• Published 10th Jan 2023
  • 5,938 Views, 260 Comments

Anon von Bismarck - WojakWriter

Anon is suddenly thrust into the role of the sole ruler of Equestria when Celestia suddenly leaves. How will Anon fare with mounting tensions within his own country and growing hostility with the Griffins?

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14: A Disaster

It's mid-morning, I’m exhausted, and in front of me is the most cooperative changeling I’ve ever met.

Granted, he was also the only one I met so I could be biased in my assessment.

But his relatively friendly attitude did nothing to quell the churning in in my guts.

Bugs had always weirded me out, so a horse sized one certainly wasn't doing me any good.

At the very least, I was able to keep my composure.

“Let's start with your name.”

The changeling's wings twitched as I addressed him.

In a chittering voice, he answered me without hesitation.

“My queen has named me Chitin, my lord.”

How original of her.

Still, his answer was direct and delivered politely, so he understood diplomacy.

It seemed Chrysalis didn't take me for a fool then.

She knew better most likely.

“So then, Chitin, you said last night that Queen Chrysalis had sent you on a diplomatic mission. What exactly is she proposing?”

Chitin clears his throat, a sound that makes the guards in each corner of the cell tense up.

They were understandably on edge, many of them had served in the Royal Guard during the invasion.

And those that didn’t had heard the stories.

I had objected to these specific ponies as the guards of the changeling, but it was hard to argue with their experience.

If Chitin had been insulted by it, he betrayed no such feelings.

In fact, his face showed so little expression it made me wonder if he could actually feel emotion.

His voice interrupted my thoughts.

“My queen desires the opening of negotiations with your government. Of special concern for her is the foundation of nesting grounds and pony actions toward sister hives. While our hive has yet to be found by ponies, others have not been so lucky. During the last brooding alone, sisters reached a mortality of three-quarters.”

Though I don't entirely understand the time period, anything resulting in a mortality rate that high was more than a crisis.

I steepled my fingers and gaze. evenly into Chitin's aquamarine, faceted eyes.

“Help me understand some things, Chitin. First of all, what exactly is a 'sister hive'? How many are there, and are any of them willing to engage us as you are now? While I understand the desperation of the situation, I can hardly commit to actions that could risk ponies on the word of a single changeling. My ponies would never accept such a thing, and even with the situation explained and the absolute guarantee of their safety, it would be a hard pill for them to swallow.”

Chitin breathes deeply, the plates of his namesake expanding outward.

”Our sister hives are just as they sound, lord. Their queens are kin of ours and through this we foster cooperation. As for their number, I cannot say for fear of endangering them, but they have expressed their willingness to follow suit with us, should our own diplomatic ventures succeed.”

I scratched my chin, thinking about all I knew. This was most likely all I was going to get out of him, and it's only barely enough to make a decision.

Granted, this was only a preliminary discussion and no real commitment had to be made just yet. But if engaging in diplomacy meant removing a possible threat to Equestria, it was hard to argue against at least trying.

I let out a long sigh and sat up.

“Well, I certainly can't commit to any terms at this point. However I believe that we might be able to establish some sort of peace talks. Do you have some way to contact your hive, Chitin?”

For the first time, I saw him smile.

It looks more like a snarl, but his disposition doesn’t match it.

He sat up straighter, his chitinous plates clicking as they fit closer together.

”I will contact her immediately, lord. My queen will be most pleased to hear of your...welcoming nature compared to your predecessor. May I have a moment?”

I made eye contact with each of the guards, and one of them wears an expression of distaste.

“I believe we can accommodate that. Afterwards, I'll have you put up in a proper guest room, still under guard of course. I'm certain you understand.”

Chitin bows his head as I stood from my uncomfortable chair.

“As you say, lord.”

I made a gesture to the guards and they followed me as I exited, shutting the door behind them.

None of them say a word, but I can practically feel the aversion radiating from them.

They probably wouldn't be the best ones to have keeping an eye on Chitin, going forward.

As I exit, Quill approaches me with an uneasy expression on her face.

”How did it go, sir?”

I beamed at her, for once happy with diplomacy.

“Better than I could have thought. Arrange for our guest to be put up in some proper chambers, it wouldn't do to have our first changeling emissary kept in a cell.”

I saw her face twitch, but she merely nods at my order.

She doesn’t agree with my decision.

Good thing she isn’t the one making them.

”Of course sir. Are you ready for the press conference? The reporters certainly weren't ecstatic about the delay.”

I’d almost forgotten about that, if I was to be honest.

The conference had been bumped forward so I could speak with the changeling immediately, and hopefully get some answers.

It had worked out, of course, but it was unsurprising that the press wasn't happy about being kept waiting.

“Yes, I believe I am, Quill. Shall we?”

She nods again and leads me through the winding halls of the castle.

Despite the size of the castle grounds, it's not long before we’ve arrived to the receiving chamber for the press.

Quill trots over to the microphones and announces my arrival.

Before stepping up to the podium that had been set up, I straightened my suit and paste the best grin I could onto my face.

Needed to look presentable. Time to face the music.

“Good afternoon, everypony. How are you all today?”

A smattering of voices, most positive, resound through the crowded room, and I drive on.

“I'm certain I don't need to explain the rules of courtesy to you all, so let us begin without further delay.”

Immediately as I finished, a hoof shoots up straight in front of me.

I pointed to its owner, and he begins without preamble.

”Mr. Anonymous, in your most recent address you made a great number of remarks that could be considered inflammatory. We thought the plan was to make peace with the griffons, not to drag the war out further.”

My cheek twitches at the rebuke.

Though it wasn't truly surprising that the speech was being brought up, I hadn't expected it to be the first question.

