• Published 10th Jan 2023
  • 5,965 Views, 260 Comments

Anon von Bismarck - WojakWriter

Anon is suddenly thrust into the role of the sole ruler of Equestria when Celestia suddenly leaves. How will Anon fare with mounting tensions within his own country and growing hostility with the Griffins?

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5: Farewell to Ponyville

Finally, I had come to the last stop on my tour of Ponyville farms.

It's been quite a long day for the three of us, there were dozens of farms around the town.

After hearing the opinions of so many farmers, I had already begun formulating a bill that may help them.

I would need a bit more input, of course, but I could at least begin to wrap my head around their hardships.

I knocked on the door of the last farmhouse and put on an easy smile.

Sweet Apple Acres, the final stop of my tour. I’d decided to postpone this to both have a friend to look forward to at the end, and to let Applejack finish her planting season.

A small, yellow coated filly opens the door and her eyes brighten as she saw me.

“Howdy Mr. Anonymous! We ain't seen you around these parts for a long time! Oh wow, you brought Princess Luna too? I shoulda got on my formal bow! And howdy there miss uh...well I don't know ya, but if you're a friend of Mr. Anonymous I'm sure you're a good pony!”

I ruffled Applebloom's bright mane and my smile widened a tad bit. “Hey Applebloom, is your sister home?”

I heard a tired voice call down the stairs. ”Who in tarnation is at the door?”

Applebloom turns around and hollers back up the stairs. ”It's Mr. Anonymous and Princess Luna, an' they wanna talk with ya!”

The sudden noise of galloping hooves comes from within the house. In a few seconds, Applejack is in front of me and panting. Her mane is tousled and there are dark bags under her eyes. But she has an eager smile on her face all the same.

”Howdy yer majesty and uh...sir? What can I do for ya today?”

My smile shrunk a bit, I hadn't wanted to impose on her but she was important to talk to. She was in charge of one of the most important farms in Equestria after all.

Where other farms may employ farmhands, Applejack did most of the work by herself and with Big Mac

She likely knew the needs of a farm better than anypony around.

“Come on AJ, just Anon is fine. We came here to learn of way to help out farmers with our policies in government and wanted to speak with you, if that's alright.”

She nodded and gestured for me to come inside.

Without further thought, I walked inside, and my companions followed, sitting at the kitchen table as she asks me to do so.

Finally, she gives a weary sigh and sits down herself. ”Applebloom, you mind getting some milk for me and our guests?”

The little filly perked up and scampered away. She was dependable like that. Applejack must’ve been proud of her.

Applejack turned her attention to the three of us and smiled warmly. ”Now, what can I do for y'all?”

I glanced at my companions, and then took the lead to talk. “We'd like to know how current government policies are effecting farmers, and how we can help you out.”

Applejack purses her lips and scrapes her hoof on the table. Her unease is clear, but eventually she finds her voice.

“Well, I can't speak for the others around town, but this here farm's been through a few bramble patches in the last couple years. Vampire fruit bats, family illness during the harvest, poor crops, timberwolves. We've been hit by just about every natural and unnatural disaster you care to name. Insurance only covers so much these days, and no matter the state of the crop, taxes are based on the usual crop for an orchard our size, whether or not it fails.”

Applejack massages her temples as Applebloom comes back balancing a tray with glasses of milk on her head. The three of us took a glass each, and Applejack pats her sister on the head.

Finally, she turns back to me and continues.

“Now I'm not sayin' we shouldn't be paying taxes, but maybe there could be a local arbitrator. Someone who knows farming, who could decide what's fair depending on what's been happening in the season. It ain't always an exact science around here.”

I nodded in agreement, Ponyville was never a regular place and that likely made it hard for people who depended on predictability. And besides. Her suggestion wasn't an unreasonable one, especially compared to some of her peers. Nothing of subsidies, heavy protectionist policies, or price regulation. Applejack must have misinterpreted my silence though, as she begins to quickly speak again.

”I know that setting up somethin' like that ain't a priority or anything, it's just a suggestion. Y'all probably have more crises up there than I could dream of.”

I took a breath and smiled warmly at Applejack. “Not at all, Applejack. In fact, I was more surprised by how reasonable your idea is. I believe that would be a wonderful thing in fact. I'll be sure to bring it up when I return to Canterlot. Off the topic of business and politics, how have you been? The girls said you were busy with planting, so you didn't come down to the hall.”

AJ looks less exhausted when she looks up again. It seems she's happy to get off the topic of work. I couldn’t blame her.

”Well it's been a heck of a time if I'm honest. I wasn't mentioning them things in vain, Ponyville's practically been under siege with strange happenings. And none of it has done my crop any good. But the Apple family ain't quitters, and we ain't complainers.”

I nodded to her and began to rise from my seat. “Well, I'm glad to hear, AJ. Well we've taken enough of your time, and judging by how you look you need to get some sleep.”

She smiled and nodded her head slowly. ”I'm plum tired from all the work over the past couple weeks, but it's all done now. I could use a nap, but y'all are welcome for dinner if you'd like.”

