• Published 5th May 2022
  • 5,706 Views, 4,699 Comments

MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1 - JesusG0987

What IF: The adventure continues as Sunset now joined the New Generation as they embrace the magic of friendship.

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Chapter 46: Sparky's Sick (Edit 2/24/2023)

Author's Note:

The ending part is from a friend idea who found the perfect moment to place the idw timeline at the right time, which is a great moment and right time. meaning I’m setting this chapter to take place before the IDW comic story

Chapter 46: Sparky’s Sick

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Hitch came rushing in through the door with a slight panicked look to the girls.

“Sparky’s sick!” Hitch cried out in panic as Sparky appeared on his head as he started hiccuping and burping at the same time, but then released one of his dragonfire in the process.

Sunset, Sunny and Zipp widen their eyes at the incoming dragonfire as they duck as it passes over them.

“Whoa!” Sunset cried out in surprise. “That’s new.” She added.

“Was that a… hiccup?” Sunny asked in confusion at what Sparky just did.

“I think it was a burp?” Zipp asked in curiosity, not sure if Sparky hiccuped or burped.

“I think it was both.” Sunset answered.

Sparky gave another hiccup as Pipp came close to Sparky with a smile.

“It’s a hiccup-burp.” Pipp said with a smile and sparkles in her eyes at how cute it is as she squeals. “Aah! It’s adorable.” She squealed at how adorable that Sparky burped and hiccuped at the same time, finding it cute.

Hitch held Sparky with concern as Sparky gave another burp as Izzy appeared next to them with a smile and sparkles in her eyes as well.

“Aw. Oh I’m sure he’ll be fine, Hitch.” Izzy assured as she made a face intimation of her Elder Flower. “Like Elder Flower said, ‘If it’s gassy, let it passy.’” She said.

Sunset cringe at what Izzy just said. “Yeah, even though that’s true, Izzy, that’s just gross to say.” She commented, finding Izzy’s phrase gross.

Sparky's face shows a ‘not feeling good’ expression as he gave another hiccup-burp as another one of his dragonfire came out and hit a tea kettle on the living room table as it turned into a watermelon.

“Okay. That’s less adorable.” Sunny commented after seeing that, now seeing the issue here.

“And we can tell that Sparky is not feeling good with this either.” Sunset added in concern as they see that Sparky isn’t feeling okay with this.

Twilight appeared as the necklace opened up as she looked down at Sparky with a concerned look. “Aw. Poor little Sparky. He’s not looking well at all.” She said in sympathy to Sparky.

Hitch put Sparky down to the floor as the baby dragon rubbed his tummy to shoot the ache from the many hiccup-burps and dragon fire he released.

“He’s been hiccup-burping all morning, and I don’t know what to do!” Hitch pointed out in concern. “Please ponies, help a Dragon-Daddy out!” He pleaded as Sparky whined at them, wanting them to help him as Hitch turned to Sunset. “Sunset. You are an expert on dragons, can you or Twilight help us out?” He pleaded, since Sunset and Twilight are the only ones who are an expert on dragons.

“Don’t look at me, Hitch.” Sunset said as she waved her hooves in defense. “I may be an expert on dragons, but I don’t know how to cure one when they get sick.” She said in defense, sure she has gotten some information about dragons from Twilight through her journal, but not how to cure one when they’re sick.

Twilight then spoke as she gave a sympathetic look at Hitch. “Unfortunately, Hitch, this isn't something I can help with much, either. None of the times Spike has gotten sick have ever turned out this bad.” She stated that she never had this experience with Spike when he got sick. “In fact, this is more similar to the time ‘I’ was really sick and Pinkie went to Zecora for some medicine. The medicine worked, but I was turned into a filly for 24 hours. Spike had to take care of me until that side effect of Zecora's medicine wore off." She added, remembering the time when she got really sick that her magic went out of control and have weird effects on her friends until Pinkie gave her Zecora’s remedy to help cure her sickness, which also cured her friends, but in the process, turned her into a filly until the effects wear off.

Sunset and the rest of the Mane 6 gave a surprise expression from what Twilight just said. “Wow, you had it rough then Sparky, huh Twilight?” She asked in surprise what Twilight went through from her sickness.

You have no idea.” Twilight confirmed with a sigh from that embarrassing experience.

The rest of the girls sweat a bit while trying to figure out how to help Sparky as Izzy appearned them to them as she raised her hoof with a smile.

“Oh! Oh!” Izzy called out with a smile and sparkling eyes as her friends turned to her. “I know an ancient Unicorn remedy that will really help!” She pointed out.

Her friends raised an eyebrow at Izzy, since her Unicorn ways can be pretty strange at times as Sunny spoke next. “I’m sure I had a recipe somewhere.” She said as she placed a hoof on her chin that she might have a recipe remedy somewhere in her old books.

Pipp then spoke next. “Oh, and there is this special showbiz trick.” She added with a smile.

Sunset raised an eyebrow from that last one. “I don’t know if singing is gonna help Sparky, Pipp.” She pointed out.

“Don’t know unless you try.” Pipp said, going to give it a try anyway.

Zipp placed a hoof on her chin as she thought of an idea as she spoke with a smile. “Don’t worry, ponies. I know exactly what to do.” She announced with a determined smile.

Sunset however, sighs from this. “Knowing Zipp, it must be one of her stunts.” She muttered to herself, since Zipp is known to do stunts.

A little bit later, Zipp, Hitch and Sunset, with Sparky in a baby bag Zipp is carrying him, are outside in front of the Brighthouse, while Hitch looks worried while Sunset joins to see how this plays out.

“I knew it.” Sunset said with a sigh.

Zipp lowered her protection goggles as she placed one on Sparky. “Let’s see if a few high-octane stunts will shock the hiccup-burps right out of ya.” She said to Sparky as the baby dragon giggled in response.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Zipp? What if Sparky falls?” Sunset asked in concern.

“Don’t worry, Sunset. I’ll keep him safe.” Zipp answered as she took to the air, making some dust fly out as Hitch and Sunset watched on.

Sunset sighs as she facehoof herself. “Everytime there is a problem, Zipp’s remedy is extreme stunts.” She said, should’ve seen this coming, knowing Zipp.

“That’s Zipp for you.” Hitch said, not really surprised since this is Zipp they are talking about.

A little bit later in the air, Zipp is flying around with Sparky in her bag as they fly across the sky while passing through some clouds. “Whoooo-hoooo! Whoo-oo! Yeah!” Zipp cheered while Sparky babbles and laughed at the adrenaline as Zipp flew around speeding through some trees in the forest at high speed, which made the trees blow back from the sudden speed Zipp made.

Hitch and Sunset followed them as Hitch appeared from a tree as Sunset flew next to them as they watched Zipp flying around with Sparky.

In Zipp’s bag, Sparky’s face is being pushed back from the speed they are going as his mouth shakes from the wind passing through his face.

Zipp looked down as she gave Sparky a smile. “I bet you’re feeling better already, huh?” She asked Sparky with a smile, thinking this stunt got him better and got the hiccup-burps scared out of him.

But Zipp spoke too soon as Sparky gasped as she inhaled in his mouth as he covered it with his paws, but then he hiccup-burped out his dragonfire as it hit a tree, turning it into a giant spaghetti net with pasta sauce on it ahead of the two.

“Whoa!” Zipp widened her eyes from that as she was flaring with her hooves and wings as she tried to slow down but she went too fast. “Spaghetti straight ahead!” She cried out as she and Sparky hit the spaghetti as it pushed them back as they screamed.

Sunset and Hitch saw them heading right towards them, with Hitch holding his binoculars as they widen their eyes at the incoming pegasus and baby dragon as they tried to move aside, but Zipp crashed into them as they screamed and hit the floor with branches on top of them and some leaves and twigs on their manes and tails.

