• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 484 Views, 33 Comments

Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 13: Three Wishes!

One month later as the New Namek Dragon balls were ready for use Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu appeared on the planet.

"That Instant Transmission technique is really a useful tool to have, I hope you will teach that to me at some point Lady Twilight, for that would be really useful for my team." said Ginyu while looking around where they were now.

"Sure I can teach you and the group when we get back into training," said Twilight as she was walking in front of them towards the nears village, "Now remember we will not talk about your old boss while we are here, the namekies will not be happy to hear about the man who cost them their last planet."

"But of course Lady Twilight! We will just have to make sure we leave here fast after bring them back, for it will probably take me some time to get them all to understand that we have changes boss. That will probably take some time to sink in, for we were in believe that no one would be able to beat him, so learning that a Saiyan was able to beat him will probably come as a surprise, especially a Saiyan without a tail. But thanks to Tempest we can prove it to them when we get back from here," said Ginyu while having looked at Twilight, before looking forward to see a smaller Namekien running towards them and waving at Twilight. But when he notice Ginyu he stopped and looked terrified, "I think there is something we forgot to think about when we went here."

Thinking for a second Twilight realize what they had forgotten, "Argh how did I forget this Ginyu and Tempest stay here for a second," and with that Twilight ran to Dende, after explaining a few things to him, Dende gave a nod to Twilight and took off flying back to the village, after which she waved Tempest and Ginyu over to her, "So to explain what happen, Ginyu the body you got, is the body of a infamous warlord to the namekies, do to how he was ones one of their own, now I explain to Dende that Slug is no more and how you took his body with your technique. But that still makes the people here nervous, so I asked Dende to go and ask how they want us to do this, so he will be back in a second, and speaking of the sun it shines for here he comes." said Twilight as she saw Dende some flying back landing right in front of her.

"So I asked and they would really like for Ginyu was it?" getting a confirm from the man, "For him to stay out of the village. But for you Twilight they are ok with you coming in and take the Dragon balls and bringing them out here for your wishs. Oh and the thing you needed to wish for has been fixed so it can be done in just two wishes so you will have one in left over," said Dende.

"Well we are getting some good news with a small bad one. Any idea what you will use the last wish for Twilight?" asked Tempest.

"Yeah I already got a idea for it, for I knew Dende would fix the dragon balls before going here, so I thought off something there can help both of us," said Twilight before she looked towards Ginyu, "And you are ok out here on your own when we go in and take the Dragon balls Ginyu?"

"But of course Lady Twilight, waiting here for a short bit is not a problem, I might just dance for a bit, and with the scouter now fitting my ears perfectly then I should be able to get time to go just fine, and you can always let your scouters send what you hear to me, that way I can still be part of it." said Ginyu as he wished them a good time in the village, and started playing some music and started dancing.

"Well we will do just that then, come Tempest," said Twilight as set sound sharing on, before following Dende.

As they got into the village they were greeted by the new namekien elder Moori, "Well if isn't Twilight! And I see you have made a new friend? And what is that I hear about you having a warlord with you?." asked Moori.

"Moori! it's great to see you," said Twilight as she gave her old magic teacher a hug, after which she pointed towards Tempest, "And yeah I did make friends this is Tempest, she is the best! And about the Warlord, he is not really the Warlord he looks like, one of Tempest friends had gotten turned into a frog, and needed a new body, and that Warlord happen to happen to attack my home planet so we saw it as him giving it up to our friend for free," explain Twilight as she started to tell all the namekies about what she had been up to while she had been away.

"Well you have been really busy, and with you taking out the old Warlord by having this Ginyu take him over is a whole lot better for us, for that removes a bit problem, as long as he does not start to do anything bad that is, you got no plans of him doing evil do you?" asked Moori while looking a be nervous.

"Oh goodness no, I might have killed a few people while having been away from here, but I got no plans of making that a part of my normal life, sure I like to fight, but there is only one person and a run away bio android I want to kill, though the killing of that one person might not happen, for I have promised to give him a chance. Other then that my family do have some plans for after that is done, there will need the help of the people I'm here to bring back, and the left over wish there is, I'm already having a idea on what to use the wish for." said Twilight.

"Well that is good to know. We fully trust you Twilight so you do not need to tell us what your wish is," said Moori as he waved over some of the other namekies who had the Dragon balls with them, "So I leave them in your hands for your wish."

