• Published 4th Jan 2023
  • 1,587 Views, 99 Comments

Equestrian Recreation - luigitime22

Ponies of G4 and G5 unite in absolute mayhem and whatever nonsense the writer feels like creating that day.

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Rainbow Dash Runs into a Cliff

The stunned Rainbow Dash lay collapsed nearby the cliff face she had just crashed into. Naturally, she had fallen down by now, but was still recovering from the impact. Reading Daring Do in the middle of a stunt probably wasn’t her brightest move. But on the bright side, nopony was around to see her like this.

Just then, Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up as she heard the voice of Apple Bloom approaching, through a megaphone. “Coming up next on our sightseeing tour of Ponyville, we have this bench that one of our town residents sits on a lot in a really funny way. She’s not here right now, so there’s unfortunately not a photo op.”

The groans of disappointment were rather concerning.

Apple Bloom then continued. “Nearby the bench you might notice Rainbow Dash over here, collapsed on the ground next to a cliff she probably just crashed into. No worries, she’ll be fine soon and flying again, this happens all the time. Especially when she’s reading, which judging from the copy of ‘Daring Do and the Dial of Destiny’ nearby, I would guess was happening.”

Rainbow Dash just glared silently at Apple Bloom, who was now smirking at her darkly.

“Yes, photos are allowed!” Apple Bloom shouted through her megaphone, and Rainbow Dash was instantly blinded by multiple camera flashes.

Nurse Redheart just stared blankly at Rainbow Dash. “Didn’t I tell you to stop reading while you flew?”

“Maybe,” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Well, I mean it. Stop reading while you fly. This happens every time, and at this rate we might as well keep a room reserved for you at all times.”

Rainbow Dash perked up at that. “Can we call it the Rainbow Dash Room?”


Nurse Redheart ultimately opted to go through the regular physical checks on Rainbow Dash just to be safe. While sticking a thermometer into Dash’s mouth, she struck up some conversation. “So, how was your fifth reading of ‘Dial of Destiny’ before you crashed?”

Upon having the thermometer removed, (There was no fever.) Dash responded. “It was awesome! Daring Do was trapped in the dark caverns beneath Somnambula by Ahouizotl, and in order to escape, she grabbed a rope and jumped over a gorge!”

Redheart raised an eyebrow. “A.K. Yearling’s a pegasus. Never understood that part of the story.”

Rainbow Dash raised her own eyebrow. “Wait, have you read it?”

“After the seventh time having to treat you after a crash and listening to you discuss them, I decided to check them out. Plus, I needed something to do for my overnight shifts at the reception desk.”

“No way. You read Daring Do!? That is so awesome!” Rainbow Dash shouted, almost hovering above the table before Redheart pulled her back down.

“I slightly prefer Shadow Spade, but I can certainly see the appeal of Daring Do,” Redheart replied. “Makes for a very good series of stories, I’d say ‘Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds’ was my personal favorite.”

Redheart continued her medical checks while Dash asked more questions. “Say, did you hear about the next book coming out soon? ‘Daring Do and the Masked Thief of Marapore?’”

“I already have it reserved over at Canterlot’s bookstore.”

Rainbow Dash paused for a moment. “Reserved? Why didn’t I ever think of that?”

“Probably all the bumps into the cliff.”

“How is Shadow Spade anyway? A perspective that’s not from Rarity would be interesting,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Definitely not a series I’d see you enjoying,” Redheart responded as she wrote down some notes on a clipboard. “I like them myself, but they wouldn’t particularly appeal to you. Much too slow and not enough action.”

“So, they’re good, but probably not something for me,” Rainbow Dash concluded.

“Unless reading as Shadow Spade follows a masked individual around a department store for two hours only to learn it was a decoy and nothing comes from it sounds interesting to you.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’d like that,” Rainbow said.

“Probably not,” Redheart agreed. “Even I thought that sequence should have been revised.”

“Well, that’s everything, Rainbow Dash!” Redheart said with a smile. “You handled that bump better than usual, everything looks fine. You’re good to go!”

“Sweet!” Rainbow shouted, launching off the table with excitement. “I don’t have to stay or anything?”

“Nope! You’re all set this time; I’ll just check you out at the desk.”

“Can I still have a lollipop?”

Nurse Redheart rolled her eyes. “Of course, Rainbow. Take a lollipop.”

Redheart finished checking Rainbow Dash out at the desk. “And that’s everything! Just remember to do what I told you this time and don’t read while you fly,” Redheart added with a sterner voice than usual.

“Alright, I’ll try to keep that in mind,” Dash conceded. “I suppose I can’t fly more often if I’m stuck in the hospital all the time.”

“Exactly,” Redheart agreed, now back to her smile. “Just read your books at home.”

“Okay, I’ll work on it. Next time I wind up back here for whatever reason though, can we talk about books again?”

“Of course,” Redheart laughed. “I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Author's Note:

Well, that was faster than usual. :pinkiegasp:

I'm not quite sure how I got to the point of Rainbow Dash and Nurse Redheart becoming friends. Sometimes I suppose the writing just takes over itself. Who knows, maybe more of this new development can come in future installments.

But I digress. A somewhat smaller entry, but one I'm pleased with all the same. I've been wanting to write Nurse Redheart in here for a while, so I'm pleased that I finally got something that worked. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you next time!