• Published 10th Jan 2023
  • 5,939 Views, 260 Comments

Anon von Bismarck - WojakWriter

Anon is suddenly thrust into the role of the sole ruler of Equestria when Celestia suddenly leaves. How will Anon fare with mounting tensions within his own country and growing hostility with the Griffins?

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7: If You Want Peace, Prepare For War

“That's about it, sir.”

I clasped my hands in front of me, and a headache begins to well up behind my eyes.

We really need to get Tylenol in this world.

But back to the matter at hand...

If I’m to be really honest with myself, it's hard to fault the griffons.

With Celestia gone, and me gallivanting about the country, and the recent reorganization of the military, it was the perfect time for them to press for better trade deals.

I could feel the train straining to push itself faster as the ponies overloaded its furnace and stressed its boiler to the absolute limits.

Once more, in silence, I had went over the information given to me.

The griffons were displeased with the reduction in ore exporting to Equestria, which had been brought about by their giving of low quality ore.

They were demanding an immediate increase in Equestrian ore importation, acceptance of poor grade ore, and an inflated price.

On top of that, they were attempting to order a size restriction on the military, and arms limitations.

All absurd demands, impossible for me to accede to.

And they knew it.

They wanted a war with us.

They wanted control of the shipping lanes on the sea, and to wrest the Northern Narrows from the joint Equestrian and Crystal Empire control

A decade ago the griffons had shown themselves to be militarily powerful, defeating the neighbouring Capras in what was being called 'lightning war’.

I knew what it was, it was a blitzkrieg. I also knew they wouldn't be negotiating their terms, I had been the Equestrian representative in the Griffon Empire for much of my political career. They were a steadfast species, ready to fight.

So a country that hadn't fought a war in centuries was now forced to the brink of it.

I could see Luna and Quill staring at me, worry highlighting their faces as the sun began its slow rise.

I had been up all night going over the information again and again, reviewing all possible options I had with the others.

At long last, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. A plan was beginning to come together into my mind, but I needed more information.

I wasn’t a strategist, I was a simple foot soldier. I could order a small group, not an entire army.

Fortunately I had Luna, but she was still most likely out of date with the new technology of the day. And being so long out of touch with the ministers, I didn't know if research and prototyping had progressed to where you had a technological edge.

So we had to wait. Hope the griffons were slow in their response. In solemn silence, I waited to reach Canterlot, hoping against hope that I could still somehow defuse the situation without war. Not very likely, but I had to try.

Celest-, no, my little ponies weren’t ready for a war.

After what felt like an eternity, the train screeched to a halt at the platform nearest to the castle

I, Luna, and Quill charge off the train and begin the sprint to the castle. As foolish as it must appear, Luna had told me there were certain magical defenses around the castle now to prevent teleportation.

It figured. Defenses would be on high alert right now. Good thinking really.

We had stumbled through the main gates, heaving for breath and sweating heavily.

I took a moment to collect myself, I could not allow myself to appear panicked or exhausted before my peers. They could not know. They must not.

Finally, after what felt like a painful minute of racing thought, I was ready.

Steeling my face and straightening my ruffled clothes, I had the guards open the doors to the Chamber of Star Swirl, the meeting place of the government.

The heads of ministry were already seated about the large table, looking terribly worried, and terrified of the being at the table whose presence surprised me.

“Well if it isn't my old diplomatic nemesis, Anonymous the Human. How is the new position treating you, my good man?”

Grinning like a particularly smug cat, Alistair, former liaison to Equestria and now head of the Griffon Embassy in Canterlot, sat on a cushioned chair.

Instinctively, I began to grind my teeth together when I saw him.

The single worst part of being a minister of Foreign Affairs, he had been the toughest part of any diplomatic assignment I’d had been a part of.

So of course he would be sitting in on this session, most likely he had delivered the ultimatum at the request of his betters.

But I would not allow him the satisfaction of seeing me off kilter. I wouldn’t allow him to have this moment.

So I gave him the most predatory smile I could muster. “Ah, so it was you I smelled when I entered the palace. I wasn't sure whether it could possibly be something of such low status here, especially a bastard child, but yet again you've surprised me Alistair.”