"Thank you Moori, I know I can always trust you to have my back," said Twilight as she gave Moori a hug, before going over and using her magic to pick up four of the dragon ball, while Tempest took three of them in her magic, turned towards Moori again, and threw him a scouter, "With this you can call us any time, just in case you got another Frieza come by, next time I will be there to help as fast as I can."

"We do not blame you for not noticing that we were being attacked Twilight, and your mothers Ships did save a lot of lives, but having this will make us all feel somewhat safer. Now take care of yourself, " said Moori to Twilight, before turning to Tempest, "And please promise me that you will take care of Twilight, she may not be a little girl anymore, but knowing her she needs someone who can make her sit down and take a break."

"Don't worry I will make sure she relax now and then, ones we have gotten these guys back to life and gone home, I have made her promise to sit down and relax for a time." said Tempest as she walked after Twilight with one dragon ball under her arm and then two others flying after her.

Landing near Ginyu Twilight and Tempest they put down their Dragon balls, "Alright we should be ready to bring back you're friends, I'm sort looking forward to meeting them, after what you told me Tempest," said Twilight before turning to Ginyu, "And you know how to get them to understand it's you Ginyu?"

"but of course Lady Twilight, I have a code word for when I take a new body and they are not around to see it, so they will fall into order fast. And you did say you wanted to use the last wish before they were brought back, which is probably for the best," said Ginyu, as he walked over to them looking at the Dragon balls, "And I will be honest I have been looking forward to seeing this dragon. For a binging back people form the dead, is not something you see everyday."

Walking up next to Twilight as she stood ready to summon the dragon Tempest start to talk, "Same here for after everything you have told me about this 'Dragon' I'm really curious about it." said Tempest.

"Well if both of you are this curious then I better get this show on the road, "said Twilight as she step a bit forward to start summoning Porunga, "Well here goes. Come fore, Maker of Dreams, there are dreams to be fulfilled, Porunga!" she yell and as she finish the chant the Dragon balls start to glow while the sky started to turn darker then the night, making both Tempest and Ginyu step back, and then out of the dragon balls came a golden light coming up from the dragon balls, looking like a lightning bolt coming from the balls, as the light took the shape of a giant dragon. towering over them both shocking both Ginyu and Tempest.

"You have collected all 7 dragon balls, and now as it has been said, I shall grant you 3 wishes within my power," proclaims Porunga as he looks down on those who have summoned him.

"Seem Dende was not wrong when he said that Porunga now speak common, and not namekien," said Twilight as she looked over at Tempest and Ginyu who were not over their shock yet, and then looked back at Porunga, "For My first wish, I wish for a endless spell book, with every spell ever made in it, but at the size of a normal spell book!"

"Your wish has been granted." said Porunga as his eye's glowed as a book appeared right in front of Twilight who took it before it was able to fall on the ground, where she opened it, to look inside just to see the first page was a page selected where it asked what type of spell she is looking, and nod approving.

"Last two wish are these, first I want you to move the souls of the Ginyu force to right here. And then I want you to bring them all back to life!" yell Twilight to Porunga and as she finish yelling his eye's glowed two times, and then confirmed the wish's had been granted, were 4 people appeared and they all looked really confused, before seeing Porunga just before he left.

"Why are we back on Namek again!" said Jeice with the rest of them fully agreeing with him, but before they were able to get more confused.

"STAND AT ATTENTION!" yell Ginyu, and without thinking about it they all did in front of him, where after a second they looked at him getting a bit confused again but Ginyu ended that fast, "Code word Hero time,"

After saying this they all relax and looked him over for a second before they all yell in a happy tone, "CAPTAIN!!!"

Where Burter was the first one to speak, "We looked for you everywhere in hell Captain, we fear that we would never see you again." he said

"Yeah for did not understand why we were not able to find you." said Guldo.

"And when we saw Frieza being pull into the deeper part of hell, we were sure that something worse had happen to you," said Jeice, "And is that Tempest with you as well? It's great to see you again."

As all the friends were talking in between each other and enjoying being together again, Recoome notice the newcomer, for he had never seen this woman before, "Hay boss who is the girl over there." Pointing towards Twilight who was just waiting for them to notice her.

"Oh yeah I nearly forgot," said Ginyu as he walked over to Twilight and stood at attention next to her, "This is Lady Twilight, and before you ask, yes she is that Twilight, the one we were going to help Tempest find, she ended up finding Tempest, where after she found me, as a frog and she saved me, and has been helping Tempest become stronger then our old Boss."

"Our old boss?" asked Jeice as he looked over at Twilight.

