunny as the two ponies smiled at each other as they earned their sewing badge.

And live my best life, 'cause there's only one now
Yeah, only one now

Qt a field, Sunny brought out her Alicorn form as she gave a determined smile as she used her earth pony magic on the field as it sprouted carrots as Windy is flying over the field with a watering can as she watered the carrots as the two ponies smiled at each other.

And then the ground started rumbling as heard as the critters rushed out of the bushes as they started eating the carrot rops as Sunny and Window watched in amusement as the critters enjoy their snacks, after snacking, they laid on the ground as the bunnycorn burp as Sunny and Windy hoof tapped together as they earned their critters badges.

A little bit later, Sunny and Windy then look at their sashes as Windy spoke with a smile. “Oh, look at all our badges, Sunny!” She said with sparkles in her eyes as Sunny had the same expression as Windy came next to her and place a hoof over Sunny’s back. “I knew you'd love being a part of the Trail Trotters just as much as I do!” She said with a wave of her hooves.

“Sunset even said the same thing when she heard about and suggested I join in to have fun, and she’s right!” Sunny said happily, having first told by Sunset about the Trail Trotters when she heard about them as she held up her sash with a big smile and sparkles in here eyes. “Check it out, Windy! There's still room for more!” She pointed to the empty spot on the sash.

Sunny then gasped when she have a thought. “Wait. Are there any badges that you can earn with your friends?” She asked Windy eagerly.

Windy gave a smile from that idea. “Let me just have a look in the Trail Trotters guide…” She said as she look through the guide book before she smiled widely. “Oh, yes! The Wilderness Survival Badge has to be earned as a whole group.” She said as she show Sunny the page on the book that showed a camping badge image and three ponies of each tribe.

Sunny got an exciting smile from that as she tap her hooves together. “Oh, I think I might know a few ponies who would totally love that!” She said excitedly with sparkles in her eyes, wanting her friends to join in on the fun.

A little bit later, Sunny got her friends together as they agree to join in on the fun as they grab their camping supplies, but as soon as they entered the forest, it was now pouring down rain as thunder struck while the Mane 7, except for Windy, gave deadpan expression as a critter moved pass then very fast that they got startled.

“Well, camping out in the rain with critters running around in the woods, this feels familiar.” Sunset said with a bored tone as she turned to Sunny. “Didn’t you and Windy check the weather before we came out here?” She asked in wonder.

Sunny gave a sheepish chuckle. “I guess we forgot to check the weather in all the excitement.” She said sheepishly as Sunset sigh from that.

“I’m the one who suggested you try out the Trail Trotters, so I can’t blame you.” Sunset said, not blaming Sunny since she enjoy fun activities so much.

Windy gave a smile at this, not bothered by the rain one bit. “Ah, the outdoors. Doesn't it just make you feel so peaceful and calm?” She asked the Mane 7 with a smile.

Pipp looked around nervously as she gave nervous smile while tittering. “Oh, yes. We are totally— Ah!” She cried out when a vine grabbed onto her right back hoof. “—at one… Ugh!” She cried out as she got her hoof free from the vine before she fell on her stomach in a pile of mud. “...with nature.” She said as she tried to stand up but fell again as she fell face first into the mud.

“Hey, Hitch! Are we even going the right way?” Sunset asked as Hitch is the one holding a map, which made her nervous. “Because, not to sound offended, maps and sense of directions can sometimes not be your friend.” She said politely since Hitch’s sense of directions can be complicated.

“Don’t worry, Sunset. I got it down this time.” Hitch assured with a smile as he look at the paper with Sparky on his back. “Left here, ponies!” He announced as Pipp stood up with an irritated look as she shook the mud off herself while Misty held onto Izzy nervously, who is smiling, Zipp gave a bored look, as the mares look at Hitch. Getting that Wilderness Survival Badge is gonna be a piece of…Huh?” He asked in shock.

What Hitch saw is a big mud puddle that is bubbling on the ground, which they all notice.

“Cake? Was that what you’re going to say?” Sunset asked boredly with a brow.