I could see his face twitch when I mentioned his status. Pride was always such an easy nerve to tweak with griffons, and it was something I was always ready to pounce on. Foolish birds, so prideful, so sinful.

But even at that, his smile grows as he gestured for me to take a seat.

“Well now that our last guest has so lately arrived, I can make my announcement at last.”

He rose from his chair and cleared his throat obnoxiously. ”Whereas the Equestrian government has not acceded to the reasonable demands of the Right Emperor Gunnar and the Griffon Empire; therefore be it resolved by the Grand Council and the Griffon people, that the state of war between the Griffon Empire and the Kingdom of Equestria, which has been demanded by the peoples of the Empire, is hereby formally declared; and that the Emperor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the Griffon Empire and the resources of the Grand Council to carry on war against the Kindgdom of Equestria; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination all the resources of the country are hereby pledged to the Grand Council and the Griffon Empire.”

A pounding echoes on the door of the chamber, and the ministers jump to their hooves shouting at Alistair in disbelief, anger, and fear.

My hands began to death grip each other tight enough that my bones began to creak in protest.

And Alistair gazed at me, his smile growing ever wider.

I’d fucking kill him, that damned bird. He’s a dead man! I’ll have him sent to the dungeons and his eyes ripped out and…

No. No, I can’t. What message would that send the gryphons? What would that tell my little ponies? I’m not a monster. I can’t be a monster to them. They needed to look at me with respect, not fear.

After a lengthy time of shouting and questioning, the door to the chamber is finally flung open, and an exhausted looking pegasus guardsmare gallops overseer to me and whispered into my ear.

”Sir, we've just received word that a large force of griffons has laid siege to and have taken Trottingham. A naval task force was dispatched but we've yet to hear anything. What should we do sir?”

The icy ball that had been growing in my stomach had become a boiling sphere of lava.

I wanted nothing more than to gut this fool, kill this damned beast who dared carry himself with any pride.

But my anger had quickly turned into a dark realization. Without provocation, a war, and without any experienced troops, or war industry to speak of. It was worse than a nightmare

I rose from my chair, and the other ministers began to quiet down as I stood.

With as much acid in my tone as I could muster, I addressed Alistair directly.

“So, the mighty Griffon Empire is reduced to surprise attacks and childish demands? How galling that we must be neighbours with such creatures as you. You’re no better than dogs. And mark my words, you will die like one”

Alistair simply shrugged at the barb. ”This announcement was supposed to be made earlier, Anonymous. Unfortunately, you were busy on vacation so I had to delay until now. Truly unfortunate for you.”

The guardsmare remained at my shoulder, trembling noticeably. As calmly as I could, I addressed her directly and loud enough for all in the room to hear.

“Lieutenant, I want you to gather a platoon of guards and blockade the embassy. As well, send runners to the barracks around the city, every griffon in Canterlot is to be placed under detention inside the embassy. Ensure they are fed and watered, but they are not allowed to leave the embassy grounds until further notice.”

The Guard paused for a moment.

“But sir, we ca-“

I cut her off before she could speak further.

“I don’t recall asking for your opinion on this. Go out and do as told.”

The pegasus guard gave me a half hearted salute and galloped out the door, and Alistair rose, his smile noticeably less smug than before.

“You know this won't have any--”

I cut him off, raising my voice over his, now addressing the highest ranking guard left in the chamber.

“Sergeant, it seems that a filthy griffon has infiltrated the palace. Arrest him and throw him in the castle prison.”

The Sergeant stood there a moment, unsure of whether or not to follow my commands.

“Well sergeant? What are you waiting for?”

The sergeant and his fellow guardsman immediately moved on Alistair, even as he shouted at me.

“You can't do this! My fellow diplomats and I have immunity!”

The guards hesitated at the protest, and looked back at me for further instructions, but I simply shook my head at the gryphon.

“You lost any right to claim immunity when you decided to announce your declaration of war after the invasion had already begun. Congratulations Alistair, you've become Equestria's first prisoner of war in centuries. I'm certain you'll be remembered for ages to come.”

He continues to rant and rave as he is dragged from the room.

Finally, the room stills. The other ministers are in various states from nervously tapping their hooves on the table to outright nervous breakdowns.

Even Luna is showing how frightened she is at the prospect of war, I could hear her teeth grinding together. It was time to take control of the situation. Time to show that I could lead them in these times.

Even though I was beginning to feel ill at the situation I had been thrust into, but now was not the time to freeze in place. Now was the time to fight, to win. For Equestria.

“Stiles, was a dispatch sent to the Crystal Empire when the ultimatum was issued?”

Shaky Stiles, my replacement as foreign minister, looked up from under the table. He wasn’t the smartest or bravest, but he was malleable. A useful puppet, someone who would follow my words no matter what.

”Uh, yes sir. They sent word back that Shining Armor was coming to Canterlot with a detachment of troops, while another battalion went to ensure the security of the Northern Narrows.”

I let out a relieved sigh. Good, at least I wouldn't be alone in this unexpected fight.

The Crystal Empire had a far better trained military than Equestria, so at least I wouldn't have to worry too much about the Northern theater.

And with Shining Armor coming straight to Canterlot, I could expect to have a level of experienced command staff to assist me.

I walked over to where a grim faced Stalwart Shield sat, his forehoof tapping the table in an odd pattern.

“Colonel, as soon as we finish up here, I want you to show me how far our reforms have come. Understood?”

He nodded and I continued around the table, speaking as calmly as possible.

“Heavy Hammer, I want you to oversee the shift into war industry. We must be prepared to give over much of the industrial base in order to out produce our enemy. Flashy Image, establish a department of propaganda and ensure the people understand that this war is not by any choice of ours, but forced by the griffons. Stir up some patriotic fever and assist the defense ministry in a recruitment drive. I don't want to chance anything by suddenly engaging in mass conscription.”

The minsters of industry and culture acknowledged my words and seem calmed by the solid direction they've been given.

“The rest of you, continue on as normal as you can. I understand that none of you are experienced in matter of war, but I am. With determination and unity, we will prevail. Now, let us adjourn and face the people with fire in our hearts and steel in our gaze. We must show them that even in times of crisis, they can trust in the resolve of those elected to rule them. You are all dismissed.”

The ministers gave me a short, polite applause before immediately departing to take care of their respective tasks.

All but Colonel Shield, who waits for me as ordered.

I gestured to Luna and Quill, both of whom remained still after I had adjourned the council.

“Accompany the good colonel and myself, wouldn't you? We ought to address this nightmare of a situation together.”

They nodded and followed me out the door, even as I follow the defense minister. There was no doubt, this entire scenario was a total disaster.

But we would all face it together. No matter what the outcome.

Stalwart Shield brought the three of us through a military depot, the only one in Canterlot, explaining the progress they had made in the relatively short time you'd been gone.

“As you can see, Anonymous, while we have settled on a weapon design, but serial production has only started recently. We have two hundred rifles and 150 harnesses to go with them. With the harness, anypony could use one, but without it would be exclusively for unicorns.”

He took a cartridge from a box of ammunition, handing it to me to inspect.

”We had our alchemists devise a way to stabilize mercurial fulminate and put a small amount inside this paper cartridge. Inside the rifle, there is a pin that, when the trigger is pulled, strikes the fulminate, which in turn ignites the powder in the cartridge and propels the projectile out the barrel.”

I don't completely get it. Guns were never really my 'thing.’ I used them, I didn’t build them.

But it sounds like they've developed an old style rifle. Which considering that until this point, most of their weapons looked like old flintlocks from a revolutionary war movie, this was quite a jump.

I had realized something though.

“But that's barely enough to equip a battalion.”

Stalwart grimaced and faced you.

“That is the problem. We don't have the industrial capacity to produce more than maybe a hundred guns per month, currently anyway. We're expanding as quickly as we can, but until then stocks are going to be limited.”

The grimace gives way to an almost sheepish smile.