"Indeed, for Lady Twilight has offer us a new job, to work under her family. I have already looked over what we gain out of this, and I can say it's far better then what we got under our old boss, and I will tell you all more about it when we get back and are on our own again. Oh and before I forget, it's thanks to Lady Twilight that you are all alive again." said Ginyu.

Hearing this they all stood at attention again in front of Twilight this time, "THANK YOU LADY TWILIGHT FOR THIS SECOND CHANCE OF LIFE!" They all yell together, while giving a bow.

Looking around a bit before he said anything, "So captain how do we get out of here? I do not see a ship anywhere?." asked Jeice.

"Oh don't worry about that, for I got that cover, which makes me think we should probably get going, for the Namekies are easy to spoke after what happen with their first planet, so to do this I need you all to touch my hand." said Twilight as she held her hand out for them all to touch, and when they did they all disappeared.

Looking at where Twilight and her group had been, Moori and the other Namekies agree it was a lively group of people Twilight had made friends with, before going back to their work.

Back on earth.

The group reappeared on a privet Island, that Twilight's family had bought after Vomi and Twilight returned to earth, for the Island is the perfect place to relax on, do to it having everything you can think of when it comes to entertainment, be it video, movies, games, or reading, and it was also outfitted with a fully build training center. And of course the whole place was staffed with loyal people who was pay well, so if you need anything all you had to do was ask.

And before Twilight was able to try and give a tour, Tempest grabbed her and took her new magic book. "Tempest what are you doing?" asked Twilight as she looked at Tempest.

"Simple, I know you well enough, that I know you were about to try and take the boys around the island, and teleport this book, to your clone so she can start to study as many spells as she can," said Tempest as she pointed towards Twilight, "And that goes against what you promised me and your mother, who said she would take care of of them, so if you want your book back you will come with me and take a break, for you promised that."

"B-but Tempest that book got so many new spells for me to try, and I need to find the best ones before the 3 years are up, and I just got it, can't I look at it just a bit." asked Twilight while giving Tempest the biggest puppy eyes she was able to.

And it nearly worked, if it was not for Tempest getting help, "You made a promise My Little Star, and Tempest is just making sure you keep it. And I know you do not want to be known as someone who breaks their promise, even a small one like this," said Vomi as she walked up to them and pulled Twilight into a quick hug, "So I ask you to go with Tempest and take a day or two off, for you have work so much even your dad thinks you should take a day or two off, I will take care off things here." she finish as she started to push Twilight towards Tempest.

"Alright alright I'm going mom I'm going," asked Twilight while looking a bit confused, "I have not taken a break in over 10 years! What do you even do on a break?" Hearing Twilight say this surprised the Ginyu Force, for even they had free days under Frieza, and here was Twilight not even taking time for herself.

"You know, I Had been wondering about when you took breaks in the time I have been with your family and Tempest. And Learning you don't even take breaks for yourself, and yet you tell me and Tempest to take them. And that is not good, so as an request from myself, I want you to take better care of yourself and demand you take at least one day free each week. Can't have my new boss ruin herself." said Ginyu

"And we agree with the Captain!"

"We may not have known you well, Lady Twilight, but we the Ginyu Force fully trust our Captains words. And it is worrying to hear you do not take better care of yourself. For as the Captain says a burned out soldier is a wasted soldier, and then same can be said, about a boss there never relax." finish Jeice while the rest of the Force was cheering him on, and Ginyu giving him a thumbs up.

Letting out a sigh Twilight gave them a smile, "Well all right, and I really should, for it was part of the training program I learned when I was just starting to study, I just sort of ignore that part," said Twilight as she turned to look over at Tempest, "Well Tempest I'm in your hands for the next two days, for I truly do not know what to do with this free time." And with that Tempest and Twilight walked away to take a break.

And so Twilight had her first free day, not that she had ever been forced to work this much, she had just started to work on her own, and never stopped.

And when those two days were over, Twilight took Tempest with her to King Kai's place, for he had promise to share his skills with Twilight, so bring Tempest with her as well should not be a problem, and so they spent the next half year with King Kai, while both using TB's to make the training there a little hard for Twilight and a lot for Tempest, and it took them about a half year to learn everything that King Kai had to teach.

After this Twilight took Tempest with her to Yardrat, for she still had a lesson yet to learn there, and Tempest would be able to learn so much here, that doing anything else would have been silly. And so they spent the next half year on Yardrat, where Twilight finish her training learning, and Tempest learn how to use 'Instant Transmission'.