This time it's Luna who interjects, giving Applejack a matronly look. ”We couldn't impose on your family more than we already have, Applejack. Perhaps another time, when you're not so exhausted.”

AJ nods her head in agreement with Luna.

All of us rise from the kitchen table and Applebloom walks us out as her sister heads back to bed. The filly seems disappointed that we’re leaving so quickly.

“Y'all could really stay around for dinner, I'm sure sis wouldn't mind!”

I stopped in the doorframe, behind my companions. A small twinge of guilt plucked at my heart from her voice.

Applebloom looked up at me with the look of a pleading puppy.

I turned around and knelt down to ruffle her mane cheerfully.

“Don't you worry Applebloom, I'm sure we will sometime. But your sister needs to get some rest, and we still have some work to do before we head to Baltimare.”

Applebloom looks down, disappointed. Luna noticed my dallying and turned around, trotting up to Applebloom and holding out a hoof.

”How about this, little one. Hold onto this for me, it's a rock from the moon itself. We carry it with us as a reminder, but we want you to hold on to it. Think of it as a promise for our return, hm?”

Applebloom takes the rock and sniffs at it. “A-are ya sure princess? I don't wanna take anything that means so much to ya.”

Luna just shook her head and patted Applebloom’s mane.

”Just be sure to take good care of it for me. We will be expecting to see it the next time we visit.”

Applebloom clutches the pebble to her chest. ”Yes ma'am! It'll be safe with me!”

Luna smiles indulgently and we both leave to catch up with Quill and head back to town. Quill gives us both a questioning look.

I waved away the concern.

“Just saying goodbye to a friend, Quill. Has everything been set up for the speech?”

She gives a long sigh, then nods. ”Yes sir. The criers were dispatched before we left, and the crew has been working on it since the morning. Everything has likely been ready for an hour or more.”

At her words, my shoulders tensed up. It always happened before public addresses for me. No matter how prepared, how much practice, how many times I made a speech, I was still afraid.

But as I entered the town and approached the stage that had been set up for me, another feeling joins the fear. As tense as I was now, as I walked up the steps to the podium in front of what must be half the town, I recognized it.

Now, for the first and only time, I felt excited to be in front of a crowd.

I leaned on the podium, before a nearly silent crowd of ponies, waiting to see what I had gathered them for.

I started to speak with a smile.

“Good afternoon, Ponyville!”

There are a few nervous mumblings from the crowd, and I heard Pinkie shouting 'Hey Anon' from the back.

I had expected this, however.

“I understand that many of you have trepidation over my appointment to Celestia's position, and I can appreciate why. After all, not only am I relatively new in the government, but I'm not even a pony!”

I saw a few nods from the crowd, and more than a few downward cast gazes.

“But rest assured, I know my duty all too well.”

Now those ponies that were once looking about, anywhere but the stage, begin to focus at your firm tone.

“I came her as a stranger, a species nopony has seen before or since. But you, you were kind, accepting, and friendly towards me. You, ponies of Ponyville, gave me shelter, work, and you were diligent in integrating me to your town.”

I saw Spike, standing on Rarity's back, giving me a wide grin and a thumbs up. He had been the one to suggest to Twilight to give you a place to stay initially. No doubt he knew what it was to be the odd one out.

I smiled and nodded back at him before continuing.

“With your help, I became a man in good standing in Equestria, the first man in fact! And so, when the opportunity to serve Equestria was offered to me, I accepted without hesitation.”

I could see more nods through the audience, and a few chests swelling outwards. Good.

This was exactly the reaction I had wanted to see.

“That was four years ago now. Through tireless work and an endless desire to pay the debt I incurred by accepting your kindness, your friendship, I rose to become a head minister. And when a time came that Celestia needed to vacate the seat of power temporarily, she saw that I would not be one to abuse such a position. And I promise you that, in no uncertain terms, I. Shall. Not.”

Several ponies in the crowd begin to slowly applaud, but before it can spread I held my hands out, spread wide to quiet it before it gets too loud.

“However, no one can rule a country alone. In this regard, I thank my fellow ministers for their support in these unstable times. Though I may be above you in rank, I will heed any advice you care to give me. You are all the heads of ministry for a reason. Further, I wish to thank Princess Luna for supporting her sister's decision. I will show all Equestria that you are indeed trustworthy once more, and a fine equal of your sister!”

Luna bows when I address her, but a nervous mutter runs through the crowd.

Again I quiet them before continuing.

“My friends, many of you saw her reformed, and many more have heard it through the Elements of Harmony. I beg of you, as you once did for me, accept her. Cherish her. Allow her to once more be YOUR princess.”

I walked over to her and placed a hand on her withers.

Quill walked up on my other side, and I placed my other hand on her as well. This was an important image to embed in their minds, to have shown to all Equestria.

“Let us not allow mistrust and discord to run amok. Now, more than ever before, since the time when the Windigos ruled, we must all be united as one people. As Equestrians!”

A scattering of applause runs through the crowd, and begins to build. Eventually it broke into a full standing ovation.