“Well, that didn’t work.” Sunset groaned a bit from impact as she tried to shake the leaves and twigs off her.

Sparky gets up as he begins to tear up and whines from what just happened.

Sunset saw this as she got up and held Sparky comfortably to cheer him up. “Don’t be sad, Sparky. We won’t give up. Maybe Sunny’s ideas might work to stop the hiccup-burps.” She said as the baby dragon smiled at Sunset, before giving another hiccup-burp and released a dragonfire, which Sunset avoided as it turned a bush into a gummy bush. “And maybe stop your dragonfire mishaps as well.” She quickly added.

A little bit later, Sunset, Sparky and Hitch made it to Sunny at her smoothie stand as Hitch held Sparky as Sunny placed down a couple of books.

Sunny read through some of the books to find a remedy for Sparky as she flipped through the pages before she stopped at a certain page as she smiled at the page before turning to Hitch and Sunset.

“Six bananas!” Sunny listed out first as Sunset and Hitch place in the ingredients she listed out. “And a squeeze of mustard! Chocolate sprinkles! Toothpaste!” She called out as the two ponies placed the ingredients in the blender as Sunny closed the lid and turned on the blender as it blended the contents in it.

“That’s a strange and interesting remedy, Sunny.” Sunset commented at the weird contents Sunny told them to put in. “Where did you learn this?” She asked.

“My dad wrote down some remedies in case I ever got sick when I was a filly. It works really well.” Sunny answered with a smile as she poured the contents in a smoothie cup and gave it to Sparky, whose stomach was rumbling.

Sparky burps, but manage to keep his dragonfire contain as he grabbed the smoothie remedy and starts slurping some as Sunny, Sunset and Hitch watches, while Sunny smiled nervously while Sunset and Hitch looked on in concern, hoping Sunny’s remedy worked as Sparky’s stomach starts rumbling again which made the three ponies worried.

“Ah!” Hitch cried out fearfully as he and Sunny hugged each other in fright as Sunset summons a shield in front of them, thinking that a dragonfire is coming, but the rumbling stops

“It worked!/You did it!” Both Sunny and Hitch said with smiles on their faces.

“Alright!” Sunset cheered as she lowered her shield in relief.

Sunny and Hitch then start doing their signature hoofshake while Sunset shook her head in amusement at them. “Up high, down low, hitch it to a post! Flip it sunny-side—!” But they were cut off when Sparky burped out his dragonfire, which hit a carriage that was passing by with a couple of ponies on it, which caused the ponies, including Sunny, Sunset and Hitch to screamed in shock and surprise from that as the carriage got turned into a giant mushroom as the two ponies, a pegasus, which a basket of apples, and an earth pony, who was moving the carriage, are shocked at what just happened as Sparky gave a laugh at that outcome.

Sunset then spoke after a moment of silence of what just happened. “Maybe Izzy might have something that might work. With her, it surprisingly works, sometimes.” She commented, thinking whatever Izzy’s idea is, might work, hopefully.

Back in the Crystal Brighthouse living room, Izzy is doing a ritual dance while singing.

Hold your breath and count to three!” Izzy sang to Sparky, who was sitting on a bench chair with candles and crystals around him as Sparky looked around in confusion while Sunset and Hitch sighs strangely at Izzy’s ‘remedy’, should’ve guessed it would be weird. “Shake your tail and bend your knees! Throw some feathers in the air!” She sang as she waved her hooves as she got behind them with a smile before she started to spin. “Spin around twice and give 'em a scare! Raaawr!” She yelled as she made a scary face and roared at Sparky’s face.

There was silence for a second before Sparky tilted his head. “Huh?” He asked in confusion.

“Izzy, that was a weird ritual remedy like the jinkies dance you unicorns do.” Sunset commented with a strange eyebrow. “And I don’t think Sparky’s got it, heck we don’t get it.” She added on behalf of her and Hitch as Hitch nodded in agreement.