When Ginyu had been told where they went he had told them how close it was that he and the Boys had been send here, but then Frieza had call them to Namek, in fact it was so close that they had just sat down in their Attack Ball, saying this made Twilight look at him like he had some something wrong, but she asked why in the world it was named that, which Ginyu did not understand at first, before Twilight asked him what it was call when there was more while facepalming, this just made Ginyu and his team laugh hard, for they had not really thought about it before now. It seem Frieza had an odd sense of humor.

And it was just as Twilight and Tempest hit the year mark that Twilight got the news, that Lapis and Lazuli were finally done getting their tech upgrades, Gevo was sadly going to take a bit longer do to how big he was. But Twilight was still happy for she was finally able to talk to her two oldest friends. And the meeting between Lapis, Lazuli, and Tempest went well, they accepted her as a friend instantly, which was good, for Tempest had Talked Twilight into a week long break for when they had gotten their tech upgrades done, for she had realize that Twilight probably wanted to spent some time with them, and with how easy it had been to talk her into the week long break, she knew she had been right. And it was on the last day of the break when Lazuli and Tempest had pull Twilight out to shop for new clothes, for she had complained how Slug had not taken her serious, so they were going to do something about it.

And so Twilight's new look was born. First came her old Boots they had been replace with combat boots like the ones Tempest used herself. Then came her new pants which were black jeans, held up by her old leather belt. Next came her battle armor, which she still use as a bra under her new black sleeveless T-shirt, which had her star on the back, which she had covered with, a Jacket with zipper and a hood which was the same dark purple, which was easy to get off when combat happens. and last on her hands she had brown fingerless leather gloves. This had been mixed together by both Tempest and Lazuli who both agree that this fit Twilight perfectly, and Twilight did agree with them. And to make sure that the clothes were able to handle Combat, they had gotten Vomi to reinforce.

And when the day was over, and they start on a new trainings day, Lazuli and Lapis join Tempest and Twilight to help them get stronger. For it turned out that Gero had done a far better job then he believed for both Twilight and Tempest were losing to them. And after a half year both Twilight and Tempest had gotten up to their power, Twilight while she was using wrathful and Tempest in Super Saiyan. And speaking of Super Saiyan Twilight was still not able to use the form, why they did not know, but they had a idea, and it was do to how Twilight only held God Ki, but it was only a guess, but with how Twilight was still stronger then Tempest they did not really care.

The Next half year from here was used on King Kai's planted, where he had promise to teach Twilight what he did for Goku. At first he had refused to teach Tempest, but something small had come up there needed Twilight back on earth, and when she came back he was more then happy to teach Tempest, why this changes had happen Twilight did not know, and Tempest refused to say what had happen, which she accepted.

Their time on King Kai's planet pay off well, with both of them learning everything he had to teach, and so they had gone back to earth, were Twilight had gotten a great surprise. Her BBBFF was done and was finally out and ready for the world, and when Twilight saw him she gave him the biggest hug she was able to and then took a week away from training just to spent time with him. Tempest kept her training going the most of the time, for with Twilight far ahead of her in power, and her seeing her brother for the first time after he came back to life, she felt it would be batter to keep her normal week going.

And when Twilight and Gevo's week was over he join them for the rest of their training time before things kicked off again. And Gevo was really helpful for Twilight's growth, for she had slowed down a bit do to over taking both Lapis and Lazuli in power, Gevo turn out to take to the augments far better then they did making him stronger then both.

And when the time was finally up, and the date hit May12 of the year 767 they were ready, with Twilight having taken the top spot in power a half year before, but for some reason not being able to become stronger anymore, no matter what she tried, Tempest was not to far behind Twilight but she seem to still grow at the same speed as always. Gevo, Lapis, and Lazuli were also ready for their job, were they would try and hunt down Cell. But before going on the hunt they all took spots to see the fight against Z-fighters. The Ginyu Force had all join, but were on defense duty, keeping the Island safe, in case Call found it. And all of them were using the Scouters to keep everyone up to date.

And so we find Twilight and Tempest standing far away from South City, were they had send Owlowiscious with a invitation to the Z-Fighters, to come and prove they power.

Author's Note:

Ginyu's code word is base on commentary in Budokai Tenkaichi 3, were it's notes that Ginyu appears to like comic book heroes.

And for those who have not hear it yet, the creator of Dragon ball, akira toriyama is dead. He die the 1 March 2024 at the age of 68, the mans work has inspired and made many things in his life, so I would like to use this last bit here to Honor him. My he rest in peace, and always be remembered as a great man.