• Published 4th Jan 2023
  • 1,587 Views, 99 Comments

Equestrian Recreation - luigitime22

Ponies of G4 and G5 unite in absolute mayhem and whatever nonsense the writer feels like creating that day.

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Pinkie Pie Robs a Bank (Because Reasons)

The door to the bank burst open as Pinkie Pie came out cartwheeling down the stairs with 17 sacks of cash and armed with a joy buzzer. Autumn Blaze and Izzy were also there, armed with, you guessed it, more joy buzzers.

The break in came surprisingly easy, as Izzy instantly picked the lock to the bank’s front door. Apparently she just knew how to make keys from scratch, a frightening skill to have on hoof.

After that Autumn Blaze melted the vault door open. What it lacked in grace and poise was made up for in efficiency.


Twilight Sparkle and 15 royal guards surrounded the trio of bandits as the princess gave her orders. “Stand down Pinkie Pie!” she shouted. “We have you surrounded!”

“NEVER!” Pinkie responded, instantly taking out a guard with a joy buzzer. He collapsed on the spot, despite the fact he was only hit with a very small number of volts.

After that, Twilight Sparkle was unable to deliver orders due to the trio’s incessant talking drowning out all noise in the area. As such, Twilight herself got nailed by a joy buzzer blow from Autumn Blaze and the trio escaped the blockade to raid a Hayburger.


Twilight flew after her targets in a grand pursuit, determined to not let her targets escape the long arm of the law. The laws she made, after all. She was the ruler of Equestria. But Pinkie Pie and her cohorts were fast, not to mention tricky. And to make things worse, they had the power of Hayburger on their side. However, Twilight countered by magically floating a massive steel bar in front of the trio to block their paths, which was conveniently sitting at a nearby construction site in Canterlot.
Pleased with this change of events, Twilight quickly began to trap the three in place with a barricade made out of whatever she could find in the area, swiftly trapping the three in a dome of debris. Soon, they were entirely covered up for justice to prevail.

Autumn Blaze just instantly melted through it, and the trio escaped without difficulty while singing about the power of laughter.


“And… CUT!” Discord shouted from behind a camera. “Great take, everypony!”

Twilight Sparkle walked over to Discord as he removed the reels from his camera. “I thought this was supposed to be an adaptation of Robin Hoof,” she said.

“It is!” Discord instantly replied. “Just in a more modern setting and with 3 Robin Hoofs instead of one.”

“Robin Hoof didn’t light things on fire!”

“I’m sure he would have if he could,” Discord reasoned. “He wasn’t a Kirin. Speaking of, great work on that, Autumn!”

“Thanks boss!” Autumn Blaze could be heard from afar. She was a bit busy telling stories to some of the other filmmakers though, so she didn’t come over.

“You’re just mad because your character is the villain,” Discord said.

“No I’m not!” Twilight answered instantly. “It’s just that this whole film is nonsense! They’re using joy buzzers!”

“Look, if Pinkie Pie is playing Robin Hoof, or one of them anyway, do you really expect things to be normal?”

“You’re the director, I never expected this to be normal,” Twilight countered. “I just expect there to be some semblance of similarity to the source material.”

“But there is!” Discord protested.


“They’re robbing the rich!” Discord answered like it was the most obvious thing ever.

“Then why did they also rob the Hayburger?” Twilight challenged.

“Because they’re sponsoring the film.”

Twilight facehoofed.