”The good news is that ammunition is easier to produce than ever, so we won't lack for shots.”

I scratched at the short stubble growing on my face. In the past two days, I hadn't even seen a razor to take care of it. But that was the least of my concerns. A bit of stubble is nothing when Equestrian sovereignty is threatened.

And besides, I was miles outside of my depth of skills, and Shining Armor was still a day away at best.

”What if, instead of planning to equip our entire force at one time, we draw upon a single battalion and use it to augment our forces instead?” Luna's suggestion interrupts your thoughts.

Immediately I began to berate myself internally for not even thinking to ask her thoughts on the matter.

”If we give it to a force of ponies who have military experience already, we can cut down on training time. As well, a single light battalion is far more mobile than large divisions would be.”

Me, Stalwart, and Quill all stared agape at Luna.

She looked at us for a moment, then blushed and pawed at the ground, looking like an embarrassed filly. ”I studied the Griffon-Capra Conflict extensively on my return, it was the most recent war after all. If the griffons have remained static in their strategy, a highly mobile and well trained force would be most effective against them.”

Stalwart shook off his stupor, cursing at himself for not thinking of such a deployment strategy.

”W-well princess, that certainly is a logical decision. But how would such a force act as it stands to a regular army?”

Luna puffed her chest out, more confident with the approval of the defense minister. ”As regular units engaged in battle, this battalion would work to outflank and encircle the enemy, forcing them to either retreat or become completely encircled. Either choice results in heavy casualties for them and, so long as our regular troops are entrenched, minimizing our own losses.”

A feeling of relief washed over me. It's so strong that it triggers a bark of laughter from me.

My companions look startled at the outburst, but that doesn't wipe the smile off my face.

After my laughter had died down, I said “Well Luna, I sure hope you were aiming for a promotion. Congratulations general, as long as Stalwart here approves, I say carry out your experiment.”

Stalwart looked to Luna, then back at me.

”Well, I suppose she does merit the promotion, even if her service was thousands of years past. And we most certainly need qualified strategists now. Very well, I only ask that, should an idea of yours be opposed by the entire defense staff, please at least consider us, princess.”

She nodded her head eagerly.

Excitement seemed to pour off of her in waves of energy, and her mood was infectious. I just hoped that this enthusiasm would translate into vigor. Lord knows we all needed someone else to rely on.

Stalwart broke into a grin himself and lead me out of the arms store.

”I'll push the resources through to you, General Luna, and look forward to the results of your experiment. Go join the other staff officers at HQ, if you would. I believe they may take some persuasion.”

Luna nods and gallops off to the headquarters across the plaza, while Stalwart lead me onward to the cannon stores.

”We've had some marginal success in designing a new, large bore gun for the troops. We've made it breech loading as well, through use of a heavy block that seals up the end for firing. Add to that the new storage we have for powder and the ignition system and it makes for a highly effective weapon. A fair bit more complex to produce than older models, but promising. Development has begun on an even larger gun to be fitted on the new ship that's been laid down, EGS Celestia.”

My eyes has widened, naval development hadn't even occurred to me when I had been debating the budget.

My own experience and own concerns leaned more towards securing land borders with the sea being an afterthought.

Such a foolish mistake, in retrospect. Guess it goes to show me that I can’t do this alone.

Stalwart Shield continued, unaware of my introspective moment.

”She'll be the first fully iron-hulled ship we've produced. Four boilers and two steam turbines larger than we've ever produced before. A new design, able to outgun anything on the high seas for years to come. They plan for her to displace an astonish ten thousand tonnes! She'll be the heaviest ship put to sea in history.”

He sighed heavily and scuffs a hoof against the stone floor. “Unfortunately she won't be finished for at least a year or two, even with additional labour. We have several smaller ironclads under construction however, to augment our fleet. We should at least outstrip the damned griffons in naval power if nothing else.”

Well now, this wasn’t good. I didn’t want my new super weapon to take two whole years to be made.

He continued on, showing me the operation of the new cannon, how it only required a single unicorn in a full crew to function optimally, how the amount of powder could be increased to fire further, and that it elevated more than any other gun in the inventory.