“Yeah.” Hitch said in surprise as he look at the map again. “Hmm... This wasn't on my map.” He said as he tried to look at the map closely while looking confused.

Zipp then came next to Sunset as the two saw the map and gave dull looks. “Um, Hitch, you really need to pay close attention to your things.” Sunset said with a brow.

“Why would you say that?” Hitch asked in confusion.

“That's because that map isn't a map. It's one of Sparky's drawings!” Zipp pointed out as she grabbed the map to reveal it was just a drawing Sparky made earlier.

“Seriously, it was that clear to see, Hitch.” Sunset finished.

Hitch facehooved himself for his mistake as he looked at them in slight worried. “Then what happened to the map?!” He asked them before they heard a burp.

“Take a guess.” Sunset said in surprise.

Sparky was sitting on the ground as he rubbed his belly as he giggled as he gave a satisfied smile, already guessing that he ate the map.”Sparky!” The Mane 7 called out.

“Maybe next time, we get maps out of Sparky’s reach. Including you, Hitch. Sorry.” Sunset apologized as the mares nodded in agreement.

Hitch gave a sigh. “Yeah, I understand. I just can’t seem to keep maps out of Sparky’s reach and stop him from eating them.” He said in understanding since it’s true that he can’t seem to keep maps out of Sparky’s reach from eating them. "I have GOT to do a better job keeping my important papers away from Sparky's reach and chewing." He said to himself.

“Ugh!” Pipp groaned in frustration. “So now we're lost, too?!” She questioned as she started crying as tears flow out of her eyes. “No, no, no, no!” She cried.

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” Sunset said with a shrug. “We got lost before.” She said.

“Yeah, like the time Hitch got us lost in the woods one time.” Zipp said in agreement while raising brow at the sheriff. “And that was before Sparky came along.”

“I said I was sorry.” Hitch said in defense, knowing that his friends are still annoyed by that but he can’t blame them.

Izzy gave giggles as she move her mane out of her eyesight. “And we might want to find a new path. That bog is way too sinky.” She said as she gestured to the big puddled as a pegasnail came trailing by as Izzy grabbed it when it started sinking and pulled it out. “We put one hoof in there, and we're gonna be mud ponies forever!” She cheered with a silly look as she then gave a smile. “Could be kind of fun.” She said with a hoof on her chin.

“Thanks for giving us the heads up there, Izzy.” Sunset said with a sheepish chuckle.

“You’re welcome!” Izzy said cheerfully.

Pipp gave chuckles before she gave a bored look. Yeah, that's a hard no for me, Iz. Any other ideas?” She asked the others.

“Maybe we should look around and see if any part of the forest is familiar with us.” Sunset suggested in thought. “Then again, this place does seem familiar for some reason.”

“Good idea, Sunset. But I’ve never been here before, so I think this could be a problem for me.” Misty said, since she is still new to these activities that she still doesn’t know every part of the forest yet.

Sunny look around before she saw something that made her smile. “Nopony panic. I know that rock.” She said to them as she gestured to the rocky hill that she and her friends, sin Misty, went to when they were lost in the woods and have a camp out.

“The rock we had when we had that camp out when we were lost in the woods.” Sunset said with a big smile. “Good eye, Sunny!” She cheered as she patted Sunny on the back.

“Thanks, Sunset!” Sunny cheered with a smile. “Follow me!” She said to the others as she gestured to the spot.

A little bit later, the rain stopped as the skies cleared up as the sun was shining down again as the Mane 7 and Windy are setting up cap as they unpacked while Pipp hummed happily.

“Oh, yeah!” Izzy cheered as she was gathering wood for the fire.

Pipp then gave a smirk as she was next to her speaker and microphone. “What's a campfire without…” She grabbed the microphone as she clears her throat and flew up to her sister. “...campfire songs from ME-ME-ME-MEEEEE?” She sang through the microphone as her voice amplified from it as ZIpp covered her ears from the loud sound.

Sunset gave a chuckle as she place some log chairs down. “Great idea for letting us join in, Sunny. Having fun with friends are great.” She said with a smile.

“Thanks, Sunset. I wouldn’t be joining this activity if I didn’t bring my friends along.” Sunny said with a smile.

“That is so true.” Sunset said with a smile as she got back to setting log chairs.

Misty was moving a stick strapped to her side as she his humming happily while dragging the stick to the ground to form a perimeter as she bumped into Sunny with a grunt as she turned to her.

“Camp perimeter secured, Sunny.” Misty said as she gave a determined smile as she dropped the stick as Sunny returned the gestured with a smile of her own. “Leave it to me to keep watch.” She assured.

“And I'll light the campfire.” Hitch said with a smile as he rubbed his stick over some logs with Sparky watching. “Stand back, Sparky.” He advised as he started grunting and rubbing his stick hard to get a spark.

Sunset gave a chuckle as she turned to Zipp. “How long will it takes for Hitch to realizes that starting a fire isn’t one of his skills without a match?” Zipp asked Sunset in amusement.

“From what I can tell and his stubborn pride, less then an hour.” Sunset guessed as the two mares chuckled, since when they first met, Hitch is not good at starting a fire.

Sparky then started to feel his stomach rumbled as he stood up and turned around before h farted out a dragon fire as it hit the logs, lighting up in flames as Sparky gave an apologetic look when Hitch gave him a sheepish look.

Both Sunny and Sunset giggled from that. “Well, that’s saves time.” Sunset joked with a chuckle as Sunny nodded in agreement, seeing that Sparky did them a favor in a weird gross way. “At least the fire’s lit.” She added.

“And all that's left to do is…” Sunny started as she gave Sunset a knowing look as the Alicorn nodded.

“...dinner!” Both Sunny and Sunset announced as their stomped her hoove down as their Earth Pony magic spread across the ground to the seeds Izzy was planting seeds and watering them as the magic went to them as carrots began to grow as Sunny picked a carrot up.

“We are well on our way to earning that badge!” Windy said as they all smiled.

“And having fun while doing it!” Sunset added as she picked a carrot up herself as they started harvesting.

And then a bunnisus came from behind a bush with squeaks as it has hearts in it’s eyes when it saw the carrots crops as it hopped to it before Misty stopped it.

“Shoo! Shoo!” Misty said to the bunnisus before she realizes what she said as she kneeled down and gave a sheepish look. “Uh, if-if-if you wouldn't mind, please.” She said politely.

The bunnisus squeaks with a brow as it began to hopped away, before giving Misty a glare as Misty flinched in fright from that.

The bunnisus hopped through a bush with a rageful look before it saw a stack of glowing pink crystals as it got curious and touched one, but then it started glowing in sparkling pink as it started growing in size.

Back at the campsite, Pipp is vocalizing through her microphone with her sister watching while Izzy came back with more wood, but then thudding sounds can be heard as the ground started shaking, getting the Mane 7 and Windy’s attention.

“Uh, what’s going on?” Sunset asked the others in wonder.

Before any of them could questioned, they saw Misty running towards them with clouds behind her as she gave a panic expression. “RUUUUUN!” She yelled out to the others.

The group stood there in shock when they saw the bunnisus in front them, but it’s gumbo size as it stood over them with a look. “A bunnisus?!” Sunset asked in shock.

“Gumbo size!” Hitch cried out in shock as well.

“Everypony, look out!” Sunny called out.

“Take cover!” Sunset cried out next as she, Sunny and Windy moved out of the way as the bunnisus hopped over them while kicking the wagon full of carrots in the air as it caught it in the mouth as it ate it and burped out the waggon pieces.

Pipp, Zipp and Misty then started screaming when they saw the giant bunnisus jumping towards them as it knocked them away while destroying their camping stuff.

The wind blew towards Hitch as it blew away the fire and his tent. “Come on!” Hitch groaned as Sparky whimpered, while for Hitch, this was a second time a fire went out the second it lit up for him.

The bunnisus roars loudly as began to hop away.

“Oh, no! The bunnisus is destroying everything!” Sunny called out as the destruction the giant bunnisus is making after destroying their camp.

“Including any hope of earning that Wilderness Survival Badge.” Zipp said as the others looked in worried.