I didn’t think my speech was that good, but it seemed to hit all the right notes just well enough to spark this commotion and zeal within the ponies.

When it finally calms down, I returned to the podium.

I still have one more thing to reveal after all.

“Citizens of Ponyville, friends, I have an announcement as well. Your town was the place of redemption for Princess Luna. It was here that the Elements of Harmony removed the sickness that was Nightmare Moon. Until now, this has been unfairly ignored. But no longer. My friends, it is with a humble heart I reveal to you, the Redemption Memorial!”

I pulled a large drape off a posterboard with the plan for the monument on it.

The picture shows a large statue of a redeemed Luna touching hooves with the six Elements of Harmony, all smiling beatifically. There are a number of gasps through the crowd.

This is all going well.

“With this, all may know that this is the ground where our princess of the night returned to Equestria. All may know this is the home of the ponies that saved her from darkness. And all may know that Princess Luna is once more one of us.”

The applause and cheers come in a massive barrage of sound. It took a long while for the noise to die down.

Finally, I gestured to Luna to take the podium. She hadn't originally wanted to give a speech, but I insisted so that the ponies understood this was not a sole undertaking

She clears her throat and begins speaking hesitantly.

”Ponies of Ponyville, We thank you from the bottom of our heart. It was five of you who helped us come back to you. And for this, we owe you a debt we cannot ever repay.”

She pauses for a moment, before blinking a few times and swallowing.

Then she continues, her voice becoming thick with emotion.

”The madness that took us was a terrible, vile sickness. And though we were cleansed of it by the Elements, it left us broken for a long while after, and our bonds of trust with you were shattered. It is for this reason that our sister's position was entrusted with Anonymous over us. We do not begrudge our sister for this choice.”

I could see her eyes begin to well up with tears. Unlike a practiced speech, her emotion here was real. One choked with both pride and overwhelming.

Her voice becomes more hoarse as tears begin to streak the fur on her muzzle.

”W-we...I do not know if I will ever be worthy of your trust again. But it is my prayer, that with determination and dedication to Equestria, I can one day be truly redeemed in your eyes. It is my greatest desire to finally atone for all the pain I caused, for the damage I did, both to Equestria as a whole, and to the ponies I see as my family.”

She finally breaks down, so I knelt and placed a gentle hand on her back to steady her.

All according to plan, nobody can argue with this image. The new ruler comforting the reformed villain. I knew I had at least one town I could rely on to support me.

Quill comes in and hugs Luna as I looked out into the audience.

Many of them are openly crying, many more are struggling to hold back their emotions. A speech done right, one to sway the narrative in my favor.

But as one, they applaud for Luna. Applaud for Equestria. Applaud for me.

As their applause continues, I lead my companions off the stage and towards the train waiting in the station to whisk me towards Baltimare.

We needed to do this song and dance again and again after all. One town isn’t enough. At least half is that I’m aiming for.

Just before I boarded the train, I heard the galloping of hooves behind me.

Turning about, I found four of the Elements of Harmony standing there. Pinkie and Fluttershy have streaks on their muzzle from fresh tears, and Rarity is wiping away mascara from her face.

Even Dash's eyes are misty, though I know she'd never cry so openly.

Pinkie hugged onto my leg on the platform.

”Don't go so quickly Nonny! Can't you stay for just one more day?”

I gave her a gentle pat on the top of her mane with a gentle hand.

“Sorry Pinkie, we still have a lot of cities to visit, and a great many more ponies to talk with.”

I knelt down and opened my arms.

They all piled in to hug me, even Dash alights and embraced me and her friends.

“I will miss you all, but I still have a lot of work to do. I promise, the next time I'm in Ponyville, I'll treat you all to dinner and we'll hang out, like old times. How does that sound?”

They stepped back and all nodded.

I put a hand on Fluttershy's back, she seems to be taking you leaving again harder than her friends

“When I'm back, I'm going to come give you a hand with your furry friends again, okay Shy?”

She looks up at me with a sad smile, and nods quietly.

After a moment, I rose and stepped of the platform and onto the train

I paused in the doorway and looked back to see your friends waving at you.

Deep down, I truly wanted nothing more than to get off the train. But with a jerk, the train pulls away from the platform, leaving the town, and your friends, behind you. With my mood soured by the sight, I turned into the car and found an empty seat to sit alone.

For a long while, I simply gazed out the window, lost in my own thoughts as the scenery passed me by. As the sky begins to darken, I felt a weight shift due to someone sliding onto the seat beside you

”Sir...Anonymous, are you alright? You've been back here for a while.”

I turned back to find Quill giving me a look filled with worry.

With the biggest smile I could muster, I put a hand on the top of her head.

“I'm fine Quill, just...thinking about this. About Ponyville. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

She doesn't ask you to elaborate, nor does she even offer any words to you. Instead she huddled up to me, nuzzling against my chest. Wordlessly, I placed an arm around her and embrace her tightly.

There's no need to speak, both of you know exactly why. And as I gazed out into the newly born night, you find it easy, for the first time in a long time, to find the sleep you're looking for.

And so I drifted off, with the sound of the trains engine in the background.