Izzy got up straight as she placed a hoof on her chin while giving a thoughtful expression. “Hmmm. That wasn't scary enough.” She said before she gave a small smile while walking in a circle. “Well, I guess we'll have to try something— Blaaagh!” She yelled out as she put on a purple clown wig and red nose as she held a flashlight straight to her face to make it scary as horns were honking around.

Sunset and Hitch flinched from that. “Okay, that came out of nowhere.” Sunset said as Hitch nodded, and was surprised by Izzy’s sudden face change.

Sparky rubbed his head in confusion, not feeling scared on bit, but then he starts hiccup-burping again as he released his dragonfire, which hit Izzy as it turned her clone wig into a wig-shape purple grapes as Sparky laughed at that while Izzy smiled and pick one off her head as she gave an amusing smile from that.

Sunset chuckled from this. “Heheh, okay, I gotta admit, that was funny. And definitely your color Izzy.” She said with a chuckle.

“That is so true.” Izzy said with a smile, finding this funny as well.

Nobody noticed, however, that some critter with long white hair was watching them through the window, with their yellow eyes glaring dagger at them.

Soon enough, a snap was heard, and then, the critter disappeared in a flash.

In the bedroom, Sparky is sitting on Pipp’s bed as it was Pipp’s turned to try and cure Sparky from the hiccup-burps.

“Let's try some vocal exercises.” Pipp said as she placed a microphone in front of Sparky.

“Again I ask, how is singing supposed to cure Sparky, Pipp?” Sunset asks in confusion as she and Hitch are standing by.

“If somepony, or creature for Sparky’s case, can sing or do some vocal exercise, it can stop the hiccups or burps if they sing.” Pipp explained the purpose of this.

Sunset thought of what Pipp just said as she spoke. “That does make sense. Let’s try it.” She said, going along with Pipp’s idea.

“Great!” Pipp cheered as she turned to Sparky as she brought out her spare microphone. “Just do what I do, okay Sparky? Deep breath.” She started as Sparky took a deep breath. “And… Me-me-me-me-me-meeeeee!” She sang first.

Me-me-me-me-me-meeeeee!” Sparky followed along as he sang what Pipp just sang.

“Yes!” Pipp cheered with a smile at Sparky. “Now... Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-maaaaaa!” She sang again.

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-maaaaaa!” Sparky followed along as he sang again.

“Good!” Pipp cheered again to Sparky with sparkles in her eyes. “Now…” She then starts vocalizing as Sparky follows along with her as they are vocalizing in sync, which is pretty great to hear. “So cute!” Pipp squealed as she placed her cheeks on Sparky. “Oh, my glitter, we should totally collab.” She said as she adjusted the microphone, while thinking she and Sparky could collaborate more.

“What is this, a rehearsal or trying to cure Sparky of his hiccup-burps?” Sunset asked with a chuckle, even though they are trying to cure Sparky of the hiccup-burps, Pipp and Sparky really do vocalizes great together.

But then, Sparky gave a hiccup as he covered his mouth, which Pipp saw.

“Aah!” Pipp cried out as she ducked as the microphone twirled in the air as Sparky burped out a dragonfire, which got the microphone turned into a lollipop and landed on Pipp’s mane.

“Ewww!” Pipp cried out as she moved towards the mirror nervously to get a better look, but then smiled at her reflection. “Actually, I can work with this.” She said with a smile as she brought out her phone and took multiple selfies of herself as she pose to her phone as Sparky laughed his way towards her as he looked at the lollipop on her mane but Hitch grabbed him as he dragged him away to Pipp, much to the disappointment of the baby dragon.