They had managed to design and all around excellent gun. The drawbacks were many, however. Production was slow because the currently poor quality of steel coming from the factories required the barrel to be wire wrapped, then sleeved with harder steel to stand up to the rigours of firing in a battery.

That meant only four were available immediately, with production numbers only projected for ten a month.

I was assured that, when the ore quality improved as new shipments came in domestically, those numbers would easily quadruple. They were still producing conventional cannons alongside it, but had changed their bore to accommodate the new powder loading. The more he told me, the more my head began to ache.

Pony Tylenol needs to be a thing, why had it I not petitioned the Research Ministry with this yet?

Wrapping my mind around the intricacies of foreign diplomacy was one thing, but trying to sort out the details of military logistics was mind-boggling.

How did they do it back on Earth? They didn’t even have magic to make this easier.

Even Quill, for whom logistics came easy, was clearly becoming troubled as she crunched the numbers.

As Stalwart wrapped up the briefing and tour, he gave me a wry smile.

”It's not as simple as putting bullets in guns and pulling the trigger, is it sir?”

I massaged my temples and took a deep breath before speaking. “So let's just make sure I'm understanding everything. We can currently field two regiments of regular infantry, plus Luna's battalion when it's ready. We have around a hundred large bore guns, and three hundred medium bore guns for artillery support. Two wings of pegasi lancers, plus the Wonderbolts if we dare to put them on the line, and finally sixty ships of varying tonnage. Overall, we can outmatch the griffons at sea, and have an even fight in the air, but have no hope of a protracted land or air campaign without massive expansion. Is that about it?”

Stalwart's grin faltered at my grim tone. “That's about the size of it, sir. We don't lack for food at the very least, but that's a small comfort. Perhaps we ought to join Luna and the general staff to actually discuss how to wage the war, hm?”

Right now, all I wanted to do is have several stiff drinks and go back to Ponyville for a nice visit to the spa. But this was war, and I had a role to play in it. A very important one.

“Yes, colonel, let's go figure out how to win this war.”

Because I knew, winning was the only option we had. The griffons would pay. We would make them.

When I walked into the strategy chamber, Luna was already engaged with the staff officers.

I’m was surprised to see not a single one of the military staff with the laurels of a general.

I asked a question. “I thought you said that we were here to meet the general staff.”

Stalwart Shield cleared his throat and answered me bashfully. “Yes sir, this is the General Staff of the Equestrian Defense Force. Colonels Brave Buck and Black Buck, Lieutenant Colonel Steel Helm, and finally Major Glancing Blow. Gentlemen, I don't believe you've personally been introduced to the new Commander in Chief.”

The four interrupted their conversation to salute me.

One of the colonels, Black Buck I assumed, speaks up as he lowers his hoof. “Technically sir, we're just the HQ staff. Even though we're officially the general staff, Equestria hasn't had a general in command since the Great Eastern Rebellion around eight hundred years ago. After that, the army was disbanded and the new defense force was instated. Admirals are the closest to ranking generals we've had since then.”

An army without a general. What a shame. I needed to fix this.

Well, with Luna there was actually one now. But one general? There was a lot more than one general per army back on Earth. And it made sense, soldiers need leaders.

But still, why would a ruler purposely weaken her nation in such a way? How foolish was Celestia? An over reliance on a strong naval arm and diplomacy, or perhaps she simply staved off war by being the goddess of the sun.

Whatever the reason, it was here to bite me in the ass.

“Well that's no good, we're raising an army and we need leadership. Stalwart, congratulations on your new position of Major General. I trust you'll be able to run this place without too much of my input, I don't exactly have experience in running an army, only being part of one.”

Stalwart Shield's jaw hung open, and the rest of his staff look stunned.

Only Luna seemed to be unruffled by my words, and more than slightly amused by the reactions of the others.

Finally, Stalwart regained his composure for long enough to respond. “Y-yes sir, I believe I can do that. If you would please join us, we can begin planning.”

Me and Quill joined the staff around a large map of Equestria and its surrounding countries, far more detailed than most would be. Major Glancing tapped the map on a small island in the North of the Celestial Sea.