“Zipp, not important!” Sunset lectured, which made Zipp flinch sheepishly a bit as she pointed to the rampaging giant bunnisus. “If that bunnisus get’s into Maretime Bay, the whole place will be stomped!” She called out in panic.

“Which by the way, how did it get into that size in the first place?!” Hitch asked out in shock on how the bunnisus grew in size like that.

“It must’ve came in contact with giga gems close by from here.” Izzy theorizes as the others turned to them.

“Giga gems?” Sunset asked in confusion. “Never heard of those before.”

“Uh, Izzy, what are giga gems?” Pipp asked in wonder.

“They are types of crystals that can make anything pony or anything double in size if they make in contact.” Izzy explained with a small smile. “The bunnisus must’ve came in contact with a few.” She added.

“That would’ve been nice to know early, but thanks for the info, Iz.” Zipp said with a bored expression as Izzy smiled cheerfully.

“You’re welcome!” Izzy said.

“Oh! It was all my fault! I shouldn’t have shooed that bunnisus away!” Misty said in guilt, since it was her fault for telling the bunnisus to run off in the first place.

Sunset walked up to Misty as she place a comforting wing over her. “It wasn't your fault. It was just bad luck. You were trying to do your job, but had no way of knowing about the magic crystals being there to enlarge the Bunnisus until it was too late." She assured to the unicorn as Misty smiled.

“Sunset’s right.” Sunny said in agreement as she look at the giant bunnisus hopping off to Maretime Bay. “All that matters now is stopping that bunnisus before anypony gets hurt!” She said with a determined look.

“Hitch, can’t you talk that bunny out of it?” Sunset asked in wondered.

“WHAT?!” Hitch asked in surprise by that. “Are you seriously!? I maybe good with critters but that big bunnisus, I don’t know if he’ll listen to me!” He pointed out since he’s not sure the bunnisus would listen at that size since it’s big, he don’t know if he could keep his focus.

“Then we need another plan to stop it.” Sunny said as she look around and notice one of the remaining carrot carts as she saw a carrot on the floor as she have an idea as she gave a smile and use her Earth Pony magic to make the carrot grow bigger. “Everypony with me?” She asked her friends with a smirk.

The others returned the gestured as they smiled determinedly. “Like you even have to ask, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smirk.

The bunnisus then hopped pass Posey’s house, landing on one of her flower patches as she opened the door to see what was the noise.

“Huh?” Posey asked, before then turned to see her ruined flower patch as she screamed in shock.

Just then, the ponies from Bridlewood to Maretime Bay all heard the thudding sounds, in Alphabittle’s tea shop where said unicorn is giving a unicorn with yellow and pink mane with stars and heart on it with a white cote and her horn looks like corn, with two sticks in a pun bored some tea before they felt the ground shake as they shook in started.

In Mane Melody, Jazz was doing a pony with green coat and orange mane with a flower crown as she did her lips before the two felt the ground shake.

Outside, the Bunnisus looked around Maretime Bay as the birds flew off as it gave a look. “Over here, Mr. Hippity-Hoppity!” Misty called out as she was in front of the Canterlove Studio with a determined look as she levitated the big carrot. “Come and get it!” She called out.

The giant bunnisus saw the carrot as it hopped towards Misty, which the unicorn lost her courage as she started sweating nervously. “Whoa. Whoa!” She called out as she started running with the giant bunnisus behind her as she ran into the woods.

Misty ran as fast as her hoove could take as the bunnisus was right behind her as she turned back and saw it getting closer. “Whoa!” She called out before she gave a determined look as she toss the giant carrot away with a grunt before the bunnisus hopped next to her.

The bunnisus gave a look before he saw Hitch running with a waggon that held the big carrot as it hopped after him as Hitch ran as fast as he can before stopping as the big carrot flew off.

Windy caught the carrot in the air as she flew over the bunnisus as Sunset appeared in front of her.

“Windy! I’m open!” Sunset called out as Windy tossed the carrot to her, which caught it with her magic as she flew off with the bunnisus trailing. “That’s right you overgrown hoppy hop! I got it! You want it? Come and get!” She challenged as she flew as fast while keeping the bunnisus on her tail.