Sunset gave Pipp a bored expression from that. “Really, Pipp? You brought up your phone to take a selfie of that, yet you didn't even flinch when a random blue 'hedgehog' came out of a portal a while back?" She asked in a bored tone what Pipp is doing while remembering a certain blue hedgehog that briefly appeared before Pipp got sick that she had no reaction to.

“I was caught by surprise by that blue hedgehog. And he left real quickly so that I didn’t have time to react with my phone.” Pipp explained her reason as she kept taking selfies.

Sunset sighs from this. “Let’s just regroup with the others and figure out another way to help Sparky.” She said as they walked out to find the rest of their friends to come up with another idea to cure Sparky from his hiccup-burps.

A little bit later, the Mane 6 regrouped outside of the Crystal Brighthouse as they all have a tired expression, except for Izzy, who is picking some grapes off her turned wig grape as Sparky is on the ground with a down expression.

“Ugh. Nothing's working.” Zipp groans as she points at Sparky, stating that their ideas aren't working on curing him.

“None of those remedies you girls have worked on Sparky.” Sunset added while looking at Sparky in concern.

“I don’t get it. Our special remedies worked on us before, so why not Sparky?” Sunny asked in confusion.

“And usually, my scare cure works every time.” Izzy added as she took another grape from her head and ate it.

“Well, to be fair, the ‘scare cure’ thing only occasionally works on hiccups, not ALWAYS. And just on hiccups, not on burps.” Sunset pointed out. “And book remedies, well, they wouldn't take dragons into account because Sparky is the first dragon seen in Equestria in centuries." She explained, since those remedies books might not have accounted for dragons since they haven’t been seen for generations before Sparky came along.

“Hmm. That is a good point.” Pipp said in agreement, seeing the flaw in their remedies.

Sparky then hiccup-burp again as he breathed out another dragonfire, which hit a tree next to the Brighthouse, which turned into a giant carrot as the Mane 6 looked on in shock by this, since they never seen Sparky used his dragonfire on something that big like a tree.

“And they're getting worse!” Hitch cried out in panic as he placed his hooves on his cheeks.

“The more dragonfire Sparky breathes out, the more powerful and unpredictable it gets!” Sunset cried out in panic as well. “If we don’t cure him of this hiccup-burp soon, things are about to go into dragonfire chaos!” She added.

None of them noticed a figure watching over them, however, as the creature groaned in frustration, before disappearing once again.

At Sunny’s smoothie stand, Misty is walking by on her own, but stopped when she saw something in front of her.

“Is that a giant mushroom?” Misty asked in surprise and confusion as she saw the two racoonicorns trying to move the giant mushroom that was left behind.

Misty then heard rumbling sounds as she turned and saw some orange juice fountain sprouted out next to the Crystal Brighthouse, which surprised Misty from that.

“Orange juice?” Misty asked in surprise from that as her amulet opened up as Opaline appeared.

“What's going on, Misty?” Opaline asked Misty in curiosity . “I've just felt a powerful surge of dragon magic in Maretime Bay.” She said, having sensed Sparky’s dragonfire even from the castle as Misty looked at Opaline while sweating nervously, before Opaline took notice of the giant mushroom next to them, with the racoonicorns struggling to move it. “Uh, what's with the mushroom?” She asked in surprise and confused by that before the racoonicorns lost their grip and rolled across the floor as they crashed.

“Uhhh…” Misty said unsurely, not sure how to respond to that.

Opaline then got straight to Misty’s face with a mean glare, which made the unicorn flinched. “What are you waiting for?! Fetch me that dragon!” She yelled out as she disappeared as the amulet closed while Misty gave a sad look from Opaline’s outburst.

Back near the Crystal Brighthouse, Sparky is surrounded by giant or regular sized sugary sweets as he burps repeatedly while repeatedly releasing his dragonfires.

“Uhhh…” Sunny said insured and a little scared as she and her friends took cover behind bushes as they saw dragonfires hitting some branches, and then their bushes they were hiding as they turned into giant strawberries and gelatins as they screamed in surprise.