”As I was saying, the reasoning behind the griffons taking Trottingham is sound. They wish to land a large force in Equestria, but lack the naval resources to contest the open sea. So instead they wish to secure passage over the Northern Narrows, and to that end took the naval outpost here.”

The others nodded, and Lt. Colonel Steel spoke up next, gesturing to the southern tip of the island.

”They seem to have focused their forces around the city, if the escapees reports are to be believed. Landing a force here and marching through the forests to surprise them may be the best course of action.”

The other colonel, Brave Buck, shakes his head at the suggestion.

“Out of the question, we don't have the ability to move the heavy guns through that sort of terrain. Even with our entire air and ground forces on the island, we wouldn't be nearly a match for the griffons without artillery.”

Black Buck spoke up, tapping the empty shoreline to the East of Trottingham.

“Why not here? If our ships could suppress the griffons long enough, we could land the entire strength of the land forces, heavy artillery and all.”

Luna took a step closer to the table and nodded. ”And if we brought the pegasi along on the ships, they could provide cover from any marauders the griffons may send from the sky.”

The others nod, seeing the wisdom in the plan. But Luna tapped the southern tip of the island again

”However, even with the full might of our forces, we would still find ourselves outnumbered. I suggest something slightly different. Instead of marching to meet whatever forces the griffons surely would have in wait, we have a small, lightly equipped force draw them in as soon as we have fortified positions. Moreover, I would land my battalion on the southern tip. We would be unburdened by heavy guns and more than able to make our way through the forests.”

She places the tip of a hoof on a small, marked lowland between the shore and Trottingham itself. ”And were we able to draw them to this area, my force would easily be able to outflank them, even as your cannons break the back of their pursuit. With them kettled in, it would be a simple thing to totally annihilate their force and retake the city.”

I saw nods from all around the table. It's refreshing to see that there are at least some ponies in high places that take pride in efficiency instead of arguing for its own sake

Taking a chance to finally leave, I spoke. “Well it seems like you have it under control. General Shield, General Luna, I leave it to you to determine the specifics of your operation. When it's ready, please ensure a copy is delivered to me for a final review. I may not be well versed in strategy, but who knows what a fresh pair of eyes may bring.”

The staff saluted me, and Luna gave me a warm, genuine smile.

I returned her smile with one of my own, though it was more tired than hers.

With that, I took my leave.

After a few moments of walking down the streets of Canterlot in silence, basking in the glow of the evening sun, Quill speaks up.

”Sir...Anonymous, are we really at war?”

What a stupid question.

I turned my head, surprised that such a usually reasonable mare was asking such a seemingly absurd question. But as I thought about it, I understood it more.

Eight hundred years, that was when the last war was. How could it seem like anything but a legend at this point? It must be utter madness to other ponies that didn't even have the benefit of knowing they were relatively safe, protected by the nature of geography.

The sudden realization struck my heart, and my voice went hoarse as I finally answered. “Yes, Quill, we are.”

I saw her ears flatten against her head, and our walk continues in silence. Even as the two of us returned to the castle and walked through its eerily silent halls, no sound comes from either of us but the echoing footsteps upon marble.

Fatigue seems to slow the pace down to an utter crawl, and the halls seem to stretch into infinity. But in reality, it's hardly any time at all before we arrived at the door to our chambers.

As I pushed the door open, finally allowing myself to succumb to the exhaustion fast approaching, I felt a tug on my pants.

Quill was staring up at me, her eyes beginning to mist over.

”Anon...I'm scared.”

Maybe it's the sleepiness, maybe it was the madness of my newfound reality, or maybe it was the crippling loneliness of being the only human, but something in me made me reach out and caress her mane, gently, as soothing as possible.

“Come on then, we could both use some sleep.”

Maybe I was making a grave mistake. I had learned that attachment usually led to heartbreak. But something in my mind had decided that this was the way to go.

She gave me a nervous smile as we both entered the bedroom.

The doors swung shut, their closure echoing in the halls, as the sunset painted the castle in a bloody red.