• Published 4th Jan 2023
  • 1,587 Views, 99 Comments

Equestrian Recreation - luigitime22

Ponies of G4 and G5 unite in absolute mayhem and whatever nonsense the writer feels like creating that day.

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The Weekly Villain Get-Together Gets Ambushed

Starlight Glimmer looked over the documents in front of her with great detail. “I see you got a new mane color,” she said.

“That’s right,” the pony in front of her, Misty, said in response.

“Completely reformed?”

“Yes, I’m done working for Opaline,” Misty answered.

“Even got a Cutie Mark. Congratulations on that, by the way,” Starlight added.

“Thank you!”

“No problem. Well, everything here seems to be in order.” With that, Starlight turned towards the others sitting around the table. “All in favor of allowing Misty Brightdawn to join us at the Reformed Villain Weekly Get-Together, say ‘Aye.’”

“AYE!” came the resounding response.

“Then it’s settled!” Starlight said with a beaming smile. “Welcome to the club, Misty. We meet every Wednesday.”

Misty sat in her new seat at the table, now part of her first time in the Reformed Villain Weekly Get-Together. So far, it was going pretty well, Discord hadn’t placed a dunce cap on her or anything. This was significantly better than Tempest Shadow, who was still stuck wearing hers from last time.

“I can’t be blamed if I accidentally placed it with a magical lock to her head that will only come off after the next meeting,” Discord had explained. The others just rolled their eyes.

“So, what do we do here at the get-togethers?” Misty asked.

“We mainly just discuss whatever we feel like discussing that week, maybe play a game or something,” Sunset Shimmer answered.

“What sorts of games?” Misty found herself wondering.

“Usually it’s cards, or Ogres and Oubliettes,” Sunset explained. “Speaking of which, Discord, I roll to smite Grogar the Dark with my gleaming broadsword.”

Discord rolled the dice, and the entire table spent a moment staring at the dice landing inconveniently on a “1.”

Trixie burst into laughter as Sunset grumbled.

“Bad news, Sunset,” Discord said, reading from the gamemaster’s book. “You completely bungled your attack, leaving yourself wide open. Grogar the Dark scores a direct hit on you with the Mace of Shadows, knocking you across the room. The good news is, your defense stat was high enough to survive the hit, though you took a ton of damage.”

Sunset shrugged. “I suppose it could have been worse, could have knocked me out entirely.”

“Still,” Tempest Shadow reasoned, “Grogar is knocking us around without any issues. You just got sent across the room, Sprout got shot by the Bow of Despair and is paralyzed for another turn, Starlight’s got to keep her shield up protecting Misty so she can heal the party, and my character is too slow to dodge the Mace of Shadows. We’re completely outclassed, and our entire party is… Wait a minute, where’s Trixie?”

“Trixie rolls to steal Grogar’s Bell while he’s distracted fighting the others,” Trixie suddenly said with a confident grin.

Trixie rolled a 17, which combined with her high stealth stat and the fact that Grogar was distracted whacking Sunset with the Mace of Shadows and being distracted by the fact she survived, was enough to steal the bell.

“Grogar the Dark’s powers are completely sealed away, leaving him powerless to oppose you any further. On top of that, Misty’s healing spell finishes charging and the party is back to full health. And there’s a chest full of bits in the center of the room now,” Discord said, finishing giving the rundown on the events of Trixie’s roll.

Everyone except Trixie and Discord took a moment to process this turn of events. “How long were you planning to do that?” Starlight suddenly asked.

“Trixie got the idea after Sprout was shot with the Bow of Despair, I figured he’d be too distracted to notice. Sunset managing to survive the Mace of Shadows was just the best opening available.”

“And I’m back at full health now, so this works out nicely,” Sunset said, with her old frown now being replaced with a very wide smile. “Best boss fight we’ve had since we defeated the Flories.”

“The Flories were the first boss of this campaign,” Discord pointed out.

“It's not my fault the bosses have been so hard,” Sunset countered. “It’s been a tough campaign.”

After Sunset and Tempest were done detonating the lost city of Tambelon to put an end to Grogar for good, the party went back to Canterlot (In the game.) to rest and recuperate. Fortunately for them, while their boss fights tended to be rough, they saved their bits well, so there was plenty of budget to stay at an inn.

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Are you all going to hijack the inn’s music again?”

Sunset scoffed. “Please, Discord. We have skills and priorities at the inn, we’re not going to waste our time bothering the inn with low grade music like that dumb bard does.”

“Then what are you planning to do?” Discord asked.

“Kick the bard out and let the inn listen to some actual good music.”

“You arrive at the inn, and before Sunset even asks, yes there’s a bard there. But it’s not the usual one, this one is a pink Earth Pony with a lute. She has a great big smile on her face and is singing all sorts of happy songs about smiling and candy and stuff,” Discord said.

“Wait a minute,” Starlight noted, “that sounds like Pinkie Pie. Have you been operating a multiple session game with more players than just us?”

Discord rolled his eyes and continued. “There’s also a purple alicorn there, she’s at the counter reading a book.”