Sparky kept breathing out dragonfire as more started heading towards the Mane 6, who were running and yelling as Zipp and Sunset took to the sky.

“This is gotta be the one strangest thing with Sparky’s dragonfire!” Sunset cried out as she flew around to dodge some dragonfire or block it with her magic. She picked up a rock on instinct that was hit with dragonfire before it turned into a three-stacked vanilla cake with the original Mane 6 figures on top of it. “Huh, that was convenient.” She was surprised by that.

And then some pretzels start falling from the sky as Izzy spins an umbrella around to block them. “Not today, pretzels!” She yelled out with a determined and serious smile.

A dragonfire then hit a tall tree as it turned into a giant red gelatin as it lost its balance and tilted over. A pegasnail yelps at the fallen gelatin as Sunny comes and covers it with her buddy with a grunt effort as the gelatin falls on her as it splatters on the ground.

Sunny and the pegasnail then appeared through the galetin unharmed as Sunny licked some off her face. “Mmmm! Ahhh!” She said with a smile as the pegasnail smiled back as well, finding the galetin that fell on them really good.

The dragonfire rain stopped as Sparky began to tear up as he rubbed his belly.

Hitch came next to his baby dragon in concern as he placed a comforting hoof on him while Sunset landed next to them. “What's wrong with your tummy, buddy? I wish you could tell us how to help you.” He said to Sparky, wishing that he could understand him so that Sparky could help him.

“If you were older, you would be talking to us so that we can help you out with those hiccup-burps.” Sunset said in concern.

Sparky then turned and reached out as he tried to go somewhere as he grunted while Hitch held Sparky in place, but then he and Sunset noticed the three layer cake in front of them as Sparky tried to go to it, which made the two ponies smile as they now understand.

“That’s it!” Sunset called out with a smile.

“You are telling us, aren't you?” Hitch asked Sparky with a smile as well as he held Sparky. “Oh, Sparky, good boy!” He said to Sparky as he turned and faced Sunny. “ Sunny, the food is the cure!” He said with a smile.

“That’s what Sparky is trying to tell us!” Sunset added with a smile as well.

Sunny then gasped in realization. “Of course!” She called out with a smile as she turned to the rest of their friends, who were hiding for cover as Pipp appeared out of a giant strawberry cake, Zipp was on top of a giant flower, and Izzy appeared from a pile of cookies, which she was eating. “Everypony, grab a little of everything! We're gonna make a really gross smoothie!” She said in a determined look and a determined smile.

“And it will be something that will end this dragonfire hiccup-burp mishap!” Sunset added with a determined expression as well.

The Mane 6 then starts grabbing a piece of every food or treat types Sparky’s dragonfire made around them, and a racoonicorn is carrying a pile of pretzels, which Izzy leviatated one off the pile as the trotted off with a smile, as the racoonicorn yelps as he dropped the pile of pretzels on top of itself, buried in the pile.

The Mane 6 then placed them in the blender Sunny brought out as she closed the lid and started blending the contents as the Mane 6 watches. Once it’s finished the Mane 6 laughed at this.

“Let’s hope this works.” Sunset said with a small smile, hoping that this would work.

Unknowingly to them, Misty appeared behind bushes as she got her eyes on Sparky. “Hmmm…” She said thoughtful as Hitch gave Sparky the blended contents.

“Ah!” Sparky cheered with a smile as he then started gulping it down really quickly.

Misty then gave a sinister chuckle, waiting for the right moment as Sparky finished the content, which his stomach began to rumble.

The rest of the Mane 6 gave worried expressions from that. “It didn't work?!” Sunny asked in disbelief.

“He's gonna blow!” Zipp called out in a slight panic.

“Everypony take cover!” Sunset called out.

“Hitch!” Pipp called out as she grabbed Hitch and dragged him behind the bushes with them to take cover, thinking that Sparky was gonna unleash another dragonfire.

“Sparkyyyyy!” Hitch cried out as he tried to reach out to Sparky as he struggled to break free from Pipp’s grip as they hid behind a bush. “Aah!” He called out as he and his friends hid behind the bushes, and then Izzy and Sunsetpopped out as Izzy opened up the umbrella and Sunset summoned her shield to protect them from the incoming dragonfire .

Misty smirked evilly at this outcome, seeing now is the right time as she jumped out with a grunt as she about to grab Sparky, but then the baby dragon gave a flatulence from behind as he fart out his dragonfire, which surprised Misty as she was hit by it as stink smell starts coming off her as her eyes swirled from the stink, feeling dazed from that.

“Aah!” Misty cried out as she fell to the floor with a thud.

Sparky fell on his back as he sighs in relief, feeling much better as Misty got up, feeling dazed as she started groaning as she aimlessly walked around while smelling bad, and then made a dopey face as she fell to a bush face first with a thud.

The Mane 6 got out of their hiding place, seeing that it was all clear as they started cheering, including Sparky since he was feeling all better as he jumped happily.

“I'm so glad you're feeling better, bud.” Hitch said in relief with a smile. “You had me scared for a moment there.” He said as he nuzzled Sparky.

And then, all the big food Sparky’s dragonfire made starts to return to normal as the Mane 6 starts laughing in victory at this, and really glad Sparky is feeling better.

“Well, that was something.” Sunset said with a smile, before she sniffed the air as she cringed in disgust. “Augh. And I think Sparky’s gas went to the other end.” She added as the Mane 6 smelled the air and cringed at the stank as well. “Well, that super-gross smoothie worked, but the gas Sparky let out smells like he ended up on the wrong end of a whole family of skunks." She added as the others nodded their heads in agreement.

While Misty is hiding from the Mane 6, still a little dazed and stinky from Sparky’s flatulence, having heard Sunset’s comment about the skunk family thing, as she thinks the same thing in agreement from that as she groans at the stink she endured.

Misty’s amulet then opened up as Opaline appeared as she looked around. “So? Where is he? Where is my dra—?” She asked but was cut off when Misty’s stank came to her as Opaline covered her muzzle as she cringed at the stank as she looked down and saw Misty on the ground, while being smelly as well. “Misty! What happened here?! What did you eat?!” She questioned Misty.

“I do not want to talk about it!” Misty told Opaline, not wanting to talk about what she just went through after another failed attempt to capture Sparky, and something that she doesn’t want to speak about again.

Several days later, Sunny, Sunset and Pipp came out of the Brighthouse running, while Zipp was flying in the air and with a board on the ground.

"If you’re done livestreaming, we’ve got a game of flyball to play!" Zipp called out to Pipp with a mocking smirk.

However, as both Sunny, Sunset and Pipp moved away, the door of the Brighthouse was closed by an eagle arm, and then it started to move away.

The creature walked away, not noticing that they accidentally moved one of the vases from its original position, nor that one of their white hairs got stuck over.

The creature entered the Brighthouse's bedroom and approached the elevator. However, instead of entering it like any other person, they traversed the crystal, and then, they started to float towards the ceiling, also traversing it.

Finally, the creature reached the top of the Brighthouse and entered the Crystal Room, as they stared at the Unity Crystals with a frown.

Soon enough, they grabbed the Crystals with their other arm, that seemed to be a lion one, as they removed the Unicorn Crystal, and then the Earth Pony Crystal, before throwing them to the floor, and stared at the Pegasus Crystal on their lion hand, still frowning in rage.

The critter was finally showed, and it seemed to be a critter made out of many animal parts. Hisname was Discord, and he was better known as the Lord of Chaos.

Discord stared daggers at the Unity Crystal and snorted in disbelief. "You silly, little ponies... Soon, you'll thank me for getting rid of all magic in Equestria, and bring up real unity among ponykind..." He stated with a smirk, before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

End of Chapter 46.

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