“Over here!” Pipp called out as Sunset toss the carrot to Pipp as she caught it as the bunnisus hopped after her as she flew ahead and tossed the big carrot to Zipp, which the bunnisus saw as he followed her.

Zipp flew below the tree line as she went through the wines and dodge a few trees as she dodge the giant bunnisus hopped as she flew up and twirl around as she toss it to Sunny, which the carrot landed in her wagon.

Sunny then started running as the bunnisus was on her tail as she gave a determined smile as all of this was going to plan before she saw a cliff ahead to Bridlewood forest as she gave a determined look and jump over the edge as she brought out her Alicorn magic as she flew up, but her waggon got lose as it fell of her straps.

The carrot started falling before Sunny caught it in her magic as she levitated up to her as she grab it with her hooves and flew off before she turned and saw the giant bunnisus over her with it’s wings spread and a smirk as she gasps a bit as she flew faster into Bridlewood forest as she dodge around trees as she flew over a familiar spot.

The giant bunnisus hopped into the mud puddle bog Izzy mentioned earlier as it was covered in mud as it tried to fly out of it, but it was stuck as it gave a defeated look.

“Whew!” Sunny said in relief as she giggled sheepishly as her friends are behind her as they look in surprise. “Uh, careful, little— uh, big critter.” She said sheepishly.

The bunnisus then started crying as he was stuck and can’t break free as the others feel sorry at it.

“Poor thing, it just wanted the carrots.” Sunset said in sympathy at the bunnisus.

“We'll get you free just as soon as you're back to normal.” Sunny assured the bunnisus as with a smile.

“Izzy, you got those counter crystals ready?” Sunset asked Izzy, since they planned this but didn’t planned the bunnisus being stuck in the puddle, but it was effective.

“Almost got it.” Izzy said as she grabbed some crystals as she stood up. “These ought to do it.” She said as she levitated the crystals around the giant bunnisus.

The crystals shimmer as they use their magical properties to shrank the bunnisus back into sizes as Izzy caught it with her magic as it squeaked cutely as Izzy brought it to her hooves.

“Awww! What a little cutie!” Izzy said with sparkles in her eyes as she gave the bunnisus as nuzzle to the cheeks.

And then the rest of Mane 7 and Windy cheered of their success.

“Now look out for those giga gems, you hear?” Izzy said to the bunnisus as she put it down as it started enjoying the giant carrot as it chomped on it very quickly.

"I suppose we should be glad Fluttershy wasn't here.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “She loved bunnies WAY too much, so a giant bunny would have her freaking out in a mixed way." She added since she cared about animals and bunnies is her most favorite, but seeing a giant one, Fluttershy would might have mixed feeling about it.

Sunny gave a chuckle. “I’m sure she would.” She said in agreement, knowing Fluttershy from her book for her love for animals.

Misty then came up to Sunny with an apologetic look. “Sorry things didn't work out how you'd hoped, Sunny.” She apologies.
Sunny gave a forgiving smile Aw, thanks, Misty. But we can always try to earn the Wilderness Survival Badge some other time.” She assured with a smile. “Right, Windy?” She asked the pegasus.

Windy just gave a smile from what Sunny said as she cleared her throat. “Actually, the Wilderness Survival Badge isn't just about putting up tents or lighting a campfire. It's about working together.” She explained as she held up the badge while the others listened as smiles are forming on their faces while Sunny smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she came up to Sunny. “Which... is exactly what we just did!” She announced as she and Sunny smiled together with sparkles in their eyes.

“Aw, yeah!” Sunny cheered joyfully.

“Looks like something turned out good on this giant bunnisus rampage after all!” Sunset said with a big proud smile, seeing that the giant bunnisus issue manage to help them earned the badge.

And then they and the rest of the Mane 7 put the survival badges on their respective sashes, which they all have as they all started cheering at their success as they gave each other a hooftap as their Cutie Marks, including Windy, started glowing as they sparkled up.

End of Chapter 61.

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