“Discord, are you operating a game elsewhere?” Starlight asked, her voice growing more suspicious.

Elsewhere, at Fluttershy’s cottage, Discord and some ponies sat around a table with their own game of Ogres and Oubliettes set up.

“Yes, the party of ponies has noticed you, Twilight. They look very surprised to see you there. What do you do?”

Twilight smiled.

“The purple Alicorn turns and fires a laser at Tempest Shadow,” Discord said bluntly.

“She WHAT!?” Tempest roared, almost jumping onto the table.

Tempest was too slow to dodge the laser, and Twilight blasted her across the room with great ease. Some other ponies suddenly jumped into the fray, and Sprout was also quickly knocked out after the nearby bard, who was obviously Pinkie Pie, slammed him with her lute.

Sunset, Starlight, and Trixie were faster though, and managed to successfully brace for battle without being ambushed while Misty hung back to prepare a healing spell. A white unicorn with a rapier was soon clashing blades with Sunset, while Twilight and Starlight fired lasers at each other.

Trixie and Pinkie got distracted and went over to the corner to sing some songs.

“And there’s a blue unicorn in the back with a red mane charging up a spell,” Discord said.

“That’s got to be Misty,” Twilight Sparkle noted. “Healing spell, if I had to guess. Have they noticed Fluttershy hiding behind the counter yet?”

“No,” Discord answered.

“Good, that means she can charge up a maximum healing spell if we need it,” Rarity said. “Though with Sprout already down and Tempest’s speed so low, I think we should be fine.” Rarity looked over at Pinkie. “And while Pinkie isn’t exactly helping us, at least Trixie’s not trading blows. Is the trap almost ready?”

“Indeed, it is,” a nearby Earth Pony replied.

“Sunset Shimmer is clobbered over the head by an Earth Pony wielding a giant cello,” Discord read from the book. “Sorry Sunset, you’re knocked out.”

“WHAT!?” Sunset roared, now also getting annoyed. “Where did that even come from?”

Discord looked over the book. “She’s invested a good number of points into stealth.”

“They’re going to wipe our entire party!” Starlight growled. “Except for Trixie over there, singing showtunes.”

“I cast a lightning spell on Twilight!” Tempest shouted.

“Tempest Shadow fires a lightning spell towards Twilight,” Discord said.

Everyone just looked at Fluttershy, simply waiting.

“I, um, cast Magic Mirror,” Fluttershy responded.

Discord rolled the dice.

“A Magic Mirror shows up, and it successfully reverses the entire strike. Tempest gets knocked out,” Discord said, not even looking surprised by this point.

“That spell is locked to healer class!” Starlight said. “How did they get a Magic Mirror?”

“Fluttershy’s hiding behind the counter,” Sunset said simply. “We should have guessed she’d be here. She’s probably charging a pretty high-level healing spell as well.”

“And both Rarity and Octavia are rapidly approaching Starlight,” Discord added. “Weapons are drawn. Or instruments, in the latter’s case.”

“How did they even get this high leveled?” Tempest questioned. “Misty’s not going to heal up in time at this rate.”

“We really only have one option,” Starlight muttered sadly.

“Starlight surrenders unconditionally,” Discord smirks. “Are you going to wipe the party or accept it?”

Twilight smiled again. “Of course, we accept their surrender. Our condition is that they surrender the bell to be destroyed so that its evil magic does not infect anypony. We all know they would have used it to enhance their stats.”

“That’s all they want?” Starlight said, surprised.

“It would have given us some good stat boosts,” Tempest countered.

“But we don’t have much choice,” Sunset noted. “They are about to wipe our party, Misty is not beating Fluttershy in a healing race right now, and Trixie’s the only one here without damage. We give up the Bell or get wiped.”

“Sorry I couldn't get the spell active fast enough,” Misty said sincerely.

“Don’t worry about it,” Starlight said with a wave of her hoof. “We’ll have to give them the bell.”

“They hand over the bell,” Discord says.

“I destroy it,” Twilight Sparkle said simply.

Twilight’s roll was high enough given her stats, and soon enough an ancient evil was annihilated to the not so fitting sound of Pinkie and Trixie singing in the back of the room. Sunset Shimmer would later call it one of the most ironic parts of the session.

“And then they buy you lunch after Fluttershy heals your entire party,” Discord said. “Pinkie Pie said something about a party.”

“So, they nearly wiped us out, just for the bell?” Sprout grumbled.

“I guess they just didn’t want us getting corrupted by it, they thought we’d use it for a stat boost and turn evil,” Starlight reasoned.

“We would never do that, would we?” Sunset questioned.

The whole room went silent as Discord just smirked.

“We’d totally do that,” Sunset said.

“Let’s just enjoy the lunch,” Trixie responded.

And so, the two parties settled in for a meal at the inn, ready to continue their adventures together another day.

Author's Note:

And the story lives on another day. :twilightsmile:

Obviously, I remain quite busy most of the time, but I still plan to update every so often. This was meant to be me writing something short on a whim, but now we've got the longest chapter yet! I hope you all enjoy it!