“Thank you for your question. You are correct, the plan certainly is to make peace with the griffons. However, as they have shown, that peace cannot be sustained from a position of perceived parity in power. Moreover, a secondary goal had been set before that address. Namely, the liberation of the Capra lands that had been conquered decades ago by the same regime that has attacked us. I'm certain you can agree that, especially given their recent behaviour, the current griffon leadership is in dire need of an adjustment in perspective.”

A bead of sweat trickled down my back, but the pony doesn't push further with his line of questioning.

I prayed it's because he was satisfied with my answer.

Another hoof, and another question, come on the heels of my answer.

“Mr. Anonymous, we know of the recent conference for economic development after the war, but what of a plan to end this war?”

I began to grind my teeth together, knowing my answers in this regard are limited by necessity.

“As of this time, I can only discuss that there is in fact a plan in place. However, I cannot speak of specifics, as they are military secrets by obligation. The consequences of their leaking prior to their implementation could have disastrous effects on the campaign, and I must implore you to limit your questions to already implemented plans.”

Without so much as a pause, another hoof was raised and another question asked.

”Then can you answer why everypony, including your fellow ministers, were kept in the dark about the fact that a campaign had even been launched? According to our sources, the plan had not even been discussed prior to the deployment in force.”

My grip on the podium tightened, my knuckles going a ghastly white.

Hadn't I JUST explained that these were military secrets for a reason?

“As I stated before, this information was classified. The matter, however, was brought to me as a completed presentation and received my approval prior to its implementation. Again, any leak of this sort of information could prove deadly to the soldiers involved and as such it is extremely compartmentalized.”

Another question, hard and fast.

”So why were you the singular being they brought the plan to? Are you entwined so much with the military that they consider you as their absolute voice?”

I felt my teeth grinding at how oblivious some of these questions are.

“As I am filling the position of Princess Celestia, I also fill the role of commander-in-chief. This is simply the nature of the position. However, the approval of these plans is not made lightly.”

The reporter continued.

”And what about this news of a changeling showing up in the capital? Are you doing nothing to ensure good security of Canterlot?”

Well, the rules could only last so long, I supposed.

“Yes, a changeling did appear last night. And rest assured, he was taken into custody. However, he came to us with overtures of peace and diplomacy and as such is of no threat to us. In fact, this opens new avenues of security for the country, without any lives needing to be taken.”

The questions kept coming, one after another, for over an hour.

They asked about everything, from speculation of just how many changelings had infiltrated to exact budgetary breakdowns now that the war economy was coming into swing.

And so, so many questions about the war itself.

Deployed numbers, casualty numbers, logistical plans, equipment statistics, ship building progression, and on and on.

But finally, mercifully, and thankfully, the conference was called to an end.

As soon as the last press pony exits the receiving room, Quill was at my side with a glass of cold water.

I drank from it, praising the princesses for sending you such an amazing assistant.

Not long after I had quenched your thirst, Quill spoke up.

”They seem to be quite the vultures, sir.”

I chuckled at her comment.

“I can't disagree with that. Who knew that even after getting an answer, they'd ask the same question eight more times with different words?”

The two of us shared a laugh, taking a moment to relax.

But the moment cannot last, unfortunately, for there's still work to be done.

“Well Quill, shall we see how our new ambassador is settling in? I'm sure he's had time to contact his hive by now.”

She nods and gestures for me to follow her

You are Chitin, sent to Canterlot to discuss peace.

Anonymous, the King of this land, had graciously given you a room.

One that wasn’t a cell, thankfully.

Despite your orders to not cause a fuss, it was quite the embarrassment to be put into chains willingly.

But you had orders, and you wouldn’t break them.

No matter what.

And now you had to wait for the human to finish what he was doing.

You had already contacted the Queen, and she was on her way.

All that remained was painful waiting.

After hours of boredom, you climbed into bed.

Might as well rest until he finished his business.

Then he would pay his visit, speak his peace, and talk with your Queen later.

As you rested, the door clicked open.

Sitting up to see what it was, you instantly laid back down.

Two guards were walking in.

You looked at them, not even rising from the bed again.

You wondered what they wanted.

Was Anonymous done already?

Had he sent them to fetch you for a meeting?

They got closer and closer, and then you could see it.

They walked with a purpose.

A violent intent.

You could sense it, all changelings could read feelings well after all.

They wanted to hurt you.

It made sense, relations between ponies and changelings were always poor.

Then they started to pummel you with their hooves.

It hurt.

It hurt terribly.

But you had orders.

As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t dare lay a hoof on them.

So you laid there, enduring the beating, and praying they would quit soon.

And thankfully, they left as soon as they had entered.

You let out a groan, and passed into unconsciousness.

It didn’t take long to find the room, its door flanked by a pair of Royal Guards in resplendent gold.

I knocked on the door, courtesy was always best after all.

“Chitin, how are you settling in?”


I knocked a bit harder, perhaps he's merely asleep?

This time, as I pressed my ear to the door, I could hear a faint wheeze.

My eyes widened, and I shoved my way into the room.

Lying on the bed, the gaps in his hard plates leaking green ichor, lays Chitin.

Without pausing, I sprinted over to him immediately, pausing and giving Quill a pointed look.

“Get a doctor, now. GO!”

She gallops off, and the guards burst into the room as she leaves.

I bared my teeth at them, looking as predatory as I could.


Despite themselves, they immediately return to their posts outside the room.

Sometimes it was a blessing to not be a pony.

They wouldn’t fear me as much if I was.

“Chitin, are you alright? What happened to you?”

He doesn't answer, simply wheezing unhealthily.

I broke into a nervous sweat, cradling a diplomatic disaster in my arms.

Author's Note:

Double chapters for today.

Have fun with them (: